*DbgRpt.c - Debug Cluster Reporting Functions * * Copyright (c) 1988-1998, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * *******************************************************************************/
#include <malloc.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "ClRtlDbg.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#define _ClRtlInterlockedIncrement InterlockedIncrement
#define _ClRtlInterlockedDecrement InterlockedDecrement
* * Debug Reporting * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int ClRtlMessageWindow( int, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char * );
static int __clrtlMessageBoxA( LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType );
extern "C" { _CLRTL_REPORT_HOOK _pfnReportHook;
long _clrtlAssertBusy = -1;
static const char * _ClRtlDbgModeMsg[_CLRTLDBG_ERRCNT] = { "Warning", "Error", "Assertion Failed" };
*void _ClRtlDebugBreak - call OS-specific debug function * *Purpose: * call OS-specific debug function * *Entry: * *Exit: * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/
#undef _ClRtlDbgBreak
extern "C" void _cdecl _ClRtlDbgBreak( void ) { DebugBreak();
} //*** _ClRtlDbgBreak()
*int _ClRtlSetReportMode - set the reporting mode for a given report type * *Purpose: * set the reporting mode for a given report type * *Entry: * int nRptType - the report type * int fMode - new mode for given report type * *Exit: * previous mode for given report type * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ extern "C" int __cdecl _ClRtlSetReportMode( int nRptType, int fMode ) { int oldMode;
if (nRptType < 0 || nRptType >= _CLRTLDBG_ERRCNT) return -1;
if (fMode == _CLRTLDBG_REPORT_MODE) return _ClRtlDbgMode[nRptType];
/* verify flags values */ if (fMode & ~(_CLRTLDBG_MODE_FILE | _CLRTLDBG_MODE_DEBUG | _CLRTLDBG_MODE_WNDW)) return -1;
oldMode = _ClRtlDbgMode[nRptType];
_ClRtlDbgMode[nRptType] = fMode;
return oldMode;
} //*** _ClRtlSetReportMode()
*int _ClRtlSetReportFile - set the reporting file for a given report type * *Purpose: * set the reporting file for a given report type * *Entry: * int nRptType - the report type * _HFILE hFile - new file for given report type * *Exit: * previous file for given report type * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ extern "C" _HFILE __cdecl _ClRtlSetReportFile( int nRptType, _HFILE hFile ) { _HFILE oldFile;
if (nRptType < 0 || nRptType >= _CLRTLDBG_ERRCNT) return _CLRTLDBG_HFILE_ERROR;
if (hFile == _CLRTLDBG_REPORT_FILE) return _ClRtlDbgFile[nRptType];
oldFile = _ClRtlDbgFile[nRptType];
if (_CLRTLDBG_FILE_STDOUT == hFile) _ClRtlDbgFile[nRptType] = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
else if (_CLRTLDBG_FILE_STDERR == hFile) _ClRtlDbgFile[nRptType] = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); else _ClRtlDbgFile[nRptType] = hFile;
return oldFile;
} //*** _ClRtlSetReportFile()
*_CLRTL_REPORT_HOOK _ClRtlSetReportHook() - set client report hook * *Purpose: * set client report hook * *Entry: * _CLRTL_REPORT_HOOK pfnNewHook - new report hook * *Exit: * return previous hook * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ extern "C" _CLRTL_REPORT_HOOK __cdecl _ClRtlSetReportHook( _CLRTL_REPORT_HOOK pfnNewHook ) { _CLRTL_REPORT_HOOK pfnOldHook = _pfnReportHook; _pfnReportHook = pfnNewHook; return pfnOldHook;
} //*** _ClRtlSetReportHook()
#define MAXLINELEN 64
#define MAX_MSG 512
#define TOOLONGMSG "_ClRtlDbgReport: String too long or IO Error"
*int _ClRtlDbgReport() - primary reporting function * *Purpose: * Display a message window with the following format. * * ================= Microsft Visual C++ Debug Library ================ * * {Warning! | Error! | Assertion Failed!} * * Program: c:\test\mytest\foo.exe * [Module: c:\test\mytest\bar.dll] * [File: c:\test\mytest\bar.c] * [Line: 69] * * {<warning or error message> | Expression: <expression>} * * [For information on how your program can cause an assertion * failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts] * * (Press Retry to debug the application) * * =================================================================== * *Entry: * int nRptType - report type * const char * szFile - file name * int nLine - line number * const char * szModule - module name * const char * szFormat - format string * ... - var args * *Exit: * if (MessageBox) * { * Abort -> aborts * Retry -> return TRUE * Ignore-> return FALSE * } * else * return FALSE * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ extern "C" int __cdecl _ClRtlDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile, int nLine, const char * szModule, const char * szFormat, ... ) { int retval; va_list arglist; char szLineMessage[MAX_MSG] = {0}; char szOutMessage[MAX_MSG] = {0}; char szUserMessage[MAX_MSG] = {0}; #define ASSERTINTRO1 "Assertion failed: "
#define ASSERTINTRO2 "Assertion failed!"
