// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: log.cxx
// Contents: Logging routines for the job scheduler service.
// Classes: None.
// Functions: OpenLogFile
// CloseLogFile
// LogTaskStatus
// LogTaskError
// LogServiceStatus
// LogServiceError
// ConstructStatusField
// ConstructResultField
// GetSchedulerResultCodeString
// OverwriteRecordFragment
// IntegerToString
// History: 1-Feb-96 MarkBl Created.
// 24-Oct-96 AnirudhS Modified to handle DBCS.
// 2-Feb-98 jschwart Modified to handle Unicode.
// 26-Feb-01 JBenton Prefix bug 294880
#include "..\pch\headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <sddl.h>
#include "globals.hxx"
#include "svc_core.hxx"
#include "..\inc\resource.h"
#include "..\inc\common.hxx"
#define CCH_INT 11
#define ARRAY_LEN(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
TCHAR * ConstructStatusField(DWORD, SYSTEMTIME *, ULONG *); TCHAR * ConstructResultField(DWORD, LPTSTR); TCHAR * GetSchedulerResultCodeString(DWORD, DWORD); TCHAR * IntegerToString(ULONG, TCHAR *); VOID OverwriteRecordFragment(VOID); VOID WriteLog(LPTSTR); BOOL GetDateTime(const SYSTEMTIME *, LPTSTR, LPTSTR); VOID LogServiceMessage(LPCTSTR, DWORD);
// Note, this buffer must be at least double the size of the ASCII string:
// "[ ***** Most recent entry is above this line ***** ]\r\n\r\n"
// to leave sufficient space for localization changes.
static TCHAR gtszMostRecentEntryMarker[MOST_RECENT_ENTRY_MARKER_SIZE + 1] = TEXT("");
extern CStaticCritSec gcsLogCritSection;
HANDLE ghLog = NULL; DWORD gdwMaxLogSizeKB = NULL; DWORD gcbMostRecentEntryMarkerSize;
// Function: OpenLogFile
// Synopsis: Open the log file and position the global file pointer.
// Log file path/name can be specified in in the registry as:
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\JobScheduler\LogPath.
// If this value is not specified, or we fail somehow fetching
// it, default to the log file name "SCHEDLGU.TXT" in the tasks folder.
// The log file handle is cached as a global.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULT status code.
// Notes: ** Important Note **
// This function *must* be called *once* prior to log usage.
// This function should be called after g_hInstance has been
// initialized.
HRESULT OpenLogFile(VOID) { TCHAR tszBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1] = TEXT("\0"); DWORD cbBufferSize = sizeof(tszBuffer); DWORD dwMaxLogSizeKB = MAX_LOG_SIZE_DEFAULT; DWORD dwType; HKEY hKey; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
#define tszLogPath TEXT("LogPath")
#define tszMaxLogSizeKB TEXT("MaxLogSizeKB")
#define tszMarkerSentinel TEXT("[ *****")
#define MARKER_SENTINEL_LENGTH (ARRAY_LEN(tszMarkerSentinel) - 1)
#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 512
// Even though this function should be called only once at service start up,
// protect it with a critsec just in case someone tries to start two or more
// instances of the scheduler service simultaneously
if (ghLog != NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; schAssert(!"ghLog not NULL on entry to OpenLogFile -- attempted to run more than one instance of service?"); goto ErrorExit; }
// Load the most recent entry marker string from the resource table.
// Set the size of the marker to the end of the string. Otherwise,
// the IsTextUnicode API (called by notepad) thinks this is Ansi.
gcbMostRecentEntryMarkerSize =
if (!gcbMostRecentEntryMarkerSize) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); goto ErrorExit; }
// Convert to size in bytes
gcbMostRecentEntryMarkerSize *= sizeof(TCHAR);
// Read the log path and maximum size from the registry. Note that these
// are stored in the service's key.
