// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: proppag_.cpp
// private helper functions
BOOL CALLBACK EnumThreadWndProc(HWND hwnd, /* enumerated HWND */ LPARAM lParam /* pass a HWND* for return value*/ ) { ASSERT(hwnd); HWND hParentWnd = GetParent(hwnd); // the main window of the MMC console should staitsfy this condition
if ( ((hParentWnd == GetDesktopWindow()) || (hParentWnd == NULL)) && IsWindowVisible(hwnd) ) { HWND* pH = (HWND*)lParam; *pH = hwnd; return FALSE; // stop enumerating
} return TRUE; }
HWND FindMMCMainWindow() { DWORD dwThreadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); ASSERT(dwThreadID != 0); HWND hWnd = NULL; EnumThreadWindows(dwThreadID, EnumThreadWndProc,(LPARAM)&hWnd); ASSERT(hWnd != NULL); return hWnd; }
// CHiddenWndBase : Utility Hidden Window
BOOL CHiddenWndBase::Create(HWND hWndParent) { ASSERT(hWndParent == NULL || ::IsWindow(hWndParent)); RECT rcPos; ZeroMemory(&rcPos, sizeof(RECT)); HWND hWnd = CWindowImpl<CHiddenWndBase>::Create(hWndParent, rcPos, //RECT& rcPos,
NULL, //LPCTSTR szWindowName = NULL,
(hWndParent) ? WS_CHILD : WS_POPUP, //DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
0x0, //DWORD dwExStyle = 0,
0 //UINT nID = 0
); return hWnd != NULL; }
// CSheetWnd
const UINT CSheetWnd::s_SheetMessage = WM_USER + 100; const UINT CSheetWnd::s_SelectPageMessage = WM_USER + 101;
LRESULT CSheetWnd::OnSheetMessage(UINT, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL&) { ASSERT(m_pHolder != NULL); m_pHolder->OnSheetMessage(wParam,lParam); return 1; }
LRESULT CSheetWnd::OnSelectPageMessage(UINT, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM, BOOL&) { TRACE(_T("CSheetWnd::OnSelectPageMessage()\n")); ASSERT(m_pHolder != NULL); int nPage = m_pHolder->OnSelectPageMessage((long)wParam); if (nPage >= 0) { // can use SendMessage() because the sheet has been created already
VERIFY(PropSheet_SetCurSel(m_pHolder->m_hSheetWindow, NULL, nPage)); } ::SetForegroundWindow(::GetParent(m_hWnd)); return 1; }
LRESULT CSheetWnd::OnClose(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, BOOL&) { return 1; }
// CCloseDialogInfo
struct FIND_MSG_BOX_INFO { LPCTSTR lpszTitle; HWND hWnd; HWND hWndParent; };
BOOL CALLBACK EnumMessageBoxProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { static const size_t BuffSizeInCharacters = 256;
FIND_MSG_BOX_INFO* pInfo = (FIND_MSG_BOX_INFO*)lParam; if (::GetParent(hwnd) != pInfo->hWndParent) return TRUE;
TCHAR szTitle[BuffSizeInCharacters] = {0}; ::GetWindowText(hwnd, szTitle, BuffSizeInCharacters); TRACE(_T("Title <%s>\n"), szTitle);
if (_wcsnicmp(szTitle, pInfo->lpszTitle, BuffSizeInCharacters) == 0) { pInfo->hWnd = hwnd; return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
HWND FindMessageBox(LPCTSTR lpszTitle, HWND hWndParent) { FIND_MSG_BOX_INFO info; info.hWndParent = hWndParent; info.lpszTitle = lpszTitle; info.hWnd = NULL; EnumWindows(EnumMessageBoxProc, (LPARAM)&info); if (info.hWnd != NULL) return info.hWnd; return NULL; }
BOOL CCloseDialogInfo::CloseMessageBox(HWND hWndParent) { BOOL bClosed = FALSE; AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); LPCTSTR lpszMsgBoxTitle = AfxGetApp()->m_pszAppName; HWND hWndMessageBox = FindMessageBox(lpszMsgBoxTitle, hWndParent); if (hWndMessageBox != NULL) { // figure out if there is a cancel button or not
HWND hWndCtrl = ::GetDlgItem(hWndMessageBox, IDCANCEL); if (hWndCtrl != NULL) { VERIFY(::SendMessage(hWndMessageBox, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) == 0); bClosed = TRUE; } else { // does it have just the OK button?
hWndCtrl = ::GetDlgItem(hWndMessageBox, IDOK); if (hWndCtrl != NULL) { VERIFY(::SendMessage(hWndMessageBox, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0) == 0); bClosed = TRUE; } else { // does it have a NO button?
