// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <assertbreak.h>
#include "poormansresource.h"
#include "resourcedesc.h"
#include "irqdesc.h"
#include <regstr.h>
#include "refptr.h"
#include "cfgmgrdevice.h"
#include "irqdesc.h"
#include "iodesc.h" // don't need this yet
#include "devdesc.h" // don't need this yet
#include "dmadesc.h"
#include <cregcls.h>
#include "nt4svctoresmap.h"
#include "chwres.h"
#include "configmgrapi.h"
#include <map>
// The Map we will use below is an STL Template, so make sure we have the std namespace
// available to us.
using namespace std;
typedef ULONG (WINAPI *CIM16GetConfigManagerStatus)(LPSTR HardwareKey);
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::CConfigMgrDevice
// Class Constructor.
// Inputs: LPCTSTR pszConfigMgrName - Name of device in config
// manager (HKEY_DYN_DATA\Config Manager\Enum
// subkey).
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
CConfigMgrDevice::CConfigMgrDevice( LPCWSTR pszConfigMgrName,DWORD dwTypeToGet ) : CRefPtrLite(), m_strConfigMgrName( pszConfigMgrName ), m_strHardwareKey(), m_strDeviceDesc(), m_pbAllocationData( NULL ), m_dwSizeAllocationData( 0 ) { m_dwTypeToGet = dwTypeToGet; GetConfigMgrInfo(); GetDeviceInfo();
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::CConfigMgrDevice
// Class Constructor.
// Inputs: DEVNODE m_dn - Device Node from tree
// DWORD dwResType - Resource Types to Enum
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
CConfigMgrDevice::CConfigMgrDevice( DEVNODE dn, DWORD dwResType /*=ResType_All*/ ) : CRefPtrLite(), m_strConfigMgrName(), m_strHardwareKey(), m_strDeviceDesc(), m_pbAllocationData( NULL ), m_dwSizeAllocationData( 0 ), m_dn( dn ), m_dwTypeToGet( dwResType ) {
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::~CConfigMgrDevice
// Class Destructor.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
CConfigMgrDevice::~CConfigMgrDevice( void ) { if ( NULL != m_pbAllocationData ){ delete [] m_pbAllocationData; m_pbAllocationData = NULL; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This function searches for the configuration manager device name
// based on the
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::MapKeyToConfigMgrDeviceName() { BOOL fRc = FALSE; CRegistrySearch Search; CHPtrArray chsaList; CHString *pPtr;
Search.SearchAndBuildList( _T("Config Manager\\Enum"), chsaList, m_strConfigMgrName, _T("HardWareKey"), VALUE_SEARCH,HKEY_DYN_DATA ); if( chsaList.GetSize() > 0 ){
pPtr = ( CHString *) chsaList.GetAt(0); WCHAR szTmp[50]; szTmp[0] = _T('\0'); swscanf(*pPtr, L"Config Manager\\Enum\\%s", szTmp); m_strConfigMgrName = CHString(szTmp); fRc = TRUE; } Search.FreeSearchList( CSTRING_PTR, chsaList );
return fRc;
#ifdef WIN9XONLY
DWORD CConfigMgrDevice::GetStatusFromConfigManagerDirectly(void) { DWORD dwStatus = 0L; // thunk down to 16-bit to get it
CCim32NetApi *t_pCim32Api = HoldSingleCim32NetPtr::GetCim32NetApiPtr(); if( t_pCim32Api) { dwStatus = (t_pCim32Api->GetWin9XConfigManagerStatus)((char*)(const char*)_bstr_t(m_strHardwareKey)); CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource(g_guidCim32NetApi, t_pCim32Api); t_pCim32Api = NULL; } return dwStatus; } #endif
// This function translates the binary status code from the registry
// into the following values:
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetStatus(CHString & chsStatus) { DWORD dwStatus = 0L; BOOL fRc = FALSE; CRegistry Reg; CHString chsKey = CONFIGMGR_ENUM_KEY+m_strConfigMgrName;
chsStatus = IDS_STATUS_Unknown;
// Do this the old tried and true LEGACY way. Lose this code ASAP!
if ( NULL == m_dn ) { #ifdef WIN9XONLY
{ if( !m_strHardwareKey.IsEmpty() ) { dwStatus = GetStatusFromConfigManagerDirectly(); } } #endif
#ifdef NTONLY
if( !m_strConfigMgrName.IsEmpty()) #endif
{ //===================================================
// Initialize
if( Reg.Open(HKEY_DYN_DATA, chsKey, KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwSize = 4; Reg.GetCurrentBinaryKeyValue(CONFIGMGR_DEVICE_STATUS_VALUE, (BYTE *)&dwStatus, &dwSize); } } } else { // Use the config manager to get the data for us
GetStatus( &dwStatus, NULL ); }
if( dwStatus != 0L ) { fRc = TRUE; //==============================================
// OK, these are wild guesses at translation,
// we may need to fiddle with these
if( dwStatus & DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED || dwStatus & DN_DRIVER_LOADED || dwStatus & DN_ENUM_LOADED || dwStatus & DN_STARTED ){ chsStatus = IDS_STATUS_OK; } // we don't care about these:
if( dwStatus & DN_MOVED || dwStatus & DN_WILL_BE_REMOVED){ chsStatus = IDS_STATUS_Degraded; }
if( dwStatus & DN_HAS_PROBLEM || dwStatus & DN_PRIVATE_PROBLEM){ chsStatus = IDS_STATUS_Error; } } return fRc; }
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetConfigMgrInfo
// Opens the appropriate Config Manager SubKey and loads values from
// there.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: TRUE/FALSE - Did we open the subkey and get the values
// we wanted.
// Comments: Needs to be able to get read access to the registry.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetConfigMgrInfo( void ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
// For this to function correctly, we MUST have a value in
// m_strConfigMgrName.
if ( !m_strConfigMgrName.IsEmpty() ){ HKEY hConfigMgrKey = NULL;
CHString strKeyName( CONFIGMGR_ENUM_KEY );
// Open the config manager key
strKeyName += m_strConfigMgrName; // Don't forget to concat name Sanj, you big dummy
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_DYN_DATA, TOBSTRT(strKeyName), 0, KEY_READ, &hConfigMgrKey ) ) { ON_BLOCK_EXIT ( RegCloseKey, hConfigMgrKey ) ;
// Get our hardware key, status and our resource allocation
if ( GetHardwareKey( hConfigMgrKey ) ) { // Status is device status information from the registry.
if ( GetStatusInfo( hConfigMgrKey ) ) { fReturn = GetResourceAllocation( hConfigMgrKey ); } } }
return FALSE; }
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetHardwareKey
// Gets the Config Manager HardwareKey value.
// Inputs: HKEY Key - Config Manager SubKey to open.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: TRUE/FALSE - Did we get the value.
// Comments: Needs to be able to get read access to the registry.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetHardwareKey( HKEY hKey ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwSizeHardwareKeyName = 0;
// First, get the Hardware key name buffer size.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, CONFIGMGR_DEVICE_HARDWAREKEY_VALUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &dwSizeHardwareKeyName ) ) { m_strHardwareKey = L"";
// We do it this way since CHString no longer changes types with TCHAR
// LPTSTR pszBuffer = m_strHardwareKey.GetBuffer( dwSizeHardwareKeyName );
LPTSTR pszBuffer = new TCHAR[dwSizeHardwareKeyName]; //(LPTSTR) malloc(dwSizeHardwareKeyName * sizeof(TCHAR));
if ( NULL != pszBuffer ) {
try { // Now get the real buffer
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, CONFIGMGR_DEVICE_HARDWAREKEY_VALUE, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE) pszBuffer, &dwSizeHardwareKeyName ) ) { fReturn = TRUE; m_strHardwareKey = pszBuffer; } } catch ( ... ) { delete [] pszBuffer; throw ; }
delete [] pszBuffer; } else { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
} // IF RegQueryValue Ex
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetResourceAllocation
// Gets the Config Manager Device Resource Allocation and fills
// out the resource list as appropriate.
// Inputs: HKEY Key - Config Manager SubKey to open.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: TRUE/FALSE - Did we get the value.
// Comments: Must have read access to the registry.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetResourceAllocation( HKEY hKey ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwSizeAllocation = 0;
// First, get the buffer size.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, CONFIGMGR_DEVICE_ALLOCATION_VALUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &dwSizeAllocation ) ) { // Initialize pbData, using a stack buffer if we can (most of the time
// this will probably suffice).
LPBYTE pbData = new BYTE[dwSizeAllocation]; // Just be safe here.
if ( NULL != pbData ) { // Now get the real buffer
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, CONFIGMGR_DEVICE_ALLOCATION_VALUE, 0, NULL, pbData, &dwSizeAllocation ) ) { m_pbAllocationData = pbData; m_dwSizeAllocationData = dwSizeAllocation; fReturn = TRUE; }
// DON'T delete the data buffer. The object destructor does it.
// delete [] pbData;
else { // MUST delete here though !!!
delete [] pbData; } } else { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
} // IF RegQueryValue Ex
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetStatusInfo
// Gets the Config Manager Device Status and Problem fields.
// Inputs: HKEY Key - Config Manager SubKey to open.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: TRUE/FALSE - Did we get the values.
