// vga routines
#include "bldr.h"
#include "vga.h"
#include "cmdcnst.h"
PUCHAR VgaBase = (PUCHAR)0xa0000; PUCHAR VgaRegisterBase = (PUCHAR)0;
// globals to track screen position
#define DELTA 80L
BOOLEAN VgaInterpretCmdStream( PUSHORT pusCmdStream );
UCHAR lMaskTable[8] = {0xff, 0x7f, 0x3f, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01}; UCHAR rMaskTable[8] = {0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xff}; UCHAR PixelMask[8] = {0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01};
// Initialize AT registers
USHORT AT_Initialization[] = {
IB, // prepare atc for writing
METAOUT+ATCOUT, // program attribute controller registers
16, // count
0, // start index
IB, // prepare atc for writing
OB, // turn video on.
ULONG lookup[16] = { 0x00000000, 0x00000100, 0x00001000, 0x00001100, 0x00000001, 0x00000101, 0x00001001, 0x00001101, 0x00000010, 0x00000110, 0x00001010, 0x00001110, 0x00000011, 0x00000111, 0x00001011, 0x00001111 };
void __outpw(int p, int v) { WRITE_PORT_USHORT((PUSHORT)(p+VgaRegisterBase), (USHORT)v); }
void __outpb(int p, int v) { WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(p+VgaRegisterBase), (UCHAR)v); }
VOID ReadWriteMode( ULONG mode ) { UCHAR value;
WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(VgaRegisterBase+0x3ce), 5); value = READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(VgaRegisterBase+0x3cf));
value &= 0xf4; value |= mode;
WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(VgaRegisterBase+0x3cf), value); }
VOID SetPixel( ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG color ) { PUCHAR pDst; ULONG bank;
bank = x >> 3;
pDst = (PUCHAR)(VgaBase + y * DELTA + bank);
ReadWriteMode(0x8 | 0x2); __outpw(0x3c4, 0x0f02); // enable all write planes
__outpw(0x3ce, 0x0007); // set color don't care register to zero
__outpw(0x3ce, (PixelMask[x & 0x7] << 8) | 8);
VOID VidSolidColorFill( ULONG x1, ULONG y1, ULONG x2, ULONG y2, ULONG color ) { PUCHAR pDst; ULONG x, y; ULONG bank1, bank2, count; ULONG lMask, rMask;
lMask = (lMaskTable[x1 & 0x7] << 8) | 8; rMask = (rMaskTable[x2 & 0x7] << 8) | 8;
bank1 = x1 >> 3; bank2 = x2 >> 3; count = bank2 - bank1;
if (!count) { lMask = lMask & rMask; }
ReadWriteMode(0x8 | 0x2);
__outpw(0x3c4, 0x0f02); // enable writing to all color planes
__outpw(0x3ce, 0x0007); // set color don't care register to zero
// Do the left edge
pDst = (PUCHAR)(VgaBase + y1 * DELTA + bank1);
__outpw(0x3ce, lMask);
for (y=y1; y<=y2; y++) {
if (count) {
// Do the right edge
pDst = (PUCHAR)(VgaBase + y1 * DELTA + bank2); count--; __outpw(0x3ce, rMask);
for (y=y1; y<=y2; y++) { WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDst, (UCHAR)(READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDst) & (UCHAR) color)); pDst += DELTA; }
// Do the center section
if (count) {
pDst = (PUCHAR)(VgaBase + y1 * DELTA + bank1 + 1); __outpw(0x3ce, 0xff08);
for (y=y1; y<=y2; y++) {
for (x=0; x<count; x++) { WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDst++, (unsigned char) color); } pDst += DELTA - count; }
} } }
VOID RleBitBlt( ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height, PUCHAR Buffer )
Routine Description:
This routine displays an RLE 4 bitmap.
x, y - location at which to display the bitmap.
width, height - height of the bitmap
Buffer - Pointer to the compressed bitmap data.
