// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996.
// File: schedule.cxx
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// Notes: For the first release of the scheduling agent, all security
// operations are disabled under Win95, even Win95 to NT.
// History: 3/4/1996 RaviR Created
// 11/16/00 DGrube removed Win4Assert(m_indexCbxTriggers >= 0);
// since m_indexCbxTriggers is a DWORD (unsigned) causing
// compiler errors.
#include "..\pch\headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <mstask.h>
#include <winuserp.h>
#include "..\folderui\dbg.h"
#include "..\folderui\macros.h"
#include "..\folderui\jobicons.hxx"
#include "..\folderui\util.hxx"
#include "..\inc\resource.h"
#include "..\inc\network.hxx"
#include "..\inc\dll.hxx"
#include "dlg.hxx"
#include "rc.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include <mstask.h>
#include "misc.hxx"
#include "uiutil.hxx"
#include "strings.hxx"
#include "cdlist.hxx"
#include "helpids.h"
#include "iconhlpr.hxx"
#include "schedui.hxx"
#include "selmonth.hxx"
#include "defines.hxx"
#include <StrSafe.h>
BOOL IsValidMonthlyDateTrigger( PTASK_TRIGGER pTrigger);
typedef const unsigned char *LPCBYTE;
//#undef DEB_TRACE
// (Control id, help id) list for context sensitivity help.
ULONG s_aSchedulePageHelpIds[] = { // Helpids for Schedule page controls (common to all triggers)
idc_icon, Hidc_icon, cbx_trigger_type, Hcbx_trigger_type, dp_start_time, Hdp_start_time, cbx_triggers, Hcbx_triggers, txt_trigger, Htxt_trigger, btn_new, Hbtn_new, btn_delete, Hbtn_delete, btn_advanced, Hbtn_advanced, grp_schedule, Hgrp_schedule, chk_show_multiple_scheds, Hchk_show_multiple_scheds,
// Helpids for Schedule page controls for DAILY trigger
grp_daily, Hgrp_daily, daily_lbl_every, Hdaily_lbl_every, daily_txt_every, Hdaily_txt_every, daily_spin_every, Hdaily_spin_every, daily_lbl_days, Hdaily_lbl_days,
// Helpids for Schedule page controls for WEEKLY trigger
grp_weekly, Hgrp_weekly, weekly_lbl_every, Hweekly_lbl_every, weekly_txt_every, Hweekly_txt_every, weekly_spin_every, Hweekly_spin_every, weekly_lbl_weeks_on, Hweekly_lbl_weeks_on, chk_mon, Hchk_mon, chk_tue, Hchk_tue, chk_wed, Hchk_wed, chk_thu, Hchk_thu, chk_fri, Hchk_fri, chk_sat, Hchk_sat, chk_sun, Hchk_sun,
// Helpids for Schedule page controls for MONTHLY trigger
grp_monthly, Hgrp_monthly, md_rb, Hmd_rb, md_txt, Hmd_txt, md_spin, Hmd_spin, md_lbl, Hmd_lbl, dow_rb, Hdow_rb, dow_cbx_week, Hdow_cbx_week, dow_cbx_day, Hdow_cbx_day, dow_lbl, Hdow_lbl, btn_sel_months, Hbtn_sel_months,
// Helpids for Schedule page controls for ONCE only trigger
grp_once, Hgrp_once, once_lbl_run_on, Honce_lbl_run_on, once_dp_date, Honce_dp_date,
// Helpids for Schedule page controls for WhenIdle trigger
grp_idle, Hgrp_idle, sch_txt_idle_min, Hsch_txt_idle_min, idle_lbl_when, Hidle_lbl_when, sch_spin_idle_min, Hsch_spin_idle_min, idle_lbl_mins, Hidle_lbl_mins,
0,0 };
// Local constants
// DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT - what to use if there's a problem getting format
// from system.
#define DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT TEXT("hh:mm tt")
// extern
extern "C" TCHAR szMstaskHelp[]; extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
// Class: CJobTrigger
// Purpose: TASK_TRIGGER structure encapsulated with double link node.
class CJobTrigger : public CDLink { public: CJobTrigger(TASK_TRIGGER &jt) : m_jt(jt) {} virtual ~CJobTrigger() {}
LPTSTR TriggerString(BOOL fPrependID, TCHAR tcBuff[], size_t bufSize);
WORD GetTriggerID(void) { return (m_jt.Reserved1 & 0x7fff); } void SetTriggerID(WORD wID) { m_jt.Reserved1 = (m_jt.Reserved1 & 0x8000) | wID; }
void DirtyTrigger() { m_jt.Reserved1 |= 0x8000; } BOOL IsTriggerDirty() { return (m_jt.Reserved1 & 0x8000) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
CJobTrigger *Prev() { return (CJobTrigger*) CDLink::Prev(); } CJobTrigger *Next() { return (CJobTrigger*) CDLink::Next(); }
// Class: CJobTriggerList
// Purpose: A double linked list of CJobTriggers
LPTSTR CJobTrigger::TriggerString( BOOL fPrependID, TCHAR tcBuff[], size_t bufSize) { LPWSTR pwsz = NULL; HRESULT hr = StringFromTrigger((const PTASK_TRIGGER)&m_jt, &pwsz, NULL);
tcBuff[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (fPrependID == TRUE) { StringCchPrintf(tcBuff, bufSize, TEXT("%d. "), (this->GetTriggerID() + 1)); }
StringCchCat(tcBuff, bufSize, pwsz);
CoTaskMemFree(pwsz); }
return tcBuff; }
//________________ ______________________________________
//________________ class CSchedulePage ______________________________________
//________________ ______________________________________
class CSchedulePage : public CPropPage { public:
CSchedulePage(ITask * pIJob, LPTSTR ptszTaskPath, BOOL fMultipleTriggers, BOOL fPersistChanges);
virtual LRESULT _OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT _OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify); virtual LRESULT _OnApply(void); virtual LRESULT _OnPSMQuerySibling(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT _OnDestroy(void); virtual LRESULT _OnTimer(UINT idTimer); virtual LRESULT _OnSpinDeltaPos(NM_UPDOWN * pnmud); virtual LRESULT _OnWinIniChange(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT _OnPSNSetActive(LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT _OnPSNKillActive(LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT _OnDateTimeChange(LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT _OnHelp(HANDLE hRequesting, UINT uiHelpCommand);
void _ShowControls(int index, int nCmdShow); void _UpdateTriggerString(void); HRESULT _LoadTriggers(void); BOOL _LoadTriggerStrings(void); BOOL _InitPage(void); BOOL _RefreshPage(void); void _UpdateDailyControls(void); void _UpdateWeeklyControls(void); void _UpdateMonthlyControls(void); void _CheckMonthlyRadio(TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE TriggerType); void _UpdateOnceOnlyControls(void); void _UpdateIdleControls(void); WORD _GetDayFromRgfDays(DWORD rgfDays); int _GetTriggerTypeIndex(void); void _DisplayControls(int indexTrigger); void _EnableTimeTriggerSpecificCtrls(BOOL fEnable); void _SaveTriggerSettings(void); void _ShowTriggerStringDispCtrls(void); void _CreateTimerToUpdateTriggerStr(void); void _DeleteTimerToUpdateTriggerStr(void);
void _ErrorDialog(int idsErr, LONG error = 0, UINT idsHelpHint = 0) { SchedUIErrorDialog(Hwnd(), idsErr, error, idsHelpHint); }
BOOL _PerformSanityChkOnCurrTrigger(void);
void _EnableApplyButton(void);
void _DisableUI(void);
ITask * m_pIJob;
// icon helper
CIconHelper * m_pIconHelper;
// The list of triggers
CJobTriggerList m_cjtList;
// The list of triggers deleted
CJobTriggerList m_cjtDeletedList;
// The trigger for which the schedule is being displayed currently
CJobTrigger * m_pcjtCurr;
// The count of triggers at load time
WORD m_cTriggersPrev;
// The id to be assigned to the next trigger, when the user pushes
// the 'New' button for a multiple triggers schedule.
WORD m_wNextTriggerId;
// The current selection for the trigger type combo box.
int m_indexCbxTriggerType;
// The timer id of the timer used for trigger string update.
UINT_PTR m_idTimer;
// The current selection for the trigger strings combo box.
UINT m_indexCbxTriggers;
// Used by Set/KillActive
BOOL m_fShowingMultiSchedsOnKillActive;
BOOL m_fShowMultiScheds;
// Should we save on Apply or OK.
BOOL m_fPersistChanges;
// Is this an AT job?
