// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright(C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
// File: sysprep.cxx
#include "..\pch\headers.hxx"
#include "security.hxx"
#include "sysprep.hxx"
static WCHAR gwszSysprepKey[] = L"TSSK"; // Task Scheduler Sysprep Key
static WCHAR gwszSysprepIdentity[] = L"TSSI"; // Task Scheduler Sysprep Identity Data
// needed by ScavengeSASecurityDBase
extern SERVICE_STATUS g_SvcStatus; #define SERVICE_RUNNING 0x00000004
// Function: GetUniqueSPSName
// Synopsis: calls NewWorkItem a few times trying to get a unique file name out of it
// Arguments: ITaskScheduler *pITaskScheduler, IUnknown** pITask
// WCHAR* pwszTaskName, to receive the name that was actually
// used in the creation of the task
// Returns: Various HRESULTs
// Notes: None.
HRESULT GetUniqueSPSName(ITaskScheduler* pITaskScheduler, ITask** ppITask, WCHAR* pwszTaskName) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; // okay, so we're not distinguishing between errors, code's simpler
// and the only expectable error is "already exists"
for (int i = 0; (i < 16) && FAILED(hr); i++) { if (FAILED(StringCchPrintf(pwszTaskName, 20, L"$~$Sys%X$", i))) break; hr = pITaskScheduler->NewWorkItem(pwszTaskName, CLSID_CTask, IID_ITask, (IUnknown**)ppITask); }
return hr; }
// Function: PrepSysPrepTask
// Synopsis: Creates a task to be run which will call run the sysprep
// code in the local system account
// Arguments: Task** ppITaskToRun, to receive pointer to ITask interface
// task is to activated by calling the Run() method
// WCHAR* pwszTaskName, to receive the name that was actually
// used in the creation of the task
// Returns: Various HRESULTs
// Notes: None.
HRESULT PrepSysPrepTask(ITask** ppITaskToRun, WCHAR* pwszTaskName) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; WCHAR applicationName[MAX_PATH +1]; WCHAR argument[MAX_PATH +20]; DWORD expandedSize;
expandedSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(L"\"%SystemRoot%\\System32\\rundll32.exe\"", applicationName, MAX_PATH +1); if ((0 == expandedSize) || expandedSize > (MAX_PATH +1)) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
expandedSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(L"\"%SystemRoot%\\System32\\SchedSvc.dll\",SysPrepCallback", argument, MAX_PATH +20); if ((0 == expandedSize) || expandedSize > (MAX_PATH +1)) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
TASK_TRIGGER tigger; tigger.wStartHour = 10; tigger.wStartMinute = 20; tigger.wBeginYear = 1957; tigger.wBeginMonth = 6; tigger.wBeginDay = 14;
tigger.wEndYear = 2001; tigger.wEndMonth = 10; tigger.wEndDay = 8 ; tigger.MinutesDuration = 0; tigger.MinutesInterval = 0; tigger.rgFlags = 0; tigger.TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE; tigger.Reserved2 = 0; tigger.wRandomMinutesInterval = 0; tigger.cbTriggerSize = sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER); tigger.Reserved1 = 0;
ITaskScheduler *pITaskScheduler = NULL; ITask *pITask = NULL; IPersistFile *pIPersistFile = NULL; ITaskTrigger* pTrigger = NULL; WORD idontcare;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CTaskScheduler, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITaskScheduler, (void**)&pITaskScheduler); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && SUCCEEDED(hr = GetUniqueSPSName(pITaskScheduler, &pITask, pwszTaskName)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pITask->SetApplicationName(applicationName)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pITask->SetParameters(argument)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pITask->SetFlags(TASK_FLAG_DELETE_WHEN_DONE | TASK_FLAG_DISABLED)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pITask->SetAccountInformation(L"", NULL)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pITask->CreateTrigger(&idontcare, &pTrigger)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pTrigger->SetTrigger(&tigger)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pITask->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void **)&pIPersistFile)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pIPersistFile->Save(NULL, TRUE))) { // return it to the caller
*ppITaskToRun = pITask; } else if (pITask) pITask->Release();
if (pITaskScheduler) pITaskScheduler->Release();
if (pIPersistFile) pIPersistFile->Release();
if (pTrigger) pTrigger->Release();
return hr; }
// Function: SaveSysprepInfo
// Synopsis: Saves job identity and credential key information prior to Sysprep
// so that it can be used to convert old data after Sysprep.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT SaveSysprepInfo(void) { //
// Initialize security
InitSS(); SetMysteryDWORDValue();
HRESULT hr = PreProcessNetScheduleJobs(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // ignore, we still need to do the other processing
// Obtain a provider handle to the CSP (for use with Crypto API).