{ BOOLEAN Done = FALSE; PUCHAR p = Buffer; ULONG RunLength; LONG RunExtra; ULONG curr_x, curr_y; ULONG Color1, Color2;
curr_x = x; curr_y = y + height - 1;
while (!Done) {
if (*p) {
RunLength = (ULONG) *p++;
// Make sure we don't draw past end of scan.
if ((curr_x + RunLength) > (x + width)) RunLength -= (curr_x + RunLength) - (width + x);
Color1 = (*p & 0xf0) >> 4; Color2 = (*p++ & 0x0f);
if (Color1 == Color2) {
ULONG end_x = curr_x + RunLength - 1;
VidSolidColorFill(curr_x, curr_y, end_x, curr_y, Color1);
curr_x += RunLength;
} else {
while (RunLength > 1) { SetPixel(curr_x++, curr_y, Color1); SetPixel(curr_x++, curr_y, Color2); RunLength -= 2; }
if (RunLength) { SetPixel(curr_x, curr_y, Color1); curr_x++; } }
} else {
switch (*p) {
case 0: curr_x = x; curr_y--; p++; break;
case 1: Done = TRUE; p++; break;
case 2: p++; curr_x += (ULONG) *p++; curr_y -= (ULONG) *p++; break;
default: RunLength = (ULONG) *p++;
// Make sure we don't draw past end of scan.
if ((curr_x + RunLength) > (x + width)) { RunExtra = (curr_x + RunLength) - (width + x); RunLength -= RunExtra; } else { RunExtra = 0; }
while (RunLength > 1) {
Color1 = (*p & 0xf0) >> 4; Color2 = (*p++ & 0x0f);
SetPixel(curr_x++, curr_y, Color1); SetPixel(curr_x++, curr_y, Color2);
RunLength -= 2; }
if (RunLength) { Color1 = (*p++ & 0xf0) >> 4; SetPixel(curr_x++, curr_y, Color1); RunExtra--; }
// Read any remaining "extra" run data.
while (RunExtra > 0) { p++; RunExtra -= 2; }
if ((ULONG_PTR)p & 1) p++; // make sure we are word aligned
break; } } } }
VOID BitBlt( ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height, PUCHAR Buffer, ULONG bpp, LONG ScanWidth ) { ULONG i, j; ULONG color=8;
if (bpp == 4) {
UCHAR Plane[81]; ULONG lMask, rMask, count; ULONG bank1, bank2, bank; ULONG bRightEdge = FALSE, bCenterSection = FALSE; UCHAR value; ULONG plane; UCHAR Mask; ULONG toggle; PUCHAR pSrc, pSrcTemp; PUCHAR pDst, pDstTemp; UCHAR PlaneMask;
lMask = lMaskTable[x & 0x7]; rMask = rMaskTable[(x + width - 1) & 0x7];
bank1 = x >> 3; bank2 = (x + width - 1) >> 3;
count = bank2 - bank1;
if (bank1 == bank2) {
lMask = lMask & rMask;
if (count) {
bRightEdge = TRUE;
if (count) {
bCenterSection = TRUE; } }
pDst = (PUCHAR)(VgaBase + (y * DELTA) + (x / 8)); pSrc = Buffer;
ReadWriteMode(0x0 | 0x0);
for (j=0; j<height; j++) {
for (plane=0; plane<4; plane++) {
pSrcTemp = pSrc; pDstTemp = pDst;
PlaneMask = (UCHAR) (1 << plane);
// Convert the packed bitmap data into planar data
// for this plane.
// BUGBUG: My guess this is going to be a hot spot, so
// I need to revist this and optimize!! But for now
// make it work.
bank = bank1; Plane[bank] = 0; Mask = PixelMask[x & 0x7]; toggle = 0;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
if (toggle++ & 0x1) {
if (*pSrcTemp & PlaneMask) { Plane[bank] |= Mask; }
} else {
if (((*pSrcTemp) >> 4) & PlaneMask) { Plane[bank] |= Mask; } }
Mask >>= 1;
if (!Mask) {
bank++; Plane[bank] = 0; Mask = 0x80; } }
// Set up the vga so that we see the correct bit plane.
__outpw(0x3c4, (1 << (plane + 8)) | 2);
// bank will go from bank1 to bank2
bank = bank1; pDstTemp = pDst;
// Set Bitmask for left edge.
__outpw(0x3ce, (lMask << 8) | 8);
value = READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDstTemp);
value &= ~lMask; value |= Plane[bank++];
WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDstTemp++, value);
if (bCenterSection) {
__outpw(0x3ce, 0xff08); // enable writing to all bits
for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDstTemp++, Plane[bank++]); } }
if (bRightEdge) {
// Set bitmask for right edge.