BOOL m_fNetScheduleJob;
// Time format string for use with Date picker control
// Selected months dialog
CSelectMonth _SelectMonths;
// If one of the trigger comboboxes is dropped down, contains the
// index of the item selected when the user dropped down the list.
// Otherwise, contains -1.
// CAUTION: The _OnTimer method looks at this variable to determine
// whether it is safe to ask the trigger controls for their values
// and update the trigger string and settings. If it has anything
// other than -1, one of the comboboxes may not have a valid
// selection.
static int s_iCbx;
}; // class CSchedulePage
// CSchedulePage static. Although it's possible multiple instances
// of the schedule page are running, only one can have the focus, therefore
// only one can be using s_iCbx at a time.
int CSchedulePage::s_iCbx = -1;
inline CSchedulePage::CSchedulePage( ITask * pIJob, LPTSTR ptszTaskPath, BOOL fMultipleTriggers, BOOL fPersistChanges) : m_pIJob(pIJob), m_pIconHelper(NULL), m_fShowMultiScheds(fMultipleTriggers), m_fPersistChanges(fPersistChanges), m_fNetScheduleJob(FALSE), m_cjtList(), m_cjtDeletedList(), m_pcjtCurr(NULL), m_cTriggersPrev(0), m_wNextTriggerId(0), m_indexCbxTriggerType(-1), m_indexCbxTriggers(0), m_idTimer(0), CPropPage(MAKEINTRESOURCE(schedule_page), ptszTaskPath) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, CSchedulePage);
Win4Assert(m_pIJob != NULL);
m_fShowingMultiSchedsOnKillActive = m_fShowMultiScheds; }
inline CSchedulePage::~CSchedulePage() { TRACE(CSchedulePage, ~CSchedulePage);
if (m_pIconHelper != NULL) { m_pIconHelper->Release(); }
if (m_pIJob != NULL) { m_pIJob->Release(); } }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnHelp( HANDLE hRequesting, UINT uiHelpCommand) { WinHelp((HWND)hRequesting, szMstaskHelp, uiHelpCommand, (DWORD_PTR)(LPSTR)s_aSchedulePageHelpIds); return TRUE; }
void CSchedulePage::_EnableApplyButton(void) { if (m_pcjtCurr) { m_pcjtCurr->DirtyTrigger(); }
CPropPage::_EnableApplyButton(); }
inline void CSchedulePage::_CreateTimerToUpdateTriggerStr(void) { if (m_idTimer == 0) { m_idTimer = SetTimer(Hwnd(), IDT_UPDATE_TRIGGER_STRING, 1500, NULL); DEBUG_OUT((DEB_USER12, "Created timer (%d)\n", m_idTimer)); } }
inline void CSchedulePage::_DeleteTimerToUpdateTriggerStr(void) { if (m_idTimer != 0) { KillTimer(Hwnd(), IDT_UPDATE_TRIGGER_STRING); m_idTimer = 0; } }
void CSchedulePage::_EnableTimeTriggerSpecificCtrls(BOOL fEnable) { HWND hwnd;
if (fEnable == TRUE) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dp_start_time)) DateTime_SetFormat(hwnd, m_tszTimeFormat); } else { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dp_start_time)) DateTime_SetFormat(hwnd, tszBlank); }
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dp_start_time)) EnableWindow(hwnd, fEnable); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_advanced)) EnableWindow(hwnd, fEnable); }
int aCtrlsDaily[] = { grp_daily, daily_lbl_every, daily_txt_every, daily_spin_every, daily_lbl_days };
int aCtrlsWeekly[] = { grp_weekly, weekly_lbl_every, weekly_txt_every, weekly_spin_every, weekly_lbl_weeks_on, chk_mon, chk_tue, chk_wed, chk_thu, chk_fri, chk_sat, chk_sun };
int aCtrlsMonthly[] = { grp_monthly, md_rb, md_txt, md_spin, md_lbl, // md => monthly date
dow_rb, dow_cbx_week, dow_cbx_day, dow_lbl, // dow => day of week
btn_sel_months };
int aCtrlsOnce[] = { grp_once, once_lbl_run_on, once_dp_date };
int aCtrlsIdle[] = { grp_idle, idle_lbl_when, sch_txt_idle_min, sch_spin_idle_min, idle_lbl_mins };
typedef struct _STriggerTypeData { int ids; int * pCtrls; int cCtrls; } STriggerTypeData;
STriggerTypeData ttd[] = { {IDS_DAILY, aCtrlsDaily, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsDaily)}, {IDS_WEEKLY, aCtrlsWeekly, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsWeekly)}, {IDS_MONTHLY, aCtrlsMonthly, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsMonthly)}, {IDS_ONCE, aCtrlsOnce, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsOnce)}, {IDS_AT_STARTUP, NULL, 0}, {IDS_AT_LOGON, NULL, 0}, {IDS_WHEN_IDLE, aCtrlsIdle, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsIdle)} };
const int INDEX_DAILY = 0; const int INDEX_WEEKLY = 1; const int INDEX_MONTHLY = 2; const int INDEX_ONCE = 3; const int INDEX_STARTUP = 4; const int INDEX_LOGON = 5; const int INDEX_IDLE = 6;
inline void CSchedulePage::_ShowControls( int index, int nCmdShow) { int cCtrls = ttd[index].cCtrls;
for (int i=0; i < cCtrls; i++) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), ttd[index].pCtrls[i]), nCmdShow); } }
void CSchedulePage::_ShowTriggerStringDispCtrls(void) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _ShowTriggerStringDispCtrls); HWND hwnd;
if (m_fShowMultiScheds == TRUE) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(txt_trigger)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(idc_icon)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNA); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_new)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNA); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNA);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_new)) EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE);
// Handle the case where you open the page for the first time
// and there is not a trigger on the job.
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) EnableWindow(hwnd, (m_pcjtCurr) ? TRUE : FALSE); } else { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_new)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(txt_trigger)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNA); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(idc_icon)) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNA);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_new)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); } }
// Function: MoveControlGroup
// Synopsis: Move the controls with ids in [aidControls] left by
// [xOffset] pixels.
// Arguments: [hdlg] - window handle of dialog containing controls
// [aidControls] - array of ids of controls to move
// [cControls] - number of elements in array
// [xOffset] - distance, in pixels, to move controls left
// History: 08-01-1997 DavidMun Created
VOID MoveControlGroup( HWND hdlg, int aidControls[], ULONG cControls, long xOffset) { ULONG i; BOOL fOk;
for (i = 0; i < cControls; i++) { HWND hwnd = GetDlgItem(hdlg, aidControls[i]); Win4Assert(hwnd);
RECT rc; BOOL fOk = GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); Win4Assert(fOk);
fOk = MapWindowPoints(NULL, hdlg, (LPPOINT) &rc, 2); Win4Assert(fOk);
#define TRIGGER_OFFSET 250
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnInitDialog( LPARAM lParam) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _OnInitDialog);
do { //
// Move the trigger settings for weekly, monthly, once, and idle over
// to the left. Each is offset by a multiple of TRIGGER_OFFSET DLUs.
// this is done because the dialog template maps out the various
// control groups side-by-side to make editing easier
// however, they must be moved into the dialog box so the user can see them!
This "should" work - but is having troubles on some localized builds we'll measure rather than calculate....
RECT rc = { 0, 0, TRIGGER_OFFSET - 1, 1 }; BOOL fOk = MapDialogRect(Hwnd(), &rc); Win4Assert(fOk); long xOffset = rc.right;
MoveControlGroup(Hwnd(), aCtrlsWeekly, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsWeekly), 1 * xOffset); MoveControlGroup(Hwnd(), aCtrlsMonthly, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsMonthly), 2 * xOffset); MoveControlGroup(Hwnd(), aCtrlsOnce, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsOnce), 3 * xOffset); MoveControlGroup(Hwnd(), aCtrlsIdle, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsIdle), 4 * xOffset); **********************************/ // determine coordinates of the 'default' groupbox (Daily)
// then, for each of the control groups, calc the proper offset.