hWndCtrl = ::GetDlgItem(hWndMessageBox, IDNO); if (hWndCtrl != NULL) { VERIFY(::SendMessage(hWndMessageBox, WM_COMMAND, IDNO, 0) == 0); bClosed = TRUE; } } } } return bClosed; }
BOOL CCloseDialogInfo::CloseDialog(BOOL bCheckForMsgBox) { if (bCheckForMsgBox) CloseMessageBox(m_hWnd); return (::SendMessage(m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) == 0); }
// CPropertyPageHolderBase
CPropertyPageHolderBase::CPropertyPageHolderBase(CContainerNode* pContNode, CTreeNode* pNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { m_szSheetTitle = (LPCWSTR)NULL; m_pDummySheet = NULL;
// default setting for a self deleting modeless property sheet,
// automatically deleting all the pages
m_bWizardMode = FALSE; m_bAutoDelete = TRUE; m_bAutoDeletePages = TRUE;
m_forceContextHelpButton = useDefault;
m_pContHolder = NULL; m_nCreatedCount = 0; m_hSheetWindow = NULL; m_pSheetWnd = NULL; m_nStartPageCode = -1; // not set
m_hConsoleHandle = 0; m_hEventHandle = NULL; m_pSheetCallback = NULL;
// setup from arguments
// For tasks in can be null ASSERT(pContNode != NULL); // must always have a valid container node to refer to
m_pContNode = pContNode; ASSERT((pNode == NULL) || (pNode->GetContainer() == m_pContNode) ); m_pNode = pNode; ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); m_pComponentData = pComponentData;
m_hMainWnd = NULL; LPCONSOLE pConsole = m_pComponentData->GetConsole(); if (pConsole != NULL) { pConsole->GetMainWindow(&m_hMainWnd); }
m_dwLastErr = 0x0; m_pPropChangePage = NULL; m_pWatermarkInfo = NULL; }
CPropertyPageHolderBase::~CPropertyPageHolderBase() { FinalDestruct(); ASSERT(m_pSheetWnd == NULL); SAFE_RELEASE(m_pSheetCallback); if (m_hEventHandle != NULL) { VERIFY(::CloseHandle(m_hEventHandle)); m_hEventHandle = NULL; } if (m_pDummySheet != NULL) delete m_pDummySheet; }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::Attach(CPropertyPageHolderBase* pContHolder) { ASSERT( (m_pContHolder == NULL) && (pContHolder != NULL) ); m_pContHolder = pContHolder; m_bWizardMode = pContHolder->IsWizardMode(); }
BOOL CPropertyPageHolderBase::EnableSheetControl(UINT nCtrlID, BOOL bEnable) { if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { return m_pContHolder->EnableSheetControl(nCtrlID, bEnable); } ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hSheetWindow)); HWND hWndCtrl = ::GetDlgItem(m_hSheetWindow, nCtrlID); if (hWndCtrl == NULL) return FALSE; return ::EnableWindow(hWndCtrl, bEnable); }
HRESULT CPropertyPageHolderBase::CreateModelessSheet(CTreeNode* pNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { ASSERT(pNode != NULL); ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
// get an interface to a sheet provider
IPropertySheetProvider* pSheetProvider; HRESULT hr = pComponentData->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetProvider,(void**)&pSheetProvider); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pSheetProvider != NULL);
// get an interface to a sheet callback
IPropertySheetCallback* pSheetCallback; hr = pComponentData->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetCallback,(void**)&pSheetCallback); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pSheetCallback != NULL);
// create a data object for this node
IDataObject* pDataObject; hr = pComponentData->QueryDataObject((MMC_COOKIE)pNode, CCT_SCOPE, &pDataObject); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pDataObject != NULL);
// get a sheet
hr = pSheetProvider->CreatePropertySheet(_T("SHEET TITLE"), TRUE, (MMC_COOKIE)pNode, pDataObject, 0x0 /*dwOptions*/); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); pDataObject->Release();
HWND hWnd = NULL; hr = pComponentData->GetConsole()->GetMainWindow(&hWnd); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(hWnd == ::FindMMCMainWindow());
IUnknown* pUnkComponentData = pComponentData->GetUnknown(); // no addref
hr = pSheetProvider->AddPrimaryPages(pUnkComponentData, TRUE /*bCreateHandle*/, hWnd, TRUE /* bScopePane*/); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
hr = pSheetProvider->Show(reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(hWnd), 0); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// final interface release
pSheetProvider->Release(); pSheetCallback->Release(); return hr; }
HRESULT CPropertyPageHolderBase::CreateModelessSheet(CTreeNode* pCookieNode) { ASSERT(!IsWizardMode()); ASSERT(m_pContHolder == NULL); ASSERT(m_pComponentData != NULL); AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
// get an interface to a sheet provider
