Copyright (c) 2000 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
Source file for the logon table.
Author :
Revision History :
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <winsta.h>
#include <wtsapi32.h>
#include <userenv.h>
#include "logontable.tmh"
HRESULT DetectTerminalServer( bool * pfTS );
HRESULT GetUserToken( ULONG LogonId, PHANDLE pUserToken );
HRESULT WaitForUserToken( DWORD session, HANDLE * pToken ) { const MaxWait = 30 * 1000; const WaitInterval = 500;
long StartTime = GetTickCount();
do {
Hr = GetUserToken( session, pToken );
if ( SUCCEEDED( Hr ) ) return Hr;
LogError("logon : unable to get token : %!winerr!", Hr );
Sleep( WaitInterval ); } while ( GetTickCount() - StartTime < MaxWait );
return Hr; }
CLoggedOnUsers::CLoggedOnUsers( TaskScheduler & sched ) : m_TaskScheduler( sched ), m_SensNotifier( NULL ) { FILETIME time; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &time );
m_CurrentCookie = time.dwLowDateTime;
if ( WINDOWS2000_PLATFORM == g_PlatformVersion ) { try { bool fTS;
THROW_HRESULT( DetectTerminalServer( &fTS ));
if (fTS) { m_SensNotifier = new CTerminalServerLogonNotification; LogInfo( "TS-enabled SENS notification activated" ); } else { m_SensNotifier = new CLogonNotification; LogInfo( "regular SENS notification activated" ); } } catch( ComError Error ) { if ( Error.Error() == TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY || Error.Error() == TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED ) { LogInfo( "SENS doesn't exist on this platform, skipping" ); return; } else { LogInfo("SENS object failed with %x", Error.Error() ); throw; } } } }
CLoggedOnUsers::~CLoggedOnUsers() { if (m_SensNotifier) { m_SensNotifier->DeRegisterNotification(); m_SensNotifier->Release(); } }
HRESULT CLoggedOnUsers::LogonSession( DWORD session ) { CUser * user = NULL;
try { HANDLE Token = NULL; auto_HANDLE<NULL> AutoToken;
// Get the user's token and SID, then create a user object.
THROW_HRESULT( WaitForUserToken( session, &Token ));
ASSERT( Token ); // Token can't be NULL
AutoToken = Token;
user = new CUser( Token );
// Add the user to our by-session and by-SID indexes.
HoldWriterLock lock ( m_TaskScheduler );
try { // Just in case...delete any previously recorded user.
LogoffSession( session );
// Subtlety: if the node for m_ActiveSessions[ session ] doesn't exist,
// then the first reference to it will cause a node to be allocated. This may
m_ActiveSessions[ session ] = user;
m_ActiveUsers.insert( make_pair( user->QuerySid(), user ) ); } catch( ComError Error ) { m_ActiveSessions.erase( session ); throw; }
g_Manager->UserLoggedOn( user->QuerySid() );
return S_OK; } catch( ComError err ) { delete user;
LogError("logon : returning error 0x%x", err.Error() ); Dump(); return err.Error(); } }
HRESULT CLoggedOnUsers::LogoffSession( DWORD session ) { try { HoldWriterLock lock ( m_TaskScheduler );
CUser * user = m_ActiveSessions[ session ];
if (!user) return S_OK;
bool b = m_ActiveUsers.RemovePair( user->QuerySid(), user );
ASSERT( b );
m_ActiveSessions.erase( session );
if (false == g_Manager->IsUserLoggedOn( user->QuerySid() )) { g_Manager->UserLoggedOff( user->QuerySid() ); }
return S_OK; } catch( ComError err ) { LogWarning("logoff : exception 0x%x thrown", err.Error()); Dump(); return err.Error(); } }
CUser * CLoggedOnUsers::CUserList::FindSid( SidHandle sid ) { iterator iter = find( sid );
if (iter == end()) { return NULL; }
return iter->second; }
bool CLoggedOnUsers::CUserList::RemovePair( SidHandle sid, CUser * user ) { //
// Find the user in the user list and delete it.
pair<iterator, iterator> b = equal_range( sid );
for (iterator i = b.first; i != b.second; ++i) { if (i->second == user) { erase( i ); return true; } }
return false; }
CUser * CLoggedOnUsers::CUserList::RemoveByCookie( SidHandle sid, DWORD cookie ) { //
// Find the user in the user list and delete it.
