// **************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// File: utils.cpp
// Description:
// Set of sample routines
// History:
// **************************************************************************
//#pragma warning(disable:4201) // nonstandard extension nameless struct (used in windows.h)
//#pragma warning(disable:4514) // unreferenced inline function has been removed (used in windows.h)
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <sys\timeb.h>
#include "utillib.h"
// Function: WbemErrorString
// Purpose: Turns sc into a text string
BSTR WbemErrorString(SCODE sc) { IWbemStatusCodeTextPtr pStatus; BSTR bstr = NULL;
SCODE mysc = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemStatusCodeText, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemStatusCodeText, (LPVOID *) &pStatus);
if (mysc == S_OK) { mysc = pStatus->GetErrorCodeText(sc, 0, 0, &bstr); if (mysc == S_OK) { } else { WCHAR szBuffer2[MAXITOA]; WCHAR szBuffer[sizeof(szBuffer2) + 4];
_ltow(sc, szBuffer2, 16); wcscpy(szBuffer, L"0x"); wcscat(szBuffer, szBuffer2); bstr = SysAllocString(szBuffer); } }
return bstr; }
// Function: PrintError
// Purpose: Formats and prints the error message
void PrintError(char *pszFailureReason, SCODE psc, DWORD dwMode) { VARIANT varString; SCODE sc; IWbemClassObject *pErrorObject = NULL; IErrorInfo* pEI = NULL;
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", pszFailureReason); fprintf(stdout, "FunctionReturn: %S(0x%08lx)\n", WbemErrorString(psc), psc);
if (GetErrorInfo(0, &pEI) == S_OK) { pEI->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject, (void**)&pErrorObject); pEI->Release(); }
if (pErrorObject != NULL) { VariantInit(&varString);
if (dwMode == ERROR_MODE_PRINTFIELDS) { if (pErrorObject->InheritsFrom(L"__NotifyStatus") != WBEM_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stdout, "Unrecognized Error Object type\n"); } else if (pErrorObject->InheritsFrom(L"__ExtendedStatus") == WBEM_NO_ERROR) { sc = pErrorObject->Get(L"Description", 0L, &varString, NULL, NULL); if (sc != S_OK) { fprintf(stdout, "Can't get Description: %d\n", sc); } else if (V_VT(&varString) == VT_BSTR) { FWPRINTF(stdout, L"Description: %wS\n", V_BSTR(&varString)); } VariantClear(&varString);
pErrorObject->Get(L"Operation", 0L, &varString, NULL, NULL); if (sc != S_OK) { fprintf(stdout, "Can't get Operation: %d\n", sc); } else if (V_VT(&varString) == VT_BSTR) { FWPRINTF(stdout, L"Operation: %wS\n", V_BSTR(&varString)); } VariantClear(&varString);
pErrorObject->Get(L"ParameterInfo", 0L, &varString, NULL, NULL); if (sc != S_OK) { fprintf(stdout, "Can't get ParameterInfo: %d\n", sc); } else if (V_VT(&varString) == VT_BSTR) { FWPRINTF(stdout, L"ParameterInfo: %wS\n", V_BSTR(&varString)); } VariantClear(&varString);
pErrorObject->Get(L"ProviderName", 0L, &varString, NULL, NULL); if (sc != S_OK) { fprintf(stdout, "Can't get ProviderName: %d\n", sc); } else if (V_VT(&varString) == VT_BSTR) { FWPRINTF(stdout, L"ProviderName: %wS\n", V_BSTR(&varString)); } VariantClear(&varString); } } else { BSTR bstrObjectText = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pErrorObject->GetObjectText(0, &bstrObjectText))) { fprintf(stdout, "%wS", bstrObjectText); SysFreeString(bstrObjectText); } }
RELEASE(pErrorObject); } }
// Function: PrintErrorAndExit
// Purpose: Formats an error message & exits program
void PrintErrorAndExit(char *pszFailureReason, SCODE sc, DWORD dwMode) { PrintError(pszFailureReason, sc, dwMode);
// Clean up and exit
OleUninitialize(); printf("Abnormal Termination\n"); exit(1); };
// Function: PrintErrorAndAsk
// Purpose: Prints the error message and prompts to continue
void PrintErrorAndAsk(char *pszFailureReason, SCODE sc, DWORD dwMode) { int c;
PrintError(pszFailureReason, sc, dwMode); printf("Continue (Y/N)? ");
c = getchar(); while (getchar() != '\n') { }
if ((c != 'Y') && (c != 'y')) { // Clean up and exit
OleUninitialize(); exit(1); } };
// Function: TypeToString
// Purpose: Takes a variant, returns a pointer to a string that is the variant type
const WCHAR *TypeToString(VARIANT *p) { return TypeToString(p->vt); }
// Function: TypeToString
// Purpose: Takes a VARTYPE, returns a pointer to a string that is the variant type
