Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Utility string class
a-raymcc 30-May-96 Created. a-dcrews 16-Mar-99 Added out-of-memory exception handling
#ifndef _WSTRING_H_
#define _WSTRING_H_
#include <strutils.h>
class WString { wchar_t *m_pString;
void DeleteString(wchar_t *pStr);
public: enum { leading = 0x1, trailing = 0x2 };
WString(wchar_t *pSrc, BOOL bAcquire = FALSE); WString(DWORD dwResourceID, HMODULE hMod); // creates from resource string
WString(const wchar_t *pSrc); WString(const char *pSrc); // inline WString() { m_pString = g_szNullString; }
WString(); inline WString(const WString &Src) { m_pString = 0; *this = Src; } WString& operator =(const WString &); WString& operator =(LPCWSTR); inline ~WString() { DeleteString(m_pString); } inline int Length() const { return wcslen(m_pString); }
WString& operator +=(const WString &Other); WString& operator +=(const wchar_t *); WString& operator +=(wchar_t); inline operator const wchar_t *() const { return m_pString; } inline operator wchar_t *() { return m_pString; } wchar_t operator[](int nIndex) const; LPSTR GetLPSTR() const;
inline BOOL Equal(const wchar_t *pTarget) const { return wcscmp(m_pString, pTarget) == 0; } inline BOOL EqualNoCase(const wchar_t *pTarget) const { return wbem_wcsicmp(m_pString, pTarget) == 0; }
inline BOOL operator< (LPCWSTR wszTarget) const { return wcscmp(m_pString, wszTarget) < 0; } inline BOOL operator> (LPCWSTR wszTarget) const { return wcscmp(m_pString, wszTarget) > 0; } inline BOOL operator<= (LPCWSTR wszTarget) const { return wcscmp(m_pString, wszTarget) <= 0; } inline BOOL operator>= (LPCWSTR wszTarget) const { return wcscmp(m_pString, wszTarget) >= 0; }
LPWSTR UnbindPtr(); inline void BindPtr(LPWSTR ptr) { DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = ptr; } void Empty(); WString& StripWs(int nType); // Strip whitespace, use with a combination
// of leading | trailing
WString& TruncAtRToken(wchar_t Token); // Truncates the string at the token starting from the
// right end. The token itself is also wiped out.
WString& TruncAtLToken(wchar_t Token); WString& StripToToken(wchar_t Token, BOOL bIncludeToken); // Strips leading chars until the token is encountered.
// If bIncludeTok==TRUE, strips the token too.
wchar_t *GetLToken(wchar_t wcToken) const; // Gets the first occurrence of wcToken in the string or NULL
WString operator()(int, int) const; // Returns a new WString based on the slice
BOOL ExtractToken(const wchar_t * pDelimiters, WString &Extract); // Extracts the leading chars up to the token delimiter,
// Removing the token from *this, and assigning the extracted
// part to <Extract>.
BOOL ExtractToken(wchar_t Delimiter, WString &Extract); // Extracts the leading chars up to the token delimiter,
// Removing the token from *this, and assigning the extracted
// part to <Extract>.
BOOL WildcardTest(const wchar_t *pTestStr) const; // Tests *this against the wildcard string. If a match,
// returns TRUE, else FALSE.
void Unquote(); // Removes leading/trailing quotes, if any.
// Leaves escaped quotes intact.
WString EscapeQuotes() const; };
class WSiless { public: inline bool operator()(const WString& ws1, const WString& ws2) const {return wbem_wcsicmp(ws1, ws2) < 0;} };