// WinMsgEvent.cpp --
// Copyright � Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <lockwrap.h>
#include "WinMsgEvent.h"
// initialize class globals
CCritSec CWinMsgEvent::mg_csMapLock ; CCritSec CWinMsgEvent::mg_csWindowLock ; CAutoEvent CWinMsgEvent::mg_aeCreateWindow ; CWinMsgEvent::Sink_Map CWinMsgEvent::mg_oSinkMap ; HANDLE CWinMsgEvent::mg_hThreadPumpHandle = NULL; HWND CWinMsgEvent::mg_hWnd = NULL;
#define EVENT_MAP_LOCK_ CLockWrapper t_oAcs( mg_csMapLock ) ;
#define WINDOW_LOCK_ CLockWrapper t_oAcs( mg_csWindowLock ) ;
// per object call
CWinMsgEvent::CWinMsgEvent() {}
// per object call
CWinMsgEvent::~CWinMsgEvent() { UnRegisterAllMessages() ;
// clear the WM_ENDSESSION handler
if( mg_oSinkMap.end() == mg_oSinkMap.find( WM_ENDSESSION ) ) { // Note: If WM_ENDSESSION was never IN the map, this
// call will return zero (failed). However, it won't
// do anything bad, so just ignore it.
SetConsoleCtrlHandler( &CtrlHandlerRoutine, FALSE ) ; } }
// per object call
void CWinMsgEvent::RegisterForMessage( IN UINT a_message ) { BOOL t_bFound = FALSE ; BOOL t_bCreateWindow = FALSE ;
if( mg_oSinkMap.empty() ) { t_bCreateWindow = TRUE ; } else // lookup for message/object duplicate
{ CWinMsgEvent::Sink_Map::iterator t_SinkIter ; t_SinkIter = mg_oSinkMap.find( a_message ) ; while( t_SinkIter != mg_oSinkMap.end() ) { if( a_message == t_SinkIter->first ) { if( this == t_SinkIter->second ) { t_bFound = TRUE ; break ; } ++t_SinkIter ; } else { break ; } } }
if( !t_bFound ) { // Set up a handler to simulate this message
// as we won't get it running under local system account.
if( WM_ENDSESSION == a_message && mg_oSinkMap.end() == mg_oSinkMap.find( WM_ENDSESSION ) ) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler( &CtrlHandlerRoutine, TRUE ) ; }
// map the desired message for this object instance
pair<UINT const, CWinMsgEvent*> ( a_message, this ) ) ; } }
if( t_bCreateWindow ) { CreateMsgProvider() ; } }
// per object call
bool CWinMsgEvent::UnRegisterMessage( IN UINT a_message ) { bool t_bRet = false ; BOOL t_bDestroyWindow = FALSE ;
CWinMsgEvent::Sink_Map::iterator t_SinkIter ; t_SinkIter = mg_oSinkMap.find( a_message ) ; while( t_SinkIter != mg_oSinkMap.end() ) { if( a_message == t_SinkIter->first ) { if( this == t_SinkIter->second ) { t_SinkIter = mg_oSinkMap.erase( t_SinkIter ) ; t_bRet = true ; break; } else { t_SinkIter++; } } else { break ; } }
if( mg_oSinkMap.empty() ) { t_bDestroyWindow = TRUE ; } }
if( t_bDestroyWindow ) { DestroyMsgWindow() ; }
return t_bRet ; }
// per object call
void CWinMsgEvent::UnRegisterAllMessages() { BOOL t_bDestroyWindow = FALSE ;
{ // Used for scoping the lock
CWinMsgEvent::Sink_Map::iterator t_SinkIter ; t_SinkIter = mg_oSinkMap.begin() ;
while( t_SinkIter != mg_oSinkMap.end() ) { if( this == t_SinkIter->second ) { t_SinkIter = mg_oSinkMap.erase( t_SinkIter ) ; } else { t_SinkIter++; } }
if( mg_oSinkMap.empty() ) { t_bDestroyWindow = TRUE; } }
if( t_bDestroyWindow ) { DestroyMsgWindow() ; } }
// global private
void CWinMsgEvent::CreateMsgProvider() { WINDOW_LOCK_
if( NULL == mg_hThreadPumpHandle ) { DWORD t_dwThreadID ;
// Create a thread that will spin off a windowed msg pump
mg_hThreadPumpHandle = CreateThread( NULL, // pointer to security attributes
0L, // initial thread stack size
dwThreadProc, // pointer to thread function
0L, // argument for new thread
0L, // creation flags
&t_dwThreadID ) ;
// wait for async window create
mg_aeCreateWindow.Wait( INFINITE ); if( !mg_hWnd ) { CloseHandle( mg_hThreadPumpHandle ) ; mg_hThreadPumpHandle = NULL ; } } }
void CWinMsgEvent::DestroyMsgWindow() { WINDOW_LOCK_
HANDLE t_hThreadPumpHandle = mg_hThreadPumpHandle ; HWND t_hWnd = mg_hWnd ; // clear globals
mg_hThreadPumpHandle = NULL ; mg_hWnd = NULL ;
if( t_hWnd ) { SendMessage( t_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ) ; } if( t_hThreadPumpHandle ) { WaitForSingleObject( t_hThreadPumpHandle, 20000 );
CloseHandle( t_hThreadPumpHandle ) ; } }
BOOL WINAPI CWinMsgEvent::CtrlHandlerRoutine(DWORD dwCtrlType) { HWND t_hWnd = NULL ; UINT t_message = 0 ; WPARAM t_wParam = 0 ; LPARAM t_lParam = 0 ; // simulate the message
if( CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT == dwCtrlType ) { t_message = WM_ENDSESSION ; t_wParam = TRUE ; // session ending
t_lParam = ENDSESSION_LOGOFF ; // Logoff event
} else if( CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT == dwCtrlType ) { t_message = WM_ENDSESSION ; t_wParam = TRUE ; // session ending
t_lParam = 0 ; // Shutdown event
} if( t_message ) { //
MsgWndProc( t_hWnd, t_message, t_wParam, t_lParam ) ; }
return FALSE; // Pass event on to next handler.
