Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the work engine for all SD card operations
Neil Sandlin (neilsa) 1-Jan-2002
Kernel mode
Revision History :
STATE DIAGRAM IDLE <-------------------+ | | |--new work |--done | | v | PACKET_QUEUED <=========> IN_PROCESS <==========> WAITING_FOR_TIMER ^ | | |--interrupt +----------------------------------------------------+
#include "pch.h"
VOID SdbusWorker( IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, IN PSD_WORK_PACKET WorkPacket );
NTSTATUS SdbusSendCmdAsync( IN PSD_WORK_PACKET WorkPacket );
NTSTATUS SdbusQueueCardReset( IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension );
VOID SdbusQueueWorkPacket( IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, IN PSD_WORK_PACKET WorkPacket, IN UCHAR WorkPacketType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Queue a new work packet. Synchronization:
If the worker state is anything but IDLE, then all we need to do here is queue the work packet onto the FdoExtension's queue. That is because the non-idle worker is responsible for launching a DPC for any new work coming in. If the worker is IDLE, we need to launch the DPC here.
FdoExtension - Pointer to the device object extension for the host controller WorkPacket - Pointer to the work packet
Return Value:
--*/ { KIRQL Irql; KeAcquireSpinLock(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock, &Irql);
if (FdoExtension->WorkerState != WORKER_IDLE) { switch(WorkPacketType){ case WP_TYPE_SYSTEM: InsertTailList(&FdoExtension->SystemWorkPacketQueue, &WorkPacket->WorkPacketQueue); break; case WP_TYPE_SYSTEM_PRIORITY: InsertHeadList(&FdoExtension->SystemWorkPacketQueue, &WorkPacket->WorkPacketQueue); break; case WP_TYPE_IO: InsertTailList(&FdoExtension->IoWorkPacketQueue, &WorkPacket->WorkPacketQueue); break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } } else { FdoExtension->WorkerState = PACKET_PENDING; KeInsertQueueDpc(&FdoExtension->WorkerDpc, WorkPacket, NULL); }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock, Irql); }
PSD_WORK_PACKET SdbusGetNextWorkPacket( IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
Remove a work packet from a queue Synchronization:
No synchronization is needed here, it is assumed that the worker's spin lock is held when called.
FdoExtension - Pointer to the device object extension for the host controller
Return Value:
WorkPacket - Pointer to the work packet
--*/ { PSD_WORK_PACKET workPacket = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry;
if (!IsListEmpty(&FdoExtension->SystemWorkPacketQueue)) {
NextEntry = RemoveHeadList(&FdoExtension->SystemWorkPacketQueue); workPacket = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SD_WORK_PACKET, WorkPacketQueue);
} else if (!IsListEmpty(&FdoExtension->IoWorkPacketQueue)) {
NextEntry = RemoveHeadList(&FdoExtension->IoWorkPacketQueue); workPacket = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, SD_WORK_PACKET, WorkPacketQueue); } return workPacket; }
VOID SdbusWorkerTimeoutDpc( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, IN PVOID SystemContext1, IN PVOID SystemContext2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
DPC entered when a timeout occurs Synchronization:
There is a potential race condition between the timer DPC and a hardware interrupt from the controller. If we enter here, and manage to get the spin lock for the worker thread, it means we "beat" the hardware interrupt, which will call into SdbusPushWorkerEvent(). In that case, we can transition to IN_PROCESS, and start running the Worker. If we detect that the hardware interrupt has beat us to it, we need to exit.
FdoExtension - Pointer to the device object extension for the host controller WorkPacket - Pointer to the work packet
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN callWorker = FALSE; DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_EVENT, "SdbusWorkerTimeoutDpc entered\n")); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_EVENT, "SdbusWorkerTimeoutDpc has spinlock, WorkerState = %s\n", WORKER_STATE_STRING(FdoExtension->WorkerState))); if (FdoExtension->WorkerState == WAITING_FOR_TIMER) {
callWorker = TRUE; FdoExtension->WorkerState = IN_PROCESS; } KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); if (callWorker) { SdbusWorker(FdoExtension, FdoExtension->TimeoutPacket); } }
VOID SdbusWorkerDpc( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, IN PVOID SystemContext1, IN PVOID SystemContext2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
This DPC is entered in one of three ways: 1) When new work comes in, this is launched from SdbusQueueWorkPacket() 2) When the IO worker detects new work, and pops a work packet from its queue 3) When an interrupt has cancelled a timer, and is delivering an event Synchronization:
In all cases, if the worker state is PACKET_QUEUED, it means we "own" the Io worker, an can proceed to set it in process.
