// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: procssr.cxx
// Contents: CJobProcessor class implementation.
// Classes: CJobProcessor
// Functions: None.
// History: 25-Oct-95 MarkBl Created
// 11/16/00 Dgrube remove (dwRet >= WAIT_OBJECT_0) &&
// from "else if ((dwRet >= WAIT_OBJECT_0) && (dwRet < WAIT_ABANDONED_0))"
// since dwRet is a DWORD. It would never occur and
// is causing compile errors.
#include "..\pch\headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "globals.hxx"
#include "svc_core.hxx"
#include "..\inc\resource.h"
// something to differentiate returns from RunDll32 from our returns
// Parameters to CloseWindowEnumProc and ThreadWindowEnumProc
struct ENUMPROCPARMS { DWORD dwProcessId; // IN - pid of the process being closed
BOOL fWindowFound; // OUT - whether WM_CLOSE was sent to any window
BOOL CALLBACK CloseWindowEnumProc(HWND, LPARAM); BOOL CALLBACK ThreadWindowEnumProc(HWND, LPARAM); BOOL CloseWindowForProcess(CRun* pRun);
// Notes on the use of CRun's m_dwMaxRunTime and m_ftKill fields:
// m_ftKill is the time when the job processor thread monitoring the
// job should try to kill the job, if it hasn't already terminated.
// It is an absolute time. It is computed when the job is launched, based
// on a combination of (1) the duration-end of triggers that have
// TASK_TRIGGER_FLAG_KILL_AT_DURATION_END set and (2) the MaxRunTime set on
// the job itself.
// (1) can be predicted before the job runs, so it is calculated in
// GetTriggerRunTimes() and stored in m_ftKill.
// (2) is a relative time, so in many cases its end time cannot be
// predicted until the job runs. It is temporarily stored in m_dwMaxRunTime
// when the CRun object is created; but it is converted to an absolute time
// and combined with m_ftKill when the job is launched in RunJobs().
// Once the job is launched, m_ftKill remains the same for the lifetime of
// the CRun object, even if the job is killed because of
// TASK_FLAG_KILL_ON_IDLE_END and restarted because of
// m_dwMaxRunTime is the remaining number of milliseconds that the
// CJobProcessor::PerformTask() thread will wait for the job to terminate.
// It is initialized to (m_ftKill - current time) in CJobProcessor::
// SubmitJobs() and repeatedly adjusted downwards each time the job processor
// thread wakes up. If the job is killed and restarted, m_dwMaxRunTime is
// recomputed from the original m_ftKill and the new current time.
// Member: CJobProcessor::~CJobProcessor
// Synopsis: Job processor destructor. This object is reference counted,
// ala class CTask inheritance. As a result, we are guaranteed
// all of this is safe to do, as no outstanding references
// remain.
// Arguments: N/A
// Notes: None.
CJobProcessor::~CJobProcessor() { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, ~CJobProcessor);
if (_rgHandles != NULL) { //
// Close the processor notification event handle & delete the handle
// array.
if (_rgHandles) { if (_rgHandles[0]) CloseHandle(_rgHandles[0]);
delete _rgHandles; _rgHandles = NULL; } }
DeleteCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::Initialize
// Synopsis: Perform the initialization steps that would have otherwise
// been performed in the constructor. This method enables return
// of a status code if initialization should fail.
// Arguments: None.
// Notes: None.
HRESULT CJobProcessor::Initialize(void) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, Initialize);
schAssert(_rgHandles == NULL);
// Create the handle array with the processor notification event handle
// as the sole element.
_rgHandles = new HANDLE[1];
// Create the processor notification event and assign its handle to the
// handle array.
_rgHandles[0] = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (_rgHandles[0] == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CHECK_HRESULT(hr); return(hr); }
// Request a thread to service this object.
hr = RequestService(this);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { this->InService(); }
return(hr); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::IsIdle
// Synopsis: This member is called during job processor pool garbage
// collection to determine if this processor can be removed
// from the pool. This method is problematic, but this is OK,
// since the worst that can happen is this processor may
// be removed from the pool prematurely, requiring use of a
// additional, redundant job processor object.
// Arguments: None.
// Notes: None.
BOOL CJobProcessor::IsIdle(void) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, IsIdle);
if ((_RequestQueue.GetCount() + _ProcessingQueue.GetCount()) == 0) { return(this->GetReferenceCount() == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE); }
return(FALSE); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::Next
// Synopsis: Return the next processor this object refers to. The returned
// object is AddRef()'d to reflect the new reference.
// Arguments: None.
// Notes: The processor pool is locked to ensure this thread is the
// sole thread accessing the pool throughout this operation.
CJobProcessor * CJobProcessor::Next(void) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, Next);
CJobProcessor * pjpNext = (CJobProcessor *)CDLink::Next();
if (pjpNext != NULL) { pjpNext->AddRef(); }
return(pjpNext); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::Prev
// Synopsis: Return the previous processor this object refers to. The
// returned object is AddRef()'d to reflect the new reference.
