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// Module: OLE MS SNMP Property Provider
// Purpose: Implementation for the SnmpGetEventObject class.
// Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <provexpt.h>
#include <snmptempl.h>
#include <snmpmt.h>
#include <typeinfo.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include "classfac.h"
#include "guids.h"
#include <snmpcont.h>
#include <snmpevt.h>
#include <snmpthrd.h>
#include <snmplog.h>
#include <snmpcl.h>
#include <instpath.h>
#include <snmptype.h>
#include <snmpauto.h>
#include <snmpobj.h>
#include <genlex.h>
#include <sql_1.h>
#include <objpath.h>
#include "propprov.h"
#include "propsnmp.h"
#include "propget.h"
#include "propset.h"
#include "snmpget.h"
#include "snmpset.h"
#include "snmpqset.h"
SetQueryOperation :: SetQueryOperation (
IN SnmpSession &sessionArg , IN SnmpSetResponseEventObject *eventObjectArg
) : SnmpGetOperation ( sessionArg ) , session ( &sessionArg ) , eventObject ( eventObjectArg ) , rowReceived ( FALSE ) { }
SetQueryOperation :: ~SetQueryOperation () { session->DestroySession () ; }
void SetQueryOperation :: ReceiveResponse () { eventObject->ReceiveComplete () ; }
void SetQueryOperation :: ReceiveVarBindResponse (
IN const ULONG &var_bind_index, IN const SnmpVarBind &requestVarBind , IN const SnmpVarBind &replyVarBind , IN const SnmpErrorReport &error ) { if ( ( typeid ( replyVarBind.GetValue () ) == typeid ( SnmpNoSuchObject ) ) || ( typeid ( replyVarBind.GetValue () ) == typeid ( SnmpNoSuchInstance ) ) ) { } else { rowReceived = TRUE ; } }
#pragma warning (disable:4065)
void SetQueryOperation :: ReceiveErroredVarBindResponse(
IN const ULONG &var_bind_index, IN const SnmpVarBind &requestVarBind , IN const SnmpErrorReport &error ) { switch ( error.GetError () ) { case Snmp_Error: { switch ( error.GetStatus () ) { case Snmp_No_Response: { eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_NO_RESPONSE ) ; eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetMessage ( L"No Response from device" ) ; } break;
case Snmp_No_Such_Name: { // Invalid property requested
} break ;
default: { eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetMessage ( L"Unknown transport failure" ) ; } break ; } } break ;
case Snmp_Transport: { switch ( error.GetStatus () ) { default: { eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; eventObject->GetErrorObject ().SetMessage ( L"Unknown transport failure" ) ; } break ; } } break ;
default: { // Cannot Happen
} break ; } }
#pragma warning (default:4065)
void SetQueryOperation :: Send () { // Send Variable Bindings for requested properties
SnmpVarBindList varBindList ; SnmpNull snmpNull ;
// Create class object for subsequent receipt of response
// Add Variable binding to Variable binding list
SnmpClassObject *snmpObject = eventObject->GetSnmpClassObject () ; if ( snmpObject ) { // Encode Variable Binding instance for all key properties
SnmpObjectIdentifier instanceObjectIdentifier ( NULL , 0 ) ;
if ( snmpObject->GetKeyPropertyCount () ) { WbemSnmpProperty *property ; snmpObject->ResetKeyProperty () ; while ( property = snmpObject->NextKeyProperty () ) { instanceObjectIdentifier = property->GetValue()->Encode ( instanceObjectIdentifier ) ; } } else { SnmpIntegerType integerType ( ( LONG ) 0 , NULL ) ; instanceObjectIdentifier = integerType.Encode ( instanceObjectIdentifier ) ; }
WbemSnmpProperty *property ; snmpObject->ResetProperty () ; while ( property = snmpObject->NextProperty () ) { if ( property->IsReadable () ) { BOOL t_Status = ( snmpObject->GetSnmpVersion () == 1 ) && ( property->IsSNMPV1Type () ) ; t_Status = t_Status || ( ( snmpObject->GetSnmpVersion () == 2 ) && ( property->IsSNMPV2CType () ) ) ;
if ( t_Status ) { if ( property->IsVirtualKey () == FALSE ) { WbemSnmpQualifier *qualifier = property->FindQualifier ( WBEM_QUALIFIER_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER ) ; if ( qualifier ) { SnmpInstanceType *value = qualifier->GetValue () ; if ( typeid ( *value ) == typeid ( SnmpObjectIdentifierType ) ) { SnmpObjectIdentifierType *objectIdentifierType = ( SnmpObjectIdentifierType * ) value ; SnmpObjectIdentifier *objectIdentifier = ( SnmpObjectIdentifier * ) objectIdentifierType->GetValueEncoding () ; SnmpObjectIdentifier requestIdentifier = *objectIdentifier + instanceObjectIdentifier ;
SnmpObjectIdentifierType requestIdentifierType ( requestIdentifier ) ;
// Add Variable binding to list
SnmpVarBind varBind ( requestIdentifier , snmpNull ) ; varBindList.Add ( varBind ) ; } else { // Problem Here
} } else { // Problem Here
} } else { // Don't Send properties marked as virtual key
} } } }
// Finally Send request
SendRequest ( varBindList ) ; } else { } }