Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Creates directories
--*/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "corepol.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <helper.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include <accctrl.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
class CTmpStrException { };
class TmpStr { private: TCHAR *pString; public: TmpStr() : pString(NULL) { } ~TmpStr() { delete [] pString; } TmpStr &operator =(const TCHAR *szStr) { delete [] pString; pString = NULL; if (szStr) { size_t stringSize = lstrlen(szStr) + 1; pString = new TCHAR[stringSize]; if (!pString) throw CTmpStrException();
StringCchCopy(pString, stringSize, szStr); } return *this; } operator const TCHAR *() const { return pString; } TCHAR Right(int i) { if (pString && (lstrlen(pString) >= i)) { return pString[lstrlen(pString) - i]; } else { return '\0'; } } TmpStr &operator +=(const TCHAR ch) { if (pString) { size_t stringLength = lstrlen(pString) + 2; TCHAR *tmpstr = new TCHAR[stringLength]; if (!tmpstr) throw CTmpStrException();
StringCchCopy(tmpstr, stringLength, pString); tmpstr[lstrlen(pString)] = ch; tmpstr[lstrlen(pString) + 1] = TEXT('\0');
delete [] pString; pString = tmpstr; } else { TCHAR *tmpstr = new TCHAR[2];
if (!tmpstr) throw CTmpStrException();
tmpstr[0] = ch; tmpstr[1] = TEXT('\0'); pString = tmpstr; } return *this; } TmpStr &operator +=(const TCHAR *sz) { if (sz && pString) { size_t stringLength = lstrlen(pString) + lstrlen(sz) + 1; TCHAR *tmpstr = new TCHAR[stringLength];
if (!tmpstr) throw CTmpStrException();
StringCchCopy(tmpstr,stringLength, pString); StringCchCat(tmpstr, stringLength, sz);
delete [] pString; pString = tmpstr; } else if (sz) { size_t stringLength = lstrlen(sz) + 1; TCHAR *tmpstr = new TCHAR[stringLength];
if (!tmpstr) throw CTmpStrException();
StringCchCopy(tmpstr, stringLength, sz); pString = tmpstr; } return *this; }
BOOL POLARITY WbemCreateDirectory(const wchar_t *pszDirName) { BOOL bStat = TRUE; wchar_t *pCurrent = NULL; size_t stringLength = wcslen(pszDirName) + 1; wchar_t *pDirName = new wchar_t[stringLength];
if (!pDirName) return FALSE;
StringCchCopy(pDirName, stringLength, pszDirName);
try { TmpStr szDirName; pCurrent = wcstok(pDirName, TEXT("\\")); szDirName = pCurrent;
while (pCurrent) { if ((pCurrent[lstrlen(pCurrent)-1] != ':') && //This is "<drive>:\\"
(pCurrent[0] != TEXT('\\'))) //There is double slash in name
struct _stat stats; int dwstat = _wstat(szDirName, &stats); if ((dwstat == 0) && !(stats.st_mode & _S_IFDIR)) { bStat = FALSE; break; } else if (dwstat == -1) { DWORD dwStatus = GetLastError(); if (!CreateDirectory(szDirName, 0)) { bStat = FALSE; break; } } // else it exists already
szDirName += TEXT('\\'); pCurrent = wcstok(0, TEXT("\\")); szDirName += pCurrent; } } catch(...) { bStat = FALSE; }
delete [] pDirName;
return bStat; }
// Test for directory Existence
// if the name is a file, it deletes it.
// if the directory is not found, then it creates the directory
// with the specified Security descriptor
HRESULT POLARITY TestDirExistAndCreateWithSDIfNotThere(TCHAR * pDirectory, TCHAR * pSDDLString) { DWORD dwRes = 0; DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(pDirectory); dwRes = GetLastError(); if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES != dwAttr) {
if (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & dwAttr) { // it's there and it's a directory
return S_OK; } // it can be a file, wipe it out
if (FALSE == DeleteFile(pDirectory)) return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32,GetLastError()); else dwRes = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; }
// if here, the directory was not found, or it was found as a file
if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwRes || ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == dwRes) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD = NULL; if (FALSE == ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(pSDDLString, SDDL_REVISION_1, &pSD, NULL)) return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32,GetLastError()); OnDelete<HLOCAL,HLOCAL(*)(HLOCAL),LocalFree> dm1(pSD);
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttr = {sizeof(SecAttr),pSD,FALSE}; if (FALSE == CreateDirectory(pDirectory,&SecAttr)) dwRes = GetLastError(); else dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, dwRes); else return S_OK;