// Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include <precomp.h>
#include <provimex.h>
#include <provexpt.h>
#include <provtempl.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <provmt.h>
#include <typeinfo.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <provcont.h>
#include "provevt.h"
#include "provthrd.h"
#include "provlog.h"
#include <Allocator.cpp>
#include <Algorithms.h>
CStaticCriticalSection ProvThreadObject :: s_Lock ; LONG ProvThreadObject :: s_ReferenceCount = 0 ; WmiAllocator g_Allocator ; ThreadContainer ProvThreadObject :: s_ThreadContainer ( g_Allocator ) ;
typedef ProvOnDelete < CRITICAL_SECTION *, VOID ( * ) ( LPCRITICAL_SECTION ), LeaveCriticalSection > LeaveCriticalSectionScope;
class ProvShutdownTaskObject : public ProvTaskObject { private:
ProvThreadObject *m_ThreadToShutdown ;
protected: public:
ProvShutdownTaskObject (ProvThreadObject *threadToShutdown) ;
void Process () ;
} ;
ProvShutdownTaskObject :: ProvShutdownTaskObject (
ProvThreadObject *threadToShutdown
) : m_ThreadToShutdown ( threadToShutdown ) { }
void ProvShutdownTaskObject ::Process() { if ( m_ThreadToShutdown ) { m_ThreadToShutdown->SignalThreadShutdown (); }
Complete(); }
BOOL ProvThreadObject :: Startup () { InterlockedIncrement ( & s_ReferenceCount ) ;
return TRUE ; }
void ProvThreadObject :: Closedown() { #if DBG == 1
if ( s_ReferenceCount == 0 ) { DebugBreak (); }
if ( InterlockedDecrement ( & s_ReferenceCount ) <= 0 ) ProcessDetach () ; }
void ProvThreadObject :: ProcessAttach () { }
void ProvThreadObject :: ProcessDetach ( BOOL a_ProcessDetaching ) {
// delete all known thread objects
ThreadContainerIterator t_Iterator = s_ThreadContainer.Begin () ;
while ( ! t_Iterator.Null () ) { s_Lock.Unlock () ;
t_Iterator.GetElement ()->SignalThreadShutdown () ;
t_Iterator = s_ThreadContainer.Begin () ; }
s_ThreadContainer.UnInitialize () ;
s_Lock.Unlock () ; }
void ProvThreadObject :: ThreadExecutionProcedure ( void *a_ThreadParameter ) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { ProvThreadObject *t_ThreadObject = ( ProvThreadObject * ) a_ThreadParameter ; BOOL bInitialised = FALSE;
try { if ( t_ThreadObject->RegisterThread () ) { t_ThreadObject->Initialise () ; bInitialised = TRUE;
SetEvent ( t_ThreadObject->m_ThreadInitialization ) ;
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n [%s] Thread beginning dispatch") , t_ThreadObject->m_ThreadName ) ; )
if ( t_ThreadObject->Wait () ) { } else { }
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n [%s] Thread completed dispatch") , t_ThreadObject->m_ThreadName ) ; )
t_ThreadObject->Uninitialise () ; bInitialised = FALSE;
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n Thread terminating") ) ; ) } } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { t_ThreadObject->RemoveThread () ;
if ( bInitialised ) { DebugMacro(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->Write ( _TEXT("\n *** [%s] Thread terminating -> structured exception *** ") , t_ThreadObject->m_ThreadName ) ; )
t_ThreadObject->Uninitialise () ; }
return; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { t_ThreadObject->RemoveThread () ;
if ( bInitialised ) { DebugMacro(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->Write ( _TEXT("\n *** [%s] Thread terminating -> heap exception *** ") , t_ThreadObject->m_ThreadName ) ; )
t_ThreadObject->Uninitialise () ; }
return; } catch(...) { t_ThreadObject->RemoveThread () ;