if (!RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SCH_AGENT_KEY, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey)) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, tszLogPath, NULL, &dwType, (UCHAR *)tszBuffer, &cbBufferSize) || (dwType != REG_SZ && dwType != REG_EXPAND_SZ)) { //
// Value is missing; create it with default
// if this call fails, there isn't much we can do
// but at least we've defaulted to a reasonable value
// and can continue with logging
cbBufferSize = sizeof(dwMaxLogSizeKB);
if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, tszMaxLogSizeKB, NULL, &dwType, (UCHAR *)&dwMaxLogSizeKB, &cbBufferSize) || dwType != REG_DWORD) { //
// Value is missing; create it with default
RegSetValueEx(hKey, tszMaxLogSizeKB, NULL, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *)&dwMaxLogSizeKB, cbBufferSize);
// if this call fails, there isn't much we can do
// but at least we've defaulted to a reasonable value
// and can continue with logging
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// Default log path on error.
if (!tszBuffer[0]) { StringCchCopy(tszBuffer, MAX_PATH + 1, TSZ_LOG_NAME_DEFAULT); }
// Expand environment strings in the log path.
TCHAR tszFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cch = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(tszBuffer, tszFileName, ARRAY_LEN(tszFileName)); if (cch == 0 || cch > ARRAY_LEN(tszFileName)) { ERR_OUT("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", cch); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ErrorExit; }
// Obtain just the folder path from the full log file path
TCHAR tszLogFolderPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; StringCchCopy(tszLogFolderPath, MAX_PATH + 1, tszFileName); TCHAR* ptszLastSlash = _tcsrchr(tszLogFolderPath, TEXT('\\')); if (ptszLastSlash) *ptszLastSlash = TEXT('\0'); DWORD cchLogFolderPath = _tcslen(tszLogFolderPath);
// Compare the log file path with the tasks folder path;
// The memory allocated by GetTasksFolder() must be deleted below.
TCHAR* ptszTasksFolder = NULL; hr = GetTasksFolder(&ptszTasksFolder); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
DWORD cchTasksFolder = _tcslen(ptszTasksFolder);
if (cchLogFolderPath == cchTasksFolder && !_tcsnicmp(tszFileName, ptszTasksFolder, cchTasksFolder)) { //
// The log file is to be stored under the tasks folder;
// if the tasks folder doesn't exist, create it and set security
hr = EnsureTasksFolderExists(ptszTasksFolder); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; } } else { //
// The log file is to be stored under a different folder;
// if the folder doesn't exist, create it and set security,
// but do not enable our shell extension on this folder
hr = EnsureTasksFolderExists(tszLogFolderPath, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; } }
// create an appropriate ACL
// note that it only takes effect if we're *creating* the file
// we're basically adding read access for authenticated users on PRO
OSVERSIONINFOEX verInfo; verInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if (!GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFOW)&verInfo)) return E_FAIL;
if (verInfo.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { pwszSDDL = L"D:(A;;FA;;;CO)(A;;FR;;;AU)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;;FA;;;SY)"; //
// generate SD to be used for tasks folder
if (!ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW(pwszSDDL, SDDL_REVISION_1, &pSD, NULL)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
goto ErrorExit; } }
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
// Create the file if it doesn't exist, open it if it does.
if (hLog == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // We're in a fine mess, bail.
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "Attempted to create file \"" FMT_TSTR "\"\n", tszFileName)); goto ErrorExit; }
TCHAR rgtBuffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(TCHAR)]; DWORD dwRead; DWORD iMarker = 0; // Scope the marker index such that the search may span multiple reads.
DWORD dwLoops = 0; // Keep track of how many successful reads we've made.
// Used to figure out whether to write the UNICODE
// byte order mark (BOM) at the top of the file
// Seek to the most recent entry marker. Do so by searching for the first
// several distinguishable characters of the marker - a sentinel.
for (;;) { // Save away current file position for later file pointer adjustment.
liLogPos.QuadPart = 0;
if ((liLogPos.LowPart = SetFilePointer(hLog, 0, &liLogPos.HighPart, FILE_CURRENT)) == -1) { break; }
if (!ReadFile(hLog, rgtBuffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, &dwRead, NULL) || !dwRead) { break; }
// Convert to the number of characters (and chop off a stray byte
// if it exists in the Unicode case)
dwRead /= sizeof(TCHAR);
for (DWORD iBuffer = 0; iBuffer < dwRead; iBuffer++) { // If the first marker character is found, or the marker
// comparison is continued from the previous read, evaluate
// remaining marker string.