// Comments: Must have read access to the registry.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetStatusInfo( HKEY hKey ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwBuffSize = sizeof(DWORD);
// First, get the status value, then get the problem value.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, CONFIGMGR_DEVICE_STATUS_VALUET, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE) &m_dwStatus, &dwBuffSize ) ) {
// Now get the problem
dwBuffSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, CONFIGMGR_DEVICE_PROBLEM_VALUE, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE) &m_dwProblem, &dwBuffSize ) ) { fReturn = TRUE; }
} // IF RegQueryValue Ex
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetDeviceInfo
// Uses the HardwareKey value to get further device information.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: TRUE/FALSE - Did we get the value(s).
// Comments: Needs to be able to get read access to the registry.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetDeviceInfo( void ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
// For this to function correctly, we MUST have a value in
// m_strHardwareKey
if ( !m_strHardwareKey.IsEmpty() ) { HKEY hDeviceKey = NULL;
// Open the config manager key
strKeyName += m_strHardwareKey; // Don't forget to concat name Sanj, you big dummy
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TOBSTRT(strKeyName), 0, KEY_READ, &hDeviceKey ) ) { ON_BLOCK_EXIT ( RegCloseKey, hDeviceKey ) ;
fReturn = GetDeviceDesc( hDeviceKey ); }
return FALSE; }
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetDeviceDesc
// Gets the Device Description from the supplied subkey.
// Inputs: HKEY Key - Device SubKey to get info from.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: TRUE/FALSE - Did we get the value.
// Comments: If the value doesn't exist, this is not an error. We'll
// just clear the value.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetDeviceDesc( HKEY hKey ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwSizeDeviceName = 0; LONG lReturn = 0L;
// First, get the DeviceDesc buffer size.
if ( ( lReturn = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, CONFIGMGR_DEVICEDESC_VALUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &dwSizeDeviceName ) ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //LPTSTR pszBuffer = m_strDeviceDesc.GetBuffer( dwSizeDeviceName );
LPTSTR pszBuffer = new TCHAR[dwSizeDeviceName]; //(LPTSTR) malloc(dwSizeDeviceName * sizeof(TCHAR));
m_strDeviceDesc = L""; // Just be safe here.
if ( NULL != pszBuffer ) { try { // Now get the real buffer
if ( ( lReturn = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, CONFIGMGR_DEVICEDESC_VALUE, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE) pszBuffer, &dwSizeDeviceName ) ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { fReturn = TRUE; m_strDeviceDesc = pszBuffer; } else { fReturn = ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == lReturn ); } } catch ( ... ) { delete [] pszBuffer; throw ; }
//m_strDeviceDesc.ReleaseBuffer(); // Resets to string size
delete [] pszBuffer; } else { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
} // IF RegQueryValue Ex
else { fReturn = ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == lReturn ); }
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetIRQResources
// Walks the device's allocated resource configuration and fills out
// an IRQ collection with IRQ Resources for this device.
// Inputs: CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap - For NT 4.
// Outputs: CIRQCollection& irqList - List to populate
// Return: TRUE/FALSE Error occured or not (empty list
// is NOT an error).
// Comments: Requires READ Access to the data.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetIRQResources( CIRQCollection& irqList, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap *pResourceMap ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; CResourceCollection resourceList;
// Clear the irq list first
// Populate the resource list first, specifying only IRQ resources, then we will
// need to Dup the data into the irq list. If we go to an AddRef/Release model, we
// will be able to copy pointers directly, saving time by not forcing us to
// alloc and realloc data.
if ( WalkAllocatedResources( resourceList, pResourceMap, ResType_IRQ ) ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos;
if ( resourceList.BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
CResourceDescriptorPtr pResource;
// Check each resource, validating it is an IRQ before we cast. Because
// the call to Walk should have filtered for us, these should be the
// only resources returned.
for ( pResource.Attach(resourceList.GetNext( pos )) ; pResource != NULL && fReturn ; pResource.Attach(resourceList.GetNext( pos )) ) { ASSERT_BREAK( pResource->GetResourceType() == ResType_IRQ );
if ( pResource->GetResourceType() == ResType_IRQ ) {
// Cast the resource (we know the type) and add it to the
// supplied list and we're done. (Ain't AddRef/Release easy?).
CIRQDescriptor* pIRQ = (CIRQDescriptor*) pResource.GetInterfacePtr(); irqList.Add( pIRQ );
} // IF an IRQ Resource
} // WHILE retrieving descriptors
} // BeginEnum
} // IF walked list
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetIOResources
// Walks the device's allocated resource configuration and fills out
// an IO collection with IO Resources for this device.
// Inputs: CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap - For NT 4.
// Outputs: CIOCollection& IOList - List to populate
// Return: TRUE/FALSE Error occured or not (empty list
// is NOT an error).
// Comments: Requires READ Access to the data.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetIOResources( CIOCollection& IOList, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap *pResourceMap ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; CResourceCollection resourceList;
// Clear the IO list first
// Populate the resource list first, specifying only IO resources, then we will
// need to Dup the data into the IO list. If we go to an AddRef/Release model, we
// will be able to copy pointers directly, saving time by not forcing us to
// alloc and realloc data.
if ( WalkAllocatedResources( resourceList, pResourceMap, ResType_IO ) ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos;
if ( resourceList.BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
CResourceDescriptorPtr pResource;
// Check each resource, validating it is an IO before we cast. Because
// the call to Walk should have filtered for us, these should be the
// only resources returned.
for ( pResource.Attach(resourceList.GetNext( pos )) ; pResource != NULL && fReturn ; pResource.Attach(resourceList.GetNext( pos )) ) { ASSERT_BREAK( pResource->GetResourceType() == ResType_IO );
if ( pResource->GetResourceType() == ResType_IO ) { // Cast the resource (we know the type) and add it to the
// supplied list and we're done. (Ain't AddRef/Release easy?).
CIODescriptor* pIO = (CIODescriptor*) pResource.GetInterfacePtr(); IOList.Add( pIO );
} // IF an IO Resource
} // WHILE retrieving descriptors
} // BeginEnum()
} // IF walked list
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetDMAResources
// Walks the device's allocated resource configuration and fills out
// an DMA collection with DMA Resources for this device.
// Inputs: CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap - For NT 4.
// Outputs: CDMACollection& DMAList - List to populate
// Return: TRUE/FALSE Error occured or not (empty list
// is NOT an error).
// Comments: Requires READ Access to the data.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetDMAResources( CDMACollection& DMAList, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap *pResourceMap ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; CResourceCollection resourceList;
// Clear the DMA list first
// Populate the resource list first, specifying only DMA resources, then we will
// need to Dup the data into the DMA list. If we go to an AddRef/Release model, we
// will be able to copy pointers directly, saving time by not forcing us to
// alloc and realloc data.
if ( WalkAllocatedResources( resourceList, pResourceMap, ResType_DMA ) ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos;
if ( resourceList.BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
CResourceDescriptorPtr pResource;
// Check each resource, validating it is an DMA before we cast. Because
// the call to Walk should have filtered for us, these should be the
// only resources returned.
for ( pResource.Attach(resourceList.GetNext( pos )) ; pResource != NULL && fReturn ; pResource.Attach(resourceList.GetNext( pos )) ) { ASSERT_BREAK( pResource->GetResourceType() == ResType_DMA );
if ( pResource->GetResourceType() == ResType_DMA ) {
// Cast the resource (we know the type) and add it to the
// supplied list and we're done. (Ain't AddRef/Release easy?).
CDMADescriptor* pDMA = (CDMADescriptor*) pResource.GetInterfacePtr(); DMAList.Add( pDMA );
} // IF an DMA Resource
} // WHILE retrieving descriptors
} // BeginEnum
} // IF walked list
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetDeviceMemoryResources
// Walks the device's allocated resource configuration and fills out
// an DeviceMemory collection with DeviceMemory Resources for this device.
// Inputs: CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap - For NT 4.
// Outputs: CDeviceMemoryCollection& DeviceMemoryList - List to populate
// Return: TRUE/FALSE Error occured or not (empty list
// is NOT an error).
// Comments: Requires READ Access to the data.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetDeviceMemoryResources( CDeviceMemoryCollection& DeviceMemoryList, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap *pResourceMap ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; CResourceCollection resourceList;
// Clear the DeviceMemory list first
// Populate the resource list first, specifying only DeviceMemory resources, then we will
// need to Dup the data into the DeviceMemory list. If we go to an AddRef/Release model, we
// will be able to copy pointers directly, saving time by not forcing us to
// alloc and realloc data.
if ( WalkAllocatedResources( resourceList, pResourceMap, ResType_Mem ) ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos;
if ( resourceList.BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
CResourceDescriptorPtr pResource;
// Check each resource, validating it is an DeviceMemory before we cast. Because
// the call to Walk should have filtered for us, these should be the
// only resources returned.
for ( pResource.Attach(resourceList.GetNext( pos )) ; pResource != NULL && fReturn ; pResource.Attach(resourceList.GetNext( pos )) ) { ASSERT_BREAK( pResource->GetResourceType() == ResType_Mem );
if ( pResource->GetResourceType() == ResType_Mem ) { // Cast the resource (we know the type) and add it to the
// supplied list and we're done. (Ain't AddRef/Release easy?).
CDeviceMemoryDescriptor* pDeviceMemory = (CDeviceMemoryDescriptor*) pResource.GetInterfacePtr();; DeviceMemoryList.Add( pDeviceMemory );
} // IF an DeviceMemory Resource
} // WHILE retrieving descriptors
} // BeginEnum
} // IF walked list
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::WalkAllocatedResources
// Walks the device's allocated resource configuration and fills out
// a resource collection with the appropriate data.
