// WBEMPSAPI.cpp - implementation of PSAPI.DLL access class
// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// 01/21/97 a-jmoon created
#include "precomp.h"
#include <winerror.h>
#include "WBEMPSAPI.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#pragma warning(disable : 4995)
#ifdef NTONLY
// resource management failures
extern BOOL bAddInstanceCreatorFailure ;
* Register this class with the CResourceManager. **********************************************************************************************************/
// {A8CFDD23-C2D2-11d2-B352-00105A1F8569}
const GUID guidPSAPI = { 0xa8cfdd23, 0xc2d2, 0x11d2, { 0xb3, 0x52, 0x0, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x1f, 0x85, 0x69 } };
class CPSAPICreatorRegistration { public: CPSAPICreatorRegistration () { try { BOOL bNonFailure = CResourceManager::sm_TheResourceManager.AddInstanceCreator ( guidPSAPI, CPSAPICreator ) ;
if ( FALSE == bNonFailure ) { bAddInstanceCreatorFailure = TRUE ; } } catch ( CHeap_Exception& e_HE ) { bAddInstanceCreatorFailure = TRUE ; } } ~CPSAPICreatorRegistration () {}
static CResource * CPSAPICreator ( PVOID pData ) { CPSAPI *t_pPsapi = new CPSAPI ; if ( !t_pPsapi ) { throw CHeap_Exception ( CHeap_Exception :: E_ALLOCATION_ERROR ) ; } return t_pPsapi ; } };
CPSAPICreatorRegistration MyCPSAPICreatorRegistration ; /**********************************************************************************************************/
* * FUNCTION : CPSAPI::CPSAPI * * DESCRIPTION : Constructor * * INPUTS : none * * OUTPUTS : none * * RETURNS : nothing * * COMMENTS : * *****************************************************************************/
CPSAPI::CPSAPI() : CTimedDllResource () {
hLibHandle = NULL ; Init () ; }
* * FUNCTION : CPSAPI::~CPSAPI * * DESCRIPTION : Destructor * * INPUTS : none * * OUTPUTS : none * * RETURNS : nothing * * COMMENTS : * *****************************************************************************/
if(hLibHandle != NULL) {
FreeLibrary(hLibHandle) ; } }
* * FUNCTION : CPSAPI::Init * * DESCRIPTION : Loads CSAPI.DLL, locates entry points * * INPUTS : none * * OUTPUTS : none * * RETURNS : ERROR_SUCCESS or windows error code * * COMMENTS : * *****************************************************************************/
// Try to load CSAPI.DLL
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
hLibHandle = LoadLibrary(_T("PSAPI.DLL")) ;
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
// this is possible to be neccessary in the future !!!
// resource manager may start to care about error from load library
// let resource manager know load failed
m_bValid = FALSE; m_dwCreationError = ::GetLastError ();
LogErrorMessage(L"Failed to load library psapi.dll"); } else {
// Find the entry points
pEnumProcesses = (PSAPI_ENUM_PROCESSES) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "EnumProcesses") ; pEnumDeviceDrivers = (PSAPI_ENUM_DRIVERS) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "EnumDeviceDrivers") ; pEnumProcessModules = (PSAPI_ENUM_MODULES) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "EnumProcessModules") ; pGetProcessMemoryInfo = (PSAPI_GET_MEMORY_INFO) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetProcessMemoryInfo") ;
#ifdef UNICODE
pGetDeviceDriverBaseName = (PSAPI_GET_DRIVER_NAME) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW") ; pGetModuleBaseName = (PSAPI_GET_MODULE_NAME) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetModuleBaseNameW") ; pGetDeviceDriverFileName = (PSAPI_GET_DRIVER_EXE) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetDeviceDriverFileNameW") ; pGetModuleFileNameEx = (PSAPI_GET_MODULE_EXE) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetModuleFileNameExW") ; #else
pGetDeviceDriverBaseName = (PSAPI_GET_DRIVER_NAME) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA") ; pGetModuleBaseName = (PSAPI_GET_MODULE_NAME) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetModuleBaseNameA") ; pGetDeviceDriverFileName = (PSAPI_GET_DRIVER_EXE) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetDeviceDriverFileNameA") ; pGetModuleFileNameEx = (PSAPI_GET_MODULE_EXE) GetProcAddress(hLibHandle, "GetModuleFileNameExA") ; #endif
if(pEnumProcesses == NULL || pEnumDeviceDrivers == NULL || pEnumProcessModules == NULL || pGetDeviceDriverBaseName == NULL || pGetModuleBaseName == NULL || pGetDeviceDriverFileName == NULL || pGetModuleFileNameEx == NULL || pGetProcessMemoryInfo == NULL) {
// Couldn't get one or more entry points
FreeLibrary(hLibHandle) ; hLibHandle = NULL ;
// this is possible to be neccessary in the future !!!
