Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the BITS server extensions cleanup worker
#include "precomp.h"
const UINT64 NanoSec100PerSec = 10000000; //no of 100 nanosecs per second
inline UINT64 FILETIMEToUINT64( const FILETIME & FileTime ) { ULARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger; LargeInteger.HighPart = FileTime.dwHighDateTime; LargeInteger.LowPart = FileTime.dwLowDateTime; return LargeInteger.QuadPart; };
class PollKillError { public: HRESULT m_Hr; PollKillError( HRESULT Hr ) : m_Hr( Hr ) { } };
class CleanupWorker {
public: CleanupWorker( BOOL DeleteAll, HWND hwnd, const WCHAR* Path, const WCHAR *WorkItemName, const WCHAR *GuidString ); ~CleanupWorker(); void DoIt();
BOOL m_DeleteAll; HWND m_hwnd; const WCHAR * m_Path; const WCHAR * m_WorkItemName; const WCHAR * m_GuidString; const WCHAR * m_ADSIPath; IADs * m_VDir; BSTR m_VDirPath; BSTR m_SessionDirectory; BSTR m_UNCUsername; BSTR m_UNCPassword; UINT64 m_CleanupThreshold; StringHandle m_SessionDirPath; StringHandle m_RequestsDirPath; StringHandle m_RepliesDirPath;
HANDLE m_UserToken; HANDLE m_EventLog;
BSTR m_BITSCleanupWorkItemKeyBSTR; BSTR m_BITSUploadEnabledBSTR; BSTR m_BITSSessionTimeoutBSTR; BSTR m_PathBSTR; BSTR m_BITSSessionDirectoryBSTR; BSTR m_UNCUserNameBSTR; BSTR m_UNCPasswordBSTR;
void PollKill();
void DeleteDirectoryAndFiles( StringHandle Directory ); bool DirectoryExists( StringHandle Directory ); UINT64 LastDirectoryTime( StringHandle Directory ); void RemoveSession( StringHandle SessionGuid ); void RemoveSessions( bool SecondPass );
void RemoveConnectionsFromTree( const WCHAR * DirectoryPath, bool IsConnectionDirectory, const WCHAR * FileSystemPath = NULL );
void RemoveConnection( const WCHAR * ConnectionDirectory, const WCHAR *FilesystemPath, const WCHAR * SessionGuid );
void LogDeletedJob( const WCHAR *SessionGuid ); void LogUnableToRemoveSession( const WCHAR *SessionGuid, HRESULT Hr ); void LogUnexpectedError( HRESULT Hr ); void LogUnableToScanDirectory( const WCHAR *Path, HRESULT Hr );
void BITSSetCurrentThreadToken( HANDLE hToken ) {
if ( !SetThreadToken( NULL, hToken ) ) {
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 100; i ++ ) {
Sleep( 10 );
if ( SetThreadToken( NULL, hToken ) ) return;
} TerminateProcess( NULL, GetLastError() );
CleanupWorker::CleanupWorker( BOOL DeleteAll, HWND hwnd, const WCHAR* Path, const WCHAR* WorkItemName, const WCHAR* GuidString ) : m_DeleteAll( DeleteAll ), m_hwnd( hwnd ), m_Path( Path ), m_WorkItemName( WorkItemName ), m_GuidString( GuidString ), m_ADSIPath( NULL ), m_VDir( NULL ), m_VDirPath( NULL ), m_SessionDirectory( NULL ), m_CleanupThreshold( 0 ), m_UNCUsername( NULL ), m_UNCPassword( NULL ), m_UserToken( NULL ), m_EventLog( NULL ), m_BITSCleanupWorkItemKeyBSTR( NULL ), m_BITSUploadEnabledBSTR( NULL ), m_BITSSessionTimeoutBSTR( NULL ), m_PathBSTR( NULL ), m_BITSSessionDirectoryBSTR( NULL ), m_UNCUserNameBSTR( NULL ), m_UNCPasswordBSTR( NULL ) { VariantInit( &m_vt );
m_BITSCleanupWorkItemKeyBSTR = SysAllocString( L"BITSCleanupWorkItemKey" ); m_BITSUploadEnabledBSTR = SysAllocString( L"BITSUploadEnabled" ); m_BITSSessionTimeoutBSTR = SysAllocString( L"BITSSessionTimeout" ); m_PathBSTR = SysAllocString( L"Path" ); m_BITSSessionDirectoryBSTR = SysAllocString( L"BITSSessionDirectory" ); m_UNCUserNameBSTR = SysAllocString( L"UNCUserName" ); m_UNCPasswordBSTR = SysAllocString( L"UNCPassword" );
if ( !m_BITSCleanupWorkItemKeyBSTR || !m_BITSUploadEnabledBSTR || !m_BITSSessionTimeoutBSTR || !m_PathBSTR || !m_BITSSessionDirectoryBSTR || !m_UNCUserNameBSTR || !m_UNCPasswordBSTR ) { SysFreeString( m_BITSCleanupWorkItemKeyBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_BITSUploadEnabledBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_BITSSessionTimeoutBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_PathBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_BITSSessionDirectoryBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_UNCUserNameBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_UNCPasswordBSTR ); throw ComError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
m_EventLog = RegisterEventSource( NULL, // server name
EVENT_LOG_SOURCE_NAME // source name
if ( !m_EventLog ) throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
CleanupWorker::~CleanupWorker() {
if ( m_EventLog ) DeregisterEventSource( m_EventLog );
if ( m_UserToken ) { BITSSetCurrentThreadToken( NULL ); CloseHandle( m_UserToken ); }
delete m_ADSIPath; SysFreeString( m_VDirPath ); SysFreeString( m_SessionDirectory ); SysFreeString( m_UNCUsername ); SysFreeString( m_UNCPassword );
// Free hardcoded strings
SysFreeString( m_BITSCleanupWorkItemKeyBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_BITSUploadEnabledBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_BITSSessionTimeoutBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_PathBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_BITSSessionDirectoryBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_UNCUserNameBSTR ); SysFreeString( m_UNCPasswordBSTR );
// CleanupWorker::DeleteDirectoryAndFiles()