HCRYPTPROV hCSP = NULL; hr = GetCSPHandle(&hCSP); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (hCSP) { //
// We've got the handle, now save the important stuff
hr = SaveSysprepKeyInfo(hCSP); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SaveSysprepIdentityInfo(hCSP); }
CloseCSPHandle(hCSP); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Done doing security stuff
if (FAILED(hr)) { CHECK_HRESULT(hr); } return hr; }
// Function: SaveSysprepKeyInfo
// Synopsis: Stores the computed CredentialKey as a secret prior to sysprep so that it can be
// retrieved and used to decrypt credentials after sysprep, so those credentials may
// be encrypted again using the post-sysprep key.
// Arguments: hCSP - handle to the crypto service provider
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT SaveSysprepKeyInfo(HCRYPTPROV hCSP) { //
// Generate the encryption key
RC2_KEY_INFO RC2KeyInfo; HRESULT hr = ComputeCredentialKey(hCSP, &RC2KeyInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Write the key to LSA
hr = WriteLsaData(sizeof(gwszSysprepKey), gwszSysprepKey, sizeof(RC2KeyInfo), (BYTE*)&RC2KeyInfo); } return hr; }
// Function: SaveSysprepIdentityInfo
// Synopsis: Obtains the credential index and NULL password setting for each
// existing job identity and stores that information along with the
// associated filename in an LSA secret so that the identities can
// be rehashed and stored in the identity database, postsysprep,
// still associated with the correct credential.
// Arguments: hCSP - handle to the crypto service provider
// Returns: HRESULT
// First, read the security database so we can do the lookups
HRESULT hr = ReadSecurityDBase(&cbSAI, &pbSAI, &cbSAC, &pbSAC); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (cbSAI <= SAI_HEADER_SIZE) { //
// Database empty, nothing to do.
} else { //
// Enumerate job objects in the task's folder directory.
hr = GetTasksFolder(&pwszTasksFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR wszSearchPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; hr = StringCchCopy(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, pwszTasksFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = StringCchCat(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, EXTENSION_WILDCARD TSZ_JOB); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; DWORD dwRet = 0; if ((hFileEnum = FindFirstFile(wszSearchPath, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Either no jobs (this is OK), or an error occurred.
dwRet = GetLastError(); if (dwRet != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) hr = _HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); } else { //
// Must concatenate the filename returned from the enumeration onto the folder path
// before computing the hash. Prepare for doing that repeatedly by taking the path,
// adding a slash, and remembering the next character position.
hr = StringCchCopy(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, pwszTasksFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD iConcatenation = lstrlenW(pwszTasksFolder); wszSearchPath[iConcatenation++] = L'\\'; //
// Allocate buffer used to collect identity data that will be written to the LSA secret
BYTE rgbIdentityData[MAX_SECRET_SIZE]; BYTE* pbCurrentData = (BYTE*)&rgbIdentityData; DWORD cbIdentityData = 0; //
// Process each found file
BYTE rgbIdentity[HASH_DATA_SIZE]; BOOL bIsPasswordNull; DWORD dwCredentialIndex; DWORD cbFileName; while (dwRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { //
// Truncate the existing name after the folder path,
// then concatenate the new filename onto it.
wszSearchPath[iConcatenation] = L'\0'; if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, fd.cFileName))) { //
// Hash the job into a unique identity.
