Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module provides common code for loading things like drivers, NLS files, registry. Used by both the osloader and the setupldr.
John Vert (jvert) 8-Oct-1993
ARC environment
Revision History:
#include "bldr.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "vmode.h"
#ifdef EFI
#include "bootefi.h"
// progress bar message ids
ULONG BlProgBarFrontMsgID = 0x00002CF9L; ULONG BlProgBarBackMsgID = 0x00002CFAL;
// Size of the font file buffer
ULONG BlOemFontFileSize;
// number of files loaded (for progress bar)
int BlNumFilesLoaded = 0; int BlNumProgressBarFilesLoaded = 0;
// maximum number of files to load (for progress bar)
int BlMaxFilesToLoad = 80; int BlProgressBarFilesToLoad = 0;
#if defined(_X86_)
ULONG BlProgressBarShowTimeOut = 3; #else
ULONG BlProgressBarShowTimeOut = 0; #endif
BOOLEAN BlDisableProgressBar = FALSE;
// The progress bar width (in characters)
// The progress bar characters
#define DEFAULT_FRONT_CHAR 0xDB // block cursor
// defines whether to draw the progress bar or not
#if DBG
// To show the progress bar or not
BOOLEAN BlShowProgressBar = FALSE; ULONG BlStartTime = 0L;
ARC_STATUS BlLoadSystemHiveLog( IN ULONG DeviceId, IN PCHAR DeviceName, IN PCHAR DirectoryPath, IN PCHAR HiveName, OUT PULONG_PTR LogData )
Routine Description:
Loads the registry log file for the system hive from <BootDirectory>\config\system.LOG.
Allocates a memory descriptor to hold the hive image, reads the hive image into this descriptor,
DeviceId - Supplies the file id of the device the system tree is on.
DeviceName - Supplies the name of the device the system tree is on.
DirectoryPath - Supplies a pointer to the zero-terminated directory path of the root of the NT tree.
HiveName - Supplies the name of the system hive ("SYSTEM.LOG")
LogData - flat image of the log file
LogLength - length of the data in LogData
Return Value:
TRUE - system hive successfully loaded.
FALSE - system hive could not be loaded.
{ CHAR RegistryName[256]; ULONG FileId; ARC_STATUS Status; FILE_INFORMATION FileInformation; ULONG FileSize; ULONG ActualBase; ULONG_PTR LocalPointer; LARGE_INTEGER SeekValue; ULONG Count; PCHAR FailReason;
// Create the full filename for the SYSTEM hive.
strcpy(&RegistryName[0], DirectoryPath); strcat(&RegistryName[0], HiveName); BlOutputLoadMessage(DeviceName, &RegistryName[0], NULL);
Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, &RegistryName[0], ArcOpenReadOnly, &FileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { FailReason = "BlOpen"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
// Determine the length of the registry file
Status = BlGetFileInformation(FileId, &FileInformation);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlClose(FileId); FailReason = "BlGetFileInformation"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
FileSize = FileInformation.EndingAddress.LowPart; if (FileSize == 0) { Status = EINVAL; BlClose(FileId); FailReason = "FileSize == 0"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
// Round up to a page boundary, allocate a memory descriptor, fill in the
// registry fields in the loader parameter block, and read the registry
// data into memory.
Status = BlAllocateDescriptor(LoaderRegistryData, 0x0, (FileSize + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT, &ActualBase);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlClose(FileId); FailReason = "BlAllocateDescriptor"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
*LogData = LocalPointer = KSEG0_BASE | (ActualBase << PAGE_SHIFT);
// Read the SYSTEM hive into the allocated memory.
SeekValue.QuadPart = 0; Status = BlSeek(FileId, &SeekValue, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlClose(FileId); FailReason = "BlSeek"; BlFreeDescriptor(ActualBase); goto HiveLoadFailed; }
Status = BlRead(FileId, (PVOID)LocalPointer, FileSize, &Count); BlClose(FileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { FailReason = "BlRead"; BlFreeDescriptor(ActualBase); goto HiveLoadFailed; }
HiveLoadFailed: return Status; }
ARC_STATUS BlLoadSystemHive( IN ULONG DeviceId, IN PCHAR DeviceName, IN PCHAR DirectoryPath, IN PCHAR HiveName )
Routine Description:
Loads the registry SYSTEM hive from <BootDirectory>\config\system.
Allocates a memory descriptor to hold the hive image, reads the hive image into this descriptor, and updates the registry pointers in the LoaderBlock.
DeviceId - Supplies the file id of the device the system tree is on.