IPropertySheetProvider* pSheetProvider; HRESULT hr = m_pComponentData->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetProvider,(void**)&pSheetProvider); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pSheetProvider != NULL);
// get an interface to a sheet callback
IPropertySheetCallback* pSheetCallback; hr = m_pComponentData->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetCallback,(void**)&pSheetCallback); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pSheetCallback != NULL);
// create a data object for this node
IDataObject* pDataObject; hr = m_pComponentData->QueryDataObject((MMC_COOKIE)pCookieNode, CCT_SCOPE, &pDataObject); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pDataObject != NULL);
// get a sheet
hr = pSheetProvider->CreatePropertySheet(m_szSheetTitle, TRUE, (MMC_COOKIE)pCookieNode, pDataObject, 0x0 /*dwOptions*/); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); pDataObject->Release();
HWND hWnd = GetMainWindow(); ASSERT(hWnd == ::FindMMCMainWindow());
IUnknown* pUnkComponentData = m_pComponentData->GetUnknown(); // no addref
hr = pSheetProvider->AddPrimaryPages(pUnkComponentData, TRUE /*bCreateHandle*/, NULL /*hWnd*/, FALSE /* bScopePane*/); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
hr = pSheetProvider->Show(reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(hWnd), 0); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// final interface release
pSheetProvider->Release(); pSheetCallback->Release(); return hr; }
HRESULT CPropertyPageHolderBase::CreateModelessSheet(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK pSheetCallback, LONG_PTR hConsoleHandle) { ASSERT(m_pContHolder == NULL); ASSERT(pSheetCallback != NULL); ASSERT(m_pSheetCallback == NULL);
// REVIEW_JEFFJON : seems to be NULL when called from CComponentDataObject::CreatePropertySheet()
m_hConsoleHandle = hConsoleHandle;
m_bWizardMode = FALSE; // we go modeless
ASSERT(m_pNode != NULL); CPropertyPageHolderTable* pPPHTable = m_pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable(); ASSERT(pPPHTable != NULL);
// add the property sheet holder to the holder table
pPPHTable->Add(this); // notify the node it has a sheet up
// temporarily attach the sheet callback to this object to add pages
// do not addref, we will not hold on to it;
m_pSheetCallback = pSheetCallback; HRESULT hr = AddAllPagesToSheet(); m_pSheetCallback = NULL; // detach
return hr; }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::SetWatermarkInfo(CWatermarkInfo* pWatermarkInfo) { ASSERT(m_pWatermarkInfo == NULL); ASSERT(pWatermarkInfo != NULL); }
HRESULT CPropertyPageHolderBase::DoModalWizard() { ASSERT(m_pContHolder == NULL); ASSERT(m_pComponentData != NULL); AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
m_bWizardMode = TRUE;
// get an interface to a sheet provider
IPropertySheetProvider* pSheetProvider; HRESULT hr = m_pComponentData->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetProvider,(void**)&pSheetProvider); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pSheetProvider != NULL);
// get an interface to a sheet callback
IPropertySheetCallback* pSheetCallback; hr = m_pComponentData->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetCallback,(void**)&pSheetCallback); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pSheetCallback != NULL); m_pSheetCallback = pSheetCallback; // save to add/remove pages
// Create a dummy data object. AddPrimaryPages will call
// IextendPropertySheet2::QueryPagesFor() and
// IextendPropertySheet2::CreatePropertyPages()
// that will ignore the un-initialized data object
MMC_COOKIE cookie = -1; DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type = CCT_UNINITIALIZED; IDataObject* pDataObject; hr = m_pComponentData->QueryDataObject(cookie, type, &pDataObject); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(pDataObject != NULL);
// Switch Watermark information, AddPrimaryPages will call
// IextendPropertySheet2::GetWatermarks()
CWatermarkInfo* pOldWatermarkInfo = NULL; if (m_pWatermarkInfo != NULL) pOldWatermarkInfo = m_pComponentData->SetWatermarkInfo(m_pWatermarkInfo);
// create sheet
hr = pSheetProvider->CreatePropertySheet( m_szSheetTitle, FALSE /* wizard*/, (MMC_COOKIE)cookie, pDataObject, MMC_PSO_NEWWIZARDTYPE /*dwOptions*/); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// add pages to sheet
hr = AddAllPagesToSheet(); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// add pages