__outpw(0x3ce, (rMask << 8) | 8);
value = READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDstTemp);
value &= ~rMask; value |= Plane[bank];
WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDstTemp, value); } }
pDst += DELTA; pSrc += ScanWidth; }
} else {
PUCHAR pDst, pDstTemp; PUCHAR pSrc, pSrcTemp; ULONG count; UCHAR Value; ULONG lMask, rMask; ULONG bank1, bank2; ULONG plane; UCHAR colorMask;
bank1 = x >> 8; bank2 = (x + width - 1) >> 8;
lMask = lMaskTable[x & 7]; rMask = rMaskTable[(x + width - 1) & 7];
if (bank1 == bank2) {
lMask &= rMask; }
lMask = ~lMask; rMask = ~rMask;
pSrc = Buffer; pDst = (PUCHAR)(VgaBase + (y * DELTA) + (x / 8));
ReadWriteMode(0x0 | 0x0);
for (j=0; j<height; j++) {
plane = 1; for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
pDstTemp = pDst; pSrcTemp = pSrc;
__outpw(0x3c4, (plane << 8) | 2);
colorMask = (UCHAR)((color & plane) ? 0xff : 0x00);
plane <<= 1; // bump up each time through loop
count = width;
// non aligned case
if (x & 7) {
// Left Edge.
Value &= lMask; Value |= (*pSrcTemp >> x) & colorMask;
count -= (8 - x);
// Now do center section
while (count > 7) {
Value = (UCHAR) ((*pSrcTemp << (8 - x)) | (*(pSrcTemp+1) >> x)); Value &= colorMask;
pSrcTemp++; count -= 8; }
// Now do the right edge.
if (count) {
Value &= rMask; Value |= *pSrcTemp << (8 - x) & colorMask;
WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDstTemp++, Value); }
} else {
// Aligned case.
ULONG ulColorMask = colorMask ? 0xffffffff : 0x00000000; USHORT usColorMask = colorMask ? 0xffff : 0x0000;
while (count > 31) {
WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG((PULONG)pDstTemp, (ULONG)(*((PULONG)pSrcTemp) & ulColorMask)); count -= 32; pDstTemp += sizeof(ULONG)/sizeof(UCHAR); pSrcTemp += sizeof(ULONG)/sizeof(UCHAR); }
while (count > 15) {
WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT((PUSHORT)pDstTemp, (USHORT)(*((PUSHORT)pSrcTemp) & usColorMask)); count -= 16; pDstTemp += sizeof(USHORT)/sizeof(UCHAR); pSrcTemp += sizeof(USHORT)/sizeof(UCHAR); }
if (count > 7) {
WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDstTemp++, (UCHAR)(*pSrcTemp++ & colorMask)); count -= 8; }
// Now do any remaining bits.
if (count) {
Value &= rMask; Value |= *pSrcTemp & colorMask;
WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(pDstTemp++, Value); } } }
pSrc += ScanWidth; pDst += DELTA; } } }
VOID VidBitBlt( PUCHAR Buffer, ULONG x, ULONG y )
Routine Description:
This routine takes a bitmap resource and displays it at a given location.
Buffer - Pointer to the bitmap resource.
x, y - The position at which to display the bitmap.
LONG lDelta; PUCHAR pBuffer; LONG cbScanLine;
Palette = (PRGBQUAD)(((PUCHAR)bih) + bih->biSize);
// BUGBUG: I need to add some bitmap validation code here!
cbScanLine = (((bih->biWidth * bih->biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3;
pBuffer = (PUCHAR)(Buffer + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 64);
if (bih->biCompression == BI_RLE4) {
if (bih->biWidth && bih->biHeight) { RleBitBlt(x, y, bih->biWidth, bih->biHeight, pBuffer); }
} else {
if (bih->biHeight < 0) {
// top down bitmap
lDelta = cbScanLine; bih->biHeight = -bih->biHeight;
} else {
// bottom up bitmap
pBuffer += cbScanLine * (bih->biHeight - 1); lDelta = -cbScanLine; }
if (bih->biWidth && bih->biHeight) { BitBlt(x, y, bih->biWidth, bih->biHeight, pBuffer, bih->biBitCount, lDelta); } }
VOID VidScreenToBufferBlt( PUCHAR Buffer, ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height, ULONG lDelta )
Routine Description:
This routine allows you to copy a portion of video memory into system memory.