if (rgtBuffer[iBuffer] == TEXT('[') || iMarker) { for (; iMarker < MARKER_SENTINEL_LENGTH && dwRead - iBuffer; iMarker++, iBuffer++) { if (rgtBuffer[iBuffer] != tszMarkerSentinel[iMarker]) { break; } }
// If the marker is found, stop & re-position the file
// pointer for future writes.
if (iMarker == MARKER_SENTINEL_LENGTH) { // Adjust file pointer accordingly.
liLogPos.QuadPart += iBuffer * sizeof(TCHAR); liLogPos.QuadPart -= MARKER_SENTINEL_LENGTH * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (SetFilePointer(hLog, liLogPos.LowPart, &liLogPos.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN) != -1) { goto MarkerFound; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); } } else if (iMarker < MARKER_SENTINEL_LENGTH && dwRead - iBuffer) { // Almost a match, but not quite - reset for continued
// search.
iMarker = 0; } } }
dwLoops++; }
if (!dwLoops && !dwRead) { // We just created the file and it's empty, so write the Unicode BOM
DWORD cbWritten; WCHAR wcBOM = 0xFEFF;
if (!WriteFile(hLog, &wcBOM, sizeof(WCHAR), &cbWritten, NULL) || !cbWritten) { // If we can't write to the log, we've got problems
CloseHandle(hLog); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); goto ErrorExit; } }
// Marker not found. Seek to file end.
if (SetFilePointer(hLog, 0, NULL, FILE_END) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { // Another fine mess, bail.
CloseHandle(hLog); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); schAssert(!"Couldn't seek to log file end"); goto ErrorExit; }
MarkerFound: gdwMaxLogSizeKB = dwMaxLogSizeKB; ghLog = hLog;
ErrorExit: if (pSD) LocalFree(pSD);
if (ptszTasksFolder) { delete [] ptszTasksFolder; } LeaveCriticalSection(&gcsLogCritSection); return hr; }
// Function: CloseLogFile
// Synopsis: Close log file and invalidate global handle.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
// Notes: ** Important Note **
// Presumably, this function is called on process closure.
// Therefore, let the OS delete the critical section, *not* this
// thread. Otherwise, the critical section can be deleted out
// from under other threads currently accessing the log.
VOID CloseLogFile(VOID) { //
// If OpenLogFile has not completed successfully, the critical section
// won't have been initialized nor the global file handle set.
if (ghLog != NULL) { // Handle close gracefully in case another thread is accessing the log.
// Do so by entering the log critical section, closing the log and
// invalidating the global log handle (setting it to NULL).
if (ghLog) { CloseHandle(ghLog); ghLog = NULL; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&gcsLogCritSection); } }
// Function: LogTaskStatus
// Purpose: Log successful task operations.
// Arguments: [ptszTaskName] - the task name.
// [ptszTaskTarget] - the application/document name.
// [uMsgID] - this would typically be either:
// [dwExitCode] - if uMsgID is IDS_LOG_JOB_STATUS_FINISHED,
// it is the task exit code; ignored otherwise.
VOID LogTaskStatus( LPCTSTR ptszTaskName, LPTSTR ptszTaskTarget, UINT uMsgID, DWORD dwExitCode) { TCHAR tszMsgFormat[SCH_BIGBUF_LEN]; TCHAR * ptszStatusMsg = NULL; ULONG ccSize;
// Add the date & time as inserts to the format string.
if (!GetDateTime(NULL, tszDate, tszTime)) { return; }
TCHAR * ptszResultField = NULL;
// Load the format string resource.
