// Purpose: Contains the ExecQuery implementation
// Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <wbemtime.h>
#define NTEVT_DECPOS 14
#define NTEVT_SGNPOS 21
#define NTEVT_DMTFLEN 25
wchar_t* CheckForSpecialCharacters(const wchar_t* wstr) { if (wstr == NULL) { return NULL; }
int wstrlen = wcslen(wstr) * 2; wchar_t* ret = new wchar_t[wstrlen + 1]; const wchar_t* tmp = wstr; int x = 0;
while ((*tmp != L'\0') && (x < wstrlen)) { if (*tmp == L'\\') { ret[x++] = L'\\'; } ret[x++] = *tmp; tmp++; }
ret[x] = L'\0'; return ret; }
BOOL GenerateAssocInstance ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, const wchar_t* objPath1, const wchar_t* objPath2, wchar_t* prop1, wchar_t* prop2, IWbemClassObject* pClassObject, IWbemObjectSink* pNtfcnHandler, BOOL *pbIndicated) { DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"GenerateAssocInstance\r\n" ); )
IWbemClassObject* pInst = NULL; HRESULT result = pClassObject->SpawnInstance(0, &pInst); BOOL retVal = TRUE;
if (pbIndicated) { *pbIndicated = FALSE; }
if (FAILED(result)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to spawn association instance." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"GenerateAssocInstance:Failed to spawn association instance.\r\n" ); ) } else { VARIANT v; VariantInit (&v); v.vt = VT_BSTR;
v.bstrVal = SysAllocString(objPath1); if ( v.bstrVal ) { result = pInst->Put(prop1, 0, &v, 0); }
if (FAILED(result)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to set association key property." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"GenerateAssocInstance:Failed to set association key property\r\n" ); ) } else { VariantInit (&v); v.vt = VT_BSTR;
v.bstrVal = SysAllocString(objPath2); if ( v.bstrVal ) { result = pInst->Put(prop2, 0, &v, 0); }
if (FAILED(result)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to set association key property." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"GenerateAssocInstance:Failed to set association key property\r\n" ); ) } else { result = pNtfcnHandler->Indicate ( 1, & pInst ); if (FAILED(result)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to indicate association instance." ); } else { if (pbIndicated) { *pbIndicated = TRUE; } } } }
pInst->Release(); } DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"GenerateAssocInstance:returning %lx\r\n", retVal ); ) return retVal; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: OptimizeAssocQuery ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, BSTR *a_ObjectPath ) { *a_ObjectPath = NULL;
BOOL t_Status = FALSE; SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN *pArrayOfTokens = m_RPNExpression->pArrayOfTokens; int nNumTokens = m_RPNExpression->nNumTokens;
if ( ! pArrayOfTokens ) { return t_Status; }
if (( nNumTokens != 3 ) && ( nNumTokens != 1 )) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 0 ].dwPropertyFunction != SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN :: IFUNC_NONE ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 0 ].dwConstFunction != SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN :: IFUNC_NONE ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 0 ].nTokenType != SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN :: OP_EXPRESSION ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 0 ].vConstValue.vt != VT_BSTR ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 0 ].vConstValue.bstrVal == NULL ) { return t_Status; }
if ( nNumTokens == 3 ) { if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 1 ].dwPropertyFunction != SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN :: IFUNC_NONE ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 1 ].dwConstFunction != SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN :: IFUNC_NONE ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 1 ].nTokenType != SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN :: OP_EXPRESSION ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 1 ].vConstValue.vt != VT_BSTR ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 1 ].vConstValue.bstrVal == NULL ) { return t_Status; }
if ( pArrayOfTokens [ 2 ].nTokenType != SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN :: TOKEN_OR ) { return t_Status; }
if (_wcsicmp(pArrayOfTokens[0].vConstValue.bstrVal, pArrayOfTokens[1].vConstValue.bstrVal) != 0) { return t_Status; } *a_ObjectPath = SysAllocString ( pArrayOfTokens [ 0 ].vConstValue.bstrVal ); if ( *a_ObjectPath ) { t_Status = TRUE; } } else { *a_ObjectPath = SysAllocString ( pArrayOfTokens [ 0 ].vConstValue.bstrVal ); if ( *a_ObjectPath ) { t_Status = TRUE; } }
return t_Status; }
wchar_t* ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GetClassFromPath(wchar_t* path) { wchar_t* retVal = NULL; CObjectPathParser pathParser; ParsedObjectPath *parsedObjectPath = NULL;
if (!pathParser.Parse(path, &parsedObjectPath)) { retVal = UnicodeStringDuplicate(parsedObjectPath->m_pClass); } delete parsedObjectPath; return retVal; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject ) { DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord\r\n" ); )
BSTR t_ObjectPath = NULL; BOOL retVal = TRUE; BOOL bGenAll = FALSE;
if (OptimizeAssocQuery (a_ErrorObject, &t_ObjectPath)) { GetObjectAsyncEventObject *t_getObj = new GetObjectAsyncEventObject ( m_Provider, t_ObjectPath, 0, m_NotificationHandler, m_Ctx, FALSE);
BOOL t_Status = t_getObj->GetObject(t_getObj->m_ErrorObject); if (! t_Status ) { bGenAll = TRUE; //a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to verify object given in query" );
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Failed to verify object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); HRESULT result = t_getObj->m_Out->Get(CLASS_PROP, 0, &v, NULL, NULL);
if ((FAILED(result)) || (v.vt != VT_BSTR)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get class name of object given in query" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Failed to get class name of object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { if (_wcsicmp(v.bstrVal, NTEVTLOG_CLASS) == 0) { VARIANT vLog; VariantInit(&vLog); result = t_getObj->m_Out->Get(PROP_LOGNAME, 0, &vLog, NULL, NULL);
if ((FAILED(result)) || (vLog.vt != VT_BSTR)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get log file name of object given in query" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Failed to get log file name of object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { //get all records for this log
retVal = GenerateLogAssocs(a_ErrorObject, t_ObjectPath, vLog.bstrVal, TRUE, NULL); }
VariantClear(&vLog); } else if (_wcsicmp(v.bstrVal, NTEVT_CLASS) == 0) { VARIANT vLog; VariantInit(&vLog); result = t_getObj->m_Out->Get(LOGFILE_PROP, 0, &vLog, NULL, NULL);
if ((FAILED(result)) || (vLog.vt != VT_BSTR)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get log file name of object given in query" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Failed to get log file name of object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { //get log for this record
CStringW logNameVal(EVENTLOG_BASE); logNameVal += L"\\"; logNameVal += CStringW(vLog.bstrVal); HKEY hkResult; LONG res = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, logNameVal, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult);
if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((res == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (res == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get log file associated to object given in query"); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Failed to get log file associated to object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { CStringW logPath(PROP_START_LOG); wchar_t* spchrs = CheckForSpecialCharacters(CEventLogFile::GetFileName(hkResult)); RegCloseKey(hkResult); logPath += CStringW(spchrs); delete [] spchrs; logPath += PROP_END_QUOTE; retVal = GenerateAssocInstance(a_ErrorObject, t_ObjectPath, logPath, REF_REC, REF_LOG, m_ClassObject, m_NotificationHandler, NULL); } }
VariantClear(&vLog); } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Class name of object given in query is not a property of Association class" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Class name of object given in query is not a property of Association class\r\n" ); ) } }
VariantClear(&v); }
SysFreeString (t_ObjectPath); delete t_getObj;
if ( FAILED ( WbemCoImpersonateClient() ) ) { m_ErrorObject.SetStatus (WBEM_PROV_E_ACCESS_DENIED); m_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED); m_ErrorObject.SetMessage (L"Access denied, impersonation level too low"); return FALSE ; } } else { bGenAll = TRUE; }
if (bGenAll) { //get all instances...
// open registry for log names
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // indicate error
a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to open the Eventlog registry for logfiles." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Failed to open the Eventlog registry for logfiles - Returning FALSE.\r\n" ); )
retVal = FALSE; return retVal; }
DWORD iValue = 0; WCHAR t_logname[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD t_lognameSize = MAX_PATH+1; BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
// read all entries under this key to find all logfiles...
while (bContinue && ((status = RegEnumKey(hkResult, iValue, t_logname, t_lognameSize)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { // if error during read
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // indicate error
a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while enumerating the Eventlog registry for logfiles." ); retVal = FALSE; DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Failed while enumerating the Eventlog registry for logfiles.\r\n" ); ) break; }
//create the associations for this logfile...
