// Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CClusSvcAccountConfig.cpp
// Description:
// Contains the definition of the CClusSvcAccountConfig class.
// Maintained By:
// David Potter (DavidP) 30-MAR-2001
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header.
#include "Pch.h"
// The header for this file
#include "CClusSvcAccountConfig.h"
// For the CBaseClusterAddNode class.
#include "CBaseClusterAddNode.h"
// For the net local group functions.
#include <lmaccess.h>
// For NERR_Success
#include <lmerr.h>
// Global Variables
// Array of the names of rights to be granted to the cluster service account.
const UINT gc_uiRightsArraySize = ARRAYSIZE( gs_rgpcszRightsArray );
// CClusSvcAccountConfig::CClusSvcAccountConfig
// Description:
// Constructor of the CClusSvcAccountConfig class
// Arguments:
// pbcanParentActionIn
// Pointer to the base cluster action of which this action is a part.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Any exceptions thrown by underlying functions
CClusSvcAccountConfig::CClusSvcAccountConfig( CBaseClusterAddNode * pbcanParentActionIn ) : m_pbcanParentAction( pbcanParentActionIn ) , m_fWasAreadyInGroup( true ) , m_fRightsGrantSuccessful( false ) , m_fRemoveAllRights( false )
{ TraceFunc( "" );
DWORD dwNameSize = 0; DWORD dwDomainSize = 0; SID_NAME_USE snuSidNameUse;
// Indicate that action can be rolled back.
SetRollbackPossible( true );
// Get the Admins SID
if ( AllocateAndInitializeSid( &siaNtAuthority // identifier authority
, 2 // count of subauthorities
, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS // subauthority 1
, 0 // subauthority 2
, 0 // subauthority 3
, 0 // subauthority 4
, 0 // subauthority 5
, 0 // subauthority 6
, 0 // subauthority 7
, &psidAdministrators // pointer to pointer to SID
) == 0 ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying get the BUILTIN Administrators group SID.", sc ); goto Cleanup; } // if: AllocateAndInitializeSid() failed
// Assign the allocated SID to to the member variable.
m_ssidAdminSid.Assign( psidAdministrators );
// Look up the administrators group name and store it.
// Find out how much space is required by the name.
if ( LookupAccountSidW( NULL , psidAdministrators , NULL , &dwNameSize , NULL , &dwDomainSize , &snuSidNameUse ) == FALSE ) { sc = GetLastError();
if ( sc != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { TW32( sc ); LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x querying for the required buffer size to get the name of the Administrators group.", sc ); goto Cleanup; } // if: something else has gone wrong.
else { // This is expected.
} // if: LookupAccountSid failed
// Allocate memory for the admin group name and the domain name.
m_sszAdminGroupName.Assign( new WCHAR[ dwNameSize ] );
{ SmartSz sszDomainName( new WCHAR[ dwDomainSize ] );
if ( m_sszAdminGroupName.FIsEmpty() || sszDomainName.FIsEmpty() ) { sc = TW32( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } // if: there wasn't enough memory
// Get the admin group name.
if ( LookupAccountSidW( NULL , psidAdministrators , m_sszAdminGroupName.PMem() , &dwNameSize , sszDomainName.PMem() , &dwDomainSize , &snuSidNameUse ) == FALSE ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x getting the Administrators group name.", sc ); goto Cleanup; } // if: LookupAccountSid failed
if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get information about the administrators group. Throwing an exception.", sc ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ), IDS_ERROR_GET_ADMIN_GROUP_INFO ); } // if: something went wrong.
} //*** CClusSvcAccountConfig::CClusSvcAccountConfig
// CClusSvcAccountConfig::~CClusSvcAccountConfig
// Description:
// Destructor of the CClusSvcAccountConfig class.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by underlying functions
CClusSvcAccountConfig::~CClusSvcAccountConfig( void ) { TraceFunc( "" ); TraceFuncExit();
} //*** CClusSvcAccountConfig::~CClusSvcAccountConfig
// CClusSvcAccountConfig::Commit
// Description:
// Grant the required rights to the account.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any that are thrown by the contained actions.
void CClusSvcAccountConfig::Commit( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Call the base class commit method.
try { // Configure the account.
} // try:
catch( ... ) { // If we are here, then something went wrong with the create.