DeviceName - Supplies the name of the device the system tree is on.
DirectoryPath - Supplies a pointer to the zero-terminated directory path of the root of the NT tree.
HiveName - Supplies the name of the system hive ("SYSTEM" or "SYSTEM.ALT")
Return Value:
TRUE - system hive successfully loaded.
FALSE - system hive could not be loaded.
{ CHAR RegistryName[256]; ULONG FileId; ARC_STATUS Status; FILE_INFORMATION FileInformation; ULONG FileSize; ULONG ActualBase; ULONG_PTR LocalPointer; LARGE_INTEGER SeekValue; ULONG Count; PCHAR FailReason;
// Create the full filename for the SYSTEM hive.
strcpy(&RegistryName[0], DirectoryPath); strcat(&RegistryName[0], HiveName); BlOutputLoadMessage(DeviceName, &RegistryName[0], NULL);
Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, &RegistryName[0], ArcOpenReadOnly, &FileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { FailReason = "BlOpen"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
// Determine the length of the registry file
Status = BlGetFileInformation(FileId, &FileInformation);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlClose(FileId); FailReason = "BlGetFileInformation"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
FileSize = FileInformation.EndingAddress.LowPart; if (FileSize == 0) { Status = EINVAL; BlClose(FileId); FailReason = "FileSize == 0"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
// Round up to a page boundary, allocate a memory descriptor, fill in the
// registry fields in the loader parameter block, and read the registry
// data into memory.
Status = BlAllocateDescriptor(LoaderRegistryData, 0x0, (FileSize + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT, &ActualBase);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlClose(FileId); FailReason = "BlAllocateDescriptor"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
LocalPointer = KSEG0_BASE | (ActualBase << PAGE_SHIFT); BlLoaderBlock->RegistryLength = FileSize; BlLoaderBlock->RegistryBase = (PVOID)(LocalPointer + BlVirtualBias);
// Read the SYSTEM hive into the allocated memory.
SeekValue.QuadPart = 0; Status = BlSeek(FileId, &SeekValue, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlClose(FileId); FailReason = "BlSeek"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
Status = BlRead(FileId, (PVOID)LocalPointer, FileSize, &Count); BlClose(FileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { FailReason = "BlRead"; goto HiveLoadFailed; }
HiveLoadFailed: return Status; }
Routine Description:
This routine loads all the NLS data files into one contiguous block of memory.
DeviceId - Supplies the file id of the device the system tree is on.
DeviceName - Supplies the name of the device the system tree is on.
DirectoryPath - Supplies a pointer to the zero-terminated path of the directory containing the NLS files.
AnsiCodePage - Supplies the filename of the ANSI codepage data file.
OemCodePage - Supplies the filename of the OEM codepage data file.
LanguageTable - Supplies the filename of the Unicode language case table.
BadFileName - Returns the filename of the NLS file that was missing or invalid. This will not be filled in if ESUCCESS is returned.
Return Value:
ESUCCESS is returned if the NLS data was successfully loaded. Otherwise, an unsuccessful status is returned.
{ CHAR Filename[129]; ULONG AnsiFileId; ULONG OemFileId; ULONG LanguageFileId; ARC_STATUS Status; FILE_INFORMATION FileInformation; ULONG AnsiFileSize; ULONG OemFileSize; ULONG LanguageFileSize; ULONG TotalSize; ULONG ActualBase; ULONG_PTR LocalPointer; LARGE_INTEGER SeekValue; ULONG Count; BOOLEAN OemIsSameAsAnsi = FALSE;
// Under the Japanese version of NT, ANSI code page and OEM codepage
// is same. In this case, we share the same data to save and memory.
if ( (AnsiCodepage->Length == OemCodepage->Length) && (_wcsnicmp(AnsiCodepage->Buffer, OemCodepage->Buffer, AnsiCodepage->Length) == 0)) {
OemIsSameAsAnsi = TRUE; }
// Open the ANSI data file
sprintf(Filename, "%s%wZ", DirectoryPath,AnsiCodepage); BlOutputLoadMessage(DeviceName, Filename, NULL);
Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, Filename, ArcOpenReadOnly, &AnsiFileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
Status = BlGetFileInformation(AnsiFileId, &FileInformation); BlClose(AnsiFileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
AnsiFileSize = FileInformation.EndingAddress.LowPart;
// Open the OEM data file
if (OemIsSameAsAnsi) { OemFileSize = 0;
} else { sprintf(Filename, "%s%wZ", DirectoryPath, OemCodepage); BlOutputLoadMessage(DeviceName, Filename, NULL); Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, Filename, ArcOpenReadOnly, &OemFileId);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
Status = BlGetFileInformation(OemFileId, &FileInformation); BlClose(OemFileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
OemFileSize = FileInformation.EndingAddress.LowPart; }
// Open the language codepage file
sprintf(Filename, "%s%wZ", DirectoryPath,LanguageTable); BlOutputLoadMessage(DeviceName, Filename, NULL); Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, Filename, ArcOpenReadOnly, &LanguageFileId);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
Status = BlGetFileInformation(LanguageFileId, &FileInformation); BlClose(LanguageFileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
LanguageFileSize = FileInformation.EndingAddress.LowPart;
// Calculate the total size of the descriptor needed. We want each
// data file to start on a page boundary, so round up each size to
// page granularity.