HKEY hkLog;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkResult, t_logname, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkLog)) { CStringW t_logPath(PROP_START_LOG); CStringW t_evtlognamestr = CEventLogFile::GetFileName(hkLog);
if (!t_evtlognamestr.IsEmpty()) { wchar_t* spchrs = CheckForSpecialCharacters(t_evtlognamestr); t_logPath += CStringW(spchrs); delete [] spchrs; t_logPath += PROP_END_QUOTE;
if (!GenerateLogAssocs(a_ErrorObject, t_logPath, t_logname, FALSE, &bContinue)) { retVal = FALSE; } } else { retVal = FALSE; DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:Failed to get file for the %s logfile.\r\n", t_logname ); )
RegCloseKey(hkLog); }
// read next parameter
} // end while
RegCloseKey(hkResult); }
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_LogRecord:returning %lx\r\n", retVal ); ) return retVal; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateLogAssocs( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, const wchar_t* logPath, const wchar_t* logName, BOOL bVerifyLogname, BOOL *pbContinue) { BOOL retVal = TRUE;
if (pbContinue) { *pbContinue = TRUE; }
CEventLogFile evtLog(logName, bVerifyLogname);
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateLogAssocs\r\n" ); )
if (!evtLog.IsValid()) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((evtLog.GetReason() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (evtLog.GetReason() == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to open eventlog to enumerate records for Log Association." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateLogAssocs:Failed to open eventlog to enumerate records for Log Association\r\n" ); ) } else { DWORD recId; DWORD numRecs; if (evtLog.GetLastRecordID(recId, numRecs)) { for (DWORD x = recId; (x > (recId - numRecs)); x--) { CStringW recPath(PROP_START_REC); recPath += CStringW(logName); recPath += PROP_MID_REC; wchar_t buff[40]; recPath += CStringW(_ultow((ULONG)x, buff, 10)); if (!GenerateAssocInstance(a_ErrorObject, recPath, logPath, REF_REC, REF_LOG, m_ClassObject, m_NotificationHandler, pbContinue)) { retVal = FALSE; } if (pbContinue && !(*pbContinue)) { break; } } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to determine number of records in eventlog for log associations" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateLogAssocs:Failed to determine number of records in eventlog for log associations\r\n" ); ) } }
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateLogAssocs:Returning %lx\r\n", retVal ); )
return retVal; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_UserRecord ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject ) { DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_UserRecord\r\n" ); )
BSTR t_ObjectPath = NULL; BOOL retVal = TRUE; BOOL bGenAll = FALSE;
if (OptimizeAssocQuery (a_ErrorObject, &t_ObjectPath)) { wchar_t* str_classname = GetClassFromPath(t_ObjectPath);
if (str_classname == NULL) { bGenAll = TRUE; //a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to verify object given in query" );
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_UserRecord:Failed to verify object given in query\r\n" ); )
} else if (_wcsicmp(str_classname, USER_CLASS) == 0) { IWbemClassObject* pObj = NULL; IWbemServices *t_Server = m_Provider->GetServer(); HRESULT result = t_Server->GetObject(t_ObjectPath, 0, m_Ctx, &pObj, NULL);
if (FAILED(result)) { retVal = FALSE; //a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to verify object given in query" );
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_UserRecord:Failed to verify object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { pObj->Release ();
//get all records...
retVal = GenerateCompUserAssocs(a_ErrorObject, FALSE); } delete [] str_classname; } else if (_wcsicmp(str_classname, NTEVT_CLASS) == 0) { GetObjectAsyncEventObject *t_getRec = new GetObjectAsyncEventObject ( m_Provider, t_ObjectPath, 0, m_NotificationHandler, m_Ctx, FALSE );
if (t_getRec->GetObject(t_getRec->m_ErrorObject)) { VARIANT vUser; CIMTYPE cT; VariantInit(&vUser); HRESULT result = t_getRec->m_Out->Get(USER_PROP, 0, &vUser, &cT, NULL);
if ((FAILED(result)) || (cT != CIM_STRING)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_UserRecord:Failed to get user name of object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { if ((vUser.vt == VT_BSTR) && (vUser.bstrVal != NULL)) { //get user for this record
CStringW userVal(vUser.bstrVal); int pos = userVal.Find(L'\\');
if (pos != -1) { CStringW dom = userVal.Left(pos); CStringW nm = userVal.Right(userVal.GetLength() - 1 - pos);
if (!nm.IsEmpty() && !dom.IsEmpty()) { wchar_t userPath[1024]; if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW ( userPath, 1024, PROP_START_USER ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCatW ( userPath, 1024, dom ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCatW ( userPath, 1024, PROP_MID_USER ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCatW ( userPath, 1024, nm ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCatW ( userPath, 1024, PROP_END_QUOTE ) ) ) { IWbemClassObject* pUObj = NULL; IWbemServices *t_Server = m_Provider->GetServer(); HRESULT result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; BSTR userStr = SysAllocString(userPath); if ( userStr ) { result = t_Server->GetObject(userStr, 0, m_Ctx, &pUObj, NULL); SysFreeString(userStr); }
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { retVal = GenerateAssocInstance(a_ErrorObject, t_ObjectPath, userPath, REF_REC, REF_USER, m_ClassObject, m_NotificationHandler, NULL); pUObj->Release(); } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } } } }
VariantClear(&vUser); } else { retVal = FALSE; //a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to verify object given in query" );
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_UserRecord:Failed to verify object given in query\r\n" ); ) }
delete t_getRec; delete [] str_classname;
if ( FAILED ( WbemCoImpersonateClient() ) ) { m_ErrorObject.SetStatus (WBEM_PROV_E_ACCESS_DENIED); m_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED); m_ErrorObject.SetMessage (L"Access denied, impersonation level too low");
SysFreeString (t_ObjectPath);
return FALSE ; } } else { bGenAll = TRUE; delete [] str_classname; }
SysFreeString (t_ObjectPath); } else { bGenAll = TRUE; }
if (bGenAll) { //get all instances...
retVal = GenerateCompUserAssocs(a_ErrorObject, FALSE); } DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_UserRecord:Returning %lx\r\n", retVal ); )
return retVal; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_ComputerRecord ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject ) { DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_ComputerRecord\r\n" ); )
BSTR t_ObjectPath = NULL; BOOL retVal = TRUE; BOOL bGenAll = FALSE;
if (OptimizeAssocQuery (a_ErrorObject, &t_ObjectPath)) { wchar_t* str_classname = GetClassFromPath(t_ObjectPath);
if (str_classname == NULL) { bGenAll = TRUE; //a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to verify object given in query" );
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_ComputerRecord:Failed to verify object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else if (_wcsicmp(str_classname, COMP_CLASS) == 0) { IWbemClassObject* pObj = NULL; IWbemServices *t_Server = m_Provider->GetServer(); HRESULT result = t_Server->GetObject(t_ObjectPath, 0, m_Ctx, &pObj, NULL); t_Server->Release();
if (FAILED(result)) { retVal = FALSE; //a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to verify object given in query" );
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_ComputerRecord:Failed to verify object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { pObj->Release ();
//get all records...
