// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1997.
// File: path.cxx
// Contents: Common routines for processing file and pathnames.
// History: 11-22-1996 DavidMun Created
#include "..\pch\headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <regstr.h> // for app path reg key constant
#include "..\inc\common.hxx"
#include "..\inc\misc.hxx"
#include "..\inc\debug.hxx"
// Forward references
LPCTSTR FindFirstTrailingSpace(LPCTSTR ptsz);
BOOL FileExistsInPath( LPTSTR ptszFilename, LPCTSTR ptszPath, LPTSTR ptszFoundFile, ULONG cchFoundBuf);
// Function: ProcessApplicationName
// Synopsis: Canonicalize and search for [ptszFilename].
// Arguments: [ptszFilename] - must be at least MAX_PATH chars long
// [tszWorkingDir] - "" or a directory not ending in slash
// Returns: TRUE - a filename was found
// FALSE - no filename found
// Modifies: *[ptszFilename]
// History: 11-21-1996 DavidMun Created
// 06-03-1997 DavidMun Expand environment vars
// Notes: This function should only be called to process filenames
// on the local machine.
BOOL ProcessApplicationName(LPTSTR ptszFilename, size_t cchBuff, LPCTSTR tszWorkingDir) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; TCHAR tszFilenameWithExe[MAX_PATH + 1]; //
// Use tszFilenameWithExe as a temporary buffer for preparing the string
// in ptszFilename. Get rid of lead/trail spaces and double quotes, then
// expand environment strings.
StringCchCopy(tszFilenameWithExe, MAX_PATH + 1, ptszFilename); StripLeadTrailSpace(tszFilenameWithExe); DeleteQuotes(tszFilenameWithExe); ExpandEnvironmentStrings(tszFilenameWithExe, ptszFilename, MAX_PATH + 1); tszFilenameWithExe[0] = TEXT('\0');
ULONG cchFilename = lstrlen(ptszFilename) + 1;
// If the filename doesn't end with .exe, and the resulting string
// wouldn't be greater than MAX_PATH + 1 (including NULL),
// create a version of the filename with .exe appended.
// Note this will prevent us from finding foo.exe.exe when we're given
// foo.exe, but the performance gained by excluding this case outweighs
// the value of completeness, since it's unlikely anyone would create
// such a filename.
if (cchFilename < MAX_PATH + 1 - 4) { LPTSTR ptszLastDot = _tcsrchr(ptszFilename, TEXT('.'));
if (!ptszLastDot || lstrcmpi(ptszLastDot, DOTEXE)) { StringCchCopy(tszFilenameWithExe, MAX_PATH + 1, ptszFilename); StringCchCopy(&tszFilenameWithExe[cchFilename], MAX_PATH + 1 - cchFilename, DOTEXE); } } do { //
// If the user specified path information (if there is a colon or
// backslash anywhere in the string), look for the file as
// specified or with .exe appended, but look nowhere else.
if (_tcspbrk(ptszFilename, TEXT(":\\"))) { if (*tszFilenameWithExe) { fFound = FileExists(tszFilenameWithExe, MAX_PATH + 1); if (fFound) { StringCchCopy(ptszFilename, cchBuff, tszFilenameWithExe); } } if (!fFound) { fFound = FileExists(ptszFilename, cchBuff); } break; }
// First try the working directory
TCHAR tszFoundFile[MAX_PATH + 1] = TEXT("");
if (*tszWorkingDir) { if (*tszFilenameWithExe) { fFound = FileExistsInPath(tszFilenameWithExe, tszWorkingDir, tszFoundFile, MAX_PATH + 1); } if (!fFound) { fFound = FileExistsInPath(ptszFilename, tszWorkingDir, tszFoundFile, MAX_PATH + 1); } if (fFound) { StringCchCopy(ptszFilename, cchBuff, tszFoundFile); break; } }
// Next try using the app paths key
TCHAR tszAppPathVar[MAX_PATH_VALUE] = TEXT(""); TCHAR tszAppPathDefault[MAX_PATH + 1] = TEXT("");
if (*tszFilenameWithExe) { GetAppPathInfo(tszFilenameWithExe, tszAppPathDefault, MAX_PATH + 1, tszAppPathVar, MAX_PATH_VALUE); }
if (!*tszAppPathDefault && !*tszAppPathVar) { GetAppPathInfo(ptszFilename, tszAppPathDefault, MAX_PATH + 1, tszAppPathVar, MAX_PATH_VALUE); }
