Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
This file contains a class for implementing smart ref counted pointers.
Author :
Mike Zoran mzoran Feb 2002.
Revision History :
#if !defined( _BITS_SMARTPTR_H )
#include <strsafe.h>
#define ARRAY_ELEMENTS( array ) ( sizeof( array ) / sizeof( *(array) ) )
class ComError {
public: HRESULT m_Hr;
ComError( const ComError & Other ) : m_Hr( Other.m_Hr ) { }
ComError( HRESULT Hr ) : m_Hr( Hr ) { } };
inline void THROW_COMERROR( HRESULT Hr ) { if ( FAILED( Hr ) ) throw ComError( Hr ); }
inline void THROW_OUTOFMEMORY_IFNULL( void *p ) { if (p == NULL) throw ComError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
template<class T> class SmartRefPointer { private: T * m_Interface;
void ReleaseIt() { if ( m_Interface ) m_Interface->Release(); m_Interface = NULL; }
void RefIt() { if ( m_Interface ) m_Interface->AddRef(); }
SmartRefPointer() { m_Interface = NULL; }
SmartRefPointer( T * RawInterface ) { m_Interface = RawInterface; RefIt(); }
SmartRefPointer( SmartRefPointer & Other ) { m_Interface = Other.m_Interface; RefIt(); }
~SmartRefPointer() { ReleaseIt(); }
T * Get() const { return m_Interface; }
T * Release() { T * temp = m_Interface; m_Interface = NULL; return temp; }
void Clear() { ReleaseIt(); }
T** GetRecvPointer() { ReleaseIt(); return &m_Interface; }
SmartRefPointer & operator=( SmartRefPointer & Other ) { ReleaseIt(); m_Interface = Other.m_Interface; RefIt(); return *this; }
T* operator->() const { return m_Interface; }
operator const T*() const { return m_Interface; }
const GUID & GetUUID() const { return __uuidof( T ); } };
typedef SmartRefPointer<IUnknown> SmartIUnknownPointer; typedef SmartRefPointer<IDispatch> SmartIDispatchPointer;
class SmartVariant : public VARIANT { public: SmartVariant() { VariantInit( this ); } ~SmartVariant() { VariantClear( this ); } };
class SafeArrayLocker { SAFEARRAY* m_Array; bool m_Locked;
public: SafeArrayLocker( SAFEARRAY* Array, bool Locked = false ) : m_Array( Array ), m_Locked( Locked ) { } ~SafeArrayLocker() { Unlock(); } void Lock() { if ( m_Array && !m_Locked ) { THROW_COMERROR( SafeArrayLock( m_Array ) ); m_Locked = true; } } void Unlock() { if ( m_Array && m_Locked ) { THROW_COMERROR( SafeArrayUnlock( m_Array ) ); m_Locked = false; } } };
template<class T> class MemoryArrayCleaner { T *& m_Pointer; public: MemoryArrayCleaner( T *& Pointer ) : m_Pointer( Pointer ) { } ~MemoryArrayCleaner() { delete[] m_Pointer; m_Pointer = NULL; } };
class CharStringRoutines {
public: static int strcmp( const char *str1, const char *str2 ) { return ::strcmp( str1, str2 ); }
static HRESULT StringCchCopy( char *str1, size_t cchDest, const char *str2 ) { return ::StringCchCopyA( str1, cchDest, str2 ); }
static size_t strlen( const char *str ) { return ::strlen( str ); }
static void* ConvertToInternal( SIZE_T Pad, const char *String, SIZE_T & Size ) { Size = ::strlen( String ); char *Ret = new char[ Pad + Size + 1 ]; ::StringCchCopyA( Ret + Pad, Size + 1, String ); return (void*)Ret; }
static void* ConvertToInternal( SIZE_T Pad, const WCHAR *String, SIZE_T & Size ) {
int Alloc = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_THREAD_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
String, // wide-character string
-1, // number of chars in string
NULL, // buffer for new string
0, // size of buffer
NULL, // default for unmappable chars
NULL // set when default char used
if ( !Alloc ) throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
char *Ret = new char[ Pad + Alloc ];
int Actual = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_THREAD_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
String, // wide-character string
-1, // number of chars in string
Ret + Pad, // buffer for new string
Alloc, // size of buffer
NULL, // default for unmappable chars
NULL // set when default char used
if ( !Actual ) { HRESULT Hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); delete[] Ret; throw ComError( Hr ); }
Size = Actual - 1; return Ret;
} };
class WCHARStringRoutines {
public: static int strcmp( const WCHAR *str1, const WCHAR *str2 ) { return ::wcscmp( str1, str2 ); }
static HRESULT StringCchCopy( WCHAR *str1, size_t cchDest, const WCHAR *str2 ) { return ::StringCchCopyW( str1, cchDest, str2 ); }
static size_t strlen( const wchar_t *str ) { return ::wcslen( str ); }
static void* ConvertToInternal( SIZE_T Pad, const WCHAR *String, SIZE_T & Size ) { Size = ::wcslen( String ); char *Ret = new char[ Pad + ( ( Size + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ) ]; ::StringCchCopyW( (WCHAR*)(Ret + Pad), Size + 1, String ); return (void*)Ret; }
static void* ConvertToInternal( SIZE_T Pad, const char *String, SIZE_T & Size ) {
int Alloc = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_THREAD_ACP, // code page
0, // character-type options
String, // string to map
-1, // number of bytes in string
NULL, // wide-character buffer
0 // size of buffer