const WCHAR *TypeToString(VARTYPE v) { const static WCHAR *pVT_NULL = L"VT_NULL"; const static WCHAR *pVT_EMTPY = L"VT_EMPTY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_I1 = L"VT_I1"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UI1 = L"VT_UI1"; const static WCHAR *pVT_I2 = L"VT_I2"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UI2 = L"VT_UI2"; const static WCHAR *pVT_I4 = L"VT_I4"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UI4 = L"VT_UI4"; const static WCHAR *pVT_I8 = L"VT_I8"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UI8 = L"VT_UI8"; const static WCHAR *pVT_R4 = L"VT_R4"; const static WCHAR *pVT_R8 = L"VT_R8"; const static WCHAR *pVT_BOOL = L"VT_BOOL"; const static WCHAR *pVT_BSTR = L"VT_BSTR"; const static WCHAR *pVT_DISPATCH = L"VT_DISPATCH"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UNKNOWN = L"VT_UNKNOWN"; const static WCHAR *pVT_I1_ARRAY = L"VT_I1 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UI1_ARRAY = L"VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_I2_ARRAY = L"VT_I2 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UI2_ARRAY = L"VT_UI2 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_I4_ARRAY = L"VT_I4 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UI4_ARRAY = L"VT_UI4 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_I8_ARRAY = L"VT_I8 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UI8_ARRAY = L"VT_UI8 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_R4_ARRAY = L"VT_R4 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_R8_ARRAY = L"VT_R8 | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_BOOL_ARRAY = L"VT_BOOL | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_BSTR_ARRAY = L"VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_DISPATCH_ARRAY = L"VT_DISPATCH | VT_ARRAY"; const static WCHAR *pVT_UNKNOWN_ARRAY = L"VT_UNKNOWN | VT_ARRAY";
const WCHAR *pRetVal;
switch (v) { case VT_NULL: pRetVal = pVT_NULL; break;
case VT_I1: pRetVal = pVT_I1; break; case VT_UI1: pRetVal = pVT_UI1; break; case VT_I2: pRetVal = pVT_I2; break; case VT_UI2: pRetVal = pVT_UI2; break; case VT_I4: pRetVal = pVT_I4; break; case VT_UI4: pRetVal = pVT_UI4; break; case VT_I8: pRetVal = pVT_I8; break; case VT_UI8: pRetVal = pVT_UI8; break; case VT_R4: pRetVal = pVT_R4; break; case VT_R8: pRetVal = pVT_R8; break; case VT_BOOL: pRetVal = pVT_BOOL; break; case VT_BSTR: pRetVal = pVT_BSTR; break; case VT_DISPATCH: pRetVal = pVT_DISPATCH; break; case VT_UNKNOWN: pRetVal = pVT_UNKNOWN; break;
case VT_I1|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_I1_ARRAY; break; case VT_UI1|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_UI1_ARRAY; break; case VT_I2|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_I2_ARRAY; break; case VT_UI2|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_UI2_ARRAY; break; case VT_I4|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_I4_ARRAY; break; case VT_UI4|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_UI4_ARRAY; break; case VT_I8|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_I8_ARRAY; break; case VT_UI8|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_UI8_ARRAY; break; case VT_R4|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_R4_ARRAY; break; case VT_R8|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_R8_ARRAY; break; case VT_BOOL|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_BOOL_ARRAY; break; case VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_BSTR_ARRAY; break; case VT_DISPATCH|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_DISPATCH_ARRAY; break; case VT_UNKNOWN|VT_ARRAY: pRetVal = pVT_UNKNOWN_ARRAY; break;
default: pRetVal = L"<unknown>"; }
return pRetVal; }
// Function: TypeToString
// Purpose: Takes a CIMTYPE, returns a pointer to a string that is the variant type
const WCHAR *TypeToString(CIMTYPE v) { const static WCHAR *pCIM_UNKNOWN = L"CIM_UNKNOWN";
const static WCHAR *pCIM_ILLEGAL = L"CIM_ILLEGAL"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_EMPTY = L"CIM_EMPTY"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_SINT8 = L"CIM_SINT8"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_UINT8 = L"CIM_UINT8"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_SINT16 = L"CIM_SINT16"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_UINT16 = L"CIM_UINT16"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_SINT32 = L"CIM_SINT32"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_UINT32 = L"CIM_UINT32"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_SINT64 = L"CIM_SINT64"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_UINT64 = L"CIM_UINT64"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_REAL32 = L"CIM_REAL32"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_REAL64 = L"CIM_REAL64"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_BOOLEAN = L"CIM_BOOLEAN"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_STRING = L"CIM_STRING"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_DATETIME = L"CIM_DATETIME"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_REFERENCE = L"CIM_REFERENCE"; const static WCHAR *pCIM_OBJECT = L"CIM_OBJECT";
const WCHAR *pRetVal;
switch (v) { case CIM_ILLEGAL: pRetVal = pCIM_ILLEGAL; break; case CIM_EMPTY: pRetVal = pCIM_EMPTY; break; case CIM_SINT8: pRetVal = pCIM_SINT8; break; case CIM_UINT8: pRetVal = pCIM_UINT8; break; case CIM_SINT16: pRetVal = pCIM_SINT16; break; case CIM_UINT16: pRetVal = pCIM_UINT16; break; case CIM_SINT32: pRetVal = pCIM_SINT32; break; case CIM_UINT32: pRetVal = pCIM_UINT32; break; case CIM_SINT64: pRetVal = pCIM_SINT64; break; case CIM_UINT64: pRetVal = pCIM_UINT64; break; case CIM_REAL32: pRetVal = pCIM_REAL32; break; case CIM_REAL64: pRetVal = pCIM_REAL64; break; case CIM_BOOLEAN: pRetVal = pCIM_BOOLEAN; break; case CIM_STRING: pRetVal = pCIM_STRING; break; case CIM_DATETIME: pRetVal = pCIM_DATETIME; break; case CIM_REFERENCE: pRetVal = pCIM_REFERENCE; break; case CIM_OBJECT: pRetVal = pCIM_OBJECT; break;
case CIM_SINT8 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_SINT8_ARRAY; break; case CIM_UINT8 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_UINT8_ARRAY; break; case CIM_SINT16 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_SINT16_ARRAY; break; case CIM_UINT16 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_UINT16_ARRAY; break; case CIM_SINT32 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_SINT32_ARRAY; break; case CIM_UINT32 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_UINT32_ARRAY; break; case CIM_SINT64 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_SINT64_ARRAY; break; case CIM_UINT64 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_UINT64_ARRAY; break; case CIM_REAL32 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_REAL32_ARRAY; break; case CIM_REAL64 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_REAL64_ARRAY; break; case CIM_BOOLEAN | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_BOOLEAN_ARRAY; break; case CIM_STRING | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_STRING_ARRAY; break; case CIM_DATETIME | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_DATETIME_ARRAY; break; case CIM_REFERENCE | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_REFERENCE_ARRAY; break; case CIM_OBJECT | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY: pRetVal = pCIM_OBJECT_ARRAY; break;
default: pRetVal = pCIM_UNKNOWN; break; }
return pRetVal; }
// Function: ValueToString
// Purpose: Takes a variant, returns a string representation of that variant
WCHAR *ValueToString(CIMTYPE dwType, VARIANT *pValue, WCHAR **pbuf, WCHAR *fnHandler(VARIANT *pv)) { DWORD iTotBufSize;
WCHAR *vbuf = NULL; WCHAR *buf = NULL;
switch (pValue->vt) { case VT_EMPTY: { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty>"); } break; }
case VT_NULL: { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<null>"); } break; }
case VT_BOOL: { VARIANT_BOOL b = pValue->boolVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { if (!b) { wcscpy(buf, L"FALSE"); } else { wcscpy(buf, L"TRUE"); } } break; }
case VT_I1: { char b = pValue->bVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { if (b >= 32) { swprintf(buf, L"'%c' (%hd, 0x%hX)", b, (signed char)b, b); } else { swprintf(buf, L"%hd (0x%hX)", (signed char)b, b); } } break; }
case VT_UI1: { unsigned char b = pValue->bVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { if (b >= 32) { swprintf(buf, L"'%c' (%hu, 0x%hX)", b, (unsigned char)b, b); } else { swprintf(buf, L"%hu (0x%hX)", (unsigned char)b, b); } } break; }
case VT_I2: { SHORT i = pValue->iVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"%hd (0x%hX)", i, i); } break; }
case VT_UI2: { USHORT i = pValue->uiVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"%hu (0x%hX)", i, i); } break; }
case VT_I4: { LONG l = pValue->lVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"%d (0x%X)", l, l); } break; }
case VT_UI4: { ULONG l = pValue->ulVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"%u (0x%X)", l, l); } break; }