// Inputs: RESOURCEID resType - Types of resources
// to return.
// CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap - For NT 4.
// Outputs: CResourceCollection& resourceList - List to populate
// Return: TRUE/FALSE List found or not.
// Comments: Requires READ Access to the data.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::WalkAllocatedResources( CResourceCollection& resourceList, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap *pResourceMap, RESOURCEID resType ) { LOG_CONF LogConfig; RES_DES ResDes; CONFIGRET cr; BOOL fReturn = FALSE ;
// Dump the resource list first
// If we're on NT 4, we gotta march to the beat of a different
// drummer.
#ifdef NTONLY
if ( IsWinNT4() ) { // Convert Resource Type from RESOURCEID to CM_RESOURCE_TYPE
fReturn = WalkAllocatedResourcesNT4( resourceList, pResourceMap, RESOURCEIDToCM_RESOURCE_TYPE( resType ) ); } else #endif
{ CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) { #ifdef NTONLY
BOOL fIsNT5 = IsWinNT5(); #endif
// Get the allocated Logical Configuration. From there, we can iterate resource descriptors
// until we find an IRQ Descriptor.
if ( (
pconfigmgr->CM_Get_First_Log_Conf( &LogConfig, m_dn, ALLOC_LOG_CONF ) == CR_SUCCESS || pconfigmgr->CM_Get_First_Log_Conf( &LogConfig, m_dn, BOOT_LOG_CONF ) == CR_SUCCESS ) ) { cr = CR_SUCCESS ;
// To get the first Resource Descriptor, we pass in the logical configuration.
// The config manager knows how to handle this (or at least that's what the
// ahem-"documentation" sez.
RES_DES LastResDes = LogConfig;
do {
// Get only resources of the type we were made to retrieve
cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_Next_Res_Des( &ResDes, LastResDes, resType, &resID, 0 );
// Clean up the prior resource descriptor handle
if ( LastResDes != LogConfig ) { pconfigmgr->CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle( LastResDes ); }
if ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ) {
// CAUTION! On NT5, if we are doing a resource Type that is NOT ResType_All,
// the OS does not appear to fill out ResID. I guess the assumption being
// that we already know the resource type we are trying to get. HOWEVER,
// if any bits like ResType_Ignored are set, NT 5 appears to be smartly
// dropping those resources, so we'll just set resID here as if the
// call on NT 5 had done anything.
#ifdef NTONLY
if ( ResType_All != resType && fIsNT5 ) { resID = resType; } #endif
ULONG ulDataSize = 0;
if ( CR_SUCCESS == ( cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size( &ulDataSize, ResDes, 0 ) ) ) { ulDataSize += 10; // Pad for 10 bytes of safety
BYTE* pbData = new BYTE[ulDataSize];
if ( NULL != pbData ) { try { cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_Res_Des_Data( ResDes, pbData, ulDataSize, 0 );
if ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ) { if ( !AddResourceToList( resID, pbData, ulDataSize, resourceList ) ) { cr = CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } } catch ( ... ) { delete [] pbData; throw ; }
// We're done with the data
delete [] pbData;
} // IF NULL != pbData
else { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
} // IF Get Data Size
// Store the last descriptor, so we can go on to the next one.
LastResDes = ResDes;
} // If we got a descriptor
} while ( CR_SUCCESS == cr );
// If we blew out on this, we're okay, since the error means we ran out of
// resource descriptors.
if ( CR_NO_MORE_RES_DES == cr ) { cr = CR_SUCCESS; }
// Clean up the logical configuration handle
pconfigmgr->CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle( LogConfig ); } // IF got alloc logconf
fReturn = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } } // else !NT 4
return fReturn; }
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::AddResourceToList
// Copies resource data as necessary, coercing from 16 to 32 bit as
// necessary, then adds the resource to the supplied list.
// Inputs: RESOURCEID resourceID - What resource is this?
// LPVOID pResource - The resource
// DWORD dwResourceLength - How long is it?
// Outputs: CResourceCollection& resourceList - List to populate
// Return: TRUE/FALSE Add succeeded or failed.
// Comments: None.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::AddResourceToList( RESOURCEID resourceID, LPVOID pResource, DWORD dwResourceLength, CResourceCollection& resourceList ) { IRQ_DES irqDes; IOWBEM_DES ioDes; DMA_DES dmaDes; MEM_DES memDes;
// Don't know if Config Manager will return a resource ignored value,
// so what we'll do here is check if the ignored bit is set, and for
// now, ASSERT
//ASSERT_BREAK( !(resourceID & ResType_Ignored_Bit) );
// Filter out extraneous bits
// Hey, I'm an optimist
BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// Different structures for 32/16 bit CFGMGR, so if
// we ain't on WINNT, we need to coerce the data into
// a proper structure.
#ifdef WIN9XONLY
{ // We have to cheat here and coerce the data from a 16-bit
// structure into a matching 32-bit structure.
switch ( resType ) { case ResType_IRQ: { IRQDes16To32( (PIRQ_DES16) pResource, &irqDes ); } break;
case ResType_IO: { IODes16To32( (PIO_DES16) pResource, &ioDes ); } break;
case ResType_DMA: { DMADes16To32( (PDMA_DES16) pResource, &dmaDes ); } break;
case ResType_Mem: { MEMDes16To32( (PMEM_DES16) pResource, &memDes ); } break;
} // switch ResourceID
} // IF !IsWinNT
#ifdef NTONLY
{ // Just copy the resource data into the appropriate descriptor
switch ( resType ) { case ResType_IRQ: { CopyMemory( &irqDes, pResource, sizeof(IRQ_DES) ); } break;
case ResType_IO: { // Because 16-bit has values 32-bit does not, we cheated and came up with our
// own structure. 32-bit values are at the top, so zero out the struct and
// trhe other values will just be ignored...yeah, that's the ticket.
ZeroMemory( &ioDes, sizeof(ioDes) ); CopyMemory( &ioDes, pResource, sizeof(IO_DES) ); } break;
case ResType_DMA: { CopyMemory( &dmaDes, pResource, sizeof(DMA_DES) ); } break;
case ResType_Mem: { CopyMemory( &memDes, pResource, sizeof(MEM_DES) ); } break;
} // SWITCH ResourceId
} // else IsWinNT
CResourceDescriptorPtr pResourceDescriptor;
// Just copy the resource data into the appropriate descriptor
bool bAdd = true;
switch ( resType ) { case ResType_IRQ: { pResourceDescriptor.Attach( (CResourceDescriptor*) new CIRQDescriptor( resourceID, irqDes, this ) ); } break;
case ResType_IO: { bAdd = (ioDes).IOD_Alloc_End >= (ioDes).IOD_Alloc_Base; pResourceDescriptor.Attach ( (CResourceDescriptor*) new CIODescriptor( resourceID, ioDes, this ) ); } break;
case ResType_DMA: { pResourceDescriptor.Attach ( (CResourceDescriptor*) new CDMADescriptor( resourceID, dmaDes, this ) ); } break;
case ResType_Mem: { pResourceDescriptor.Attach ( (CResourceDescriptor*) new CDeviceMemoryDescriptor( resourceID, memDes, this ) ); } break;
default: { // We don't know what it is, but make a raw one anyway
pResourceDescriptor.Attach ( new CResourceDescriptor( resourceID, pResource, dwResourceLength, this ) ); } break;
} // SWITCH ResourceId
if (bAdd) { if ( NULL != pResourceDescriptor ) { fReturn = resourceList.Add( pResourceDescriptor ); } else { fReturn = FALSE; } } else { fReturn = TRUE; }
return fReturn;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::WalkAllocatedResourcesNT4
// Because none of the logical configuration stuff in NT4 seems to
// work worth a darn, we're gonna manhandle our own data from the
// registry data under HKLM\HARDWARE\RESOURCEMAP.
// Inputs: CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap - Resource map
// to use for the walk. We create
// one if this is NULL.
// CM_RESOURCE_TYPE resType - Resource Types to return.
// Outputs: CResourceCollection& resourceList - List to populate
// Return: TRUE/FALSE List found or not.
// Comments: Requires READ Access to the data.
#ifdef NTONLY
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::WalkAllocatedResourcesNT4( CResourceCollection& resourceList, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap *pResourceMap, CM_RESOURCE_TYPE resType ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; CHString strServiceName;
// Allocate a map if we need one. Otherwise use the one passed in that somebody
// theoretically has cached off somewhere.
CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pLocalMap = pResourceMap;
if ( NULL == pLocalMap ) { pLocalMap = new CNT4ServiceToResourceMap; }
if ( NULL != pLocalMap ) {
try { // Get our service name. If this succeeds, pull our resources from the reource map
if ( GetService( strServiceName ) ) { fReturn = GetServiceResourcesNT4( strServiceName, *pLocalMap, resourceList, resType ); } } catch ( ... ) { if ( pLocalMap != pResourceMap ) { delete pLocalMap; } throw ; }
// Clean up the local map if we allocated one
if ( pLocalMap != pResourceMap ) { delete pLocalMap; } } else { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
return fReturn; } #endif
#ifdef NTONLY
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetServiceResourcesNT4( LPCTSTR pszServiceName, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap& resourceMap, CResourceCollection& resourceList, CM_RESOURCE_TYPE cmrtFilter/*=CmResourceTypeNull*/ ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; LPRESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pResourceDescriptor;
// Iterate the resources, looking for matches against values we may be filtering
// for.