// and move controls accordingly
RECT defaultRect, controlRect;
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), grp_daily), &defaultRect);
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), grp_weekly), &controlRect); long xOffset = abs(controlRect.left - defaultRect.left); MoveControlGroup(Hwnd(), aCtrlsWeekly, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsWeekly), xOffset);
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), grp_monthly), &controlRect); xOffset = abs(controlRect.left - defaultRect.left); MoveControlGroup(Hwnd(), aCtrlsMonthly, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsMonthly), xOffset); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), grp_once), &controlRect); xOffset = abs(controlRect.left - defaultRect.left); MoveControlGroup(Hwnd(), aCtrlsOnce, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsOnce), xOffset);
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), grp_idle), &controlRect); xOffset = abs(controlRect.left - defaultRect.left); MoveControlGroup(Hwnd(), aCtrlsIdle, ARRAYLEN(aCtrlsIdle), xOffset);
// Initialize time format string m_tszTimeFormat
UpdateTimeFormat(m_tszTimeFormat, ARRAYLEN(m_tszTimeFormat));
// Get job flags
DWORD dwFlags; hr = m_pIJob->GetFlags(&dwFlags); m_fNetScheduleJob = dwFlags & JOB_I_FLAG_NET_SCHEDULE;
// See if the general page has already created the icon,
// helper, if not create it here.
m_pIconHelper = (CIconHelper *)PropSheet_QuerySiblings( GetParent(Hwnd()), GET_ICON_HELPER, 0);
if (m_pIconHelper == NULL) { m_pIconHelper = new CIconHelper();
if (m_pIconHelper == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; }
// Get the application name and set the application icon.
LPWSTR pwszAppName = NULL;
hr = m_pIJob->GetApplicationName(&pwszAppName); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); BREAK_ON_FAIL(hr); m_pIconHelper->SetAppIcon(pwszAppName); CoTaskMemFree(pwszAppName);
// Compute the job icon
BOOL fEnabled = FALSE;
if (this->IsTaskInTasksFolder()) { fEnabled = (dwFlags & TASK_FLAG_DISABLED) ? FALSE : TRUE; }
m_pIconHelper->SetJobIcon(fEnabled); } else { m_pIconHelper->AddRef(); }
hr = _LoadTriggers();
m_fDirty = FALSE;
} while (0);
// Disable all controls if this is an AT job
// to prevent user from making changes
if (m_fNetScheduleJob) _DisableUI();
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) { _ErrorDialog(IERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } else { _ErrorDialog(IERR_SCHEDULE_PAGE_INIT, hr); }
EnableWindow(Hwnd(), FALSE);
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CSchedulePage::_DisableUI
// Synopsis: Disable UI so the user can only view the settings
// History: 2001-11-13 ShBrown Created
void CSchedulePage::_DisableUI(void) { HWND hwnd;
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_trigger_type)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dp_start_time)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(daily_txt_every)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(daily_spin_every)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(weekly_txt_every)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(weekly_spin_every)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_mon)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_tue)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_wed)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_thu)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_fri)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_sat)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_sun)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(md_rb)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_rb)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(md_txt)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(md_spin)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_week)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_day)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(once_dp_date)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(sch_txt_idle_min)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(sch_spin_idle_min)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_show_multiple_scheds)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_new)) { EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); } if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) { EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); } if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_advanced)) { EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); } if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_sel_months)) { EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); } }
#define GET_LOCALE_INFO(lcid) \
{ \ cch = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, \ (lcid), \ tszScratch, \ ARRAYLEN(tszScratch)); \ if (!cch) \ { \ DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; \ break; \ } \ }
// Function: UpdateTimeFormat
// Synopsis: Construct a time format containing hour and minute for use
// with the date picker control.
// Arguments: [tszTimeFormat] - buffer to fill with time format
// [cchTimeFormat] - size in chars of buffer
// Modifies: *[tszTimeFormat]
// History: 11-18-1996 DavidMun Created
// Notes: This is called on initialization and for wininichange
// processing.
void UpdateTimeFormat( LPTSTR tszTimeFormat, ULONG cchTimeFormat) { ULONG cch; TCHAR tszScratch[80]; BOOL fAmPm = FALSE; BOOL fAmPmPrefixes = FALSE; BOOL fLeadingZero = FALSE;
do { GET_LOCALE_INFO(LOCALE_ITIME); fAmPm = (*tszScratch == TEXT('0'));
if (fAmPm) { GET_LOCALE_INFO(LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN); fAmPmPrefixes = (*tszScratch == TEXT('1')); }
GET_LOCALE_INFO(LOCALE_ITLZERO); fLeadingZero = (*tszScratch == TEXT('1'));
// See if there's enough room in destination string
cch = 1 + // terminating nul
1 + // first hour digit specifier "h"
2 + // minutes specifier "mm"
(fLeadingZero != 0) + // leading hour digit specifier "h"
lstrlen(tszScratch) + // separator string
(fAmPm ? 3 : 0); // space and "tt" for AM/PM
if (cch > cchTimeFormat) { cch = 0; // signal error
} } while (0);
// If there was a problem in getting locale info for building time string
// just use the default and bail.
if (!cch) { StringCchCopy(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); return; }
// Build a time string that has hours and minutes but no seconds.
tszTimeFormat[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (fAmPm) { if (fAmPmPrefixes) { StringCchCopy(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, TEXT("tt ")); }
StringCchCat(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, TEXT("h"));
if (fLeadingZero) { StringCchCat(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, TEXT("h")); } } else { StringCchCat(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, TEXT("H"));
if (fLeadingZero) { StringCchCat(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, TEXT("H")); } }
StringCchCat(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, tszScratch); // separator
StringCchCat(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, TEXT("mm"));
if (fAmPm && !fAmPmPrefixes) { StringCchCat(tszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat, TEXT(" tt")); } }
HRESULT CSchedulePage::_LoadTriggers(void) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _LoadTriggers);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WORD cTriggers = 0; TASK_TRIGGER jtTemp;
do { hr = m_pIJob->GetTriggerCount(&cTriggers);
if (cTriggers == 0) { break; }
m_wNextTriggerId = m_cTriggersPrev = cTriggers;
ITaskTrigger * pIJobTrigger = NULL;
for (WORD wTrigger = 0; wTrigger < cTriggers; wTrigger++) { hr = m_pIJob->GetTrigger(wTrigger, &pIJobTrigger);
hr = pIJobTrigger->GetTrigger(&jtTemp);
// Set the trigger id
jtTemp.Reserved1 = wTrigger;
// Save it to the m_cjtList.
CJobTrigger * pcjt = new CJobTrigger(jtTemp);
if (pcjt == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; }
m_cjtList.Add(pcjt); }
m_pcjtCurr = m_cjtList.First();
} while (0);
return hr; }
BOOL CSchedulePage::_LoadTriggerStrings(void) { TCHAR tcBuff[SCH_XBIGBUF_LEN];
HWND hCombo = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers); if (!hCombo) { return FALSE; } int iNew; HWND hwnd;
CJobTrigger * pcjt = m_cjtList.First();
if (pcjt == NULL) { //
// Job not scheduled
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_NO_TRIGGERS, tcBuff, ARRAYLEN(tcBuff));
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(txt_trigger)) SetWindowText(hwnd, tcBuff);
iNew = ComboBox_AddString(hCombo, tcBuff);
if (iNew < 0) { return FALSE; }
ComboBox_SetItemData(hCombo, iNew, 0);
return TRUE; }
for (; pcjt != NULL; pcjt = pcjt->Next()) { pcjt->TriggerString(TRUE, tcBuff, SCH_XBIGBUF_LEN);
if (pcjt == m_cjtList.First()) { // For single schedule set the static text box used to display
// the schedule string.
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(txt_trigger)) SetWindowText(hwnd, tcBuff);
m_pcjtCurr = pcjt; }
iNew = ComboBox_AddString(hCombo, tcBuff);
if (iNew < 0) { return FALSE; }
ComboBox_SetItemData(hCombo, iNew, pcjt); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CSchedulePage::_InitPage(void) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _InitPage);
// set multiple schedules chk box
if (m_fShowMultiScheds == TRUE) { CheckDlgButton(m_hPage, chk_show_multiple_scheds, BST_CHECKED); } else { CheckDlgButton(m_hPage, chk_show_multiple_scheds, BST_UNCHECKED); }
// Init all the combo boxes
// The triggers combo-box for multiple schedules
CJobTrigger * pcjt; int iNew, iTemp;
// The cbx_trigger_type
hCombo = GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), cbx_trigger_type);
for (WORD w = 0; w < ARRAYLEN(ttd); w++) { LoadString(g_hInstance, ttd[w].ids, tcBuff, SCH_XBIGBUF_LEN);
ComboBox_AddString(hCombo, tcBuff); }
// The triggers comb box for multiple schedules as well as
// static text box for single schedule.