// Arguments: None.
// Notes: The processor pool is locked to ensure this thread is the
// sole thread accessing the pool throughout this operation.
CJobProcessor * CJobProcessor::Prev(void) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, Prev);
CJobProcessor * pjpPrev = (CJobProcessor *)CDLink::Prev();
if (pjpPrev != NULL) { pjpPrev->AddRef(); }
return(pjpPrev); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::PerformTask
// Synopsis: This is the function performed by the worker thread on the
// job processor. The processor thread enters a wait on the array
// of handles in the private data member, _rgHandles. The first
// array element is a handle to the processor notification event.
// This event is signals this thread that new jobs have been sub-
// mitted to this processor. The remaining n-1 handles in the
// array are job process handles signaled on job completion.
// When a job completes, the persisted job object is updated with
// the job's exit status code, completion time, etc.
// It's possible the wait for one or more jobs may time out. If
// the processor notification event wait times out, the wait is
// re-entered. If a job times out, its handle is removed from
// wait handle array and the job's job info object removed from
// the processing queue.
// Arguments: None.
// Notes: None.
void CJobProcessor::PerformTask(void) { #define CLOSE_WAIT_TIME (3 * 60 * 1000) // 3 mins (milliseconds).
#define WAIT_TIME_DEFAULT (10 * 3 * 60 * 1000) // 30 mins (milliseconds).
TRACE3(CJobProcessor, PerformTask);
CRun * pRun; DWORD dwObjectIndex;
// Initialize this thread's keep-awake count.
for (;;) { //
// Wait for job completion, timeout, or processor notification.
// NB : ProcessQueue count + 1 since there is no processing queue
// entry for the first handle, the new submission event
// handle.
// There will never be a discrepancy between the processing
// queue count and the actual number of handles in _rgHandles
// since this thread exclusively updates the processing queue.
DWORD dwTimeoutInterval = WAIT_TIME_DEFAULT; DWORD cHandles = _ProcessingQueue.GetCount() + 1;
if (cHandles > 1) { //
// There are jobs to process.
// Scan job info objects in the processor queue for the minimum
// value of the job's maximum run time. This will be the wait
// time on WaitForMultipleObjects.
for (pRun = _ProcessingQueue.GetFirstElement(); pRun != NULL; pRun = pRun->Next()) { schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "PerformTask(0x%x) Job " FMT_TSTR " remaining time %u ms\n", this, pRun->GetName(), pRun->GetMaxRunTime()));
dwTimeoutInterval = min(dwTimeoutInterval, pRun->GetMaxRunTime()); } }
schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "PerformTask(0x%x) Processor entering wait; p queue cnt(%d); " \ "wait time %u ms\n", this, cHandles - 1, dwTimeoutInterval));
DWORD dwWaitTime = GetTickCount(); DWORD dwRet = WaitForMultipleObjects(cHandles, _rgHandles, FALSE, dwTimeoutInterval);
// Serialize processor data structure access.
// (Note that GetTickCount() wrap is automatically taken care of
// by 2's-complement subtraction.)
dwWaitTime = GetTickCount() - dwWaitTime;
schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "PerformTask(0x%x) Processor awake after %u ms\n", this, dwWaitTime));
// Decrement each job's max run time by the amount of time waited.
// Skip jobs with zeroed max run time values.
for (pRun = _ProcessingQueue.GetFirstElement(); pRun != NULL; pRun = pRun->Next()) { //
// NB : Jobs with infinite run times do not expire. Therefore, do
// not decrease the max run time value.
if (pRun->GetMaxRunTime() != 0 && pRun->GetMaxRunTime() != INFINITE) { if (pRun->GetMaxRunTime() > dwWaitTime) { pRun->SetMaxRunTime(pRun->GetMaxRunTime() - dwWaitTime); } else { pRun->SetMaxRunTime(0); } } }
if (dwRet == WAIT_FAILED) { //
// Wait attempt failed. Shutdown the processor & bail out.
// BUGBUG : Should probably log this.
schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "PerformTask(0x%x) Wait failure(0x%x) - processor " \ "shutdown initiated\n", this, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()))); this->_Shutdown(); LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); break; }
if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if (!_ProcessingQueue.GetCount() && !_RequestQueue.GetCount()) { //
// Shutdown this processor. The wait has expired and no jobs
// are in service, nor are there new requests queued.
schDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "PerformTask(0x%x) Processor idle - shutdown " \ "initiated\n", this)); this->_Shutdown(); LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); break; }
// One or more jobs timed out (those with max run time values of
// zero). Close associated event handle, overwrite event handle
// array entry, then remove and destroy the associated job info
// object from the processor queue.
schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "PerformTask(0x%x) Wait timeout\n", this));
CRun * pRunNext; DWORD i; for (pRun = _ProcessingQueue.GetFirstElement(), i = 1; pRun != NULL; pRun = pRunNext, i++) { pRunNext = pRun->Next();
if (pRun->GetMaxRunTime() != 0) { continue; }
// Post a WM_CLOSE message to the job if this is the
// first attempt at closure. If WM_CLOSE was issued
// previously and the job is still running, resort to
// TerminateProcess.
schDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "PerformTask(0x%x) Forced closure; issuing " \ "WM_CLOSE to job " FMT_TSTR "\n", this, pRun->GetName()));
// Log job closure, post WM_CLOSE, then re-enter the
// wait for closure.
