// Utils.cpp
// General-purpose routines that are project independent.
// t-danmo 96.09.22 Creation.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "progress.h" // CServiceControlProgress
#include "macros.h" // MFC_TRY/MFC_CATCH
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Fusion MFC-based property page
HPROPSHEETPAGE MyCreatePropertySheetPage(AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE* psp) { PROPSHEETPAGE_V3 sp_v3 = {0}; CopyMemory (&sp_v3, psp, psp->dwSize); sp_v3.dwSize = sizeof(sp_v3);
return (::CreatePropertySheetPage (&sp_v3)); }
void ComboBox_FlushContent(HWND hwndCombo) { Assert(IsWindow(hwndCombo)); SendMessage(hwndCombo, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); }
// ComboBox_FFill()
// Fill a combo box with the array of string Ids.
// Return FALSE if an error occurs (such as stringId not found).
BOOL ComboBox_FFill( const HWND hwndCombo, // IN: Handle of the combobox
const TStringParamEntry rgzSPE[], // IN: SPE aray zero terminated
const LPARAM lItemDataSelect) // IN: Which item to select
{ CString str; TCHAR szBuffer[1024]; LRESULT lResult;
Assert(IsWindow(hwndCombo)); Assert(rgzSPE != NULL);
for (int i = 0; rgzSPE[i].uStringId != 0; i++) { if (!::LoadString(g_hInstanceSave, rgzSPE[i].uStringId, OUT szBuffer, LENGTH(szBuffer))) { TRACE1("Unable to load string Id=%d.\n", rgzSPE[i].uStringId); Assert(FALSE && "Unable to load string"); return FALSE; } lResult = SendMessage(hwndCombo, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(szBuffer)); Report(lResult >= 0); const WPARAM iIndex = lResult; lResult = SendMessage(hwndCombo, CB_SETITEMDATA, iIndex, rgzSPE[i].lItemData); Report(lResult != CB_ERR); if (rgzSPE[i].lItemData == lItemDataSelect) { SendMessage(hwndCombo, CB_SETCURSEL, iIndex, 0); } } // for
return TRUE; } // ComboBox_FFill()
// ComboBox_FGetSelectedItemData()
// Get the value of the lParam field of the current selected item.
// If an error occurs return -1 (CB_ERR).
// Otherwise the value of the selected item.
LPARAM ComboBox_GetSelectedItemData(HWND hwndComboBox) { LPARAM l;
Assert(IsWindow(hwndComboBox)); l = SendMessage(hwndComboBox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); Report(l != CB_ERR && "Combobox has no item selected"); l = SendMessage(hwndComboBox, CB_GETITEMDATA, l, 0); Assert(l != CB_ERR && "Cannot extract item data from combobox"); if (l == CB_ERR) { Assert(CB_ERR == -1); return -1; } return l; } // ComboBox_GetSelectedItemData()
HWND HGetDlgItem(HWND hdlg, INT nIdDlgItem) { Assert(IsWindow(hdlg)); Assert(IsWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, nIdDlgItem))); return GetDlgItem(hdlg, nIdDlgItem); } // HGetDlgItem()
void SetDlgItemFocus(HWND hdlg, INT nIdDlgItem) { Assert(IsWindow(hdlg)); Assert(IsWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, nIdDlgItem))); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hdlg, nIdDlgItem)); }
void EnableDlgItem(HWND hdlg, INT nIdDlgItem, BOOL fEnable) { Assert(IsWindow(hdlg)); Assert(IsWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, nIdDlgItem))); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, nIdDlgItem), fEnable); }
// Enable/disable one or more controls in a dialog.
void EnableDlgItemGroup( HWND hdlg, // IN: Parent dialog of the controls
const UINT rgzidCtl[], // IN: Group (array) of control Ids to be enabled (or disabled)
BOOL fEnableAll) // IN: TRUE => We want to enable the controls; FALSE => We want to disable the controls
{ Assert(IsWindow(hdlg)); Assert(rgzidCtl != NULL); for (const UINT * pidCtl = rgzidCtl; *pidCtl != 0; pidCtl++) { EnableWindow(HGetDlgItem(hdlg, *pidCtl), fEnableAll); } } // EnableDlgItemGroup()
// Show/hide one or more controls in a dialog.
void ShowDlgItemGroup( HWND hdlg, // IN: Parent dialog of the controls
const UINT rgzidCtl[], // IN: Group (array) of control Ids to be shown (or hidden)
BOOL fShowAll) // IN: TRUE => We want to show the controls; FALSE => We want to hide the controls
{ Assert(IsWindow(hdlg)); Assert(rgzidCtl != NULL); INT nCmdShow = fShowAll ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; for (const UINT * pidCtl = rgzidCtl; *pidCtl != 0; pidCtl++) { ShowWindow(HGetDlgItem(hdlg, *pidCtl), nCmdShow); } } // ShowDlgItemGroup()
// Str_PchCopyChN()
// Copy a string until reaching character chStop or destination buffer full.