if (!LoadString(g_hInstance, uMsgID, tszMsgFormat, ARRAY_LEN(tszMsgFormat))) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return; }
if (uMsgID == IDS_LOG_JOB_STATUS_FINISHED) { ptszResultField = ConstructResultField(dwExitCode, ptszTaskTarget);
if (ptszResultField == NULL) { return; } }
TCHAR * rgptszInserts[] = { (TCHAR *)ptszTaskName, (TCHAR *)ptszTaskTarget, tszDate, tszTime, ptszResultField };
if (!FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tszMsgFormat, 0, 0, (TCHAR *)&ptszStatusMsg, 1, (va_list *) rgptszInserts)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); if (ptszResultField != NULL) { LocalFree(ptszResultField); } return; }
LocalFree(ptszStatusMsg); if (ptszResultField != NULL) { LocalFree(ptszResultField); } }
// Function: LogTaskError
// Purpose: Log task warnings and errors.
// Arguments: [ptszTaskName] - the task name.
// [ptszTaskTarget] - the application/document name.
// [uSeverityMsgID] - this would typically be either:
// [uErrorClassMsgID] - this indicates the class of error, such
// as "Unable to start task" or "Forced to
// close"
// [pst] - the time when the error occured; if NULL,
// enters the current time.
// [dwErrorCode] - if non-zero, then an error from the OS
// that would be expanded by FormatMessage.
// [uHelpHintMsgID] - if an error, then a suggestion as to a
// possible remedy.
VOID LogTaskError( LPCTSTR ptszTaskName, LPCTSTR ptszTaskTarget, UINT uSeverityMsgID, UINT uErrorClassMsgID, LPSYSTEMTIME pst, DWORD dwErrCode, UINT uHelpHintMsgID) { TCHAR tszEmpty[] = TEXT("");
// Verify params:
if (ptszTaskName == NULL) { ptszTaskName = tszEmpty; } if (ptszTaskTarget == NULL) { ptszTaskTarget = tszEmpty; }
// Compose the first part of the error log entry:
// "<task name>" (<task target>) <time> ** [WARNING | ERROR] **
if (!LoadString(g_hInstance, uSeverityMsgID, tszFormat, SCH_BUF_LEN)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return; }
// Add the date & time as inserts to the format string.
if (!GetDateTime(pst, tszDate, tszTime)) { return; }
// Obtain the error message string.
LPTSTR ptszErrMsg = ComposeErrorMsg(uErrorClassMsgID, dwErrCode, uHelpHintMsgID); if (ptszErrMsg == NULL) { return; }
// Glue the whole mess together.
TCHAR * rgptszInserts[] = { (TCHAR *)ptszTaskName, (TCHAR *)ptszTaskTarget, tszDate, tszTime, ptszErrMsg };
TCHAR * ptszLogStr;
if (!FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tszFormat, 0, 0, (TCHAR *)&ptszLogStr, 1, (va_list *) rgptszInserts)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); LocalFree(ptszErrMsg); return; }
LocalFree(ptszErrMsg); LocalFree(ptszLogStr); }
// Function: LogServiceError
// Purpose: Log service failures.
// Arguments: [uErrorClassMsgID] - as above.
// [dwErrCode] - as above.
// [uHelpHintMsgID] - as above.
VOID LogServiceError( UINT uErrorClassMsgID, DWORD dwErrCode, UINT uHelpHintMsgID) { TCHAR tszSvcErrMsgFormat[SCH_MEDBUF_LEN];
if (LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_LOG_SERVICE_ERROR, tszSvcErrMsgFormat, SCH_MEDBUF_LEN) == 0) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); //
// Generic error message if things are really foobared.
StringCchCopy(tszSvcErrMsgFormat, SCH_MEDBUF_LEN, TEXT("\042Task Scheduler Service\042 ** FATAL ERROR **\n")); WriteLog(tszSvcErrMsgFormat); return; }
// Add the date & time as inserts to the format string.
if (!GetDateTime(NULL, tszDate, tszTime)) { return; }
LPTSTR ptszErrMsg = ComposeErrorMsg(uErrorClassMsgID, dwErrCode, uHelpHintMsgID); if (ptszErrMsg == NULL) { return; }
TCHAR * rgptszInserts[] = {tszDate, tszTime, ptszErrMsg}; TCHAR * ptszLogStr;
if (!FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tszSvcErrMsgFormat, 0, 0, (TCHAR *)&ptszLogStr, 1, (va_list *) rgptszInserts)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); LocalFree(ptszErrMsg); return; }
LocalFree(ptszErrMsg); LocalFree(ptszLogStr); }
// Function: LogServiceEvent
// Synopsis: Write the service event to the log file.