SYSTEMTIME stFinished; GetLocalTime(&stFinished);
g_pSched->JobPostProcessing(pRun, stFinished);
// Attach to the correct desktop prior to enumerating
// the windows
HWINSTA hwinstaSave = NULL; HDESK hdeskSave = NULL; HWINSTA hwinsta = NULL;
DWORD dwTreadId = GetCurrentThreadId( );
if( NULL == dwTreadId ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask, GetCurrentThreadId " )); } else { hdeskSave = GetThreadDesktop( dwTreadId ); }
if( NULL == hdeskSave ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask, GetThreadDesktop " )); } else { hwinstaSave = GetProcessWindowStation( ); }
if( NULL == hwinstaSave ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask, GetProcessWindowStation " )); }
hwinsta = OpenWindowStation( pRun->GetStation( ), TRUE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED );
if( NULL == hwinsta ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask, OpenWindowStation " )); } else if( !SetProcessWindowStation( hwinsta ) ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask, SetProcessWindowStation " )); }
HDESK hDesk = OpenDesktop( pRun->GetDesktop(), 0, //No hooks allowed
TRUE, //No inheritance
if( !SetThreadDesktop( hDesk ) ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask, OpenDesktop failed, " \ "status = 0x%lx\n", GetLastError())); } else {
// Success enumerate windows else SetMaxRunTime to 0
// and ultimately kill the process (not very graceful)
EnumWindows(CloseWindowEnumProc, (LPARAM) &Parms); } ********************/
pRun->SetFlag(RUN_STATUS_CLOSE_PENDING); BOOL fFoundWindow = CloseWindowForProcess(pRun); if (fFoundWindow) { pRun->SetMaxRunTime(CLOSE_WAIT_TIME); } else { schDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "PerformTask: no windows found\n"));
// If WM_CLOSE was not sent to any windows, there is no
// point waiting for the job to terminate.
// DCR: It would be polite, and perhaps help the app to
// avoid data loss (depending on the app), to send some other
// notification, such as a CTRL_C_EVENT. See bug 65251.
pRun->SetMaxRunTime(0); } } else { schDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "PerformTask(0x%x) 2nd forced closure; issuing " \ "TerminateProcess on job " FMT_TSTR "\n", this, pRun->GetName()));
DWORD dwExitCode = 0; GetExitCodeProcess(pRun->GetHandle(), &dwExitCode);
if (dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { TerminateProcess(pRun->GetHandle(), (UINT)-1); }
if (i < _ProcessingQueue.GetCount()) // Ignore last
// entry.
{ CopyMemory(&_rgHandles[i], &_rgHandles[i + 1], sizeof(HANDLE) * (_ProcessingQueue.GetCount() - i)); }
i--; // Reflect overwritten array entry.
// Remove CRun object from the processing queue
// and destroy it.
if (pRun->IsFlagSet(TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED)) { //
// This thread is monitoring one less system-
// required job
WrapSetThreadExecutionState(FALSE, "processor - forced close of task"); }
if (pRun->IsFlagSet(RUN_STATUS_RESTART_ON_IDLE_RESUME) && pRun->GetWait() > 0) { //
// Ask the main thread to move it back into the
// idle wait queue
pRun->ClearFlag(JOB_INTERNAL_FLAG_MASK); pRun->SetMaxRunTime(INFINITE); g_pSched->SubmitIdleRun(pRun); //
// Note that we changed (reduced) pRun's MaxRunTime
// when we killed it. However we didn't mess with
// the kill time. The MaxRunTime will be recomputed
// based on the same kill time as before when this
// run is next submitted to a processor.
} else { delete pRun; } } } } else if (dwRet < WAIT_ABANDONED_0) { //
// One or more jobs completed.
dwObjectIndex = dwRet - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
if (dwObjectIndex == 0) { //
// Processor notification event signaled. Either new jobs
// have been submitted or the service is stopping.
if (IsServiceStopping()) { //
// Service stop. Shutdown the processor.
schDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "PerformTask(0x%x) Service stop - processor " \ "shutdown initiated\n", this)); this->_Shutdown(); LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); break; }
// Move jobs from request to processing queue.