pair<iterator, iterator> b = equal_range( sid );
for (iterator i = b.first; i != b.second; ++i) { CUser * user = i->second;
if (user->GetCookie() == cookie) { erase( i ); return user; } }
return NULL; }
HRESULT CLoggedOnUsers::LogonService( HANDLE Token, DWORD * pCookie ) { CUser * user = NULL;
try { user = new CUser( Token );
*pCookie = InterlockedIncrement( &m_CurrentCookie );
user->SetCookie( *pCookie );
HoldWriterLock lock ( m_TaskScheduler );
m_ActiveServiceAccounts.insert( make_pair( user->QuerySid(), user ));
return S_OK; } catch( ComError err ) { delete user;
LogError("logon service : returning error 0x%x", err.Error() ); return err.Error(); } }
HRESULT CLoggedOnUsers::LogoffService( SidHandle Sid, DWORD Cookie ) { try { HoldWriterLock lock ( m_TaskScheduler );
CUser * user = m_ActiveServiceAccounts.RemoveByCookie( Sid, Cookie );
if (!user) { LogWarning("logoff : invalid cookie %d", Cookie); return E_INVALIDARG; }
return S_OK; } catch( ComError err) { LogWarning("logoff : exception 0x%x thrown", err.Error()); return err.Error(); } }
HRESULT CLoggedOnUsers::AddServiceAccounts() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD ignore;
HoldWriterLock lock ( m_TaskScheduler );
// Add the LOCAL_SYSTEM account.
HANDLE Token; if (OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &Token )) { hr = LogonService( Token, &ignore ); CloseHandle( Token ); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { LogWarning( "failed to register LocalSystem : %!winerr!", hr ); return hr; }
if (g_PlatformVersion >= WINDOWSXP_PLATFORM) { //
// Add the LocalService account.
if (LogonUser( L"LocalService", L"NT AUTHORITY", L"", LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &Token)) { hr = LogonService( Token, &ignore ); CloseHandle( Token ); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { LogWarning( "failed to register LocalService : %!winerr!", hr ); if ( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE ) == hr ) LogWarning( "LocalService doesn't exist, skip it.\n"); else return hr; }
// Add the NetworkService account.
if (LogonUser( L"NetworkService", L"NT AUTHORITY", L"", LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &Token)) { hr = LogonService( Token, &ignore ); CloseHandle( Token ); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { LogWarning( "failed to register NetworkService : %!winerr!", hr ); if ( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE ) == hr ) LogWarning( "NetworkService doesn't exist, skip it.\n"); else return hr; } }
// done
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CLoggedOnUsers::AddActiveUsers() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WTS_SESSION_INFO * SessionInfo = 0;
HoldWriterLock lock ( m_TaskScheduler );
// Get the console token, if any, without using Terminal Services.
if ( SUCCEEDED( GetUserToken( 0, &Token) ) ) { CloseHandle( Token );
hr = LogonSession( 0 ); if (FAILED(hr)) { // ignore it and try to carry on...
LogWarning( "service : unable to logon session zero : %!winerr!", hr ); } }
// The call may return FALSE, because Terminal Services is not always loaded.
DWORD SessionCount = 0;
BOOL b = WTSEnumerateSessions( WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, 0, // reserved
1, // version 1 is the only supported v.
&SessionInfo, &SessionCount );
if (b) { int i; for (i=0; i < SessionCount; ++i) { if (SessionInfo[i].SessionId == 0) { // console was handled by GetCurrentUserToken.
continue; }
if (SessionInfo[i].State == WTSActive || SessionInfo[i].State == WTSDisconnected) { LogInfo("service : logon session %d, state %d", SessionInfo[i].SessionId, SessionInfo[i].State );
hr = LogonSession( SessionInfo[i].SessionId ); if (FAILED(hr)) { // ignore it and try to carry on...
LogWarning( "service : unable to logon session %d : %!winerr!", SessionInfo[i].SessionId, hr ); } } } }
if (SessionInfo) { WTSFreeMemory( SessionInfo ); }
// Now that the current population is recorded, keep abreast of changes.
if (m_SensNotifier) { m_SensNotifier->SetEnableState( true ); }
return S_OK; }
CUser * CLoggedOnUsers::FindUser( SidHandle sid, DWORD session ) { HoldReaderLock lock ( m_TaskScheduler );
CUser * user = 0;
// Look for a session with the right user.
if (session == ANY_SESSION) { user = m_ActiveUsers.FindSid( sid ); } else { try { user = m_ActiveSessions[ session ];
if (user && user->QuerySid() != sid) { user = 0; } } catch( ComError Error ) { user = 0; } }
// Look in the service account list, if the session is compatible.