// If there was a default value, try that
if (*tszAppPathDefault) { fFound = FileExists(tszAppPathDefault, MAX_PATH + 1);
if (fFound) { StringCchCopy(ptszFilename, cchBuff, tszAppPathDefault); break; }
// If there's room, concat .exe to the default and look for
// that
ULONG cchDefault = lstrlen(tszAppPathDefault) + 1; if (cchDefault < MAX_PATH + 1 - 4) { StringCchCat(tszAppPathDefault, MAX_PATH + 1, DOTEXE); fFound = FileExists(tszAppPathDefault, MAX_PATH + 1); if (fFound) { StringCchCopy(ptszFilename, cchBuff, tszAppPathDefault); break; } } }
// If the app path key specified a value for the PATH variable,
// try looking in all the directories it specifies
if (*tszAppPathVar) { if (*tszFilenameWithExe) { fFound = FileExistsInPath(tszFilenameWithExe, tszAppPathVar, tszFoundFile, MAX_PATH + 1); }
if (!fFound) { fFound = FileExistsInPath(ptszFilename, tszAppPathVar, tszFoundFile, MAX_PATH + 1); }
if (fFound) { StringCchCopy(ptszFilename, cchBuff, tszFoundFile); break; } }
// Try looking along the system PATH variable
ULONG cchPath; TCHAR tszSystemPath[MAX_PATH_VALUE] = TEXT("");
cchPath = GetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("Path"), tszSystemPath, MAX_PATH_VALUE);
if (!cchPath || cchPath > MAX_PATH_VALUE) { break; }
if (*tszFilenameWithExe) { fFound = FileExistsInPath(tszFilenameWithExe, tszSystemPath, tszFoundFile, MAX_PATH + 1); }
if (!fFound) { fFound = FileExistsInPath(ptszFilename, tszSystemPath, tszFoundFile, MAX_PATH + 1); }
if (fFound) { StringCchCopy(ptszFilename, cchBuff, tszFoundFile); } } while (0); return fFound; }
// Function: IsLocalFilename
// Synopsis: Return TRUE if [tszFilename] represents a file on the local
// machine, FALSE otherwise.
// History: 1-31-1997 DavidMun Created
BOOL IsLocalFilename(LPCTSTR tszFilename) { if (!tszFilename || !*tszFilename) { return FALSE; }
if (tszFilename[0] == TEXT('\\') && tszFilename[1] == TEXT('\\')) { //
// Find the length of the portion of the name belonging to the machine name
LPCTSTR ptszNextSlash = _tcschr(tszFilename + 2, TEXT('\\')); if (!ptszNextSlash) { return FALSE; } DWORD cchMachineName = (DWORD)(ptszNextSlash - tszFilename - 2); //
// Get the local machine name (both NetBIOS and FQDN) to compare with that passed in.
TCHAR tszLocalName[SA_MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD cchLocalName = SA_MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; if (!GetComputerName(tszLocalName, &cchLocalName)) { ERR_OUT("IsLocalFilename: GetComputerName", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
TCHAR tszFQDN[SA_MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD cchFQDN = SA_MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; if (!GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified, tszFQDN, &cchFQDN)) { ERR_OUT("IsLocalFilename: GetComputerNameEx", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
// Return whether we have a match on the machine name portion.
// I'm assuming that we won't have a case where the NetBIOS name
// and the FQDN are the same length but different.
if (cchMachineName == cchLocalName) { return lstrcmpi(tszFilename + 2, tszLocalName) == 0; } else if (cchMachineName == cchFQDN) { return lstrcmpi(tszFilename + 2, tszFQDN) == 0; } else { // if the lengths didn't match, there's no need
// to even bother with a string comparison
return FALSE; } }
if (s_isDriveLetter(tszFilename[0]) && tszFilename[1] == TEXT(':')) { TCHAR tszRoot[] = TEXT("x:\\"); tszRoot[0] = tszFilename[0]; UINT uiType = GetDriveType(tszRoot); if (uiType == DRIVE_REMOTE || uiType == 0 || uiType == 1) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
// Function: StripLeadTrailSpace
// Synopsis: Delete leading and trailing spaces from [ptsz].