// Unblock the thread that called SubmitJobs().
// (We happen to know it's the thread in the main service
// loop so we can use the global event. A cleaner model
// would be to either pass the handle of the event to
// SubmitJobs, or use an event private to SubmitJobs and
// PerformTask.)
g_pSched->Unblock(); } else if (dwObjectIndex < cHandles) { //
// A job has finished (or closed).
// Find the CRun object associated with the handle.
if ((pRun = _ProcessingQueue.FindJob( _rgHandles[dwObjectIndex])) != NULL) { pRun->ClearFlag(RUN_STATUS_RUNNING);
if (!(pRun->GetFlags() & RUN_STATUS_CLOSE_PENDING)) { schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "PerformTask(0x%x) Job " FMT_TSTR " completed\n", this, pRun->GetName()));
// The job finished on its own. Log completion
// status. Fetch job completion time for pending log
// entry.
SYSTEMTIME stFinished; GetLocalTime(&stFinished);
// Standard job post processing.
g_pSched->JobPostProcessing(pRun, stFinished); } else { // (NOTE: This may not be necessary - this info
// is not used yet.)
// Fix up handle array to reflect processed entry.
if (dwObjectIndex < _ProcessingQueue.GetCount()) { CopyMemory(&_rgHandles[dwObjectIndex], &_rgHandles[dwObjectIndex + 1], sizeof(HANDLE) * (_ProcessingQueue.GetCount() - dwObjectIndex)); }
// Remove CRun object from the processing queue and
// destroy it.
if (pRun->IsFlagSet(TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED)) { //
// This thread is monitoring one less system-
// required job
WrapSetThreadExecutionState(FALSE, "processor - last task exited"); }
if (pRun->IsFlagSet(RUN_STATUS_CLOSE_PENDING) && pRun->IsFlagSet(RUN_STATUS_RESTART_ON_IDLE_RESUME) && pRun->GetWait() > 0) { //
// Ask the main thread to move it back into the
// idle wait queue
pRun->ClearFlag(JOB_INTERNAL_FLAG_MASK); pRun->SetMaxRunTime(INFINITE); g_pSched->SubmitIdleRun(pRun); //
// Note that we changed (reduced) pRun's MaxRunTime
// when we killed it. However we didn't mess with
// the kill time. The MaxRunTime will be reset to
// match the same kill time as before when this run
// is next submitted to a processor.
} else { delete pRun; } } } else { //
// Index out of range. This should never happen.
schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "PerformTask(0x%x) Wait array index (%d) out of " \ "range! Handle count(%d)\n", this, dwObjectIndex, cHandles));
LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); continue; } } else { //
// Clueless how we got here. Just continue the wait.
schAssert(!"How did this branch get evaluated?"); LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); continue; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); } }
// Function: CloseWindowForProcess
// Synopsis: launches separate process to issue WM_CLOSE to main window
// Arguments: CRun for the job of interest
// Return value: true if a window was found.
// Notes:
BOOL CloseWindowForProcess(CRun* pRun) { // processID == 0 means we can't find / don't have a proc id
if (pRun->GetProcessId() == 0) return FALSE;
BOOL fWindowClosed = false;
// okay - it might not be the default desktop, but is the best guess we have
// if we guess wrong, no harm done - the PID is unique & we won't close the wrong proc
BOOL fIsDefaultWinsta = (NULL == pRun->GetStation()) || (NULL == pRun->GetDesktop()); // create process in proper winsta
// process is rundll32 to invoke CloseProc
WCHAR dllPath[MAX_PATH +2]; WCHAR runDllPath[MAX_PATH +2]; BOOL bLaunched = false; HANDLE hProc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(L"%windir%\\system32\\rundll32.exe", runDllPath, MAX_PATH +1) && GetModuleFileNameW(g_hInstance, dllPath, MAX_PATH +1)) { WCHAR templitt[] = L"%s %s,CloseProc %u";
size_t cchCommandLine = wcslen(runDllPath) + wcslen(dllPath) + wcslen(templitt) + 20; WCHAR* pCommandLine = new WCHAR[cchCommandLine];
size_t cchDesktop; WCHAR* pDesktop = NULL; if (fIsDefaultWinsta) pDesktop = L"WinSta0\\Default"; else { cchDesktop = wcslen(pRun->GetStation()) + wcslen(pRun->GetDesktop()) + 5; pDesktop = new WCHAR[cchDesktop]; } if (pCommandLine && pDesktop) { StringCchPrintf(pCommandLine, cchCommandLine, templitt, runDllPath, dllPath, pRun->GetProcessId());
if (!fIsDefaultWinsta) { StringCchCopy(pDesktop, cchDesktop, pRun->GetStation()); StringCchCat(pDesktop, cchDesktop, L"\\"); StringCchCat(pDesktop, cchDesktop, pRun->GetDesktop()); } // else - pDesktop was init'd above
PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; STARTUPINFO startInfo; SecureZeroMemory(&startInfo, sizeof(startInfo)); startInfo.lpDesktop = pDesktop; startInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
bLaunched = CreateProcessW(NULL, pCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &startInfo, &procInfo); hProc = procInfo.hProcess; }
// if fIsDefaultWinsta, then pDesktop is pointing at static memory
if (pDesktop && !fIsDefaultWinsta) delete[] pDesktop; if (pCommandLine) delete[] pCommandLine; }
if (bLaunched) { if (WaitForSingleObject(hProc, 60000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DWORD exitCode; if (GetExitCodeProcess(hProc, &exitCode)) fWindowClosed = exitCode - ERROR_LEVEL_OFFSET; }
CloseHandle(hProc); } return fWindowClosed; }
// Function: CloseProcEx
// Synopsis: Entry point used with RunDll32
// closes down window via WM_CLOSE
// Arguments: [hwnd] -- ignored
// [hinst] -- uninteresting
// [nCmdShow] -- boring
// [lpszCmdLine] -- command line from invocation
// Notes: command line should be proc id.