TotalSize = (ULONG)(ROUND_TO_PAGES(AnsiFileSize) + (OemIsSameAsAnsi ? 0 : ROUND_TO_PAGES(OemFileSize)) + ROUND_TO_PAGES(LanguageFileSize));
Status = BlAllocateDescriptor(LoaderNlsData, 0x0, TotalSize >> PAGE_SHIFT, &ActualBase);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
LocalPointer = KSEG0_BASE | (ActualBase << PAGE_SHIFT);
// Read NLS data into memory.
// Open and read the ANSI file.
sprintf(Filename, "%s%wZ", DirectoryPath, AnsiCodepage); Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, Filename, ArcOpenReadOnly, &AnsiFileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
SeekValue.QuadPart = 0; Status = BlSeek(AnsiFileId, &SeekValue, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
Status = BlRead(AnsiFileId, (PVOID)LocalPointer, AnsiFileSize, &Count);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
BlLoaderBlock->NlsData->AnsiCodePageData = (PVOID)(LocalPointer + BlVirtualBias); LocalPointer += ROUND_TO_PAGES(AnsiFileSize); BlClose(AnsiFileId);
// If the OEM file is the same as the ANSI file, then define the OEM file as
// the ANSI file. Otherwise, open and read the OEM file.
if(OemIsSameAsAnsi) { BlLoaderBlock->NlsData->OemCodePageData = BlLoaderBlock->NlsData->AnsiCodePageData;
} else { sprintf(Filename, "%s%wZ", DirectoryPath, OemCodepage); Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, Filename, ArcOpenReadOnly, &OemFileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
SeekValue.QuadPart = 0; Status = BlSeek(OemFileId, &SeekValue, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
Status = BlRead(OemFileId, (PVOID)LocalPointer, OemFileSize, &Count);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
BlLoaderBlock->NlsData->OemCodePageData = (PVOID)(LocalPointer + BlVirtualBias); LocalPointer += ROUND_TO_PAGES(OemFileSize); BlClose(OemFileId); }
// Open and read Language file.
sprintf(Filename, "%s%wZ", DirectoryPath,LanguageTable); Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, Filename, ArcOpenReadOnly, &LanguageFileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
SeekValue.QuadPart = 0; Status = BlSeek(LanguageFileId, &SeekValue, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
Status = BlRead(LanguageFileId, (PVOID)LocalPointer, LanguageFileSize, &Count);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto NlsLoadFailed; }
BlLoaderBlock->NlsData->UnicodeCaseTableData = (PVOID)(LocalPointer + BlVirtualBias); BlClose(LanguageFileId); return(ESUCCESS);
NlsLoadFailed: strcpy(BadFileName, Filename); return(Status); }
ARC_STATUS BlLoadOemHalFont( IN ULONG DeviceId, IN PCHAR DeviceName, IN PCHAR DirectoryPath, IN PUNICODE_STRING OemHalFont, OUT PCHAR BadFileName )
Routine Description:
This routine loads the OEM font file for use the HAL display string function.
DeviceId - Supplies the file id of the device the system tree is on.
DeviceName - Supplies the name of the device the system tree is on.
DirectoryPath - Supplies a pointer to the directory path of the root of the NT tree.
Fontfile - Supplies the filename of the OEM font file.
BadFileName - Returns the filename of the OEM font file that was missing or invalid.
Return Value:
ESUCCESS is returned if the OEM font was successfully loaded. Otherwise, an unsuccessful status is returned and the bad file name is filled.
// Open the OEM font file.
BlLoaderBlock->OemFontFile = NULL; sprintf(&Filename[0], "%s%wZ", DirectoryPath, OemHalFont); BlOutputLoadMessage(DeviceName, &Filename[0], NULL); Status = BlOpen(DeviceId, &Filename[0], ArcOpenReadOnly, &FileId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto OemLoadExit1; }
// Get the size of the font file and allocate a buffer from the heap
// to hold the font file. Typically this file is about 4kb in length.