va_start(arglist, szFormat);
if (nRptType < 0 || nRptType >= _CLRTLDBG_ERRCNT) return -1;
* handle the (hopefully rare) case of * * 1) ASSERT while already dealing with an ASSERT * or * 2) two threads asserting at the same time */ if (_CLRTLDBG_ASSERT == nRptType && _ClRtlInterlockedIncrement(&_clrtlAssertBusy) > 0) { /* use only 'safe' functions -- must not assert in here! */ static int (APIENTRY *pfnwsprintfA)(LPSTR, LPCSTR, ...) = NULL;
if (NULL == pfnwsprintfA) { HINSTANCE hlib = LoadLibraryA("user32.dll");
if (NULL == hlib || NULL == (pfnwsprintfA = (int (APIENTRY *)(LPSTR, LPCSTR, ...)) GetProcAddress(hlib, "wsprintfA"))) return -1; }
(*pfnwsprintfA)( szOutMessage, "Second Chance Assertion Failed: File %s, Line %d\n", szFile, nLine);
_ClRtlDbgBreak(); return -1; }
szUserMessage[ MAX_MSG - 1 ] = 0; if (szFormat && StringCbVPrintfA( szUserMessage, MAX_MSG-max(sizeof(ASSERTINTRO1),sizeof(ASSERTINTRO2))-1, szFormat, arglist) != S_OK ) { PCHAR dot; dot = szUserMessage + MAX_MSG - 4; StringCbCopyA( dot, 4, "..." ); } if (_CLRTLDBG_ASSERT == nRptType) { if ( szFormat == 0 ) { StringCbCopyA( szLineMessage, MAX_MSG, ASSERTINTRO1 ); } else { StringCbCopyA( szLineMessage, MAX_MSG, ASSERTINTRO2 ); } } StringCbCatA( szLineMessage, MAX_MSG, szUserMessage );
if (_CLRTLDBG_ASSERT == nRptType) { if (_ClRtlDbgMode[nRptType] & _CLRTLDBG_MODE_FILE) { StringCbCatA( szLineMessage, MAX_MSG, "\r" ); } StringCbCatA( szLineMessage, MAX_MSG, "\n" ); }
if (szFile) { if ( StringCbPrintfA(szOutMessage, MAX_MSG, "%s(%d) : %s", szFile, nLine, szLineMessage) != S_OK ) StringCbCopyA( szOutMessage, MAX_MSG, TOOLONGMSG ); } else { StringCbCopyA( szOutMessage, MAX_MSG, szLineMessage ); }
/* user hook may handle report */ if (_pfnReportHook && (*_pfnReportHook)(nRptType, szOutMessage, &retval)) { if (_CLRTLDBG_ASSERT == nRptType) _ClRtlInterlockedDecrement(&_clrtlAssertBusy); return retval; }
if (_ClRtlDbgMode[nRptType] & _CLRTLDBG_MODE_FILE) { if (_ClRtlDbgFile[nRptType] != _CLRTLDBG_INVALID_HFILE) { DWORD written; WriteFile(_ClRtlDbgFile[nRptType], szOutMessage, strlen(szOutMessage), &written, NULL); } }
if (_ClRtlDbgMode[nRptType] & _CLRTLDBG_MODE_DEBUG) { OutputDebugStringA(szOutMessage); }
if (_ClRtlDbgMode[nRptType] & _CLRTLDBG_MODE_WNDW) { char szLine[20];
retval = ClRtlMessageWindow(nRptType, szFile, nLine ? _itoa(nLine, szLine, 10) : NULL, szModule, szUserMessage); if (_CLRTLDBG_ASSERT == nRptType) _ClRtlInterlockedDecrement(&_clrtlAssertBusy); return retval; }
if (_CLRTLDBG_ASSERT == nRptType) _ClRtlInterlockedDecrement(&_clrtlAssertBusy); /* ignore */ return FALSE;
} //*** _ClRtlDbgReport()
*static int ClRtlMessageWindow() - report to a message window * *Purpose: * put report into message window, allow user to choose action to take * *Entry: * int nRptType - report type * const char * szFile - file name * const char * szLine - line number * const char * szModule - module name * const char * szUserMessage - user message * *Exit: * if (MessageBox) * { * Abort -> aborts * Retry -> return TRUE * Ignore-> return FALSE * } * else * return FALSE * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ static int ClRtlMessageWindow( int nRptType, const char * szFile, const char * szLine, const char * szModule, const char * szUserMessage ) { int nCode; char *szShortProgName; char *szShortModuleName; char szExeName[MAX_PATH]; char szOutMessage[MAX_MSG];
_CLRTL_ASSERTE(szUserMessage != NULL);
/* Shorten program name */ if (!GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szExeName, MAX_PATH)) StringCbCopyA(szExeName, MAX_PATH, "<program name unknown>");
szShortProgName = szExeName;
if (strlen(szShortProgName) > MAXLINELEN) { szShortProgName += MAXLINELEN - 4; StringCbCopyA( szShortProgName, 4, "..." ); }
/* Shorten module name */ szShortModuleName = (char *) szModule;
if (szShortModuleName && strlen(szShortModuleName) > MAXLINELEN) { szShortModuleName += MAXLINELEN - 4; StringCbCopyA( szShortModuleName, 4, "..." ); }
if ( StringCbPrintfA( szOutMessage, MAX_MSG, "Debug %s!\n\nProgram: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" "\n\n(Press Retry to debug the application)", _ClRtlDbgModeMsg[nRptType], szShortProgName, szShortModuleName ? "\nModule: " : "", szShortModuleName ? szShortModuleName : "", szFile ? "\nFile: " : "", szFile ? szFile : "", szLine ? "\nLine: " : "", szLine ? szLine : "", szUserMessage[0] ? "\n\n" : "", szUserMessage[0] && _CLRTLDBG_ASSERT == nRptType ? "Expression: " : "", szUserMessage[0] ? szUserMessage : "", 0 /*_CLRTLDBG_ASSERT == nRptType*/ ? // Don't display this text, it's superfluous
"\n\nFor information on how your program can cause an assertion" "\nfailure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts." : "") != S_OK ) StringCbCopyA( szOutMessage, MAX_MSG, TOOLONGMSG );
/* Report the warning/error */ nCode = __clrtlMessageBoxA( szOutMessage, "Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library", MB_TASKMODAL|MB_ICONHAND|MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_SETFOREGROUND);
/* Abort: abort the program */ if (IDABORT == nCode) { /* raise abort signal */ raise(SIGABRT);
/* We usually won't get here, but it's possible that
SIGABRT was ignored. So exit the program anyway. */
_exit(3); }
/* Retry: return 1 to call the debugger */ if (IDRETRY == nCode) return 1;
/* Ignore: continue execution */ return 0;
} //*** ClRtlMessageWindow()
*__clrtlMessageBoxA - call MessageBoxA dynamically. * *Purpose: * Avoid static link with user32.dll. Only load it when actually needed. * *Entry: * see MessageBoxA docs. * *Exit: * see MessageBoxA docs. * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ static int __clrtlMessageBoxA( LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType ) { static int (APIENTRY *pfnMessageBoxA)(HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UINT) = NULL; static HWND (APIENTRY *pfnGetActiveWindow)(void) = NULL; static HWND (APIENTRY *pfnGetLastActivePopup)(HWND) = NULL;
HWND hWndParent = NULL;
if (NULL == pfnMessageBoxA) { HINSTANCE hlib = LoadLibraryA("user32.dll");
if (NULL == hlib || NULL == (pfnMessageBoxA = (int (APIENTRY *)(HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UINT)) GetProcAddress(hlib, "MessageBoxA"))) return 0;
pfnGetActiveWindow = (HWND (APIENTRY *)(void)) GetProcAddress(hlib, "GetActiveWindow");
pfnGetLastActivePopup = (HWND (APIENTRY *)(HWND)) GetProcAddress(hlib, "GetLastActivePopup"); }
if (pfnGetActiveWindow) hWndParent = (*pfnGetActiveWindow)();
if (hWndParent != NULL && pfnGetLastActivePopup) hWndParent = (*pfnGetLastActivePopup)(hWndParent);
return (*pfnMessageBoxA)(hWndParent, lpText, lpCaption, uType);
} //*** __clrtlMessageBoxA()