Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of DLL exports.
// Note: Proxy/Stub Information
// To build a separate proxy/stub DLL,
// run nmake -f Smlogcfgps.mk in the project directory.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "InitGuid.h"
#include "compdata.h"
#include "smabout.h"
#include "smlogcfg.h" // For CLSID_ComponentData
#include "Smlogcfg_i.c" // For CLSID_ComponentData
#include <ntverp.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <Sddl.h>
CComModule _Module;
BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(ObjectMap) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_ComponentData, CSmLogSnapin) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_ExtensionSnapin, CSmLogExtension) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_PerformanceAbout, CSmLogAbout) END_OBJECT_MAP()
LPCWSTR g_cszAllowedPathKey = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SecurePipeServers\\winreg\\AllowedPaths"; LPCWSTR g_cszSysmonLogPath = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SysmonLog"; LPCWSTR g_cszPerflibPath = L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib"; LPCWSTR g_cszMachine = L"Machine"; LPCWSTR g_cszBasePath = L"Software\\Microsoft\\MMC\\SnapIns"; LPCWSTR g_cszBaseNodeTypes = L"Software\\Microsoft\\MMC\\NodeTypes"; LPCWSTR g_cszNameString = L"NameString"; LPCWSTR g_cszNameStringIndirect = L"NameStringIndirect"; LPCWSTR g_cszProvider = L"Provider"; LPCWSTR g_cszVersion = L"Version"; LPCWSTR g_cszAbout = L"About"; LPCWSTR g_cszStandAlone = L"StandAlone"; LPCWSTR g_cszNodeType = L"NodeType"; LPCWSTR g_cszNodeTypes = L"NodeTypes"; LPCWSTR g_cszExtensions = L"Extensions"; LPCWSTR g_cszNameSpace = L"NameSpace";
LPCWSTR g_cszRootNode = L"Root Node"; LPCWSTR g_cszCounterLogsChild = L"Performance Data Logs Child Under Root Node"; LPCWSTR g_cszTraceLogsChild = L"System Trace Logs Child Under Root Node"; LPCWSTR g_cszAlertsChild = L"Alerts Child Under Root Node";
DWORD SetWbemSecurity( );
class CSmLogCfgApp : public CWinApp { public: virtual BOOL InitInstance(); virtual int ExitInstance(); };
CSmLogCfgApp theApp;
BOOL CSmLogCfgApp::InitInstance() { g_hinst = m_hInstance; // Store global instance handle
_Module.Init(ObjectMap, m_hInstance);
SHFusionInitializeFromModuleID (m_hInstance, 2); InitializeCriticalSection ( &g_critsectInstallDefaultQueries ); return CWinApp::InitInstance(); }
int CSmLogCfgApp::ExitInstance() { DeleteCriticalSection ( &g_critsectInstallDefaultQueries ); SHFusionUninitialize(); _Module.Term(); return CWinApp::ExitInstance(); }
// The function is here because of bug 611310 --hongg
DWORD LoadPerfUpdateWinRegAllowedPaths() { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwCurrentSize = 0; DWORD dwBufSize = 0; DWORD dwPerflibPath = lstrlenW(g_cszPerflibPath) + 1; DWORD dwSysmonLogPath = lstrlenW(g_cszSysmonLogPath) + 1; LPWSTR pBuf = NULL; LPWSTR pNextPath; BOOL bPerfLibExists = FALSE; BOOL bSysmonLogExists = FALSE; HRESULT hr;
// Open AllowedPaths key
Status = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_cszAllowedPathKey, 0L, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, & hKey); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Read the Machine value under AllowedPaths key
dwType = REG_MULTI_SZ; Status = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, g_cszMachine, NULL, & dwType, NULL, & dwCurrentSize);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType != REG_MULTI_SZ) { Status = ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; } }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// In case that PerfLibPath and SysmonLogPath don't exist,
// preallocate memory for PerfLibPath and SysmonLogPath
dwBufSize = dwCurrentSize + (dwPerflibPath + dwSysmonLogPath + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pBuf = (LPWSTR)malloc(dwBufSize); if (pBuf == NULL) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { *pBuf = L'\0'; Status = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, g_cszMachine, NULL, & dwType, (LPBYTE) pBuf, & dwCurrentSize); } } }
// Scan the AllowedPaths to determine if we need to
// update it.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS && pBuf != NULL) { pNextPath = pBuf; while (* pNextPath != L'\0') { if (lstrcmpiW(pNextPath, g_cszPerflibPath) == 0) { bPerfLibExists = TRUE; } if (lstrcmpiW(pNextPath, g_cszSysmonLogPath) == 0) { bSysmonLogExists = TRUE; } pNextPath += lstrlenW(pNextPath) + 1; }
if (! bPerfLibExists) { hr = StringCchCopyW(pNextPath, dwPerflibPath, g_cszPerflibPath); dwCurrentSize += dwPerflibPath * sizeof(WCHAR); pNextPath += dwPerflibPath; }