// Purpose: Note the starting, stopping, pausing, and continuing of the
// service.
// Arguments: [uStrId] - a string identifying the event.
VOID LogServiceEvent(UINT uStrId) { TCHAR * ptszSvcMsg; ULONG cbMsgSize; SYSTEMTIME st;
ptszSvcMsg = ConstructStatusField(uStrId, &st, &cbMsgSize);
if( NULL == ptszSvcMsg ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "LogServiceEvent - ConstructStatusField(uStrId, &st, &cbMsgSize) failed!\n")); return; }
LogServiceMessage(ptszSvcMsg, cbMsgSize);
LocalFree(ptszSvcMsg); }
// Function: LogMissedRuns
// Synopsis: Write details about missed runs to the log file.
// Arguments: [pstLastRun], [pstNow] - times between which runs were missed.
VOID LogMissedRuns(const SYSTEMTIME * pstLastRun, const SYSTEMTIME * pstNow) { TCHAR tszLastRunDate[SCH_MEDBUF_LEN]; TCHAR tszLastRunTime[SCH_MEDBUF_LEN]; TCHAR tszNowDate [SCH_MEDBUF_LEN]; TCHAR tszNowTime [SCH_MEDBUF_LEN];
if (!GetDateTime(pstLastRun, tszLastRunDate, tszLastRunTime) || !GetDateTime(pstNow, tszNowDate, tszNowTime)) { return; }
TCHAR tszMsgFormat[SCH_BIGBUF_LEN]; if (!LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_LOG_RUNS_MISSED, tszMsgFormat, SCH_BIGBUF_LEN)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return; }
TCHAR * rgptszInserts[] = { tszLastRunDate, tszLastRunTime, tszNowDate, tszNowTime };
TCHAR * ptszLogStr; if (!FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tszMsgFormat, 0, 0, (TCHAR *)&ptszLogStr, 1, (va_list *) rgptszInserts)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return; }
LogServiceMessage(ptszLogStr, (lstrlen(ptszLogStr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
LocalFree(ptszLogStr); }
// Function: LogServiceMessage
// Synopsis: Write a generic service message to the log file.
// Purpose: Used by LogServiceEvent and LogMissedRuns.
// Arguments: [ptszStrMsg] - a string message.
// [cbStrMsg] - size of pszStrMsg in bytes (may be overestimated,
// used only to calculate size of intermediate buffer.)
VOID LogServiceMessage(LPCTSTR ptszStrMsg, DWORD cbStrMsg) { size_t cchMsg = SCH_MEDBUF_LEN + (cbStrMsg / sizeof(TCHAR)) + 1; TCHAR * ptszMsg = (TCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cchMsg * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (ptszMsg == NULL) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return; }
if (LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_LOG_SERVICE_TITLE, ptszMsg, SCH_MEDBUF_LEN) == 0) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); //
// Generic error message if things are really foobared.
StringCchCopy(ptszMsg, cchMsg, TEXT("\042Task Scheduler Service\042 ** ERROR **\n")); }
if (ptszStrMsg != NULL) { StringCchCat(ptszMsg, cchMsg, ptszStrMsg); }
LocalFree(ptszMsg); }
// Function: WriteLog
// Synopsis: Write the string to the log file.