Status = BlGetFileInformation(FileId, &FileInformation); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto OemLoadExit; }
FileSize = FileInformation.EndingAddress.LowPart; FileBuffer = BlAllocateHeap(FileSize + BlDcacheFillSize - 1); if (FileBuffer == NULL) { Status = ENOMEM; goto OemLoadExit; }
// Round the file buffer address up to a cache line boundary and read
// the file into memory.
FileBuffer = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)FileBuffer + BlDcacheFillSize - 1); FileBuffer = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)FileBuffer & ~((ULONG_PTR)BlDcacheFillSize - 1)); Status = BlRead(FileId, FileBuffer, FileSize, &Count);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { goto OemLoadExit; }
// Attempt to recognize the file as either a .fon or .fnt file.
// Check if the file has a DOS header or a font file header. If the
// file has a font file header, then it is a .fnt file. Otherwise,
// it must be checked for an OS/2 executable with a font resource.
Status = EBADF; DosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)FileBuffer; if (DosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
// Check if the file has a font file header.
FontHeader = (POEM_FONT_FILE_HEADER)FileBuffer; if ((FontHeader->Version != OEM_FONT_VERSION) || (FontHeader->Type != OEM_FONT_TYPE) || (FontHeader->Italic != OEM_FONT_ITALIC) || (FontHeader->Underline != OEM_FONT_UNDERLINE) || (FontHeader->StrikeOut != OEM_FONT_STRIKEOUT) || (FontHeader->CharacterSet != OEM_FONT_CHARACTER_SET) || (FontHeader->Family != OEM_FONT_FAMILY) || (FontHeader->PixelWidth > 32)) {
goto OemLoadExit;
} else { BlLoaderBlock->OemFontFile = (PVOID)FontHeader; Status = ESUCCESS; goto OemLoadExit; } }
// Check if the file has an OS/2 header.
if ((FileSize < sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)) || (FileSize < (ULONG)DosHeader->e_lfanew)) { goto OemLoadExit; }
Os2Header = (PIMAGE_OS2_HEADER)((PUCHAR)DosHeader + DosHeader->e_lfanew); if (Os2Header->ne_magic != IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE) { goto OemLoadExit; }
// Check if the resource table exists.
if ((Os2Header->ne_restab - Os2Header->ne_rsrctab) == 0) { goto OemLoadExit; }
// Compute address of resource table and search the table for a font
// resource.
TableAddress = (PRESOURCE_TYPE_INFORMATION)((PUCHAR)Os2Header + Os2Header->ne_rsrctab);
TableEnd = (PRESOURCE_TYPE_INFORMATION)((PUCHAR)Os2Header + Os2Header->ne_restab);
ScaleFactor = *((SHORT UNALIGNED *)TableAddress); TableAddress = (PRESOURCE_TYPE_INFORMATION)((SHORT UNALIGNED *)TableAddress + 1); while ((TableAddress < TableEnd) && (TableAddress->Ident != 0) && (TableAddress->Ident != FONT_RESOURCE)) {
TableAddress = (PRESOURCE_TYPE_INFORMATION)((PUCHAR)(TableAddress + 1) + (TableAddress->Number * sizeof(RESOURCE_NAME_INFORMATION))); }
if ((TableAddress >= TableEnd) || (TableAddress->Ident != FONT_RESOURCE)) { goto OemLoadExit; }
// Compute address of resource name information and check if the resource
// is within the file.
TableName = (PRESOURCE_NAME_INFORMATION)(TableAddress + 1); if (FileSize < ((TableName->Offset << ScaleFactor) + sizeof(OEM_FONT_FILE_HEADER))) { goto OemLoadExit; }
// Compute the address of the font file header and check if the header
// contains correct information.
FontHeader = (POEM_FONT_FILE_HEADER)((PCHAR)FileBuffer + (TableName->Offset << ScaleFactor));
if ((FontHeader->Version != OEM_FONT_VERSION) || (FontHeader->Type != OEM_FONT_TYPE) || (FontHeader->Italic != OEM_FONT_ITALIC) || (FontHeader->Underline != OEM_FONT_UNDERLINE) || (FontHeader->StrikeOut != OEM_FONT_STRIKEOUT) || (FontHeader->CharacterSet != OEM_FONT_CHARACTER_SET) || (FontHeader->PixelWidth > 32)) { goto OemLoadExit;
} else { BlLoaderBlock->OemFontFile = (PVOID)FontHeader; Status = ESUCCESS; goto OemLoadExit; }
// Exit loading of the OEM font file.