if (_LoadTriggerStrings() == FALSE) { return FALSE; }
// The combo-boxes in monthly control
hCombo = GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), dow_cbx_week);
for (w = 0; w < ARRAYLEN(g_aWeekData); w++) { LoadString(g_hInstance, g_aWeekData[w].ids, tcBuff, SCH_XBIGBUF_LEN);
ComboBox_AddString(hCombo, tcBuff); }
hCombo = GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), dow_cbx_day);
for (w = 0; w < ARRAYLEN(g_aDayData); w++) { LoadString(g_hInstance, g_aDayData[w].ids, tcBuff, SCH_XBIGBUF_LEN);
ComboBox_AddString(hCombo, tcBuff); }
// Init all the spin controls
// daily_spin_every (1 to max), 1
Spin_SetRange(Hwnd(), daily_spin_every, 1, 9999); Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), daily_spin_every, 1); SendDlgItemMessage(Hwnd(), daily_txt_every, EM_LIMITTEXT, 4, 0);
// weekly_spin_every (1 to max), 1
Spin_SetRange(Hwnd(), weekly_spin_every, 1, 9999); Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), weekly_spin_every, 1); SendDlgItemMessage(Hwnd(), weekly_txt_every, EM_LIMITTEXT, 4, 0);
// md_spin (1 to 31), 1
Spin_SetRange(Hwnd(), md_spin, 1, 31); Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), md_spin, 1); SendDlgItemMessage(Hwnd(), md_txt, EM_LIMITTEXT, 2, 0);
// sch_spin_idle_min (1 to max), 1
Spin_SetRange(Hwnd(), sch_spin_idle_min, 1, MAX_IDLE_MINUTES); Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), sch_spin_idle_min, 1); SendDlgItemMessage(Hwnd(), sch_txt_idle_min, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_IDLE_DIGITS, 0);
// Hide all controls
_ShowControls(INDEX_DAILY, SW_HIDE); _ShowControls(INDEX_WEEKLY, SW_HIDE); _ShowControls(INDEX_MONTHLY, SW_HIDE); _ShowControls(INDEX_ONCE, SW_HIDE); _ShowControls(INDEX_IDLE, SW_HIDE); return TRUE; }
int CSchedulePage::_GetTriggerTypeIndex(void) { switch (m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType) { case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE: return INDEX_ONCE;
default: Win4Assert(0 && "Unknown trigger type"); return -1; } }
BOOL CSchedulePage::_RefreshPage(void) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _RefreshPage);
// Special case if Job not scheduled.
HWND hwnd;
if (m_pcjtCurr == NULL) {
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_trigger_type)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); _EnableTimeTriggerSpecificCtrls(FALSE);
// Force multiple schedules view
// and prevent disabling new trigger creation if #triggers == 0
m_fShowMultiScheds = TRUE;
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers)) ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwnd, 0); CheckDlgButton(m_hPage, chk_show_multiple_scheds, BST_CHECKED); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_show_multiple_scheds)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE);
return TRUE; }
// Disable the "show multiple schedules" checkbox if there
// is already more than one trigger on the task.
// This prevents users from hiding the fact that they might have
// additional triggers which they can't see.
if (m_cjtList.Count() != 1) { m_fShowMultiScheds = TRUE; CheckDlgButton(m_hPage, chk_show_multiple_scheds, BST_CHECKED); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_show_multiple_scheds)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); } else { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(chk_show_multiple_scheds)) EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); }
// Set the trigger type
int indexTrigger = _GetTriggerTypeIndex();
if (indexTrigger == -1) { return FALSE; }
if (m_indexCbxTriggerType != -1 && m_indexCbxTriggerType != indexTrigger) { _ShowControls(m_indexCbxTriggerType, SW_HIDE); }
m_indexCbxTriggerType = indexTrigger;
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_trigger_type)) ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwnd, indexTrigger);
// Set the schedule
BOOL fTimeTrigger = TRUE;
switch (m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType) { case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY: _ShowControls(INDEX_DAILY, SW_SHOWNA); _UpdateDailyControls(); break;
case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY: _ShowControls(INDEX_WEEKLY, SW_SHOWNA); _UpdateWeeklyControls(); break;
case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE: _ShowControls(INDEX_ONCE, SW_SHOWNA); _UpdateOnceOnlyControls(); break;
case TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_AT_SYSTEMSTART: fTimeTrigger = FALSE; ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), cbx_trigger_type), INDEX_STARTUP); break;
case TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_AT_LOGON: fTimeTrigger = FALSE; ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), cbx_trigger_type), INDEX_LOGON); break;
case TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE: fTimeTrigger = FALSE; ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), cbx_trigger_type), INDEX_IDLE); _ShowControls(INDEX_IDLE, SW_SHOWNA); _UpdateIdleControls(); break;
default: Win4Assert(0 && "Unknown trigger type"); return FALSE; }
if (fTimeTrigger == TRUE) { //
// Set start time
SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st);
st.wHour = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wStartHour; st.wMinute = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wStartMinute; st.wSecond = 0;
hwnd = _hCtrl(dp_start_time); if ((NULL == hwnd) || (DateTime_SetSystemtime(hwnd, GDT_VALID, &st) == FALSE)) { DEBUG_OUT((DEB_USER1, "DateTime_SetSystemtime failed.\n")); } }
// Finally update the trigger string
_UpdateTriggerString(); _ShowTriggerStringDispCtrls();
return TRUE; }
void CSchedulePage::_UpdateDailyControls(void) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), cbx_trigger_type), INDEX_DAILY);
Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), daily_spin_every, m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.Daily.DaysInterval); }
void CSchedulePage::_UpdateWeeklyControls(void) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), cbx_trigger_type), INDEX_WEEKLY);
Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), weekly_spin_every, m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.Weekly.WeeksInterval);
for (int i=0; i < 7; i++) { if (m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek & g_aDayData[i].day) { CheckDlgButton(Hwnd(), g_aDayData[i].idCtrl, BST_CHECKED); } else { CheckDlgButton(Hwnd(), g_aDayData[i].idCtrl, BST_UNCHECKED); } } }
WORD CSchedulePage::_GetDayFromRgfDays( DWORD rgfDays) { WORD wDay; WORD wTemp; BYTE bTemp;
if (LOWORD(rgfDays)) { wTemp = LOWORD(rgfDays); wDay = 0; } else { wTemp = HIWORD(rgfDays); wDay = 16; }
if (LOBYTE(wTemp)) { bTemp = LOBYTE(wTemp); } else { bTemp = HIBYTE(wTemp); wDay += 8; }
if (bTemp & 0x01) return (wDay + 1); if (bTemp & 0x02) return (wDay + 2); if (bTemp & 0x04) return (wDay + 3); if (bTemp & 0x08) return (wDay + 4); if (bTemp & 0x10) return (wDay + 5); if (bTemp & 0x20) return (wDay + 6); if (bTemp & 0x40) return (wDay + 7); if (bTemp & 0x80) return (wDay + 8);
return 0; }
// Member: CSchedulePage::_CheckMonthlyRadio
// Synopsis: Set the state of the monthly radio buttons to match
// [TriggerType].