if (SUCCEEDED(HashJobIdentity(hCSP, wszSearchPath, rgbIdentity))) { //
// Find the identity in the SAI for this job
hr = SAIFindIdentity(rgbIdentity, cbSAI, pbSAI, &dwCredentialIndex, &bIsPasswordNull, NULL, NULL, NULL); //
// S_OK means the identity was found; S_FALSE means it wasn't
// Other codes are errors. We process only the S_OKs, of course.
if (S_OK == hr) { cbFileName = (lstrlenW(fd.cFileName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if ((cbIdentityData + cbFileName + sizeof(BOOL) + sizeof(DWORD)) > MAX_SECRET_SIZE) { //
// this should _never_ happen, as we shouldn't be able to exceed the size
// given that we only add data for jobs that have already been found in
// the SAI, and we are collecting less data than was stored there
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); break; } CopyMemory(pbCurrentData, fd.cFileName, cbFileName); pbCurrentData += cbFileName; CopyMemory(pbCurrentData, &bIsPasswordNull, sizeof(BOOL)); pbCurrentData += sizeof(BOOL); CopyMemory(pbCurrentData, &dwCredentialIndex, sizeof(DWORD)); pbCurrentData += sizeof(DWORD); cbIdentityData += (cbFileName + sizeof(BOOL) + sizeof(DWORD)); } else { hr = S_OK; // OK, we failed this one, go on to the next
} } } if (!FindNextFile(hFileEnum, &fd)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); if (dwRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) hr = _HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); break; } } if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) != hr) { hr = WriteLsaData(sizeof(gwszSysprepIdentity), gwszSysprepIdentity, cbIdentityData, (BYTE*)&rgbIdentityData); } } } } } } } }
if (pbSAI) LocalFree(pbSAI); if (pbSAC) LocalFree(pbSAC);
if (pwszTasksFolder) delete [] pwszTasksFolder;
if (hFileEnum != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hFileEnum);
return hr; }
// Function: PreProcessNetScheduleJobs
// Synopsis: Netschedule jobs (AT jobs) are signed internally with a hash so
// that the service can validate their authenticity at run time.
// Sysprep changes important data used by the Crypto API such that
// the generated hash will be different and can never match the hash
// stored in the AT job. In order to be runnable again, the AT jobs
// must be signed again with the new hash.
// *** WARNING ***
// This means that if someone could drop a bogus AT job into the tasks
// folder, it would automatically get signed as a result of running sysprep.
// In order to prevent this, check all AT jobs prior to sysprep and
// eliminate any that are not valid.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT PreProcessNetScheduleJobs(void) { HANDLE hFileEnum = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
WCHAR* pwszTasksFolder = NULL; HRESULT hr = GetTasksFolder(&pwszTasksFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR wszSearchPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; hr = StringCchCopy(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, pwszTasksFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = StringCchCat(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, L"\\" TSZ_AT_JOB_PREFIX L"*" TSZ_DOTJOB); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; DWORD dwRet = 0; if ((hFileEnum = FindFirstFile(wszSearchPath, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Either no jobs (this is OK), or an error occurred.
dwRet = GetLastError(); if (dwRet != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) hr = _HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); } else { //
// Must concatenate the filename returned from the enumeration onto the folder path
// before loading the job. Prepare for doing that repeatedly by taking the path,
// adding a slash, and remembering the next character position.
hr = StringCchCopy(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, pwszTasksFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD iConcatenation = lstrlenW(pwszTasksFolder); wszSearchPath[iConcatenation++] = L'\\'; //
// Process each found file
while (dwRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { //
// Truncate the existing name after the folder path,
// then concatenate the new filename onto it.
wszSearchPath[iConcatenation] = L'\0'; if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, fd.cFileName))) { //
// Load and check signature of each job
CJob* pJob = CJob::Create(); if (!pJob) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } if (SUCCEEDED(pJob->Load(wszSearchPath, 0))) { if (!pJob->VerifySignature()) { if (!DeleteFile(wszSearchPath)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); // go on anyway
} } } pJob->Release(); } if (!FindNextFile(hFileEnum, &fd)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); if (dwRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) hr = _HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); break; } } } } if (hFileEnum != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hFileEnum); } } }
if (pwszTasksFolder) delete [] pwszTasksFolder;
return hr; }
// Function: GetSysprepIdentityInfo
// Synopsis: Retrieves the stored job identity data so new hashes can be calculated.
