// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps.cpp
//#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma warning( disable: 4154 )
#include <wbemprov.h>
#include "FRQueryEx.h"
#include <vector>
#include "helpers.h"
#include "CVARIANT.h"
#include "CObjProps.h"
#include "CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps.h"
#include <crtdbg.h>
// BEGIN: Declaration of Win32_JobObjectSecLimitInfo class properties.
// IN CJobObjProps.h !!!
LPCWSTR g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[] = { { L"SettingID" }, { L"SecurityLimitFlags" }, { L"SidsToDisable" }, { L"PrivilegesToDelete" }, { L"RestrictedSids" } }; //*****************************************************************************
// END: Declaration of Win32_JobObjectSecLimitInfo class properties.
CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps() : m_hJob(NULL), m_pjosli(NULL) { }
CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps(CHString& chstrNamespace) : CObjProps(chstrNamespace), m_hJob(NULL), m_pjosli(NULL) { }
CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps( HANDLE hJob, CHString& chstrNamespace) : CObjProps(chstrNamespace), m_hJob(hJob), m_pjosli(NULL) { }
CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::~CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps() { if(m_pjosli) { delete m_pjosli; m_pjosli = NULL; } }
// Clients call this to establish which properties
// were requested. This function calls a base class
// helper, which calls our CheckProps function.
// The base class helper finally stores the result
// in the base class member m_dwReqProps.
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::GetWhichPropsReq( CFrameworkQuery& cfwq) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Call base class version for help.
// Base class version will call our
// CheckProps function.
hr = CObjProps::GetWhichPropsReq( cfwq, CheckProps);
return hr; }
DWORD CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::CheckProps( CFrameworkQuery& Query) { DWORD dwReqProps = PROP_NONE_REQUIRED; // Get the requested properties for this
// specific object...
if (Query.IsPropertyRequired(g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_ID])) dwReqProps |= PROP_JOSecLimitInfoID;
if (Query.IsPropertyRequired(g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_SecurityLimitFlags])) dwReqProps |= PROP_SecurityLimitFlags;
if (Query.IsPropertyRequired(g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_SidsToDisable])) dwReqProps |= PROP_SidsToDisable;
if (Query.IsPropertyRequired(g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_PrivilegesToDelete])) dwReqProps |= PROP_PrivilagesToDelete;
if (Query.IsPropertyRequired(g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_RestrictedSids])) dwReqProps |= PROP_RestrictedSids;
return dwReqProps; }
void CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetHandle( const HANDLE hJob) { m_hJob = hJob; }
HANDLE& CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::GetHandle() { _ASSERT(m_hJob); return m_hJob; }
// Sets the key properties from the ObjectPath.
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetKeysFromPath( const BSTR ObjectPath, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// This array contains the key field names
CHStringArray rgchstrKeys; rgchstrKeys.Add(g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_ID]); // This array contains the index numbers
// in m_PropMap corresponding to the keys.
short sKeyNum[1]; sKeyNum[0] = JOSECLMTPROP_ID;
hr = CObjProps::SetKeysFromPath( ObjectPath, pCtx, IDS_Win32_NamedJobObjectSecLimitSetting, rgchstrKeys, sKeyNum);
return hr; }
// Sets the key property from in supplied
// parameter.
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetKeysDirect( std::vector<CVARIANT>& vecvKeys) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if(vecvKeys.size() == 1) { short sKeyNum[1]; sKeyNum[0] = JOSECLMTPROP_ID;
hr = CObjProps::SetKeysDirect( vecvKeys, sKeyNum); } else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return hr; }
// Sets the non-key properties. Only those
// properties requested are set (as determined
// by base class member m_dwReqProps).
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetNonKeyReqProps() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; DWORD dwReqProps = GetReqProps(); _ASSERT(m_hJob); if(!m_hJob) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// Because all the properties of this class
// come from the same underlying win32 job
// object structure, we only need to get that
// structure one time. We only need to get
// it at all if at least one non-key property
// was requested.
if(dwReqProps != PROP_NONE_REQUIRED) { // Get the value from the underlying JO:
// This is a really flakey API when used
// with a JobObjectSecurityLimitInformation,
// as there is no way to get the size of
// the buffer beforehand. So we have to
// allocate, see if it was enough, and if
// not, reallocate! We'll do this 10 times
// at most, and if still not enough then bail.