// Pointer to the last character of source buffer not copied into destination buffer.
// This may be useful to parse the rest of the source string.
// Character chStop is not copied into the destination buffer.
// If cchDstMax==0, the number of characters will not be limited.
TCHAR * Str_PchCopyChN( TCHAR * szDst, // OUT: Destination buffer
CONST TCHAR * szSrc, // IN: Source buffer
TCHAR chStop, // IN: Character to stop the copying
INT cchDstMax) // IN: Length of the output buffer
{ Assert(szDst != NULL); Assert(szSrc != NULL); Assert(cchDstMax >= 0);
while (*szSrc != '\0' && *szSrc != chStop && --cchDstMax != 0) { *szDst++ = *szSrc++; } *szDst = '\0'; return const_cast<TCHAR *>(szSrc); } // Str_PchCopyChN()
// Str_RemoveSubStr()
// Scan the source string and remove every occurrence of a
// sub-string.
// Return the number of removals performed.
// 580255-2002/03/18 JonN fixed Str_SubstituteStrStr buffer overrun
INT Str_RemoveSubStr( WCHAR * szBuf, // IN OUT: Source/Destination buffer
CONST WCHAR * szToken) // IN: Token to remove
{ if (!szBuf || !*szBuf || !szToken || !*szToken) return 0;
INT cSubstitutions = 0; size_t cchToken = wcslen(szToken);
TCHAR* pszFound = NULL; while ( NULL != (pszFound = wcsstr(szBuf,szToken)) ) { size_t cchBuf = wcslen(szBuf); TCHAR* pszEndToken = pszFound + cchToken; size_t cchMove = 1 + (szBuf+cchBuf) - pszEndToken; wmemmove(pszFound, pszEndToken, cchMove ); // includes trailing NULL
cSubstitutions++; }
return cSubstitutions; } // Str_SubstituteStrStr()
// PchParseCommandLine()
// Split a command line into its path to its executable binary and
// its command line arguments. The path to the executable is
// copied into the output buffer.
// Pointer to the next character after path to the executable (Pointer
// may point to an empty string). If an error occurs, return NULL.
// 1. "c:\\winnt\\foo.exe /bar"
// 2. ""c:\\winnt\\foo.exe" /bar"
// The double quotes around the binary path allow
// the binary path to have spaces.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-580255-2002/03/18 JonN PchParseCommandLine buffer overrun
TCHAR * PchParseCommandLine( CONST TCHAR szFullCommand[], // IN: Full command line
TCHAR szBinPath[], // OUT: Path of the executable binary
INT cchBinPathBuf) // IN: Size of the buffer
{ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (cchBinPathBuf); CONST TCHAR * pchSrc = szFullCommand; TCHAR * pchDst = szBinPath; BOOL fQuotesFound = FALSE; // TRUE => The binary path is surrounded by quotes (")
Assert(szFullCommand != NULL); Assert(szBinPath != NULL);
// Skip leading spaces
while (*pchSrc == _T(' ')) pchSrc++; if (*pchSrc == _T('\"')) { fQuotesFound = TRUE; pchSrc++; } while (TRUE) { *pchDst = *pchSrc; if (*pchSrc == _T('\0')) break; if (*pchSrc == _T('\"') && fQuotesFound) { pchSrc++; break; } if (*pchSrc == _T(' ') && !fQuotesFound) { pchSrc++; break; } pchSrc++; pchDst++; } Assert(pchDst - szBinPath < cchBinPathBuf); *pchDst = _T('\0');
return const_cast<TCHAR *>(pchSrc); // Return character where arguments starts
} // PchParseCommandLine()
void TrimString(CString& rString) { rString.TrimLeft(); rString.TrimRight(); }
// PargzpszFromPgrsz()
// Parse a group of strings into an array of pointers to strings.