// Arguments: pcbIdentityData - pointer to count of bytes in the identity data
// ppIdentityData - pointer to pointer to retrieved identity data
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT GetSysprepIdentityInfo(DWORD* pcbIdentityData, BYTE** ppIdentityData) { *ppIdentityData = NULL;
// Retrieve job identity data from LSA, if it exists
HRESULT hr = ReadLsaData(sizeof(gwszSysprepIdentity), gwszSysprepIdentity, pcbIdentityData, ppIdentityData); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (*ppIdentityData != NULL) { LocalFree(*ppIdentityData); *ppIdentityData = NULL; } }
return hr; }
// Function: GetSysprepKeyInfo
// Synopsis: Retrieves the stored pre-sysprep CredentialKey so that it can be used to decrypt
// credentials after sysprep, so those credentials may be encrypted again using the
// post-sysprep key.
// Arguments: pcbRC2KeyInfo - pointer to count of bytes in key data
// ppRC2KeyInfo - pointer to pointer to retrieved key
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT GetSysprepKeyInfo(DWORD* pcbRC2KeyInfo, RC2_KEY_INFO** ppRC2KeyInfo) { *ppRC2KeyInfo = NULL;
// Get the key from LSA
HRESULT hr = ReadLsaData(sizeof(gwszSysprepKey), gwszSysprepKey, pcbRC2KeyInfo, (BYTE**)ppRC2KeyInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Check the size. We know exactly how big this should be, so make sure it is.
if (*pcbRC2KeyInfo != sizeof(RC2_KEY_INFO)) { *pcbRC2KeyInfo = 0; LocalFree(*ppRC2KeyInfo); *ppRC2KeyInfo = NULL; hr = E_FAIL; } } else // failed!
{ if (*ppRC2KeyInfo != NULL) { LocalFree(*ppRC2KeyInfo); *ppRC2KeyInfo = NULL; } }
return hr; }
// Function: ConvertSysprepInfo
// Synopsis: Converts credentials stored prior to sysprep so they may be decrypted after sysprep.
// It does this by retrieving the pre-sysprep key, decrypting the credentials with it, and then
// encrypting them using the new post-sysprep key.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT ConvertSysprepInfo(void) { //
// Initialize these up here so they will have values if we exit early
RC2_KEY_INFO* pRC2KeyPreSysprep = NULL; DWORD cbRC2KeyPreSysprep = 0; RC2_KEY_INFO RC2KeyPostSysprep;
// Initialize security
InitSS(); SetMysteryDWORDValue();
// Set this as it is relied on by ScavengeSASecurityDBase
g_SvcStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING;
// Get the tasks folder for use by ConvertNetScheduleJobs, ConvertIdentityData, and ScavengeSASecurityDBase
HRESULT hr = GetTasksFolder(&g_TasksFolderInfo.ptszPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Obtain a provider handle to the CSP (for use with Crypto API)
hr = GetCSPHandle(&hCSP); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Get the pre-sysprep key from LSA
hr = GetSysprepKeyInfo(&cbRC2KeyPreSysprep, &pRC2KeyPreSysprep); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Generate the post-sysprep key
hr = ComputeCredentialKey(hCSP, &RC2KeyPostSysprep); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// The Net Schedule conversions are independent of the rest of the logic,
// so do them first and get them out of the way.
hr = ConvertNetScheduleJobs(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // ignore, we still can do our other conversions
hr = S_OK; }
hr = ConvertNetScheduleCredentialData(pRC2KeyPreSysprep, &RC2KeyPostSysprep); if (FAILED(hr)) { // ignore, we still can do our other conversions
hr = S_OK; }
// Read SAI & SAC databases.