// Arguments: [TriggerType] - TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE or
// History: 07-20-1997 DavidMun Created
void CSchedulePage::_CheckMonthlyRadio( TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE TriggerType) { if (TriggerType == TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE) { CheckDlgButton(Hwnd(), md_rb, BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(Hwnd(), dow_rb, BST_UNCHECKED); } else { Win4Assert(TriggerType == TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW);
CheckDlgButton(Hwnd(), md_rb, BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(Hwnd(), dow_rb, BST_CHECKED); } }
void CSchedulePage::_UpdateMonthlyControls(void) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), cbx_trigger_type), INDEX_MONTHLY);
WORD rgfMonths = 0; HWND hwnd;
if (m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType == TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE) { WORD wDay = _GetDayFromRgfDays(m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDate.rgfDays);
Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), md_spin, wDay);
rgfMonths = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDate.rgfMonths;
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(md_spin)) EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(md_txt)) EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_week)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_day)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); } else // monthly day-of-week
{ for (int i=0; i < ARRAYLEN(g_aWeekData); i++) { if (g_aWeekData[i].week == m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDOW.wWhichWeek) { break; } }
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_week)) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwnd, i); EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); }
WORD &wDayOfWeek = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDOW.rgfDaysOfTheWeek;
for (i=0; i < ARRAYLEN(g_aDayData); i++) { if (wDayOfWeek & g_aDayData[i].day) { break; } }
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_day)) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwnd, i); EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); }
rgfMonths = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDOW.rgfMonths;
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(md_txt)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(md_spin)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); } }
void CSchedulePage::_UpdateOnceOnlyControls(void) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(Hwnd(), cbx_trigger_type), INDEX_ONCE);
SecureZeroMemory(&st, sizeof st); st.wYear = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wBeginYear; st.wMonth = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wBeginMonth; st.wDay = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wBeginDay;
HWND hwnd; if (hwnd = _hCtrl(once_dp_date)) { if (DateTime_SetSystemtime(hwnd, GDT_VALID, &st) == FALSE) { DEBUG_OUT((DEB_ERROR, "DateTime_SetSystemtime err=%uL.\n", GetLastError())); } } }
void CSchedulePage::_UpdateIdleControls(void) { WORD wIdleWait; WORD wIdleDeadline;
m_pIJob->GetIdleWait(&wIdleWait, &wIdleDeadline);
if (wIdleWait > MAX_IDLE_MINUTES) { wIdleWait = MAX_IDLE_MINUTES; } Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), sch_spin_idle_min, wIdleWait); }
INT_PTR AdvancedDialog( HWND hParent, PTASK_TRIGGER pjt);
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnCommand( int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _OnCommand);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CJobTrigger * pcjt = NULL; BOOL fUpdateTriggerStr = TRUE; SYSTEMTIME st; HWND hCombo; HWND hwnd;
switch (id) { case cbx_trigger_type: fUpdateTriggerStr = FALSE; if (codeNotify == CBN_DROPDOWN) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_trigger_type)) { s_iCbx = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd); } } else if (codeNotify == CBN_SELENDOK) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_trigger_type)) { int iCur = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd);
if (iCur != s_iCbx) { _DisplayControls(iCur); _EnableApplyButton(); fUpdateTriggerStr = TRUE; } } s_iCbx = -1; } else if (codeNotify == CBN_SELENDCANCEL) { s_iCbx = -1; } break;
case btn_advanced: { _SaveTriggerSettings();
TASK_TRIGGER jt = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt;
if (AdvancedDialog(Hwnd(), &jt) == TRUE) { if (memcmp(&jt, &m_pcjtCurr->m_jt, sizeof(jt)) != 0) { m_pcjtCurr->m_jt = jt;
_EnableApplyButton(); } else { fUpdateTriggerStr = FALSE; } }
break; }
case btn_sel_months: { _SaveTriggerSettings();
TASK_TRIGGER jt = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt;
_SelectMonths.InitSelectionFromTrigger(&jt); INT_PTR fOk = _SelectMonths.DoModal(select_month_dlg, Hwnd());
if (fOk) { _SelectMonths.UpdateTrigger(&jt);
if (memcmp(&jt, &m_pcjtCurr->m_jt, sizeof(jt)) != 0) { m_pcjtCurr->m_jt = jt;
_EnableApplyButton(); } else { fUpdateTriggerStr = FALSE; } } break; }
// Daily controls - none to handle here
case daily_txt_every: if (codeNotify == EN_CHANGE) { _EnableApplyButton(); } break;
// Weekly controls
case weekly_txt_every: if (codeNotify == EN_CHANGE) { _EnableApplyButton(); } break;
case chk_mon: case chk_tue: case chk_wed: case chk_thu: case chk_fri: case chk_sat: case chk_sun: _EnableApplyButton(); break;
// Monthly controls
case md_txt: if (codeNotify == EN_CHANGE) { _EnableApplyButton(); } break;
case md_rb: _CheckMonthlyRadio(TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE);
Spin_Enable(Hwnd(), md_spin, 1);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_week)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_day)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE);
case dow_rb: _CheckMonthlyRadio(TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW);
Spin_Disable(Hwnd(), md_spin);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_week)) { EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwnd, 0); } if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_day)) { EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwnd, 0); }
_EnableApplyButton(); break;
case dow_cbx_week: case dow_cbx_day: fUpdateTriggerStr = FALSE;
if (codeNotify == CBN_DROPDOWN) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(id)) s_iCbx = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd); } else if (codeNotify == CBN_SELENDOK) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(id)) { int iCur = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd); if (iCur != s_iCbx) { _EnableApplyButton(); fUpdateTriggerStr = TRUE; } } s_iCbx = -1; } else if (codeNotify == CBN_SELENDCANCEL) { s_iCbx = -1; } break;
// When Idle controls
case sch_txt_idle_min: if (codeNotify == EN_CHANGE) { _EnableApplyButton(); } break;
// Once only controls - none
// At startup controls - none
// At logon controls - none
// Controls for multiple triggers
case chk_show_multiple_scheds: if (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hPage, chk_show_multiple_scheds) == BST_CHECKED) { m_fShowMultiScheds = TRUE; } else { m_fShowMultiScheds = FALSE; } _UpdateTriggerString(); _ShowTriggerStringDispCtrls(); break;
case btn_new: { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_new)) SetFocus(hwnd);
hCombo = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers); if (!hCombo) { break; }
if (_PerformSanityChkOnCurrTrigger() == FALSE) { break; }
if (m_pcjtCurr == NULL) { ComboBox_ResetContent(hCombo); m_wNextTriggerId = 0; } else { //
// Save the current trigger
_SaveTriggerSettings(); }
// Create a new trigger, with default settings as:
// daily trigger starting at 6:00 AM
TASK_TRIGGER jtDefault; GetSystemTime(&st);
SecureZeroMemory(&jtDefault, sizeof(jtDefault));
jtDefault.cbTriggerSize = sizeof(jtDefault); jtDefault.wBeginYear = st.wYear; jtDefault.wBeginMonth = st.wMonth; jtDefault.wBeginDay = st.wDay; jtDefault.wStartHour = 9; // 9 AM
jtDefault.TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY; jtDefault.Type.Daily.DaysInterval = 1; // Every day
jtDefault.Reserved1 = m_wNextTriggerId; jtDefault.Reserved2 = 0; jtDefault.wRandomMinutesInterval = 0;
pcjt = m_cjtDeletedList.First();
if (pcjt != NULL) { m_cjtDeletedList.Remove(pcjt);
pcjt->m_jt = jtDefault; } else { pcjt = new CJobTrigger(jtDefault);
if (pcjt == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; } }
pcjt->TriggerString(TRUE, tcBuff, SCH_XBIGBUF_LEN);
int iNew = ComboBox_AddString(hCombo, tcBuff);
if (iNew < 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; }
ComboBox_SetItemData(hCombo, iNew, pcjt);
ComboBox_SetCurSel(hCombo, iNew);
m_indexCbxTriggers = iNew; m_pcjtCurr = pcjt;
// Don't forget to increment m_wNextTriggerId
// Refresh the page for the new trigger
// If count of triggers increased from 0 to 1 enable
// cbx_trigger_type & btn_delete.
if (m_cjtList.Count() == 1) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_trigger_type)) EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE); }
break; } case btn_delete: { //
// Delete the current trigger.
//Win4Assert(m_cjtList.Count() > 1);
HWND hCombo = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers); if (!hCombo) { break; }
int iCur = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hCombo);
pcjt = (CJobTrigger *) ComboBox_GetItemData(hCombo, iCur);
ComboBox_DeleteString(hCombo, iCur);
m_cjtList.Remove(pcjt); m_cjtDeletedList.Add(pcjt);
// Update the triggers combo box
if (iCur >= ComboBox_GetCount(hCombo)) { --iCur; }
if (iCur >= 0) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(hCombo, iCur);
m_indexCbxTriggers = iCur; m_pcjtCurr = (CJobTrigger *) ComboBox_GetItemData(hCombo, iCur); } else { _ShowControls(m_indexCbxTriggerType, SW_HIDE); _LoadTriggerStrings();
ComboBox_SetCurSel(hCombo, 0); m_indexCbxTriggers = 0; m_pcjtCurr = NULL;
fUpdateTriggerStr = FALSE; }
// Refresh the page for the new trigger
// If we have zero items, disable the delete button.