FdoExtension - Pointer to the device object extension for the host controller WorkPacket - Pointer to the work packet
Return Value:
--*/ { PSD_WORK_PACKET WorkPacket = SystemContext1; BOOLEAN callWorker = FALSE;
DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_EVENT, "SdbusWorkerDpc entered\n")); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_EVENT, "SdbusWorkerDpc has spinlock, WorkerState = %s\n", WORKER_STATE_STRING(FdoExtension->WorkerState))); if (FdoExtension->WorkerState == PACKET_PENDING) {
callWorker = TRUE; FdoExtension->WorkerState = IN_PROCESS; } KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); if (callWorker) { if (!WorkPacket->PacketStarted) { //
// This is the first entry to the worker for this packet. Do some
// initialization
//ISSUE: should call SetFunctionType here
if (!WorkPacket->DisableCardEvents) { (*(FdoExtension->FunctionBlock->EnableEvent))(FdoExtension, FdoExtension->CardEvents); } WorkPacket->PacketStarted = TRUE; } SdbusWorker(FdoExtension, WorkPacket); } }
VOID SdbusPushWorkerEvent( IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, IN ULONG EventStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is entered when a hardware interrupt has occurred. Here we need to cancel the timer, if set, and queue the DPC to start the worker. Synchronization:
FdoExtension - Pointer to the device object extension for the host controller EventStatus - New event
Return Value:
--*/ {
DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_EVENT, "SdbusPushWorkerEvent entered, event=%08x\n", EventStatus)); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_EVENT, "SdbusPushWorkerEvent has spinlock, WorkerState = %s\n", WORKER_STATE_STRING(FdoExtension->WorkerState))); FdoExtension->WorkerEventStatus |= EventStatus; if (FdoExtension->WorkerState == WAITING_FOR_TIMER) { FdoExtension->WorkerState = PACKET_PENDING; KeCancelTimer(&FdoExtension->WorkerTimer); KeInsertQueueDpc(&FdoExtension->WorkerDpc, FdoExtension->TimeoutPacket, NULL); } KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); }
BOOLEAN SdbusHasRequiredEventFired( IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, IN PSD_WORK_PACKET workPacket ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine checks for a hardware event, and rolls it into the workpacket. Note that this has the side effect of CLEARING the corresponding required event bits in the workpacket.
FdoExtension - device extension for the SD host controller WorkPacket - defines the current SD operation in progress
Return Value:
TRUE if the required event in the workpacket has fired
--*/ { BOOLEAN bRet = FALSE;
// pull the latest event status
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); workPacket->EventStatus |= FdoExtension->WorkerEventStatus; FdoExtension->WorkerEventStatus = 0; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); if ((workPacket->EventStatus & workPacket->RequiredEvent) != 0) { bRet = TRUE; workPacket->EventStatus &= ~workPacket->RequiredEvent; } return bRet; }
VOID SdbusWorker( IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension, IN PSD_WORK_PACKET workPacket ) /*++
Routine Description:
IO worker - This is the main entry point for the IO engine. The purpose of this routine is to run the individual units of work defined by a single work packet, and provide waits between units. This routine runs at DPC level.
FdoExtension - device extension for the SD host controller WorkPacket - defines the current SD operation in progress
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PIRP irp; static ULONG ioCount = 0;
DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_WORKENG, "IOW: fdo %08x workpacket %08x\n", FdoExtension->DeviceObject, workPacket));
try{ if (workPacket->RequiredEvent) {
// See if an event we are interested in has occurred
if (!SdbusHasRequiredEventFired(FdoExtension, workPacket)) { //
// We are waiting for an event, but it hasn't happened yet
if (workPacket->Retries == 0) { DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_FAIL, "IOW: EventStatus %08x missing %08x, ABORTING!\n", workPacket->EventStatus, workPacket->RequiredEvent)); SdbusDumpDbgLog(); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(status)); leave; } DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_WORKENG, "IOW: EventStatus %08x missing %08x, waiting...\n", workPacket->EventStatus, workPacket->RequiredEvent));
workPacket->Retries--; status = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; leave; }
// Event has occurred, so fall through and begin processing
} while(TRUE) { status = (*(FdoExtension->FunctionBlock->CheckStatus))(FdoExtension); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (workPacket->FunctionPhaseOnError) { //
// here the worker miniproc has specified it can handle errors.