// This routine is somewhat similar to CommandLineToArgvW() but
// uses a group of strings instead of a normal string.
// Return a pointer to an allocated array of pointers to strings.
// The array of pointers allocated with the new() operator,
// therefore the caller must call ONCE delete() to free memory.
// 581272 JonN 2002/04/03 With this change, this function returns an
// array of pointers to strings, but does not allocate the strings
// themselves. pgrsz must not be deleted before the return value.
// You need to 'understand' hungarian prefixes to appreciate the
// name of the function.
// p Pointer to something
// psz Pointer to string terminated.
// pa Pointer dynamically allocated. For instance, pasz is
// a pointer to an allocated string. The allocation is
// to remind the developper he/she have to free the memory
// when done with the variable.
// rg Array (range). Array (rg) is similar to pointer (p)
// but may point to more than one element.
// rgch is an array of characters while pch points to
// a single character.
// rgz Array of which the last element is zero. The 'last element'
// may be a character, an integer, a pointer or any other
// data type found in the array.
// For instance rgzch would be an array of characters having
// its last character zero -- a string (sz).
// gr Group. This is different than array because indexing
// cannot be used. For instance, a group of strings is
// not the same as an array of strings.
// char grsz[] = "DOS\0WfW\0Win95\0WinNT\0";
// char * rgpsz[] = { "DOS", "WfW", "Win95", "WinNT" };
// char * rgzpsz[] = { "DOS", "WfW", "Win95", "WinNT", NULL };
// Now it is time to put all the pieces together.
// pargzpsz = "pa" + "rgz" + "psz"
// pgrsz = "p" + "gr" + "sz"
// LPTSTR * pargzpsz;
// pargzpsz = PargzpszFromPgrsz("DOS\0WfW\0Win95\0WinNT\0", OUT &cStringCount);
// delete pargzpsz; // Single delete to free memory
// 581272 JonN 2002/04/03 I modified this routine to put minimum trust in
// the pgrsz parameter, which originates in the cfgmgr32 APIs.
LPTSTR * PargzpszFromPgrsz( CONST LPCTSTR pgrsz, // IN: Pointer to group of strings
INT * pcStringCount) // OUT: OPTIONAL: Count of strings in the stored into returned value
{ if (NULL == pgrsz) { ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; }
// Compute how much memory is needed for allocation
int cStringCount = 0; CONST TCHAR * pchSrc = pgrsz; while (!IsBadStringPtr(pchSrc, (UINT)-1)) { if (*pchSrc == _T('\0')) break; cStringCount++; pchSrc += lstrlen(pchSrc)+1; } // while
// Allocate a single block of memory for all the data
LPTSTR * pargzpsz = new LPTSTR[cStringCount+1]; if (NULL == pargzpsz) { Assert(FALSE); return NULL; } ZeroMemory(pargzpsz, (cStringCount+1)*sizeof(LPTSTR));
int iString = 0; pchSrc = pgrsz; while (!IsBadStringPtr(pchSrc, (UINT)-1) && iString < cStringCount) { pargzpsz[iString++] = (LPTSTR)pchSrc; pchSrc += lstrlen(pchSrc)+1; } // for
pargzpsz[cStringCount] = NULL; if (pcStringCount != NULL) *pcStringCount = cStringCount; return pargzpsz; } // PargzpszFromPgrsz()
void ListView_AddColumnHeaders( HWND hwndListview, // IN: Handle of the listview we want to add columns
const TColumnHeaderItem rgzColumnHeader[]) // IN: Array of column header items
{ RECT rcClient; INT cxTotalWidth; // Total width of the listview control
LV_COLUMN lvColumn; INT cxColumn; // Width of the individual column
TCHAR szBuffer[1024];
Assert(IsWindow(hwndListview)); Assert(rgzColumnHeader != NULL);
GetClientRect(hwndListview, OUT &rcClient); cxTotalWidth = rcClient.right; lvColumn.pszText = szBuffer;
for (INT i = 0; rgzColumnHeader[i].uStringId != 0; i++) { if (!::LoadString(g_hInstanceSave, rgzColumnHeader[i].uStringId, OUT szBuffer, LENGTH(szBuffer))) { TRACE1("Unable to load string Id=%d\n", rgzColumnHeader[i].uStringId); Assert(FALSE); continue; } lvColumn.mask = LVCF_TEXT; cxColumn = rgzColumnHeader[i].nColWidth; if (cxColumn > 0) { Assert(cxColumn <= 100); cxColumn = (cxTotalWidth * cxColumn) / 100; lvColumn.mask |= LVCF_WIDTH; lvColumn.cx = cxColumn; }