// It is not necessary to guard security db access with a critsec as elsewhere in the code,
// as the service will not be running during MiniSetup and there will be no other threads accessing this data.
hr = ReadSecurityDBase(&cbSAI, &pbSAI, &cbSAC, &pbSAC); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Do some validations on the database
if (cbSAI <= SAI_HEADER_SIZE || pbSAI == NULL || cbSAC <= SAC_HEADER_SIZE || pbSAC == NULL) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Place updated entries into SAI for all jobs
hr = ConvertIdentityData(hCSP, &cbSAI, &pbSAI, &cbSAC, &pbSAC); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Place updated entries into SAC for all credentials
hr = ConvertCredentialData(pRC2KeyPreSysprep, &RC2KeyPostSysprep, &cbSAI, &pbSAI, &cbSAC, &pbSAC);
// Clearing key content at earliest opportunity
SecureZeroMemory(&RC2KeyPostSysprep, sizeof(RC2KeyPostSysprep)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Update security database with new identities and converted credentials
hr = WriteSecurityDBase(cbSAI, pbSAI, cbSAC, pbSAC); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Allow scavenger cleanup to delete old identities
ScavengeSASecurityDBase(); } }
ErrorExit: //
// Delete the secrets
DeleteLsaData(sizeof(gwszSysprepKey), gwszSysprepKey); DeleteLsaData(sizeof(gwszSysprepIdentity), gwszSysprepIdentity);
// Clean up
if (g_TasksFolderInfo.ptszPath) delete [] g_TasksFolderInfo.ptszPath;
if (hCSP) CloseCSPHandle(hCSP); if (pbSAI) LocalFree(pbSAI); if (pbSAC) LocalFree(pbSAC); if (pRC2KeyPreSysprep) LocalFree(pRC2KeyPreSysprep);
// Log an error & reset the SA security dbases SAI & SAC if corruption is detected.
// Reset SAI & SAC by writing four bytes of zeros into each.
// Ignore the return code. No recourse if this fails.
DWORD dwZero = 0; WriteSecurityDBase(sizeof(dwZero), (BYTE*)&dwZero, sizeof(dwZero), (BYTE*)&dwZero); }
// Done doing security stuff
UninitSS(); return(hr); }
// Function: ConvertNetScheduleJobs
// Synopsis: Netschedule jobs (AT jobs) are signed internally with a hash so
// that the service can validate their authenticity at run time.
// Sysprep changes important data used by the Crypto API such that
// the generated hash will be different and can never match the hash
// stored in the AT job. In order to be runnable again, the AT jobs
// must be signed again with the new hash.
// *** WARNING ***
// This means that if someone could drop a bogus AT job into the tasks
// folder, it would automatically get signed as a result of running sysprep.
// In order to prevent this, PreProcessNetScheduleJobs has already checked
// all AT jobs prior to sysprep and eliminated any that were not valid.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT ConvertNetScheduleJobs(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFileEnum = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
WCHAR wszSearchPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; hr = StringCchCopy(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, g_TasksFolderInfo.ptszPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = StringCchCat(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, L"\\" TSZ_AT_JOB_PREFIX L"*" TSZ_DOTJOB); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; DWORD dwRet = 0; if ((hFileEnum = FindFirstFile(wszSearchPath, &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Either no jobs (this is OK), or an error occurred.
dwRet = GetLastError(); if (dwRet != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) hr = _HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); } else { //
// Must concatenate the filename returned from the enumeration onto the folder path
// before loading the job. Prepare for doing that repeatedly by taking the path,
// adding a slash, and remembering the next character position.
hr = StringCchCopy(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, g_TasksFolderInfo.ptszPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD iConcatenation = lstrlenW(g_TasksFolderInfo.ptszPath); wszSearchPath[iConcatenation++] = L'\\'; //
// Process each found file
while (dwRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { //
// Truncate the existing name after the folder path,
// then concatenate the new filename onto it.
wszSearchPath[iConcatenation] = L'\0'; if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(wszSearchPath, MAX_PATH + 1, fd.cFileName))) { //
// Load, sign, save, and release the job
CJob* pJob = CJob::Create(); if (!pJob) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } if (SUCCEEDED(pJob->Load(wszSearchPath, 0))) { if (SUCCEEDED(pJob->Sign())) { pJob->SaveWithRetry(pJob->GetFileName(), FALSE, SAVEP_VARIABLE_LENGTH_DATA | SAVEP_PRESERVE_NET_SCHEDULE); } } pJob->Release(); } if (!FindNextFile(hFileEnum, &fd)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); if (dwRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) hr = _HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); break; } } } } if (hFileEnum != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hFileEnum); } }
return hr; }
// Function: ConvertIdentityData
// Synopsis: Create new job identity entries in SAI representing the existing
// jobs on the system. It does this by retrieving information stored
// pre-sysprep associating each existing job with its credential, then
// creating and storing a new identity to reference that credential.