if ( bInitialised ) { DebugMacro(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->Write ( _TEXT("\n *** [%s] Thread terminating -> exception *** ") , t_ThreadObject->m_ThreadName ) ; )
t_ThreadObject->Uninitialise () ; }
return; } } catch ( ... ) { DebugMacro(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->Write ( _TEXT("\n *** Thread terminating -> second chance exception *** ") ) ; ) } }
void ProvThreadObject :: TerminateThread () { :: TerminateThread (m_ThreadHandle,0) ; }
ProvThreadObject :: ProvThreadObject (
const TCHAR *a_ThreadName, DWORD a_timeout ) : m_EventContainer ( NULL ) , m_EventContainerLength ( 0 ) , m_ThreadId ( 0 ) , m_ThreadHandle ( 0 ) , m_ThreadName ( NULL ) , m_timeout ( a_timeout ), m_pShutdownTask ( NULL ) , m_ScheduleReapContainer ( g_Allocator ) , m_TaskQueue ( g_Allocator ) , m_ThreadInitialization ( NULL ) { if ( a_ThreadName ) { m_ThreadName = _tcsdup ( a_ThreadName ) ; if( NULL == m_ThreadName) throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); }
m_ThreadInitialization = CreateEvent ( NULL , FALSE , FALSE , NULL ) ;
if ( NULL == m_ThreadInitialization) throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR);
ConstructEventContainer () ; }
void ProvThreadObject :: BeginThread() { UINT_PTR t_PseudoHandle = _beginthread (
ProvThreadObject :: ThreadExecutionProcedure , 0 , ( void * ) this ) ;
s_Lock.Lock () ; LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( s_Lock );
if ( ( HANDLE ) t_PseudoHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { BOOL t_Status = DuplicateHandle (
GetCurrentProcess () , ( HANDLE ) t_PseudoHandle , GetCurrentProcess () , GetThreadHandleReference () , 0 , TRUE , DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) ;
if ( ! t_Status ) { throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } } }
BOOL ProvThreadObject :: WaitForStartup () { DWORD dwHandles = 2; HANDLE hHandles[] = { m_ThreadInitialization, m_ThreadHandle };
DWORD dwWaitResult = WAIT_TIMEOUT; dwWaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects ( dwHandles, hHandles, FALSE, INFINITE ) ;
return ( ( ( dwWaitResult - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) == 0 ) && ( dwWaitResult != WAIT_FAILED ) ); }
ProvThreadObject :: ~ProvThreadObject () { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n Enter Thread destructor") ) ; )
if ( ( m_ThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId () ) && ( m_ThreadId != 0 )) { SignalThreadShutdown () ; }
free ( m_ThreadName ) ;
ProvAbstractTaskObject *t_TaskObject = NULL ;
WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode ; while ( ( t_StatusCode = m_TaskQueue.Top ( t_TaskObject ) ) == e_StatusCode_Success ) { m_TaskQueue.DeQueue () ;
t_TaskObject->DetachTaskFromThread ( *this ) ; }
m_TaskQueue.UnInitialize () ;
free ( m_EventContainer ) ;
// we should have task already deleted by SignalThreadShutdown
s_Lock.Lock(); s_ThreadContainer.Delete ( m_ThreadId ) ; s_Lock.Unlock () ;
if ( m_ThreadInitialization ) { CloseHandle ( m_ThreadInitialization ) ; }
if (m_pShutdownTask != NULL) { delete m_pShutdownTask; }
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n Exit Thread destructor") ) ; )
void ProvThreadObject :: PostSignalThreadShutdown () { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n Posting thread shutdown") ) ; )
if (m_pShutdownTask != NULL) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n Thread shutdown previously posted") ) ; ) } else { m_pShutdownTask = new ProvShutdownTaskObject(this); ScheduleTask(*m_pShutdownTask); m_pShutdownTask->Exec();