retVal = GenerateCompUserAssocs(a_ErrorObject, TRUE); }
delete [] str_classname; } else if (_wcsicmp(str_classname, NTEVT_CLASS) == 0) { GetObjectAsyncEventObject *t_getRec = new GetObjectAsyncEventObject ( m_Provider, t_ObjectPath, 0, m_NotificationHandler, m_Ctx, FALSE);
if (t_getRec->GetObject(t_getRec->m_ErrorObject)) { VARIANT vComp; CIMTYPE cT; VariantInit(&vComp); HRESULT result = t_getRec->m_Out->Get(COMPUTER_PROP, 0, &vComp, &cT, NULL);
if ((FAILED(result)) || (cT != CIM_STRING)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get computer name of object given in query" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_ComputerRecord:Failed to get computer name of object given in query\r\n" ); ) } else { if ((vComp.vt == VT_BSTR) && (vComp.bstrVal != NULL)) { //get computer for this record
wchar_t compPath[1024]; if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCopyW ( compPath, 1024, PROP_START_COMP ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCatW ( compPath, 1024, vComp.bstrVal ) ) ) { if ( SUCCEEDED ( StringCchCatW ( compPath, 1024, PROP_END_QUOTE ) ) ) { IWbemClassObject* pCObj = NULL; IWbemServices *t_Server = m_Provider->GetServer();
HRESULT result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; BSTR compStr = SysAllocString(compPath); if ( compStr ) { result = t_Server->GetObject(compStr, 0, m_Ctx, &pCObj, NULL); SysFreeString(compStr); }
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { retVal = GenerateAssocInstance(a_ErrorObject, t_ObjectPath, compPath, REF_REC, REF_COMP, m_ClassObject, m_NotificationHandler, NULL); pCObj->Release(); } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get user name of object given in query" ); } } }
VariantClear(&vComp); } else { retVal = FALSE; //a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to verify object given in query" );
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_ComputerRecord:Failed to verify object given in query\r\n" ); ) }
delete t_getRec; delete [] str_classname;
if ( FAILED ( WbemCoImpersonateClient() ) ) { m_ErrorObject.SetStatus (WBEM_PROV_E_ACCESS_DENIED); m_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED); m_ErrorObject.SetMessage (L"Access denied, impersonation level too low");
SysFreeString (t_ObjectPath);
return FALSE ; } } else { bGenAll = TRUE; delete [] str_classname; }
SysFreeString (t_ObjectPath); } else { bGenAll = TRUE; }
if (bGenAll) { //get all instances...
retVal = GenerateCompUserAssocs(a_ErrorObject, TRUE); } DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_ComputerRecord:Returning %lx\r\n", retVal ); )
return retVal; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateCompUserAssocs ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, BOOL bComp ) { DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateCompUserAssocs\r\n" ); )
BOOL retVal = TRUE; //just enumerate all logs and let cimom post filter...
// open registry for log names
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // indicate error
a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to enumerate the Eventlog registry for logfiles." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateCompUserAssocs:Failed to enumerate the Eventlog registry for logfiles- Returning FALSE\r\n" ); )
return FALSE; }
DWORD iValue = 0; WCHAR logname[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD lognameSize = MAX_PATH+1; CMap<CStringW, LPCWSTR, HRESULT, HRESULT> pathMap; BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
// read all entries under this key to find all logfiles...
while (bContinue && ((status = RegEnumKey(hkResult, iValue, logname, lognameSize)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { // if error during read
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult);
// indicate error
a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while enumerating the Eventlog registry for logfiles." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateCompUserAssocs:Failed while enumerating the Eventlog registry for logfiles - Returning FALSE\r\n" ); ) return FALSE; }
//process this logfile
CEventLogFile evtLog(logname, FALSE);
if (evtLog.IsValid()) { evtLog.ReadLastRecord(); }
while (bContinue && evtLog.IsValid()) { DWORD dwEventSize = 0; DWORD err = evtLog.ReadRecord(0, &dwEventSize, TRUE);
if (0 != err) { if (retVal && (err != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (err == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while enumerating one of the logfiles." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateCompUserAssocs:Failed while enumerating one of the logfiles.\r\n" ); ) }
break; }
while (bContinue && (dwEventSize != 0)) { CStringW compPath; BOOL bGenAssoc = FALSE;
if (bComp) { const wchar_t* src = (const wchar_t*)((UCHAR*)EventBuffer + sizeof(EVENTLOGRECORD)); const wchar_t* compName = (const wchar_t*)((UCHAR*)EventBuffer + sizeof(EVENTLOGRECORD)) + wcslen(src) + 1;
if (compName != NULL) { //get computer for this record
compPath = PROP_START_COMP; compPath += compName; compPath += PROP_END_QUOTE; bGenAssoc = TRUE; } } else { if (EventBuffer->UserSidLength > 0) { PSID t_Sid = (PSID)((UCHAR*)EventBuffer + EventBuffer->UserSidOffset) ; if ( IsValidSid ( t_Sid ) ) { CStringW user = CEventlogRecord::GetUser( (PSID)((UCHAR*)EventBuffer + EventBuffer->UserSidOffset));
if (!user.IsEmpty()) { int index = user.Find(L'\\');
if (index > 0) { compPath = PROP_START_USER; compPath += user.Left(index++); compPath += PROP_MID_USER; compPath += user.Right(user.GetLength() - index); compPath += PROP_END_QUOTE; bGenAssoc = TRUE; } } } else { DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateCompUserAssocs:Invalid Sid.\r\n" ); ) } } }
if (bGenAssoc) { HRESULT result;
if (pathMap.IsEmpty() || !pathMap.Lookup(compPath, result)) { IWbemClassObject* pCObj = NULL; IWbemServices *t_Server = m_Provider->GetServer(); BSTR compPathStr = compPath.AllocSysString(); result = t_Server->GetObject(compPathStr, 0, m_Ctx, &pCObj, NULL); SysFreeString(compPathStr); t_Server->Release(); pathMap[compPath] = result;
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { pCObj->Release(); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { CStringW recPath(PROP_START_REC); recPath += CStringW(logname); recPath += PROP_MID_REC; wchar_t buff[40]; recPath += CStringW(_ultow((ULONG)EventBuffer->RecordNumber, buff, 10)); if (!GenerateAssocInstance(a_ErrorObject, recPath, compPath, REF_REC, bComp ? REF_COMP : REF_USER, m_ClassObject, m_NotificationHandler, &bContinue)) { retVal = FALSE; } } }
// drop by length of this record and point to next record
dwEventSize -= EventBuffer->Length; EventBuffer = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) ((UCHAR*) EventBuffer + EventBuffer->Length); } }
// read next parameter
} // end while
pathMap.RemoveAll(); RegCloseKey(hkResult); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GenerateCompUserAssocs:Returning %lx\r\n", retVal ); ) return retVal; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: ExecQuery ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject ) { BOOL t_Status; DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: ExecQuery\r\n" ); ) if (FAILED(m_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus())) { return FALSE; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( m_QueryFormat, WBEM_QUERY_LANGUAGE_SQL1 ) == 0 ) { CTextLexSource querySource ( m_Query ); SQL1_Parser sqlParser ( &querySource );
t_Status = ! sqlParser.Parse ( & m_RPNExpression );
if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = GetClassObject ( m_RPNExpression->bsClassName ); if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = DispatchQuery ( a_ErrorObject ); } else { t_Status = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_CLASS ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Unknown Class" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: ExecQuery:Unknown Class\r\n" ); ) } } else { t_Status = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_QUERY ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"WQL query was invalid for this provider" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: ExecQuery:WQL query was invalid for this provider\r\n" ); ) } } else { t_Status = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_QUERY_TYPE ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY_TYPE ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Query Language not supported" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: ExecQuery:Query Language not supported\r\n" ); ) }
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: ExecQuery:Returning %lx\r\n", t_Status ); )
return t_Status; }
ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: ExecQueryAsyncEventObject (
CImpNTEvtProv *a_Provider, BSTR a_QueryFormat, BSTR a_Query, ULONG a_OperationFlag, IWbemObjectSink *a_NotificationHandler, IWbemContext *a_Ctx
) : WbemTaskObject ( a_Provider, a_NotificationHandler, a_OperationFlag, a_Ctx ), m_Query ( NULL ), m_QueryFormat ( NULL ), m_RPNExpression ( NULL ) { m_Query = UnicodeStringDuplicate ( a_Query ); m_QueryFormat = UnicodeStringDuplicate ( a_QueryFormat ); }
ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: ~ExecQueryAsyncEventObject () { // Get Status object
delete [] m_Query; delete [] m_QueryFormat; delete m_RPNExpression;
IWbemClassObject *t_NotifyStatus = NULL; BOOL t_Status = TRUE; if (WBEM_NO_ERROR != m_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus ()) { t_Status = GetExtendedNotifyStatusObject ( &t_NotifyStatus ); }
if ( t_Status ) { HRESULT t_Result = m_NotificationHandler->SetStatus ( 0, m_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus (), 0, t_NotifyStatus ); if (t_NotifyStatus) { t_NotifyStatus->Release (); } } else { HRESULT t_Result = m_NotificationHandler->SetStatus ( 0, m_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus (), 0, NULL ); } }
void ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Process () { ExecQuery ( m_ErrorObject ); }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: DispatchQuery ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject ) { BOOL t_Status; DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: DispatchQuery\r\n" ); )
if ( _wcsicmp ( m_RPNExpression->bsClassName, NTEVT_CLASS ) == 0 ) { t_Status = Query_Record ( a_ErrorObject );
if ( t_Status ) { m_State = WBEM_TASKSTATE_ASYNCHRONOUSCOMPLETE; } } else if ( _wcsicmp ( m_RPNExpression->bsClassName, NTEVTLOG_CLASS ) == 0 ) { t_Status = Query_EventLog ( a_ErrorObject );
if ( t_Status ) { m_State = WBEM_TASKSTATE_ASYNCHRONOUSCOMPLETE; } } else if ( _wcsicmp ( m_RPNExpression->bsClassName, ASSOC_LOGRECORD) == 0 ) { t_Status = Query_LogRecord ( a_ErrorObject );
if ( t_Status ) { m_State = WBEM_TASKSTATE_ASYNCHRONOUSCOMPLETE; } } else if ( _wcsicmp ( m_RPNExpression->bsClassName, ASSOC_USERRECORD) == 0 ) { t_Status = Query_UserRecord ( a_ErrorObject );
if ( t_Status ) { m_State = WBEM_TASKSTATE_ASYNCHRONOUSCOMPLETE; } } else if ( _wcsicmp ( m_RPNExpression->bsClassName, ASSOC_COMPRECORD) == 0 ) { t_Status = Query_ComputerRecord ( a_ErrorObject );
if ( t_Status ) { m_State = WBEM_TASKSTATE_ASYNCHRONOUSCOMPLETE; } } else { //just complete!