hr = pSheetProvider->AddPrimaryPages((IExtendPropertySheet2*)m_pComponentData, FALSE, NULL,FALSE); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// restore the old watermark info
if (pOldWatermarkInfo != NULL) m_pComponentData->SetWatermarkInfo(pOldWatermarkInfo);
// for further dynamic page manipulation, don't use the Console's sheet callback interface
// but resurt to the Win32 API's
m_pSheetCallback->Release(); m_pSheetCallback = NULL;
// show the modal wizard
HWND hWnd = GetMainWindow(); ASSERT(hWnd != NULL); hr = pSheetProvider->Show((LONG_PTR)hWnd, 0); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
pSheetProvider->Release(); pDataObject->Release();
return hr; }
INT_PTR CPropertyPageHolderBase::DoModalDialog(LPCTSTR pszCaption) { ASSERT(m_pDummySheet == NULL); m_bWizardMode = TRUE; m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; // use on the stack
m_pDummySheet = new CPropertySheet(); m_pDummySheet->m_psh.dwFlags |= PSH_NOAPPLYNOW; m_pDummySheet->m_psh.pszCaption = pszCaption; VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(AddAllPagesToSheet())); return m_pDummySheet->DoModal(); }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::SetSheetWindow(HWND hSheetWindow) { ASSERT(hSheetWindow != NULL); if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { // we will use the HWND of the parent holder
m_pContHolder->SetSheetWindow(hSheetWindow); return; } ASSERT( (m_hSheetWindow == NULL) || ((m_hSheetWindow == hSheetWindow)) ); m_hSheetWindow = hSheetWindow;
if (IsWizardMode()) { if (m_forceContextHelpButton != useDefault) { DWORD dwStyle = ::GetWindowLong(m_hSheetWindow, GWL_EXSTYLE); if (m_forceContextHelpButton == forceOn) { dwStyle |= WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP; // force the [?] button
} else { ASSERT(m_forceContextHelpButton == forceOff); dwStyle &= ~WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP; // get rid of the [?] button
} ::SetWindowLong(m_hSheetWindow, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwStyle); }
if (m_pDummySheet != NULL) { VERIFY(PushDialogHWnd(m_hSheetWindow)); } return; } // hook up hidden window only when in sheet mode
if(m_pSheetWnd == NULL) { CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); ASSERT(pApp); ASSERT(!IsWizardMode()); m_pSheetWnd = new CSheetWnd(this); VERIFY(m_pSheetWnd->Create(hSheetWindow));
ASSERT(::GetParent(m_pSheetWnd->m_hWnd) == hSheetWindow); GetComponentData()->OnCreateSheet(this, m_pSheetWnd->m_hWnd); if (m_nStartPageCode > -1) { // we do a PostMessage() because we are in to middle of a page creation
// and MFC does not digest this
::PostMessage(m_hSheetWindow, PSM_SETCURSEL, OnSelectPageMessage(m_nStartPageCode), NULL); } // if needed, set the wizard title
if (!m_szSheetTitle.IsEmpty()) { ::SetWindowText(m_hSheetWindow, (LPCWSTR)m_szSheetTitle); } } }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::SetSheetTitle(LPCWSTR lpszSheetTitle) { ASSERT(!IsWizardMode());
if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { // defer to parent holder
m_pContHolder->SetSheetTitle(lpszSheetTitle); return; } m_szSheetTitle = lpszSheetTitle;
// if the sheet has been created already, set right away
if (m_hSheetWindow != NULL && !m_szSheetTitle.IsEmpty()) { ::SetWindowText(m_hSheetWindow, (LPCWSTR)m_szSheetTitle); } }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::SetSheetTitle(UINT nStringFmtID, CTreeNode* pNode) { ASSERT(!IsWizardMode());
if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { // defer to parent holder
m_pContHolder->SetSheetTitle(nStringFmtID, pNode); return; }
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString szFmt; VERIFY(szFmt.LoadString(nStringFmtID)); m_szSheetTitle.Format((LPCWSTR)szFmt, pNode->GetDisplayName());
// if the sheet has been created already, set right away
if (m_hSheetWindow != NULL && !m_szSheetTitle.IsEmpty()) { ::SetWindowText(m_hSheetWindow, (LPCWSTR)m_szSheetTitle); } }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::AddRef() { if(m_pContHolder != NULL) { m_pContHolder->AddRef(); return; } m_nCreatedCount++; } void CPropertyPageHolderBase::Release() { if(m_pContHolder != NULL) { m_pContHolder->Release(); return; } m_nCreatedCount--; if (m_nCreatedCount > 0) return;
if(IsWizardMode()) { if (m_pDummySheet != NULL) VERIFY(PopDialogHWnd()); } else { // hidden window created only in sheet mode
if (m_pSheetWnd != NULL) { if (m_pSheetWnd->m_hWnd != NULL) m_pSheetWnd->DestroyWindow(); } } if (m_bAutoDelete) delete this; }
BOOL CPropertyPageHolderBase::IsWizardMode() { if(m_pContHolder != NULL) { return m_pContHolder->IsWizardMode(); } return m_bWizardMode; }