// This method deletes the specified directory and the files it contains. If
// the specified directory contains subdirectories, then they will not be
// deleted (and the delete of the main directory will fail).
// If the directory is a reparse point, then it will do nothing. If the
// specified directory contains reparse points then they will be ignored as
// well.
void CleanupWorker::DeleteDirectoryAndFiles( StringHandle Directory ) {
try { // Check the specified directory. If its not actually a directory, or
// it's a reparse point then don't process it.
if (!GetFileAttributesEx( Directory, GetFileExInfoStandard, &FileAttributes)) { throw ComError(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
if ( (FileAttributes.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) || !(FileAttributes.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { return; }
StringHandle SearchPath = Directory + StringHandle(L"\\*"); WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData;
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( SearchPath, &FindData );
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FindHandle ) { throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
do {
if ( (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) ) { continue; }
StringHandle FileName = StringHandle( Directory ) + StringHandle( L"\\" ) + StringHandle( FindData.cFileName ); DeleteFile( FileName );
} while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ) );
FindClose( FindHandle ); FindHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ( !RemoveDirectory( Directory ) ) { throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
} catch( ComError Error ) { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle ) { FindClose( FindHandle ); } throw; }
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle ) { FindClose( FindHandle ); } }
bool CleanupWorker::DirectoryExists( StringHandle Directory ) {
DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes( Directory );
if ( INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == dwAttributes ) {
if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND || GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) return false;
throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
} return true; }
// CleanupWorker::LastDirectoryTime()
// Walk a directory and find the most recent "Last Write Time" for it or
// and of its contents.
// Note: Ignore reparse points.
UINT64 CleanupWorker::LastDirectoryTime( StringHandle Directory ) { UINT64 LatestTime = 0; HANDLE FindHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA FileAttributesData;
if (!GetFileAttributesEx( Directory, GetFileExInfoStandard, &FileAttributesData ) ) { throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
LatestTime = FILETIMEToUINT64( FileAttributesData.ftCreationTime );
StringHandle SearchPath = Directory + StringHandle(L"\\*"); WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData;
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( SearchPath, &FindData );
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FindHandle ) throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
try { do {
if ( (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) ) { continue; }
UINT64 CreationTime = FILETIMEToUINT64( FindData.ftCreationTime ); UINT64 LastWriteTime = FILETIMEToUINT64( FindData.ftLastWriteTime ); LatestTime = max( LatestTime, max( CreationTime, LastWriteTime ) ); } while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ) );
FindClose( FindHandle ); FindHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
} catch( ComError Error ) { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FindHandle ) FindClose( FindHandle );
throw; }
return LatestTime;
void CleanupWorker::RemoveSession( StringHandle SessionGuid ) {
StringHandle RequestDir = m_RequestsDirPath + StringHandle("\\") + SessionGuid; StringHandle ReplyDir = m_RepliesDirPath + StringHandle("\\") + SessionGuid; bool RequestExists = DirectoryExists( RequestDir ); bool ReplyExists = DirectoryExists( ReplyDir );
UINT64 LastTime = 0;
if ( RequestExists ) { try { LastTime = LastDirectoryTime( RequestDir ); } catch( ComError Error ) { LogUnableToScanDirectory( RequestDir, Error.m_Hr ); return; } }
if ( ReplyExists ) {
try { LastTime = max( LastTime, LastDirectoryTime( ReplyDir ) ); } catch( ComError Error ) { LogUnableToScanDirectory( ReplyDir, Error.m_Hr ); return; } }
FILETIME ftCurrentTime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftCurrentTime ); UINT64 CurrentTime = FILETIMEToUINT64( ftCurrentTime );
if ( ( 0xFFFFFFFF - LastTime > m_CleanupThreshold ) && ( LastTime + m_CleanupThreshold < CurrentTime ) )
try { if ( RequestExists ) { DeleteDirectoryAndFiles( RequestDir ); }
if ( ReplyExists ) { DeleteDirectoryAndFiles( ReplyDir ); }
LogDeletedJob( SessionGuid ); } catch( ComError Error ) { LogUnableToRemoveSession( SessionGuid, Error.m_Hr ); }
// CleanupWorker::RemoveSessions()
// Inspect the current "Replies directory" and "Requests directory" and
// remove any BITS session directories that are older than the current
// cleanup threshold.