t_Status = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_CLASS ); a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Dynamic NT Eventlog Provider does not support this class" ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: DispatchQuery:Dynamic NT Eventlog Provider does not support this class:%s\r\n", m_RPNExpression->bsClassName ); ) } DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: DispatchQuery:Returning %lx\r\n", t_Status ); )
return t_Status; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_EventLog ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject ) { // open registry for log names
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // indicate error
a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to open the Eventlog registry for logfiles." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_EventLog:Failed to open the Eventlog registry for logfiles - Returning FALSE.\r\n" ); )
return FALSE; }
BOOL retVal = TRUE; DWORD iValue = 0; WCHAR logname[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD lognameSize = MAX_PATH+1;
// read all entries under this key to find all logfiles...
while ((status = RegEnumKey(hkResult, iValue, logname, lognameSize)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // if error during read
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // indicate error
a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while enumerating the Eventlog registry for logfiles." ); retVal = FALSE; DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_EventLog:Failed while enumerating the Eventlog registry for logfiles.\r\n" ); ) break; }
//create the instance logfilename
CEventlogFileAttributes evtlog(logname); IWbemClassObject* pInst = NULL; if (evtlog.GenerateInstance(m_ClassObject, m_AClassObject, &pInst)) { HRESULT t_hr = m_NotificationHandler->Indicate ( 1, & pInst ); pInst->Release();
if (FAILED(t_hr)) { DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_EventLog:Failed while indicating instance(s) of %s Eventlog file\r\n", logname ); ) a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while indicating instance of logfile." ); retVal = FALSE; break; } } else if (retVal) //only do this once!
{ //an error, just log an error, don't report it via the interface
//it is a bad registry entry which the eventlog service allows
//so we should let it pass...
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_EventLog:Failed to create instance(s) of %s Eventlog file\r\n", logname ); )
// read next parameter
} // end while
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_EventLog:Returning %lx\r\n", retVal ); )
return retVal; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_Record ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject ) { DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_Record\r\n" ); )
BOOL retVal = TRUE; //just enumerate all logs and let cimom post filter...
// open registry for log names
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // indicate error
a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to enumerate the Eventlog registry for logfiles." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_Record:Failed to enumerate the Eventlog registry for logfiles - Return FALSE\r\n" ); ) retVal = FALSE; }
if (retVal) { //Analyze the query...
SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION *t_RpnExpression = NULL; PartitionSet *t_PartitionSet = NULL; QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_State = Query (m_Query, t_RpnExpression);
if ( t_State == QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ) { WmiTreeNode *t_Root = NULL;
t_State = PreProcess (NULL, t_RpnExpression, t_Root);
try { switch ( t_State ) { case QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True: {
BSTR t_PropertyContainer [ 4 ]; memset ( t_PropertyContainer, 0, sizeof ( BSTR ) * 4 );
try { t_PropertyContainer [ 0 ] = SysAllocString ( LOGFILE_PROP ); t_PropertyContainer [ 1 ] = SysAllocString ( RECORD_PROP ); t_PropertyContainer [ 2 ] = SysAllocString ( GENERATED_PROP ); t_PropertyContainer [ 3 ] = SysAllocString ( WRITTEN_PROP );
if ((t_PropertyContainer [ 0 ] == NULL) || (t_PropertyContainer [ 1 ] == NULL) || (t_PropertyContainer [ 2 ] == NULL) || (t_PropertyContainer [ 3 ] == NULL) ) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ); }
t_State = PreProcess (
NULL, t_RpnExpression, t_Root, 4, t_PropertyContainer, t_PartitionSet ); } catch ( ... ) { for (DWORD x = 0; x < 4; x++) { if ( t_PropertyContainer [ x ] ) { SysFreeString ( t_PropertyContainer [ x ] ); t_PropertyContainer [ x ] = NULL; } }
throw; }
for (DWORD x = 0; x < 4; x++) { if ( t_PropertyContainer [ x ] ) { SysFreeString ( t_PropertyContainer [ x ] ); t_PropertyContainer [ x ] = NULL; } }
switch ( t_State ) { case QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : { /*
* Full set, enumerate */ t_PartitionSet = NULL; } break;
case QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False : { /*
* Empty set, no work to do */ RegCloseKey(hkResult); hkResult = NULL;
return TRUE; } break;
case QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined : { //we have should now have a non-null partition set
} break;
default: { /*
* Didn't understand the query send back everything */ t_PartitionSet = NULL; } break; }
delete t_Root; t_Root = NULL; } break; default: { /*
* Didn't understand the query send back everything */ t_PartitionSet = NULL; } break; }
delete t_RpnExpression; t_RpnExpression = NULL; } catch (...) { if (t_PartitionSet) { delete t_PartitionSet; t_PartitionSet = NULL; }
if ( t_Root ) { delete t_Root; t_Root = NULL; }
if ( t_RpnExpression ) { delete t_RpnExpression; t_RpnExpression = NULL; }
if ( hkResult ) { RegCloseKey(hkResult); hkResult = NULL; }
throw; } } else { /*
* Didn't understand the query send back everything */ t_PartitionSet = NULL; }
DWORD iValue = 0; WCHAR logname[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD lognameSize = MAX_PATH+1; retVal = FALSE;
// read all entries under this key to find all logfiles...
while ((status = RegEnumKey(hkResult, iValue, logname, lognameSize)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // if error during read
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // indicate error
a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while enumerating the Eventlog registry for logfiles." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_Record:Failed while enumerating the Eventlog registry for logfiles - Return FALSE\r\n" ); ) break; }
if (t_PartitionSet) { //process this logfile for query
if (SUCCEEDED (RecurseLogFile (a_ErrorObject, t_PartitionSet, logname))) { retVal = TRUE; } } else { //process this logfile
if ( SUCCEEDED( DoAllInLogfile(a_ErrorObject, logname, 0, 0) ) ) { retVal = TRUE; } else { break; } }
// read next parameter
} // end while
if (t_PartitionSet) { delete t_PartitionSet; }
RegCloseKey(hkResult); }
DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_Record:Returning %lx\r\n", retVal ); )
return retVal; }
HRESULT ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: RecurseLogFile ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, LPCWSTR a_logname ) { HRESULT t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount ();
if (t_PartitionCount == 0) { t_Result = S_OK; }
for ( DWORD t_Partition = 0; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount; t_Partition++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition );
WmiStringRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiStringRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange ();
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( _wcsicmp ( t_Node->LowerBound (), t_Node->UpperBound () ) == 0 );
if (!t_Unique) { //not naming logfiles therefore do this logfile only if it meets bounds...