// Remember: new's throw on allocation
// failure, hence not checking their allocation
// below.
PBYTE pbBuff = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 128L; BOOL fQIJO = FALSE;
try { for(short s = 0; s < 10 && !fQIJO; s++) { pbBuff = new BYTE[dwSize]; ZeroMemory(pbBuff, dwSize);
fQIJO = ::QueryInformationJobObject( m_hJob, JobObjectSecurityLimitInformation, pbBuff, dwSize, NULL);
// Want to assign newly allocated
// buffer to a place from which it
// will be guarenteed to be cleaned
// up while we are inside this try
// block.
if(fQIJO) { m_pjosli = (PJOBOBJECT_SECURITY_LIMIT_INFORMATION) pbBuff; } else { delete pbBuff; pbBuff = NULL; }
dwSize = dwSize << 1; } } catch(...) { if(pbBuff) { delete pbBuff; pbBuff = NULL; } throw; }
if(!fQIJO) { _ASSERT(0); hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } return hr; }
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::LoadPropertyValues( IWbemClassObject* pIWCO, IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemServices* pNamespace) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; if(!pIWCO) return E_POINTER;
// Load properties from the map...
hr = CObjProps::LoadPropertyValues( g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames, pIWCO);
// Uses member josli and dwReqProps to
// load properties to the instance.
hr = SetInstanceFromJOSLI( pIWCO, pCtx, pNamespace);
return hr; }
// The following are a family of functions used to set information in a
// Win32_NamedJobObjectSecLimitSetting instance from a
// JOBOBJECT_SECURITY_LIMIT_INFORMATION structure. Called by LoadPropertyValues.
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetInstanceFromJOSLI( IWbemClassObject* pIWCO, IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemServices* pNamespace) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; // We expect, when this function is called,
// that at least the member m_pjosli has been
// set (via a call to SetNonKeyReqProps).
// That function will have set the other
// member variables (such as m_ptgSidsToDisable)
// based on which properties were requested.
// Our job in this function is to populate
// only those properties of the IWbemClassObject
// (which will be handed back to CIMOM) that
// the user requested. We encapsulate this
// work into helper fuctions for those properties
// that are embedded objects.
DWORD dwReqProps = GetReqProps(); CVARIANT v;
try // CVARIANT can throw and I want the error...
{ if(dwReqProps & PROP_SecurityLimitFlags) { v.SetLONG((LONG)m_pjosli->SecurityLimitFlags); hr = pIWCO->Put( g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_SecurityLimitFlags], 0, &v, NULL); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(dwReqProps & PROP_SidsToDisable) { hr = SetInstanceSidsToDisable( pIWCO, pCtx, pNamespace); } }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(dwReqProps & PROP_PrivilagesToDelete) { hr = SetInstancePrivilegesToDelete( pIWCO, pCtx, pNamespace); } }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(dwReqProps & PROP_RestrictedSids) { hr = SetInstanceRestrictedSids( pIWCO, pCtx, pNamespace); } } } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetInstanceSidsToDisable( IWbemClassObject* pIWCO, IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemServices* pNamespace) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// If m_ptgSidsToDisable is not null,
// Create a Win32_TokenGroups instance
// and call a function to populate it.
if(m_pjosli->SidsToDisable) { IWbemClassObjectPtr pWin32TokenGroups; hr = CreateInst( pNamespace, &pWin32TokenGroups, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_TokenGroups), pCtx); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SetInstanceTokenGroups( pWin32TokenGroups, m_pjosli->SidsToDisable, pCtx, pNamespace); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { try { CVARIANT v; v.SetUnknown(pWin32TokenGroups); hr = pIWCO->Put( g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_SidsToDisable], 0, &v, NULL); } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetInstancePrivilegesToDelete( IWbemClassObject* pIWCO, IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemServices* pNamespace) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// If m_ptpPrivilegesToDelete is not null,
// Create a Win32_TokenPrivileges instance
// and call a function to populate it.