// CloseProc in main is a straight passthrough to this one.
extern "C" void CALLBACK CloseProcEx(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { BOOL fFoundWindow = FALSE;
ENUMPROCPARMS params; params.fWindowFound = 0;
if (lpszCmdLine && strlen(lpszCmdLine)) { if (sscanf(lpszCmdLine, "%u", ¶ms.dwProcessId)) // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-04-30
// this function does not involve an unbounded string copy
{ EnumWindows(CloseWindowEnumProc, (LPARAM) ¶ms); fFoundWindow = params.fWindowFound; } }
ExitProcess(fFoundWindow +ERROR_LEVEL_OFFSET); }
// Function: CloseWindowEnumProc
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [hWnd] --
// [lParam] --
// Notes:
BOOL CALLBACK CloseWindowEnumProc(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwProcessId, dwThreadId; ENUMPROCPARMS * pParms = (ENUMPROCPARMS *) lParam;
dwThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcessId);
if (dwProcessId == pParms->dwProcessId) { //
// Enumerate and close each owned, non-child window. This will close
// open dialogs along with the main window(s).
DWORD dwErr; if (!EnumThreadWindows(dwThreadId, ThreadWindowEnumProc, lParam)) dwErr = GetLastError(); // some processes, e.g. cmd.exe don't get enumerated by EnumThreadWindows
// if so, we'll try one close message to the top window.
if ((pParms->fWindowFound == false) && IsWindow(hWnd)) { PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); pParms->fWindowFound = true; }
return FALSE; }
return(TRUE); }
// Function: ThreadWindowEnumProc
// Synopsis: Enumeration procedure.
// Arguments: [hWnd] -- The window handle.
// [lParam] -- The process ID.
BOOL CALLBACK ThreadWindowEnumProc(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwProcessId; ENUMPROCPARMS * pParms = (ENUMPROCPARMS *) lParam;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcessId);
if (dwProcessId == pParms->dwProcessId) { //
// Close any dialogs.
// The most common dialog we are likely to see at this point is a
// "save changes" dialog. First try to send no to close that dialog
// and then try a cancel.
if( !PostMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, 0, MAKEWPARAM(IDNO, 0)) ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask - ThreadWindowEnumProc, PMsg1, " \ "status = 0x%lx\n", GetLastError())); }
if( !PostMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, 0, MAKEWPARAM(IDCANCEL, 0)) ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask - ThreadWindowEnumProc, PMsg2, " \ "status = 0x%lx\n", GetLastError())); } //
// Close any non-child windows.
if( !PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) ) { schDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "CJobProcessor::PerformTask - ThreadWindowEnumProc, PMsg3, " \ "status = 0x%lx\n", GetLastError())); } //
// Tell the calling function that we found a matching window.
pParms->fWindowFound = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CJobProcessor::SubmitJobs
// Synopsis: This method is used to submit new jobs to this processor.
// Each processor can handle a maximum of (MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS
// - 1) jobs (from the WaitForMultipleObjects constraint of
// at most MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS). Subject to processor capacity,
// all, or a subset of the jobs passed may be taken.
// Arguments: [pRunList] -- Submitted job linked list object. Jobs taken are
// transferred from this list to a private one.
// Returns: S_OK -- No submissions taken (as a result of a normal
// condition, such as the job processor already full,
// or the job processor shutting down).
// S_SCHED_JOBS_ACCEPTED -- Some submissions taken.
// On return, GetFirstJob() will return NULL if all
// submissions were taken.
// S_FALSE -- The service is shutting down. Call Shutdown()
// on this processor immediately after this return
// code. Submissions were likely taken, but they will
// not execute.
// HRESULT -- On error.
// Notes: None.