// History: 11-22-1996 DavidMun Created
VOID StripLeadTrailSpace(LPTSTR ptsz) { ULONG cchLeadingSpace = _tcsspn(ptsz, TEXT(" \t")); ULONG cch = lstrlen(ptsz);
// If there are any leading spaces or tabs, move the string
// (including its nul terminator) left to delete them.
if (cchLeadingSpace) { MoveMemory(ptsz, ptsz + cchLeadingSpace, (cch - cchLeadingSpace + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); cch -= cchLeadingSpace; }
// Concatenate at the first trailing space
LPTSTR ptszTrailingSpace = (LPTSTR) FindFirstTrailingSpace(ptsz);
if (ptszTrailingSpace) { *ptszTrailingSpace = TEXT('\0'); } }
// Function: FindFirstTrailingSpace
// Synopsis: Return a pointer to the first trailing space in [ptsz].
// History: 11-22-1996 DavidMun Created
LPCTSTR FindFirstTrailingSpace(LPCTSTR ptsz) { LPCTSTR ptszFirstTrailingSpace = NULL; LPCTSTR ptszCur;
for (ptszCur = ptsz; *ptszCur; ptszCur= NextChar(ptszCur)) { if (*ptszCur == ' ' || *ptszCur == '\t') { if (!ptszFirstTrailingSpace) { ptszFirstTrailingSpace = ptszCur; } } else if (ptszFirstTrailingSpace) { ptszFirstTrailingSpace = NULL; } } return ptszFirstTrailingSpace; }
// Function: DeleteQuotes
// Synopsis: Delete all instances of the double quote character from
// [ptsz].
// Arguments: [ptsz] - nul terminated string
// Modifies: *[ptsz]
// History: 11-21-1996 DavidMun Created
VOID DeleteQuotes(LPTSTR ptsz) { TCHAR *ptszLead; TCHAR *ptszTrail;
// Move a lead and trail pointer through the buffer, copying from the lead
// to the trail whenever the character isn't one we're deleting (a double
// quote).
// Note: the "Lead" and "Trail" in ptszLead and ptszTrail do not refer
// to DBCS lead/trail bytes, rather that the ptszLead pointer can move
// ahead of ptszTrail when it is advanced past a double quote.
for (ptszTrail = ptszLead = ptsz; *ptszLead; ptszLead = NextChar(ptszLead)) { //
// If the current char is a double quote, we want it deleted, so don't
// copy it and go on to the next char.
if (*ptszLead == TEXT('"')) { continue; }
// ptszLead is pointing to a 'normal' character, i.e. not a double
// quote.
*ptszTrail++ = ptszLead[0]; } *ptszTrail = TEXT('\0'); }
// Function: AddQuotes
// Synopsis: If there's room in the buffer, insert a quote as the first
// character and concat a quote as the last character.
// Arguments: [ptsz] - string to modify
// [cchBuf] - size of string's buffer, in chars
// History: 11-22-1996 DavidMun Created
VOID AddQuotes(LPTSTR ptsz, ULONG cchBuf) { ULONG cch = lstrlen(ptsz);
if (cch < cchBuf - 2) { MoveMemory(ptsz + 1, ptsz, cch * sizeof(TCHAR)); *ptsz = ptsz[cch + 1] = TEXT('"'); ptsz[cch + 2] = TEXT('\0'); } }
// Function: FileExists
// Synopsis: Return TRUE if the specified file exists and is not a
// directory.
// Arguments: [ptszFileName] - filename to search for & modify
// [cchBuff] - size of buffer
// Modifies: Filename portion of [ptszFileName].