//if even one call succeeds return success
BOOL t_bProcess = TRUE;
if (!t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound()) { int t_iCmp = _wcsicmp(a_logname, t_Node->LowerBound());
if (t_Node->ClosedLowerBound()) { if (t_iCmp < 0) { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } else { if (t_iCmp <= 0) { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } }
if (!t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound()) { int t_iCmp = _wcsicmp(a_logname, t_Node->UpperBound());
if (t_Node->ClosedUpperBound()) { if (t_iCmp > 0) { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } else { if (t_iCmp >= 0) { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } }
if (t_bProcess) { if ( SUCCEEDED(RecurseRecord(a_ErrorObject, t_PropertyPartition, a_logname)) && FAILED(t_Result) ) { t_Result = S_OK; }
//we've processed this logfile no need to do anymore...
break; } } else { //are naming logfiles
if (_wcsicmp(t_Node->LowerBound(), a_logname) == 0) { //logfile matched let's do records
if (SUCCEEDED(RecurseRecord(a_ErrorObject, t_PropertyPartition, a_logname)) && FAILED(t_Result) ) { t_Result = S_OK; }
break; } else { //not this logfile let's try some other...
continue; } } }
return t_Result; }
HRESULT ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: RecurseRecord ( WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, LPCWSTR a_logname ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount ();
for ( DWORD t_Partition = 0; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount; t_Partition++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition ); WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange () ;
BOOL t_Unique = !t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && !t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && (t_Node->LowerBound() == t_Node->UpperBound());
if (!t_Unique) { if (t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound() && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound()) { //no limits on record therefore check time generated...
t_Result = RecurseTime(a_ErrorObject, t_PropertyPartition, a_logname, TRUE); //there should be only one partition entry for this case but we'll break anyway...
break; } else { DWORD t_dwLower = 0; DWORD t_dwUpper = 0xFFFFFFFF; BOOL t_bProcess = TRUE;
if (!t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound()) { if (t_Node->ClosedLowerBound()) { t_dwLower = t_Node->LowerBound(); } else { if (t_Node->LowerBound() != 0xFFFFFFFF) { t_dwLower = t_Node->LowerBound() + 1; } else { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } }
if (!t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound()) { if (t_Node->ClosedUpperBound()) { t_dwUpper = t_Node->UpperBound(); } else { if (t_Node->UpperBound() != 0) { t_dwUpper = t_Node->UpperBound() - 1; } else { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } }
if (t_dwUpper < t_dwLower) { t_bProcess = FALSE; }
//now return all records including the bounds
if (t_bProcess) { CEventLogFile evtLog(a_logname, FALSE); if (evtLog.IsValid()) { DWORD t_dwEventSize = 0; DWORD t_dwErr = evtLog.ReadRecord(t_dwUpper, &t_dwEventSize, TRUE);
if (0 == t_dwErr) { DWORD t_dwState = 0;
while (0 == t_dwState) { PEVENTLOGRECORD EventBuffer = (PEVENTLOGRECORD)evtLog.GetBuffer();
while (t_dwEventSize != 0) { if (EventBuffer->RecordNumber >= t_dwLower) { CEventlogRecord evtrec(a_logname, EventBuffer, NULL, m_ClassObject, m_AClassObject); IWbemClassObject* pInst = NULL; if (evtrec.GenerateInstance(&pInst)) { t_Result = m_NotificationHandler->Indicate ( 1, & pInst ); //upper limit is decreased with this indicate!
t_dwUpper--; pInst->Release();
if (FAILED(t_Result)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while indicating record instance." ); t_dwState = 2; break; } }
// drop by length of this record and point to next record
t_dwEventSize -= EventBuffer->Length; EventBuffer = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) ((UCHAR*) EventBuffer + EventBuffer->Length); } else { t_dwState = 2; break; } }
if (t_dwState == 0) { t_dwErr = evtLog.ReadRecord(0, &t_dwEventSize, TRUE);
if (0 != t_dwErr) { if (SUCCEEDED(t_Result) && (t_dwErr != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)) { a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ); t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED;
if ((t_dwErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (t_dwErr == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while enumerating one of the logfiles." ); }
t_dwState = 1; } } }
if ((t_dwState == 1) && (t_dwErr == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) && (t_dwUpper > t_dwLower)) { //got all the records til the start of the log see if there are any at the top
t_Result = DoAllInLogfile(a_ErrorObject, a_logname, t_dwUpper, t_dwLower);
if (FAILED(t_Result)) { break; } } } else { if (t_dwLower != t_dwUpper) { //the upper bound does not exist, try from the top down...
t_Result = DoAllInLogfile(a_ErrorObject, a_logname, t_dwUpper, t_dwLower);
if (FAILED(t_Result)) { break; }
} } } } } } else { //are naming records
CEventLogFile evtLog(a_logname, FALSE); if (evtLog.IsValid()) { DWORD err = evtLog.ReadRecord(t_Node->LowerBound());
if (0 == err) { EVENTLOGRECORD* EventBuffer = (EVENTLOGRECORD*) evtLog.GetBuffer(); CEventlogRecord evtRec(a_logname, EventBuffer, NULL, m_ClassObject, m_AClassObject); IWbemClassObject* pInst = NULL; if (evtRec.GenerateInstance(&pInst)) { t_Result = m_NotificationHandler->Indicate ( 1 , & pInst ) ; pInst->Release();
if (FAILED(t_Result)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while indicating record instance." ); break; } } else { //failed to create record
t_Result = WBEM_E_FAILED; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to create instance from Eventlog data" ) ; } } } } }
return t_Result; }
HRESULT ExecQueryAsyncEventObject::RecurseTime(WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, PartitionSet *a_PartitionSet, LPCWSTR a_logname, BOOL a_Generated) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK;
ULONG t_PartitionCount = a_PartitionSet->GetPartitionCount ();
for ( DWORD t_Partition = 0; t_Partition < t_PartitionCount; t_Partition++ ) { PartitionSet *t_PropertyPartition = a_PartitionSet->GetPartition ( t_Partition );
WmiStringRangeNode *t_Node = ( WmiStringRangeNode * ) t_PropertyPartition->GetRange ();
BOOL t_Unique = ! t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound () && ! t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound () && t_Node->ClosedLowerBound () && t_Node->ClosedUpperBound () && ( _wcsicmp ( t_Node->LowerBound (), t_Node->UpperBound () ) == 0 );
if (!t_Unique) { if (t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound() && t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound()) { //no limits on record therefore check time written...
if (a_Generated) { t_Result = RecurseTime(a_ErrorObject, t_PropertyPartition, a_logname, FALSE); } else { //do all in the logfile...
t_Result = DoAllInLogfile(a_ErrorObject, a_logname, 0, 0); } //there should be only one partition entry for this case but we'll break anyway...
break; } else { //we have bounds (at least one anyway!)
DWORD t_tmLower = 0; DWORD t_tmUpper = 0xFFFFFFFF; BOOL t_bProcess = TRUE;
if (!t_Node->InfiniteLowerBound()) { WBEMTime t_Time(t_Node->LowerBound()); time_t t_temp = 0; if (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) { t_tmLower = (DWORD)t_temp;
if (!t_Node->ClosedLowerBound()) { if (t_tmLower != 0xFFFFFFFF) { t_tmLower++; } else { t_bProcess = FALSE; } }
} else { DWORD t_len = wcslen(t_Node->LowerBound());
if (t_len == NTEVT_DMTFLEN) { BOOL t_bIsLo = FALSE; BOOL t_bIsHi = TRUE;
if (CheckTime(t_Node->LowerBound(), t_bIsLo, t_bIsHi)) { if (t_bIsHi) { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } else { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } else { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } }
if (!t_Node->InfiniteUpperBound()) { WBEMTime t_Time(t_Node->UpperBound()); time_t t_temp = 0; if (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) { t_tmUpper = (DWORD)t_temp;
if (!t_Node->ClosedUpperBound()) { if (t_tmUpper != 0) { t_tmUpper--; } else { t_bProcess = FALSE; } }
} else { DWORD t_len = wcslen(t_Node->UpperBound());
if (t_len == NTEVT_DMTFLEN) { BOOL t_bIsLo = FALSE; BOOL t_bIsHi = TRUE;
if (CheckTime(t_Node->LowerBound(), t_bIsLo, t_bIsHi)) { if (t_bIsLo) { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } else { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } else { t_bProcess = FALSE; } } }
if (t_tmUpper < t_tmLower) { t_bProcess = FALSE; }
//now return all records including the bounds
if (t_bProcess) { t_Result = GetRecordsBetweenTimes(a_ErrorObject, a_logname, a_Generated, t_tmUpper, t_tmLower);
if (FAILED(t_Result)) { break; } } } } else { //want records with exactly the right time...