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n Thread shutdown posted") ) ; ) } }
void ProvThreadObject :: SignalThreadShutdown () { s_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( s_Lock) ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = s_ThreadContainer.Delete ( m_ThreadId ) ; lcs.Exec ();
if ( t_StatusCode != e_StatusCode_NotFound ) { // this should be safe now
if ( m_ThreadId == GetCurrentThreadId () ) { m_ThreadTerminateEvent.Set () ; } else { HANDLE t_Handle = m_ThreadHandle ; m_ThreadTerminateEvent.Set () ;
DWORD t_Event = WaitForSingleObject (
t_Handle , INFINITE ) ;
if ( t_Event != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwError = ::GetLastError ();
if ( dwError != ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) { #if DBG == 1
// for testing purpose I will let process break
::DebugBreak(); #endif
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) { // resources will eventually come back
::Sleep ( 1000 );
if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject ( t_Handle , INFINITE ) ) { // terminate loop
dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
CloseHandle ( t_Handle ) ; } } }
void ProvThreadObject :: ConstructEventContainer () { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Constructing Container") , m_ThreadName ) ; )
s_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( s_Lock ) ;
BOOL bAllocated = FALSE; do { ULONG origEventContainerLength = m_EventContainerLength ;
if ( ( m_TaskQueue.Size () + 2 ) < MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ) { m_EventContainerLength = m_TaskQueue.Size () + 2; } else { m_EventContainerLength = MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - 1; }
HANDLE * tempArray = ( HANDLE * ) realloc ( m_EventContainer , sizeof ( HANDLE ) * m_EventContainerLength );
if ( tempArray == NULL ) { //
// revert the size back
m_EventContainerLength = origEventContainerLength ;
s_Lock.Unlock () ; // system will eventually come back !
Sleep (60000); s_Lock.Lock(); } else { m_EventContainer = tempArray; bAllocated = TRUE; } } while ( ! bAllocated );
m_EventContainer [ 0 ] = GetHandle () ; m_EventContainer [ 1 ] = m_ThreadTerminateEvent.GetHandle () ;
ULONG t_EventIndex = 2 ;
WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode ; ProvAbstractTaskObject *t_TaskObject = NULL ;
while ( ( t_EventIndex < m_EventContainerLength ) && ( t_StatusCode = m_TaskQueue.Top ( t_TaskObject ) ) == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_StatusCode = m_TaskQueue.DeQueue () ; t_StatusCode = m_TaskQueue.EnQueue ( t_TaskObject ) ;
m_EventContainer [ t_EventIndex ] = t_TaskObject->GetHandle () ; t_EventIndex ++ ; } }
ProvThreadObject *ProvThreadObject :: GetThreadObject () { s_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( s_Lock );
DWORD t_CurrentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId () ;
ProvThreadObject *t_ThreadObject ;
ThreadContainerIterator t_Iterator ;
if ( s_ThreadContainer.Find ( GetCurrentThreadId () , t_Iterator ) == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_ThreadObject = t_Iterator.GetElement () ; } else { t_ThreadObject = NULL ; }
return t_ThreadObject ; }
ProvAbstractTaskObject *ProvThreadObject :: GetTaskObject ( HANDLE &a_Handle ) { ProvAbstractTaskObject *t_TaskObject = NULL ;
s_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( s_Lock );
ULONG t_QueueSize = m_TaskQueue.Size () ;
WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode ; while ( t_QueueSize && ( ( t_StatusCode = m_TaskQueue.Top ( t_TaskObject ) ) == e_StatusCode_Success ) ) { m_TaskQueue.DeQueue () ; m_TaskQueue.EnQueue ( t_TaskObject ) ;
if ( t_TaskObject->GetHandle () == a_Handle ) { break ; }
t_QueueSize -- ; }
return t_TaskObject ; }
BOOL ProvThreadObject :: RegisterThread () { s_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( s_Lock );
BOOL t_Status = FALSE ;
m_ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId () ;
ThreadContainerIterator t_Iterator ; if ( s_ThreadContainer.Insert ( m_ThreadId , this , t_Iterator ) == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_Status = TRUE; }
TCHAR buffer [ 1025 ] ; StringCchPrintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( TCHAR ) , _TEXT("\nThread [%s] = %lx, with thread id = %lx") , m_ThreadName , (UINT_PTR)this , m_ThreadId ) ; CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, buffer ) ; ) return t_Status ; }
BOOL ProvThreadObject :: RemoveThread () { s_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( s_Lock );
BOOL t_Status = s_ThreadContainer.Delete ( m_ThreadId ) ; if ( t_Status ) { DebugMacro8(
TCHAR buffer [ 1025 ] ; StringCchPrintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( TCHAR ) , _TEXT("\nThread [%s] = %lx, with thread id = %lx was removed from container") , m_ThreadName , (UINT_PTR)this , m_ThreadId ) ; CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, buffer ) ; ) } else { DebugMacro8(
TCHAR buffer [ 1025 ] ; StringCchPrintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( TCHAR ) , _TEXT("\nThread [%s] = %lx, with thread id = %lx failed to remove from container") , m_ThreadName , (UINT_PTR)this , m_ThreadId ) ; CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, buffer ) ; ) }
return t_Status ; }
void ProvThreadObject :: Process () { s_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( s_Lock );
ScheduleReapContainerIterator t_Iterator = m_ScheduleReapContainer.Begin () ;
while ( ! t_Iterator.Null () ) {
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Thread Process [%lx]") , m_ThreadName , t_Iterator.GetKey () ); ) t_Iterator.GetElement ()->Set () ;
t_Iterator.Increment () ; } }
BOOL ProvThreadObject :: WaitDispatch ( ULONG t_HandleIndex , BOOL &a_Terminated ) { BOOL t_Status = TRUE ;
HANDLE t_Handle = m_EventContainer [ t_HandleIndex ] ; if ( t_Handle == GetHandle () ) { // Task has been scheduled so we must update arrays
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Thread Wait: Refreshing handles") , m_ThreadName ); )
Process () ; ConstructEventContainer () ; } else if ( t_Handle == m_ThreadTerminateEvent.GetHandle () ) { // thread has been told to close down
a_Terminated = TRUE ; m_ThreadTerminateEvent.Process () ;
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Someone t_Terminated") , m_ThreadName ) ; ) } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Thread Wait: Processing Task") , m_ThreadName ); )
ProvAbstractTaskObject *t_TaskObject = GetTaskObject ( t_Handle ) ; if ( t_TaskObject ) { ConstructEventContainer () ; t_TaskObject->Process () ; } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Couldn't Find Task Object") , m_ThreadName ) ; ) t_Status = FALSE ; } }
return t_Status ; }
BOOL ProvThreadObject :: Wait () { BOOL t_Status = TRUE ; BOOL t_Terminated = FALSE ;
while ( t_Status && ! t_Terminated ) { DWORD t_Event = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (
m_EventContainerLength , m_EventContainer , FALSE , m_timeout , QS_ALLINPUT ) ;