if (! bSysmonLogExists) { hr = StringCchCopyW(pNextPath, dwSysmonLogPath, g_cszSysmonLogPath); dwCurrentSize += dwSysmonLogPath * sizeof(WCHAR); pNextPath += dwSysmonLogPath; }
// Add an extra L'\0' for MULTI_SZ
* pNextPath = L'\0';
if (! (bPerfLibExists && bSysmonLogExists)) { Status = RegSetValueExW(hKey, g_cszMachine, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE) pBuf, dwCurrentSize); } }
if (hKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (pBuf) { free(pBuf); }
return Status; }
// Used to determine whether the DLL can be unloaded by OLE
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); return (AfxDllCanUnloadNow()==S_OK && _Module.GetLockCount()==0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// Returns a class factory to create an object of the requested type
STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv) { // test for snap-in or extension snap-in guid and differentiate the
// returned object here before returning (not implemented yet...)
return _Module.GetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv); }
// DllRegisterServer - Adds entries to the system registry
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HKEY hMmcSnapinsKey = NULL; HKEY hMmcNodeTypesKey = NULL; HKEY hSmLogMgrParentKey = NULL; HKEY hStandAloneKey = NULL; HKEY hNodeTypesKey = NULL; HKEY hTempNodeKey = NULL; HKEY hNameSpaceKey = NULL; LONG nErr = 0; WCHAR pBuffer[_MAX_PATH+1]; // NOTE: Use for Provider, Version and module name strings
size_t nLen; CString strName; LPWSTR szModule = NULL; UINT iModuleLen = 0; LPWSTR szSystemPath = NULL; UINT iSystemPathLen = 0; int iRetry; DWORD dwReturn;
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
SetWbemSecurity( );
#ifdef _X86_
BOOL bWow64Process; #endif
// Get system directory
iSystemPathLen = MAX_PATH + 14; iRetry = 4; do { //
// We also need to append "\smlogcfg.dll" to the system path
// So allocate an extra 14 characters for it.
szSystemPath = (LPWSTR)malloc(iSystemPathLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (szSystemPath == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
dwReturn = GetSystemDirectory(szSystemPath, iSystemPathLen); if (dwReturn == 0) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break; }
// The buffer is not big enough, try to allocate a biggers one
// and retry
if (dwReturn >= iSystemPathLen - 14) { iSystemPathLen = dwReturn + 14; free(szSystemPath); szSystemPath = NULL; hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { hr = S_OK; break; } } while (iRetry--);
// Get module file name
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { iRetry = 4;
// The length initialized to iModuleLen must be longer
// than the length of "%systemroot%\\system32\\smlogcfg.dll"
iModuleLen = MAX_PATH + 1; do { szModule = (LPWSTR) malloc(iModuleLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (szModule == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
dwReturn = GetModuleFileName(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), szModule, iModuleLen); if (dwReturn == 0) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break; } //
// The buffer is not big enough, try to allocate a biggers one
// and retry
if (dwReturn >= iModuleLen) { iModuleLen *= 2; free(szModule); szModule = NULL; hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { hr = S_OK; break; }
} while (iRetry--); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
// Check if we are in system directory, the control can be
// registered iff when it is system directory
StringCchCat(szSystemPath, iSystemPathLen, L"\\smlogcfg.dll");
if (lstrcmpi(szSystemPath, szModule) != 0) { #ifdef _X86_
// Lets try to see if this is a Wow64 process
if ((IsWow64Process (GetCurrentProcess(), &bWow64Process) == TRUE) && (bWow64Process == TRUE)) {
int iLength = GetSystemWow64Directory (szSystemPath, iSystemPathLen);
if (iLength > 0) { szSystemPath [iLength] = L'\\'; if (lstrcmpi(szSystemPath, szModule) == 0) { goto done; } } } #endif
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto CleanUp; }
#ifdef _X86_
done: #endif
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != LoadPerfUpdateWinRegAllowedPaths()) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto CleanUp; }
//DebugBreak(); // Uncomment this to step through registration
// Open the MMC Parent keys
nErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_cszBasePath, &hMmcSnapinsKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open MMC Snapins Key Failed" ); // Create the ID for our ICompnentData Interface
// The ID was generated for us, because we used a Wizard to create the app.