if(m_pjosli->PrivilegesToDelete) { IWbemClassObjectPtr pWin32TokenPrivileges; hr = CreateInst( pNamespace, &pWin32TokenPrivileges, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_TokenPrivileges), pCtx); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SetInstanceTokenPrivileges( pWin32TokenPrivileges, m_pjosli->PrivilegesToDelete, pCtx, pNamespace); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { try { CVARIANT v; v.SetUnknown(pWin32TokenPrivileges); hr = pIWCO->Put( g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_PrivilegesToDelete], 0, &v, NULL); } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetInstanceRestrictedSids( IWbemClassObject* pIWCO, IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemServices* pNamespace) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// If m_ptgRestrictedSids is not null,
// Create a Win32_TokenGroups instance
// and call a function to populate it.
if(m_pjosli->RestrictedSids) { IWbemClassObjectPtr pWin32TokenGroups; hr = CreateInst( pNamespace, &pWin32TokenGroups, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_TokenGroups), pCtx); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SetInstanceTokenGroups( pWin32TokenGroups, m_pjosli->RestrictedSids, pCtx, pNamespace); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { try { CVARIANT v; v.SetUnknown(pWin32TokenGroups); hr = pIWCO->Put( g_rgJobObjSecLimitInfoPropNames[JOSECLMTPROP_RestrictedSids], 0, &v, NULL); } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetInstanceTokenGroups( IWbemClassObject* pWin32TokenGroups, PTOKEN_GROUPS ptg, IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemServices* pNamespace) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; _ASSERT(ptg); if(!ptg) return hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// We need to populate the two properties of
// Win32_TokenGroups (passed in as pWin32TokenGroups:
// GroupCount, and Groups. If GroupCount is
// zero, on the other hand, don't bother with
// the Groups property.
try // CVARIANT can throw and I want the error...
{ CVARIANT vGroupCount; LONG lSize = (LONG)ptg->GroupCount;
vGroupCount.SetLONG(lSize); hr = pWin32TokenGroups->Put( IDS_GroupCount, 0, &vGroupCount, NULL);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && lSize > 0) { // Need to create an array for the
// Win32_SidAndAttributes instances...
SAFEARRAY* saSidAndAttr; SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1]; long ix[1];
rgsabound[0].cElements = lSize; rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0; saSidAndAttr = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UNKNOWN, 1, rgsabound); ix[0] = 0;
for(long m = 0; m < lSize && SUCCEEDED(hr); m++) { IWbemClassObjectPtr pWin32SidAndAttributes; IWbemClassObjectPtr pWin32Sid;
hr = CreateInst( pNamespace, &pWin32SidAndAttributes, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_SidAndAttributes), pCtx); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set the attrubutes...
CVARIANT vAttributes; vAttributes.SetLONG((LONG)ptg->Groups[m].Attributes); hr = pWin32SidAndAttributes->Put( IDS_Attributes, 0, &vAttributes, NULL); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set the sid...
hr = CreateInst( pNamespace, &pWin32Sid, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_Sid), pCtx);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _bstr_t bstrtSid;
StringFromSid( ptg->Groups[m].Sid, bstrtSid); // Set the SID property of the Win32_SID...
CVARIANT vSID; vSID.SetStr(bstrtSid); hr = pWin32Sid->Put( IDS_SID, 0, &vSID, NULL);
// As a courtesy, set the domain and
// account name props of win32_sid;
// don't care about failures.
{ CHString chstrName; CHString chstrDom;
GetNameAndDomainFromPSID( ptg->Groups[m].Sid, chstrName, chstrDom); vSID.SetStr(chstrName); pWin32Sid->Put( IDS_AccountName, 0, &vSID, NULL);
vSID.SetStr(chstrDom); pWin32Sid->Put( IDS_ReferencedDomainName, 0, &vSID, NULL); } }
// Set the SID property of the
// Win32_SidAndAttributes...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CVARIANT vSAndASid; vSAndASid.SetUnknown(pWin32Sid); hr = pWin32SidAndAttributes->Put( IDS_SID, 0, &vSAndASid, NULL); } } // Now we need to add the Win32_SidAndAttributes
// instance to the safearray. We need to make
// sure that the instances we add to the safearray
// don't go away as soon as pWin32SidAndAttributes
// and pWin32Sid go out of scope (being smart
// pointers, they will Release when they do), so
// we must addref both interfaces...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pWin32Sid.AddRef(); pWin32SidAndAttributes.AddRef();
SafeArrayPutElement( saSidAndAttr, ix, pWin32SidAndAttributes); }
ix[0]++; }
// We now have a populated safe array.