if (!user && (session == 0 || session == ANY_SESSION)) { user = m_ActiveServiceAccounts.FindSid( sid ); }
if (user) { user->IncrementRefCount(); }
return user;
void CLoggedOnUsers::Dump() { HoldReaderLock lock ( m_TaskScheduler );
LogInfo("service accounts:");
m_ActiveServiceAccounts.Dump(); }
void CLoggedOnUsers::CSessionList::Dump() { for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { LogInfo(" session %d user %p", iter->first, iter->second); } }
void CLoggedOnUsers::CUserList::Dump() { for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second) { (iter->second)->Dump(); } } }
CLoggedOnUsers::CUserList::~CUserList() { iterator iter;
while ((iter=begin()) != end()) { delete iter->second;
erase( iter ); } }
void CUser::Dump() { LogInfo( " user at %p:", this);
LogInfo( " %d refs, sid %!sid!", _ReferenceCount, _Sid.get()); }
long CUser::IncrementRefCount() { long count = InterlockedIncrement( & _ReferenceCount );
LogRef("refs %d", count);
return count; }
long CUser::DecrementRefCount() { long count = InterlockedDecrement( & _ReferenceCount );
LogRef("refs %d", count);
if (0 == count) { delete this; }
return count; }
CUser::CUser( HANDLE Token ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes a new CUser.
At entry:
<Sid> points to the user's SID. <Token> points to the user's token. It can be an impersonation or primary token. <phr> points to an error-return variable.
At exit:
The CUser is set up. The caller can delete <Sid> and <Token> if it wants to.
if an error occurs, it is mapped to an HRESULT and written to <phr>. otherwise <*phr> is untouched and the CUser is ready for use.
--*/ { _ReferenceCount = 1;
_Sid = CopyTokenSid( Token );
// Copy the token. Whether the source is primary or impersonation,
// the result will be a primary token.
if (!DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), Token, GetCurrentProcess(), &_Token, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, // not inheritable
0 // no funny options
)) {
HRESULT HrError = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
LogError( "CUser: can't duplicate token %!winerr!", HrError );
throw ComError( HrError ); } }
CUser::~CUser() { CloseHandle( _Token ); }
HRESULT CUser::LaunchProcess( StringHandle Program, StringHandle Parameters ) { DWORD s;
PVOID EnvironmentBlock = 0;
PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation; memset( &ProcessInformation, 0, sizeof( PROCESS_INFORMATION ));
try { STARTUPINFO si; memset( &si, 0, sizeof( STARTUPINFO )); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
// Parameters must be a writable string for some reason.
CAutoString WritableParms( CopyString( LPCWSTR(Parameters) ));
LogInfo( "creating process: cmd line: '%S' '%S'", Program, WritableParms.get() );
if (!CreateEnvironmentBlock( &EnvironmentBlock, _Token, FALSE )) { ThrowLastError(); }
// Need to impersonate the token so that the program file is accessed as the user.
// Otherwise launching a UNC path would fail, and the job would also be able to
// launch local programs otherwise inaccessible to the job owner.
CNestedImpersonation imp( _Token );
if (!CreateProcessAsUser( _Token, Program, WritableParms.get(), 0, // no special security attributes
0, // no special thread attributes
false, // don't inherit my handles
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, EnvironmentBlock, NULL, // default current directory
&si, &ProcessInformation )) { ThrowLastError(); }
DestroyEnvironmentBlock( EnvironmentBlock ); EnvironmentBlock = 0;
CloseHandle( ProcessInformation.hThread ); ProcessInformation.hThread = 0;
CloseHandle( ProcessInformation.hProcess ); ProcessInformation.hProcess = 0;
LogInfo("success, pid is 0x%x", ProcessInformation.dwProcessId);
// We succeeded.
return S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { LogError("unable to create process, %x", err.Error() );
if (EnvironmentBlock) { DestroyEnvironmentBlock( EnvironmentBlock ); }
return err.Error(); } }
This file implements the STL lockit class to avoid linking to msvcprt.dll. */ CCritSec CrtLock;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4273) // __declspec(dllimport) attribute overridden
std::_Lockit::_Lockit() { CrtLock.WriteLock(); }
std::_Lockit::~_Lockit() { CrtLock.WriteUnlock(); }
#pragma warning(pop)
extern "C" { HANDLE GetCurrentUserTokenW( WCHAR Winsta[], DWORD DesiredAccess );
void * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t size) { try { return new char[size]; } catch( ComError Error ) { return NULL; } }
void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void * block) { delete block; }
HRESULT GetUserToken( ULONG LogonId, PHANDLE pUserToken ) { //
// Win2000 compatibility is important only for x86 builds.
#if defined(_X86_) && defined(MULTIPLATFORM_SUPPORT)
if (g_PlatformVersion == WINDOWS2000_PLATFORM) { //
// This gets the token of the user logged onto the WinStation
// if we are an admin caller.
if (LogonId == 0) { // don't need the TS API.
*pUserToken = GetCurrentUserTokenW( L"WinSta0", TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS ); if (*pUserToken != NULL) { return S_OK; }
// if not, try the TS API.