if (m_cjtList.Count() == 0) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_new)) SetFocus(hwnd); } else { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(btn_delete)) SetFocus(hwnd); }
break; }
case cbx_triggers: if (codeNotify == CBN_SELENDOK) { if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers)) { m_indexCbxTriggers = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd); m_pcjtCurr = (CJobTrigger *) ComboBox_GetItemData(hwnd, m_indexCbxTriggers);
_RefreshPage(); } } else { fUpdateTriggerStr = FALSE; } break;
default: fUpdateTriggerStr = FALSE; return FALSE; }
if (fUpdateTriggerStr == TRUE) { _CreateTimerToUpdateTriggerStr(); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { _ErrorDialog(IERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
return TRUE; }
void CSchedulePage::_DisplayControls(int indexTrigger) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _DisplayControls);
if (indexTrigger == m_indexCbxTriggerType) { return; }
_ShowControls(m_indexCbxTriggerType, SW_HIDE); _ShowControls((m_indexCbxTriggerType = indexTrigger), SW_SHOWNA);
BOOL fEnableEventControls = TRUE; UINT i; HWND hwnd;
switch (indexTrigger) { case INDEX_DAILY: Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), daily_spin_every, 1); break;
case INDEX_WEEKLY: Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), weekly_spin_every, 1);
CheckDlgButton(Hwnd(), g_aDayData[0].idCtrl, BST_CHECKED);
for (i = 1; i < ARRAYLEN(g_aDayData); i++) { CheckDlgButton(Hwnd(), g_aDayData[i].idCtrl, BST_UNCHECKED); }
Spin_Enable(Hwnd(), md_spin, 1); m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDate.rgfMonths = ALL_MONTHS;
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_week)) { if( !EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE) ) { DEBUG_OUT((DEB_USER1, "EnableWindow(_hCtrl(dow_cbx_week), FALSE) failed.\n")); } }
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_day)) { if( !EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE) ) { DEBUG_OUT((DEB_USER1, "EnableWindow(_hCtrl(dow_cbx_day), FALSE) failed.\n")); } }
break; } case INDEX_ONCE: { SYSTEMTIME st; GetLocalTime(&st);
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(once_dp_date)) { if (DateTime_SetSystemtime(hwnd, GDT_VALID, &st) == FALSE) { DEBUG_OUT((DEB_USER1, "DateTime_SetSystemtime failed.\n")); } }
break; } case INDEX_IDLE: { WORD wIdleWait; WORD wDummy; HRESULT hr = m_pIJob->GetIdleWait(&wIdleWait, &wDummy);
if (FAILED(hr) || !wIdleWait) { wIdleWait = SCH_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME; } else if (wIdleWait > MAX_IDLE_MINUTES) { wIdleWait = MAX_IDLE_MINUTES; } Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), sch_spin_idle_min, wIdleWait); fEnableEventControls = FALSE; break; }
case INDEX_STARTUP: case INDEX_LOGON: fEnableEventControls = FALSE; break; }
_EnableTimeTriggerSpecificCtrls(fEnableEventControls); }
void CSchedulePage::_SaveTriggerSettings(void) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _SaveTriggerSettings);
if (m_pcjtCurr == 0) { // No triggers
return; }
HWND hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_trigger_type); if (!hwnd) { return; } int idxTriggerType = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd); Win4Assert(idxTriggerType != CB_ERR);
int i;
// Get start time
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dp_start_time)) { if (DateTime_GetSystemtime(hwnd, &st) == GDT_VALID) { m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wStartHour = st.wHour; m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wStartMinute = st.wMinute; } }
switch (idxTriggerType) { case INDEX_DAILY: m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY; m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.Daily.DaysInterval = (WORD)Spin_GetPos(Hwnd(), daily_spin_every); break;
case INDEX_WEEKLY: m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY; m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.Weekly.WeeksInterval = (WORD)Spin_GetPos(Hwnd(), weekly_spin_every);
m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = 0;
for (i=0; i < ARRAYLEN(g_aDayData); i++) { if (IsDlgButtonChecked(Hwnd(), g_aDayData[i].idCtrl) == BST_CHECKED) { m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek |= g_aDayData[i].day; } }
case INDEX_MONTHLY: { if (IsDlgButtonChecked(Hwnd(), md_rb) == BST_CHECKED) { m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE;
WORD wTemp = (WORD)Spin_GetPos(Hwnd(), md_spin);
m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDate.rgfDays = (1 << (wTemp - 1)); } else // monthly day-of-week
{ m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW;
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_week)) { i = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd); m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDOW.wWhichWeek = (WORD)g_aWeekData[i].week; }
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dow_cbx_day)) { i = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd); m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.Type.MonthlyDOW.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = (WORD)g_aDayData[i].day; } } break; } case INDEX_ONCE: m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE;
if (hwnd = _hCtrl(once_dp_date)) { if (DateTime_GetSystemtime(hwnd, &st) == GDT_VALID) { m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wBeginYear = st.wYear; m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wBeginMonth = st.wMonth; m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.wBeginDay = st.wDay; } }
case INDEX_STARTUP: m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType = TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_AT_SYSTEMSTART; break;
case INDEX_LOGON: m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType = TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_AT_LOGON; break;
case INDEX_IDLE: { m_pcjtCurr->m_jt.TriggerType = TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE; ULONG ulSpinPos = Spin_GetPos(Hwnd(), sch_spin_idle_min);
WORD wDummy; WORD wIdleDeadline;
m_pIJob->GetIdleWait(&wDummy, &wIdleDeadline);
if (HIWORD(ulSpinPos)) { m_pIJob->SetIdleWait(SCH_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME, wIdleDeadline); } else { m_pIJob->SetIdleWait(LOWORD(ulSpinPos), wIdleDeadline); } break; }
default: Win4Assert(0 && "Unexpected"); } }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnTimer( UINT idTimer) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _OnTimer);
// If this isn't the right timer, ignore it.
// If one of the comboboxes holding data needed to build the trigger is
// in the dropped-down state (and therefore may not have a valid
// selection), don't try to update the trigger. leave the timer
// running so we get another chance to update.
// Otherwise, save current trigger settings, update the string displayed
// at the top of the page, and get rid of the timer.
if (idTimer == IDT_UPDATE_TRIGGER_STRING && s_iCbx == -1) { _SaveTriggerSettings(); _UpdateTriggerString();
_DeleteTimerToUpdateTriggerStr(); } else { DEBUG_OUT((DEB_IWARN, "Ignoring timer message (%s)\n", idTimer != IDT_UPDATE_TRIGGER_STRING ? "foreign timer" : "combobox down")); }
return 0; }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnPSNSetActive( LPARAM lParam) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _OnPSNSetActive);
m_fInInit = TRUE;
Win4Assert(s_iCbx == -1); // can't have a combo open yet
// Show application icon
SendDlgItemMessage(Hwnd(), idc_icon, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)m_pIconHelper->hiconJob, 0L);
// single or multiple scheds
if (m_fShowingMultiSchedsOnKillActive != m_fShowMultiScheds) { _ShowTriggerStringDispCtrls();
if (m_fShowMultiScheds == FALSE) { m_indexCbxTriggers = 0; // reset to zero
// Show the first trigger
HWND hwnd; if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers)) { m_pcjtCurr = (CJobTrigger *) ComboBox_GetItemData(hwnd, 0); }
_RefreshPage(); } else { _UpdateTriggerString(); } } else { _UpdateTriggerString(); }
// Make sure IdleWait is syncronized with Settings page changes.
// Create timer to update trigger
m_fInInit = FALSE;
return CPropPage::_OnPSNSetActive(lParam); }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnPSNKillActive( LPARAM lParam) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _OnPSNKillActive);
if (_PerformSanityChkOnCurrTrigger() == FALSE) { // Returns TRUE to prevent the page from losing the activation
SetWindowLongPtr(m_hPage, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE); return TRUE; }
m_fShowingMultiSchedsOnKillActive = m_fShowMultiScheds;
// Save the current trigger
// Make sure Settings page is syncronized with IdleWait changes.