BOOL CPropertyPageHolderBase::IsModalSheet() { if(m_pContHolder != NULL) { return m_pContHolder->IsModalSheet(); } return m_pDummySheet != NULL; }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::ForceDestroy() { ASSERT(!IsWizardMode()); // should never occur on modal wizard
// contained by other holder
if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { ASSERT(!m_bAutoDelete); // container responsible for deleting this holder
m_pContHolder->ForceDestroy(); return; }
// this is the primary holder
ASSERT(m_bAutoDelete); // should be self deleting sheet
HWND hSheetWindow = m_hSheetWindow; if (hSheetWindow != NULL) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(hSheetWindow)); // this message will cause the sheet to close all the pages,
// and eventually the destruction of "this"
VERIFY(::PostMessage(hSheetWindow, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0L) != 0); } else { // explicitely delete "this", there is no sheet created
delete this; } }
DWORD CPropertyPageHolderBase::NotifyConsole(CPropertyPageBase* pPage) {
if(m_pContHolder != NULL) { return m_pContHolder->NotifyConsole(pPage); }
ASSERT(m_pNode != NULL); if (IsWizardMode()) { ASSERT(m_hConsoleHandle == NULL); return 0x0; } m_pPropChangePage = pPage; // to pass to the main thread
m_dwLastErr = 0x0;
if (m_hEventHandle == NULL) { // REVIEWED-2002/03/08-JeffJon-Squatting isn't an issue here because this is not a
// named event
m_hEventHandle = ::CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE /*bManualReset*/,FALSE /*signalled*/, NULL); ASSERT(m_hEventHandle != NULL); }
if (m_hConsoleHandle != NULL) { MMCPropertyChangeNotify(m_hConsoleHandle, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this));
DWORD dwRet; do { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hSheetWindow)); dwRet = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1,&m_hEventHandle,FALSE,INFINITE, QS_SENDMESSAGE); if(dwRet == (WAIT_OBJECT_0+1)) { MSG tempMSG; PeekMessage(&tempMSG,m_hSheetWindow,0,0,PM_NOREMOVE); } } while(dwRet == (WAIT_OBJECT_0+1)); }
VERIFY(0 != ::ResetEvent(m_hEventHandle));
m_pPropChangePage = NULL; // reset
return m_dwLastErr; }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::AcknowledgeNotify() { if(m_pContHolder != NULL) { m_pContHolder->AcknowledgeNotify(); return; } ASSERT(!IsWizardMode()); ASSERT(m_hEventHandle != NULL); //TRACE(_T("before SetEvent\n"));
VERIFY(0 != ::SetEvent(m_hEventHandle)); //TRACE(_T("after SetEvent\n"));
BOOL CPropertyPageHolderBase::OnPropertyChange(BOOL bScopePane, long* pChangeMask) { ASSERT(!IsWizardMode()); CPropertyPageBase* pPage = GetPropChangePage(); if (pPage == NULL) return FALSE; return pPage->OnPropertyChange(bScopePane, pChangeMask); }
BOOL CPropertyPageHolderBase::SetWizardButtons(DWORD dwFlags) { ASSERT(IsWizardMode()); if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { ASSERT(m_hSheetWindow == NULL); return m_pContHolder->SetWizardButtons(dwFlags); } ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hSheetWindow)); return (BOOL)SendMessage(m_hSheetWindow, PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS, 0, dwFlags); }
HRESULT CPropertyPageHolderBase::AddPageToSheet(CPropertyPageBase* pPage) { if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { ASSERT(m_hSheetWindow == NULL); return m_pContHolder->AddPageToSheet(pPage); }
CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); ASSERT(pApp); if (m_pSheetCallback != NULL) { VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(MMCPropPageCallback((void*)(&pPage->m_psp97)))); }
HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage = ::CreatePropertySheetPage(&pPage->m_psp97); if (hPage == NULL) return E_UNEXPECTED; pPage->m_hPage = hPage; if (m_pSheetCallback != NULL) return m_pSheetCallback->AddPage(hPage); else if (m_pDummySheet != NULL) { m_pDummySheet->AddPage(pPage); return S_OK; } else { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hSheetWindow)); return PropSheet_AddPage(m_hSheetWindow, hPage) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } }
HRESULT CPropertyPageHolderBase::AddPageToSheetRaw(HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage) { ASSERT(m_pSheetCallback != NULL); if ((hPage == NULL) || (m_pSheetCallback == NULL)) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { ASSERT(m_hSheetWindow == NULL); return m_pContHolder->AddPageToSheetRaw(hPage); }
// assume this is not a n MFC property page
return m_pSheetCallback->AddPage(hPage); }