HRESULT CJobProcessor::SubmitJobs(CRunList * pRunList) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, SubmitJobs); schAssert(pRunList != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fJobsAccepted = FALSE;
schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "SubmitJobs(0x%x) pRunList(0x%x)\n", this, pRunList));
// Serialize processor data structure access.
FILETIME ftNow = GetLocalTimeAsFileTime(); schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "SubmitJobs: Time now = %lx %lx\n", ftNow.dwLowDateTime, ftNow.dwHighDateTime));
// Add as many jobs as this processor will allow to the request queue.
// See synopsis for details.
// NB : Adding one to the request/processing queue sum to reflect the new
// processor notification event handle. For this handle array entry,
// there is no processing queue entry.
CRun * pRun = pRunList->GetFirstJob();
// First, check if this processor is in the process of shutting down.
// The data member, _rgHandles, is utilized as a flag to indicate this.
// If it is NULL, this processor has shutdown and will take no more jobs.
if (_rgHandles != NULL) { while ( !pRun->IsNull() && (MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - (this->_RequestQueue.GetCount() + this->_ProcessingQueue.GetCount() + 1) )) { CRun * pRunNext = pRun->Next();
schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "SubmitJobs: pRun(%#lx) (" FMT_TSTR ") KillTime = %lx %lx\n", pRun, pRun->GetName(), pRun->GetKillTime().dwLowDateTime, pRun->GetKillTime().dwHighDateTime));
// Compute the max run time (the time we will wait for
// this job to complete) based on the kill time
DWORDLONG MaxRunTime; if (FTto64(pRun->GetKillTime()) < FTto64(ftNow)) { MaxRunTime = 0; } else { MaxRunTime = (FTto64(pRun->GetKillTime()) - FTto64(ftNow)) / FILETIMES_PER_MILLISECOND; MaxRunTime = min(MaxRunTime, MAXULONG); } pRun->SetMaxRunTime((DWORD) MaxRunTime); schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "SubmitJobs: MaxRunTime = %lu\n", MaxRunTime));
fJobsAccepted = TRUE;
pRun = pRunNext; }
// Is there a thread servicing this object? If not, request one.
if (!this->IsInService()) { //
// NB : A RequestService() return code of S_FALSE indicates the
// service is shutting down. Simply propagate this return
// code. It will then be the caller's responsibility to
// shut down this processor.
hr = RequestService(this);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != S_FALSE) { this->InService(); } }
// Set the processor notification event.
schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "CJobProcessor::SubmitJobs(0x%x) Signalling processor thread\n"));
// A NOP if RequestService() failed above.
SetEvent(_rgHandles[0]); }
if (hr == S_OK && fJobsAccepted) { hr = S_SCHED_JOBS_ACCEPTED; }
return(hr); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::KillJob
// Synopsis: Kill all instances of the job indicated, if in service by
// this processor.
// Arguments: [ptszJobName] -- Job name.
// Returns: None.
// Notes: None.
void CJobProcessor::KillJob(LPTSTR ptszJobName) { TRACE(CJobProcessor, KillJob); BOOL fContractInitiated = FALSE;
// Serialize processor data structure access.
// Is the job serviced by this processor?
// Find associated job info object(s) in the processing queue.
// NB : Rarely, but it is possible there may be more than one instance.
CRun * pRun; for (pRun = _ProcessingQueue.GetFirstElement(); pRun != NULL; pRun = pRun->Next()) { //
// The abort flag check addresses the case where more than one user
// simultaneously aborts the same job.
if (!lstrcmpi(ptszJobName, pRun->GetName()) && !(pRun->GetFlags() & RUN_STATUS_ABORTED)) { //
// Set flags for immediate timeout and closure.
pRun->SetMaxRunTime(0); pRun->SetFlag(RUN_STATUS_ABORTED); fContractInitiated = TRUE; } }
if (fContractInitiated) { //
// This logic will induce the PerformTask thread to respond as
// follows:
// - The wait will unblock and the next wait time re-calculated;
// this value will be zero since the min value is taken.
// - The wait is re-entered and immediately times out.
// - Jobs with max run times of zero are closed in the
// WAIT_TIMEOUT condition. As a result, the jobs are killed.
SetEvent(_rgHandles[0]); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::KillIfFlagSet
// Synopsis: Kill all jobs that have the passed in flag set, if in service
// by this processor.
// Arguments: [dwFlag] - Job flag value, one of TASK_FLAG_KILL_ON_IDLE_END
// Returns: None.
// Notes: None.
void CJobProcessor::KillIfFlagSet(DWORD dwFlag) { TRACE(CJobProcessor, KillIfFlagSet); BOOL fContractInitiated = FALSE;
// Serialize processor data structure access.
// Is the job serviced by this processor?
// Find associated job info object(s) in the processing queue.