Buffer - Points to system memory where the video image should be copied.
x, y - X,Y coordinates in video memory of top-left portion of image.
width, height - width and height of the image in pixels.
lDelta - width of the buffer in bytes.
Upon completion, the video memory image will be in system memory. Each plane of the image are stored seperately, so the first scan line of plane 0 will be followed by the first scan line of plane 1, etc. Then the second scan of plane 0, plane 1, and so on.
{ ULONG Plane, i, j, BankStart, BankEnd; PUCHAR pSrc, pSrcTemp, pDst; PULONG pulDstTemp; UCHAR Val1, Val2; ULONG Shift1, Shift2; UCHAR ucCombined; ULONG ulCombined;
BankStart = x >> 3; BankEnd = (x + width - 1) >> 3; Shift1 = x & 7; Shift2 = 8 - Shift1;
// Zero initialize the buffer so we can or in the bits later!
pDst = Buffer; memset(pDst, 0, lDelta * height);
for (Plane=0; Plane<4; Plane++) {
pSrc = (PUCHAR)(VgaBase + (DELTA * y) + BankStart); pDst = Buffer;
ReadWriteMode(0x0 | 0x0); // set read mode 0
__outpw(0x3ce, (Plane << 8) | 0x04); // read from given plane
for (j=0; j<height; j++) {
pSrcTemp = pSrc; pulDstTemp = (PULONG)pDst;
for (i=BankStart; i<=BankEnd; i++) {
ucCombined = (UCHAR) ((Val1 << Shift1) | (Val2 >> Shift2)); ulCombined = ((lookup[(ucCombined & 0x0f) >> 0] << 16) | lookup[(ucCombined & 0xf0) >> 4]) << Plane;
*pulDstTemp++ |= ulCombined;
Val1 = Val2; }
pSrc += DELTA; // go to next video memory scan line
pDst += lDelta; // go to next scan for this plane in buffer
} } }
void VidBufferToScreenBlt( PUCHAR Buffer, ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height, ULONG lDelta )
Routine Description:
This routine allows you to copy a portion of video memory into system memory.
Buffer - Points to system memory where the video image should be copied from.
x, y - X,Y coordinates in video memory of top-left portion of image.
width, height - width and height of the image in pixels.
lDelta - width of the buffer in bytes.
This routine will allow you to blt from a buffer filled by VidScreenToBufferBlt.
{ if (width && height) { BitBlt(x, y, width, height, Buffer, 4, lDelta); } }
#pragma optimize( "", off )
VOID SetPaletteEntryRGB( ULONG index, RGBQUAD rgb ) { __outpb(0x3c8, index); __outpb(0x3c9, rgb.rgbRed >> 2); __outpb(0x3c9, rgb.rgbGreen >> 2); __outpb(0x3c9, rgb.rgbBlue >> 2); }
VOID VgaEnableVideo() { VgaInterpretCmdStream (AT_Initialization); }
VOID InitPaletteConversionTable() { /*
for (n=0; n<16; n++) { // Initializing table of active palette entries.
WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(VgaRegisterBase+ATT_ADDRESS_PORT), n); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(VgaRegisterBase+ATT_ADDRESS_PORT), n); } */ VgaEnableVideo(); }
VOID InitializePalette( VOID ) { ULONG Palette[] = { 0x00000000, 0x00000020, 0x00002000, 0x00002020, 0x00200000, 0x00200020, 0x00202000, 0x00202020, 0x00303030, 0x0000003f, 0x00003f00, 0x00003f3f, 0x003f0000, 0x003f003f, 0x003f3f00, 0x003f3f3f, }; ULONG i;
for (i=0; i<16; i++) { PRGBQUAD p = (PRGBQUAD)(Palette+i); SetPaletteEntryRGB(i, *p); }
VOID InitPaletteWithTable( PRGBQUAD Palette, ULONG count ) { UCHAR i; InitPaletteConversionTable(); count = 16; for (i=0; i<count; i++) SetPaletteEntryRGB (i, *Palette++); }
VOID InitPaletteWithBlack( VOID ) { ULONG i; // RGBQUAD black = {0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f};
RGBQUAD black = {0,0,0,0}; InitPaletteConversionTable(); //InitializePalette();
for (i=0; i<16; i++) SetPaletteEntryRGB(i, black); }
VOID WaitForVsync( VOID )
Routine Description:
Wait for a v-sync
{ //
// Check to see if vsync's are being generated.
WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((VgaRegisterBase+0x3c4), 00);
if (READ_PORT_UCHAR(VgaRegisterBase+0x3c5) & 0x2) {
ULONG MaxDelay;
// Slight delay. Wait for one vsync.
MaxDelay = 100000; while (((READ_PORT_UCHAR(VgaRegisterBase+0x3da) & 0x08) == 0x08) && MaxDelay--); MaxDelay = 100000; while (((READ_PORT_UCHAR(VgaRegisterBase+0x3da) & 0x08) == 0x00) && MaxDelay--); } }
BOOLEAN VgaInterpretCmdStream( PUSHORT pusCmdStream )
Routine Description:
Interprets the appropriate command array to set up VGA registers for the requested mode. Typically used to set the VGA into a particular mode by programming all of the registers
pusCmdStream - array of commands to be interpreted.
Return Value:
The status of the operation (can only fail on a bad command); TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
{ ULONG ulCmd; ULONG_PTR ulPort; UCHAR jValue; USHORT usValue; ULONG culCount; ULONG ulIndex; ULONG_PTR ulBase;
if (pusCmdStream == NULL) {
//KdPrint(("VgaInterpretCmdStream: pusCmdStream == NULL\n"));
return TRUE; }
ulBase = (ULONG_PTR) VgaRegisterBase;
// Now set the adapter to the desired mode.
while ((ulCmd = *pusCmdStream++) != EOD) {
// Determine major command type
switch (ulCmd & 0xF0) {
// Basic input/output command
case INOUT:
// Determine type of inout instruction
if (!(ulCmd & IO)) {
// Out instruction. Single or multiple outs?
if (!(ulCmd & MULTI)) {
// Single out. Byte or word out?
if (!(ulCmd & BW)) {
// Single byte out
ulPort = *pusCmdStream++; jValue = (UCHAR) *pusCmdStream++; WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(ulBase+ulPort), jValue);
} else {
// Single word out
ulPort = *pusCmdStream++; usValue = *pusCmdStream++; WRITE_PORT_USHORT((PUSHORT)(ulBase+ulPort), usValue);
} else {
// Output a string of values
// Byte or word outs?
if (!(ulCmd & BW)) {
// String byte outs. Do in a loop; can't use
// VideoPortWritePortBufferUchar because the data
// is in USHORT form
ulPort = ulBase + *pusCmdStream++; culCount = *pusCmdStream++;
while (culCount--) { jValue = (UCHAR) *pusCmdStream++; WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)ulPort, jValue);
} else {
// String word outs
ulPort = *pusCmdStream++; culCount = *pusCmdStream++; WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT((PUSHORT) (ulBase + ulPort), pusCmdStream, culCount); pusCmdStream += culCount;
} }
} else {
// In instruction
// Currently, string in instructions aren't supported; all
// in instructions are handled as single-byte ins
// Byte or word in?
if (!(ulCmd & BW)) { //
// Single byte in
ulPort = *pusCmdStream++; jValue = READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)ulBase+ulPort);
} else {
// Single word in
ulPort = *pusCmdStream++; usValue = READ_PORT_USHORT((PUSHORT) (ulBase+ulPort));
// Higher-level input/output commands
// Determine type of metaout command, based on minor
// command field
switch (ulCmd & 0x0F) {
// Indexed outs
ulPort = ulBase + *pusCmdStream++; culCount = *pusCmdStream++; ulIndex = *pusCmdStream++;
while (culCount--) {
usValue = (USHORT) (ulIndex + (((ULONG)(*pusCmdStream++)) << 8)); WRITE_PORT_USHORT((PUSHORT)ulPort, usValue);
// Masked out (read, AND, XOR, write)
ulPort = *pusCmdStream++; jValue = READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)ulBase+ulPort); jValue &= *pusCmdStream++; jValue ^= *pusCmdStream++; WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)ulBase + ulPort, jValue); break;
// Attribute Controller out
case ATCOUT:
ulPort = ulBase + *pusCmdStream++; culCount = *pusCmdStream++; ulIndex = *pusCmdStream++;
while (culCount--) {
// Write Attribute Controller index
// Write Attribute Controller data
jValue = (UCHAR) *pusCmdStream++; WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)ulPort, jValue);
// None of the above; error
return FALSE;
// NOP
case NCMD:
// Unknown command; error
return FALSE;
} return TRUE;
} // end VgaInterpretCmdStream()