// Arguments: hCSP - handle to crypto service provider
// pcbSAI - pointer to dword containing count of bytes in SAI
// ppbSAI - pointer to pointer to SAI data
// pcbSAC - pointer to dword containing count of bytes in SAC
// ppbSAC - pointer to pointer to SAC data
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT ConvertIdentityData(HCRYPTPROV hCSP, DWORD* pcbSAI, BYTE** ppbSAI, DWORD* pcbSAC, BYTE** ppbSAC) { //
// Get the job identity data from LSA
BYTE* pbIdentityData = NULL; DWORD cbIdentityData = 0;
HRESULT hr = GetSysprepIdentityInfo(&cbIdentityData, &pbIdentityData); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Insert updated hashes into SAI for pre-sysprep jobs
if (pbIdentityData) { //
// Get the tasks folder and prepare buffer for use in producing job path
WCHAR wszJobPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; hr = StringCchCopy(wszJobPath, MAX_PATH + 1, g_TasksFolderInfo.ptszPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD iConcatenation = lstrlenW(g_TasksFolderInfo.ptszPath); wszJobPath[iConcatenation++] = L'\\'; //
// Process each stored task
BYTE* pbCurrentData = pbIdentityData; BYTE* pbLastByte = (BYTE*)(pbIdentityData + cbIdentityData - 1); WCHAR* pwszFileName = NULL; BOOL bIsPasswordNull; DWORD dwCredentialIndex; BYTE rgbIdentity[HASH_DATA_SIZE]; BYTE* pbIdentitySet = NULL; while (pbCurrentData <= pbLastByte) { pwszFileName = (WCHAR*) pbCurrentData; pbCurrentData += ((lstrlenW(pwszFileName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); CopyMemory(&bIsPasswordNull, pbCurrentData, sizeof(BOOL)); pbCurrentData += sizeof(BOOL); CopyMemory(&dwCredentialIndex, pbCurrentData, sizeof(DWORD)); if ((pbCurrentData + sizeof(DWORD)) > (pbLastByte + 1)) { //
// the first DWORD after pbCurrentData is beyond the first BYTE after pbLastByte;
// this means that the DWORD pointed to by pbCurrentData is partially or wholly
// beyond the end of the data -- something is corrupt
hr = E_FAIL; goto ErrorExit; } //
// Truncate the existing name after the folder path,
// then concatenate the new filename onto it.
wszJobPath[iConcatenation] = L'\0'; if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(wszJobPath, MAX_PATH + 1, pwszFileName))) { //
// Hash the job into a unique identity.
if (SUCCEEDED(HashJobIdentity(hCSP, (LPCWSTR)&wszJobPath, rgbIdentity))) { //
// Store a NULL password by flipping the last bit of the hash data.
if (bIsPasswordNull) { LAST_HASH_BYTE(rgbIdentity) ^= 1; } //
// Insert the job identity into the SAI identity set associated
// with this credential.
hr = SAIIndexIdentity(*pcbSAI, *ppbSAI, dwCredentialIndex, 0, NULL, NULL, &pbIdentitySet); if (hr == S_FALSE) { //
// The SAC & SAI databases are out of sync. Should *never* occur.
ASSERT_SECURITY_DBASE_CORRUPT(); hr = SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_DBASE_CORRUPT; goto ErrorExit; } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SAIInsertIdentity(rgbIdentity, pbIdentitySet, pcbSAI, ppbSAI); } else { hr = S_OK; // OK, we failed this one, go on to the next
} } } pbCurrentData += sizeof(DWORD); } } }
ErrorExit: if (pbIdentityData) LocalFree(pbIdentityData); return(hr); }
// Function: ConvertCredentialData
// Synopsis: Converts credentials stored prior to sysprep so they may be decrypted after sysprep.