ULONG t_HandleIndex = t_Event - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
if ( t_Event == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ;
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Handle problem") , m_ThreadName ) ; )
t_Status = FALSE ; } else if ( t_Event == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { TimedOut(); } else if ( t_HandleIndex <= m_EventContainerLength ) { // Go into dispatch loop
if ( t_HandleIndex == m_EventContainerLength ) { BOOL t_DispatchStatus ; MSG t_Msg ;
while ( ( t_DispatchStatus = PeekMessage ( & t_Msg , NULL , 0 , 0 , PM_NOREMOVE ) ) == TRUE ) { int t_Result = 0; t_Result = GetMessage ( & t_Msg , NULL , 0 , 0 );
if ( t_Result != 0 && t_Result != -1 ) { TranslateMessage ( & t_Msg ) ; DispatchMessage ( & t_Msg ) ; }
BOOL t_Timeout = FALSE ;
while ( !t_Timeout && t_Status && !t_Terminated ) { t_Event = WaitForMultipleObjects (
m_EventContainerLength , m_EventContainer , FALSE , 0 ) ;
t_HandleIndex = t_Event - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
if ( t_Event == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ; DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Handle problem") , m_ThreadName ) ; ) t_Status = FALSE ; } else if ( t_Event == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { t_Timeout = TRUE ; } else if ( t_HandleIndex < m_EventContainerLength ) { t_Status = WaitDispatch ( t_HandleIndex , t_Terminated ) ; } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Unknown handle index") , m_ThreadName ) ; ) t_Status = FALSE ; } } } } else if ( t_HandleIndex < m_EventContainerLength ) { t_Status = WaitDispatch ( t_HandleIndex , t_Terminated ) ; } else {
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Unknown handle index") , m_ThreadName ) ; ) t_Status = FALSE ; } } }
return t_Status ; }
ULONG ProvThreadObject :: GetEventHandlesSize () { return m_EventContainerLength ; }
HANDLE *ProvThreadObject :: GetEventHandles () { return m_EventContainer ; }
BOOL ProvThreadObject :: ScheduleTask ( ProvAbstractTaskObject &a_TaskObject ) { BOOL t_Result = TRUE ;
* Add Synchronous object to worker thread container */ a_TaskObject.m_ScheduledHandle = a_TaskObject.GetHandle (); WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_TaskQueue.EnQueue ( &a_TaskObject ) ;
s_Lock.Unlock () ;
a_TaskObject.AttachTaskToThread ( *this ) ;
if ( GetCurrentThreadId () != m_ThreadId ) { Set () ; } else { ConstructEventContainer () ; }
return t_Result ; }
BOOL ProvThreadObject :: ReapTask ( ProvAbstractTaskObject &a_TaskObject ) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Entering ReapTask [%lx]") , m_ThreadName , a_TaskObject.m_ScheduledHandle ); )
BOOL t_Result = TRUE ;
* Remove worker object from worker thread container */
ProvAbstractTaskObject *t_TaskObject = NULL ;
ULONG t_QueueSize = m_TaskQueue.Size () ;
WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode ; while ( t_QueueSize && ( ( t_StatusCode = m_TaskQueue.Top ( t_TaskObject ) ) == e_StatusCode_Success ) ) { m_TaskQueue.DeQueue () ;
if ( a_TaskObject.m_ScheduledHandle == t_TaskObject->m_ScheduledHandle ) { break ; }
m_TaskQueue.EnQueue ( t_TaskObject ) ;
t_QueueSize -- ; }
s_Lock.Unlock () ;
* Inform worker thread,thread container has been updated. */
if ( GetCurrentThreadId () != m_ThreadId ) { ProvEventObject t_ReapedEventObject ;
s_Lock.Lock() ;
ScheduleReapContainerIterator t_Iterator ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_ScheduleReapContainer.Insert ( t_ReapedEventObject.GetHandle () , &t_ReapedEventObject , t_Iterator ) ;