// resource manager may start to care about error from load library
// let resource manager know load failed
m_bValid = FALSE; m_dwCreationError = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND;
LogErrorMessage(L"Failed find entrypoint in wbempsapi"); } } }
return m_dwCreationError ; }
* * FUNCTION : CPSAPI::EnumProcesses * CPSAPI::EnumDeviceDrivers * CPSAPI::EnumProcessModules * CPSAPI::GetDeviceDriverBaseName * CPSAPI::GetModuleBaseName * CPSAPI::GetDeviceDriverFileName * CPSAPI::GetModuleFileNameEx * CPSAPI::GetProcessMemoryInfo * * DESCRIPTION : CSAPI function wrappers * * INPUTS : none * * OUTPUTS : none * * RETURNS : CSAPI return codes * * COMMENTS : * *****************************************************************************/
BOOL CPSAPI::EnumProcesses(DWORD *pdwPIDList, DWORD dwListSize, DWORD *pdwByteCount) {
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
return FALSE ; }
return pEnumProcesses(pdwPIDList, dwListSize, pdwByteCount) ; }
BOOL CPSAPI::EnumDeviceDrivers(LPVOID pImageBaseList, DWORD dwListSize, DWORD *pdwByteCount) {
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
return FALSE ; }
return pEnumDeviceDrivers(pImageBaseList, dwListSize, pdwByteCount) ; }
BOOL CPSAPI::EnumProcessModules(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE *ModuleList, DWORD dwListSize, DWORD *pdwByteCount) {
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
return FALSE ; }
return pEnumProcessModules(hProcess, ModuleList, dwListSize, pdwByteCount) ; }
DWORD CPSAPI::GetDeviceDriverBaseName(LPVOID pImageBase, LPTSTR pszName, DWORD dwNameSize) {
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
return 0 ; }
return pGetDeviceDriverBaseName(pImageBase, pszName, dwNameSize) ; }
DWORD CPSAPI::GetModuleBaseName(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPTSTR pszName, DWORD dwNameSize) {
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
return 0 ; }
return pGetModuleBaseName(hProcess, hModule, pszName, dwNameSize) ; }
DWORD CPSAPI::GetDeviceDriverFileName(LPVOID pImageBase, LPTSTR pszName, DWORD dwNameSize) {
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
return 0 ; }
return pGetDeviceDriverFileName(pImageBase, pszName, dwNameSize) ; }
DWORD CPSAPI::GetModuleFileNameEx(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPTSTR pszName, DWORD dwNameSize) { if (hLibHandle == NULL) return 0;
DWORD dwRet = pGetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hModule, pszName, dwNameSize);
if (dwRet) { // GetModuleFileNameEx sometimes returns some funky things like:
// \\??\\C:\\blah\\...
// \\SystemRoot\\system32\\blah\\..
CHString strFilename = pszName;
// If it starts with "\\??\\" get rid of it.
if (strFilename.Find(_T("\\??\\")) == 0) lstrcpy(pszName, strFilename.Mid(sizeof(_T("\\??\\"))/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1)); else if (strFilename.Find(_T("\\SystemRoot\\")) == 0) { if(GetWindowsDirectory(pszName, dwNameSize)){
// Leave off that last '\\' so we seperate c:\\winnt from the
// rest of the path.
StringCchCat(pszName, dwNameSize, strFilename.Mid(sizeof(_T("\\SystemRoot"))/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1)); } } }
return dwRet; }
BOOL CPSAPI::GetProcessMemoryInfo(HANDLE hProcess, PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS *pMemCtrs, DWORD dwByteCount) {
if(hLibHandle == NULL) {
return 0 ; }
return pGetProcessMemoryInfo(hProcess, pMemCtrs, dwByteCount) ; } #endif