OemLoadExit: BlClose(FileId); OemLoadExit1: strcpy(BadFileName,&Filename[0]); if ((Status == ESUCCESS) && (FileBuffer != NULL)) { ULONG_PTR bufferEnd;
bufferEnd = (ULONG_PTR)FileBuffer + FileSize; BlOemFontFileSize = (ULONG)(bufferEnd - (ULONG_PTR)BlLoaderBlock->OemFontFile); } return(Status); }
ARC_STATUS BlLoadDeviceDriver( IN PPATH_SET PathSet, IN PCHAR DriverName, IN PTCHAR DriverDescription OPTIONAL, IN ULONG DriverFlags, OUT PKLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *DriverDataTableEntry )
Routine Description:
This routine loads the specified device driver and resolves all DLL references if the driver is not already loaded.
PathSet - Describes all the various locations the driver could be present at.
DriverName - Supplies a pointer to a zero terminated device driver name string.
DriverDescription - Supplies an optional pointer to a zero terminated string to be displayed when loading the driver. If NULL, DriverName is used.
DriverFlags - Supplies the driver flags that are to be set in the generated data table entry.
DriverDataTableEntry - Receives a pointer to the data table entry created for the newly-loaded driver.
Return Value:
ESUCCESS is returned if the specified driver is successfully loaded or it is already loaded. Otherwise, and unsuccessful status is returned.
CHAR DllName[256]; CHAR FullName[256]; PVOID Base = NULL; ARC_STATUS Status; ULONG Index; PPATH_SOURCE PathSource;
// Generate the DLL name for the device driver.
strcpy(&DllName[0], DriverName);
// If the specified device driver is not already loaded, then load it.
if (BlCheckForLoadedDll(&DllName[0], DriverDataTableEntry) == FALSE) {
// Start walking our list of DevicePaths. If the list is
// empty (bad caller!) we fail with ENOENT.
Status = ENOENT; for(Index=0; Index < PathSet->PathCount; Index++) {
PathSource = &PathSet->Source[Index];
// Generate the full path name of device driver.
strcpy(&FullName[0], PathSource->DirectoryPath); strcat(&FullName[0], PathSet->PathOffset); strcat(&FullName[0], DriverName);
// Try to load it.
Status = BlLoadImage(PathSource->DeviceId, LoaderBootDriver, &FullName[0], TARGET_IMAGE, &Base);
if (Status == ESUCCESS) {
// Print out the driver that loaded.
BlOutputLoadMessage((PCHAR) PathSource->DeviceName, &FullName[0], DriverDescription);
break; } }
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { return Status; }
// Generate a data table entry for the driver, then clear the entry
// processed flag. The I/O initialization code calls each DLL in the
// loaded module list that does not have its entry processed flag set.
// ISSUE - 2000/29/03 - ADRIAO: Existant namespace polution
// Instead of passing in DllName here, we should be passing in
// AliasName\PathOffset\DriverName.
Status = BlAllocateDataTableEntry(&DllName[0], DriverName, Base, DriverDataTableEntry);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { return Status; }
// Set the flag LDRP_DRIVER_DEPENDENT_DLL so that BlScanImportDescriptorTable
// will set the flag in the data table entries for the dlls that it creates.
(*DriverDataTableEntry)->Flags |= DriverFlags|LDRP_DRIVER_DEPENDENT_DLL;
// Scan the import table and load all the referenced DLLs.
Status = BlScanImportDescriptorTable(PathSet, *DriverDataTableEntry, LoaderBootDriver);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { //
// Remove the driver from the load order list.
RemoveEntryList(&(*DriverDataTableEntry)->InLoadOrderLinks); return Status; } //
// Clear the flag here. This way we don't call DllInitialize for drivers.
(*DriverDataTableEntry)->Flags &= ~LDRP_DRIVER_DEPENDENT_DLL;
} return ESUCCESS; }
VOID BlUpdateBootStatus( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Updates the boot status (like updating progress bar currently). Generally gets called after important files are loaded.