// Now we must set the Groups property
// of the pWin32TokenGroups that was
// passed into this function...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CVARIANT vGroups; vGroups.SetArray( saSidAndAttr, VT_UNKNOWN | VT_ARRAY);
hr = pWin32TokenGroups->Put( IDS_Groups, 0, &vGroups, NULL); } } } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CJobObjSecLimitInfoProps::SetInstanceTokenPrivileges( IWbemClassObject* pWin32TokenPrivileges, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES ptp, IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemServices* pNamespace) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; _ASSERT(ptp); if(!ptp) return hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// We need to populate the two properties of
// Win32_TokenGroups (passed in as pWin32TokenGroups:
// GroupCount, and Groups. If GroupCount is
// zero, on the other hand, don't bother with
// the Groups property.
try // CVARIANT can throw and I want the error...
{ CVARIANT vPrivilegeCount; LONG lSize = (LONG)ptp->PrivilegeCount; vPrivilegeCount.SetLONG(lSize); hr = pWin32TokenPrivileges->Put( IDS_PrivilegeCount, 0, &vPrivilegeCount, NULL);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && lSize > 0) { // Need to create an array for the
// Win32_LUIDAndAttributes instances...
SAFEARRAY* saLUIDAndAttr; SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1]; long ix[1];
rgsabound[0].cElements = lSize; rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0; saLUIDAndAttr = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UNKNOWN, 1, rgsabound); ix[0] = 0;
for(long m = 0; m < lSize && SUCCEEDED(hr); m++) { IWbemClassObjectPtr pWin32LUIDAndAttributes; IWbemClassObjectPtr pWin32LUID; hr = CreateInst( pNamespace, &pWin32LUIDAndAttributes, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_LUIDAndAttributes), pCtx); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set the attrubutes...
CVARIANT vAttributes; vAttributes.SetLONG((LONG)ptp->Privileges[m].Attributes); hr = pWin32LUIDAndAttributes->Put( IDS_Attributes, 0, &vAttributes, NULL); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set the luid...
hr = CreateInst( pNamespace, &pWin32LUID, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_LUID), pCtx);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set the HighPart and LowPart properties
// of the Win32_LUID...
CVARIANT vHighPart; vHighPart.SetLONG(ptp->Privileges[m].Luid.HighPart); hr = pWin32LUID->Put( IDS_HighPart, 0, &vHighPart, NULL);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CVARIANT vLowPart; vLowPart.SetLONG((LONG)ptp->Privileges[m].Luid.LowPart); hr = pWin32LUID->Put( IDS_LowPart, 0, &vLowPart, NULL); } }
// Set the LUID property of the
// Win32_LUIDAndAttributes...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CVARIANT vLAndALUID; vLAndALUID.SetUnknown(pWin32LUID); hr = pWin32LUIDAndAttributes->Put( IDS_LUID, 0, &vLAndALUID, NULL); } } // Now we need to add the Win32_LUIDAndAttributes
// instance to the safearray. We need to make
// sure that the instances we add to the safearray
// don't go away as soon as pWin32SidAndAttributes
// goes out of scope (being a smart
// pointer, it will Release when it does), so
// we must addref the interface...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pWin32LUIDAndAttributes.AddRef(); pWin32LUID.AddRef();
SafeArrayPutElement( saLUIDAndAttr, ix, pWin32LUIDAndAttributes); }
ix[0]++; }
// We now have a populated safe array.
// Now we must set the Privileges property
// of the pWin32TokenPrivileges that was
// passed into this function...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CVARIANT vPrivileges; vPrivileges.SetArray( saLUIDAndAttr, VT_UNKNOWN | VT_ARRAY);
hr = pWin32TokenPrivileges->Put( IDS_Privileges, 0, &vPrivileges, NULL); } } } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); }
return hr; }