DWORD dwNumResources = resourceMap.NumServiceResources( pszServiceName );
for ( DWORD dwCtr = 0; dwCtr < dwNumResources && fReturn; dwCtr++ ) { pResourceDescriptor = resourceMap.GetServiceResource( pszServiceName, dwCtr );
// Grab the resource if it's our filter, or our filter is NULL, meaning grab everything
if ( NULL != pResourceDescriptor && ( CmResourceTypeNull == cmrtFilter || cmrtFilter == pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.Type ) ) { CResourceDescriptorPtr pResource;
// Perform appropriate type coercsions, and hook the resource into the resource
/// list.
switch ( pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.Type ) { case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: { IRQ_DES irqDes; NT4IRQToIRQ_DES( pResourceDescriptor, &irqDes ); pResource.Attach(new CIRQDescriptor( ResType_IRQ, irqDes, this ) ); } break;
case CmResourceTypePort: { IOWBEM_DES ioDes; NT4IOToIOWBEM_DES( pResourceDescriptor, &ioDes ); pResource.Attach(new CIODescriptor( ResType_IO, ioDes, this ) ); } break;
case CmResourceTypeMemory: { MEM_DES memDes; NT4MEMToMEM_DES( pResourceDescriptor, &memDes ); pResource.Attach(new CDeviceMemoryDescriptor( ResType_Mem, memDes, this )); } break;
case CmResourceTypeDma: { DMA_DES dmaDes; NT4DMAToDMA_DES( pResourceDescriptor, &dmaDes ); pResource.Attach(new CDMADescriptor( ResType_DMA, dmaDes, this )); } break;
// If it ain't one of these four, there ain't a whole heck of a
// lot we're gonna do here
if ( NULL != pResource ) { fReturn = resourceList.Add( pResource ); } else { // We beefed on a simple memory allocation. Get out of here.
throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
} // IF resource was one we wanted to handle
} // FOR enum resources
return fReturn; } #endif
#ifdef NTONLY
CM_RESOURCE_TYPE CConfigMgrDevice::RESOURCEIDToCM_RESOURCE_TYPE( RESOURCEID resType ) { CM_RESOURCE_TYPE cmResType = CmResourceTypeNull; switch ( resType ) { case ResType_All: cmResType = CmResourceTypeNull; break; case ResType_IO: cmResType = CmResourceTypePort; break; case ResType_IRQ: cmResType = CmResourceTypeInterrupt; break; case ResType_DMA: cmResType = CmResourceTypeDma; break; case ResType_Mem: cmResType = CmResourceTypeMemory; break; default: cmResType = CmResourceTypeNull; break; }
return cmResType; } #endif
#ifdef NTONLY
void CConfigMgrDevice::NT4IRQToIRQ_DES( LPRESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pResourceDescriptor, PIRQ_DES pirqDes32 ) { ZeroMemory( pirqDes32, sizeof(IRQ_DES) );
// 32-bit structure
//typedef struct IRQ_Des_s {
// DWORD IRQD_Count; // number of IRQ_RANGE structs in IRQ_RESOURCE
// DWORD IRQD_Type; // size (in bytes) of IRQ_RANGE (IRQType_Range)
// DWORD IRQD_Flags; // flags describing the IRQ (fIRQD flags)
// ULONG IRQD_Alloc_Num; // specifies the IRQ that was allocated
// ULONG IRQD_Affinity;
pirqDes32->IRQD_Alloc_Num = pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Interrupt.Level; pirqDes32->IRQD_Affinity = pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Interrupt.Affinity;
// We'll do our best on the flags conversion.
if ( CmResourceShareShared == pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.ShareDisposition ) { pirqDes32->IRQD_Flags |= fIRQD_Share; }
// Latched -> Edge? Have no idea, the other value in either case was Level,
// so here's a leap of faith.
if ( pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.Flags & CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED ) { pirqDes32->IRQD_Flags |= fIRQD_Edge; }
} #endif
#ifdef NTONLY
void CConfigMgrDevice::NT4IOToIOWBEM_DES( LPRESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pResourceDescriptor, PIOWBEM_DES pioDes32 ) { ZeroMemory( pioDes32, sizeof(IOWBEM_DES) );
// 32-bit structure
//typedef struct _IOWBEM_DES{
// DWORD IOD_Count; // number of IO_RANGE structs in IO_RESOURCE
// DWORD IOD_Type; // size (in bytes) of IO_RANGE (IOType_Range)
// DWORDLONG IOD_Alloc_Base; // base of allocated port range
// DWORDLONG IOD_Alloc_End; // end of allocated port range
// DWORD IOD_DesFlags; // flags relating to allocated port range
// BYTE IOD_Alloc_Alias; // From 16-bit-land
// BYTE IOD_Alloc_Decode; // From 16-bit-land
LARGE_INTEGER liTemp; // Used to avoid 64bit alignment problems
liTemp.HighPart = pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Port.Start.HighPart; liTemp.LowPart = pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Port.Start.LowPart;
pioDes32->IOD_Alloc_Base = liTemp.QuadPart; pioDes32->IOD_Alloc_End = pioDes32->IOD_Alloc_Base + ( pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Port.Length - 1);
// Don't know what to do with Share disposition here, since CFGMGR32 doesn't seem to
// do it for IO Ports.
//if ( CmResourceShareShared == pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.ShareDisposition )
// pioDes32->IOD_Flags |= fIRQD_Share;
// Port Type flags convert straight across
//#define fIOD_PortType (0x1) // Bitmask,whether port is IO or memory
//#define fIOD_Memory (0x0) // Port resource really uses memory
//#define fIOD_IO (0x1) // Port resource uses IO ports
pioDes32->IOD_DesFlags = pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.Flags;
} #endif
#ifdef NTONLY
void CConfigMgrDevice::NT4MEMToMEM_DES( LPRESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pResourceDescriptor, PMEM_DES pmemDes32 ) { ZeroMemory( pmemDes32, sizeof(MEM_DES) );
// 32-bit structure
//typedef struct Mem_Des_s {
// DWORD MD_Count; // number of MEM_RANGE structs in MEM_RESOURCE
// DWORD MD_Type; // size (in bytes) of MEM_RANGE (MType_Range)
// DWORDLONG MD_Alloc_Base; // base memory address of range allocated
// DWORDLONG MD_Alloc_End; // end of allocated range
// DWORD MD_Flags; // flags describing allocated range (fMD flags)
// DWORD MD_Reserved;
LARGE_INTEGER liTemp; // Used to avoid 64bit alignment problems
liTemp.HighPart = pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Memory.Start.HighPart; liTemp.LowPart = pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Memory.Start.LowPart;
pmemDes32->MD_Alloc_Base = liTemp.QuadPart; pmemDes32->MD_Alloc_End = pmemDes32->MD_Alloc_Base + ( pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Memory.Length - 1);
// Don't know what to do with Share disposition here, since CFGMGR32 doesn't seem to
// do it for IO Ports.
//if ( CmResourceShareShared == pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.ShareDisposition )
// pioDes32->MD_Flags |= fIRQD_Share;
// Flag conversions I can do
if ( pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.Flags & CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_READ_WRITE ) { pmemDes32->MD_Flags |= fMD_RAM; pmemDes32->MD_Flags |= fMD_ReadAllowed; } else if ( pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.Flags & CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_READ_ONLY ) { pmemDes32->MD_Flags |= fMD_ROM; pmemDes32->MD_Flags |= fMD_ReadAllowed; } else if ( pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.Flags & CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_WRITE_ONLY ) { pmemDes32->MD_Flags |= fMD_RAM; pmemDes32->MD_Flags |= fMD_ReadDisallowed; }
if ( pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.Flags & CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_PREFETCHABLE ) { pmemDes32->MD_Flags |= fMD_PrefetchAllowed; }
// Don't know what to do with these flags:
//#define mMD_32_24 (0x2) // Bitmask, memory is 24 or 32-bit
//#define fMD_32_24 mMD_32_24 // compatibility
//#define fMD_24 (0x0) // Memory range is 24-bit
//#define fMD_32 (0x2) // Memory range is 32-bit
//#define mMD_CombinedWrite (0x10) // Bitmask,supports write-behind
//#define fMD_CombinedWrite mMD_CombinedWrite // compatibility
//#define fMD_CombinedWriteDisallowed (0x0) // no combined-write caching
//#define fMD_CombinedWriteAllowed (0x10) // supports combined-write caching
//#define mMD_Cacheable (0x20) // Bitmask,whether memory is cacheable
//#define fMD_NonCacheable (0x0) // Memory range is non-cacheable
//#define fMD_Cacheable (0x20) // Memory range is cacheable
} #endif
#ifdef NTONLY
void CConfigMgrDevice::NT4DMAToDMA_DES( LPRESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pResourceDescriptor, PDMA_DES pdmaDes32 ) { ZeroMemory( pdmaDes32, sizeof(DMA_DES) );
// 32-bit structure
//typedef struct DMA_Des_s {
// DWORD DD_Count; // number of DMA_RANGE structs in DMA_RESOURCE
// DWORD DD_Type; // size (in bytes) of DMA_RANGE struct (DType_Range)
// DWORD DD_Flags; // Flags describing DMA channel (fDD flags)
// ULONG DD_Alloc_Chan; // Specifies the DMA channel that was allocated
pdmaDes32->DD_Alloc_Chan = pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.u.Dma.Channel;
// Don't know what to do with Share disposition here, since CFGMGR32 doesn't seem to
// do it for IO Ports.