// Returns: TRUE - file found
// FALSE - file not found or error
// History: 11-21-96 DavidMun Created
BOOL FileExists(LPTSTR ptszFileName, size_t cchBuff) { TCHAR tszFullPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; LPTSTR ptszFilePart;
ULONG cchFullPath = GetFullPathName(ptszFileName, MAX_PATH + 1, tszFullPath, &ptszFilePart) + 1;
if (cchFullPath && cchFullPath <= MAX_PATH + 1) { if (FAILED(StringCchCopy(ptszFileName, cchBuff, tszFullPath))) { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; }
ULONG flAttributes; flAttributes = GetFileAttributes(ptszFileName);
// If we couldn't determine file's attributes, don't consider it found
if (flAttributes == 0xFFFFFFFF) { return FALSE; }
// if file is actually a directory, it's unsuitable as a task, so fail
if (flAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { return FALSE; }
// Get the filename sans trailing spaces
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFile = FindFirstFile(ptszFileName, &FindFileData);
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } FindClose(hFile);
LPTSTR ptszLastSlash = _tcsrchr((LPTSTR)ptszFileName, TEXT('\\')); if (ptszLastSlash) { StringCchCopy(ptszLastSlash + 1, cchBuff - (ptszLastSlash + 1 - ptszFileName), FindFileData.cFileName); }
return TRUE; }
// Function: FileExistsInPath
// Synopsis: Return TRUE if [ptszFilename] exists in path [ptszPath].
// Arguments: [ptszFilename] - file to look for
// [ptszPath] - semicolon delimited list of dirs
// [ptszFoundFile] - if found, [ptszDir]\[ptszFilename]
// [cchFoundBuf] - size in chars of [ptszFoundFile] buffer
// Returns: TRUE if file found in dir, FALSE otherwise
// Modifies: *[ptszFoundFile]
// History: 11-22-1996 DavidMun Created
// Notes: Note that by calling FileExists we ensure the found file
// is a file, not a directory.
BOOL FileExistsInPath( LPTSTR ptszFilename, LPCTSTR ptszPath, LPTSTR ptszFoundFile, ULONG cchFoundBuf) { ULONG cchCopied; LPTSTR ptszFilePart;
cchCopied = SearchPath(ptszPath, ptszFilename, NULL, cchFoundBuf, ptszFoundFile, &ptszFilePart);
if (cchCopied && cchCopied <= cchFoundBuf) { return FileExists(ptszFoundFile, cchFoundBuf); } return FALSE; }
// Function: GetAppPathInfo
// Synopsis: Fill [ptszAppPathDefault] with the default value and
// [ptszAppPathVar] with the Path value in the
// [ptszFilename] application's key under the APPPATHS regkey.
// Arguments: [ptszFilename] - application name
// [ptszAppPathDefault] - if not NULL, filled with default value
// [cchDefaultBuf] - size of [ptszAppPathDefault] buffer
// [ptszAppPathVar] - if not NULL, filled with Path value
// [cchPathVarBuf] - size of [cchPathVarBuf] buffer
// Modifies: *[ptszAppPathDefault], *[ptszAppPathVar]
// History: 11-22-1996 DavidMun Created
// Notes: Both values are optional on the registry key, so if a
// requested value isn't found, it is set to "".
VOID GetAppPathInfo( LPCTSTR ptszFilename, LPTSTR ptszAppPathDefault, ULONG cchDefaultBuf, LPTSTR ptszAppPathVar, ULONG cchPathVarBuf) { HKEY hkey = NULL; TCHAR tszAppPathKey[MAX_KEY_LEN];
// Initialize out vars
if (ptszAppPathDefault) { ptszAppPathDefault[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
if (ptszAppPathVar) { ptszAppPathVar[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
// Build registry key name for this app
StringCchCopy(tszAppPathKey, MAX_KEY_LEN, REGSTR_PATH_APPPATHS); StringCchCat(tszAppPathKey, MAX_KEY_LEN, TEXT("\\")); StringCchCat(tszAppPathKey, MAX_KEY_LEN, ptszFilename);
do { LRESULT lr; lr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, tszAppPathKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);
if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// If the key could be opened, attempt to read requested values.
// Both are optional, so ignore errors.
DWORD cb; DWORD dwType;
if (ptszAppPathDefault) { cb = cchDefaultBuf * sizeof(TCHAR); lr = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, NULL, // value name
NULL, // reserved
&dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszAppPathDefault, &cb); if (lr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { schAssert(dwType == REG_SZ); } }
if (ptszAppPathVar) { cb = cchPathVarBuf * sizeof(TCHAR); lr = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Path"), // value name
NULL, // reserved
&dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszAppPathVar, &cb); if (lr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { schAssert(dwType == REG_SZ); } } } while (0);
if (hkey) { RegCloseKey(hkey); } }