Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines for discovering the Connectoid name associated with a netbios LANA number.
Charlie Wickham (charlwi) 07-May-2002
#define UNICODE 1
#define _UNICODE 1
#include <windows.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <nb30.h>
#include <msgrutil.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include "clusrtl.h"
#define clearncb(x) memset((char *)x,'\0',sizeof(NCB))
DWORD ClRtlpGetConnectoidNameFromAdapterIndex( IN PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM ClusAdapterEnum, IN DWORD AdapterIndex, OUT LPWSTR * ConnectoidName )
Routine Description:
Look through the adapter enum struct for the matching adapter index. If found, create a new buffer and copy the connetoid name into it.
ClusAdapterEnum - pointer to struct describing adapters on the node
AdapterIndex - IP's (?) adapter index value
ConnectoidName - address of pointer to receive address of new buffer
Return Value:
appropriate Win32 error code
{ DWORD status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; DWORD index; LPWSTR cName;
PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo = ClusAdapterEnum->AdapterList;
for ( index = 0; index < ClusAdapterEnum->AdapterCount; ++index ) { if ( adapterInfo->Index == AdapterIndex ) { //
// dup the string into a new buffer since we're going to clobber
// the adapter info at some point.
cName = LocalAlloc( 0, ( wcslen( adapterInfo->ConnectoidName ) + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( cName == NULL ) { return GetLastError(); }
wcscpy( cName, adapterInfo->ConnectoidName ); *ConnectoidName = cName; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
adapterInfo = adapterInfo->Next; }
return status; } // ClRtlpGetConnectoidNameFromAdapterIndex
DWORD ClRtlpGetAdapterIndexFromMacAddress( PUCHAR MacAddress, DWORD MacAddrLength, PIP_ADAPTER_INFO IpAdapterInfo, DWORD * AdapterIndex )
Routine Description:
For the specified MAC address, look through IP helper's Adatper Info struct and find the matching adapter. Copy its index into AdapterIndex.
MacAddress - pointer to buffer holding MAC address of NIC.
MacAddrLength - length, in bytes, of address in MacAddress
IpAdapterInfo - pointer to data returned from IP helper GetAdaptersInfo()
AdapterIndex - pointer to DWORD that receives the index (if found)
Return Value:
appropriate Win32 error code
while ( IpAdapterInfo != NULL ) { if ( IpAdapterInfo->AddressLength == MacAddrLength ) { if ( memcmp( MacAddress, IpAdapterInfo->Address, MacAddrLength ) == 0 ) { *AdapterIndex = IpAdapterInfo->Index; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
IpAdapterInfo = IpAdapterInfo->Next; } return status; } // ClRtlpGetAdapterIndexFromMacAddress
DWORD ClRtlpGetConnectoidNameFromMacAddress( PUCHAR MacAddress, DWORD MacAddrLength, LPWSTR * ConnectoidName, PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM ClusAdapterEnum, PIP_ADAPTER_INFO IpAdapterInfo )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ DWORD status; DWORD adapterIndex;
// get index from IP helper using MAC address
status = ClRtlpGetAdapterIndexFromMacAddress(MacAddress, MacAddrLength, IpAdapterInfo, &adapterIndex );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { status = ClRtlpGetConnectoidNameFromAdapterIndex( ClusAdapterEnum, adapterIndex, ConnectoidName ); }
return status;
} // ClRtlpGetConnectoidNameFromMacAddress
DWORD ClRtlGetConnectoidNameFromLANA( IN UCHAR LanaNumber, OUT LPWSTR * ConnectoidName )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ DWORD status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; NCB ncb;
UCHAR nbStatus; WORD aStatBufferSize = (WORD)(sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS)); UCHAR astatBuffer[ sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS) ]; PADAPTER_STATUS adapterStatus = (PADAPTER_STATUS)astatBuffer;
PIP_ADAPTER_INFO ipAdapterInfo = NULL; DWORD ipAdapterInfoSize = 0;
// get our home grown list of adapter info. The connectoid name is in here
// but we can't match it directly to a MAC address. The adapter index is
// in here which we can match to a structure in IP helper API.
clusAdapterEnum = ClRtlEnumNetAdapters(); if ( clusAdapterEnum == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
retry_ip_info: status = GetAdaptersInfo( ipAdapterInfo, &ipAdapterInfoSize ); if ( status == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { ipAdapterInfo = LocalAlloc( 0, ipAdapterInfoSize ); if ( ipAdapterInfo == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
goto retry_ip_info; } else if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto cleanup; }
// clear the NCB and format the remote name appropriately.
clearncb(&ncb); ncb.ncb_callname[0] = '*';
NetpNetBiosReset( LanaNumber );
ncb.ncb_command = NCBASTAT; ncb.ncb_buffer = astatBuffer; ncb.ncb_length = aStatBufferSize; ncb.ncb_lana_num = LanaNumber; nbStatus = Netbios( &ncb );
if ( nbStatus == NRC_GOODRET ) { status = ClRtlpGetConnectoidNameFromMacAddress(adapterStatus->adapter_address, sizeof( adapterStatus->adapter_address ), ConnectoidName, clusAdapterEnum, ipAdapterInfo ); } else { status = NetpNetBiosStatusToApiStatus( nbStatus ); }
cleanup: if ( clusAdapterEnum != NULL ) { ClRtlFreeNetAdapterEnum( clusAdapterEnum ); }
if ( ipAdapterInfo != NULL ) { LocalFree( ipAdapterInfo ); }
return status;
} // ClRtlGetConnectoidNameFromLANA