Copyright (C) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the private IPropertyBag interface used by the Performance Logs and Alerts MMC snap-in.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "smcfgmsg.h"
#include "strnoloc.h"
#include "ipropbag.h"
* CImpIPropertyBag interface implementation */
* CImpIPropertyBag::CImpIPropertyBag * * Purpose: * Constructor. * * Return Value: */
CImpIPropertyBag::CImpIPropertyBag () : m_cRef ( 0 ), m_pszData ( NULL ), m_dwCurrentDataLength ( 0 ), m_plistData ( NULL ) { m_hModule = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandleW (_CONFIG_DLL_NAME_W_); return; }
* CImpIPropertyBag::~CImpIPropertyBag * * Purpose: * Destructor. * * Return Value: */
CImpIPropertyBag::~CImpIPropertyBag ( void ) { if ( NULL != m_pszData ) { delete [] m_pszData; }
while ( NULL != m_plistData ) { PPARAM_DATA pData = DataListRemoveHead(); VariantClear ( &pData->vValue ); delete pData; }
return; }
* CImpIPropertyBag::Read * * Purpose: * * This function is called to read a property from the property bag. * * Parameters: * pszPropName Pointer to name of property to be read * pVar Pointer to the VARIANT to receive the property value * pIErrorLog Pointer to the caller's error log */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPropertyBag::Read ( LPCOLESTR pszPropName, //Pointer to the property to be read
VARIANT* pVar, //Pointer to the VARIANT to receive the
//property value
IErrorLog* pIErrorLog ) //Pointer to the caller's error log // can be null
if (NULL==pszPropName) return ResultFromScode(E_POINTER);
if (NULL==pVar) return ResultFromScode(E_POINTER);
// Currently don't handle error log.
ASSERT ( NULL == pIErrorLog ); pIErrorLog; // Avoid compiler warning
//Read the specified data into the passed variant.
pData = FindProperty ( pszPropName );
if ( NULL != pData ) { //VARTYPE vtTarget = vValue.vt;
hr = VariantChangeType ( pVar, &pData->vValue, NULL, pVar->vt ); } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hr; }
* CImpIPropertyBag::Write * * Purpose: * * This function is called to write a property to the property bag. * * Parameters: * pszPropName Pointer to name of property to be written * pVar Pointer to the VARIANT containing the property value */
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPropertyBag::Write ( LPCOLESTR pszPropName, //Pointer to the property to be written
VARIANT* pVar ) //Pointer to the VARIANT containing the
//property value and type
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; VARIANT vValueBstr; DWORD dwNameLength; DWORD dwDataLength; DWORD dwDelimiterLength; LPWSTR pszNewBuffer = NULL; size_t cchRemaining = 0; LPWSTR szNext = NULL; INT iCurrentLength = 0;
ResourceStateManager rsm;
if ( NULL != pszPropName && NULL != pVar ) {
VariantInit ( &vValueBstr );
hr = VariantChangeType ( &vValueBstr, pVar, NULL, VT_BSTR );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) {
dwDelimiterLength = lstrlen ( CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlParamTag ) + lstrlen ( CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlValueTag ) + lstrlen ( CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlValueEolTag );
dwNameLength = lstrlen ( pszPropName ); dwDataLength = lstrlen ( vValueBstr.bstrVal );
// Include 1 for the ending NULL character in the length check.
iCurrentLength = lstrlen ( m_pszData ); if ( m_dwCurrentDataLength < iCurrentLength + dwNameLength + dwDataLength + dwDelimiterLength + 1 ) {
m_dwCurrentDataLength += eDefaultBufferLength;
pszNewBuffer = new WCHAR[m_dwCurrentDataLength]; pszNewBuffer[0] = L'\0';
if ( NULL != m_pszData ) { StringCchCopyEx ( pszNewBuffer, m_dwCurrentDataLength, m_pszData, &szNext, &cchRemaining, 0 ); delete [] m_pszData; } m_pszData = pszNewBuffer; pszNewBuffer = NULL; szNext = m_pszData + iCurrentLength; if ( ( m_dwCurrentDataLength - iCurrentLength) > 0 ) { cchRemaining = m_dwCurrentDataLength - iCurrentLength - 1; } else { cchRemaining = 0; }
} else { szNext = m_pszData + iCurrentLength; if ( ( m_dwCurrentDataLength - iCurrentLength) > 0 ) { cchRemaining = m_dwCurrentDataLength - iCurrentLength - 1; } else { cchRemaining = 0; } }
// Build the new string and add it to the current data.