Return Value:
{ BlNumFilesLoaded++; if (BlShowProgressBar) BlNumProgressBarFilesLoaded++; BlRedrawProgressBar(); }
VOID BlRedrawProgressBar( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Redraws the progress bar (with the last percentage)
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// return if progress bar is disabled
if (BlDisableProgressBar) { return; }
if (!BlShowProgressBar) { ULONG EndTime = ArcGetRelativeTime(); if ((BlProgressBarShowTimeOut == 0) || ((EndTime - BlStartTime) > BlProgressBarShowTimeOut)) { BlShowProgressBar = TRUE; BlNumProgressBarFilesLoaded = 1; BlProgressBarFilesToLoad = BlMaxFilesToLoad - BlNumFilesLoaded; } }
if (BlShowProgressBar && (BlProgressBarFilesToLoad>0)) { BlUpdateProgressBar((BlNumProgressBarFilesLoaded * 100) / BlProgressBarFilesToLoad); } }
VOID BlUpdateTxtProgressBar( ULONG fPercentage ) /*++
Routine Description:
Draws the progress bar with the specified percentage value
fPercentage : percentage the progress bar needs to show (Note : should have a value between 0 & 100 inclusive)
Return Value:
{ ULONG lCount = 0; TCHAR szMsg[PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH * 2 + 2] = {0}; int iNumChars = 0; int iNumBackChars = 0; TCHAR szBarBackStr[PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH * 2 + 2] = {0}; TCHAR szPrgBar[PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH * 4 + 2] = {0}; static ULONG uRow = 0; static ULONG uCol = 0; static ULONG uBarWidth = PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH;
if (BlShowProgressBar && BlOutputDots) { // fix percentage value (if needed)
if (fPercentage > 100) fPercentage = 100;
// select the row where to display the progress bar
if (uRow == 0) uRow = ScreenHeight - 2;
// fix the start column
if (uCol == 0) { if (PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH >= ScreenWidth) { uCol = 1; uBarWidth = ScreenWidth; } else { uCol = (ScreenWidth - PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH) / 2; uBarWidth = PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH; } }
iNumChars = (fPercentage * uBarWidth) / 100; iNumBackChars = uBarWidth - iNumChars;
if (iNumChars) { #ifdef EFI
PTCHAR pMsg = szMsg; ULONG uNumChars = iNumChars; while (uNumChars--) { *pMsg++ = BlFrontChar; } #else
// copy appropriately based on single / double byte character
// each dbcs character takes two single char space on screen
if (BlFrontChar & 0xFF00) { USHORT *pMsg = (USHORT *)szMsg; ULONG uNumChars = (iNumChars + 1) / 2;
while(uNumChars--) *pMsg++ = BlFrontChar; } else { memset( szMsg, BlFrontChar, min(iNumChars, sizeof(szMsg) - 1)); } #endif
if (iNumBackChars && BlBackChar) { #ifdef EFI
PTCHAR pMsg = szBarBackStr; ULONG uNumChars = iNumBackChars; while (uNumChars--) { *pMsg++ = BlBackChar; } #else
// copy appropriately based on single / double byte character
// each dbcs character takes two single char space on screen
if (BlBackChar & 0xFF00) { USHORT *pMsg = (USHORT *)szBarBackStr; ULONG uNumChars = iNumBackChars / 2;
while(uNumChars--) *pMsg++ = BlBackChar; } else { memset(szBarBackStr, BlBackChar, min(sizeof(szBarBackStr) - 1, iNumBackChars)); } #endif
_tcscat(szPrgBar, szMsg); _tcscat(szPrgBar, szBarBackStr);
#if 0
{ TCHAR szDbg[512] = { 0 };
_stprintf(szDbg, TEXT("(%x, %x)=[%d,%d],%x\n%s\n%s\n%s"), BlFrontChar, BlBackChar, iNumChars, iNumBackChars, fPercentage, szMsg, szBarBackStr, szPrgBar);
BlPositionCursor(1,1); ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, szDbg, (ULONG)_tcslen(szDbg)*sizeof(TCHAR), &lCount); } #endif
// print out the progress bar
BlPositionCursor(uCol, uRow); ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, szPrgBar, (ULONG)_tcslen(szPrgBar)*sizeof(TCHAR), &lCount); } }
VOID BlUpdateProgressBar( ULONG fPercentage ) { if (DisplayLogoOnBoot) { BlUpdateGfxProgressBar(fPercentage); } else { BlUpdateTxtProgressBar(fPercentage); } }
VOID BlOutputStartupMsgStr( PCTSTR MsgStr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Clears the screen and displays the startup message at the specified coordinates of screen
MsgStr - the message that needs to be displayed
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG lCount = 0; ULONG uX = 0, uY = 0; if (!DisplayLogoOnBoot && BlOutputDots && MsgStr) { BlClearScreen(); BlSetInverseMode(FALSE);
// center the message
uX = ScreenHeight - 3; uY = (ScreenWidth / 2) - (((ULONG)_tcslen(MsgStr)) / 2);
if (uY > ScreenWidth) uY = 1; // print out the message
BlPositionCursor(uY, uX);
ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, (PVOID)MsgStr, (ULONG)_tcslen(MsgStr) * sizeof(TCHAR), &lCount);
BlRedrawProgressBar(); } }
VOID BlOutputStartupMsg( ULONG uMsgID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Clears the screen and displays the startup message at the specified coordinates of screen
uMsgID - inidicates the message ID that needs to be displayed
Return Value:
--*/ {
if (!DisplayLogoOnBoot && BlOutputDots) { //
// Proceed only if no logo is displayed.