WORD wDummy; WORD wIdleDeadline;
HRESULT hr = m_pIJob->GetIdleWait(&wDummy, &wIdleDeadline); CHECK_HRESULT(hr);
ULONG ulSpinPos = Spin_GetPos(Hwnd(), sch_spin_idle_min);
if (HIWORD(ulSpinPos)) { m_pIJob->SetIdleWait(SCH_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME, wIdleDeadline); } else { m_pIJob->SetIdleWait(LOWORD(ulSpinPos), wIdleDeadline); }
// kill timer here
return CPropPage::_OnPSNKillActive(lParam); }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnDateTimeChange( LPARAM lParam) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _OnDateTimeChange);
return CPropPage::_OnDateTimeChange(lParam); }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnSpinDeltaPos( NM_UPDOWN * pnmud) { m_pcjtCurr->DirtyTrigger();
return CPropPage::_OnSpinDeltaPos(pnmud); }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnWinIniChange( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _OnWinIniChange);
UpdateTimeFormat(m_tszTimeFormat, ARRAYLEN(m_tszTimeFormat)); HWND hwnd; if (hwnd = _hCtrl(dp_start_time)) DateTime_SetFormat(hwnd, m_tszTimeFormat); if (hwnd = _hCtrl(once_dp_date)) DateTime_SetFormat(hwnd, NULL); return 0; }
void CSchedulePage::_UpdateTriggerString(void) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _UpdateTriggerString);
if (m_pcjtCurr == 0) { // No triggers
return; }
m_pcjtCurr->TriggerString(m_fShowMultiScheds, tcBuff, SCH_XBIGBUF_LEN);
if (m_fShowMultiScheds == TRUE) { HWND hCombo = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers); if (!hCombo) { return; }
ComboBox_DeleteString(hCombo, m_indexCbxTriggers);
int iNew = ComboBox_InsertString(hCombo, m_indexCbxTriggers, tcBuff);
Win4Assert((UINT)iNew == m_indexCbxTriggers);
ComboBox_SetItemData(hCombo, iNew, m_pcjtCurr);
ComboBox_SetCurSel(hCombo, m_indexCbxTriggers); } else { // single trigger
SetDlgItemText(Hwnd(), txt_trigger, tcBuff); } }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnApply(void) { TRACE(CSchedulePage, _OnApply);
if (m_fDirty == FALSE) { return TRUE; }
if (_PerformSanityChkOnCurrTrigger() == FALSE) { SetWindowLongPtr(Hwnd(), DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE); return FALSE; }
do { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// During the first pass do not delete triggers, since deleting
// triggers changes the trigger ids in the in memory job. So in
// the first pass:
// - save changes to existing triggers (if any)
// - set pcjtLastOriginal to the trigger with the largest ID of
// those originally loaded
// - add new triggers (if any)
WORD wTriggerID = 0;
ITaskTrigger * pIJobTrigger = NULL; CJobTrigger * pcjtLastOriginal = NULL;
for (CJobTrigger *pcjt = m_cjtList.First(); pcjt != NULL; pcjt = pcjt->Next()) { wTriggerID = pcjt->GetTriggerID();
if (wTriggerID < m_cTriggersPrev) { pcjtLastOriginal = pcjt;
if (pcjt->IsTriggerDirty() == TRUE) { hr = m_pIJob->GetTrigger(wTriggerID, &pIJobTrigger);
CHECK_HRESULT(hr); BREAK_ON_FAIL(hr); } else { pIJobTrigger = NULL; } } else { WORD wTemp; hr = m_pIJob->CreateTrigger(&wTemp, &pIJobTrigger);
if (pIJobTrigger != NULL) { hr = pIJobTrigger->SetTrigger(&pcjt->m_jt);
// Delete triggers in the decreasing order of Trigger ids, since
// the trigger ids in memory change.
if (m_cTriggersPrev && pcjtLastOriginal) { WORD wSequential = m_cTriggersPrev - 1; pcjt = pcjtLastOriginal;
// There were some triggers originally && not all have been
// deleted.
// Go backwards sequentially through the original trigger IDs.
// Wherever we find a remaining trigger that is out of sync with
// wSequential, then the original trigger with ID wSequential must
// have been deleted in the UI, so we delete it on the job.
while (pcjt) { if (pcjt->GetTriggerID() < wSequential) { hr = m_pIJob->DeleteTrigger(wSequential); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); BREAK_ON_FAIL(hr); } else { pcjt = pcjt->Prev(); } wSequential--; }
// Special case deletions from the start of the list
wSequential = m_cjtList.First()->GetTriggerID();
while (wSequential > 0) { hr = m_pIJob->DeleteTrigger(--wSequential); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); BREAK_ON_FAIL(hr); } } else if (m_cTriggersPrev) { WORD wSequential;
// All the original triggers were deleted in the ui.
for (wSequential = m_cTriggersPrev; wSequential; ) { hr = m_pIJob->DeleteTrigger(--wSequential); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); BREAK_ON_FAIL(hr); } } BREAK_ON_FAIL(hr);
// Re-number the trigger IDs, since this would have changed for
// the job.
// NOTE: This is was what we would have if we did a reload of
// the job.
m_wNextTriggerId = 0;
for (pcjt = m_cjtList.First(); pcjt != NULL; pcjt = pcjt->Next()) { pcjt->SetTriggerID(m_wNextTriggerId++); }
m_cTriggersPrev = m_wNextTriggerId;
// Reload the trigger strings.
HWND hwnd; if (hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_triggers)) { ComboBox_ResetContent(hwnd);
_LoadTriggerStrings(); if (m_fShowMultiScheds == TRUE) { ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwnd, m_indexCbxTriggers); m_pcjtCurr = (CJobTrigger *) ComboBox_GetItemData(hwnd, m_indexCbxTriggers); } }
// reset dirty flag
m_fDirty = FALSE;
// If evrything went well see if the other pages are ready to
// save the job to storage.
if ((m_fPersistChanges == TRUE) && (PropSheet_QuerySiblings(GetParent(Hwnd()), QUERY_READY_TO_BE_SAVED, 0)) == 0) { //
// Save the job file to storage.
// First, fetch general page task, application dirty status flags.
// Default to not dirty if the general page isn't present.
BOOL fTaskApplicationChange = FALSE; PropSheet_QuerySiblings(GetParent(Hwnd()), QUERY_TASK_APPLICATION_DIRTY_STATUS, (LPARAM)&fTaskApplicationChange); BOOL fTaskAccountChange = FALSE; PropSheet_QuerySiblings(GetParent(Hwnd()), QUERY_TASK_ACCOUNT_INFO_DIRTY_STATUS, (LPARAM)&fTaskAccountChange); BOOL fSuppressAccountInfoRequest = FALSE; PropSheet_QuerySiblings(GetParent(Hwnd()), QUERY_SUPPRESS_ACCOUNT_INFO_REQUEST_FLAG, (LPARAM)&fSuppressAccountInfoRequest);
hr = JFSaveJob(Hwnd(), m_pIJob, this->GetPlatformId() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && this->IsTaskInTasksFolder(), fTaskAccountChange, fTaskApplicationChange, fSuppressAccountInfoRequest);
PropSheet_QuerySiblings(GetParent(Hwnd()), RESET_TASK_APPLICATION_DIRTY_STATUS, 0); PropSheet_QuerySiblings(GetParent(Hwnd()), RESET_TASK_ACCOUNT_INFO_DIRTY_STATUS, 0); PropSheet_QuerySiblings(GetParent(Hwnd()), RESET_SUPPRESS_ACCOUNT_INFO_REQUEST_FLAG, 0);
// Instruct the general page to refresh account information.
PropSheet_QuerySiblings(GetParent(Hwnd()), TASK_ACCOUNT_CHANGE_NOTIFY, 0); }
} while (0);
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) { _ErrorDialog(IERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } else if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { _ErrorDialog(IERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } else if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)) { _ErrorDialog(IERR_ACCESS_DENIED); } else { _ErrorDialog(IERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, hr); } }
return TRUE; }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnDestroy(void) { _DeleteTimerToUpdateTriggerStr();
return 0; }
LRESULT CSchedulePage::_OnPSMQuerySibling( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT_PTR iRet = 0;
switch (wParam) { case QUERY_READY_TO_BE_SAVED: iRet = (int)m_fDirty; break;
case GET_ICON_HELPER: iRet = (INT_PTR)m_pIconHelper; break; }
SetWindowLongPtr(Hwnd(), DWLP_MSGRESULT, iRet); return iRet; }
BOOL CSchedulePage::_PerformSanityChkOnCurrTrigger(void) { if (m_pcjtCurr == 0) { // No triggers
return TRUE; }
HWND hwnd = _hCtrl(cbx_trigger_type); if (!hwnd) { return FALSE; } int iCur = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwnd);
Win4Assert(iCur >= 0);
ULONG ul; UINT i; UINT idsErrStr = 0;
switch (iCur) { case INDEX_DAILY:
ul = GetDlgItemInt(Hwnd(), daily_txt_every, NULL, FALSE);
if (ul <= 0) { Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), daily_spin_every, 1); idsErrStr = IERR_INVALID_DAYILY_EVERY; } break;
ul = GetDlgItemInt(Hwnd(), weekly_txt_every, NULL, FALSE);
if (ul <= 0) { Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), weekly_spin_every, 1); idsErrStr = IERR_INVALID_WEEKLY_EVERY; } else { idsErrStr = IERR_INVALID_WEEKLY_TASK;
for (i=0; i < ARRAYLEN(g_aDayData); i++) { if (IsDlgButtonChecked(Hwnd(), g_aDayData[i].idCtrl) == BST_CHECKED) { idsErrStr = 0; break; } } }
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(Hwnd(), md_rb) == BST_CHECKED) { //
// It's a monthly date trigger. Get the spin control position.