// Just give it one shot to clean up and exit
ASSERT(workPacket->WorkerMiniProc); workPacket->FunctionPhase = workPacket->FunctionPhaseOnError; status = (*(workPacket->WorkerMiniProc))(workPacket); leave; } else {
DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_FAIL, "IOW: ErrorStatus %08x, unhandled error!\n", status)); SdbusDumpDbgLog(); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(status)); // SdbusQueueCardReset(FdoExtension);
leave; } } DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_WORKENG, "fdo %08x sdwp %08x IOW start - func %s phase %d\n", FdoExtension->DeviceObject, workPacket, WP_FUNC_STRING(workPacket->Function), workPacket->FunctionPhase)); workPacket->DelayTime = 0;
// Call the mini proc
if (workPacket->ExecutingSDCommand) { status = SdbusSendCmdAsync(workPacket); } else { if (workPacket->WorkerMiniProc) { status = (*(workPacket->WorkerMiniProc))(workPacket); } else { //
// no miniproc - this must be the end of a synchronous command
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_WORKENG, "fdo %08x IOW end - func %s ph%d st=%08x to=%08x\n", FdoExtension->DeviceObject, WP_FUNC_STRING(workPacket->Function), workPacket->FunctionPhase, status, workPacket->DelayTime)); if (workPacket->ExecutingSDCommand && NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// We've reached the successful end of an individual SD command, so
// iterate back to the normal MiniProc handler
workPacket->ExecutingSDCommand = FALSE; continue; }
// done for now
leave; } if (workPacket->DelayTime) { //
// miniproc requested a wait... check to see if event is also required
if (workPacket->RequiredEvent && SdbusHasRequiredEventFired(FdoExtension, workPacket)) { //
// event fired as we were processing the command... pre-empt the
// delay and just continue back to the miniproc
continue; } //
// go off to do the delay
leave; } } } finally { if (status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) {
ASSERT(workPacket->DelayTime); ASSERT(FdoExtension->WorkerState == IN_PROCESS);
// At this point, we will now want to schedule a reentry.
// If the hardware routine has already passed new status, then just queue
// a DPC immediately
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); if ((FdoExtension->WorkerEventStatus) || (workPacket->DelayTime == 0)) {
FdoExtension->WorkerState = PACKET_PENDING; KeInsertQueueDpc(&FdoExtension->WorkerDpc, workPacket, NULL);
} else { LARGE_INTEGER dueTime; FdoExtension->WorkerState = WAITING_FOR_TIMER; FdoExtension->TimeoutPacket = workPacket; DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_WORKENG, "fdo %.08x sdwp %08x Worker Delay %08x\n", FdoExtension->DeviceObject, workPacket, workPacket->DelayTime)); dueTime.QuadPart = -((LONG) workPacket->DelayTime*10); KeSetTimer(&FdoExtension->WorkerTimer, dueTime, &FdoExtension->WorkerTimeoutDpc); } KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); } else { PSD_WORK_PACKET chainedWorkPacket = workPacket->NextWorkPacketInChain; //
// The worker is done with the current work packet.
DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_WORKENG, "fdo %08x sdwp %08x Worker %s - COMPLETE %08x\n", FdoExtension->DeviceObject, workPacket, WP_FUNC_STRING(workPacket->Function), status)); (*(FdoExtension->FunctionBlock->DisableEvent))(FdoExtension, FdoExtension->CardEvents);
(*(workPacket->CompletionRoutine))(workPacket, status);
// The workpacket should have been freed by the completion routine,
// so at this point, the contents of workPacket are not reliable
workPacket = NULL;
if (chainedWorkPacket) { workPacket = chainedWorkPacket; } else { workPacket = SdbusGetNextWorkPacket(FdoExtension); } if (workPacket) { FdoExtension->WorkerState = PACKET_PENDING; KeInsertQueueDpc(&FdoExtension->WorkerDpc, workPacket, NULL); } else { FdoExtension->WorkerState = WORKER_IDLE; } KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&FdoExtension->WorkerSpinLock); } }
NTSTATUS SdbusSendCmdAsync( IN PSD_WORK_PACKET WorkPacket ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is the "worker within the worker" for the operation of the "MiniProc" worker routines. Take any miniproc, for example, the one that handles memory block operations for an SD storage card. That miniproc directs the high level sequence for reading/writing sectors to the card. For each individual SD command that makes up that sequence, the work engine will "drop out" of the miniproc, and come here to handle the task of completing that SD command.
WorkPacket - defines the current SD operation in progress Return value:
--*/ { PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension = WorkPacket->FdoExtension; NTSTATUS status;
DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_DEVICE, "SEND async: Phase(%d) Cmd%d (0x%02x) %08x\n", WorkPacket->CmdPhase, WorkPacket->Cmd, WorkPacket->Cmd, WorkPacket->Argument)); switch(WorkPacket->CmdPhase) { case 0:
WorkPacket->Retries = 5; WorkPacket->DelayTime = 1000; WorkPacket->RequiredEvent = SDBUS_EVENT_CARD_RESPONSE;
(*(FdoExtension->FunctionBlock->SendSDCommand))(FdoExtension, WorkPacket); WorkPacket->CmdPhase++; status = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; break;
case 1:
WorkPacket->RequiredEvent = 0; status = (*(FdoExtension->FunctionBlock->GetSDResponse))(FdoExtension, WorkPacket); break;
DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_DEVICE, "SEND async: Exit Cmd%d (0x%02x) status %08x\n", WorkPacket->Cmd, WorkPacket->Cmd, status));
#if DBG
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DebugDumpSdResponse(WorkPacket->ResponseBuffer, WorkPacket->ResponseType); } #endif
return status; }
NTSTATUS SdbusQueueCardReset( IN PFDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension ) { DebugPrint((SDBUS_DEBUG_FAIL, "IOW: QueueCardReset NOT IMPLEMENTED!\n")); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }