// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// JobObjIOActgInfoProv.cpp
//#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#include "precomp.h"
//#include <windows.h>
#include "cominit.h"
//#include <objbase.h>
//#include <comdef.h>
#include "CUnknown.h"
#include <wbemprov.h>
#include "FRQueryEx.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "Factory.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "SmartHandle.h"
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include "CVARIANT.h"
#include "CObjProps.h"
#include "CJobObjIOActgProps.h"
#include "JobObjIOActgInfoProv.h"
/*****************************************************************************/ // QueryInterface override to allow for this component's interface(s)
/*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(iid == IID_IWbemServices) { *ppv = static_cast<IWbemServices*>(this); reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(*ppv)->AddRef(); } else if(iid == IID_IWbemProviderInit) { *ppv = static_cast<IWbemProviderInit*>(this); reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(*ppv)->AddRef(); } else { hr = CUnknown::QueryInterface(iid, ppv); }
return hr; }
/*****************************************************************************/ // Creation function used by CFactory
/*****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::CreateInstance(CUnknown** ppNewComponent) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CUnknown* pUnk = NULL; pUnk = new CJobObjIOActgInfoProv; if(pUnk != NULL) { *ppNewComponent = pUnk; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr ; }
/*****************************************************************************/ // IWbemProviderInit implementation
/*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::Initialize( LPWSTR pszUser, LONG lFlags, LPWSTR pszNamespace, LPWSTR pszLocale, IWbemServices *pNamespace, IWbemContext *pCtx, IWbemProviderInitSink *pInitSink) { m_pNamespace = pNamespace; m_chstrNamespace = pszNamespace; //Let CIMOM know you are initialized
return pInitSink->SetStatus( WBEM_S_INITIALIZED, 0); }
/*****************************************************************************/ // IWbemServices implementation
/*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::GetObjectAsync( const BSTR ObjectPath, long lFlags, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR *pResponseHandler) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; IWbemClassObjectPtr pStatusObject;
try { HRESULT hrImp = CheckImpersonationLevel();
if(SUCCEEDED(hrImp)) { // We need the name of the instance they requested...
WCHAR wstrObjInstKeyVal[MAX_PATH]; hr = GetObjInstKeyVal( ObjectPath, IDS_Win32_JobObjectIOAccountingInfo, g_rgJobObjIOActgPropNames[JOIOACTGPROP_ID], wstrObjInstKeyVal, sizeof(wstrObjInstKeyVal) - sizeof(WCHAR)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // wstrObjInstKeyVal now contains the name of the object. See if
// it exists...
CHString chstrUndecoratedJOName;
UndecorateJOName( wstrObjInstKeyVal, chstrUndecoratedJOName);
SmartHandle hJob; hJob = ::OpenJobObjectW( MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, FALSE, chstrUndecoratedJOName);
if(hJob) { // We seem to have found one matching the specified name,
// so create a return instance...
IWbemClassObjectPtr pIWCO = NULL; CJobObjIOActgProps cjoioap(hJob, m_chstrNamespace);
hr = CreateInst( m_pNamespace, &pIWCO, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_JobObjectIOAccountingInfo), pCtx);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { cjoioap.SetReqProps(PROP_ALL_REQUIRED);; } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // set the key properties...
hr = cjoioap.SetKeysFromPath( ObjectPath, pCtx); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // set the non-key requested properties...
hr = cjoioap.SetNonKeyReqProps(); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Load requested non-key properties
// to the instance...
hr = cjoioap.LoadPropertyValues( pIWCO);
// Commit the instance...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IWbemClassObject *pTmp = (IWbemClassObject*) pIWCO; hr = pResponseHandler->Indicate( 1, &pTmp); } } } else { _ASSERT(0);
SetStatusObject( pCtx, m_pNamespace, ::GetLastError(), NULL, L"::OpenJobObject", JOB_OBJECT_NAMESPACE, &pStatusObject); } } } else { hr = hrImp; } } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); } catch(...) { hr = WBEM_E_PROVIDER_FAILURE; }
// Set Status
return pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, hr, NULL, pStatusObject); }
STDMETHODIMP CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::ExecQueryAsync( const BSTR QueryLanguage, const BSTR Query, long lFlags, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR *pResponseHandler) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; IWbemClassObjectPtr pStatusObject;
try { HRESULT hrImp = CheckImpersonationLevel();
if(SUCCEEDED(hrImp)) { // We will optimize for those cases in which
// a particular set of named job objects
// (e.g., 1 or more). Enumerate also
// optimizes for the properties that were
// requested.
CFrameworkQuery cfwq; hr = cfwq.Init( QueryLanguage, Query, lFlags, m_chstrNamespace);
std::vector<_bstr_t> rgNamedJOs; if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cfwq.GetValuesForProp( _bstr_t(g_rgJobObjIOActgPropNames[JOIOACTGPROP_ID]), rgNamedJOs); }
// If none were specifically requested, they
// want them all...
if(rgNamedJOs.size() == 0) { hr = GetJobObjectList(rgNamedJOs); } else { // Object paths were specified. Before
// passing them along, we need to un-
// decorate them.