// Take the ID for CComponentData in the IDL file.
// Make sure you change this if you use this code as a starting point!
// Change other IDs as well below!
if (hMmcSnapinsKey) { nErr = RegCreateKey( hMmcSnapinsKey, GUIDSTR_ComponentData, &hSmLogMgrParentKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"CComponentData Key Failed" ); if (hSmLogMgrParentKey) {
if ( strName.IsEmpty() ) { DisplayError ( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Unable to load snap-in name string." ); }
// This is the name we see when we add the Snap-In to the console
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszNameString, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)strName.GetBufferSetLength( strName.GetLength() ), strName.GetLength() * (DWORD)sizeof(WCHAR) );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set NameString Failed" );
// This is the indirect name we see when we add the Snap-In to the console.
// Added for MUI support. Use the same name string as for NameString.
if ( strName.IsEmpty() ) { DisplayError ( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Unable to load snap-in indirect name string." ); }
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszNameStringIndirect, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)strName.GetBufferSetLength( strName.GetLength() ), strName.GetLength() * (DWORD)sizeof(WCHAR) );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set NameStringIndirect Failed" );
// This is the primary node, or class which implements CComponentData
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszNodeType, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)GUIDSTR_RootNode, (DWORD)((lstrlen(GUIDSTR_RootNode)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set NodeType Failed" );
// This is the About box information
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszAbout, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)GUIDSTR_PerformanceAbout, (DWORD)((lstrlen(GUIDSTR_PerformanceAbout)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set About Failed" );
nLen = strlen(VER_COMPANYNAME_STR); #ifdef UNICODE
nLen = mbstowcs(pBuffer, VER_COMPANYNAME_STR, nLen); pBuffer[nLen] = UNICODE_NULL; #else
strcpy(pBuffer, VER_COMPANYNAME_STR); pBuffer[nLen] = ANSI_NULL; #endif
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszProvider, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pBuffer, (DWORD)((nLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Provider Failed" );
nLen = mbstowcs(pBuffer, VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR, nLen); pBuffer[nLen] = UNICODE_NULL; #else
strcpy(pBuffer, VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR); pBuffer[nLen] = ANSI_NULL; #endif
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszVersion, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pBuffer, (DWORD)((nLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Version Failed" );
// We are a stand alone snapin, so set the key for this
nErr = RegCreateKey( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszStandAlone, &hStandAloneKey); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create StandAlone Key Failed" );
if (hStandAloneKey) { // StandAlone has no children, so close it
nErr = RegCloseKey( hStandAloneKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close StandAlone Failed" ); }
// Set the node types that appear in our snapin
nErr = RegCreateKey ( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszNodeTypes, &hNodeTypesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create NodeTypes Key Failed" );
if (hNodeTypesKey) { // Here is our root node. Used uuidgen to get it
nErr = RegCreateKey( hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_RootNode, &hTempNodeKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create RootNode Key Failed" );
if (hTempNodeKey) { nErr = RegSetValueEx( hTempNodeKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)g_cszRootNode, (DWORD)((lstrlen(g_cszRootNode) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Root Node String Failed" );
nErr = RegCloseKey( hTempNodeKey ); // Close it for handle reuse
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close RootNode Failed" ); }
// Here are our child nodes under the root node. Used uuidgen
// to get them for Counter Logs
hTempNodeKey = NULL; nErr = RegCreateKey( hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_CounterMainNode, &hTempNodeKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create Child Performance Data Logs Node Key Failed" );
if (hTempNodeKey) { nErr = RegSetValueEx( hTempNodeKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)g_cszCounterLogsChild, (DWORD)((lstrlen(g_cszCounterLogsChild) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Performance Data Logs Child Node String Failed" );