StringCchCopyEx ( szNext, cchRemaining, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlParamTag, &szNext, &cchRemaining, 0 ); StringCchCopyEx ( szNext, cchRemaining, pszPropName, &szNext, &cchRemaining, 0 ); StringCchCopyEx ( szNext, cchRemaining, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlValueTag, &szNext, &cchRemaining, 0 ); StringCchCopyEx ( szNext, cchRemaining, vValueBstr.bstrVal, &szNext, &cchRemaining, 0 ); StringCchCopyEx ( szNext, cchRemaining, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlValueEolTag, &szNext, &cchRemaining, 0 );
if ( NULL != pszNewBuffer ) { delete [] pszNewBuffer; }
VariantClear ( &vValueBstr ); } } else { hr = E_POINTER; } return hr; }
* CImpIPropertyBag::GetData * * Purpose: * Return pointer to the data buffer. * * Return Value: * Pointer to the data buffer. */
LPWSTR CImpIPropertyBag::GetData ( void ) { return m_pszData; }
* CImpIPropertyBag::LoadData * * Purpose: * Load data from the supplied buffer into internal data structures. * Return pointer to the next object, or NULL if no more objects. * * Return Value: * Status. */
DWORD CImpIPropertyBag::LoadData ( LPWSTR pszData, LPWSTR* ppszNextData ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bUnicode = TRUE; LPWSTR pszDataW = NULL; LPWSTR pszDataAllocW = NULL; LPWSTR pszCurrentPos = NULL; INT iBufLen;
USES_CONVERSION; if ( NULL != pszData ) { // Unicode search: Begin the search after the first instance
// of the System Monitor class id.
pszCurrentPos = wcsstr(pszData, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlObjectClassId );
if ( NULL != pszCurrentPos ) { pszDataW = pszData; bUnicode = TRUE; } else { //
// Check for ANSI version:
LPSTR pszGuidA = NULL; LPSTR pszCurrentPosA = NULL; LPSTR pszDataA = (CHAR*) pszData; MFC_TRY pszGuidA = W2A( CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlObjectClassId );
if ( NULL != pszGuidA ) {
pszCurrentPosA = strstr ( pszDataA, pszGuidA );
if ( NULL != pszCurrentPosA ) { iBufLen = lstrlenA (pszDataA) + 1; pszDataAllocW = new WCHAR [iBufLen];
pszDataAllocW[0] = L'\0';
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pszDataA, -1, // Input string is null-terminated.
pszDataAllocW, iBufLen );
pszDataAllocW [iBufLen - 1] = L'\0'; pszCurrentPos = wcsstr(pszDataAllocW, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlObjectClassId ); } } MFC_CATCH_DWSTATUS } if ( NULL != pszCurrentPos ) { WCHAR szQuote[2]; LPWSTR pszEoo;
szQuote[0] = L'\"'; szQuote[1] = L'\0';
// End of object is the first object footer tag after the first sysmon
// class id found. If multiple objects in the data block, only parse the first sysmon.
pszEoo = wcsstr(pszCurrentPos, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlObjectFooter );
if ( NULL != pszEoo ) { // Find first parameter tag.
pszCurrentPos = wcsstr(pszCurrentPos, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlParamSearchTag );
while ( NULL != pszCurrentPos && pszCurrentPos < pszEoo ) {
LPWSTR pszNextPos = NULL; INT lStrLength; PPARAM_DATA pParamData = NULL; LPWSTR pszTemp = NULL;
// Store parameter/property name.
// Find one past first quote.
pszCurrentPos = wcsstr(pszCurrentPos, szQuote ) + 1;
// The param name is between first and second quote.
pszNextPos = wcsstr(pszCurrentPos, szQuote );
lStrLength = ( (INT)((UINT_PTR)pszNextPos - (UINT_PTR)pszCurrentPos) ) / sizeof ( WCHAR ) ;
MFC_TRY pParamData = new PARAM_DATA;
pParamData->pNextParam = NULL; VariantInit ( &pParamData->vValue ); pParamData->vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;
wcsncpy ( pParamData->pszPropertyName, pszCurrentPos, lStrLength ); pParamData->pszPropertyName[lStrLength] = L'\0';
// Find value tag and store parameter/property value.