VOID WriteLog(LPTSTR ptsz) { LARGE_INTEGER liCurLogSize, liMaxLogSize; DWORD cbWritten; ULONG cbStringSize = lstrlen(ptsz) * sizeof(TCHAR); ULONG cbDataSize = cbStringSize;
schDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "LOG:\n " FMT_TSTR "", ptsz));
// Lose some time here by not caching this value, but not much.
cbDataSize += lstrlen(gtszMostRecentEntryMarker) * sizeof(TCHAR);
// Get the current log size to see if there is room to write this.
liCurLogSize.QuadPart = 0;
if ((liCurLogSize.LowPart = SetFilePointer(ghLog, 0, &liCurLogSize.HighPart, FILE_CURRENT)) == -1) { goto ErrorExit_A; }
// Add current data size. Convert maximum size to bytes for comparison.
liCurLogSize.QuadPart += cbDataSize;
liMaxLogSize.QuadPart = gdwMaxLogSizeKB * 1024;
// Is there sufficient space to write the entry?
if (liCurLogSize.QuadPart > liMaxLogSize.QuadPart) { // No, adjust the end of file to eliminate the most recent entry
// marker & wrap to beginning.
SetEndOfFile(ghLog); // Ignore return code.
// skip the BOM
if (SetFilePointer(ghLog, sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) { // Seek failure
CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); schAssert(!"Couldn't seek log file"); goto ErrorExit_A; } }
// Write the string.
if (!WriteFile(ghLog, ptsz, cbStringSize, &cbWritten, NULL)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); goto ErrorExit_A; }
// Write most recent entry marker.
// First, save the current file pointer position. This will be the
// starting location of the next log write. Note: double-timing current
// log size local since it is no longer used.
liCurLogSize.QuadPart = 0;
if ((liCurLogSize.LowPart = SetFilePointer(ghLog, 0, &liCurLogSize.HighPart, FILE_CURRENT)) == -1) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); goto ErrorExit_A; }
if (!WriteFile(ghLog, gtszMostRecentEntryMarker, gcbMostRecentEntryMarkerSize, &cbWritten, NULL)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); goto ErrorExit_A; }
// If the log has wrapped, it's likely the write pointer is positioned
// somewhere in the middle of the next record. If this is the case,
// the remaining partial record must be overwritten with spaces.
// Restore log position for next write.
if (SetFilePointer(ghLog, liCurLogSize.LowPart, &liCurLogSize.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
ErrorExit_A: LeaveCriticalSection(&gcsLogCritSection); }
// Function: OverwriteRecordFragment
// Synopsis: If the log has wrapped, the last write most likely has
// partially overwritten a record. This routine overwrites such
// record fragments with spaces up to the next record.
// Fundamental assumption - how a record is designated: The start
// of a new record is designated by the two characters \n". This
// routine simply fills text with spaces up to but not including
// this character sequence.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: N/A
// Notes: Upon exit, the log file pointer is restored to its original
// position on entry.
VOID OverwriteRecordFragment(VOID) { TCHAR rgtBuffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(TCHAR)]; LARGE_INTEGER liSavedLogPos, liLogPos; DWORD dwRead;
// Save file pointer position during read for subsequent write.
liSavedLogPos.QuadPart = 0;
if ((liSavedLogPos.LowPart = SetFilePointer(ghLog, 0, &liSavedLogPos.HighPart, FILE_CURRENT)) == -1) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return; }
// From the previous write, the last character is a line feed.
TCHAR tchPrev = TEXT('\n'); TCHAR tchCur; int cbOverwrite = 0; DWORD i = 0; // Index of chCur in rgbBuffer
for (;;) { if (!ReadFile(ghLog, rgtBuffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, &dwRead, NULL) || !dwRead) { break; }
// Convert to the number of characters (and chop off a stray byte
// if it exists in the Unicode case)
dwRead /= sizeof(TCHAR);
for ( ; i < dwRead; i++, cbOverwrite += sizeof(TCHAR)) { tchCur = rgtBuffer[i];
if (tchPrev == TEXT('\n') && tchCur == TEXT('"') && cbOverwrite > 2 * sizeof(TCHAR)) { break; } tchPrev = tchCur; }
if (i < dwRead) { // We found the \n" character sequence. Don't
// overwrite the \r\n" sequence of the next record.
cbOverwrite -= 2 * sizeof(TCHAR); break; }
i = 0; }
DWORD cbWritten;
// Overwrite record fragment with spaces.
if (cbOverwrite > 0) { // Adjust file pointer from read above.
if (SetFilePointer(ghLog, liSavedLogPos.LowPart, &liSavedLogPos.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN) != -1) { for (UINT uCount = 0; uCount < READ_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(TCHAR); uCount++) { rgtBuffer[uCount] = TEXT(' '); }
while (cbOverwrite > 0) { if (!WriteFile(ghLog, rgtBuffer, min(cbOverwrite, READ_BUFFER_SIZE), &cbWritten, NULL)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); break; }
cbOverwrite -= cbWritten; } } else { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } } }
// Function: ConstructStatusField
// Synopsis: Retrieve the status field with an optional status timestamp
// insert.