CRun * pRun; for (pRun = _ProcessingQueue.GetFirstElement(); pRun != NULL; pRun = pRun->Next()) { //
// The abort flag check addresses the case where more than one user
// simultaneously aborts the same job.
if ((pRun->GetFlags() & dwFlag) && !(pRun->GetFlags() & RUN_STATUS_ABORTED)) { //
// Set flags for immediate timeout and closure.
pRun->SetMaxRunTime(0); pRun->SetFlag(RUN_STATUS_ABORTED); if (dwFlag == TASK_FLAG_KILL_ON_IDLE_END && pRun->IsFlagSet(TASK_FLAG_RESTART_ON_IDLE_RESUME) && ! pRun->IsIdleTriggered()) { //
// Note that this is the only case in which we set
// RUN_STATUS_RESTART_ON_IDLE_RESUME. If a job is terminated
// because a user explicitly terminated it, for example, we
// don't want to restart it on idle resume.
pRun->SetFlag(RUN_STATUS_RESTART_ON_IDLE_RESUME); } fContractInitiated = TRUE; } }
if (fContractInitiated) { //
// This logic will induce the PerformTask thread to respond as
// follows:
// - The wait will unblock and the next wait time re-calculated;
// this value will be zero since the min value is taken.
// - The wait is re-entered and immediately times out.
// - Jobs with max run times of zero are closed in the
// WAIT_TIMEOUT condition. As a result, the jobs are killed.
SetEvent(_rgHandles[0]); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::Shutdown
// Synopsis: Effect processor shutdown. Do so by signalling the
// PerformTask thread. The thread will check the global service
// status flag. If the service is stopped (actually, in the
// process of stopping), the thread will execute the processor
// shutdown code & relinquish itself.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
// Notes: None.
void CJobProcessor::Shutdown(void) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, Shutdown);
if (_rgHandles != NULL) { SetEvent(_rgHandles[0]); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&_csProcessorCritSection); }
// Member: CJobProcessor::_EmptyJobQueue
// Synopsis: Empty respective job queue and log, per job, the reason why.
// Arguments: [JobQueue] -- Reference to CJobQueue instance.
// [dwMsgId] -- Why each job was abandoned. A value of zero
// indicates no reason; nothing is logged.
// Notes: Must be in the processor critical section for the duration
// of this method!
void CJobProcessor::_EmptyJobQueue(CJobQueue & JobQueue, DWORD dwMsgId) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, _EmptyJobQueue);
CRun * pRun;
for (pRun = JobQueue.RemoveElement(); pRun != NULL; pRun = JobQueue.RemoveElement()) { if (!dwMsgId) { //
// BUGBUG : Log job info + reason why the job was abandoned.
// Should logging be per job? Per incident w/ job list?
delete pRun; } }
// Member: CJobProcessor::_ProcessRequests
// Synopsis: Transfer submitted jobs from the request queue to the
// processing queue and rebuild the wait handle array.
// Arguments: None.
// Notes: Must be in the processor critical section for the duration
// of this method!
void CJobProcessor::_ProcessRequests(void) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, _ProcessRequests);
if (_RequestQueue.GetCount()) { //
// Sum request, processing queue counts.
DWORD cJobs = _RequestQueue.GetCount() + _ProcessingQueue.GetCount() + 1;
schDebugOut((DEB_USER3, "CJobProcessor::_ProcessRequests(0x%x) Total job count(%d) = " \ "request(%d) + processing(%d) + 1\n", this, cJobs, _RequestQueue.GetCount(), _ProcessingQueue.GetCount()));
// Logic in SubmitJobs should prevent this from becoming false.
schAssert(cJobs <= MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS);
HANDLE * rgHandles = new HANDLE[cJobs];
if (rgHandles == NULL) { //
// Leave request, processing queues as-is.
// Copy existing handles.
CopyMemory(rgHandles, _rgHandles, sizeof(HANDLE) * (_ProcessingQueue.GetCount() + 1));
// Copy new job handles from request queue and transfer request
// queue contents to the tail of the processing queue.
for (DWORD i = _ProcessingQueue.GetCount() + 1; i < cJobs; i++) { CRun * pRun = _RequestQueue.RemoveElement(); Win4Assert( pRun != NULL ); rgHandles[i] = pRun->GetHandle(); _ProcessingQueue.AddElement(pRun);
if (pRun->IsFlagSet(TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED)) { //
// Increment the count of running system_required jobs
// handled by this thread. If this is the first such
// job, tell the system not to sleep until further notice.
WrapSetThreadExecutionState(TRUE, "processor - new job"); } }
delete _rgHandles; _rgHandles = rgHandles; } }
// Member: CJobProcessor::_Shutdown
// Synopsis: Take no more requests and dump whatever jobs remain in the
// request & processing queues.
// Arguments: None.
// Notes: Must be in the processor critical section for the duration
// of this method!
void CJobProcessor::_Shutdown(void) { TRACE3(CJobProcessor, _Shutdown);
// Utilizing the handle array member as a flag to indicate that this
// processor will take no more new jobs. Set this member to NULL on
// shutdown.