// Arguments:
// SecondPass TRUE: Inspect the Replies Directory Path.
// FALSE: Inspect the Requests Directory Path.
void CleanupWorker::RemoveSessions( IN bool SecondPass ) {
StringHandle SearchDirectory = (SecondPass)? m_RepliesDirPath : m_RequestsDirPath; StringHandle SearchString = SearchDirectory + StringHandle( L"\\*" ); HANDLE FindHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA FileAttributes;
try { if (!GetFileAttributesEx(SearchDirectory, GetFileExInfoStandard, &FileAttributes)) { throw ComError(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
if ( (FileAttributes.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) || !(FileAttributes.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { return; }
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( SearchString, &FindData );
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FindHandle ) { throw ComError(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
do {
// If its not a directory then ignore it...
if ( !(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { continue; }
// If its a reparse point then ignore it.
if ( FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT ) { continue; }
// If its this directory or the parent directory reference then
// ignore it.
if ( ( _wcsicmp( L".", FindData.cFileName ) == 0 ) || ( _wcsicmp( L"..", FindData.cFileName ) == 0 ) ) { continue; }
// If the name isn't a GUID then ignore it.
GUID Guid; if ( FAILED( IIDFromString( FindData.cFileName, &Guid ) ) ) { continue; }
try { RemoveSession( StringHandle( FindData.cFileName ) ); } catch( ComError Error ) { LogUnexpectedError( Error.m_Hr ); }
} while( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ) );
FindClose( FindHandle ); FindHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
} catch( const ComError & ) { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle ) { FindClose( FindHandle ); } throw; } catch( const PollKillError & ) { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindHandle ) { FindClose( FindHandle ); } }
void CleanupWorker::PollKill() {
if ( m_hwnd ) {
MSG msg;
while( PeekMessage( &msg, m_hwnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) {
if ( WM_QUIT == msg.message ) throw PollKillError( (HRESULT)msg.wParam );
TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg );
} }
void CleanupWorker::DoIt() {
try {
m_ADSIPath = CSimplePropertyReader::ConvertObjectPathToADSI( m_Path );
try { THROW_COMERROR( ADsGetObject( m_ADSIPath, __uuidof(*m_VDir), (void**)&m_VDir ) );
if ( m_GuidString ) {
BSTR BSTRGuid = CSimplePropertyReader::GetADsStringProperty( m_VDir, m_BITSCleanupWorkItemKeyBSTR ); int Result = wcscmp( (LPWSTR)BSTRGuid, m_GuidString );
SysFreeString( BSTRGuid );
if ( Result != 0 ) throw ComError( E_ADS_UNKNOWN_OBJECT );
} catch( ComError Error ) {
if ( ( Error.m_Hr == E_ADS_UNKNOWN_OBJECT ) || ( Error.m_Hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) ) || ( Error.m_Hr == E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND ) ) { // Somehow the virtual directory was deleted, but the
// task scheduler work item wasn't. Try to delete it now.
if ( m_WorkItemName ) {
SmartITaskSchedulerPointer TaskScheduler;
try { ConnectToTaskScheduler( NULL, &TaskScheduler ); TaskScheduler->Delete( m_WorkItemName ); } catch( ComError Error ) { }
// Nothing more to do after deleting the task.