WBEMTime t_Time(t_Node->LowerBound()); time_t t_temp = 0; if (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) { t_Result = GetRecordsBetweenTimes(a_ErrorObject, a_logname, a_Generated, (DWORD)t_temp, (DWORD)t_temp);
if (FAILED(t_Result)) { break; } } } }
return t_Result; }
HRESULT ExecQueryAsyncEventObject::GetRecordsBetweenTimes(WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, LPCWSTR a_logname, BOOL a_Generated, DWORD a_dwUpper, DWORD a_dwLower) { HRESULT retVal = WBEM_E_FAILED; CEventLogFile evtLog(a_logname, FALSE);
if (evtLog.IsValid()) { DWORD t_NewRec = 0; DWORD t_NumRecs = 0;
if (evtLog.GetLastRecordID(t_NewRec, t_NumRecs)) { retVal = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
while (t_NumRecs > 0) { DWORD t_RecId = t_NumRecs/2; if (t_NumRecs%2) { t_RecId++; }
//adjust for the record number offset
if (t_RecId > t_NewRec) { //recordnumber has wrapped around...
t_RecId = 0xFFFFFFFF - t_RecId + t_NewRec + 1; } else { t_RecId = t_NewRec - t_RecId + 1; }
DWORD t_dwEventSize = 0; DWORD t_dwErr = evtLog.ReadRecord(t_RecId, &t_dwEventSize, TRUE);
if (0 == t_dwErr) { EVENTLOGRECORD* t_pEventBuffer = (EVENTLOGRECORD*) evtLog.GetBuffer(); DWORD t_Time = a_Generated ? t_pEventBuffer->TimeGenerated : t_pEventBuffer->TimeWritten;
if (a_dwUpper >= t_Time) { if (a_dwLower <= t_Time) { //generate all above and below this that match...
t_NumRecs = 0; //below...
while((a_dwUpper >= t_Time) && (a_dwLower <= t_Time) && (t_dwEventSize != 0)) { CEventlogRecord evtrec(a_logname, t_pEventBuffer, NULL, m_ClassObject, m_AClassObject); IWbemClassObject* pInst = NULL; if (evtrec.GenerateInstance(&pInst)) { retVal = m_NotificationHandler->Indicate ( 1, & pInst ); pInst->Release();
if (FAILED(retVal)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while indicating record instance." ); break; } }
// drop by length of this record and point to next record
t_dwEventSize -= t_pEventBuffer->Length;
if (t_dwEventSize == 0) { t_dwErr = evtLog.ReadRecord(0, &t_dwEventSize, TRUE);
if (t_dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { t_pEventBuffer = (EVENTLOGRECORD*) evtLog.GetBuffer(); } } else { t_pEventBuffer = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) ((UCHAR*) t_pEventBuffer + t_pEventBuffer->Length); }
t_Time = a_Generated ? t_pEventBuffer->TimeGenerated : t_pEventBuffer->TimeWritten; }
if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { //above...
evtLog.ReadRecord(t_RecId, &t_dwEventSize, FALSE); //skip the record we've done already...
t_pEventBuffer = (EVENTLOGRECORD*) evtLog.GetBuffer(); t_dwEventSize -= t_pEventBuffer->Length;
if (t_dwEventSize != 0) { t_pEventBuffer = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) ((UCHAR*) t_pEventBuffer + t_pEventBuffer->Length); t_Time = a_Generated ? t_pEventBuffer->TimeGenerated : t_pEventBuffer->TimeWritten;
while((a_dwUpper >= t_Time) && (a_dwLower <= t_Time) && (t_dwEventSize != 0)) { CEventlogRecord evtrec(a_logname, t_pEventBuffer, NULL, m_ClassObject, m_AClassObject); IWbemClassObject* pInst = NULL; if (evtrec.GenerateInstance(&pInst)) { retVal = m_NotificationHandler->Indicate ( 1, & pInst ); pInst->Release();
if (FAILED(retVal)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while indicating record instance." ); break; }
// drop by length of this record and point to next record
t_dwEventSize -= t_pEventBuffer->Length;
if (t_dwEventSize == 0) { t_dwErr = evtLog.ReadRecord(0, &t_dwEventSize, FALSE);
if (t_dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { t_pEventBuffer = (EVENTLOGRECORD*) evtLog.GetBuffer(); } } else { t_pEventBuffer = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) ((UCHAR*) t_pEventBuffer + t_pEventBuffer->Length); }
t_Time = a_Generated ? t_pEventBuffer->TimeGenerated : t_pEventBuffer->TimeWritten; } } } } else { //too old, go higher done automatically by halving t_NumRecs
if (t_NumRecs > 1) { if ((t_NumRecs%2) || (t_NumRecs == 2)) { t_NumRecs = t_NumRecs/2; } else { t_NumRecs = t_NumRecs/2 - 1; } } else { t_NumRecs = 0; } } } else { //too recent, setup the number of records left and go lower by
//setting the upper limit to one less than we've checked...
if (t_NumRecs > 1) { t_NumRecs = t_NumRecs/2;
if (t_RecId == 1) { //we've wrapped...