HRESULT CPropertyPageHolderBase::RemovePageFromSheet(CPropertyPageBase* pPage) { if (m_pContHolder != NULL) { ASSERT(m_hSheetWindow == NULL); return m_pContHolder->RemovePageFromSheet(pPage); }
ASSERT(pPage->m_hPage != NULL); if (m_pSheetCallback != NULL) return m_pSheetCallback->RemovePage(pPage->m_hPage); else { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hSheetWindow)); PropSheet_RemovePage(m_hSheetWindow, 0, pPage->m_hPage); // returns void
return S_OK; } }
HRESULT CPropertyPageHolderBase::AddAllPagesToSheet() { POSITION pos; int nPage = 0; HRESULT hr = OnAddPage(nPage, NULL); // zero means add before the first
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; for( pos = m_pageList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CPropertyPageBase* pPropPage = m_pageList.GetNext(pos); hr = AddPageToSheet(pPropPage); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; nPage++; hr = OnAddPage(nPage, pPropPage); // get called on nPage == 1,2, n-1
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } // add after the last
return OnAddPage(-1, NULL); // -1 means
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::AddPageToList(CPropertyPageBase* pPage) { ASSERT(pPage != NULL); pPage->SetHolder(this); m_pageList.AddTail(pPage); }
BOOL CPropertyPageHolderBase::RemovePageFromList(CPropertyPageBase* pPage, BOOL bDeleteObject) { ASSERT(pPage != NULL); POSITION pos = m_pageList.Find(pPage); if (pos == NULL) return FALSE; m_pageList.RemoveAt(pos); if (bDeleteObject) delete pPage; return TRUE; }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::DeleteAllPages() { if (!m_bAutoDeletePages) return; // assume all pages out of the heap
while (!m_pageList.IsEmpty()) { delete m_pageList.RemoveTail(); } }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::FinalDestruct() { DeleteAllPages(); if (IsWizardMode() || (m_pContHolder != NULL)) return;
if (m_hConsoleHandle != NULL) { MMCFreeNotifyHandle(m_hConsoleHandle); }
// tell the component data object that the sheet is going away
if (m_pSheetWnd != NULL) { delete m_pSheetWnd; m_pSheetWnd = NULL; } ASSERT(m_dlgInfoStack.IsEmpty()); }
BOOL CPropertyPageHolderBase::PushDialogHWnd(HWND hWndModalDlg) { return m_dlgInfoStack.Push(hWndModalDlg, 0x0); }
BOOL CPropertyPageHolderBase::PopDialogHWnd() { return m_dlgInfoStack.Pop(); }
void CPropertyPageHolderBase::CloseModalDialogs(HWND hWndPage) { m_dlgInfoStack.ForceClose(hWndPage); }
// CPropertyPageBase
CPropertyPageBase::CPropertyPageBase(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption) : CPropertyPage(nIDTemplate, nIDCaption) { m_hPage = NULL; m_pPageHolder = NULL; m_bIsDirty = FALSE; m_nPrevPageID = 0;
// hack to have new struct size with old MFC and new NT 5.0 headers
ZeroMemory(&m_psp97, sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE)); // REVIEWED-2002/03/08-JeffJon-This is acceptable usage
memcpy(&m_psp97, &m_psp, m_psp.dwSize); m_psp97.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); }
CPropertyPageBase::~CPropertyPageBase() { }
int CPropertyPageBase::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { m_pPageHolder->AddRef(); int res = CPropertyPage::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct); ASSERT(res == 0); ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL); ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); HWND hParent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); ASSERT(hParent); m_pPageHolder->SetSheetWindow(hParent); return res; }
void CPropertyPageBase::OnDestroy() { ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL); CPropertyPage::OnDestroy(); m_pPageHolder->Release(); }
void CPropertyPageBase::OnWhatsThis() { //
// Display context help for a control
if ( m_hWndWhatsThis ) { //
// Build our own HELPINFO struct to pass to the underlying
// CS help functions built into the framework
int iCtrlID = ::GetDlgCtrlID(m_hWndWhatsThis); HELPINFO helpInfo; ZeroMemory(&helpInfo, sizeof(HELPINFO)); helpInfo.cbSize = sizeof(HELPINFO); helpInfo.hItemHandle = m_hWndWhatsThis; helpInfo.iCtrlId = iCtrlID;
m_pPageHolder->GetComponentData()->OnDialogContextHelp(m_nIDHelp, &helpInfo); } }
BOOL CPropertyPageBase::OnHelp(WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM lParam) { const LPHELPINFO pHelpInfo = (LPHELPINFO)lParam;
if (pHelpInfo && pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { //
// Display context help for a control
m_pPageHolder->GetComponentData()->OnDialogContextHelp(m_nIDHelp, pHelpInfo); }
return TRUE; }
void CPropertyPageBase::OnContextMenu(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint point) { //