// Complain if it's not a valid day number for any month, i.e.,
// if it's < 1 or > 31.
ul = GetDlgItemInt(Hwnd(), md_txt, NULL, FALSE);
if (ul <= 0) { Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), md_spin, 1); idsErrStr = IERR_MONTHLY_DATE_LT0; break; }
if (ul > 31) { Spin_SetPos(Hwnd(), md_spin, 31); idsErrStr = IERR_MONTHLY_DATE_GT31; break; }
// Complain if the date specified does not fall within any of the
// months selected (e.g., Feb 31 is an error, Jan+Feb 31 is
// acceptable).
TASK_TRIGGER jt = m_pcjtCurr->m_jt;
jt.Type.MonthlyDate.rgfDays = (1 << (ul - 1));
if (!IsValidMonthlyDateTrigger(&jt)) { idsErrStr = IERR_MONTHLY_DATE_INVALID; break; } } break;
default: break; }
if (idsErrStr != 0) { _ErrorDialog(idsErrStr);
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: SkipResourceTemplateArray
// Synopsis: Return a pointer to the first byte after the resource
// template array at [pbCur].
// Arguments: [pbCur] - points to resource template array to skip.
// Returns: [pbCur] + size of resource template array
// History: 08-01-1997 DavidMun Created
LPCBYTE SkipResourceTemplateArray( LPCBYTE pbCur) { //
// Menu/class array is either 0x0000, 0xFFFF 0x????, or a null terminated
// Unicode string.
if (!*(USHORT *)pbCur) { pbCur += sizeof USHORT; // no menu
} else if (*(USHORT *)pbCur == 0xFFFF) { pbCur += 2 * sizeof(USHORT); } else { pbCur += sizeof(WCHAR) * (1 + lstrlenW((LPCWSTR) pbCur)); }
return pbCur; }
HRESULT GetSchedulePage( ITask * pIJob, LPTSTR ptszTaskPath, BOOL fPersistChanges, HPROPSHEETPAGE * phpage) { Win4Assert(pIJob != NULL); Win4Assert(phpage != NULL);
// If there are no triggers show multiple trigger UI, so that
// the user can use 'New' push button to create a trigger.
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPTSTR ptszPathCopy;
do { //
// Get the job name.
if (ptszTaskPath != NULL) { //
// Create a copy.
ptszPathCopy = NewDupString(ptszTaskPath);
if (ptszPathCopy == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; } } else { //
// Obtain the job path from the interfaces.
hr = GetJobPath(pIJob, &ptszPathCopy); }
WORD cTriggers = 0;
hr = pIJob->GetTriggerCount(&cTriggers);
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete ptszPathCopy; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; }
// Show single trigger only if count of triggers == 1.
BOOL fShowMultipleTriggers = (cTriggers == 1) ? FALSE : TRUE;
CSchedulePage * pPage = new CSchedulePage( pIJob, ptszPathCopy, fShowMultipleTriggers, fPersistChanges);
if (pPage == NULL) { delete ptszPathCopy; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; }
// To make localization feasible, the trigger controls are specified
// in the dialog template as non overlapping. That is, each set of
// trigger controls has its own area on the dialog.
// Each set of controls is spaced out to the right.
// The following code loads the template, determines its size, makes
// a copy, then resizes the copy to normal propsheet page width and
// moves each set of trigger controls so that they all overlap.
// TODO - determine whether all this is still necessary.
// I removed the resizing code, and simply set the size in the dialog
// template.
// Now the contols are still spaced to the right, but are 'outside'
// the ostensible window.
HRSRC hrsDlg = FindResource(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(schedule_page), RT_DIALOG);
if (!hrsDlg) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; }
// Per SDK: Both Windows 95 and Windows NT automatically free
// resources. You do not need to call the FreeResource function to
// free a resource loaded by using the LoadResource function.
HGLOBAL hglblDlg = LoadResource(g_hInstance, hrsDlg);
if (!hglblDlg) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; }
// Per SDK: It is not necessary for Win32-based applications to
// unlock resources that were locked by the LockResource function.
LPVOID ptplDlg = (LPVOID) LockResource(hglblDlg);
if (!ptplDlg) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; }
BOOL bDialogEx; UINT uiStyle; USHORT iditCount; //
// Handle DIALOGEX style template
if(((LPDLGTEMPLATE2) ptplDlg)->wSignature == 0xffff) { bDialogEx = TRUE; uiStyle = ((LPDLGTEMPLATE2) ptplDlg)->style; iditCount = ((LPDLGTEMPLATE2) ptplDlg)->cDlgItems; } else { bDialogEx = FALSE; uiStyle = ((LPDLGTEMPLATE) ptplDlg)->style; iditCount = ((LPDLGTEMPLATE) ptplDlg)->cdit; }
// ptplDlg is in read-only memory. Make a writeable copy.
// Sure wish we could do this:
// ULONG cbTemplate = GlobalSize(hglblDlg);
// but hglblDlg isn't on the global heap.
// So we're forced to grovel through the template and determine its
// size.
LPCBYTE pbCur = (LPCBYTE) ptplDlg; USHORT i;
// Advance to dialog template menu array, then skip it and the class
// array.
pbCur += bDialogEx ? sizeof DLGTEMPLATE2 : sizeof DLGTEMPLATE; pbCur = SkipResourceTemplateArray(pbCur); pbCur = SkipResourceTemplateArray(pbCur);
// Skip title array, which is a null-terminated Unicode string.
pbCur += sizeof(WCHAR) * (1 + lstrlenW((LPCWSTR) pbCur));
// Skip font info, if it is specified.
if (uiStyle & DS_SETFONT) { pbCur += sizeof USHORT; if (bDialogEx) { pbCur += sizeof USHORT; pbCur += sizeof BYTE; pbCur += sizeof BYTE; } pbCur += sizeof(WCHAR) * (1 + lstrlenW((LPCWSTR) pbCur)); }
// Now skip the DLGITEMTEMPLATE structures.
for (i = 0; i < iditCount; i++) { //
// The DLGITEMTEMPLATE structures must be DWORD aligned, but pbCur
// may be only WORD aligned. Advance it if necessary to skip a pad
// WORD.
if ((ULONG_PTR) pbCur & 3) { pbCur += 4 - ((ULONG_PTR) pbCur & 3); }
// DEBUG_OUT((DEB_ITRACE, "control id %u\n", ((DLGITEMTEMPLATE*)pbCur)->id));
// Skip to the start of the variable length data
pbCur += bDialogEx ? sizeof DLGITEMTEMPLATE2 : sizeof DLGITEMTEMPLATE;
// Skip the class array
if (*(USHORT *)pbCur == 0xFFFF) { pbCur += 2 * sizeof(USHORT); } else { pbCur += sizeof(WCHAR) * (1 + lstrlenW((LPCWSTR) pbCur)); }
// Skip the title array
if (*(USHORT *)pbCur == 0xFFFF) { pbCur += 2 * sizeof(USHORT); } else { pbCur += sizeof(WCHAR) * (1 + lstrlenW((LPCWSTR) pbCur)); }
// Creation data. Contrary to SDK docs, it does not start on
// DWORD boundary.
if (*(USHORT *)pbCur) { pbCur += sizeof(USHORT) * (*(USHORT *)pbCur); } else { pbCur += sizeof(USHORT); } }
// pbCur now points just past the end of the entire dialog template.
// Now that its size is known, copy it.
ULONG cbTemplate = (ULONG)(pbCur - (LPCBYTE) ptplDlg);
LPVOID ptplDlgCopy = (LPVOID) new BYTE[cbTemplate];
if (!ptplDlgCopy) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; }
CopyMemory(ptplDlgCopy, ptplDlg, cbTemplate);
// Modify the PROPSHEETPAGE struct member to indicate that the page
// is created from an in-memory template. The base class dtor will
// see the PSP_DLGINDIRECT flag and do a delete on the pResource.
pPage->m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_DLGINDIRECT; pPage->m_psp.pResource = (LPDLGTEMPLATE) ptplDlgCopy;
HPROPSHEETPAGE hpage = CreatePropertySheetPage(&pPage->m_psp);
if (hpage == NULL) { delete pPage; delete [] ptplDlgCopy; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); break; }
*phpage = hpage;
} while (0);
return hr; }
HRESULT hr = GetSchedulePage(pIJob, NULL, TRUE, &hpage);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { psh.phpage[psh.nPages++] = hpage; }
return hr; }
HRESULT hr = GetSchedulePage(pIJob, NULL, TRUE, &hpage);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!lpfnAddPage(hpage, cookie)) { DestroyPropertySheetPage(hpage);
hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_HRESULT(hr); } }
return hr; }