case VT_R4: { float f = pValue->fltVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(CVTBUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"%10.4f", f); } break; }
case VT_R8: { double d = pValue->dblVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(CVTBUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"%10.4f", d); } break; }
case VT_BSTR: { if (dwType == CIM_SINT64) { // a little redundant, but it makes me feel better
LPWSTR pWStr = pValue->bstrVal; __int64 l = _wtoi64(pWStr);
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"%I64d", l, l); } } else if (dwType == CIM_UINT64) { // a little redundant, but it makes me feel better
LPWSTR pWStr = pValue->bstrVal; __int64 l = _wtoi64(pWStr);
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"%I64u", l, l); } } else // string, datetime, reference
{ LPWSTR pWStr = pValue->bstrVal; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((wcslen(pWStr) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR) + (2 * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (buf) { swprintf(buf, L"\"%wS\"", pWStr); } } break; }
case VT_BOOL|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
VARIANT_BOOL v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); if (v) { wcscat(buf, L"TRUE"); } else { wcscat(buf, L"FALSE"); } } }
break; }
case VT_I1|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L""); WCHAR *pos = buf; DWORD len;
BYTE *pbstr; SafeArrayAccessData(pVec, (void HUGEP* FAR*)&pbstr);
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscpy(pos, L","); pos += 1; } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
char v; // SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v);
v = pbstr[i];
if (v < 32) { len = swprintf(lbuf, L"%hd (0x%X)", v, v); } else { len = swprintf(lbuf, L"'%c' %hd (0x%X)", v, v, v); }
wcscpy(pos, lbuf); pos += len; } }
break; }
case VT_UI1|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L""); WCHAR *pos = buf; DWORD len;
BYTE *pbstr; SafeArrayAccessData(pVec, (void HUGEP* FAR*)&pbstr);
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscpy(pos, L","); pos += 1; } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
unsigned char v; // SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v);
v = pbstr[i];
if (v < 32) { len = swprintf(lbuf, L"%hu (0x%X)", v, v); } else { len = swprintf(lbuf, L"'%c' %hu (0x%X)", v, v, v); }
wcscpy(pos, lbuf); pos += len; } }
break; }
case VT_I2|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
SHORT v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%hd", v); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } }
break; }
case VT_UI2|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
USHORT v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%hu", v); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } }
break; }
case VT_I4|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
LONG v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); _ltow(v, lbuf, 10); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } }
break; }
case VT_UI4|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
ULONG v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); _ultow(v, lbuf, 10); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } }
break; }
case CIM_REAL32|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * (CVTBUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
FLOAT v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%10.4f", v); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } }
break; }
case CIM_REAL64|VT_ARRAY: { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * (CVTBUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
double v; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); swprintf(lbuf, L"%10.4f", v); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } }
break; }
case VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY: { if (dwType == (CIM_UINT64|VT_ARRAY)) { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v);
swprintf(lbuf, L"%I64u", _wtoi64(v)); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } } } else if (dwType == (CIM_SINT64|VT_ARRAY)) { SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
buf = (WCHAR *)malloc((iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"");
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { if (!bFirst) { wcscat(buf, L","); } else { bFirst = FALSE; }
SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v);