INT iColRet = ListView_InsertColumn(hwndListview, i, IN &lvColumn); Report(iColRet == i); } // for
} // ListView_AddColumnHeaders()
int ListView_InsertItemEx( HWND hwndListview, // IN: Handle of the listview we want to add item
CONST LV_ITEM * pLvItem) // IN: Pointer to listview item
{ LV_ITEM lvItemT; // Temporary variable
TCHAR szT[1024]; // Temporary buffer
TCHAR * pch; INT iItem; // Index of the item
Assert(IsWindow(hwndListview)); Assert(pLvItem != NULL);
lvItemT = *pLvItem; // Copy the whole structure
lvItemT.iSubItem = 0; lvItemT.pszText = szT;
// Copy until the next
pch = Str_PchCopyChN(OUT szT, pLvItem->pszText, '\t', LENGTH(szT)); Assert(pch != NULL);
iItem = ListView_InsertItem(hwndListview, IN &lvItemT); Report(iItem >= 0); if (*pch == '\0') return iItem; Assert(*pch == '\t');
lvItemT.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvItemT.iItem = iItem; lvItemT.iSubItem = 1;
while (*pch != '\0') { pch = Str_PchCopyChN(OUT szT, pch + 1, '\t', LENGTH(szT)); BOOL fRet = ListView_SetItem(hwndListview, IN &lvItemT); Report(fRet != FALSE); lvItemT.iSubItem++; break; } return iItem; } // ListView_InsertItemEx()
// Display the common dialog to get a filename.
BOOL UiGetFileName( HWND hwnd, TCHAR szFileName[], // OUT: Filename we want to get
INT cchBufferLength) // IN: Length of szFileName buffer
Assert(szFileName != NULL); Assert(cchBufferLength > 10); // At least 10 characters
TCHAR szBufferT[2048]; ::ZeroMemory( szBufferT, sizeof(szBufferT) ); VERIFY(::LoadString(g_hInstanceSave, IDS_OPENFILE_FILTER, szBufferT, LENGTH(szBufferT))); ::ZeroMemory(OUT &ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.hInstance = g_hInstanceSave; ofn.lpstrFilter = szBufferT; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = cchBufferLength; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
return GetOpenFileName(&ofn); } // UiGetFileName()
// PaszLoadStringPrintf()
// Load a string from the resource, and format it and return
// pointer allocated string.
// Pointer to allocated string. Must call LocalFree() when
// done with string.
// The format of the resource string uses %1 throuth %99 and
// assumes the arguments are pointers to strings.
// If you have an argument other than a string, you can append a
// printf-type within two exclamation marks.
// !s! Insert a string (default)
// !d! Insert a decimal integer
// !u! Insert an unsigned integer
// !x! Insert an hexadecimal integer
// To avoid bugs using this routine, I strongly suggest to include
// the format of the string as part of the name of the string Id.
// If you change the format of the string, you should rename
// the string Id to reflect the new format. This will guarantee
// the correct type and number of arguments are used.
// IDS_s_PROPERTIES = "%1 Properties"
// IDS_ss_PROPERTIES = "%1 Properties on %2"
// IDS_sus_SERVICE_ERROR = "Service %1 encountered error %2!u! while connecting to %3"
// 96.10.30 t-danmo Creation
TCHAR * PaszLoadStringPrintf( UINT wIdString, // IN: String Id
va_list arglist) // IN: Arguments (if any)
{ Assert(wIdString != 0);
TCHAR szBufferT[2048]; LPTSTR paszBuffer = NULL; // Pointer to allocated buffer. Caller must call LocalFree() to free it
// Load the string from the resource
VERIFY(::LoadString(g_hInstanceSave, wIdString, szBufferT, LENGTH(szBufferT))); // Format the string
::FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, szBufferT, 0, 0, OUT (LPTSTR)&paszBuffer, // Buffer will be allocated by FormatMessage()
0, &arglist); #ifdef DEBUG
if (paszBuffer == NULL) { DWORD dw = GetLastError(); Report(FALSE && "FormatMessage() failed."); } #endif
return paszBuffer; } // PaszLoadStringPrintf()
// LoadStringPrintf()
// Load a string from the resources, format it and copy the result string
// into the CString object.