// point is in screen coordinates
CMenu bar; if ( bar.LoadMenu(IDR_WHATS_THIS_CONTEXT_MENU1) ) { CMenu& popup = *bar.GetSubMenu (0); ASSERT(popup.m_hMenu);
if ( popup.TrackPopupMenu (TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTBUTTON, point.x, // in screen coordinates
point.y, // in screen coordinates
this) ) // route commands through main window
{ m_hWndWhatsThis = 0; ScreenToClient (&point); CWnd* pChild = ChildWindowFromPoint (point, // in client coordinates
CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE | CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT); if ( pChild ) { m_hWndWhatsThis = pChild->m_hWnd; } } } }
BOOL CPropertyPageBase::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult) { NMHDR* hdr = reinterpret_cast<NMHDR*>(lParam);
if (hdr && hdr->code == PSN_HELP) { OnWizardHelp(); } return CPropertyPage::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult); }
void CPropertyPageBase::OnCancel() { CString szTitle; GetWindowText(szTitle); TRACE(_T("CPropertyPageBase::OnCancel()called on <%s>\n"),(LPCTSTR)szTitle); CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); ASSERT(pApp); ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); m_pPageHolder->CloseModalDialogs(m_hWnd); }
BOOL CPropertyPageBase::OnApply() { if (IsDirty()) { if (m_pPageHolder->NotifyConsole(this) == 0x0) { SetDirty(FALSE); return TRUE; } else { #ifdef _DEBUG
// test only
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); AfxMessageBox(_T("Apply Failed")); #endif
return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
void CPropertyPageBase::SetDirty(BOOL bDirty) { if (!m_pPageHolder->IsWizardMode()) { SetModified(bDirty); } m_bIsDirty = bDirty; }
void CPropertyPageBase::InitWiz97(BOOL bHideHeader, UINT nIDHeaderTitle, UINT nIDHeaderSubTitle, bool hasHelp) { if (bHideHeader) { // for first and last page of the wizard
m_psp97.dwFlags |= PSP_HIDEHEADER; } else { // for intermediate pages
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); m_szHeaderTitle.LoadString(nIDHeaderTitle); m_szHeaderSubTitle.LoadString(nIDHeaderSubTitle);
m_psp97.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERTITLE | PSP_USEHEADERSUBTITLE; m_psp97.pszHeaderTitle = (LPCTSTR)m_szHeaderTitle; m_psp97.pszHeaderSubTitle = (LPCTSTR)m_szHeaderSubTitle; }
if (hasHelp) { m_psp97.dwFlags |= PSP_HASHELP; } }
// CPropertyPageHolderTable
CPropertyPageHolderTable::CPropertyPageHolderTable(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { m_pComponentData = pComponentData;
size_t arraySizeInBytes = sizeof(PPAGE_HOLDER_TABLE_ENTRY) * PPAGE_HOLDER_ARRAY_DEF_SIZE; m_pEntries = (PPAGE_HOLDER_TABLE_ENTRY*)malloc(arraySizeInBytes); if (m_pEntries != NULL) { memset(m_pEntries,0, arraySizeInBytes); } m_nSize = PPAGE_HOLDER_ARRAY_DEF_SIZE;
} CPropertyPageHolderTable::~CPropertyPageHolderTable() { #ifdef _DEBUG
for (int k=0; k < m_nSize; k++) { ASSERT(m_pEntries[k].pPPHolder == NULL); ASSERT(m_pEntries[k].pNode == NULL); } #endif
free(m_pEntries); }
void CPropertyPageHolderTable::Add(CPropertyPageHolderBase* pPPHolder) { ASSERT(pPPHolder != NULL); ASSERT(pPPHolder->GetTreeNode() != NULL); for (int k=0; k < m_nSize; k++) { if (m_pEntries[k].pPPHolder == NULL) // get the first empty spot
{ m_pEntries[k].pPPHolder = pPPHolder; m_pEntries[k].pNode = pPPHolder->GetTreeNode(); m_pEntries[k].hWnd = NULL; return; } } // all full, need to grow the array
int nAlloc = m_nSize*2; PPAGE_HOLDER_TABLE_ENTRY* temp = (PPAGE_HOLDER_TABLE_ENTRY*)realloc(m_pEntries, sizeof(PPAGE_HOLDER_TABLE_ENTRY)*nAlloc); if (temp) { m_pEntries = temp; memset(&m_pEntries[m_nSize], 0, sizeof(PPAGE_HOLDER_TABLE_ENTRY)*m_nSize); m_pEntries[m_nSize].pPPHolder = pPPHolder; m_pEntries[m_nSize].pNode = pPPHolder->GetTreeNode(); m_pEntries[m_nSize].hWnd = NULL; m_nSize = nAlloc; } }
void CPropertyPageHolderTable::AddWindow(CPropertyPageHolderBase* pPPHolder, HWND hWnd) { // By now, the PPHolder might have gone away, so use it as a cookie
// but do not call any methods on it.
// The node is still valid, because we do not delete nodes from secondary
// threads
ASSERT(pPPHolder != NULL); for (int k=0; k < m_nSize; k++) { if (m_pEntries[k].pPPHolder == pPPHolder) { ASSERT(m_pEntries[k].pNode != NULL); ASSERT(m_pEntries[k].pNode->GetSheetCount() > 0); m_pEntries[k].hWnd = hWnd; return; // assume no more that one holder entry
} } }
void CPropertyPageHolderTable::Remove(CPropertyPageHolderBase* pPPHolder) { // By now, the PPHolder might have gone away, so use it as a cookie
// but do not call any methods on it.