// First close the processor notification event handle & delete the
// array.
// No need to keep the machine awake for this thread any more
if (pfnSetThreadExecutionState != NULL) { schDebugOut((DEB_USER5, "RESETTING sys-required state: processor shutdown\n")); (pfnSetThreadExecutionState)(ES_CONTINUOUS); }
CloseHandle(_rgHandles[0]); _rgHandles[0] = NULL; delete _rgHandles; _rgHandles = NULL;
// Now, empty request & processing queues.
// BUGBUG : Log job abandoned message.
this->_EmptyJobQueue(_RequestQueue); this->_EmptyJobQueue(_ProcessingQueue); }
// Member: CSchedWorker::JobPostProcessing
// Synopsis: Set the exit code, current status, and NextRunTime on the
// job object and log the run exit.
// Arguments: [pRun] -- Job run information object.
// [stFinished] -- Job finish time (local time). For logging.
// Notes: None.
void CSchedWorker::JobPostProcessing( CRun * pRun, SYSTEMTIME & stFinished) { TRACE3(CSchedWorker, JobPostProcessing); schDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "JobPostProcessing pRun(0x%x) flags(0x%x)\n", pRun, pRun->GetFlags()));
DWORD dwExitCode;
CJob * pJob = NULL;
// Instantiate the job so that the exit status can be saved.
// Note: if any of the variable length properties or the triggers are
// needed, then a full activation will be necessary.
// Important: the running instance count must be protected by the
// critical section here, where it is decremented, and in RunJobs, where
// it is incremented. These are the only sections of code that change
// the running instance count on the file object.
HRESULT hr = ActivateWithRetry(pRun->GetName(), &pJob, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// The job object may have been deleted. We can't supply LogTaskError
// with the name of the run target, since that's on the job object,
// which we just failed to load.
LogTaskError(pRun->GetName(), NULL, IDS_LOG_SEVERITY_WARNING, IDS_LOG_JOB_WARNING_CANNOT_LOAD, NULL, (DWORD)hr); ERR_OUT("JobPostProcessing Activate", hr); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_SvcCriticalSection); return; }
// Isolate the executable name.
TCHAR tszExeName[MAX_PATH + 1]; GetExeNameFromCmdLine(pJob->GetCommand(), MAX_PATH + 1, tszExeName);
if (pRun->GetFlags() & RUN_STATUS_FINISHED) { //
// Only check the exit code if the job completed normally, that is,
// it wasn't timed-out or aborted.
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(pRun->GetHandle(), &dwExitCode)) { LogTaskError(pRun->GetName(), tszExeName, IDS_LOG_SEVERITY_WARNING, IDS_CANT_GET_EXITCODE, NULL, GetLastError()); ERR_OUT("GetExitCodeProcess", GetLastError()); } } else { //
// BUGBUG : What is written on the job when not complete?
// PostRunUpdate updates the flags and instance count, so always call it.
pJob->PostRunUpdate(dwExitCode, pRun->GetFlags() & RUN_STATUS_FINISHED);
// If the last run and the delete flag is set, delete the job object.
if (pJob->IsFlagSet(JOB_I_FLAG_NO_MORE_RUNS) && pJob->IsFlagSet(TASK_FLAG_DELETE_WHEN_DONE)) { hr = pJob->Delete(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LogTaskError(pRun->GetName(), tszExeName, IDS_LOG_SEVERITY_WARNING, IDS_CANT_DELETE_JOB, NULL, GetLastError()); ERR_OUT("JobPostProcessing, delete-when-done", hr); } } else { //
// Write the updated status to the job object. If there are sharing
// violations, retry two times.
hr = pJob->SaveWithRetry(NULL, FALSE, SAVEP_RUNNING_INSTANCE_COUNT | SAVEP_PRESERVE_NET_SCHEDULE); if (FAILED(hr)) { LogTaskError(pRun->GetName(), tszExeName, IDS_LOG_SEVERITY_WARNING, IDS_CANT_UPDATE_JOB, NULL, GetLastError()); ERR_OUT("JobPostProcessing, Saving run-completion-status", hr); } }
if (pRun->GetFlags() & RUN_STATUS_FINISHED) { // Log job finish time & result.
LogTaskStatus(pRun->GetName(), tszExeName, IDS_LOG_JOB_STATUS_FINISHED, dwExitCode); } else if (pRun->GetFlags() & RUN_STATUS_ABORTED) { // Log job closure on abort warning.
LogTaskError(pRun->GetName(), tszExeName, IDS_LOG_SEVERITY_WARNING, IDS_LOG_JOB_WARNING_ABORTED, &stFinished); } else if (pRun->GetFlags() & RUN_STATUS_TIMED_OUT) { // Log job closure on timeout warning.
pJob->Release(); }