t_NewRec = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { t_NewRec = t_RecId - 1; } } else { t_NumRecs = 0; } }
} else { t_NumRecs = 0;
if (t_dwErr != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) { a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((t_dwErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (t_dwErr == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while searching one of the logfiles." ); }
break; } } } }
return retVal; }
HRESULT ExecQueryAsyncEventObject::DoAllInLogfile(WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, LPCWSTR a_logname, DWORD a_dwUpper, DWORD a_dwLower) { //process this logfile
HRESULT retVal = S_OK; CEventLogFile evtLog(a_logname, FALSE); BOOL bContinue = TRUE; if (evtLog.IsValid()) { evtLog.ReadLastRecord(); }
while (evtLog.IsValid() && SUCCEEDED(retVal) && bContinue) { DWORD dwEventSize = 0; DWORD err = evtLog.ReadRecord(0, &dwEventSize, TRUE);
if (0 != err) { if (err != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) { a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED );
if ((err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (err == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_S_ACCESS_DENIED ); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivRequired(); a_ErrorObject.SetSecurityPrivFailed(); a_ErrorObject.SetPrivilegeFailed(); } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while enumerating one of the logfiles." ); DebugOut( CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine (
_T(__FILE__),__LINE__, L"ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Query_Record:Failed while enumerating one of the logfiles.\r\n" ); ) }
break; }
if (a_dwUpper != a_dwLower) { if ((EventBuffer->RecordNumber > a_dwUpper) || (EventBuffer->RecordNumber < a_dwLower)) { break; } }
while (dwEventSize != 0) { if (a_dwUpper != a_dwLower) { if ((EventBuffer->RecordNumber > a_dwUpper) || (EventBuffer->RecordNumber < a_dwLower)) { bContinue = FALSE; break; } }
CEventlogRecord evtrec(a_logname, EventBuffer, NULL, m_ClassObject, m_AClassObject); IWbemClassObject* pInst = NULL; if (evtrec.GenerateInstance(&pInst)) { retVal = m_NotificationHandler->Indicate ( 1, & pInst ); pInst->Release();
if (FAILED(retVal)) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ); a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed while indicating record instance." ); } }
// drop by length of this record and point to next record
dwEventSize -= EventBuffer->Length; EventBuffer = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) ((UCHAR*) EventBuffer + EventBuffer->Length); } }
return retVal; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Compare (
LONG a_Operand1, LONG a_Operand2, ULONG a_Operand1Func, ULONG a_Operand2Func, WmiTreeNode &a_OperatorType ) { QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True;
switch ( a_Operand1Func ) { case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_None: { } break;
default: { } break; }
switch ( a_Operand2Func ) { case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_None: { } break;
default: { } break; }
if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 == a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotEqualNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 != a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrGreaterNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 >= a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrLessNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 <= a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLessNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 < a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorGreaterNode ) ) { t_Status = a_Operand1 > a_Operand2 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False;
} else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLikeNode ) ) { } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotLikeNode ) ) { }
return t_Status; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: Compare (
wchar_t *a_Operand1, wchar_t *a_Operand2, ULONG a_Operand1Func, ULONG a_Operand2Func, WmiTreeNode &a_OperatorType ) { QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True;
wchar_t *a_Operand1AfterFunc = NULL; wchar_t *a_Operand2AfterFunc = NULL;
switch ( a_Operand1Func ) { case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_None: { } break;
case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_Upper: { ULONG length = wcslen ( a_Operand1 ); wchar_t *a_Operand1AfterFunc = new wchar_t [ length + 1 ]; for ( ULONG index = 0; index < length; index ++ ) { a_Operand1AfterFunc [ index ] = towupper ( a_Operand1 [ index ] ); } } break;
case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_Lower: { ULONG length = wcslen ( a_Operand1 ); wchar_t *a_Operand1AfterFunc = new wchar_t [ length + 1 ]; for ( ULONG index = 0; index < length; index ++ ) { a_Operand1AfterFunc [ index ] = towlower ( a_Operand1 [ index ] ); } } break;
default: { } break; }
switch ( a_Operand2Func ) { case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_None: { } break;
case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_Upper: { ULONG length = wcslen ( a_Operand2 ); wchar_t *a_Operand2AfterFunc = new wchar_t [ length + 1 ]; for ( ULONG index = 0; index < length; index ++ ) { a_Operand2AfterFunc [ index ] = towupper ( a_Operand2 [ index ] ); } } break;
case WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction :: Function_Lower: { ULONG length = wcslen ( a_Operand2 ); wchar_t *a_Operand2AfterFunc = new wchar_t [ length + 1 ]; for ( ULONG index = 0; index < length; index ++ ) { a_Operand2AfterFunc [ index ] = towlower ( a_Operand2 [ index ] ); } } break;
default: { } break; }
const wchar_t *t_Arg1 = a_Operand1AfterFunc ? a_Operand1AfterFunc : a_Operand1; const wchar_t *t_Arg2 = a_Operand2AfterFunc ? a_Operand2AfterFunc : a_Operand2;
if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) == 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) || ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotEqualNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) != 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) || ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrGreaterNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) >= 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( t_Arg1 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { if ( t_Arg2 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrLessNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) <= 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( t_Arg2 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLessNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) < 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( ! t_Arg1 ) && ( ! t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( t_Arg1 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorGreaterNode ) ) { if ( ( t_Arg1 ) && ( t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = wcscmp ( t_Arg1 , t_Arg2 ) > 0 ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else { if ( ( ! t_Arg1 ) && ( ! t_Arg2 ) ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } else if ( t_Arg1 ) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True ; } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False ; } } } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLikeNode ) ) { } else if ( typeid ( a_OperatorType ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotLikeNode ) ) { }
delete [] a_Operand1AfterFunc; delete [] a_Operand2AfterFunc;
return t_Status; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: CompareDateTime (
IWbemClassObject *a_ClassObject, BSTR a_PropertyName, WmiTreeNode *a_Operator, WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) { /*
* If property and value can never occur then return State_False to imply empty set * If property and value do not infer anything then return State_Undefined. */ WmiStringNode *t_StringNode = ( WmiStringNode * ) a_Operand;
if ( t_StringNode == NULL || t_StringNode->GetValue() == NULL) { return QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; WBEMTime t_Time((const BSTR)t_StringNode->GetValue());
if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualNode ) ) { time_t t_temp = 0; t_Status = (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorNotEqualNode ) ) { time_t t_temp = 0; t_Status = (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) ? QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined : QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrGreaterNode ) ) { //to do: check t_time >= val this will always be true if t_time >= max time_t
//will always be false if t_time is < 1970.
time_t t_temp = 0; if (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; } else { DWORD t_len = wcslen(t_StringNode->GetValue());
if (t_len == NTEVT_DMTFLEN) { BOOL t_bIsLo = FALSE; BOOL t_bIsHi = TRUE;
if (CheckTime(t_StringNode->GetValue(), t_bIsLo, t_bIsHi)) { if (t_bIsHi) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } else if (t_bIsLo) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorEqualOrLessNode ) ) { //to do: check t_time <= val this will always be true if t_time <= 1970
//will always be false if t_time is > max time_t.
time_t t_temp = 0; if (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; } else { DWORD t_len = wcslen(t_StringNode->GetValue());
if (t_len == NTEVT_DMTFLEN) { BOOL t_bIsLo = FALSE; BOOL t_bIsHi = TRUE;
if (CheckTime(t_StringNode->GetValue(), t_bIsLo, t_bIsHi)) { if (t_bIsHi) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } else if (t_bIsLo) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorLessNode ) ) { //to do: check t_time < val this will always be true if t_time < 1970
//will always be false if t_time is > max time_t.
time_t t_temp = 0; if (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; } else { DWORD t_len = wcslen(t_StringNode->GetValue());
if (t_len == NTEVT_DMTFLEN) { BOOL t_bIsLo = FALSE; BOOL t_bIsHi = TRUE;
if (CheckTime(t_StringNode->GetValue(), t_bIsLo, t_bIsHi)) { if (t_bIsHi) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } else if (t_bIsLo) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } } else if ( typeid ( *a_Operator ) == typeid ( WmiOperatorGreaterNode ) ) { //to do: check t_time > val this will always be true if t_time > max time_t
//will always be false if t_time is < 1970.