// The node is still valid, because we do not delete nodes from secondary
// threads
ASSERT(pPPHolder != NULL); for (int k=0; k < m_nSize; k++) { if (m_pEntries[k].pPPHolder == pPPHolder) { ASSERT(m_pEntries[k].pNode != NULL); ASSERT(m_pEntries[k].pNode->GetSheetCount() > 0); m_pEntries[k].pPPHolder = NULL; m_pEntries[k].pNode = NULL; m_pEntries[k].hWnd = NULL; return; // assume no more that one holder entry
} } }
void CPropertyPageHolderTable::DeleteSheetsOfNode(CTreeNode* pNode) { ASSERT(pNode != NULL); int nCount = BroadcastCloseMessageToSheets(pNode); WaitForSheetShutdown(nCount); }
void CPropertyPageHolderTable::WaitForAllToShutDown() { int nCount = 0; // allocate and array of HWND's for broadcast
HWND* hWndArr = new HWND[m_nSize];
if (hWndArr) { memset(hWndArr, 0x0, m_nSize*sizeof(HWND));
for (int k=0; k < m_nSize; k++) { if (m_pEntries[k].pPPHolder != NULL) { m_pEntries[k].pPPHolder = NULL; m_pEntries[k].pNode = NULL; hWndArr[k] = ::GetParent(m_pEntries[k].hWnd); m_pEntries[k].hWnd = NULL; nCount++; } }
// wait for shutdown (wait for posted messages to come through
WaitForSheetShutdown(nCount, hWndArr);
delete [] hWndArr; } }
void CPropertyPageHolderTable::BroadcastSelectPage(CTreeNode* pNode, long nPageCode) { for (int k=0; k < m_nSize; k++) { if ((m_pEntries[k].hWnd != NULL) && (m_pEntries[k].pNode == pNode)) { ::PostMessage(m_pEntries[k].hWnd, CSheetWnd::s_SelectPageMessage, (WPARAM)nPageCode, 0); } } }
void CPropertyPageHolderTable::BroadcastMessageToSheets(CTreeNode* pNode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { for (int k=0; k < m_nSize; k++) { if ((m_pEntries[k].hWnd != NULL) && (m_pEntries[k].pNode == pNode)) { ::PostMessage(m_pEntries[k].hWnd, CSheetWnd::s_SheetMessage, wParam, lParam); } } }
int CPropertyPageHolderTable::BroadcastCloseMessageToSheets(CTreeNode* pNode) { ASSERT(m_nSize > 0); int nCount = 0; // allocate and array of HWND's for broadcast
HWND* hWndArr = new HWND[m_nSize];
if (hWndArr) { memset(hWndArr, 0x0, m_nSize*sizeof(HWND));
// find the HWND's that map to this node and its children
for (int k=0; k < m_nSize; k++) { if (m_pEntries[k].hWnd != NULL) { if (m_pEntries[k].pNode == pNode) { hWndArr[nCount++] = ::GetParent(m_pEntries[k].hWnd); } else if (pNode->IsContainer()) { if (m_pEntries[k].pNode->HasContainer((CContainerNode*)pNode)) { hWndArr[nCount++] = ::GetParent(m_pEntries[k].hWnd); } } } } // shut down the sheets
for (int j=0; j < nCount; j++) ::PostMessage(hWndArr[j], WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0);
delete [] hWndArr; }
return nCount; }
void CPropertyPageHolderTable::WaitForSheetShutdown(int nCount, HWND* hWndArr) { ASSERT(m_pComponentData != NULL); HWND hWnd = m_pComponentData->GetHiddenWindow(); ASSERT(::IsWindow(hWnd)); MSG tempMSG; DWORD dwTimeStart = ::GetTickCount(); while(nCount > 0) { if ( hWndArr != NULL && (::GetTickCount() > dwTimeStart + 2000) ) { // force sheets shut down
for (int j=0; j < nCount; j++) ::PostMessage(hWndArr[j], WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0); hWndArr = NULL; }
if (::PeekMessage(&tempMSG,hWnd, CHiddenWnd::s_NodePropertySheetDeleteMessage, CHiddenWnd::s_NodePropertySheetDeleteMessage, PM_REMOVE)) { TRACE(_T("-------------------->>>>enter while peek loop, nCount = %d\n"),nCount); DispatchMessage(&tempMSG); nCount--; } } }
// CHelpDialog
CHelpDialog::CHelpDialog(UINT nIDTemplate, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) : m_hWndWhatsThis(0), m_pComponentData(pComponentData), CDialog(nIDTemplate) { }
CHelpDialog::CHelpDialog(UINT nIDTemplate, CWnd* pParentWnd, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) : m_hWndWhatsThis(0), m_pComponentData(pComponentData), CDialog(nIDTemplate, pParentWnd) { }
void CHelpDialog::OnWhatsThis() { //
// Display context help for a control
if ( m_hWndWhatsThis ) { //
// Build our own HELPINFO struct to pass to the underlying
// CS help functions built into the framework
int iCtrlID = ::GetDlgCtrlID(m_hWndWhatsThis); HELPINFO helpInfo; ZeroMemory(&helpInfo, sizeof(HELPINFO)); helpInfo.cbSize = sizeof(HELPINFO); helpInfo.hItemHandle = m_hWndWhatsThis; helpInfo.iCtrlId = iCtrlID;
m_pComponentData->OnDialogContextHelp(m_nIDHelp, &helpInfo); } }
BOOL CHelpDialog::OnHelp(WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM lParam) { const LPHELPINFO pHelpInfo = (LPHELPINFO)lParam;
if (pHelpInfo && pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { //
// Display context help for a control
m_pComponentData->OnDialogContextHelp(m_nIDHelp, pHelpInfo); }
return TRUE; }
void CHelpDialog::OnContextMenu(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint point) { //
// point is in screen coordinates
CMenu bar; if ( bar.LoadMenu(IDR_WHATS_THIS_CONTEXT_MENU1) ) { CMenu& popup = *bar.GetSubMenu (0); ASSERT(popup.m_hMenu);
if ( popup.TrackPopupMenu (TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTBUTTON, point.x, // in screen coordinates
point.y, // in screen coordinates
this) ) // route commands through main window
{ m_hWndWhatsThis = 0; ScreenToClient (&point); CWnd* pChild = ChildWindowFromPoint (point, // in client coordinates
CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE | CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT); if ( pChild ) { m_hWndWhatsThis = pChild->m_hWnd; } } } }