UndecorateNamesInNamedJONameList(rgNamedJOs); }
// Find out what propeties were requested...
CJobObjIOActgProps cjoioap(m_chstrNamespace); cjoioap.GetWhichPropsReq(cfwq);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = Enumerate( pCtx, pResponseHandler, rgNamedJOs, cjoioap, &pStatusObject); } else { SetStatusObject( pCtx, m_pNamespace, -1L, NULL, L"helpers.cpp::GetJobObjectList", JOB_OBJECT_NAMESPACE, &pStatusObject); } } else { hr = hrImp; } } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); } catch(...) { hr = WBEM_E_PROVIDER_FAILURE; }
// Set Status
return pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, hr, NULL, pStatusObject); }
STDMETHODIMP CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::CreateInstanceEnumAsync( const BSTR Class, long lFlags, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR *pResponseHandler) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; IWbemClassObjectPtr pStatusObject;
try { HRESULT hrImp = CheckImpersonationLevel();
if(SUCCEEDED(hrImp)) { if(_wcsicmp( Class, IDS_Win32_JobObjectIOAccountingInfo) != NULL) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS; }
// For every job object, return all accounting
// info properties...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get a list of named jobs...
std::vector<_bstr_t> rgNamedJOs; hr = GetJobObjectList(rgNamedJOs);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CJobObjIOActgProps cjoioap(m_chstrNamespace); cjoioap.SetReqProps(PROP_ALL_REQUIRED); hr = Enumerate( pCtx, pResponseHandler, rgNamedJOs, cjoioap, &pStatusObject); } else { SetStatusObject( pCtx, m_pNamespace, -1L, NULL, L"helpers.cpp::GetJobObjectList", JOB_OBJECT_NAMESPACE, &pStatusObject); } } } else { hr = hrImp; } } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); } catch(...) { hr = WBEM_E_PROVIDER_FAILURE; }
// Set Status
return pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, hr, NULL, pStatusObject); }
/*****************************************************************************/ // Private member function implementations
/*****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::Enumerate( IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR *pResponseHandler, std::vector<_bstr_t>& rgNamedJOs, CJobObjIOActgProps& cjoaip, IWbemClassObject** ppStatusObject) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
long lNumJobs = rgNamedJOs.size();
try // CVARIANT can throw and I want the error...
{ if(lNumJobs > 0) { SmartHandle hJob;
for(long m = 0L; m < lNumJobs && SUCCEEDED(hr); m++) { cjoaip.ClearProps();
// We have the name of a JO; need to open it up
// and get its properties...
hJob = ::OpenJobObjectW( MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, FALSE, rgNamedJOs[m]);
// (NOTE: hJob smarthandle class automatically
// closes its handle on destruction and on
// reassignment.)
if(hJob) { // Set the handle...
// Set the key properties directly...
CHString chstrDecoratedJOName; DecorateJOName( rgNamedJOs[m], chstrDecoratedJOName);
std::vector<CVARIANT> vecvKeys; CVARIANT vID(chstrDecoratedJOName); vecvKeys.push_back(vID); hr = cjoaip.SetKeysDirect(vecvKeys);
if(FAILED(hr)) { SetStatusObject( pCtx, m_pNamespace, ::GetLastError(), NULL, L"CJobObjIOActgProps::SetKeysDirect", JOB_OBJECT_NAMESPACE, ppStatusObject); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // set the non-key requested
// properties...
hr = cjoaip.SetNonKeyReqProps(); if(FAILED(hr)) { SetStatusObject( pCtx, m_pNamespace, ::GetLastError(), NULL, L"CJobObjIOActgProps::SetNonKeyReqProps", JOB_OBJECT_NAMESPACE, ppStatusObject); } }
// Create a new outgoing instance...
IWbemClassObjectPtr pIWCO = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateInst( m_pNamespace, &pIWCO, _bstr_t(IDS_Win32_JobObjectIOAccountingInfo), pCtx);
if(FAILED(hr)) { SetStatusObject( pCtx, m_pNamespace, ::GetLastError(), NULL, L"CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::CreateInst", JOB_OBJECT_NAMESPACE, ppStatusObject); } }
// Load the properties of the
// new outgoing instance...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cjoaip.LoadPropertyValues(pIWCO);
if(FAILED(hr)) { SetStatusObject( pCtx, m_pNamespace, ::GetLastError(), NULL, L"CJobObjIOActgInfoProv::LoadPropertyValues", JOB_OBJECT_NAMESPACE, ppStatusObject); } }
// And send it out...
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IWbemClassObject *pTmp = (IWbemClassObject*) pIWCO; hr = pResponseHandler->Indicate( 1, &pTmp); } } else { _ASSERT(0);
SetStatusObject( pCtx, m_pNamespace, ::GetLastError(), NULL, L"::OpenJobObject", JOB_OBJECT_NAMESPACE, ppStatusObject); } } } } catch(CVARIANTError& cve) { hr = cve.GetWBEMError(); }
return hr; }