swprintf(lbuf, L"%I64d", _wtoi64(v)); wcscat(buf, lbuf); } } } else // string, datetime, reference
{ SAFEARRAY *pVec = pValue->parray; long iLBound, iUBound; DWORD iNeed; size_t iVSize; DWORD iCurBufSize;
SafeArrayGetLBound(pVec, 1, &iLBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pVec, 1, &iUBound); if ((iUBound - iLBound + 1) == 0) { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<empty array>"); } break; }
iTotBufSize = (iUBound - iLBound + 1) * BLOCKSIZE; buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(iTotBufSize); if (buf) { buf[0] = L'\0'; iCurBufSize = 0; iVSize = BLOCKSIZE; vbuf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (vbuf) { size_t iLen;
for (long i = iLBound; i <= iUBound; i++) { BSTR v = NULL; SafeArrayGetElement(pVec, &i, &v); iLen = (wcslen(v) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (iLen > iVSize) { WCHAR* pTmp = (WCHAR *)realloc(vbuf, iLen + sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pTmp) { vbuf = pTmp; iVSize = iLen; } else { free(buf); buf = NULL; SysFreeString(v); break; } }
// String size + (quotes + comma + null)
iNeed = (swprintf(vbuf, L"%wS", v) + 4) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (iNeed + iCurBufSize > iTotBufSize) { iTotBufSize += (iNeed * 2); // Room enough for 2 more entries
WCHAR* pTmp = (WCHAR *)realloc(buf, iTotBufSize);
if (pTmp) buf = pTmp; else { free(buf); buf = NULL; SysFreeString(v); break; } } wcscat(buf, L"\""); wcscat(buf, vbuf); if (i + 1 <= iUBound) { wcscat(buf, L"\","); } else { wcscat(buf, L"\""); } iCurBufSize += iNeed; SysFreeString(v); } free(vbuf); } } }
break; }
default: { if (fnHandler != NULL) { buf = fnHandler(pValue); } else { buf = (WCHAR *)malloc(BLOCKSIZE); if (buf) { wcscpy(buf, L"<conversion error>"); } } break; } }
if (!buf) { PrintErrorAndExit("ValueToString() out of memory", S_OK, 0); }
*pbuf = buf; return buf; }
// Function: cvt
// Purpose: Converts unicode to oem for console output
// Note: y must be freed by caller
char *cvt(WCHAR *x, char **y) { int dwRet, i; i = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_OEMCP, 0, x, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
*y = (char *)calloc(i, 1);
if (*y) { dwRet = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_OEMCP, 0, x, -1, *y, i, NULL, NULL);
if (dwRet == 0) { free(*y); *y = (char *)malloc(sizeof(CVTFAILED)); if (*y) { memcpy(*y, CVTFAILED, sizeof(CVTFAILED)); } } } else { PrintErrorAndExit("cvt() out of memory", S_OK, 0); }
return *y; }
// Function: myWFPrintf
// Purpose: Checks to see if outputing to console and converts strings
// to oem if necessary.
// Note: Returns number of characters written (ie if we write 3 oem
// chars, it returns 3. If it writes 4 wchars, it returns 4).
int myFWPrintf(FILE *f, WCHAR *fmt, ...)
{ va_list argptr; size_t i;
int iSize = PAGESIZE; WCHAR *wszBuff = (WCHAR *)malloc(iSize);
if (wszBuff) { wszBuff[(iSize/2)-2] = 0xffff;
va_start(argptr, fmt); // Init variable arguments
// Format the string into a buffer. Make sure the buffer is big enough
while (_vsnwprintf(wszBuff, (iSize-1)/sizeof(WCHAR), fmt, argptr) == -1) { if (wszBuff[(iSize/2)-2] != 0xffff) { WCHAR* pTmp = (WCHAR *)realloc(wszBuff, iSize + PAGESIZE);
if (pTmp) { wszBuff = pTmp; wszBuff[(iSize/2)-2] = 0xffff; iSize += PAGESIZE; } else { wszBuff[(iSize/2)-2] = L'\0'; break; }
} else { // unfortunately, _vsnwprintf won't handle the unicode character
// 0xffff. Since this isn't actually a valid unicode character,
// we'll just ignore it.
wcscpy(wszBuff, L"String contains 0xffff\n"); break; } }
if (f == stdout) { char *z = NULL;
fputs(cvt(wszBuff,&z), f); i = strlen(z); free(z); } else { i = wcslen(wszBuff); fwrite(wszBuff, i * sizeof(WCHAR), 1, f); }
free(wszBuff); } else { if (f == stdout) { char *szBuff = "myFWPrintf() out of memory";
i = strlen(szBuff); fputs(szBuff, f); } else { wszBuff = L"myFWPrintf() out of memory"; i = wcslen(wszBuff); fwrite(wszBuff, i * sizeof(WCHAR), 1, f); } }
return (int)i; }
// Function: difftime
// Purpose: Returns the elapsed time between two _timeb structures
// Note: This is different from the crt routine which works on time_t
// structures.
double difftime(struct _timeb finish, struct _timeb start) { double dRet;
if (start.millitm > finish.millitm) { dRet = ((finish.time - start.time) - 1) + (double)(((1000 + finish.millitm) - start.millitm) / 1000.0); } else { dRet = (finish.time - start.time) + (double)((finish.millitm - start.millitm) / 1000.0); }
return dRet; }