// Use Terminal Services for non-console Logon IDs.
static PWINSTATIONQUERYINFORMATIONW pWinstationQueryInformation = 0;
// See if the entry point is loaded yet.
if (!pWinstationQueryInformation) { HMODULE module = LoadLibrary(_T("winsta.dll")); if (module == NULL) { HRESULT HrError = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); ASSERT( S_OK != HrError ); LogInfo( "Load library of winsta failed, error %!winerr!", HrError ); return HrError; }
pWinstationQueryInformation = (PWINSTATIONQUERYINFORMATIONW) GetProcAddress( module, "WinStationQueryInformationW" ); if (!pWinstationQueryInformation) { HRESULT HrError = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); ASSERT( S_OK != HrError ); LogInfo( "GetProcAddress of WinStationQueryInformationW, error %!winerr!", HrError ); FreeLibrary(module); return HrError; } }
// Ask for the token.
Info.ProcessId = UlongToHandle(GetCurrentProcessId()); Info.ThreadId = UlongToHandle(GetCurrentThreadId());
Result = (*pWinstationQueryInformation)( SERVERNAME_CURRENT, LogonId, WinStationUserToken, &Info, sizeof(Info), &ReturnLength );
if( !Result ) { HRESULT HrError = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); ASSERT( S_OK != HrError ); LogError("token : WinstationQueryInfo failed with %!winerr!%", HrError ); return HrError; }
// The token returned is a duplicate of a primary token.
*pUserToken = Info.UserToken;
return S_OK; } else #endif // _X86_ and MULTIPLATFORM_SUPPORT
static PWTSQUERYUSERTOKEN pWtsQueryUserToken = 0;
// See if the entry point is loaded yet.
if (!pWtsQueryUserToken) { HMODULE module = LoadLibrary(_T("wtsapi32.dll")); if (module == NULL) { DWORD s = GetLastError(); ASSERT( s != 0 );
LogInfo( "Load library of winsta failed, error %!winerr!", s ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( s ); }
pWtsQueryUserToken = (PWTSQUERYUSERTOKEN) GetProcAddress( module, "WTSQueryUserToken" ); if (!pWtsQueryUserToken) { DWORD s = GetLastError(); ASSERT( s != 0 );
LogInfo( "GetProcAddress of WTSQueryUserToken, error %!winerr!", s ); FreeLibrary(module); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( s ); } }
// Ask for the token.
if (!(*pWtsQueryUserToken)( LogonId, pUserToken )) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
return S_OK; } }
BOOL SidToString( PSID sid, wchar_t buffer[], USHORT bytes ) { UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString;
UnicodeString.Buffer = buffer; UnicodeString.Length = 0; UnicodeString.MaximumLength = bytes;
NTSTATUS NtStatus; NtStatus = RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, sid, FALSE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { LogWarning( "RtlConvertSid failed %x", NtStatus); StringCbCopy( buffer, bytes, L"(conversion failed)" ); return FALSE; }
buffer[ UnicodeString.Length ] = 0;
return TRUE; }
HRESULT SetStaticCloaking( IUnknown *pUnk ) { // Sets static cloaking on the current object so that we
// should always impersonate the current context.
// Also sets the impersonation level to identify.
IClientSecurity *pSecurity = NULL; OLECHAR *ServerPrincName = NULL;
try { Hr = pUnk->QueryInterface( __uuidof( IClientSecurity ), (void**)&pSecurity ); if (Hr == E_NOINTERFACE) { //
// This is not a proxy; the client is in the same apartment as we are.
// Identity issn't an issue, because the client already has access to system
// credentials.
return S_OK; }
DWORD AuthnSvc, AuthzSvc; DWORD AuthnLevel, ImpLevel, Capabilites;
THROW_HRESULT( pSecurity->QueryBlanket( pUnk, &AuthnSvc, &AuthzSvc, &ServerPrincName, &AuthnLevel, NULL, // Don't need impersonation handle since were setting that
NULL, // don't need indenty handle since were setting that
&Capabilites ) );
THROW_HRESULT( pSecurity->SetBlanket( pUnk, AuthnSvc, AuthzSvc, ServerPrincName, AuthnLevel, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY, NULL, // COM use indentity from token
EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING // The point of the exercise
) );
} catch( ComError Error ) { Hr = Error.Error(); }
CoTaskMemFree( ServerPrincName ); SafeRelease( pSecurity );
return Hr; }
HRESULT DetectTerminalServer( bool * pfTS ) /*
This function checks whether Terminal Services is installed. This is the "official" way to check for machines running Win2000 and above.
*/ { OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersionInfo; DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0;
ZeroMemory(&osVersionInfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); osVersionInfo.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_TERMINAL;
if (0 != VerifyVersionInfo( &osVersionInfo, VER_SUITENAME, dwlConditionMask )) { LogInfo("TS test: TS is installed"); *pfTS = true; return S_OK; }
DWORD s = GetLastError(); if (s == ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION) { LogInfo("TS test: no TS"); *pfTS = false; return S_OK; }
LogError("TS test returned %d", s); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( s ); }