// Find value tag
pszCurrentPos = wcsstr ( pszCurrentPos, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlValueSearchTag ); // Find one past first quote
pszCurrentPos = wcsstr ( pszCurrentPos, szQuote ) + 1; // The value is between first and second quote.
pszNextPos = wcsstr ( pszCurrentPos, szQuote ); lStrLength = ( (INT)((UINT_PTR)pszNextPos - (UINT_PTR)pszCurrentPos) ) / sizeof ( WCHAR );
pszTemp = new WCHAR[lStrLength+1]; wcsncpy ( pszTemp, pszCurrentPos, lStrLength ); pszTemp[lStrLength] = L'\0';
pParamData->vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString ( pszTemp );
DataListAddHead ( pParamData ); pParamData = NULL;
// Find next parameter/property tag.
pszCurrentPos = wcsstr(pszCurrentPos, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlParamSearchTag );
if ( NULL != pszTemp ) { delete [] pszTemp; pszTemp = NULL; } if ( NULL != pParamData ) { delete pParamData; pParamData = NULL; break; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { break; } } // While parameter tags exist for a single object.
if ( NULL != ppszNextData ) { LPWSTR pszNextEoo = NULL; pszEoo += lstrlenW ( CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlObjectFooter );
pszNextEoo = wcsstr(pszEoo, CGlobalString::m_cszHtmlObjectFooter ); // Successful. Return pointer to end of the current object, or NULL if all
// objects have been processed.
if ( NULL != pszNextEoo ) { if ( bUnicode ) { *ppszNextData = pszEoo; } else { INT lStrLength; lStrLength = ( (INT)((UINT_PTR)pszEoo - (UINT_PTR)pszDataW) ) / sizeof ( WCHAR ) ; *(CHAR**)ppszNextData = (CHAR*)pszData + lStrLength; } } else { *ppszNextData = NULL; } } } else { if ( NULL != ppszNextData ) { *ppszNextData = NULL; } dwStatus = SMCFG_NO_HTML_SYSMON_OBJECT; } } else { if ( NULL != ppszNextData ) { *ppszNextData = NULL; } dwStatus = SMCFG_NO_HTML_SYSMON_OBJECT; } } else { if ( NULL != ppszNextData ) { *ppszNextData = NULL; } dwStatus = SMCFG_NO_HTML_SYSMON_OBJECT; }
if ( NULL != pszDataAllocW ) { delete [] pszDataAllocW; }
return dwStatus; }
void CImpIPropertyBag::DataListAddHead ( PPARAM_DATA pData ) { pData->pNextParam = m_plistData; m_plistData = pData; return; }
CImpIPropertyBag::PPARAM_DATA CImpIPropertyBag::DataListRemoveHead ( ) { PPARAM_DATA pReturnData;
pReturnData = m_plistData; if ( NULL != m_plistData ) m_plistData = m_plistData->pNextParam; return pReturnData; }
CImpIPropertyBag::PPARAM_DATA CImpIPropertyBag::FindProperty ( LPCWSTR pszPropName ) { PPARAM_DATA pReturnData;
pReturnData = m_plistData; while ( NULL != pReturnData ) { if ( 0 == lstrcmpi ( pszPropName, pReturnData->pszPropertyName ) ) break; pReturnData = pReturnData->pNextParam; }
return pReturnData; }
// IUnknown implementation
// Standard implementation
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPropertyBag::QueryInterface ( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
do { if( NULL == ppvObj ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppvObj = (IUnknown *)(IDataObject *)this; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IDataObject)) { *ppvObj = (IUnknown *)(IPropertyBag *)this; } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; *ppvObj = NULL; break; }
// If we got this far we are handing out a new interface pointer on
// this object, so addref it.
AddRef(); } while (0);
return hr;
} // end QueryInterface()
// Standard implementation
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpIPropertyBag::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement((LONG*) &m_cRef); }
// Standard implementation
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpIPropertyBag::Release() { ULONG cRefTemp; cRefTemp = InterlockedDecrement((LONG *)&m_cRef);
if( 0 == cRefTemp ) { delete this; }
return cRefTemp;
} // end Release()