BlOutputStartupMsgStr(BlFindMessage(uMsgID)); } }
VOID BlOutputTrailerMsgStr( PCTSTR MsgStr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays a trailer message at the bottom of the screen
uMsgID - inidicates the message ID that needs to be displayed
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG lCount = 0; TCHAR szText[256] = {0}; ULONG BufferLength = sizeof(szText)/sizeof(szText[0]);
if (!DisplayLogoOnBoot && BlOutputDots && MsgStr) {
ASSERT( _tcslen(MsgStr) < BufferLength );
BlPositionCursor(1, ScreenHeight); _tcsncpy(szText, MsgStr, BufferLength); szText[BufferLength - 1] = TEXT('\0');
lCount = (ULONG)_tcslen(szText);
if ((lCount > 2) && szText[lCount-2] == TEXT('\r') && szText[lCount-1] == TEXT('\n')) { szText[lCount-2] = TEXT('\0'); lCount -= 2; }
ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, szText, lCount*sizeof(TCHAR), &lCount); }
VOID BlOutputTrailerMsg( ULONG uMsgID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays a trailer message at the bottom of the screen
uMsgID - inidicates the message ID that needs to be displayed
Return Value:
--*/ { BlOutputTrailerMsgStr(BlFindMessage(uMsgID)); }
VOID BlSetProgBarCharacteristics( IN ULONG FrontCharMsgID, IN ULONG BackCharMsgID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the characteristics for progress bar
IN ULONG FrontCharMsgID : Progress bar foreground character IN ULONG BackCharMsgID : Progress bar background character
Return Value:
--*/ { #ifdef EFI
BlFrontChar = GetGraphicsChar( GraphicsCharFullBlock ); BlBackChar = GetGraphicsChar( GraphicsCharLightShade ); #else
PTCHAR szBar = 0;
BlProgBarFrontMsgID = FrontCharMsgID; BlProgBarBackMsgID = BackCharMsgID;
// fetch the bar character from resource file
szBar = BlFindMessage(BlProgBarFrontMsgID);
if (szBar) { ULONG len = _tcslen(szBar);
if ((len == 1) || ((len > 2) && (szBar[1] == TEXT('\r')) && (szBar[2] == TEXT('\n')))) { BlFrontChar = (TUCHAR)szBar[0]; } else { BlFrontChar = *((USHORT *)((PTUCHAR)szBar)); } }
// fetch the progress bar background character
szBar = BlFindMessage(BlProgBarBackMsgID);
if (szBar) { ULONG len = _tcslen(szBar);
if ((len == 1) || ((len > 2) && (szBar[1] == TEXT('\r')) && (szBar[2] == TEXT('\n')))) { BlBackChar = (TUCHAR)szBar[0]; } else { BlBackChar = *((USHORT *)((PTUCHAR)szBar)); } }
// make both the progess bar characters double byte characters
// if one of them is double byte character
if (BlFrontChar & 0xFF00) { if (!(BlBackChar & 0xFF00)) BlBackChar = BlBackChar | (BlBackChar << 8); } else { if (BlBackChar & 0xFF00) BlFrontChar = BlFrontChar | (BlFrontChar << 8); } #endif
ARC_STATUS BlLoadFileImage( IN ULONG DeviceId, IN PCHAR DeviceName, IN PCHAR Directory, IN PUNICODE_STRING FileName, IN TYPE_OF_MEMORY MemoryType, OUT PVOID *Image, OUT PULONG ImageSize, OUT PCHAR BadFileName )
Routine Description:
This routine loads the specified device driver and resolves all DLL references if the driver is not already loaded.
DeviceId - Supplies the file id of the device on which the specified device driver is loaded from.
DeviceName - Supplies the name of the device the system tree is on.
Directory - Supplies a pointer to the directory path of the root of the NT tree.