// It does this by retrieving the pre-sysprep key, decrypting the credentials with it, and then
// encrypting them using the new post-sysprep key.
// Arguments: pRC2KeyPreSysprep - pointer to presysprep key
// pRC2KeyPostSysprep - pointer to postsysprep key
// pcbSAI - pointer to dword containing count of bytes in SAI
// ppbSAI - pointer to pointer to SAI data
// pcbSAC - pointer to dword containing count of bytes in SAC
// ppbSAC - pointer to pointer to SAC data
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT ConvertCredentialData(RC2_KEY_INFO* pRC2KeyPreSysprep, RC2_KEY_INFO* pRC2KeyPostSysprep, DWORD* pcbSAI, BYTE** ppbSAI, DWORD* pcbSAC, BYTE** ppbSAC) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hRes2 = S_OK; // for hresults that we don't want to affect our return code
BYTE* pbEncryptedData = NULL; DWORD cbEncryptedData = 0; BYTE* pbSACEnd = *ppbSAC + *pcbSAC; BYTE* pbCredential = *ppbSAC + USN_SIZE; // Advance past USN.
DWORD cbCredential = 0;
// Read credential count
DWORD dwCredentialCount = 0; CopyMemory(&dwCredentialCount, pbCredential, sizeof(dwCredentialCount)); pbCredential += sizeof(dwCredentialCount);
// Loop through all credentials, decrypting, encrypting, and updating each one
JOB_CREDENTIALS jc; RC2_KEY_INFO RC2KeyPreSysprepCopy; RC2_KEY_INFO RC2KeyPostSysprepCopy; for (DWORD dwCredentialIndex = 0; (dwCredentialIndex < dwCredentialCount) && ((DWORD)(pbCredential - *ppbSAC) < *pcbSAC); dwCredentialIndex++ ) { //
// Ensure sufficient space remains in the buffer.
if ((pbCredential + sizeof(cbCredential)) > pbSACEnd) { ASSERT_SECURITY_DBASE_CORRUPT(); hr = SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_DBASE_CORRUPT; goto ErrorExit; }
CopyMemory(&cbCredential, pbCredential, sizeof(cbCredential)); pbCredential += sizeof(cbCredential);
// Check remaining buffer size again
// Check remaining buffer size yet again
if ((pbCredential + cbCredential) > pbSACEnd) { ASSERT_SECURITY_DBASE_CORRUPT(); hr = SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_DBASE_CORRUPT; goto ErrorExit; }
// The start of the credential refers to the credential identity.
// Skip over this to refer to the encrypted bits. Copy the pbCredential
// and cbCredential for this dwCredentialIndex so that it can be
// manipulated without altering the original buffer.
cbEncryptedData = cbCredential - HASH_DATA_SIZE; pbEncryptedData = new BYTE[cbEncryptedData]; CopyMemory(pbEncryptedData, pbCredential + HASH_DATA_SIZE, cbEncryptedData);
// The decryption process (CBC call) clobbers the key, so make a fresh
// copy from the source each time through the loop
CopyMemory(&RC2KeyPreSysprepCopy, pRC2KeyPreSysprep, sizeof(RC2_KEY_INFO));
// Decrypt credential using the pre-sysprep key
// *** Important ***
// The encrypted credentials passed are decrypted *in-place*.
// Therefore, buffer content has been compromised;
// plus, the decrypted data must be zeroed immediately
// following decryption (even in a failure case).
hRes2 = DecryptCredentials(RC2KeyPreSysprepCopy, cbEncryptedData, pbEncryptedData, &jc);
// Don't leave the plain-text password on the heap.
SecureZeroMemory(pbEncryptedData, cbEncryptedData);
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes2)) { //
// The encryption process (CBC call) clobbers the key, so make a fresh
// copy from the source each time through the loop
CopyMemory(&RC2KeyPostSysprepCopy, pRC2KeyPostSysprep, sizeof(RC2_KEY_INFO)); //
// Encrypt credential using the post-sysprep key
hRes2 = EncryptCredentials(RC2KeyPostSysprepCopy, jc.wszAccount, jc.wszDomain, jc.wszPassword, NULL, &cbEncryptedData, &pbEncryptedData); //
// Don't leave the plain-text password on the stack
ZERO_PASSWORD(jc.wszPassword); jc.ccPassword = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(hRes2)) { //
// Update the old encrypted credential with the newly encrypted credential
hr = SACUpdateCredential(cbEncryptedData, pbEncryptedData, cbCredential, pbCredential, pcbSAC, ppbSAC); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; // a failure to update leaves the SAC data
// in an unknown state, so we need to bail
} } } //
// Clean up
delete pbEncryptedData; pbEncryptedData = NULL; //
// Advance to next credential.
pbCredential += (HASH_DATA_SIZE + cbEncryptedData); }
// Still more integrity checking.
// Did we reach the end of the buffer exactly when we thought we should?
// If not, something is wrong somewhere.
if ((dwCredentialIndex == dwCredentialCount) && ((DWORD)(pbCredential - *ppbSAC) != *pcbSAC) || (dwCredentialIndex != dwCredentialCount) && ((DWORD)(pbCredential - *ppbSAC) > *pcbSAC)) { //
// The database appears to be truncated.
ErrorExit: if (pbEncryptedData) LocalFree(pbEncryptedData); return(hr); }
// Function: ConvertNetScheduleCredentialData
// Synopsis: Converts Net Schedule credential stored prior to sysprep so it may be decrypted after sysprep.
// It does this by using the pre-sysprep key to decrypt the credential with it, and then
// encrypting it using the new post-sysprep key.
// Arguments: pRC2KeyPreSysprep - pointer to presysprep key
// pRC2KeyPostSysprep - pointer to postsysprep key
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT ConvertNetScheduleCredentialData(RC2_KEY_INFO* pRC2KeyPreSysprep, RC2_KEY_INFO* pRC2KeyPostSysprep) { BYTE* pbEncryptedData = NULL; DWORD cbEncryptedData = 0; //
// Read the Net Schedule account from LSA
HRESULT hr = ReadLsaData(sizeof(WSZ_SANSC), WSZ_SANSC, &cbEncryptedData, &pbEncryptedData); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
if (hr == S_FALSE || cbEncryptedData <= sizeof(DWORD)) { //
// The information was specified previously but has been reset since.
// NOTE: This will be the case if the value has been reset back to LocalSystem,
// as it merely stores a dword = 0x00000000 in that case
// Do nothing -- there is no data to convert
} else { //
// The decryption process (CBC call) clobbers the key, so make a copy for use
RC2_KEY_INFO RC2KeyPreSysprepCopy; CopyMemory(&RC2KeyPreSysprepCopy, pRC2KeyPreSysprep, sizeof(RC2_KEY_INFO)); JOB_CREDENTIALS jc; hr = DecryptCredentials(RC2KeyPreSysprepCopy, cbEncryptedData, pbEncryptedData, &jc); SecureZeroMemory(&RC2KeyPreSysprepCopy, sizeof(RC2_KEY_INFO)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; } //
// Don't leave the plain-text password on the heap.
SecureZeroMemory(pbEncryptedData, cbEncryptedData);
// The encryption process (CBC call) clobbers the key, so make a copy for use
RC2_KEY_INFO RC2KeyPostSysprepCopy; CopyMemory(&RC2KeyPostSysprepCopy, pRC2KeyPostSysprep, sizeof(RC2_KEY_INFO));
// Encrypt credential using the post-sysprep key
hr = EncryptCredentials(RC2KeyPostSysprepCopy, jc.wszAccount, jc.wszDomain, jc.wszPassword, NULL, &cbEncryptedData, &pbEncryptedData); SecureZeroMemory(&RC2KeyPostSysprepCopy, sizeof(RC2_KEY_INFO));
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Don't leave the plain-text password on the stack
hr = WriteLsaData(sizeof(WSZ_SANSC), WSZ_SANSC, cbEncryptedData, pbEncryptedData); }
ErrorExit: if (pbEncryptedData != NULL) LocalFree(pbEncryptedData);
return(hr); }