return; }
THROW_COMERROR( m_VDir->Get( m_BITSUploadEnabledBSTR, &m_vt ) ); THROW_COMERROR( VariantChangeType( &m_vt, &m_vt, 0, VT_BOOL ) );
if ( !m_vt.boolVal ) // Uploads arn't enabled on this directory
if ( !m_DeleteAll ) {
THROW_COMERROR( m_VDir->Get( m_BITSSessionTimeoutBSTR, &m_vt ) ); THROW_COMERROR( VariantChangeType( &m_vt, &m_vt, 0, VT_BSTR ) );
if ( L'-' == *m_vt.bstrVal ) return; // do not run cleanup in this directory since cleanup has been disabled
UINT64 CleanupSeconds; if ( 1 != swscanf( (WCHAR*)m_vt.bstrVal, L"%I64u", &CleanupSeconds ) ) return;
if ( CleanupSeconds > ( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF / NanoSec100PerSec ) ) m_CleanupThreshold = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; // overflow case
else m_CleanupThreshold = CleanupSeconds * NanoSec100PerSec;
} else m_CleanupThreshold = 0;
m_VDirPath = CSimplePropertyReader::GetADsStringProperty( m_VDir, m_PathBSTR ); m_SessionDirectory = CSimplePropertyReader::GetADsStringProperty( m_VDir, m_BITSSessionDirectoryBSTR ); m_UNCUsername = CSimplePropertyReader::GetADsStringProperty( m_VDir, m_UNCUserNameBSTR ); m_UNCPassword = CSimplePropertyReader::GetADsStringProperty( m_VDir, m_UNCPasswordBSTR ); m_SessionDirPath = StringHandle( (WCHAR*)m_VDirPath) + StringHandle(L"\\") + StringHandle( (WCHAR*)m_SessionDirectory ); m_RequestsDirPath = m_SessionDirPath + StringHandle(L"\\") + StringHandle( REQUESTS_DIR_NAMEW ); m_RepliesDirPath = m_SessionDirPath + StringHandle(L"\\") + StringHandle( REPLIES_DIR_NAMEW );
if (CAccessRemoteVDir::IsUNCPath(m_VDirPath)) { CAccessRemoteVDir::ImpersonateUNCUser(m_VDirPath, m_UNCUsername, m_UNCPassword, &m_UserToken); }
RemoveSessions( false ); RemoveSessions( true );
} catch( PollKillError Error ) { throw; } catch( ComError Error ) { LogUnexpectedError( Error.m_Hr ); throw; }
void CleanupWorker::LogDeletedJob( const WCHAR *SessionGuid ) {
if ( m_EventLog ) {
const WCHAR *Strings[] = { (const WCHAR*)m_SessionDirPath, SessionGuid };
ReportEvent( m_EventLog, // handle to event log
NULL, // user security identifier
2, // number of strings to merge
0, // size of binary data
Strings, // array of strings to merge
NULL // binary data buffer
void CleanupWorker::LogUnableToRemoveSession( const WCHAR *SessionGuid, HRESULT Hr ) {
if ( m_EventLog ) {
const WCHAR *Strings[] = { (const WCHAR*)m_SessionDirPath, SessionGuid };
ReportEvent( m_EventLog, // handle to event log
EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, // event type
NULL, // user security identifier
2, // number of strings to merge
sizeof(Hr), // size of binary data
Strings, // array of strings to merge
&Hr // binary data buffer
void CleanupWorker:: LogUnableToScanDirectory( const WCHAR *Path, HRESULT Hr ) {
if ( m_EventLog ) {
const WCHAR *Strings[] = { Path };
ReportEvent( m_EventLog, // handle to event log
EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, // event type
NULL, // user security identifier
1, // number of strings to merge
sizeof(Hr), // size of binary data
Strings, // array of strings to merge
&Hr // binary data buffer
void CleanupWorker::LogUnexpectedError( HRESULT Hr ) {
if ( m_EventLog ) {
const WCHAR *Strings[] = { m_Path };
ReportEvent( m_EventLog, // handle to event log
EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, // event type
NULL, // user security identifier
1, // number of strings to merge
sizeof( Hr ), // size of binary data
Strings, // array of strings to merge
&Hr // binary data buffer
void Cleanup_RunDLLW(HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPWSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { int NumArgs;
LPWSTR * CommandArgs = CommandLineToArgvW( lpszCmdLine, &NumArgs );
if ( !CommandArgs ) return;
if ( FAILED( CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ) ) ) return;
if ( NumArgs != 2 && NumArgs != 3 ) return;
LPWSTR Path = CommandArgs[0]; LPWSTR WorkItemName = CommandArgs[1]; LPWSTR GuidString = NumArgs == 3 ? CommandArgs[2] : NULL;
try { CleanupWorker Worker( FALSE, hwndStub, Path, WorkItemName, GuidString ); Worker.DoIt(); } catch( PollKillError PollAbort ) { } catch( ComError Error ) { }
CoUninitialize( ); GlobalFree( CommandArgs );
void CleanupForRemoval( LPCWSTR Path ) {
try { if (!OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, &hToken ) ) { if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_TOKEN ) return; }
CleanupWorker Worker( TRUE, NULL, Path, NULL, NULL ); Worker.DoIt(); } catch( ComError Error ) { } catch( PollKillError PollAbort ) { }
if ( hToken ) BITSSetCurrentThreadToken( hToken );