FileName - Name of the file to be loaded.
Image - Receives pointer to the buffer containing the file image in memory.
ImageSize - Receives the size of file image in memory.
BadFileName - Returns the filename of the OEM font file that was missing or invalid.
Return Value:
ESUCCESS is returned if the specified file is successfully loaded. Otherwise unsuccessful status is returned.
{ CHAR infName[256]; ARC_STATUS status; ULONG fileId; FILE_INFORMATION fileInfo; ULONG size; ULONG pageCount; ULONG actualBase; PCHAR buffer; ULONG sizeRead;
*Image = NULL; *ImageSize = 0;
// Get the fully qualified name for the file being loaded.
sprintf(&infName[0], "%s%wZ", Directory, FileName);
// Display the name of file being loaded.
BlOutputLoadMessage(DeviceName, infName, NULL);
// Open the file.
status = BlOpen(DeviceId, infName, ArcOpenReadOnly, &fileId);
if (status == ESUCCESS) { BlUpdateBootStatus();
// Find out size of INF file.
status = BlGetFileInformation(fileId, &fileInfo); if (status == ESUCCESS) {
size = fileInfo.EndingAddress.LowPart;
// Allocate a descriptor large enough to hold the entire file.
// On x86 this has an unfortunate tendency to slam txtsetup.sif
// into a free block at 1MB, which means the kernel can't be
// loaded (it's linked for 0x100000 without relocations).
// On x86 this has an unfortunate tendency to slam txtsetup.sif
// into a free block at 1MB, which means the kernel can't be
// loaded (it's linked for 0x100000 without relocations).
// (tedm) we're also seeing a similar problem on alphas now
// because txtsetup.sif has grown too large, so this code has been
// made non-conditional.
pageCount = (ULONG)(ROUND_TO_PAGES(size) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
status = BlAllocateDescriptor( MemoryType, // Descriptor gets reclaimed by MM.
0, pageCount, &actualBase);
if (status == ESUCCESS) {
buffer = (PCHAR)(KSEG0_BASE | (actualBase << PAGE_SHIFT));
// Read the file in.
status = BlRead(fileId, buffer, size, &sizeRead); if (status == ESUCCESS) {
// If the file was successfully read, return the
// desired parameters.
if (Image) {
*Image = buffer; }
if (ImageSize) {
*ImageSize = sizeRead; } } else {
// No need to release the memory as it will get reclaimed by MM anyway.
} } }
// Close the file handle.
BlClose(fileId); }
// If there was any error, return the name of the file
// we failed to load.
if (status != ESUCCESS) { strcpy(BadFileName, &infName[0]); }
return(status); }
VOID BlClearScreen( VOID )
Routine Description:
Clears the screen.
Return Value:
{ #ifdef EFI
BlEfiClearDisplay(); #else
TCHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count;
_stprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT TEXT("2J"));
ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, _tcslen(Buffer) *sizeof(TCHAR), &Count); #endif
VOID BlClearToEndOfScreen( VOID ) { #ifdef EFI
BlEfiClearToEndOfDisplay(); #else
TCHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count; _stprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT TEXT("J")); ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, _tcslen(Buffer)*sizeof(TCHAR), &Count); #endif
VOID BlClearToEndOfLine( VOID ) { #ifdef EFI
BlEfiClearToEndOfLine(); #else
TCHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count; if (!DisplayLogoOnBoot) {
_stprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT TEXT("K")); ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, _tcslen(Buffer)*sizeof(TCHAR), &Count); } #endif
VOID BlPositionCursor( IN ULONG Column, IN ULONG Row )
Routine Description:
Sets the position of the cursor on the screen.
Column - supplies new Column for the cursor position.
Row - supplies new Row for the cursor position.
Return Value:
{ #ifdef EFI
BlEfiPositionCursor( Column-1, Row-1 ); #else
TCHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count; _stprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT TEXT("%d;%dH"), Row, Column);
ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, _tcslen(Buffer)*sizeof(TCHAR), &Count); #endif
VOID BlSetInverseMode( IN BOOLEAN InverseOn )
Routine Description:
Sets inverse console output mode on or off.
InverseOn - supplies whether inverse mode should be turned on (TRUE) or off (FALSE)
Return Value:
{ #ifdef EFI
BlEfiSetInverseMode( InverseOn ); #else
TCHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count;
_stprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT TEXT("%dm"), InverseOn ? SGR_INVERSE : SGR_NORMAL);
ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, _tcslen(Buffer)*sizeof(TCHAR), &Count); #endif