* title: chid.cpp * * purpose: wdm kernel implementation of a hid device class * */
// local prototypes
#include "hidbatt.h"
extern CHidDevice * pGlobalHidDevice[];
bool GetNextUsage( CHidDevice * pThisDevice, SHORT CollectionID, USHORT NodeIndex, USHORT usUsageIndex, CUsage ** Usage)
int i; int UsageCounter = 0; // cycle through all the called out usages from the pHid structure
// get feature usages
for(i = 0; i < pThisDevice->m_pCaps->NumberFeatureValueCaps; i++) { if(pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->FeatureValueCaps[i].LinkCollection == NodeIndex) // cardinal
{ // found a usage for this collection
if(usUsageIndex == UsageCounter) { // got a usage to send back
CUsage * pThisUsage = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsage(); if (!pThisUsage) { // Could not allocate new CUsage, return error
return FALSE; } pThisUsage->m_pValueCaps = &pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->FeatureValueCaps[i]; pThisUsage->m_eType = eFeatureValue; *Usage = pThisUsage; return TRUE;
} UsageCounter++; } }
// ditto feature buttons
for(i = 0; i < pThisDevice->m_pCaps->NumberFeatureButtonCaps; i++) { if(pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->FeatureButtonCaps[i].LinkCollection == NodeIndex ) { // found a usage for this collection
if(usUsageIndex == UsageCounter) { // got a usage to send back
CUsage * pThisUsage = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsage(); if (!pThisUsage) { // Could not allocate new CUsage, return error
return FALSE; } pThisUsage->m_pButtonCaps = &pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->FeatureButtonCaps[i]; pThisUsage->m_eType = eFeatureButton; *Usage = pThisUsage; return TRUE;
} UsageCounter++; } }
// ditto input values
for(i = 0; i < pThisDevice->m_pCaps->NumberInputValueCaps; i++) { if(pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->InputValueCaps[i].LinkCollection == NodeIndex) { // found a usage for this collection
if(usUsageIndex == UsageCounter) { // got a usage to send back
CUsage * pThisUsage = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsage(); if (!pThisUsage) { // Could not allocate new CUsage, return error
return FALSE; } pThisUsage->m_pValueCaps = &pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->InputValueCaps[i]; pThisUsage->m_eType = eInputValue; *Usage = pThisUsage; return TRUE;
} UsageCounter++; } }
// ditto input buttons
for(i = 0; i < pThisDevice->m_pCaps->NumberInputButtonCaps; i++) { if(pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->InputButtonCaps[i].LinkCollection == NodeIndex) { // found a usage for this collection
if(usUsageIndex == UsageCounter) { // got a usage to send back
CUsage * pThisUsage = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsage(); if (!pThisUsage) { // Could not allocate new CUsage, return error
return FALSE; } pThisUsage->m_pButtonCaps = &pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->InputButtonCaps[i]; pThisUsage->m_eType = eInputButton; *Usage = pThisUsage; return TRUE;
} UsageCounter++; } }
// ditto Output values
for(i = 0; i < pThisDevice->m_pCaps->NumberOutputValueCaps; i++) { if(pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->OutputValueCaps[i].LinkCollection == NodeIndex) { // found a usage for this collection
if(usUsageIndex == UsageCounter) { // got a usage to send back
CUsage * pThisUsage = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsage(); if (!pThisUsage) { // Could not allocate new CUsage, return error
return FALSE; } pThisUsage->m_pValueCaps = &pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->OutputValueCaps[i]; pThisUsage->m_eType = eOutputValue; *Usage = pThisUsage; return TRUE;
} UsageCounter++; } }
// ditto Output buttons
for(i = 0; i < pThisDevice->m_pCaps->NumberOutputButtonCaps; i++) { if(pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->OutputButtonCaps[i].LinkCollection == NodeIndex) { // found a usage for this collection
if(usUsageIndex == UsageCounter) { // got a usage to send back
CUsage * pThisUsage = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsage(); if (!pThisUsage) { // Could not allocate new CUsage, return error
return FALSE; } pThisUsage->m_pButtonCaps = &pThisDevice->m_pHidDevice->OutputButtonCaps[i]; pThisUsage->m_eType = eOutputButton; *Usage = pThisUsage; return TRUE;
} UsageCounter++; } } return FALSE; }
CTypeMask::CTypeMask() { // set members to zero
ReportType = 0; bWriteable = 0; bIsString = 0; bIsNumber = 0; bAlertable = 0; bVolatile = 0; }
CProperties::CProperties(CUsage * pUsage) { PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS pButtCaps; // fill in the properties for this usage
PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS pValueCaps; eHidType eType = pUsage->m_eType; // Cash local copy so compiler (and PREFAST
// will know this value doesn't change.
// (This causes more compact compiling as well)
switch(eType) { case eFeatureButton: case eInputButton: case eOutputButton: pButtCaps = pUsage->m_pButtonCaps; m_UnitExponent = 0; // no exponents on buttons
m_Unit = 0; // buttons don't have units
m_LogicalMin = 0; // ditto for max and min pCaps->LogicalMin;
m_LogicalMax = 0; // pCaps->LogicalMax;
m_LinkCollection = pButtCaps->LinkCollection; m_ReportID = pButtCaps->ReportID; m_Usage = pButtCaps->NotRange.Usage; m_UsagePage = pButtCaps->UsagePage; break; case eFeatureValue: case eInputValue: case eOutputValue: pValueCaps = pUsage->m_pValueCaps; m_Unit = pValueCaps->Units; m_UnitExponent = (SHORT) pValueCaps->UnitsExp; m_LogicalMin = pValueCaps->LogicalMin; m_LogicalMax = pValueCaps->LogicalMax; m_LinkCollection = pValueCaps->LinkCollection; m_ReportID = pValueCaps->ReportID; m_Usage = pValueCaps->NotRange.Usage; m_UsagePage = pValueCaps->UsagePage; break; } // setup type mask
m_pType = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CTypeMask(); if (m_pType) { if(eType == eInputButton || eType == eInputValue) { m_pType->SetAlertable(); }
// set writability
if(eType == eFeatureButton || eType == eOutputButton) { if(pButtCaps->BitField & 0x01) { m_pType->SetIsWriteable(); } } else if(eType == eFeatureValue || eType == eOutputValue) { if(pValueCaps->BitField & 0x01) { m_pType->SetIsWriteable(); } }
// set volatility
if(eType == eFeatureValue) { if(pValueCaps->BitField & 0x80) { m_pType->SetVolatile(); } } if(eType == eFeatureButton) { if(pButtCaps->BitField & 0x80) { m_pType->SetVolatile(); } } switch(eType) { case eFeatureButton: case eFeatureValue: m_pType->SetReportType(FeatureType); break; case eInputButton: case eInputValue: m_pType->SetReportType(InputType); break; case eOutputButton: case eOutputValue: m_pType->SetReportType(OutputType); } // set value to to number until I figure out how to do strings
m_pType->SetIsNumber(); } }
CProperties::~CProperties() { if (m_pType) { delete m_pType; m_pType = NULL; } return; }
CUsagePath::CUsagePath(USAGE UsagePage, USAGE UsageID, CUsage * pThisUsage) { // init members
m_UsagePage = UsagePage; m_UsageNumber = UsageID; m_pUsage = pThisUsage; m_pNextEntry = NULL; return; }
CHidDevice::CHidDevice() {
// clear out usage arrays
for(int i = 0; i<MAXREPORTID; i++) { m_InputUsageArrays[i] = NULL; m_FeatureBuffer[i] = NULL; m_ReportIdArray[i] = 0; } m_pThreadObject = NULL; m_pReadBuffer = NULL; m_pEventHandler = 0; }
bool CHidDevice::OpenHidDevice(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject) { NTSTATUS ntStatus; ULONG ulNodeCount; bool bResult; HID_COLLECTION_INFORMATION collectionInformation;
HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_ALWAYS); HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("CHidDevice::OpenHidDevice\n"));
// first get collection information for this device
ntStatus = DoIoctl( pDeviceObject, IOCTL_HID_GET_COLLECTION_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &collectionInformation, sizeof(HID_COLLECTION_INFORMATION), (CHidDevice *) NULL );
if(NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) { return FALSE; }
m_pPreparsedData = (PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, collectionInformation.DescriptorSize, HidBattTag); if(!m_pPreparsedData) { return FALSE; }
ntStatus = DoIoctl( pDeviceObject, IOCTL_HID_GET_COLLECTION_DESCRIPTOR, NULL, 0, m_pPreparsedData, collectionInformation.DescriptorSize, (CHidDevice *) NULL );
if(NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) { ExFreePool(m_pPreparsedData); return FALSE; }
// init the caps structure
m_pCaps = (PHIDP_CAPS) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, sizeof(HIDP_CAPS), HidBattTag); if(!m_pCaps) { ExFreePool(m_pPreparsedData); return FALSE; } RtlZeroMemory(m_pCaps,sizeof(HIDP_CAPS));
ntStatus = HidP_GetCaps (m_pPreparsedData, m_pCaps); if (NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) { ExFreePool(m_pPreparsedData); ExFreePool(m_pCaps); return FALSE; }
// set usage page and usage for application level
m_UsagePage = m_pCaps->UsagePage; m_UsageID = m_pCaps->Usage; // init the collection array
ulNodeCount = m_pCaps->NumberLinkCollectionNodes;
HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE * pLinkNodes = (HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE*) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, sizeof(HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE) * ulNodeCount, HidBattTag);
if(!pLinkNodes) return FALSE;
RtlZeroMemory(pLinkNodes,sizeof(HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE) * ulNodeCount );
ntStatus = HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes( pLinkNodes, &ulNodeCount, m_pPreparsedData );
if(ntStatus != HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ExFreePool( m_pPreparsedData); ExFreePool(m_pCaps); ExFreePool(pLinkNodes); return FALSE; }
// the following call will init all the collections in the device
CCollectionArray * ThisArray = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CCollectionArray(pLinkNodes,(USHORT) ulNodeCount, -1); if (!ThisArray) { // Creation of the collection failed, return failure
return FALSE; }
m_CollectionArray = ThisArray; // have each collection fill in its usage array
// this call uses KR's methods to access and setup his original hid structures.
// ... This data is then used to populate the the hid device class structures
m_pHidDevice = SetupHidData( m_pPreparsedData, m_pCaps, pLinkNodes);
for(int i = 0; i < ThisArray->m_CollectionCount; i++) { ThisArray->m_pCollections[i]->InitUsages(this); }
return TRUE;
CHidDevice::~CHidDevice() {
// release any allocated memory and cleanup
if (m_pHidDevice) { if (m_pHidDevice->InputButtonCaps) { ExFreePool (m_pHidDevice->InputButtonCaps); }
if (m_pHidDevice->InputValueCaps) { ExFreePool (m_pHidDevice->InputValueCaps); }
if (m_pHidDevice->OutputButtonCaps) { ExFreePool (m_pHidDevice->OutputButtonCaps); }
if (m_pHidDevice->OutputValueCaps) { ExFreePool (m_pHidDevice->OutputValueCaps); }
if (m_pHidDevice->FeatureButtonCaps) { ExFreePool (m_pHidDevice->FeatureButtonCaps); }
if (m_pHidDevice->FeatureValueCaps) { ExFreePool (m_pHidDevice->FeatureValueCaps); }
ExFreePool (m_pHidDevice); }
if(m_CollectionArray) { delete m_CollectionArray; m_CollectionArray = NULL; }
for (i = 0; i < MAXREPORTID; i++) { if(m_InputUsageArrays[i]) {
if (m_InputUsageArrays[i]->m_pUsages) { ExFreePool (m_InputUsageArrays[i]->m_pUsages); }
ExFreePool (m_InputUsageArrays[i]);
m_InputUsageArrays[i] = NULL; } }
if(m_pReadBuffer) { ExFreePool (m_pReadBuffer); m_pReadBuffer = NULL; }
for (i = 0; i < MAXREPORTID; i++) { if(m_FeatureBuffer[i]) { ExFreePool (m_FeatureBuffer[i]); m_FeatureBuffer[i] = NULL; } }
if (m_pPreparsedData) { ExFreePool (m_pPreparsedData); } if (m_pCaps) { ExFreePool (m_pCaps); }
return; }
CUsage * CHidDevice::FindUsage(CUsagePath * PathToUsage, USHORT usType) { int i = 0; CCollection * pActiveCollection = (CCollection *) NULL; CCollectionArray * pCurrentCArray = m_CollectionArray; // Index into collection array by usage page : usage id
while(PathToUsage->m_pNextEntry) { // traversing a collection
while( pCurrentCArray && i < pCurrentCArray->m_CollectionCount) { if(pCurrentCArray->m_pCollections[i]->m_UsagePage == PathToUsage->m_UsagePage && pCurrentCArray->m_pCollections[i]->m_CollectionID == PathToUsage->m_UsageNumber) { // found a node, go down a level
pActiveCollection = pCurrentCArray->m_pCollections[i]; pCurrentCArray = pCurrentCArray->m_pCollections[i]->m_CollectionArray;
i = 0; break; } i++; } if(i) return (CUsage *) NULL; // not found
PathToUsage = PathToUsage->m_pNextEntry;
} if(!pActiveCollection) return (CUsage *) NULL; // no collection found, shouldn't get here
// got to the collection, check its usages
CUsageArray * pCurrentUArray = pActiveCollection->m_UsageArray; if(!pCurrentUArray) return (CUsage *) NULL; // interate usage array
for(i = 0; i < pCurrentUArray->m_UsageCount; i++) {
if(pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_pProperties->m_Usage == PathToUsage->m_UsageNumber && pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_pProperties->m_UsagePage == PathToUsage->m_UsagePage) { // got it !
if(usType == WRITEABLE) // writable returns feature and output usages
if(pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_eType == eFeatureValue || pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_eType == eOutputValue || pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_eType == eFeatureButton || pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_eType == eOutputButton) // return writeable usage !
return pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]; if(usType == READABLE) // returns input and feature types
if(pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_eType == eFeatureValue || pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_eType == eInputValue || pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_eType == eFeatureButton || pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]->m_eType == eInputButton)
// return readable usage !
return pCurrentUArray->m_pUsages[i]; } } return (CUsage *) NULL; }
NTSTATUS CHidDevice::ActivateInput() { NTSTATUS ntStatus; HANDLE hReadThread; // init notification elements
HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE, ("ActivateInput entered\n")); if(!m_pReadBuffer) { if (!m_pCaps->InputReportByteLength) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_ERROR, ("ActivateInput: InputReportByteLength = %08x; NumberInputButtonCaps = %08x; NumberInputValueCaps = %08x\n", m_pCaps->InputReportByteLength, m_pCaps->NumberInputButtonCaps, m_pCaps->NumberInputValueCaps));
// This just means that the battery doesn't give notifications.
m_pReadBuffer = (PBYTE) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, m_pCaps->InputReportByteLength, HidBattTag); if(!m_pReadBuffer) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// init read event
ntStatus = PsCreateSystemThread( OUT &hReadThread, IN THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, IN NULL, // POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes
IN NULL, // HANDLE ProcessHandle
IN ReadThread, IN this );
if(NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) { // kill refresh loop, then break
HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE, ("ActivateInput error, exiting - Status = %x\n",ntStatus)); ExFreePool(m_pReadBuffer); m_pReadBuffer = NULL; return ntStatus; } HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE, ("ActivateInput exiting = Status = %x\n",ntStatus));
ntStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle ( hReadThread, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, KernelMode, &m_pThreadObject, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_ERROR, ("ActivateInput can't get thread object\n",ntStatus));
// Return without closing hReadThread handle.
// This will cause a reboot to be needed to fully unload the driver.
ntStatus = ZwClose (hReadThread); // Ignore return value. We can't do anything about a failure, and the
// driver will still work. It will simply result in leaking a thread
// object when the device is removed.
NTSTATUS ReadCompletionRoutine(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDO, PIRP pIrp,PVOID pContext) { CHidDevice * pHidDevice = (CHidDevice *) pContext; HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("Read Completed, IO Status = %x\n",pIrp->IoStatus.Status));
KeSetEvent(&pHidDevice->m_kReadEvent,0,FALSE); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; }
void _stdcall ReadThread(PVOID pContext) {
USHORT usFailureCount = 0; // build a read irp for hid class
USHORT usEventIndex = 0; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PVOID EventArray[2]; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pNewStack; CBatteryDevExt * pDevExt; PMDL mdl;
HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_ALWAYS); HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("Read Thread entered\n"));
// first get our "this"
CHidDevice * pHidDev = (CHidDevice *) pContext;
pDevExt = (CBatteryDevExt *) pHidDev->m_pEventContext;
// Hold the remove lock so the remove routine doesn't cancel the irp while
// we are playing with it.
if (!NT_SUCCESS (IoAcquireRemoveLock (&pDevExt->m_StopLock, (PVOID) HidBattTag))) { goto ReadThreadCleanup1; // fail
// Allocate Irp to be used and re-used
pHidDev->m_pReadIrp = IoAllocateIrp (pHidDev->m_pLowerDeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE);
if(!pHidDev->m_pReadIrp) { goto ReadThreadCleanup1; // fail
// Create MDL
mdl = IoAllocateMdl( pHidDev->m_pReadBuffer, pHidDev->m_pCaps->InputReportByteLength, FALSE, FALSE, (PIRP) NULL ); if (!mdl) { goto ReadThreadCleanup2; }
// Lock IO buffer
__try { MmProbeAndLockPages( mdl, KernelMode, (LOCK_OPERATION) IoWriteAccess ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { goto ReadThreadCleanup3; }
while (TRUE) { IoReuseIrp (pHidDev->m_pReadIrp, STATUS_SUCCESS);
pHidDev->m_pReadIrp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = PsGetCurrentThread(); pHidDev->m_pReadIrp->MdlAddress = mdl;
IoSetCompletionRoutine(pHidDev->m_pReadIrp,ReadCompletionRoutine,pHidDev,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); pNewStack= IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(pHidDev->m_pReadIrp); pNewStack->FileObject = pHidDev->m_pFCB; pNewStack->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_READ; pNewStack->Parameters.Read.Length = pHidDev->m_pCaps->InputReportByteLength; pNewStack->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset.QuadPart = 0;
ntStatus = IoCallDriver(pHidDev->m_pLowerDeviceObject,pHidDev->m_pReadIrp);
// Don't hold the lock while we are waiting for the IRP to complete.
// The remove routine will cancel the irp if needed.
IoReleaseRemoveLock (&pDevExt->m_StopLock, (PVOID) HidBattTag);
if (ntStatus == STATUS_PENDING) { KeWaitForSingleObject( &pHidDev->m_kReadEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL ); ntStatus = pHidDev->m_pReadIrp->IoStatus.Status; }
// we awoke on a read completion
HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("Read woke: status = 0x%08x\n", ntStatus));
if(ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if(ntStatus == STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED || ntStatus == STATUS_CANCELLED) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_ERROR,("Read Failure - Status = %x\n",ntStatus)); break; } usFailureCount++; if(usFailureCount++ == 10) { // stop trying
HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_ERROR,("Read Failure - More than 10 retries\nStatus = %x\n",pHidDev->m_pReadIrp->IoStatus.Status)); break; }
// Hold the lock while playing with the IRP
// If we are being removed, we need to break out.
if (!NT_SUCCESS (IoAcquireRemoveLock (&pDevExt->m_StopLock, (PVOID) HidBattTag))) { break; } continue; } usFailureCount = 0;
// Hold the lock while playing with the IRP
// If we are being removed, we need to break out.
if (!NT_SUCCESS (IoAcquireRemoveLock (&pDevExt->m_StopLock, (PVOID) HidBattTag))) { break; }
// process input buffer
USHORT usReportId = pHidDev->m_pReadBuffer[0]; USHORT usIndex = pHidDev->GetIndexFromReportId(usReportId); if(usIndex == MAXREPORTID) // is this a report we recognize
{ HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("Read: don't recognize report: usIndex = 0x%08x\n", usIndex)); continue; // we don't recognize this report
} CUsageArray *pThisInputArray = pHidDev->m_InputUsageArrays[usIndex]; if(!pThisInputArray) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("Read: nothing to update\n")); continue; // nothing to update
} for(int i=0; i< pThisInputArray->m_UsageCount; i++) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("Read: Getting value\n")); pThisInputArray->m_pUsages[i]->GetValue(); } } //while
// Cleanup
MmUnlockPages( mdl );
// Irp will be freed by Query remove/stop device thread after read thread has terminated.
pDevExt->m_pBattery->m_Tag = BATTERY_TAG_INVALID; PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_ERROR,("Read thread terminated: Why am I seeing this?\n")); }
// collectionarray methods
CCollectionArray::CCollectionArray(PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE pTheNodes, USHORT usNodeCount, SHORT sParentIndex) {
HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_NEVER); USHORT i; m_pCollections = 0; m_CollectionCount = 0;
if(sParentIndex == -1) // exception processing for application level collection
{ m_pCollections = (CCollection **) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, sizeof(CCollection *), HidBattTag); if(!m_pCollections) return; RtlZeroMemory(m_pCollections,sizeof(CCollection *)); m_pCollections[0] = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CCollection(pTheNodes,usNodeCount, 0); // get my children
m_CollectionCount = 1; } else {
for( i = 1; i < usNodeCount; i++) {
if( (pTheNodes[i].Parent == sParentIndex) ) { m_CollectionCount++; // inc collection count
if(!m_pCollections) { m_pCollections = (CCollection **) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, sizeof(CCollection *), HidBattTag); if(!m_pCollections) return; RtlZeroMemory(m_pCollections,sizeof(CCollection *)); } else { // make the array bigger
//m_Collections = (CCollection **) realloc(m_Collections,(m_CollectionCount * sizeof(CCollection *)));
CCollection ** pTemp = m_pCollections; m_pCollections = (CCollection **) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, m_CollectionCount * sizeof(CCollection *), HidBattTag);
if (!m_pCollections) { // Re-allocation failure, print error and revert to previous state and return
HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_ERROR, ("CCollectionArray: Could not resize CCollection")); m_pCollections = pTemp; m_CollectionCount--; return; }
RtlCopyMemory(m_pCollections,pTemp,(m_CollectionCount -1) * sizeof(CCollection *)); ExFreePool(pTemp); }
// add collection to array
CCollection * TempCollection = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CCollection(pTheNodes,usNodeCount,i);
if (!TempCollection) { // Could not allocate new CCollection, print debug message and return
HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_ERROR, ("CCollectionArray: Could not allocate new CCollection"));
return; } m_pCollections[m_CollectionCount-1] = TempCollection; } } } }
CCollectionArray::~CCollectionArray() { while(m_CollectionCount) { delete m_pCollections[--m_CollectionCount]; } if (m_pCollections) { ExFreePool (m_pCollections); } return; }
CCollection::CCollection(PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE pTheNodes, USHORT usNodeCount,USHORT usNodeIndex) { m_UsageArray = (CUsageArray *) NULL; m_CollectionArray = (CCollectionArray *) NULL; // init vars
// setup this collection
CCollectionArray * ThisArray = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CCollectionArray(pTheNodes,usNodeCount,usNodeIndex); if (ThisArray) { if(!ThisArray->m_CollectionCount) {// any child collections
delete ThisArray; } else { m_CollectionArray = ThisArray; } } // set the info in this collection
m_CollectionID = pTheNodes[usNodeIndex].LinkUsage; m_UsagePage = pTheNodes[usNodeIndex].LinkUsagePage; m_NodeIndex = usNodeIndex;
CCollection::~CCollection() { // delete all usages in the usage array
if(m_UsageArray) { delete m_UsageArray; } // delete all the sub collections
if(m_CollectionArray) { delete m_CollectionArray; } }
void CCollection::InitUsages(CHidDevice * ThisDevice) { bool bResult = FALSE; USHORT usUsageIndex = 0; CUsage * pThisUsage ; USHORT usInputIndex; HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_NEVER); while( bResult = GetNextUsage(ThisDevice,m_CollectionID,m_NodeIndex,usUsageIndex,&pThisUsage)) {
if(!m_UsageArray) // if first usage
{ m_UsageArray = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsageArray(); if (!m_UsageArray) { delete pThisUsage; return; } } pThisUsage->SetCapabilities(); pThisUsage->m_pHidDevice = ThisDevice; // store this usage's device pointer
if(pThisUsage->m_eType == eInputButton || pThisUsage->m_eType == eInputValue) { // get input array index
usInputIndex = ThisDevice->AssignIndexToReportId(pThisUsage->m_pProperties->m_ReportID); if(!ThisDevice->m_InputUsageArrays[usInputIndex]) { // no array in this report position yet, create
ThisDevice->m_InputUsageArrays[usInputIndex] = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsageArray(); if (!(ThisDevice->m_InputUsageArrays[usInputIndex])) return; } ThisDevice->m_InputUsageArrays[usInputIndex]->AddUsage(pThisUsage); // add input usages to refresh stack
usUsageIndex++; m_UsageArray->AddUsage(pThisUsage); } // also init all my collections
if(!m_CollectionArray) return; for(int i = 0; i < m_CollectionArray->m_CollectionCount; i++) { m_CollectionArray->m_pCollections[i]->InitUsages(ThisDevice); } }
USHORT CHidDevice::AssignIndexToReportId(USHORT usReportId) { USHORT i; HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("AssignIndexToReportId: ReportId = %x -- ", usReportId)); for(i = 0;i < MAXREPORTID; i++) { if(!m_ReportIdArray[i]) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("Assigning to %x\n", i)); m_ReportIdArray[i] = usReportId; return i; } if(m_ReportIdArray[i] == usReportId) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("Already assigned to %x\n", i)); return i; } }
// It would be really nice if we could dynamically allocate more
// since there isn't a small limit set to the number of report IDs.
return 0;
USHORT CHidDevice::GetIndexFromReportId(USHORT usReportId) { USHORT i;
HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("GetIndexFromReportId: ReportId = %x\n", usReportId)); for(i = 0; i< MAXREPORTID; i++) { if(m_ReportIdArray[i] == usReportId) { return i; } } HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("GetIndexFromReportId: Failed\n", usReportId)); return i; // error return is MAXREPORTIDS
CUsagePath * CCollection::FindIndexedUsage(USHORT * pCurrentIndex, USHORT TargetIndex) { CUsagePath * ThisPath; CUsagePath * NewPath; if(m_UsageArray) { if(m_UsageArray->m_UsageCount + *pCurrentIndex > TargetIndex) { // do the arithmetic to get the current index
int ThisIndex = TargetIndex - *pCurrentIndex; // found it, construct usage path
ThisPath = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsagePath( m_UsagePage, m_CollectionID, m_UsageArray->m_pUsages[ThisIndex] ); return ThisPath; } // didn't find it, inc current index
*pCurrentIndex += m_UsageArray->m_UsageCount; }
if(!m_CollectionArray) return NULL; // nothing more, quit
// call out the sub collections
for(int i = 0; i < m_CollectionArray->m_CollectionCount; i++) { ThisPath = m_CollectionArray->m_pCollections[i]->FindIndexedUsage(pCurrentIndex, TargetIndex); if(ThisPath) { // one of our subcollections had the usage, add us to the path
NewPath = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CUsagePath( m_UsagePage, m_CollectionID, NULL );
if (!NewPath) { delete ThisPath; return NULL; }
NewPath->m_pNextEntry = ThisPath; return NewPath; } } return NULL; }
CUsagePath::~CUsagePath() { CUsagePath * tempNextEntry; tempNextEntry = m_pNextEntry; m_pNextEntry = NULL; if (tempNextEntry) { delete tempNextEntry; }
return; }
CUsage::CUsage() { // do member init
m_pProperties = (CProperties *) NULL; m_pButtonCaps = (HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS *) NULL; m_pValueCaps = (HIDP_VALUE_CAPS *)NULL; m_eType = (eHidType) 0; m_Value = 0; m_String = (char *)NULL;
return; }
CUsage::~CUsage() { // free all associated objects
if(m_pProperties) { delete m_pProperties; }
return; }
bool CUsage::GetValue() { NTSTATUS ntStatus; ULONG ulResult; bool bResult; BYTE ReportID; USHORT usDummy;
HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_NEVER); switch(m_eType) { case eFeatureValue: case eFeatureButton:
ReportID = (BYTE) m_pProperties->m_ReportID; // do we have the report that contains this data?
if(!m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID]) { // must first create and fill buffer from getfeature
// allocate memory
m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID] = (PBYTE) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->FeatureReportByteLength+1, HidBattTag); RtlZeroMemory(m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID], m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->FeatureReportByteLength+1);
// setup first byte of buffer to report id
*m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID] = ReportID; // now read in report
HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_DEBUG); HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("GetFeature\n")); ntStatus = DoIoctl( m_pHidDevice->m_pLowerDeviceObject, IOCTL_HID_GET_FEATURE, NULL, 0, m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID], m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->FeatureReportByteLength+1, m_pHidDevice ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_DATA,("GetFeature - IOCTL_HID_GET_FEATURE 0x%08x\n", ntStatus)); } } if(m_pProperties->m_pType->IsVolatile()) { // this is a volatile value, refresh report
RtlZeroMemory(m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID], m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->FeatureReportByteLength+1);
// setup first byte of buffer to report id
*m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID] = ReportID; // now read in report
HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_NEVER); HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_TRACE,("GetFeature - Refresh\n")); ntStatus = DoIoctl( m_pHidDevice->m_pLowerDeviceObject, IOCTL_HID_GET_FEATURE, NULL, 0, m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID], m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->FeatureReportByteLength+1, m_pHidDevice ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_DATA,("GetFeature - (volitile) IOCTL_HID_GET_FEATURE 0x%08x\n", ntStatus));
// return error, fixes bug #357483
return FALSE; } }
if(m_eType == eFeatureValue) { ntStatus = HidP_GetUsageValue( HidP_Feature, m_pProperties->m_UsagePage, m_pProperties->m_LinkCollection, m_pProperties->m_Usage, &ulResult, m_pHidDevice->m_pPreparsedData, (char *) m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID], m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->FeatureReportByteLength ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_DATA,("GetFeature - HidP_GetUsageValue 0x%08x\n", ntStatus)); // return error
return FALSE; } } else { // must get button data
ULONG Buttons, BufferSize; PUSAGE pButtonBuffer; Buttons = HidP_MaxUsageListLength (HidP_Feature, 0, m_pHidDevice->m_pPreparsedData); BufferSize = Buttons * sizeof(USAGE); pButtonBuffer = (PUSAGE) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, BufferSize, HidBattTag);
if (pButtonBuffer==NULL) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_DATA,("GetFeature - ExAllocatePoolWithTag returned NULL.")); // return error
return FALSE; } else { RtlZeroMemory(pButtonBuffer,BufferSize); ntStatus = HidP_GetButtons( HidP_Feature, m_pProperties->m_UsagePage, m_pProperties->m_LinkCollection, (PUSAGE) pButtonBuffer, &Buttons, m_pHidDevice->m_pPreparsedData, (char *) m_pHidDevice->m_FeatureBuffer[ReportID], m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->FeatureReportByteLength ); }
if(!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_DATA,("GetFeature - HidP_GetButtons 0x%08x\n", ntStatus)); // return error
return FALSE; } // get the value for the requested button
PUSAGE pUsage = (PUSAGE) pButtonBuffer; ulResult = 0; // set to not found value
for(int i = 0; i < (long) Buttons; i++) { if(pUsage[i] == m_pProperties->m_Usage) { ulResult = 1; break; } } ExFreePool(pButtonBuffer); }
m_Value = ulResult; return TRUE; break;
case eInputValue: case eInputButton:
// have we had input data ?
if(!m_pHidDevice->m_pReadBuffer) break; // nope, leave
// do we have the report that contains this data?
ReportID = (BYTE) m_pProperties->m_ReportID;
if(!*m_pHidDevice->m_pReadBuffer == ReportID) break; // not us
if(m_eType == eInputValue) { ntStatus = HidP_GetUsageValue( HidP_Input, m_pProperties->m_UsagePage, m_pProperties->m_LinkCollection, m_pProperties->m_Usage, &ulResult, m_pHidDevice->m_pPreparsedData, (char *)m_pHidDevice->m_pReadBuffer, m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->InputReportByteLength ); if(NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_DATA,("GetFeature - (Button) HidP_GetUsageValue 0x%08x\n", ntStatus)); return FALSE; } } else { // handle button
// must get button data
ULONG Buttons, BufferSize; PUSAGE_AND_PAGE pButtonBuffer; Buttons = HidP_MaxUsageListLength (HidP_Input, 0, m_pHidDevice->m_pPreparsedData); BufferSize = Buttons * sizeof(USAGE_AND_PAGE); pButtonBuffer = (PUSAGE_AND_PAGE) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, BufferSize, HidBattTag); RtlZeroMemory(pButtonBuffer,BufferSize); ntStatus = HidP_GetButtons( HidP_Input, m_pProperties->m_UsagePage, m_pProperties->m_LinkCollection, (PUSAGE) pButtonBuffer, &Buttons, m_pHidDevice->m_pPreparsedData, (char *) m_pHidDevice->m_pReadBuffer, m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->InputReportByteLength ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { HidBattPrint(HIDBATT_DATA,("GetFeature - (Button) HidP_GetButton 0x%08x\n", ntStatus)); // return error
return FALSE; } // get the value for the requested button
USAGE_AND_PAGE * UsagePage = (USAGE_AND_PAGE *) pButtonBuffer; ulResult = 0; // set to not found value
for(int i = 0; i < (long) Buttons; i++) { if(UsagePage[i].Usage == m_pProperties->m_Usage) // don't need to check usage page, because it was specified
// && UsagePage[i].UsagePage == m_pProperties->m_UsagePage)
{ ulResult = 1; break; } } ExFreePool(pButtonBuffer); } if(m_Value != ulResult) { m_Value = ulResult;
// there's been a change, check if this needs alerting
if(m_pProperties->m_pType->IsAlertable()) { // call registered notification callback with
// ... passing the notificable usage object
if(m_pHidDevice->m_pEventHandler) { (*m_pHidDevice->m_pEventHandler)( m_pHidDevice->m_pEventContext, this); } } }
return TRUE; break;
return FALSE; }
void CUsage::SetCapabilities() { // init capabilites from value caps and set properties for this usage
m_pProperties = new (NonPagedPool, HidBattTag) CProperties(this);
ULONG CUsage::GetUnit() { return m_pProperties->m_Unit; }
SHORT CUsage::GetExponent() { return m_pProperties->m_UnitExponent; }
NTSTATUS CUsage::GetString(char * pBuffer, USHORT buffLen, PULONG pBytesReturned) { char cBuffer[4]; ULONG StringIndex; NTSTATUS ntStatus; ULONG ulBytesWritten = 0; bool bResult; // first must update this usages value
bResult = GetValue(); if(!bResult) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; RtlCopyMemory(cBuffer,&m_Value,sizeof(ULONG)); ntStatus = DoIoctl( m_pHidDevice->m_pLowerDeviceObject, IOCTL_HID_GET_INDEXED_STRING, cBuffer, 4, pBuffer, buffLen, m_pHidDevice);
return ntStatus; }
// utility to do writefile for output reports
NTSTATUS HidWriteFile( CHidDevice * pHidDevice, PVOID pOutputBuffer, USHORT usBufferLen, PULONG pulBytesWritten ) { KEVENT WrittenEvent; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pNewStack;
return STATUS_SUCCESS; KeInitializeEvent(&WrittenEvent,NotificationEvent,FALSE); // allocate write irp
PIRP pIrp = IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest( IRP_MJ_WRITE, pHidDevice->m_pLowerDeviceObject, pOutputBuffer, usBufferLen, 0, &WrittenEvent, &IoStatusBlock );
if(!pIrp) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; pNewStack= IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(pIrp); pNewStack->FileObject = pHidDevice->m_pFCB;
NTSTATUS ntStatus = IoCallDriver(pHidDevice->m_pLowerDeviceObject,pIrp); if(NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) { IoFreeIrp(pIrp); return ntStatus; } ntStatus = KeWaitForSingleObject( &WrittenEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL ); IoFreeIrp(pIrp); // done with Irp
if(NT_ERROR(ntStatus)) { return ntStatus; } *pulBytesWritten = (ULONG)IoStatusBlock.Information; return IoStatusBlock.Status; }
bool CUsage::SetValue(ULONG ulValue) { NTSTATUS ntStatus; USHORT ThisType; char * pOutputBuffer; USHORT usBufferLen; bool bResult; ULONG ulBytesWritten;
HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_NEVER); // first check that this is an output or feature report
if(m_eType == eInputButton || m_eType == eInputValue) { // if this is an input usage, reject update
return FALSE; }
if(m_eType == eOutputButton || m_eType == eOutputValue) { ThisType = HidP_Output; usBufferLen = m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->OutputReportByteLength;
} else { ThisType = HidP_Feature; usBufferLen = m_pHidDevice->m_pCaps->FeatureReportByteLength + 1; // for report id
pOutputBuffer = (char *) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, usBufferLen+1, HidBattTag);
if (!pOutputBuffer) { // Allocation failed
return FALSE; }
pOutputBuffer[0] = (char) m_pProperties->m_ReportID;
// setup buffer for write
ntStatus = HidP_SetUsageValue( (HIDP_REPORT_TYPE) ThisType, // either feature or output
m_pProperties->m_UsagePage, m_pProperties->m_LinkCollection, m_pProperties->m_Usage, ulValue, m_pHidDevice->m_pPreparsedData, pOutputBuffer, usBufferLen-1 );
if(ThisType == HidP_Output) { ntStatus = HidWriteFile( m_pHidDevice, pOutputBuffer, usBufferLen, &ulBytesWritten ); } else { ntStatus = DoIoctl( m_pHidDevice->m_pLowerDeviceObject, IOCTL_HID_SET_FEATURE, pOutputBuffer, //NULL,
usBufferLen, //0,
pOutputBuffer, usBufferLen, m_pHidDevice ); }
ExFreePool (pOutputBuffer);
return ntStatus ? FALSE:TRUE; }
// Usage Array Class
CUsageArray::CUsageArray() { m_UsageCount = 0; m_pUsages = (CUsage **) NULL; return; }
CUsageArray::~CUsageArray() { while(m_UsageCount) { delete m_pUsages[--m_UsageCount]; } if (m_pUsages) { ExFreePool (m_pUsages); } return; }
void CUsageArray::AddUsage(CUsage * pNewUsage) { HIDDebugBreak(HIDBATT_BREAK_NEVER); if(!m_pUsages) { m_pUsages = (CUsage **) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, sizeof(CUsage *), HidBattTag); } else { CUsage ** pTemp = m_pUsages; m_pUsages = (CUsage **) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, sizeof(CUsage *) * (m_UsageCount + 1), HidBattTag);
if (m_pUsages) { memcpy(m_pUsages,pTemp,sizeof(CUsage *) * m_UsageCount); ExFreePool(pTemp); } }
if (m_pUsages) { m_pUsages[m_UsageCount] = pNewUsage; m_UsageCount++; } // else - no way to report allocation failure. The only indication is that
// m_UsageCount is not increamented. (v-stebe)