s_Lock.Unlock () ;
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] ReapTask: Setting update") , m_ThreadName ); ) Set () ;
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] ReapTask: Beginning Wait on [%lx]") , m_ThreadName , t_ReapedEventObject.GetHandle () ); )
if ( t_ReapedEventObject.Wait () ) { } else { t_Result = FALSE ; }
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] ReapTask: Ended Wait") , m_ThreadName ); )
t_StatusCode = m_ScheduleReapContainer.Delete ( t_ReapedEventObject.GetHandle () ) ;
s_Lock.Unlock () ;
} else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] ReapTask: ConstructEventContainer") , m_ThreadName ); ) ConstructEventContainer () ; }
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\n[%s] Returning from ReapTask [%lx]") , m_ThreadName , a_TaskObject.m_ScheduledHandle ); )
a_TaskObject.DetachTaskFromThread ( *this ) ;
return t_Result ; }
ProvAbstractTaskObject :: ProvAbstractTaskObject (
const TCHAR *a_GlobalTaskNameComplete, const TCHAR *a_GlobalTaskNameAcknowledgement, DWORD a_timeout
) : m_CompletionEvent ( a_GlobalTaskNameComplete ) , m_AcknowledgementEvent ( a_GlobalTaskNameAcknowledgement ) , m_timeout ( a_timeout ), m_ScheduledHandle (NULL), m_ThreadContainer (g_Allocator) { }
ProvAbstractTaskObject :: ~ProvAbstractTaskObject () { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: ~ProvAbstractTaskObject () [%lx]") , m_ScheduledHandle ) ; )
m_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( m_Lock );
if (NULL != m_ScheduledHandle) { ThreadContainerIterator t_Iterator = m_ThreadContainer.Begin () ;
while ( ! t_Iterator.Null () ) { ProvThreadObject *t_Task = t_Iterator.GetElement () ;
t_Task->ReapTask ( *this ) ;
t_Iterator = m_ThreadContainer.Begin () ; } }
m_ThreadContainer.UnInitialize () ; }
void ProvAbstractTaskObject :: DetachTaskFromThread ( ProvThreadObject &a_ThreadObject ) { m_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( m_Lock );
WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_ThreadContainer.Delete ( a_ThreadObject.GetThreadId () ) ; }
void ProvAbstractTaskObject :: AttachTaskToThread ( ProvThreadObject &a_ThreadObject ) { m_Lock.Lock(); LeaveCriticalSectionScope lcs ( m_Lock );
ThreadContainerIterator t_Iterator ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_ThreadContainer.Insert ( a_ThreadObject.GetThreadId () , &a_ThreadObject , t_Iterator ) ; }
BOOL ProvAbstractTaskObject :: Wait ( BOOL a_Dispatch ) { BOOL t_Status = TRUE ; BOOL t_Processed = FALSE ;
while ( t_Status && ! t_Processed ) { ProvThreadObject *t_ThreadObject = ProvThreadObject :: GetThreadObject () ; ULONG t_TaskEventArrayLength = 0 ; HANDLE *t_TaskEventArray = NULL ;
if ( t_ThreadObject && a_Dispatch ) { ULONG t_TaskArrayLength = t_ThreadObject->GetEventHandlesSize () ; t_TaskEventArrayLength = t_TaskArrayLength + 1 ; t_TaskEventArray = new HANDLE [ t_TaskEventArrayLength ] ;
if ( t_TaskArrayLength ) { memcpy ( & ( t_TaskEventArray [ 1 ] ) , t_ThreadObject->GetEventHandles () , t_TaskArrayLength * sizeof ( HANDLE ) ) ; }
t_TaskEventArray [ 0 ] = m_CompletionEvent.GetHandle () ; } else { t_TaskEventArrayLength = 1 ; t_TaskEventArray = new HANDLE [ t_TaskEventArrayLength ] ; t_TaskEventArray [ 0 ] = m_CompletionEvent.GetHandle () ; }
DWORD t_Event ;
if ( a_Dispatch ) { t_Event = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (
t_TaskEventArrayLength , t_TaskEventArray , FALSE , m_timeout , QS_ALLINPUT ) ; } else { t_Event = WaitForMultipleObjects (
t_TaskEventArrayLength , t_TaskEventArray , FALSE , m_timeout ) ; }
ULONG t_HandleIndex = t_Event - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
if ( t_Event == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Handle") ) ; )
DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ; t_Status = FALSE ; } else if ( t_Event == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { TimedOut(); } else if ( t_HandleIndex == t_TaskEventArrayLength ) { BOOL t_DispatchStatus ; MSG t_Msg ;
while ( ( t_DispatchStatus = PeekMessage ( & t_Msg , NULL , 0 , 0 , PM_NOREMOVE ) ) == TRUE ) { int t_Result = 0; t_Result = GetMessage ( & t_Msg , NULL , 0 , 0 );
if ( t_Result != 0 && t_Result != -1 ) { TranslateMessage ( & t_Msg ) ; DispatchMessage ( & t_Msg ) ; }
BOOL t_Timeout = FALSE ;
while (!t_Timeout && t_Status && !t_Processed ) { t_Event = WaitForMultipleObjects (
t_TaskEventArrayLength , t_TaskEventArray , FALSE , 0 ) ;
t_HandleIndex = t_Event - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
if ( t_Event == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Handle") ) ; )
DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ; t_Status = FALSE ; } else if ( t_Event == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { t_Timeout = TRUE ; } else if ( t_HandleIndex < t_TaskEventArrayLength ) { HANDLE t_Handle = t_TaskEventArray [ t_HandleIndex ] ; t_Status = WaitDispatch ( t_ThreadObject , t_Handle , t_Processed ) ; } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Handle index") ) ; ) t_Status = FALSE ; } } } } else if ( t_HandleIndex < t_TaskEventArrayLength ) { HANDLE t_Handle = t_TaskEventArray [ t_HandleIndex ] ; t_Status = WaitDispatch ( t_ThreadObject , t_Handle , t_Processed ) ; } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Handle index") ) ; )
t_Status = FALSE ; }
delete [] t_TaskEventArray ; }
return t_Status ; }
BOOL ProvAbstractTaskObject :: WaitDispatch ( ProvThreadObject *a_ThreadObject, HANDLE a_Handle , BOOL &a_Processed ) { BOOL t_Status = TRUE ;
if ( a_Handle == m_CompletionEvent.GetHandle () ) {
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nWait: Completed") ); )
m_CompletionEvent.Process () ; a_Processed = TRUE ; } else if ( a_ThreadObject && ( a_Handle == a_ThreadObject->GetHandle () ) ) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nTask Wait: Refreshing handles") ); ) a_ThreadObject->Process () ; a_ThreadObject->ConstructEventContainer () ; } else { ProvAbstractTaskObject *t_TaskObject = a_ThreadObject->GetTaskObject ( a_Handle ) ; if ( t_TaskObject ) { a_ThreadObject->ConstructEventContainer () ; t_TaskObject->Process () ; } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Task") ) ; ) t_Status = FALSE ; } }
return t_Status ; }
BOOL ProvAbstractTaskObject :: WaitAcknowledgement ( BOOL a_Dispatch ) { BOOL t_Status = TRUE ; BOOL t_Processed = FALSE ;
while ( t_Status && ! t_Processed ) { ProvThreadObject *t_ThreadObject = ProvThreadObject :: GetThreadObject () ; ULONG t_TaskEventArrayLength = 0 ; HANDLE *t_TaskEventArray = NULL ;
if ( t_ThreadObject && a_Dispatch ) { ULONG t_TaskArrayLength = t_ThreadObject->GetEventHandlesSize () ; t_TaskEventArrayLength = t_TaskArrayLength + 1 ; t_TaskEventArray = new HANDLE [ t_TaskEventArrayLength ] ;
if ( t_TaskArrayLength ) { memcpy ( & ( t_TaskEventArray [ 1 ] ) , t_ThreadObject->GetEventHandles () , t_TaskArrayLength * sizeof ( HANDLE ) ) ; }
t_TaskEventArray [ 0 ] = m_AcknowledgementEvent.GetHandle () ; } else { t_TaskEventArrayLength = 1 ; t_TaskEventArray = new HANDLE [ t_TaskEventArrayLength ] ; t_TaskEventArray [ 0 ] = m_AcknowledgementEvent.GetHandle () ; }
