// UserEnvAPI.cpp
// Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <cominit.h>
#include "UserEnvApi.h"
#include "DllWrapperCreatorReg.h"
// {C2BB0B38-8549-48a6-A58E-E704DFC19D80}
static const GUID g_guidUserEnvApi = { 0xc2bb0b38, 0x8549, 0x48a6, { 0xa5, 0x8e, 0xe7, 0x4, 0xdf, 0xc1, 0x9d, 0x80 } };
static const TCHAR g_tstrUserEnv[] = _T("userenv.dll");
* Register this class with the CResourceManager. *****************************************************************************/ CDllApiWraprCreatrReg<CUserEnvApi, &g_guidUserEnvApi, g_tstrUserEnv> MyRegisteredUserEnvWrapper;
* Constructor ******************************************************************************/ CUserEnvApi :: CUserEnvApi (
LPCTSTR a_tstrWrappedDllName
) : CDllWrapperBase(a_tstrWrappedDllName), m_pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock(NULL), m_pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock(NULL) { }
* Destructor ******************************************************************************/ CUserEnvApi :: ~CUserEnvApi () { }
* Initialization function to check that we obtained function addresses. * Init should fail only if the minimum set of functions was not available; * functions added in later versions may or may not be present - it is the * client's responsibility in such cases to check, in their code, for the * version of the dll before trying to call such functions. Not doing so * when the function is not present will result in an AV. * * The Init function is called by the WrapperCreatorRegistation class. ******************************************************************************/ bool CUserEnvApi :: Init () { bool fRet = LoadLibrary () ; if ( fRet ) { #ifdef NTONLY
m_pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock = ( PFN_UserEnv_DESTROYENVIRONMENTBLOCK ) GetProcAddress ( "DestroyEnvironmentBlock" ) ; m_pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock = ( PFN_UserEnv_CREATEENVIRONMENTBLOCK ) GetProcAddress ( "CreateEnvironmentBlock" ) ;
if ( m_pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock == NULL || m_pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock == NULL ) { fRet = false ; LogErrorMessage(L"Failed find entrypoint in userenvapi"); } #endif
// Check that we have function pointers to functions that should be
// present in all versions of this dll...
// ( in this case, ALL these are functions that may or may not be
// present, so don't bother)
return fRet; }
* Member functions wrapping UserEnv api functions. Add new functions here * as required. ******************************************************************************/
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
BOOL CUserEnvApi :: CreateEnvironmentBlock (
OUT LPVOID *lpEnvironment, IN HANDLE hToken, IN BOOL bInherit ) { return m_pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock (
lpEnvironment, hToken, bInherit
) ; }
BOOL CUserEnvApi :: DestroyEnvironmentBlock (
IN LPVOID lpEnvironment ) { return m_pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock (
lpEnvironment ) ; }