// Can also use LoadStringWithInsertions()
// AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState())
// LoadStrigPrintf(IDS_s_PROPERTIES, OUT &strCaption, szServiceName);
// LoadStrigPrintf(IDS_ss_PROPERTIES, OUT &strCaption, szServiceName, szMachineName);
// LoadStrigPrintf(IDS_sus_SERVICE_ERROR, OUT &strMessage, szServiceName, ::GetLastError(), szMachineName);
// ISSUE-2002/03/05-JonN This is a dangerous function
void LoadStringPrintf( UINT wIdString, // IN: String Id
CString * pString, // OUT: String to receive the characters
...) // IN: Optional arguments
{ Assert(wIdString != NULL); Assert(pString != NULL);
va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, pString);
TCHAR * paszBuffer = PaszLoadStringPrintf(wIdString, arglist); *pString = paszBuffer; // Copy the string into the CString object
LocalFree(paszBuffer); }
// SetWindowTextPrintf()
// Load a string from the resource, format it and set the window text.
// SetWindowText(hwndStatic, IDS_s_PROPERTIES, szObjectName);
// 96.10.30 t-danmo Creation. Core copied from LoadStringPrintf()
void SetWindowTextPrintf(HWND hwnd, UINT wIdString, ...) { ASSERT(IsWindow(hwnd)); ASSERT(wIdString != 0);
va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, wIdString); TCHAR * paszBuffer = PaszLoadStringPrintf(wIdString, arglist); if (NULL != paszBuffer) // JonN 5/30/00 PREFIX 110941
SetWindowText(hwnd, paszBuffer); // Set the text of the window
LocalFree(paszBuffer); } // SetWindowTextPrintf()
const TCHAR rgchHexDigits[] = _T("00112233445566778899aAbBcCdDeEfF"); const TCHAR szSpcTab[] = _T(" \t"); const TCHAR szWhiteSpaces[] = _T(" \t\n\r\f\v"); const TCHAR szDecimalDigits[] = _T("0123456789");
#ifdef UNICODE
#define strchrT wcschr
#define strchrT strchr
// FParseInteger()
// Parse the source string pchSrc and extract
// its integer value.
// Return TRUE if successful and set uData to integer value
// of the parsed string.
// If not successful (ie, illegal digit or overflow), return FALSE,
// set uData to zero and set nErrCode to error found.
// Field pi.pchStop is always set to the last valid character
// parsed.
// Fields pPI->pchSrc and pPI->nFlags are preserved during
// the execution of FParseInteger().
BOOL FParseInteger(INOUT TParseIntegerInfo * pPI) { UINT uDataT; UINT uBase; UINT iDigit; UINT cDigitParsed; // Number of digits parsed
BOOL fIsNegative = FALSE; const TCHAR * pchDigit;
Assert(pPI != NULL); Assert(pPI->pchSrc != NULL); pPI->pchStop = pPI->pchSrc; pPI->nErrCode = PI_errOK; // No error yet
pPI->uData = 0; uBase = (pPI->nFlags & PI_mskfHexBaseOnly) ? 16 : 10; cDigitParsed = 0;
// Skip leading blanks
while (*pPI->pchStop ==_T(' ')) pPI->pchStop++; // Check for a minus sign
if (*pPI->pchStop == _T('-')) { if (pPI->nFlags & PI_mskfNoMinusSign) { pPI->nErrCode = PI_errMinusSignFound; return FALSE; } fIsNegative = TRUE; pPI->pchStop++; } // Skip leading zeroes
while (*pPI->pchStop == _T('0')) { pPI->pchStop++; cDigitParsed++; } // Look for the hexadecimal prefix (0x or 0X)
if (*pPI->pchStop == _T('x') || *pPI->pchStop == _T('X')) { if ((pPI->nFlags & PI_mskfAllowHexBase) == 0) { pPI->nErrCode = PI_errInvalidInteger; return FALSE; } pPI->pchStop++; cDigitParsed = 0; uBase = 16; } // if
while (*pPI->pchStop != _T('\0')) { pchDigit = wcschr(rgchHexDigits, *pPI->pchStop); if (pchDigit == NULL) { if (pPI->nFlags & PI_mskfAllowRandomTail) break; // Digit not found while random tail not allowed
pPI->nErrCode = PI_errInvalidInteger; return FALSE; } // if
Assert(pchDigit >= rgchHexDigits); iDigit = (pchDigit - rgchHexDigits) >> 1; Assert(iDigit <= 0x0F); if (iDigit >= uBase) { // Hex digit found while parsing a decimal string
pPI->nErrCode = PI_errInvalidInteger; return FALSE; } cDigitParsed++; uDataT = pPI->uData * uBase + iDigit; if (pPI->uData > ((UINT)-1)/10 || uDataT < pPI->uData) { pPI->nErrCode = PI_errIntegerOverflow; return FALSE; } pPI->uData = uDataT; pPI->pchStop++; } // while
if ((cDigitParsed == 0) && (pPI->nFlags & PI_mskfNoEmptyString)) { // Empty String found while not allowed
Assert(pPI->uData == 0); pPI->nErrCode = PI_errEmptyString; return FALSE; } if (fIsNegative) { pPI->uData = -(int)pPI->uData; } if (pPI->nFlags & PI_mskfSingleEntry) { // Check if there are no more digits at the end of the string
// Only spaces are allowed
while (*pPI->pchStop == _T(' ')) pPI->pchStop++; if (*pPI->pchStop != _T('\0')) { pPI->nErrCode = PI_errInvalidInteger; return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } // FParseInteger()
// FScanf()
// Parse a formatted string and extract the values.