if ( !Alloc ) throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
char *Ret = new char[ Pad + ( Alloc * sizeof(WCHAR) ) ];
int Actual = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_THREAD_ACP, // code page
0, // character-type options
String, // string to map
-1, // number of bytes in string
(WCHAR*)( Ret + Pad ), // wide-character buffer
Alloc // size of buffer
if ( !Actual ) { HRESULT Hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); delete[] Ret; throw ComError( Hr ); }
Size = Actual - 1; return Ret;
} };
template<class T, class CONV> class StringHandleTemplate : private CONV {
struct StringData { SIZE_T m_Count; long m_Refs; };
struct EmptyStringData { StringData m_StringData; T m_Data; };
static EmptyStringData s_EmptyString;
StringData *m_Value;
void NewString( const char *String, bool ReplaceExisting = false ); void NewString( const WCHAR *String, bool ReplaceExisting = false );
StringData * RefIt() const { InterlockedIncrement( &m_Value->m_Refs ); return m_Value; }
void FreeIt() { if ( m_Value->m_Refs && InterlockedDecrement( &m_Value->m_Refs ) == 0 ) { delete [] m_Value; m_Value = NULL; } }
// Create String by concating 2 strings
StringHandleTemplate( const StringData *LeftValue, const T *RightValue, SIZE_T RightSize );
StringHandleTemplate() { NewString( (T*)NULL ); }
StringHandleTemplate( const char *String ) { NewString( String ); }
StringHandleTemplate( const WCHAR *String ) { NewString( String ); }
StringHandleTemplate( const StringHandleTemplate & Other ) : m_Value( Other.RefIt() ) { }
~StringHandleTemplate() { FreeIt(); }
void SetStringSize() { m_Value->m_Count = strlen( (T*)(m_Value + 1) ); }
T *AllocBuffer( SIZE_T Size );
StringHandleTemplate & operator=( const StringHandleTemplate & r ) { FreeIt(); m_Value = r.RefIt(); return *this; }
StringHandleTemplate & operator=( const T * r ) { NewString( r, true ); return *this; }
SIZE_T Size() const { return m_Value->m_Count; }
operator const T*() const { return (const T*)(m_Value + 1); }
bool operator <( const StringHandleTemplate & r ) const { if ( m_Value == r.m_Value) return false; return (strcmp( (const T*)*this, (const T*)r ) < 0); }
StringHandleTemplate operator+( const StringHandleTemplate & r ) const { return StringHandleTemplate( m_Value, (T*)(r.m_Value+1), r.m_Value->m_Count ); }
StringHandleTemplate operator+( const T * p ) const { static const T EmptyChar = '\0';
if ( !p ) return StringHandleTemplate( m_Value, &EmptyChar, 0 );
return StringHandleTemplate( m_Value, p, strlen(p) ); } StringHandleTemplate & operator+=( const StringHandleTemplate & r ) { return (*this = (*this + r ) ); } StringHandleTemplate & operator+=( const T * p ) { return (*this = (*this + p ) ); } };
template<class T,class CONV> void StringHandleTemplate<T,CONV>::NewString( const char *String, bool ReplaceExisting ) { if ( !String ) { InterlockedIncrement( &s_EmptyString.m_StringData.m_Refs ); StringData* Value = (StringData*)&s_EmptyString; if ( ReplaceExisting ) FreeIt(); m_Value = Value; return; }
SIZE_T Size; StringData* Value = (StringData*)ConvertToInternal( sizeof(StringData), String, Size ); Value->m_Count = Size; Value->m_Refs = 1;
if ( ReplaceExisting ) FreeIt();
m_Value = Value;
template<class T,class CONV> void StringHandleTemplate<T,CONV>::NewString( const WCHAR *String, bool ReplaceExisting ) { if ( !String ) { InterlockedIncrement( &s_EmptyString.m_StringData.m_Refs ); StringData* Value = (StringData*)&s_EmptyString;
if ( ReplaceExisting ) FreeIt(); m_Value = Value; return; }
SIZE_T Size; StringData* Value = (StringData*)ConvertToInternal( sizeof(StringData), String, Size ); Value->m_Count = Size; Value->m_Refs = 1;
if ( ReplaceExisting ) FreeIt();
m_Value = Value;
// Create String by concating 2 strings
template<class T,class CONV> StringHandleTemplate<T,CONV>::StringHandleTemplate( const StringData *LeftValue, const T *RightValue, SIZE_T RightSize ) { SIZE_T Size = LeftValue->m_Count + RightSize; m_Value = (StringData*)new char[ sizeof(StringData) + (Size*sizeof(T)) + sizeof(T) ]; m_Value->m_Count = Size; m_Value->m_Refs = 1; T *DestData = (T*)( m_Value + 1 ); memcpy( DestData, (T*)(LeftValue + 1), sizeof(T) * LeftValue->m_Count ); memcpy( DestData + LeftValue->m_Count, RightValue, sizeof( T ) * RightSize ); DestData[ Size ] = 0; }
template<class T,class CONV> T * StringHandleTemplate<T,CONV>::AllocBuffer( SIZE_T Size ) { StringData *Data = (StringData*)new T[sizeof(StringData)+(Size*sizeof(T))+sizeof(T)]; Data->m_Count = 0; Data->m_Refs = 1; T *String = (T*)(Data + 1); String[0] = '\0';
FreeIt(); // Free old string
m_Value = Data;
// Whoever fills in the string needs to call SetStringSize
return String;
template<class T,class CONV> typename StringHandleTemplate<T,CONV>::EmptyStringData StringHandleTemplate<T,CONV>::s_EmptyString = { 0, 1, L'\0' // Initialize with 1 ref so it is never deleted
typedef StringHandleTemplate<char, CharStringRoutines> StringHandleA; typedef StringHandleTemplate<WCHAR, WCHARStringRoutines> StringHandleW;