DWORD t_Event ;
if ( a_Dispatch ) { t_Event = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (
t_TaskEventArrayLength , t_TaskEventArray , FALSE , m_timeout , QS_ALLINPUT ) ; } else { t_Event = WaitForMultipleObjects (
t_TaskEventArrayLength , t_TaskEventArray , FALSE , m_timeout ) ; }
ULONG t_HandleIndex = t_Event - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
if ( t_Event == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Handle") ) ; )
DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ; t_Status = FALSE ; } else if ( t_Event == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { TimedOut(); } if ( t_HandleIndex == t_TaskEventArrayLength ) { BOOL t_DispatchStatus ; MSG t_Msg ;
while ( ( t_DispatchStatus = PeekMessage ( & t_Msg , NULL , 0 , 0 , PM_NOREMOVE ) ) == TRUE ) { int t_Result = 0; t_Result = GetMessage ( & t_Msg , NULL , 0 , 0 );
if ( t_Result != 0 && t_Result != -1 ) { TranslateMessage ( & t_Msg ) ; DispatchMessage ( & t_Msg ) ; }
BOOL t_Timeout = FALSE ;
while ( !t_Timeout && t_Status && !t_Processed ) { t_Event = WaitForMultipleObjects (
t_TaskEventArrayLength , t_TaskEventArray , FALSE , 0 ) ;
ULONG t_HandleIndex = t_Event - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
if ( t_Event == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Handle") ) ; )
DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ; t_Status = FALSE ; } else if ( t_Event == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { t_Timeout = TRUE ; } else if ( t_HandleIndex < t_TaskEventArrayLength ) { HANDLE t_Handle = t_TaskEventArray [ t_HandleIndex ] ; t_Status = WaitAcknowledgementDispatch ( t_ThreadObject , t_Handle , t_Processed ) ; } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Handle index") ) ; ) t_Status = FALSE ; } } } } else if ( t_HandleIndex < t_TaskEventArrayLength ) { HANDLE t_Handle = t_TaskEventArray [ t_HandleIndex ] ; t_Status = WaitAcknowledgementDispatch ( t_ThreadObject , t_Handle , t_Processed ) ; } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Handle index") ) ; )
t_Status = FALSE ; }
delete [] t_TaskEventArray ; }
return t_Status ; }
BOOL ProvAbstractTaskObject :: WaitAcknowledgementDispatch ( ProvThreadObject *a_ThreadObject , HANDLE a_Handle , BOOL &a_Processed ) { BOOL t_Status = TRUE ;
if ( a_Handle == m_AcknowledgementEvent.GetHandle () ) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nWait: Completed") ); )
m_AcknowledgementEvent.Process () ; a_Processed = TRUE ; } else if ( a_ThreadObject && ( a_Handle == a_ThreadObject->GetHandle () ) ) { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nTask Wait: Refreshing handles") ); ) a_ThreadObject->Process () ; a_ThreadObject->ConstructEventContainer () ; } else { ProvAbstractTaskObject *t_TaskObject = a_ThreadObject->GetTaskObject ( a_Handle ) ; if ( t_TaskObject ) { a_ThreadObject->ConstructEventContainer () ; t_TaskObject->Process () ; } else { DebugMacro8(
CNTEventProvider::g_NTEvtDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__, _TEXT("\nProvAbstractTaskObject :: Illegal Task") ) ; ) t_Status = FALSE ; } }
return t_Status ; }
ProvTaskObject::ProvTaskObject ( const TCHAR *a_GlobalTaskNameStart, const TCHAR *a_GlobalTaskNameComplete , const TCHAR *a_GlobalTaskNameAcknowledge, DWORD a_timeout
): ProvAbstractTaskObject(a_GlobalTaskNameComplete, a_GlobalTaskNameAcknowledge,a_timeout), m_Event(a_GlobalTaskNameStart) { }