nErr = RegCloseKey( hTempNodeKey ); // Close it for handle reuse
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close Performance Data Logs Child Node Key Failed" ); }
// System Trace Logs
hTempNodeKey = NULL; nErr = RegCreateKey( hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_TraceMainNode, &hTempNodeKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create Child System Trace Logs Node Key Failed" );
if (hTempNodeKey) { nErr = RegSetValueEx( hTempNodeKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)g_cszTraceLogsChild, (DWORD)((lstrlen(g_cszTraceLogsChild) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set System Trace Logs Child Node String Failed" );
nErr = RegCloseKey( hTempNodeKey ); // Close it for handle reuse
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close System Trace Logs Child Node Key Failed" ); }
// Alerts
hTempNodeKey = NULL; nErr = RegCreateKey(hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_AlertMainNode, &hTempNodeKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create Child Alerts Node Key Failed" );
if (hTempNodeKey) { nErr = RegSetValueEx( hTempNodeKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)g_cszAlertsChild, (DWORD)((lstrlen(g_cszAlertsChild) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Alerts Child Node String Failed" );
nErr = RegCloseKey( hTempNodeKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close Alerts Child Node Key Failed" ); }
nErr = RegCloseKey( hNodeTypesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close Node Types Key Failed" ); }
// close the standalone snapin GUID key
nErr = RegCloseKey( hSmLogMgrParentKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close SmLogManager GUID Key Failed" ); }
// register the extension snap-in with the MMC
hSmLogMgrParentKey = NULL; nErr = RegCreateKey( hMmcSnapinsKey, GUIDSTR_SnapInExt, &hSmLogMgrParentKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Snapin Extension Key creation Failed" );
if ( strName.IsEmpty() ) { DisplayError ( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Unable to load snap-in extension name string." ); }
if (hSmLogMgrParentKey) { // This is the name we see when we add the snap-in extension
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszNameString, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)strName.GetBufferSetLength( strName.GetLength() ), strName.GetLength() * (DWORD)sizeof(WCHAR) ); strName.ReleaseBuffer(); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Extension NameString Failed" );
// This is the name we see when we add the snap-in extension. MUI support.
// Use the same name string as for NameString;
if ( strName.IsEmpty() ) { DisplayError ( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, L"Unable to load extension indirect name string." ); }
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszNameStringIndirect, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)strName.GetBufferSetLength( strName.GetLength() ), strName.GetLength() * (DWORD)sizeof(WCHAR) ); strName.ReleaseBuffer(); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Extension NameStringIndirect Failed" );
// This is the Extension About box information
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszAbout, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)GUIDSTR_PerformanceAbout, ((lstrlen(GUIDSTR_PerformanceAbout)+1) * (DWORD)sizeof(WCHAR)) );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Extension About Failed" );
nLen = strlen(VER_COMPANYNAME_STR); #ifdef UNICODE
nLen = mbstowcs(pBuffer, VER_COMPANYNAME_STR, nLen); pBuffer[nLen] = UNICODE_NULL; #else
strcpy(pBuffer, VER_COMPANYNAME_STR); pBuffer[nLen] = ANSI_NULL; #endif
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszProvider, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pBuffer, (DWORD)((nLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Provider Failed" );
nLen = mbstowcs(pBuffer, VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR, nLen); pBuffer[nLen] = UNICODE_NULL; #else
strcpy(pBuffer, VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR); pBuffer[nLen] = ANSI_NULL; #endif
nErr = RegSetValueEx( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszVersion, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pBuffer, (DWORD)((nLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Version Failed" );
// close the main keys
nErr = RegCloseKey( hSmLogMgrParentKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close Snapin Extension Key Failed"); }
// register this as a "My Computer"-"System Tools" snapin extension
nErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_cszBaseNodeTypes, &hMmcNodeTypesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open MMC NodeTypes Key Failed" );