time_t t_temp = 0; if (t_Time.IsOk() && t_Time.Gettime_t(&t_temp)) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; } else { DWORD t_len = wcslen(t_StringNode->GetValue());
if (t_len == NTEVT_DMTFLEN) { BOOL t_bIsLo = FALSE; BOOL t_bIsHi = TRUE;
if (CheckTime(t_StringNode->GetValue(), t_bIsLo, t_bIsHi)) { if (t_bIsHi) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } else if (t_bIsLo) { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_False; } } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } else { t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True; } } }
return t_Status; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: CompareString (
IWbemClassObject *a_ClassObject, BSTR a_PropertyName, WmiTreeNode *a_Operator, WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) { QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True;
WmiStringNode *t_StringNode = ( WmiStringNode * ) a_Operand;
VARIANT t_Variant; VariantInit ( & t_Variant );
HRESULT t_Result = a_ClassObject->Get ( a_PropertyName, 0, &t_Variant, NULL, NULL ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Status = Compare (
t_StringNode->GetValue (), t_Variant.bstrVal, t_StringNode->GetPropertyFunction (), t_StringNode->GetConstantFunction (), *a_Operator ); }
VariantClear ( & t_Variant );
return t_Status; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: CompareInteger (
IWbemClassObject *a_ClassObject, BSTR a_PropertyName, WmiTreeNode *a_Operator, WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) { QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_Status = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_True;
WmiSignedIntegerNode *t_IntegerNode = ( WmiSignedIntegerNode * ) a_Operand;
VARIANT t_Variant; VariantInit ( & t_Variant );
HRESULT t_Result = a_ClassObject->Get ( a_PropertyName, 0, &t_Variant, NULL, NULL ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Status = Compare (
t_IntegerNode->GetValue (), t_Variant.lVal, t_IntegerNode->GetPropertyFunction (), t_IntegerNode->GetConstantFunction (), *a_Operator ); }
VariantClear ( & t_Variant );
return t_Status; }
WmiTreeNode *ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: AllocTypeNode (
void *a_Context, BSTR a_PropertyName, VARIANT &a_Variant, WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction a_PropertyFunction, WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction a_ConstantFunction, WmiTreeNode *a_Parent ) { WmiTreeNode *t_Node = NULL;
if ( *a_PropertyName == L'_' ) { // System property
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CLASS ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SUPERCLASS ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_GENUS ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4)) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.lVal, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SERVER ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_COUNT ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4)) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.lVal, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DYNASTY ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_RELPATH ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PATH ) == 0 && (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR)) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, 0xFFFFFFFF, a_Parent ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DERIVATION ) == 0 ) { } } else { CIMTYPE t_VarType; long t_Flavour; VARIANT t_Variant; VariantInit ( & t_Variant );
HRESULT t_Result = m_ClassObject->Get (
a_PropertyName, 0, & t_Variant, & t_VarType, & t_Flavour );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( t_VarType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY ) { } else { switch ( t_VarType & ( ~ CIM_FLAG_ARRAY ) ) { case CIM_BOOLEAN: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.lVal, GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ), a_Parent ); } else if (V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BOOL) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName, (a_Variant.lVal == VARIANT_FALSE) ? 0 : 1, GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ), a_Parent ); } } break;
case CIM_SINT8: case CIM_SINT16: case CIM_CHAR16: case CIM_SINT32: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4) { t_Node = new WmiSignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.lVal, GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ), a_Parent ); } } break;
case CIM_UINT8: case CIM_UINT16: case CIM_UINT32: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4) { t_Node = new WmiUnsignedIntegerNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.lVal, GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ), a_Parent ); } } break;
case CIM_SINT64: case CIM_UINT64: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ), a_Parent ); } else if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_I4) { _variant_t t_uintBuff (&a_Variant);
t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, (BSTR)((_bstr_t) t_uintBuff), a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ), a_Parent ); } } break;
case CIM_STRING: case CIM_DATETIME: case CIM_REFERENCE: { if(V_VT(&a_Variant) == VT_BSTR) { t_Node = new WmiStringNode (
a_PropertyName, a_Variant.bstrVal, a_PropertyFunction, a_ConstantFunction, GetPriority ( a_PropertyName ), a_Parent ); } } break;
case CIM_REAL32: case CIM_REAL64: { } break;
case CIM_OBJECT: case CIM_EMPTY: { } break;
default: { } break; } } }
VariantClear ( & t_Variant ); }
return t_Node; }
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: InvariantEvaluate (
void *a_Context, WmiTreeNode *a_Operator, WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) { /*
* If property and value are invariant i.e. will never change for all instances then return State_True. * If property is not indexable or keyed then return State_True to define an unknown number of possible values which we cannot optimise against. * If property and value can never occur then return State_False to imply empty set * If property and value do not infer anything then return State_Undefined. * If property and value are in error then return State_Error * Never return State_ReEvaluate. */
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Error;
WmiValueNode *t_Node = ( WmiValueNode * ) a_Operand; BSTR t_PropertyName = t_Node->GetPropertyName ();
if ( t_PropertyName != NULL ) { if ( *t_PropertyName == L'_' ) { // System property, must check values
if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CLASS ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CLASS, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SUPERCLASS ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SUPERCLASS, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_GENUS ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareInteger (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_GENUS, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SERVER ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SERVER, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_COUNT ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareInteger (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_COUNT, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DYNASTY ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DYNASTY, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_RELPATH ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_RELPATH, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PATH ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareString (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PATH, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_DERIVATION ) == 0 ) { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; } else { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; } } else { //if it is time generated or time written check the max and min are ok
if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, GENERATED_PROP ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareDateTime (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PATH, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else if ( _wcsicmp ( t_PropertyName, WRITTEN_PROP ) == 0 ) { t_State = CompareDateTime (
m_ClassObject, SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PATH, a_Operator, a_Operand ); } else { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; } } } else { t_State = QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState :: State_Undefined; }
return t_State; }
WmiRangeNode *ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: AllocInfiniteRangeNode (
void *a_Context, BSTR a_PropertyName ) { WmiRangeNode *t_RangeNode = NULL;
CIMTYPE t_VarType; long t_Flavour; VARIANT t_Variant; VariantInit ( & t_Variant );
HRESULT t_Result = m_ClassObject->Get (
a_PropertyName, 0, & t_Variant, & t_VarType, & t_Flavour );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( t_VarType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY ) { } else { switch ( t_VarType & ( ~ CIM_FLAG_ARRAY ) ) { case CIM_BOOLEAN: case CIM_SINT8: case CIM_SINT16: case CIM_CHAR16: case CIM_SINT32: { t_RangeNode = new WmiSignedIntegerRangeNode (
a_PropertyName, 0xFFFFFFFF, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, NULL, NULL ); } break;
case CIM_UINT8: case CIM_UINT16: case CIM_UINT32: { t_RangeNode = new WmiUnsignedIntegerRangeNode (
a_PropertyName, 0xFFFFFFFF, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, NULL, NULL ); } break;
case CIM_SINT64: case CIM_UINT64: case CIM_STRING: case CIM_DATETIME: case CIM_REFERENCE: { t_RangeNode = new WmiStringRangeNode (
a_PropertyName, 0x0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } break;
case CIM_REAL32: case CIM_REAL64: { } break;
case CIM_OBJECT: case CIM_EMPTY: { } break;
default: { } break; } }
VariantClear ( & t_Variant );
return t_RangeNode; }
ULONG ExecQueryAsyncEventObject :: GetPriority ( BSTR a_PropertyName ) { if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, LOGFILE_PROP ) == 0 ) { return 0; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, RECORD_PROP ) == 0 ) { return 1; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, GENERATED_PROP ) == 0 ) { return 2; }
if ( _wcsicmp ( a_PropertyName, WRITTEN_PROP ) == 0 ) { return 3; }
return 0xFFFFFFFF; }
BOOL ExecQueryAsyncEventObject::CheckTime( const BSTR a_wszText, BOOL &a_IsLow, BOOL &a_IsHigh ) { a_IsLow = FALSE; a_IsHigh = FALSE;
if (a_wszText == NULL) { return FALSE; }
wchar_t t_DefaultBuffer[] = {L"16010101000000.000000+000"} ; wchar_t t_DateBuffer[ NTEVT_DMTFLEN + 1 ] ; t_DateBuffer[ NTEVT_DMTFLEN ] = NULL ;
// wildcard cleanup and validation
// ===============================
if( NTEVT_DMTFLEN != wcslen(a_wszText) ) { return FALSE ; } const wchar_t *t_pwBuffer = (const wchar_t*)a_wszText ; for( int t_i = 0; t_i < NTEVT_DMTFLEN; t_i++ ) { switch( a_wszText[ t_i ] ) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { // stepping on separator or sign
if( NTEVT_DECPOS == t_i || NTEVT_SGNPOS == t_i ) { return FALSE ; } t_DateBuffer[ t_i ] = a_wszText[ t_i ] ; break ; } case '*': { // stepping on separator or sign
if( NTEVT_DECPOS == t_i || NTEVT_SGNPOS == t_i ) { return FALSE ; } else { // replace with default stamp
t_DateBuffer[ t_i ] = t_DefaultBuffer[ t_i ] ; } break ; } case '.': { if( NTEVT_DECPOS != t_i ) { return FALSE ; } t_DateBuffer[ t_i ] = a_wszText[ t_i ] ;
break ; } case '+': case '-': { if( NTEVT_SGNPOS != t_i ) { return FALSE ; } t_DateBuffer[ t_i ] = a_wszText[ t_i ] ; break ; } default: { return FALSE ; } } }
// Parse it
// ========
int nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond, nMicro, nOffset; WCHAR wchSep;
int nRes = swscanf (
(LPCWSTR)&t_DateBuffer, L"%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d.%6d%c%3d", &nYear, &nMonth, &nDay, &nHour, &nMinute, &nSecond, &nMicro, &wchSep, &nOffset );
if ( ( 9 != nRes ) ) { return FALSE; }
if (nYear < 1970) { a_IsLow = TRUE; return TRUE; }
BOOL retVal = FALSE; WBEMTime t_max ((time_t)0xFFFFFFFF); BSTR t_temp = t_max.GetBSTR();
if (t_temp) { if (_wcsicmp(a_wszText, t_temp) >= 0) { a_IsHigh = TRUE; retVal = TRUE; }
SysFreeString(t_temp); }
// if we got here, the earlier WBEMTIME should have been OK so return FALSE.
return retVal; }