//if ( CmResourceShareShared == pResourceDescriptor->CmResourceDescriptor.ShareDisposition )
// pioDes32->MD_Flags |= fIRQD_Share;
// These are possible flags for DMA, but I don't see any values from the
// CHWRES.H file which make a sensible conversion to these values.
// Define the attribute flags for a DMA resource range. Each bit flag is
// identified with a constant bitmask. Following the bitmask definition
// are the possible values.
//#define mDD_Width (0x3) // Bitmask, width of the DMA channel:
//#define fDD_BYTE (0x0) // 8-bit DMA channel
//#define fDD_WORD (0x1) // 16-bit DMA channel
//#define fDD_DWORD (0x2) // 32-bit DMA channel
//#define fDD_BYTE_AND_WORD (0x3) // 8-bit and 16-bit DMA channel
//#define mDD_BusMaster (0x4) // Bitmask, whether bus mastering is supported
//#define fDD_NoBusMaster (0x0) // no bus mastering
//#define fDD_BusMaster (0x4) // bus mastering
//#define mDD_Type (0x18) // Bitmask, specifies type of DMA
//#define fDD_TypeStandard (0x00) // standard DMA
//#define fDD_TypeA (0x08) // Type-A DMA
//#define fDD_TypeB (0x10) // Type-B DMA
//#define fDD_TypeF (0x18) // Type-F DMA
} #endif
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::IRQDes16To32
// Coerces data from a 16-bit structure into a 32-bit structure.
// Inputs: PIRQ_DES16 pirqDes16 - 16-bit structure
// Outputs: PIRQ_DES pirqDes32 - 32-bit structure
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
void CConfigMgrDevice::IRQDes16To32( PIRQ_DES16 pirqDes16, PIRQ_DES pirqDes32 ) { ZeroMemory( pirqDes32, sizeof(IRQ_DES) );
// 16-bit Structure
//struct IRQ_Des_s {
// WORD IRQD_Flags;
// WORD IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number
// WORD IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs
// WORD IRQD_Reserved;
// 32-bit structure
//typedef struct IRQ_Des_s {
// DWORD IRQD_Count; // number of IRQ_RANGE structs in IRQ_RESOURCE
// DWORD IRQD_Type; // size (in bytes) of IRQ_RANGE (IRQType_Range)
// DWORD IRQD_Flags; // flags describing the IRQ (fIRQD flags)
// ULONG IRQD_Alloc_Num; // specifies the IRQ that was allocated
// ULONG IRQD_Affinity;
pirqDes32->IRQD_Alloc_Num = pirqDes16->IRQD_Alloc_Num; pirqDes32->IRQD_Flags = pirqDes16->IRQD_Flags;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::IODes16To32
// Coerces data from a 16-bit structure into a 32-bit structure.
// Inputs: PIO_DES16 pioDes16 - 16-bit structure
// Outputs: PIOWBEM_DES pioDes32 - 32-bit structure
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
void CConfigMgrDevice::IODes16To32( PIO_DES16 pioDes16, PIOWBEM_DES pioDes32 ) { ZeroMemory( pioDes32, sizeof(IOWBEM_DES) );
// 16-bit structure
//struct IO_Des_s {
// WORD IOD_Count;
// WORD IOD_Type;
// WORD IOD_Alloc_Base;
// WORD IOD_Alloc_End;
// WORD IOD_DesFlags;
// BYTE IOD_Alloc_Alias;
// BYTE IOD_Alloc_Decode;
// 32-bit Structure
//typedef struct _IOWBEM_DES{
// DWORD IOD_Count; // number of IO_RANGE structs in IO_RESOURCE
// DWORD IOD_Type; // size (in bytes) of IO_RANGE (IOType_Range)
// DWORDLONG IOD_Alloc_Base; // base of allocated port range
// DWORDLONG IOD_Alloc_End; // end of allocated port range
// DWORD IOD_DesFlags; // flags relating to allocated port range
// BYTE IOD_Alloc_Alias; // From 16-bit-land
// BYTE IOD_Alloc_Decode; // From 16-bit-land
pioDes32->IOD_Count = pioDes16->IOD_Count; pioDes32->IOD_Type = pioDes16->IOD_Type; pioDes32->IOD_Alloc_Base = pioDes16->IOD_Alloc_Base; pioDes32->IOD_Alloc_End = pioDes16->IOD_Alloc_End; pioDes32->IOD_DesFlags = pioDes16->IOD_DesFlags; pioDes32->IOD_Alloc_Alias = pioDes16->IOD_Alloc_Alias; pioDes32->IOD_Alloc_Decode = pioDes16->IOD_Alloc_Decode;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::DMADes16To32
// Coerces data from a 16-bit structure into a 32-bit structure.
// Inputs: PDMA_DES16 pdmaDes16 - 16-bit structure
// Outputs: PDMA_DES pdmaDes32 - 32-bit structure
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
void CConfigMgrDevice::DMADes16To32( PDMA_DES16 pdmaDes16, PDMA_DES pdmaDes32 ) { ZeroMemory( pdmaDes32, sizeof(DMA_DES) );
// 16-bit structure
//struct DMA_Des_s {
// BYTE DD_Flags;
// BYTE DD_Alloc_Chan; // Channel number allocated
// BYTE DD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible channels
// BYTE DD_Reserved;
// 32-bit structure
//typedef struct DMA_Des_s {
// DWORD DD_Count; // number of DMA_RANGE structs in DMA_RESOURCE
// DWORD DD_Type; // size (in bytes) of DMA_RANGE struct (DType_Range)
// DWORD DD_Flags; // Flags describing DMA channel (fDD flags)
// ULONG DD_Alloc_Chan; // Specifies the DMA channel that was allocated
pdmaDes32->DD_Flags = pdmaDes16->DD_Flags; pdmaDes32->DD_Alloc_Chan = pdmaDes16->DD_Alloc_Chan;
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::MEMDes16To32
// Coerces data from a 16-bit structure into a 32-bit structure.
// Inputs: PMEM_DES16 pmemDes16 - 16-bit structure
// Outputs: PMEM_DES pmemDes32 - 32-bit structure
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
void CConfigMgrDevice::MEMDes16To32( PMEM_DES16 pmemDes16, PMEM_DES pmemDes32 ) { ZeroMemory( pmemDes32, sizeof(MEM_DES) );
// 16-bit Structure
//struct Mem_Des_s {
// WORD MD_Count;
// WORD MD_Type;
// ULONG MD_Alloc_Base;
// ULONG MD_Alloc_End;
// WORD MD_Flags;
// WORD MD_Reserved;
// 32-bit Structure
//typedef struct Mem_Des_s {
// DWORD MD_Count; // number of MEM_RANGE structs in MEM_RESOURCE
// DWORD MD_Type; // size (in bytes) of MEM_RANGE (MType_Range)
// DWORDLONG MD_Alloc_Base; // base memory address of range allocated
// DWORDLONG MD_Alloc_End; // end of allocated range
// DWORD MD_Flags; // flags describing allocated range (fMD flags)
// DWORD MD_Reserved;
pmemDes32->MD_Count = pmemDes16->MD_Count; pmemDes32->MD_Type = pmemDes16->MD_Type; pmemDes32->MD_Alloc_Base = pmemDes16->MD_Alloc_Base; pmemDes32->MD_Alloc_End = pmemDes16->MD_Alloc_End; pmemDes32->MD_Flags = pmemDes16->MD_Flags; }
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::TraverseAllocationData
// Traverses a block of data in order to determine
// resource allocations for a particular device.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: CResourceCollection& resourceList - List to populate
// Return: None.
// Comments: Requires READ Access to the data.
void CConfigMgrDevice::TraverseAllocationData( CResourceCollection& resourceList ) { const BYTE * pbTraverseData = m_pbAllocationData; DWORD dwSizeRemainingData = m_dwSizeAllocationData, dwResourceType = ResType_None, dwResourceSize = 0;
// Clear the resource list first
// OWCH! The first hack. Near as I can tell, we need to jump eight bytes in to get
// to the first resource descriptor header (if there is one).
TraverseData( pbTraverseData, dwSizeRemainingData, FIRST_RESOURCE_OFFSET );
// From here on, we only want to deal with known resource information. Use the
// clever GetNextResource function to do all of our dirty work for us. If it
// returns TRUE, then it's located a resource. Allocate the proper type of
// descriptor based on type, place it in the list and go on to the next resource.
while ( GetNextResource( pbTraverseData, dwSizeRemainingData, dwResourceType, dwResourceSize ) ) { if( dwResourceType == m_dwTypeToGet ){
PPOORMAN_RESDESC_HDR pResDescHdr = (PPOORMAN_RESDESC_HDR) pbTraverseData; CResourceDescriptorPtr pResDesc;
// We have a valid type, however the actual resource descriptor will
// lie SIZEOF_RESDESC_HDR bytes past where we're at now (pointing at
// a resource header).
switch ( dwResourceType ){ case ResType_Mem: { CDeviceMemoryDescriptor* pMemDesc = new CDeviceMemoryDescriptor( pResDescHdr, this ); pResDesc.Attach(pMemDesc); break; }
case ResType_IO: { CIODescriptor* pIODesc = new CIODescriptor( pResDescHdr, this ); pResDesc.Attach(pIODesc); break; }
case ResType_DMA: { CDMADescriptor* pDMADesc = new CDMADescriptor( pResDescHdr, this ); pResDesc.Attach(pDMADesc); break; }
case ResType_IRQ: { CIRQDescriptor* pIRQDesc = new CIRQDescriptor( pResDescHdr, this ); pResDesc.Attach(pIRQDesc); break; }
default: { pResDesc.Attach (new CResourceDescriptor( pResDescHdr, this )); }
// Give up if we have any failures, since they are most likely memory
// related, and something really bad has happened.
if ( NULL != pResDesc ) { if ( !resourceList.Add( pResDesc ) ) { break; } } else { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; } } // Move the pointer to the next resource descriptor header.