// create/open the GUID of the System Tools Node of the My Computer snap-in
if (hMmcNodeTypesKey) { nErr = RegCreateKey ( hMmcNodeTypesKey, lstruuidNodetypeSystemTools, &hNodeTypesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create/open System Tools GUID Key Failed" );
if (hNodeTypesKey) { hTempNodeKey = NULL; nErr = RegCreateKey ( hNodeTypesKey, g_cszExtensions, &hTempNodeKey );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create/open System Tools Extensions Key Failed" );
if (hTempNodeKey) { nErr = RegCreateKey ( hTempNodeKey, g_cszNameSpace, &hNameSpaceKey );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Create/open System Tools NameSpace Key Failed" );
if (hNameSpaceKey) { nErr = RegSetValueEx( hNameSpaceKey, GUIDSTR_SnapInExt, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)strName.GetBufferSetLength( strName.GetLength() ), strName.GetLength() * (DWORD)sizeof(WCHAR) ); strName.ReleaseBuffer(); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) { DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Extension NameString Failed" ); DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Set Snapin Extension NameString Failed" ); }
nErr = RegCloseKey( hNameSpaceKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close NameSpace Key Failed" ); }
nErr = RegCloseKey( hTempNodeKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close Extension Key Failed" ); }
nErr = RegCloseKey( hNodeTypesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close My Computer System GUID Key Failed" ); }
nErr = RegCloseKey( hMmcNodeTypesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close MMC NodeTypes Key Failed" ); } nErr = RegCloseKey( hMmcSnapinsKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close MMC Snapins Key Failed" ); }
// Register extension Snap in
nErr = _Module.UpdateRegistryFromResource(IDR_EXTENSION, TRUE); // Registers object, typelib and all interfaces in typelib
return _Module.RegisterServer(TRUE);
CleanUp: if (szSystemPath) { free(szSystemPath); } if (szModule) { free(szModule); }
return hr; }
// DllUnregisterServer - Removes entries from the system registry
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) { HKEY hMmcSnapinsKey = NULL; // MMC parent key
HKEY hSmLogMgrParentKey = NULL; // Our Snap-In key - has children
HKEY hNodeTypesKey = NULL; // Our NodeType key - has children
HKEY hSysToolsNode = NULL; HKEY hExtension = NULL; HKEY hNameSpace = NULL; LONG nErr = 0;
// DebugBreak(); // Uncomment this to step through UnRegister
// Open the MMC parent key
nErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_cszBasePath, &hMmcSnapinsKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open MMC Parent Key Failed" );
// Open our Parent key
nErr = RegOpenKey( hMmcSnapinsKey, GUIDSTR_ComponentData, &hSmLogMgrParentKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open Disk Parent Key Failed" ); // Now open the NodeTypes key
nErr = RegOpenKey( hSmLogMgrParentKey, // Handle of parent key
g_cszNodeTypes, // Name of key to open
&hNodeTypesKey // Handle to newly opened key
); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open NodeTypes Key Failed" );
if (hNodeTypesKey) { // Delete the root node key
nErr = RegDeleteKey( hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_RootNode ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Delete Root Node Key Failed" );
// Delete the child node key
// *** From Beta 2
nErr = RegDeleteKey( hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_MainNode );
// Delete the child node keys
// Counter logs
nErr = RegDeleteKey( hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_CounterMainNode ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Delete Performance Logs and Alerts Child Node Key Failed" ); // System Trace Logs
nErr = RegDeleteKey( hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_TraceMainNode ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Delete System Trace Logs Child Node Key Failed" ); // Alerts
nErr = RegDeleteKey( hNodeTypesKey, GUIDSTR_AlertMainNode ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Delete Alerts Child Node Key Failed" ); // Close the node type key so we can delete it
nErr = RegCloseKey( hNodeTypesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close NodeTypes Key failed" ); }
// Delete the NodeTypes key
if (hSmLogMgrParentKey) { nErr = RegDeleteKey( hSmLogMgrParentKey, L"NodeTypes" ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Delete NodeTypes Key failed" ); // StandAlone key has no children so we can delete it now
nErr = RegDeleteKey( hSmLogMgrParentKey, g_cszStandAlone ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Delete StandAlone Key Failed" ); // Close our Parent Key
nErr = RegCloseKey( hSmLogMgrParentKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close Disk Parent Key Failed" ); }
if (hMmcSnapinsKey) { // Now we can delete our Snap-In key since the children are gone
nErr = RegDeleteKey( hMmcSnapinsKey, GUIDSTR_ComponentData ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Delete Performance Logs and Alerts GUID Key Failed" );
// Now we can delete our Snap-In Extension key
nErr = RegDeleteKey( hMmcSnapinsKey, GUIDSTR_SnapInExt); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Delete Performance Logs and Alerts GUID Key Failed" );
nErr = RegCloseKey( hMmcSnapinsKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close MMC Parent Key Failed" ); }
// delete snap-in extension entry
hNodeTypesKey = NULL; // Open the MMC parent key
nErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_cszBaseNodeTypes, &hNodeTypesKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open of MMC NodeTypes Key Failed" );
if (hNodeTypesKey) { hSysToolsNode = NULL; nErr = RegOpenKey (hNodeTypesKey, lstruuidNodetypeSystemTools, &hSysToolsNode );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open of My Computer System Tools Key Failed" );
if (hSysToolsNode) { hExtension = NULL; nErr = RegOpenKey (hSysToolsNode, g_cszExtensions, &hExtension );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open of Extensions Key Failed" );
if (hExtension) { hNameSpace = NULL; nErr = RegOpenKey (hExtension, g_cszNameSpace, &hNameSpace );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Open of Name Space Key Failed" );
if (hNameSpace) { nErr = RegDeleteValue (hNameSpace, GUIDSTR_SnapInExt);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Unable to remove the Snap-in Ext. GUID" );
// close keys
nErr = RegCloseKey( hNameSpace ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close NameSpace Key Failed" ); }
nErr = RegCloseKey( hExtension); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError(GetLastError(), L"Close Extension Key Failed"); }
nErr = RegCloseKey( hSysToolsNode ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close My Computer System Tools Key Failed" ); }
nErr = RegCloseKey( hNodeTypesKey); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) DisplayError( GetLastError(), L"Close MMC Node Types Key Failed" ); }
_Module.UnregisterServer(); return S_OK; }
DWORD SetWbemSecurity( ) { HRESULT hr; IWbemLocator *pLocator = NULL; BSTR bszNamespace = SysAllocString( L"\\\\.\\root\\perfmon" ); BSTR bszClass = SysAllocString( L"__SystemSecurity" ); BSTR bszClassSingle = SysAllocString( L"__SystemSecurity=@" ); BSTR bszMethodName = SysAllocString( L"SetSD" );
IWbemClassObject* pWbemClass = NULL; IWbemServices* pWbemServices = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pInClass = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pInInst = NULL;
BOOL bResult = TRUE;
if( NULL == bszNamespace || NULL == bszClass || NULL == bszClassSingle || NULL == bszMethodName ){
hr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
VariantInit( &vArray ); hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); if( S_FALSE == hr ){ hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID*)&pLocator ); if(FAILED(hr)){ goto cleanup; }
hr = pLocator->ConnectServer( bszNamespace, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &pWbemServices ); if(FAILED(hr)){ goto cleanup; }
hr = pWbemServices->GetObject( bszClass, 0, NULL, &pWbemClass, NULL); if(FAILED(hr)){ goto cleanup; }
hr = pWbemClass->GetMethod( bszMethodName, 0, &pInClass, NULL); if(FAILED(hr)){ goto cleanup; }
hr = pInClass->SpawnInstance(0, &pInInst); if(FAILED(hr)){ goto cleanup; } LPWSTR pSSDLString = L"O:BAG:BAD:(A;;0x23;;;LU)"; bResult = ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW( pSSDLString, SDDL_REVISION_1, &SD, &dwAclSize); if( !bResult ){ goto cleanup; }
saBound.lLbound = 0; saBound.cElements = dwAclSize;
pSa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1,1,&saBound); if( NULL == pSa ){ hr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
SafeArrayAccessData(pSa, (void**)&pData); memcpy(pData,SD,dwAclSize); SafeArrayUnaccessData( pSa ); vArray.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1; vArray.parray = pSa;
hr = pInInst->Put( L"SD", 0, &vArray, 0 ); if(FAILED(hr)){ goto cleanup; }
hr = pWbemServices->ExecMethod( bszClassSingle, bszMethodName, 0, NULL, pInInst, NULL, NULL); if(FAILED(hr)){ goto cleanup; }
cleanup: if( !bResult ){ hr = GetLastError(); } VariantClear( &vArray ); if( pLocator != NULL ){ pLocator->Release(); } if( pWbemClass != NULL ){ pWbemClass->Release(); } if( pWbemServices != NULL ){ pWbemServices->Release(); } if( pInInst != NULL ){ pInInst->Release(); } if( NULL != SD ){ LocalFree( SD ); } SysFreeString( bszNamespace ); SysFreeString( bszClass ); SysFreeString( bszClassSingle ); SysFreeString( bszMethodName );
return hr; }