// Arguments: [dwStatusFieldMsgID] -- Status field format string msg id.
// [pstStatusTime] -- Optional status timestamp. If NULL,
// no timestamp is written.
// [pcbSize] -- Returned status field size (bytes).
// Returns: TCHAR * status field
// NULL on error
// Notes: FormatMessage allocates the return string. Use LocalFree() to
// deallocate.
TCHAR * ConstructStatusField( DWORD dwStatusFieldMsgID, SYSTEMTIME * pstStatusTime, ULONG * pcbSize) { // Note: Insure string buffer sizes are at least double the size of the
// largest string they'll contain, for localization reasons.
TCHAR tszStatusFieldFormat[SCH_BIGBUF_LEN]; TCHAR tszDate[SCH_MEDBUF_LEN]; TCHAR tszTime[SCH_MEDBUF_LEN]; TCHAR * rgptszInserts[] = { tszDate, tszTime }; TCHAR * ptszStatusField = NULL;
// The status field may/may not contain a date & time. The first
// branch is taken for status fields containing them.
if (pstStatusTime != NULL) { // Add the date & time as inserts to the status field format string.
if (!GetDateTime(pstStatusTime, tszDate, tszTime)) { return(NULL); } }
ULONG ccSize = 0;
// Load the status field format string resource.
if (LoadString(g_hInstance, dwStatusFieldMsgID, tszStatusFieldFormat, SCH_BIGBUF_LEN)) { if (!(ccSize = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | (pstStatusTime != NULL ? FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY : 0), tszStatusFieldFormat, 0, 0, (TCHAR *)&ptszStatusField, 1, (pstStatusTime != NULL ? (va_list *) rgptszInserts : NULL)))) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } } else { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
*pcbSize = ccSize * sizeof(TCHAR);
return(ptszStatusField); }
// Function: ConstructResultField
// Synopsis: Retrieve the result field. Algorithm:
// The result code is the job's exit code. Utilize the following
// algorithm to obtain the exit code string:
// Attempt to fetch the the exit code string as a
// message binary specified in the Job Scheduler portion of
// the registry.
// If this fails, produce a default
// "message not found for exit code (n)" message.
// Insert the result string obtained above as an insert string
// to the result field format string.
// Arguments: [dwResultCode] -- Result field result code.
// [ptszJobExecutable] -- Binary name executed by the job.
// Returns: TCHAR * result field
// NULL on error
// Notes: FormatMessage allocates the return string. Use LocalFree() to
// deallocate.
TCHAR * ConstructResultField( DWORD dwResultCode, LPTSTR ptszJobExecutable) { // Note: Insure format string buffer size is at least double the size of
// the largest string it will contain, for localization reasons.
TCHAR tszResultFieldFormat[SCH_MEDBUF_LEN]; TCHAR tszResultCodeValue[CCH_INT + 1]; TCHAR * ptszResultField = NULL; TCHAR * ptszResult;
IntegerToString(dwResultCode, tszResultCodeValue);
// Job exit code. Fetch the exit code string from the
// ExitCodeMessageFile associated with the job program.
if ((ptszResult = GetExitCodeString(dwResultCode, tszResultCodeValue, (TCHAR *)ptszJobExecutable)) == NULL) { // Produce a default "message not found" result string.
ptszResult = GetSchedulerResultCodeString( IDS_LOG_EXIT_CODE_MSG_NOT_FOUND, dwResultCode); }
ULONG ccSize = 0;
// Load the result field format string resource.
if (ptszResult != NULL) { if (LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_LOG_JOB_RESULT_FINISHED, tszResultFieldFormat, SCH_MEDBUF_LEN)) { TCHAR * rgtszInserts[] = { ptszResult, tszResultCodeValue };
if (!FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tszResultFieldFormat, 0, 0, (TCHAR *)&ptszResultField, 1, (va_list *) rgtszInserts)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
LocalFree(ptszResult); // pszResultField now encapsulates
// this string.