// worker thread pump, global private
DWORD WINAPI CWinMsgEvent::dwThreadProc( LPVOID a_lpParameter ) { DWORD t_dwRet = FALSE ; if( CreateMsgWindow() ) { WindowsDispatch() ;
t_dwRet = TRUE ; } UnregisterClass( MSGWINDOWNAME, GetModuleHandle(NULL) ) ;
return t_dwRet ; }
// global private
HWND CWinMsgEvent::CreateMsgWindow() { DWORD t_Err = 0; HMODULE t_hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); if (t_hMod != NULL) { WNDCLASS wndclass ; wndclass.style = 0 ; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = MsgWndProc ; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0 ; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0 ; wndclass.hInstance = t_hMod ; wndclass.hIcon = NULL ; wndclass.hCursor = NULL ; wndclass.hbrBackground = NULL ; wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL ; wndclass.lpszClassName = MSGWINDOWNAME ;
RegisterClass( &wndclass ) ; mg_hWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_TOPMOST, MSGWINDOWNAME, TEXT("WinMsgEventProv"), WS_OVERLAPPED, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, t_hMod, NULL ) ; } else { t_Err = GetLastError(); }
mg_aeCreateWindow.Signal(); return mg_hWnd ; }
// global private
void CWinMsgEvent::WindowsDispatch() { BOOL t_GetMessage ; MSG t_lpMsg ;
while ( ( t_GetMessage = GetMessage ( &t_lpMsg , NULL , 0 , 0 ) ) == TRUE ) { TranslateMessage ( &t_lpMsg ) ; DispatchMessage ( &t_lpMsg ) ; } }
// global private
IN HWND a_hWnd, IN UINT a_message, IN WPARAM a_wParam, IN LPARAM a_lParam ) { LRESULT t_lResult = TRUE ; E_ReturnAction t_eReturnAction = e_DefProc ;
switch ( a_message ) { default: { // Run through the message map
// If registered requestor(s) are found dispatch it...
CWinMsgEvent::Sink_Map::iterator t_SinkIter ; t_SinkIter = mg_oSinkMap.find( a_message ) ;
while( t_SinkIter != mg_oSinkMap.end() ) { if( a_message == t_SinkIter->first ) { // signal
a_hWnd, a_message, a_wParam, a_lParam, t_eReturnAction, t_lResult ) ; ++t_SinkIter ; } else { break ; } } // special return processing ---
// The default is to defer to DefWindowProc.
// However, multiple sinks can exist for a message.
// Each may require special return processing.
// the returning of TRUE to indicate interest in additional Power
// Event messages. This a passive request ( asking for additional info )
// but another sink registered for this message may have a different opinion.
// Trivial perhaps, but other message processing may be different; placing
// the requestor at odds with the intent of another.
// Behavior here: All sinks are called with the
// updated t_eReturnAction from the last sink call.
// If a sink suspects it would have to act diffently based on specific
// knowledge of message usage the sink will have to instead spin off
// its own window to handle the special return and not make use of this
// generalized class.
if( e_DefProc == t_eReturnAction ) { t_lResult = DefWindowProc( a_hWnd, a_message, a_wParam, a_lParam ) ; } break ; }
case WM_CLOSE: { if ( mg_hWnd != NULL) { t_lResult = 0; } else { t_lResult = DefWindowProc( a_hWnd, a_message, a_wParam, a_lParam ) ; } break; } case WM_DESTROY: { PostMessage ( a_hWnd, WM_QUIT, 0, 0 ) ; t_lResult = 0; } break ; }
return t_lResult; }