// FScanf() behaves like the well known scanf() function but
// has range checking and pattern matching. The wildcard (*)
// may be substituded by "%s" with a NULL pointer.
// Return TRUE if successful, otherwise return FALSE
// and set nErrCode to the error found.
// Formats supported:
// %d Extract a decimal integer
// %i Extract a generic integer (decimal or hexadecimal)
// %u Extract an unsigned decimal integer (return error if minus sign found)
// %x Force extraction of an hexadecimal integer
// %s Extract a string
// %v Void the spaces and tabs characters
// Note:
// Fields sfi.pchSrc and sfi.nFlags are preserved during
// the execution of FScanf().
// Example:
// FScanf(&sfi, "%v%s.%s", " \t foobar.txt",
// OUT szName, LENGTH(szName), OUT szExt, LENGTH(szExt));
BOOL FScanf( SCANF_INFO * pSFI, // INOUT: Control structure
const TCHAR * pchFmt, // IN: Format template string
...) // OUT: scanf() arguments
{ va_list arglist; TParseIntegerInfo pi;
Assert(pSFI != 0); Assert(pchFmt != NULL); Assert(pSFI->pchSrc != NULL);
va_start(INOUT arglist, pchFmt); pSFI->pchSrcStop = pSFI->pchSrc; pSFI->nErrCode = SF_errOK; pSFI->cArgParsed = 0;
while (TRUE) { switch (*pchFmt++) { case 0: // End of string
return TRUE;
case '%': switch (*pchFmt++) { case '%': // "%%"
if (*pSFI->pchSrcStop++ != '%') { pSFI->pchSrcStop--; pSFI->nErrCode = SF_errTemplateMismatch; return FALSE; } break;
case 'v': while (*pSFI->pchSrcStop == ' ' || *pSFI->pchSrcStop == '\t') pSFI->pchSrcStop++; break;
case 'V': while ((*pSFI->pchSrcStop != '\0') && (strchrT(szWhiteSpaces, *pSFI->pchSrcStop) != NULL)) pSFI->pchSrcStop++; break;
case 'd': // "%d" Decimal integer (signed | unsigned)
case 'u': // "%u" Decimal unsigned integer
case 'i': // "%i" Generic integer (decimal | hexadecimal / signed | unsigned)
case 'x': // "%x" Hexadecimal integer
{ int * p;
pi.nFlags = PI_mskfNoEmptyString | PI_mskfAllowRandomTail; switch (*(pchFmt-1)) { case 'u': pi.nFlags |= PI_mskfNoMinusSign; break; case 'i': pi.nFlags |= PI_mskfAllowHexBase; break; case 'x': pi.nFlags |= PI_mskfHexBaseOnly | PI_mskfNoMinusSign; } // switch
pi.pchSrc = pSFI->pchSrcStop; if (!FParseInteger(INOUT &pi)) { pSFI->pchSrcStop = pi.pchStop; return FALSE; } // if
pSFI->pchSrcStop = pi.pchStop; pSFI->cArgParsed++; p = (int *)va_arg(arglist, int *); Assert(p != NULL); *p = pi.uData; } break; // Integer
case 's': // "%s" String
{ // To get a clean string, use the format "%v%s%v"
// which will strip all the spaces and tabs around
// the string.
TCHAR * pchDest; // Destination buffer
int cchDestMax; // Size of destination buffer
TCHAR chEndScan; const TCHAR * pchEndScan = NULL; // Find out the ending character(s)
if (*pchFmt == '%') { switch (*(pchFmt+1)) { case 'd': case 'u': case 'i': pchEndScan = szDecimalDigits; chEndScan = '\0'; break; case 'v': // %v
pchEndScan = szSpcTab; chEndScan = *(pchFmt+2); break; case 'V': // %V
pchEndScan = szWhiteSpaces; chEndScan = *(pchFmt+2); break; case '%': // %%
chEndScan = '%'; default: Assert(FALSE); // Ambiguous compound format (not supported anyway!)
} // switch
} else { chEndScan = *pchFmt; } // if...else
pSFI->cArgParsed++; pchDest = (TCHAR *)va_arg(arglist, TCHAR *); if (pchDest != NULL) { cchDestMax = va_arg(arglist, int) - 1; // Verify if the size of destination buffer
// is a valid size.
// Otherwise, this may be the address of the
// next argument
Assert(cchDestMax > 0 && cchDestMax < 5000);
while (cchDestMax-- > 0) { if (*pSFI->pchSrcStop == chEndScan) break; else if (*pSFI->pchSrcStop == '\0') break; else if (pchEndScan != NULL) { if (strchrT(pchEndScan, *pSFI->pchSrcStop)) break; } // if...else
// Copy the character into destination buffer
*pchDest++ = *pSFI->pchSrcStop++; } *pchDest = '\0'; } // if
// Skip the characters until reaching either end character
while (TRUE) { if (*pSFI->pchSrcStop == chEndScan) break; else if (*pSFI->pchSrcStop == '\0') break; else if (pchEndScan != NULL) { if (strchrT(pchEndScan, *pSFI->pchSrcStop)) break; } // if...else
pSFI->pchSrcStop++; } // while
} break; // "%s"
default: // Unknown "%?" format
Assert(FALSE); pSFI->pchSrcStop--;
} // switch
break; // case '%'
default: if (*(pchFmt-1) != *pSFI->pchSrcStop++) { pSFI->pchSrcStop--; pSFI->nErrCode = SF_errTemplateMismatch; return FALSE; } } // switch
} // while
return TRUE; } // FScanf()
// Query the a registry key of type REG_SZ without trowing an exception.
BOOL RegKey_FQueryString( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR pszValueName, // IN: Name of the key
CString& rstrKeyData) // OUT: Value (data) of registry key
{ Assert(hKey != NULL); Assert(pszValueName != NULL);
TCHAR szBufferT[4096]; DWORD cbBufferLength = sizeof(szBufferT); DWORD dwType; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = ::RegQueryValueEx( hKey, pszValueName, 0, OUT &dwType, OUT (BYTE *)szBufferT, INOUT &cbBufferLength); if ((dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwType == REG_SZ)) { rstrKeyData = szBufferT; // Copy the string
return TRUE; } else { rstrKeyData.Empty(); return FALSE; } } // RegKey_FQueryString()
DWORD DisplayNameHelper( HWND hwndParent, BSTR pszMachineName, BSTR pszServiceName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, SC_HANDLE* phSC, BSTR* pbstrServiceDisplayName) { *phSC = ::OpenSCManager( pszMachineName, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (NULL == *phSC) { DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); ASSERT( NO_ERROR != dwErr ); return dwErr; }
SC_HANDLE hService = ::OpenService( *phSC, pszServiceName, dwDesiredAccess | SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG); if (NULL == hService) { DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); ASSERT( NO_ERROR != dwErr ); ::CloseServiceHandle(*phSC); *phSC = NULL; return dwErr; }
union { // Service config
QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG qsc; BYTE rgbBufferQsc[SERVICE_cbQueryServiceConfigMax]; }; ::ZeroMemory(&qsc, max(sizeof(qsc), sizeof(rgbBufferQsc))); DWORD cbBytesNeeded = 0; if (!::QueryServiceConfigW( hService, OUT &qsc, max(sizeof(qsc), sizeof(rgbBufferQsc)), OUT &cbBytesNeeded)) { DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); ASSERT( NO_ERROR != dwErr ); ::CloseServiceHandle(hService); ::CloseServiceHandle(*phSC); *phSC = NULL; return dwErr; }
*pbstrServiceDisplayName = ::SysAllocString( (qsc.lpDisplayName && qsc.lpDisplayName[0]) ? qsc.lpDisplayName : pszServiceName); if (NULL == *pbstrServiceDisplayName) { ::CloseServiceHandle(hService); ::CloseServiceHandle(*phSC); *phSC = NULL; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
::CloseServiceHandle(hService); return NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CStartStopHelper::StartServiceHelper( HWND hwndParent, BSTR pszMachineName, BSTR pszServiceName, DWORD dwNumServiceArgs, BSTR * lpServiceArgVectors) { MFC_TRY;
if ( ( (NULL != pszMachineName) && ::IsBadStringPtr(pszMachineName,0x7FFFFFFF)) || ::IsBadStringPtr(pszServiceName,0x7FFFFFFF)) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_POINTER; } if (0 < dwNumServiceArgs) { if (::IsBadReadPtr(lpServiceArgVectors,sizeof(lpServiceArgVectors))) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_POINTER; } for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumServiceArgs; i++) { if ( (NULL != lpServiceArgVectors[i]) && ::IsBadStringPtr(lpServiceArgVectors[i],0x7FFFFFFF)) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_POINTER; } } }
SC_HANDLE hScManager = NULL; CComBSTR sbstrServiceDisplayName;
DWORD dwErr = DisplayNameHelper( hwndParent, pszMachineName, pszServiceName, SERVICE_START, &hScManager, &sbstrServiceDisplayName); if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { (void) DoServicesErrMsgBox( hwndParent, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, dwErr, IDS_MSG_sss_UNABLE_TO_START_SERVICE, pszServiceName, (pszMachineName && pszMachineName[0]) ? pszMachineName : (LPCTSTR)g_strLocalMachine, L""); } else { dwErr = CServiceControlProgress::S_EStartService( hwndParent, hScManager, pszMachineName, pszServiceName, sbstrServiceDisplayName, dwNumServiceArgs, (LPCTSTR *)lpServiceArgVectors); }
if (NULL != hScManager) (void) ::CloseServiceHandle( hScManager );
switch (dwErr) { case CServiceControlProgress::errUserCancelStopDependentServices: case CServiceControlProgress::errCannotInitialize: case CServiceControlProgress::errUserAbort: return S_FALSE; default: break; } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);
HRESULT CStartStopHelper::ControlServiceHelper( HWND hwndParent, BSTR pszMachineName, BSTR pszServiceName, DWORD dwControlCode) { MFC_TRY;
if ( ( (NULL != pszMachineName) && ::IsBadStringPtr(pszMachineName,0x7FFFFFFF)) || ::IsBadStringPtr(pszServiceName,0x7FFFFFFF)) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_POINTER; }
SC_HANDLE hScManager = NULL; CComBSTR sbstrServiceDisplayName; DWORD dwDesiredAccess = SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL; UINT idErrorMessageTemplate = IDS_MSG_sss_UNABLE_TO_STOP_SERVICE; // CODEWORK
switch (dwControlCode) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: idErrorMessageTemplate = IDS_MSG_sss_UNABLE_TO_STOP_SERVICE; dwDesiredAccess = SERVICE_STOP; break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: idErrorMessageTemplate = IDS_MSG_sss_UNABLE_TO_PAUSE_SERVICE; dwDesiredAccess = SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE; break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: idErrorMessageTemplate = IDS_MSG_sss_UNABLE_TO_RESUME_SERVICE; dwDesiredAccess = SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE; break; default: break; }
DWORD dwErr = DisplayNameHelper( hwndParent, pszMachineName, pszServiceName, dwDesiredAccess, &hScManager, &sbstrServiceDisplayName); if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { (void) DoServicesErrMsgBox( hwndParent, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, dwErr, idErrorMessageTemplate, pszServiceName, (pszMachineName && pszMachineName[0]) ? pszMachineName : (LPCTSTR)g_strLocalMachine, L""); } else { dwErr = CServiceControlProgress::S_EControlService( hwndParent, hScManager, pszMachineName, pszServiceName, sbstrServiceDisplayName, dwControlCode); }
if (NULL != hScManager) (void) ::CloseServiceHandle( hScManager );
switch (dwErr) { case CServiceControlProgress::errUserCancelStopDependentServices: case CServiceControlProgress::errCannotInitialize: case CServiceControlProgress::errUserAbort: return S_FALSE; default: break; } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);