} else { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } }
return(ptszResultField); }
// Function: GetSchedulerResultCodeString
// Synopsis: Fetch the result code from the schedule service process.
// Arguments: [dwResultMsgID] -- Result message string ID.
// [dwResultCode] -- result code.
// Returns: TCHAR * result code string
// NULL on error
// Notes: FormatMessage allocates the return string. Use LocalFree() to
// deallocate.
TCHAR * GetSchedulerResultCodeString( DWORD dwResultMsgID, DWORD dwResultCode) { TCHAR tszResultCodeValue[SCH_SMBUF_LEN]; TCHAR tszErrMsg[SCH_MEDBUF_LEN]; TCHAR * ptszErrMsg = NULL, * ptszResultCode = NULL; DWORD ccLength; TCHAR * rgtszInserts[] = { tszResultCodeValue, ptszErrMsg };
IntegerToString(dwResultCode, tszResultCodeValue);
TCHAR tszMsgBuf[MAX_PATH], * ptsz;
if (LoadString(g_hInstance, dwResultMsgID, tszMsgBuf, MAX_PATH) == 0) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return NULL; }
if (dwResultCode != 0) { BOOL fDelete = FALSE; //
// Try to obtain an error message from the system.
if (!LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_GENERIC_ERROR_MSG, tszErrMsg, SCH_MEDBUF_LEN)) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return NULL; }
ptszErrMsg = tszErrMsg; } else { fDelete = TRUE;
// Overwrite \r\n with a null characters.
ptsz = ptszErrMsg + ccLength - 2;
*ptsz++ = TEXT('\0'); *ptsz = TEXT('\0'); }
if (!(ccLength = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tszMsgBuf, 0, 0, (TCHAR *)&ptszResultCode, 2, (va_list *) rgtszInserts))) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); if (fDelete) LocalFree(ptszErrMsg); return NULL; }
if (fDelete) LocalFree(ptszErrMsg); } else { //
// No result code. All of the info is encapsulated in dwResultMsgID,
// which has no inserts.
if (!(ccLength = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, tszMsgBuf, 0, 0, (TCHAR *)&ptszResultCode, 1, NULL))) { CHECK_HRESULT(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); return NULL; } }
return(ptszResultCode); }
// Function: IntegerToString
// Synopsis: Converts a 32 bit integer to a string.
// Arguments: [n] -- Converted int.
// [ptszBuf] -- Caller allocated buffer.
// Returns: Buffer ptr passed.
// Notes: None.
TCHAR * IntegerToString(ULONG n, TCHAR * tszBuf) { //
// Assemble hex representation into passed buffer, reversed,
// then reverse in-place into correct format
// This code deliberately eschews ultoa, since div and mod 16
// optimize so very nicely.
UINT ich = 0;
do { UINT nDigitValue = (UINT)(n % 16);
n /= 16;
if (nDigitValue > 9) { tszBuf[ich++] = (WCHAR)nDigitValue - 10 + TEXT('a'); } else { tszBuf[ich++] = (WCHAR)nDigitValue + TEXT('0'); }
} while (n > 0);
tszBuf[ich] = TEXT('\0');
return(tszBuf); }
// Function: GetDateTime
// Synopsis: Formats the date and time.
// Arguments: [pst] - The time to use; if NULL, then the current time
// is obtained.
// [ptszDate] - The date string buffer.
// [ptszTime] - The time string buffer.
// Returns: TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
// Notes: Note that the buffers must be at least SCH_MEDBUF_LEN in size.
BOOL GetDateTime(const SYSTEMTIME * pst, LPTSTR ptszDate, LPTSTR ptszTime) { SYSTEMTIME st;
if (pst == NULL) { GetLocalTime(&st); pst = &st; }
return TRUE; }