// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// binding.cpp -- Rule-based association class
// This class allows for the creation of a specific type of rule-based associations. Consider
// this example:
// CBinding MyPhysicalDiskToLogicalDisk(
// L"PhysicalDiskToLogicalDisk",
// L"Root\\default",
// L"PhysicalFixedDisk",
// L"LogicalDisk",
// L"Antecendent",
// L"Dependent",
// L"MappedDriveLetter",
// L"DriveLetter"
// );
// This declaration is saying that there is a class named "PhysicalDiskToLogicalDisk" which
// resides in the "root\default" namespace. It is an association between the "PhysicalFixedDisk"
// class, and the "LogicalDisk" class. The "PhysicalFixedDisk" value goes into the
// "Antecendent" property of the "PhysicalDiskToLogicalDisk" class, and the
// "LogicalDisk" value goes in the "Dependent" property of the "PhysicalDiskToLogicalDisk" class.
// Only return instances where PhysicalFixedDisk.MappedDriveLetter = LogicalDisk.DriveLetter.
// Some notes:
// - When choosing which of the two classes should be the left class, choose the class that is
// likely to have fewer instances. This will result in less memory being used, and instances
// being sent back to the client sooner.
// - CBinding supports ExecQuery, GetObject, and EnumerateInstances.
// - CBinding is designed to be derived from. For example, if your association needs to
// support DeleteInstance, ExecMethod, or PutInstance, create a class that derives from
// CBinding, and add the appropriate methods. Also, various methods such as
// LoadPropertyValues and AreRelated may be useful for further customization.
// - The two endpoint classes can be dynamic, static, or abstract. CBinding will do a deep
// enumeration (actually a query, which is always deep) to retrieve the instances.
// - When calling the endpoint classes, CBinding will use per property gets, and queries
// with Select clauses and/or Where statements. If the endpoint classes support per-property
// gets or queries, this will result in better performance for the associaton class.
// - The association class and both endpoints must all be in the same namespace.
// See also: CAssociation (assoc.cpp) for a different type of rule-based association.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "Binding.h"
#include <helper.h>
// Function: CBinding::CBinding
// Constructor.
LPCWSTR pwszClassName, LPCWSTR pwszNamespaceName,
LPCWSTR pwszLeftClassName, LPCWSTR pwszRightClassName,
LPCWSTR pwszLeftPropertyName, LPCWSTR pwszRightPropertyName,
LPCWSTR pwszLeftBindingPropertyName, LPCWSTR pwszRightBindingPropertyName
) : CAssociation (
pwszClassName, pwszNamespaceName, pwszLeftClassName, pwszRightClassName, pwszLeftPropertyName, pwszRightPropertyName ) { // Save off the binding property names
m_sLeftBindingPropertyName = pwszLeftBindingPropertyName; m_sRightBindingPropertyName = pwszRightBindingPropertyName; }
// Function: CBinding::~CBinding
// Destructor.
CBinding::~CBinding() { }
// Function: CBinding::AreRelated
// Determine whether the two instances are related. For
// CBinding, this is done by comparing their BindingProperty values.
// Note that NULL properties values are not considered to be related
// to anything, even another NULL.
bool CBinding::AreRelated(
const CInstance *pLeft, const CInstance *pRight ) { bool bRet = false;
variant_t LeftBindingPropertyValue, RightBindingPropertyValue;
if (pLeft->GetVariant(m_sLeftBindingPropertyName, LeftBindingPropertyValue) && pRight->GetVariant(m_sRightBindingPropertyName, RightBindingPropertyValue) ) { bRet = CompareVariantsNoCase(&LeftBindingPropertyValue, &RightBindingPropertyValue); }
return bRet; }
// Function: CBinding::GetRightInstances
// Make an async call (well, sort of async) to retrieve all of the
// instances of the righthand class. If possible use the sLeftWheres
// to create a query to minimize the number of returned instances.
HRESULT CBinding::GetRightInstances(
MethodContext *pMethodContext, TRefPointerCollection<CInstance> *lefts, const CHStringArray &sLeftWheres ) { CHString sQuery;
// Did we get any where clauses?
if (sLeftWheres.GetSize() == 0) { // Nope, retrieve them all.
sQuery.Format(L"SELECT __RELPATH, %s FROM %s WHERE %s<>NULL",
(LPCWSTR)m_sRightBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)m_sRightClassName, (LPCWSTR)m_sRightBindingPropertyName); } else { // Yup, build a query to only retrieve those instances.
CHString sQuery2;
sQuery.Format(L"SELECT __RELPATH, %s FROM %s WHERE (%s<>NULL) AND (%s=%s ",
(LPCWSTR)m_sRightBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)m_sRightClassName, (LPCWSTR)m_sRightBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)m_sRightBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)sLeftWheres[0]);
// Usually, we should only have one (that what ASSOCIATORS and REFERENCES will
// generate). However, if we have more than one, tack the rest on.
for (DWORD x=1; x < sLeftWheres.GetSize(); x++) { sQuery2.Format(L"OR %s=%s ", (LPCWSTR)m_sRightBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)sLeftWheres[x]); sQuery += sQuery2; }
// put the final close parenthesis.
sQuery.SetAt(sQuery.GetLength() - 1, L')'); }
// 'StaticEnumerationCallback' will get called once for each instance
// returned from the query
HRESULT hr = CWbemProviderGlue::GetInstancesByQueryAsynch( sQuery, this, StaticEnumerationCallback, GetNamespace(), pMethodContext, lefts);
return hr; }
// Function: CBinding::GetLeftInstances
// Retrieve the lefthand instances, storing them in lefts
HRESULT CBinding::GetLeftInstances(
MethodContext *pMethodContext, TRefPointerCollection<CInstance> &lefts, const CHStringArray &sRightWheres ) { CHString sQuery;
// Did we get any where clauses?
if (sRightWheres.GetSize() == 0) { // Nope, retrieve them all.
sQuery.Format(L"SELECT __RELPATH, %s FROM %s WHERE %s <> NULL", (LPCWSTR)m_sLeftBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)m_sLeftClassName, (LPCWSTR)m_sLeftBindingPropertyName ); } else { // Yup, build a query to only retrieve those instances.
CHString sQuery2;
sQuery.Format(L"SELECT __RELPATH, %s FROM %s WHERE (%s<>NULL) AND (%s=%s ", (LPCWSTR)m_sLeftBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)m_sLeftClassName, (LPCWSTR)m_sLeftBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)m_sLeftBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)sRightWheres[0]);
// Usually, we should only have one (that what ASSOCIATORS and REFERENCES will
// generate). However, if we have more than one, tack the rest on.
for (DWORD x=1; x < sRightWheres.GetSize(); x++) { sQuery2.Format(L"OR %s=%s ", (LPCWSTR)m_sLeftBindingPropertyName, (LPCWSTR)sRightWheres[x]); sQuery += sQuery2; }
// put the final close parenthesis.
sQuery.SetAt(sQuery.GetLength() - 1, L')'); }
return CWbemProviderGlue::GetInstancesByQuery(sQuery, &lefts, pMethodContext, GetNamespace()); }
// Function: CBinding::RetrieveLeftInstance
// Retrieve a specific lefthand instance. Use per-property gets
// to only request the required properties for best performance.
HRESULT CBinding::RetrieveLeftInstance(
LPCWSTR lpwszObjPath, CInstance **ppInstance, MethodContext *pMethodContext ) { CHStringArray csaProperties; csaProperties.Add(L"__Relpath"); csaProperties.Add(m_sLeftBindingPropertyName);
return CWbemProviderGlue::GetInstancePropertiesByPath(lpwszObjPath, ppInstance, pMethodContext, csaProperties); }
// Function: CBinding::RetrieveRightInstance
// Retrieve a specific lefthand instance. Use per-property gets
// to only request the required properties for best performance.
HRESULT CBinding::RetrieveRightInstance(
LPCWSTR lpwszObjPath, CInstance **ppInstance, MethodContext *pMethodContext ) { CHStringArray csaProperties; csaProperties.Add(L"__Relpath"); csaProperties.Add(m_sRightBindingPropertyName);
return CWbemProviderGlue::GetInstancePropertiesByPath(lpwszObjPath, ppInstance, pMethodContext, csaProperties); }
// Function: CBinding::MakeWhere
// If the key property of the righthand class also happens to be
// the binding property AND if we have a path for specific righthand
// instances we need to return, then we can use the path for the
// righthand instances to build a where clause for the lefthand
// instances.
// Note that if we find invalid paths in sRightPaths, we remove
// them from sRightPaths.
void CBinding::MakeWhere(
CHStringArray &sRightPaths, CHStringArray &sRightWheres ) { // See if we have any righthand instances
if (sRightPaths.GetSize() > 0) { ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath = NULL; CObjectPathParser objpathParser; CHString sTemp;
for (DWORD x=0; x < sRightPaths.GetSize();) // Note that x++ is done inside the loop
{ // Parse the instance
int nStatus = objpathParser.Parse( sRightPaths[x], &pParsedPath );
if ( 0 == nStatus ) { OnDeleteObj<ParsedObjectPath *, CObjectPathParser, void(CObjectPathParser::*)(ParsedObjectPath *), &CObjectPathParser::Free> ReleaseMe(&objpathParser,pParsedPath); // See if the property name in the key is the property name we are binding on
if ( (pParsedPath->m_dwNumKeys == 1) && (pParsedPath->m_paKeys[0]->m_pName != NULL) ) { if (_wcsicmp(pParsedPath->m_paKeys[0]->m_pName, m_sRightBindingPropertyName) == 0) { // Yes, it is. Make a where clause statement.
HRESULT hr = MakeString(&pParsedPath->m_paKeys[0]->m_vValue, sTemp);
// See if we already have that where clause
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && IsInList(sRightWheres, sTemp) == -1) { // A query with 1000 where clauses isn't going
// to be very efficient either. Pick a reasonable limit
if (sRightWheres.GetSize() < MAX_ORS) { sRightWheres.Add(sTemp); } else { // Too many. Fall back on a complete enum
sRightWheres.RemoveAll(); break; } } } else { // Fall back on a complete enum
sRightWheres.RemoveAll(); break; } } else { // Fall back on a complete enum
sRightWheres.RemoveAll(); break; }
// This was a valid path
x++; } else { // This was an invalid path. Remove it
sRightPaths.RemoveAt(x); } } } }
// Function: CBinding::FindWhere
// At this point, we have loaded all the lefthand instances. We
// can use the binding property from these instances to build
// a where clause to be used when retrieve the righthand instances.
HRESULT CBinding::FindWhere(
TRefPointerCollection<CInstance> &lefts, CHStringArray &sLeftWheres ) { REFPTRCOLLECTION_POSITION posLeft; CInstancePtr pLeft; HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (lefts.BeginEnum(posLeft)) { variant_t vLeftBindingPropertyValue; CHString sTemp;
// Walk the left instances
for (pLeft.Attach(lefts.GetNext(posLeft)) ; (pLeft != NULL) ; pLeft.Attach(lefts.GetNext(posLeft)) ) { // Get the binding property from the left
if (pLeft->GetVariant(m_sLeftBindingPropertyName, vLeftBindingPropertyValue)) { // Turn it into a where clause
hr = MakeString(&vLeftBindingPropertyValue, sTemp);
// See if we alread have this where clause
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && IsInList(sLeftWheres, sTemp) == -1) { // A query with 1000 where clauses isn't going
// to be very efficient either. Pick a reasonable limit
if (sLeftWheres.GetSize() < MAX_ORS) { sLeftWheres.Add(sTemp); } else { // Too many. Fall back to enum
sLeftWheres.RemoveAll(); break; } }
vLeftBindingPropertyValue.Clear(); } else { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; break; } }
lefts.EndEnum(); }
return hr; }
// Function: CBinding::MakeString
// Turn the bindingproperty value into a string suitable for using
// in a wql where clause.
HRESULT CBinding::MakeString(VARIANT *pvValue, CHString &sTemp) { bool bIsString = V_VT(pvValue) == VT_BSTR; HRESULT hr = VariantChangeType( pvValue, pvValue, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_BSTR );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // If the original type was string, we need to escape quotes
// and backslashes, and put double quotes around it.
if (bIsString) { CHString sTemp2; EscapeCharacters(V_BSTR(pvValue), sTemp2);
sTemp.Format(L"\"%s\"", (LPCWSTR)sTemp2); } else { sTemp = V_BSTR(pvValue); } }
return hr; }
// Function: CBinding::IsInList
// See whether a given string already exists in a chstring array.
DWORD CBinding::IsInList( const CHStringArray &csaArray, LPCWSTR pwszValue ) { DWORD dwSize = csaArray.GetSize();
for (DWORD x=0; x < dwSize; x++) { // Note this is a CASE INSENSITIVE compare
if (_wcsicmp(csaArray[x], pwszValue) == 0) { return x; } }
return -1; }
// Function: CBinding::CompareVariantsNoCase
// Compare two variants to see if they are the same.
bool CBinding::CompareVariantsNoCase(const VARIANT *v1, const VARIANT *v2) { if (v1->vt == v2->vt) { switch (v1->vt) { case VT_NULL: return false; case VT_BOOL: return (v1->boolVal == v2->boolVal); case VT_UI1: return (v1->bVal == v2->bVal); case VT_I2: return (v1->iVal == v2->iVal); case VT_I4: return (v1->lVal == v2->lVal); case VT_R4: return (v1->fltVal == v2->fltVal); case VT_R8: return (v1->dblVal == v2->dblVal); case VT_BSTR: { if ( (v1->bstrVal == v2->bstrVal) || // deal with both being NULL
(0 == _wcsicmp(v1->bstrVal, v2->bstrVal)) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } default: { // Should never get here
} } }
return false; }
// Function: CBinding::EscapeBackslashes
// Prefix " and \ characters with an additional \
VOID CBinding::EscapeCharacters(LPCWSTR wszIn, CHString& chstrOut) { CHString chstrCpyNormPathname(wszIn); LONG lNext = -1L; chstrOut.Empty();
// Find the next character to escape
while( (lNext = chstrCpyNormPathname.FindOneOf(L"\"\\") ) != -1) { // Add on to the new string we are building:
chstrOut += chstrCpyNormPathname.Left(lNext + 1); // Add on the second backslash:
chstrOut += _T('\\'); // Hack off from the input string the portion we just copied
chstrCpyNormPathname = chstrCpyNormPathname.Right(chstrCpyNormPathname.GetLength() - lNext - 1); }
// If the last character wasn't a '\', there may still be leftovers, so
// copy them here.
if(chstrCpyNormPathname.GetLength() != 0) { chstrOut += chstrCpyNormPathname; } }