TraverseData( pbTraverseData, dwSizeRemainingData, dwResourceSize );
} // WHILE finding new resources
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::FindNextResource
// Iterates through a block of data, hunting for byte patterns that
// identify a resource type. In this case, as long as there are
// SIZEOF_RESDESC_HDR bytes let to work with, we extract the resource
// type and size and return those values for interpretation.
// Inputs: const BYTE* pbTraverseData - Data we are traversing. The
// value will change as we progress through the
// data.
// DWORD dwSizeRemainingData - How much data remains to
// be traversed.
// Outputs: DWORD& dwResourceType - What type of resource have we
// found.
// DWORD& dwResourceSize - How big the block of data
// describing the resource is.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetNextResource( const BYTE *pbTraverseData, DWORD dwSizeRemainingData, DWORD& dwResourceType, DWORD& dwResourceSize ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
// If we have less than SIZEOF_RESDESC_HDR bytes to work with,
// give up, we ain't goin' nowhere.
if ( dwSizeRemainingData > SIZEOF_RESDESC_HDR ) { PPOORMAN_RESDESC_HDR pResDescHdr = (PPOORMAN_RESDESC_HDR) pbTraverseData; DWORD dwResourceId = 0;
dwResourceSize = pResDescHdr->dwResourceSize;
// If we run into a zero byte header, the only value will be length, which
// makes no sense, so we should probably just give up.
if ( 0 != dwResourceSize ) { // See if it's one of the four standard types. If so, be aware that this code
// ain't checking to see if it's ignored, and that an OEM can create a replacement
// for one of these standard types, in which case strange and wondrous things
// may happen.
// Strip out any unwanted data, the first 5 bits are reserved for resource type
// identification, so mask out everything else
dwResourceType = pResDescHdr->dwResourceId; dwResourceType &= RESOURCE_TYPE_MASK;
// We got a live one!
fReturn = TRUE;
} }
// Return whether or not we found a resource
return fReturn; }
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::GetStatus
// Returns the status of the device as a string. If OK, it is "OK", if
// we have a problem, it is "Error".
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: CHString& str - String to place status in.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
void CConfigMgrDevice::GetProblem( CHString& str ) { // Save the string
str = ( 0 == m_dwProblem ? IDS_CfgMgrDeviceStatus_OK : IDS_CfgMgrDeviceStatus_ERR ); }
// Function: CConfigMgrDevice::TraverseData
// Helper function to safely bounce a pointer around our data. It will
// jump the pointer by the specified amount, or the amount remaining,
// whichever is smaller.
// Inputs: DWORD dwSizeTraverse - Size of upcoming jump.
// Outputs: const BYTE*& pbTraverseData - Data we are traversing. The
// value will change as we progress through the
// data.
// DWORD& dwSizeRemainingData - How much data remains to
// be traversed.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
void CConfigMgrDevice::TraverseData( const BYTE *& pbTraverseData, DWORD& dwSizeRemainingData, DWORD dwSizeTraverse ) { // Increment the pointer and reduce the size of remaining data, do this safely, not
// traversing beyond the end of the remaining data, if that is all that is left.
pbTraverseData += min( dwSizeRemainingData, dwSizeTraverse ); dwSizeRemainingData -= min( dwSizeRemainingData, dwSizeTraverse ); }
// New functions that converse directly with the Config Manager APIs
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetDeviceID( CHString& strID ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE ; CONFIGRET cr = CR_SUCCESS; CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) { char szDeviceId[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN+1];
ULONG ulBuffSize = 0;
cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_Device_IDA( m_dn, szDeviceId, sizeof(szDeviceId), 0 );
if ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ) { strID = szDeviceId; } bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetStatus( LPDWORD pdwStatus, LPDWORD pdwProblem ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE ; CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) {
DWORD dwStatus, dwProblem;
CONFIGRET cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_DevNode_Status( &dwStatus, &dwProblem, m_dn, 0 );
// Perform pointer testing here. Ignore the man behind the curtain...
if ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ) { if ( NULL != pdwStatus ) { *pdwStatus = dwStatus; }
if ( NULL != pdwProblem ) { *pdwProblem = dwProblem; } } bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::IsUsingForcedConfig() { BOOL bRet = FALSE ; LOG_CONF conf; CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) {
bRet = (pconfigmgr->CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(&conf, m_dn, FORCED_LOG_CONF) == CR_SUCCESS); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetParent( CConfigMgrDevicePtr & pParentDevice ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE ; CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; DEVNODE dn; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) {
CONFIGRET cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_Parent( &dn, m_dn, 0 );
if ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ) { CConfigMgrDevice* pDevice = new CConfigMgrDevice( dn ); pParentDevice.Attach(pDevice); } bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetChild( CConfigMgrDevicePtr & pChildDevice ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE ; CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; DEVNODE dn; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) {
CONFIGRET cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_Child( &dn, m_dn, 0 );
if ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ) { CConfigMgrDevice* pDevice = new CConfigMgrDevice( dn ); pChildDevice.Attach(pDevice); } bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetSibling( CConfigMgrDevicePtr & pSiblingDevice ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE ; CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; DEVNODE dn; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) {
CONFIGRET cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_Sibling( &dn, m_dn, 0 );
if ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ) { CConfigMgrDevice* pDevice = new CConfigMgrDevice( dn ); pSiblingDevice.Attach(pDevice); } bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetStringProperty( ULONG ulProperty, CHString& strValue ) { TCHAR Buffer[REGSTR_VAL_MAX_HCID_LEN+1]; ULONG Type; ULONG Size = sizeof(Buffer); BOOL bRet = FALSE ; CONFIGRET cr = CR_SUCCESS;
CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) {
if ( CR_SUCCESS == ( cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA( m_dn, ulProperty, &Type, Buffer, &Size, 0 ) ) ) { if ( REG_SZ == Type ) { strValue = Buffer; } else { cr = CR_WRONG_TYPE; } } bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetDWORDProperty( ULONG ulProperty, DWORD *pdwVal ) { DWORD dwVal = 0; ULONG Type; ULONG Size = sizeof(DWORD); BOOL bRet = FALSE ; CONFIGRET cr = CR_SUCCESS;
CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) { if ( CR_SUCCESS == ( cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA( m_dn, ulProperty, &Type, &dwVal, &Size, 0 ) ) ) { #ifdef NTONLY
{ if ( REG_DWORD == Type ) { *pdwVal = dwVal; } else { cr = CR_WRONG_TYPE; }
} #endif
#ifdef WIN9XONLY
{ if ( REG_BINARY == Type ) // Apparently Win16 doesn't do REG_DWORD
{ *pdwVal = dwVal; } else { cr = CR_WRONG_TYPE; } } #endif
} bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetMULTISZProperty( ULONG ulProperty, CHStringArray& strArray ) { CONFIGRET cr = CR_SUCCESS; BOOL bRet = FALSE ; // No one is currently using this, so I'm not going to fix it now
LPSTR pszStrings = NULL; ULONG Type; ULONG Size = 0;
CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) { if ( CR_SUCCESS == ( cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA( m_dn, ulProperty, &Type, pszStrings, &Size, 0 ) ) || CR_BUFFER_SMALL == cr )
{ // SZ or MULTI_SZ is Okay (32-bit has MULTI_SZ values that are SZ in 16-bit)
if ( REG_SZ == Type || REG_MULTI_SZ == Type ) { // Pad the string, but be aware that on NT4 I have seen situations in which
// it reports less data than it actually returns (scary)
Size += 32; pszStrings = new char[Size];
if ( NULL != pszStrings ) { try { // Clear out the memory to be especially safe.
ZeroMemory( pszStrings, Size );
if ( CR_SUCCESS == ( cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA( m_dn, ulProperty, &Type, pszStrings, &Size, 0 ) ) ) { // For REG_SZ, add a single entry to the array
if ( REG_SZ == Type ) { strArray.Add( pszStrings ); } else if ( REG_MULTI_SZ == Type ) { // Add strings to the array, watching out for the double NULL
// terminator for the array
LPSTR pszTemp = pszStrings;
do { strArray.Add( pszTemp ); pszTemp += ( lstrlen( pszTemp ) + 1 ); } while ( NULL != *pszTemp ); } else { cr = CR_WRONG_TYPE; }
} // If Got value
} catch ( ... ) { delete [] pszStrings; throw ; }
delete [] pszStrings;
} // IF alloc pszStrings
else { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; } } // IF REG_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ
else { cr = CR_WRONG_TYPE; }
} // IF got size of entry
bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } #endif
return bRet ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetBusInfo( INTERFACE_TYPE *pitBusType, LPDWORD pdwBusNumber, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap *pResourceMap/*=NULL*/ ) { CMBUSTYPE busType = 0; ULONG ulSizeOfInfo = 0; PBYTE pbData = NULL; BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
// Farm out to the appropriate handler
#if NTONLY > 4
fReturn = GetBusInfoNT5( pitBusType, pdwBusNumber ); #endif
#if NTONLY == 4
fReturn = GetBusInfoNT4( pitBusType, pdwBusNumber, pResourceMap ); #endif
#ifdef WIN9XONLY
{ // Buffer for data. Should be big enough for any of the values we come across.
BYTE abData[255];
ulSizeOfInfo = sizeof(abData);
// Get the type and number. If the type is PCI, then get the PCI info, and this
// will return a Bus Number value. If it returns a type other than PCI, then
// we will assume a bus number of 0.
CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) { CONFIGRET cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_Bus_Info( m_dn, &busType, &ulSizeOfInfo, abData, 0 );
if ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ) { // Make sure we can convert from a 16-bit type to a known 32-bit type.
// BusType_None will usually fail this, in which case we can call it
// quits.
if ( BusType16ToInterfaceType( busType, pitBusType ) ) {
if ( BusType_PCI == busType ) { sPCIAccess *pPCIInfo = (sPCIAccess*) abData; *pdwBusNumber = pPCIInfo->bBusNumber; } else { *pdwBusNumber = 0; }
} // IF 16-32bit conversion
else { cr = CR_FAILURE; }
} // CR_SUCCESS == cr
fReturn = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; } } // else !IsWinNT
return fReturn; }
#if NTONLY > 4
// This is to hack around W2K problem where Cfg Mgr devices report they're
// using Isa on boxes that have Eisa and not Isa.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::IsIsaReallyEisa() { static bRet = -1;
if (bRet == -1) { // FYI: This code based on code from motherboard.cpp.
CRegistry regAdapters; CHString strPrimarySubKey; HRESULT hRc = WBEM_E_FAILED; DWORD dwPrimaryRc;
// If anything below fails, we'll just assume Isa really is Isa.
bRet = FALSE;
// Open the registry
if (regAdapters.OpenAndEnumerateSubKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"HARDWARE\\Description\\System", KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BOOL bDone = FALSE, bIsaFound = FALSE, bEisaFound = FALSE;
// Our goal is to find any subkey that has the string "Adapter" in
// it and then read the "Identifier" value.
for ( ; (!bIsaFound || !bEisaFound) && ((dwPrimaryRc = regAdapters.GetCurrentSubKeyName(strPrimarySubKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS); regAdapters.NextSubKey()) { strPrimarySubKey.MakeUpper();
// If this is one of the keys we want since it has "Adapter" in
// it then get the "Identifier" value.
if (wcsstr(strPrimarySubKey, L"ADAPTER")) { WCHAR szKey[_MAX_PATH]; CRegistry reg;
swprintf( szKey, L"%s\\%s", L"HARDWARE\\Description\\System", (LPCWSTR) strPrimarySubKey);
if (reg.OpenAndEnumerateSubKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CHString strSubKey;
// Enumerate the system components (like 0,1,...).
for ( ; reg.GetCurrentSubKeyName(strSubKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS; reg.NextSubKey()) { CHString strBus;
if (reg.GetCurrentSubKeyValue(L"Identifier", strBus) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (strBus == L"ISA") bIsaFound = TRUE; else if (strBus == L"EISA") bEisaFound = TRUE; } } } } }
// If we found Eisa but not Isa, assume Cfg Mgr devices that report they're
// using Isa are actually using Eisa.
if (!bIsaFound && bEisaFound) bRet = TRUE; } }
return bRet; } #endif
#if NTONLY > 4
INTERFACE_TYPE CConfigMgrDevice::ConvertBadIsaBusType(INTERFACE_TYPE type) { if (type == Isa && IsIsaReallyEisa()) type = Eisa;
return type; } #endif
#if NTONLY > 4
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetBusInfoNT5( INTERFACE_TYPE *pitBusType, LPDWORD pdwBusNumber ) { ULONG ulSizeOfInfo = 0; CONFIGRET cr;
// Bus Number and Type are retrieved via the Registry function. This will only
// work on NT 5.
BOOL bRet = FALSE ; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwBusNumber; INTERFACE_TYPE BusType;
ulSizeOfInfo = sizeof(DWORD); CConfigMgrAPI* pconfigmgr = ( CConfigMgrAPI *) CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.GetResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, NULL ) ; if ( pconfigmgr ) { if ( pconfigmgr->IsValid () ) { if ( CR_SUCCESS == ( cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA( m_dn, CM_DRP_BUSNUMBER, &dwType, &dwBusNumber, &ulSizeOfInfo, 0 ) ) ) { *pdwBusNumber = dwBusNumber;
ulSizeOfInfo = sizeof(BusType);
if ( CR_SUCCESS == ( cr = pconfigmgr->CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA( m_dn, CM_DRP_LEGACYBUSTYPE, &dwType, &BusType, &ulSizeOfInfo, 0 ) ) ) { *pitBusType = ConvertBadIsaBusType(BusType); } // IF GetBusType
} // IF GetBusNumber
bRet = ( CR_SUCCESS == cr ); } CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.ReleaseResource ( guidCFGMGRAPI, pconfigmgr ) ; }
return bRet ; } #endif
#if NTONLY == 4
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetBusInfoNT4( INTERFACE_TYPE *pitBusType, LPDWORD pdwBusNumber, CNT4ServiceToResourceMap *pResourceMap ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; CHString strService;
if ( GetService( strService ) ) { CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pLocalMap = pResourceMap;
// Instantiate a resource map if we need one. Then look for
// resources for this service
if ( NULL == pLocalMap ) { pLocalMap = new CNT4ServiceToResourceMap; }
if ( NULL != pLocalMap ) { try { if ( 0 != pLocalMap->NumServiceResources( strService ) ) { LPRESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pResource = pLocalMap->GetServiceResource( strService, 0 );
// If we got a resource, then use its BUS information directly to populate
// our values.
if ( NULL != pResource ) { fReturn = TRUE; *pitBusType = pResource->InterfaceType; *pdwBusNumber = pResource->Bus; }
} // If there are resources for this service
} catch ( ... ) { if ( pLocalMap != pResourceMap ) { delete pLocalMap; } throw ; }
// Delete the local map if we allocated one.
if ( pLocalMap != pResourceMap ) { delete pLocalMap; }
} // if pLocalMap
else { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
} // If got service name
return fReturn; } #endif
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::BusType16ToInterfaceType( CMBUSTYPE cmBusType16, INTERFACE_TYPE *pinterfaceType ) {
BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// These are the enums defined for NT, so we'll standardize on these
// typedef enum Interface_Type {
// Internal,
// Isa,
// Eisa,
// MicroChannel,
// TurboChannel,
// PCIBus,
// VMEBus,
// NuBus,
// CBus,
// MPIBus,
// MPSABus,
// MaximumInterfaceType
switch ( cmBusType16 ) { case BusType_ISA: { *pinterfaceType = Isa; } break;
case BusType_EISA: { *pinterfaceType = Eisa; } break;
case BusType_PCI: { *pinterfaceType = PCIBus; } break;
case BusType_PCMCIA: { *pinterfaceType = PCMCIABus; } break;
case BusType_ISAPNP: { // Closest match I could find
*pinterfaceType = Isa; } break;
case BusType_MCA: { *pinterfaceType = MicroChannel; } break;
case BusType_BIOS: { *pinterfaceType = Internal; } break;
default: { // Couldn't make the conversion (e.g. BusType_None)
fReturn = FALSE; } }
return fReturn; }
// Registry Access functions. Sometimes we want to access the registry directly because
// the device in question places private values in there that our regular functions cannot
// access.
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetRegistryKeyName( CHString &strName) { CHString strDeviceID; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( GetDeviceID(strDeviceID) ) {
// Build the correct key
#ifdef NTONLY
strName = _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\"); #endif
#ifdef WIN9XONLY
strName = _T("Enum\\"); #endif
strName += strDeviceID; } else { bRet = false; }
return bRet; }
// Constructor and Destructor for the Device Collection
// object.
// Function: CDeviceCollection::CDeviceCollection
// Class Constructor.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
CDeviceCollection::CDeviceCollection( void ) { }
// Function: CDeviceCollection::~CDeviceCollection
// Class Destructor.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
CDeviceCollection::~CDeviceCollection( void ) { }
BOOL CDeviceCollection::GetResourceList( CResourceCollection& resourceList ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos = NULL; CConfigMgrDevicePtr pDevice; CResourceCollection deviceresourceList; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// Snapshot the resources on an NT 4 box. This only needs to happen once
// and then we can pass this to devices to hook themselves up to the
// appropriate resources. This keeps us from having to build this data
// for each and every device.
#ifdef NTONLY
CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap = NULL;
if ( IsWinNT4() ) { pResourceMap = new CNT4ServiceToResourceMap; }
if (pResourceMap == NULL) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
try { #endif
// Empty out the Resource List first
if ( BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
// Get the resource list from the device, then append it
// to the list passed in to us.
for ( pDevice.Attach(GetNext( pos ) ); pDevice != NULL; pDevice.Attach(GetNext( pos ) ) ) { #ifdef NTONLY
pDevice->GetResourceList( deviceresourceList, pResourceMap ); #endif
#ifdef WIN9XONLY
pDevice->GetResourceList( deviceresourceList, NULL ); #endif
resourceList.Append( deviceresourceList );
} // WHILE enuming devices
} else { fReturn = FALSE; }
#ifdef NTONLY
} catch ( ... ) { if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } throw ; }
// Clean up the resource map if we allocated one.
if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } #endif
return fReturn;
BOOL CDeviceCollection::GetIRQResources( CIRQCollection& IRQList ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos = NULL; CConfigMgrDevicePtr pDevice; CIRQCollection deviceIRQList; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// Snapshot the resources on an NT 4 box. This only needs to happen once
// and then we can pass this to devices to hook themselves up to the
// appropriate resources. This keeps us from having to build this data
// for each and every device.
CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap = NULL;
#ifdef NTONLY
if ( IsWinNT4() ) { pResourceMap = new CNT4ServiceToResourceMap; } if (pResourceMap == NULL) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
try { #endif
// Empty out the IRQ List first
if ( BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
// For each device, get the IRQs and append them to the
// supplied IRQ list
for ( pDevice.Attach( GetNext( pos ) ); pDevice != NULL; pDevice.Attach( GetNext( pos ) )) { pDevice->GetIRQResources( deviceIRQList, pResourceMap ); IRQList.Append( deviceIRQList );
} // for all devices
} // Begin Enum
else { fReturn = FALSE; }
#ifdef NTONLY
} catch ( ... ) { if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } throw ; }
// Clean up the resource map if we allocated one.
if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } #endif
return fReturn;
BOOL CDeviceCollection::GetIOResources( CIOCollection& IOList ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos = NULL; CConfigMgrDevicePtr pDevice; CIOCollection deviceIOList; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// Snapshot the resources on an NT 4 box. This only needs to happen once
// and then we can pass this to devices to hook themselves up to the
// appropriate resources. This keeps us from having to build this data
// for each and every device.
CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap = NULL;
#ifdef NTONLY
if ( IsWinNT4() ) { pResourceMap = new CNT4ServiceToResourceMap; } if (pResourceMap == NULL) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
try { #endif
// Empty out the IO List first
if ( BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
// For each device, get the IO Port List and append
// it to the supplied list of IO Ports.
for ( pDevice.Attach( GetNext( pos ) ); pDevice != NULL; pDevice.Attach( GetNext( pos ) )) { pDevice->GetIOResources( deviceIOList, pResourceMap ); IOList.Append( deviceIOList );
} // for all devices
} // BeginEnum
else { fReturn = FALSE; }
#ifdef NTONLY
} catch ( ... ) { if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } throw ; }
// Clean up the resource map if we allocated one.
if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } #endif
return fReturn;
BOOL CDeviceCollection::GetDMAResources( CDMACollection& DMAList ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos = NULL; CConfigMgrDevicePtr pDevice; CDMACollection deviceDMAList; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// Snapshot the resources on an NT 4 box. This only needs to happen once
// and then we can pass this to devices to hook themselves up to the
// appropriate resources. This keeps us from having to build this data
// for each and every device.
CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap = NULL;
#ifdef NTONLY
if ( IsWinNT4() ) { pResourceMap = new CNT4ServiceToResourceMap; } if (pResourceMap == NULL) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
try { #endif
// Empty out the DMA List first
if ( BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
// For each device, get the DMA resources and append them
// to the supplied list of DMA resources
for ( pDevice.Attach( GetNext( pos ) ); pDevice != NULL; pDevice.Attach( GetNext( pos ) )) { pDevice->GetDMAResources( deviceDMAList, pResourceMap ); DMAList.Append( deviceDMAList );
} // for all devices
} // BeginEnum
else { fReturn = FALSE; }
#ifdef NTONLY
} catch ( ... ) { if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } throw ; }
// Clean up the resource map if we allocated one.
if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } #endif
return fReturn;
BOOL CDeviceCollection::GetDeviceMemoryResources( CDeviceMemoryCollection& DeviceMemoryList ) { REFPTR_POSITION pos = NULL; CConfigMgrDevicePtr pDevice; CDeviceMemoryCollection memoryList; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// Snapshot the resources on an NT 4 box. This only needs to happen once
// and then we can pass this to devices to hook themselves up to the
// appropriate resources. This keeps us from having to build this data
// for each and every device.
CNT4ServiceToResourceMap* pResourceMap = NULL;
#ifdef NTONLY
if ( IsWinNT4() ) { pResourceMap = new CNT4ServiceToResourceMap; } if (pResourceMap == NULL) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
try { #endif
// Empty out the DeviceMemory List first
if ( BeginEnum( pos ) ) {
// For each device get the list of Memory Resources and
// append it to the list of supplied Memory Resources.
for ( pDevice.Attach( GetNext( pos ) ); pDevice != NULL; pDevice.Attach( GetNext( pos ) )) { pDevice->GetDeviceMemoryResources( memoryList, pResourceMap ); DeviceMemoryList.Append( memoryList );
} // for all devices
} // BeginEnum()
else { fReturn = FALSE; }
#ifdef NTONLY
} catch ( ... ) { if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } throw ; }
// Clean up the resource map if we allocated one.
if ( NULL != pResourceMap ) { delete pResourceMap; } #endif
return fReturn;
#define MAX_DOS_DEVICES 8192
* * FUNCTION : QueryDosDeviceNames * * DESCRIPTION : Queries for all Dos Device symbolic links * * INPUTS : none * * OUTPUTS : nichts * * RETURNS : nada * * COMMENTS : * *****************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI QueryDosDeviceNames ( TCHAR *&a_DosDeviceNameList ) { BOOL t_Status = FALSE ;
BOOL bContinue = TRUE ; ULONG ulDosDevices = MAX_DOS_DEVICES ;
do { //
// let's finish loop
bContinue = FALSE ;
CSmartBuffer pQueryBuffer ( ( ulDosDevices * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) );
DWORD t_QueryStatus = QueryDosDevice ( NULL , (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)pQueryBuffer) , ulDosDevices ) ; if ( t_QueryStatus ) { a_DosDeviceNameList = new TCHAR [ t_QueryStatus ] ; if (a_DosDeviceNameList == NULL) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
memcpy ( a_DosDeviceNameList , (void*)((LPBYTE)pQueryBuffer) , t_QueryStatus * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) ;
t_Status = TRUE; } else { if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == (NTSTATUS)NtCurrentTeb()->LastStatusValue ) { //
// let's continue if the reason of failure
// is just small buffer here
ulDosDevices = ulDosDevices * 2 ; bContinue = TRUE ; } } } while ( bContinue ) ;
return t_Status ; }
* * FUNCTION : FindDosDeviceName * * DESCRIPTION : Finds the dos device symbolic link given an NT device name * * INPUTS : none * * OUTPUTS : nichts * * RETURNS : nada * * COMMENTS : * *****************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI FindDosDeviceName ( const TCHAR *a_DosDeviceNameList , const CHString a_SymbolicName , CHString &a_DosDevice , BOOL a_MappedDevice ) { BOOL t_Status = FALSE ;
CSmartBuffer t_MappedDevices ;
if ( a_MappedDevice ) { DWORD t_Length = GetLogicalDriveStrings ( 0 , NULL ) ;
if (t_Length) { LPBYTE t_buff = new BYTE[(t_Length + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)];
if (t_buff == NULL) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; }
t_MappedDevices = t_buff;
if (!GetLogicalDriveStrings ( t_Length , (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)t_MappedDevices) ) ) { DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ; return FALSE; } } else { DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ; return FALSE; } }
const TCHAR *t_Device = a_DosDeviceNameList ; while ( *t_Device != NULL ) { CSmartBuffer pQueryBuffer ((MAX_DOS_DEVICES * sizeof (TCHAR)));
DWORD t_QueryStatus = QueryDosDevice ( t_Device , (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)pQueryBuffer) , MAX_DOS_DEVICES ) ; if ( t_QueryStatus ) { TCHAR *t_Symbolic = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)pQueryBuffer) ;
while ( *t_Symbolic != NULL ) { if ( _wcsicmp ( a_SymbolicName , TOBSTRT(t_Symbolic) ) == 0 ) { /*
* Atleast get a match even if there is no mapped drive */ t_Status = TRUE ; a_DosDevice = t_Device ;
if ( a_MappedDevice ) { const TCHAR *t_CurrentDevice = (const LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)t_MappedDevices) ; while ( *t_CurrentDevice != NULL ) { if ( _tcsnicmp ( t_Device, t_CurrentDevice , 2 ) == 0 ) { t_Status = TRUE ; a_DosDevice = t_Device ; return TRUE ; }
t_CurrentDevice = t_CurrentDevice + _tcslen ( t_CurrentDevice ) + 1 ; } } else { return TRUE ; } }
t_Symbolic = t_Symbolic + _tcslen ( t_Symbolic ) + 1 ; } } else { DWORD t_Error = GetLastError () ; }
t_Device = t_Device + _tcslen ( t_Device ) + 1 ; }
return t_Status ; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::IsClass(LPCWSTR pwszClassName) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; CHString sTemp;
if (GetClass(sTemp)) { if (sTemp.CompareNoCase(pwszClassName) == 0) { bRet = TRUE; } else { bRet = FALSE; } } else { CHString sClass(pwszClassName); sClass.MakeUpper();
WCHAR cGuid[128]; GUID gFoo = CConfigManager::s_ClassMap[sClass]; StringFromGUID2(gFoo, cGuid, sizeof(cGuid)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (GetClassGUID(sTemp) && (sTemp.CompareNoCase(cGuid) == 0)) { bRet = TRUE; } }
return bRet; }
BOOL CConfigMgrDevice::GetRegStringProperty( LPCWSTR szProperty, CHString &strValue) { CHString strKeyName; DWORD dwRet; CRegistry reg;
if (GetRegistryKeyName(strKeyName) && (dwRet = reg.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyName, KEY_QUERY_VALUE) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { dwRet = reg.GetCurrentKeyValue(szProperty, strValue); }
return dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS; }