Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation for a module that knows how to patch translated messages into arrays that constitute Windows NT file system boot code.
Ted Miller (tedm) 6 May 1997
Revision History:
Various modules in the Windows NT need to lay the mbr or file system boot records, such as format, setup, etc. Boot code for fat, fat32, ntfs, and the mbr is each built into a corresponding header file in sdk\inc. Each header file has an array of bytes that constitute the boot code itself. The code has no text in it, but instead has some placeholders for text that needs to be patched in at run-time by users of those header files. This allows localization of the boot messages without recompiles.
As built, each boot code array has a table in a known place that indicates where in the array the messages are supposed to start. The boot code expects to look there to find the offset of any message it needs.
For the file system boot code, the message offset table is located immediately before the 2-byte 55aa sig (for fat) or the 4-byte 000055aa sig (for fat32 and ntfs).
Fat/Fat32 share 3 messages, whose offsets are expected to be in the following order in the offset table:
NTLDR is missing Disk error Press any key to restart
NTFS has 4 messages, whose offsets are expected to be in the following order in the offset table:
A disk read error occurred NTLDR is missing NTLDR is compressed Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart
For the master boot code, the message offset table is immediately before the NTFT signature and has 3 messages (thus it starts at offset 0x1b5). The offsets are expected to be in the following order:
Invalid partition table Error loading operating system Missing operating system
Finally note that to allow one-byte values to be stored in the message offset tables we store the offset - 256.
#include <nt.h>
#include <patchbc.h>
#include <string.h>
BOOLEAN DoPatchMessagesIntoBootCode( IN OUT PUCHAR BootCode, IN unsigned TableOffset, IN BOOLEAN WantCrLfs, IN BOOLEAN WantTerminating255, IN unsigned MessageCount, ... ) { va_list arglist; unsigned Offset; unsigned i; LPCSTR text;
Offset = (unsigned)BootCode[TableOffset] + 256;
for(i=0; i<MessageCount; i++) {
text = va_arg(arglist,LPCSTR);
BootCode[TableOffset+i] = (UCHAR)(Offset - 256);
if(WantCrLfs) { BootCode[Offset++] = 13; BootCode[Offset++] = 10; }
strcpy(BootCode+Offset,text); Offset += strlen(text);
if(i == (MessageCount-1)) { //
// Last message gets special treatment.
if(WantCrLfs) { BootCode[Offset++] = 13; BootCode[Offset++] = 10; } BootCode[Offset++] = 0; } else { //
// Not last message.
if(WantTerminating255) { BootCode[Offset++] = 255; } else { BootCode[Offset++] = 0; } } }
return(Offset <= TableOffset); }
BOOLEAN PatchMessagesIntoFatBootCode( IN OUT PUCHAR BootCode, IN BOOLEAN IsFat32, IN LPCSTR MsgNtldrMissing, IN LPCSTR MsgDiskError, IN LPCSTR MsgPressKey ) { BOOLEAN b;
b = DoPatchMessagesIntoBootCode( BootCode, IsFat32 ? 505 : 507, TRUE, TRUE, 3, MsgNtldrMissing, MsgDiskError, MsgPressKey );
return(b); }
BOOLEAN PatchMessagesIntoNtfsBootCode( IN OUT PUCHAR BootCode, IN LPCSTR MsgNtldrMissing, IN LPCSTR MsgNtldrCompressed, IN LPCSTR MsgDiskError, IN LPCSTR MsgPressKey ) { BOOLEAN b;
b = DoPatchMessagesIntoBootCode( BootCode, 504, TRUE, FALSE, 4, MsgDiskError, MsgNtldrMissing, MsgNtldrCompressed, MsgPressKey );
return(b); }
BOOLEAN PatchMessagesIntoMasterBootCode( IN OUT PUCHAR BootCode, IN LPCSTR MsgInvalidTable, IN LPCSTR MsgIoError, IN LPCSTR MsgMissingOs ) { BOOLEAN b;
b = DoPatchMessagesIntoBootCode( BootCode, 0x1b5, FALSE, FALSE, 3, MsgInvalidTable, MsgIoError, MsgMissingOs );
return(b); }