LogMsg( "[BC] Caught exception during commit." );
// Cleanup anything that the failed create might have done.
// Catch any exceptions thrown during Cleanup to make sure that there
// is no collided unwind.
try { RevertAccount(); } catch( ... ) { //
// The rollback of the committed action has failed.
// There is nothing that we can do.
// We certainly cannot rethrow this exception, since
// the exception that caused the rollback is more important.
LogMsg( "[BC] THIS COMPUTER MAY BE IN AN INVALID STATE. Caught an exception during cleanup." );
} // catch: all
// Rethrow the exception thrown by commit.
} // catch: all
// If we are here, then everything went well.
SetCommitCompleted( true );
} //*** CClusSvcAccountConfig::Commit
// CClusSvcAccountConfig::Rollback
// Description:
// Roll the account back to the state it was in before we tried to
// grant it the required privileges.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any that are thrown by the underlying functions.
void CClusSvcAccountConfig::Rollback( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Call the base class rollback method.
// Bring the account back to its original state.
SetCommitCompleted( false );
} //*** CClusSvcAccountConfig::Rollback
// CClusSvcAccountConfig::ConfigureAccount
// Description:
// Grant the account that will be the cluster service account the requried
// privileges.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Any that are thrown by the underlying functions.
void CClusSvcAccountConfig::ConfigureAccount( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
typedef CSmartResource< CHandleTrait< PLSA_UNICODE_STRING , NTSTATUS , reinterpret_cast< NTSTATUS (*)( PLSA_UNICODE_STRING ) >( LsaFreeMemory ) , reinterpret_cast< PLSA_UNICODE_STRING >( NULL ) > > SmartLsaUnicodeStringPtr;
NTSTATUS ntStatus; PLSA_UNICODE_STRING plusAccountRights = NULL; ULONG ulOriginalRightsCount = 0; ULONG rgulToBeGrantedIndex[ gc_uiRightsArraySize ]; ULONG ulIndex; ULONG ulIndexInner;
CStatusReport srConfigAcct( m_pbcanParentAction->PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() , TASKID_Major_Configure_Cluster_Services , TASKID_Minor_Configuring_Cluster_Service_Account , 0, 1 , IDS_TASK_CONFIG_CLUSSVC_ACCOUNT );
// Send the next step of this status report.
srConfigAcct.SendNextStep( S_OK );
// Add the cluster service account to the local admin group.
m_fWasAreadyInGroup = FChangeAdminGroupMembership( m_pbcanParentAction->PSidGetServiceAccountSID() , true );
LogMsg( "[BC] Determining the rights that need to be granted to the cluster service account." );
// Get the list of rights already granted to the cluster service account.
ntStatus = LsaEnumerateAccountRights( m_pbcanParentAction->HGetLSAPolicyHandle() , m_pbcanParentAction->PSidGetServiceAccountSID() , &plusAccountRights , &ulOriginalRightsCount );
if ( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { //
// LSA returns this error code if the account has no rights granted or denied to it
// locally. This is not an error as far as we are concerned.
if ( ntStatus == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND ) { ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LogMsg( "[BC] The account has no locally assigned rights." ); m_fRemoveAllRights = true; plusAccountRights = NULL; ulOriginalRightsCount = 0; } // if: the account does not have any rights assigned locally to it.
else { THR( ntStatus ); LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to enumerate the cluster service account rights. Throwing an exception.", ntStatus );
THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( ntStatus, IDS_ERROR_ACCOUNT_RIGHTS_CONFIG ); } // else: something went wrong.
} // if: LsaEnumerateAccountRights() failed
// Store the account rights just enumerated in a smart pointer for automatic release.
SmartLsaUnicodeStringPtr splusOriginalRights( plusAccountRights );
// Initialize the count of rights to be granted.
m_ulRightsToBeGrantedCount = 0;
// Determine which of the rights that we are going to grant the account are already granted.
for ( ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < gc_uiRightsArraySize; ++ulIndex ) { bool fRightAlreadyGranted = false;
for ( ulIndexInner = 0; ulIndexInner < ulOriginalRightsCount; ++ulIndexInner ) { const WCHAR * pchGrantedRight = plusAccountRights[ ulIndexInner ].Buffer; USHORT usCharCount = plusAccountRights[ ulIndexInner ].Length / sizeof( *pchGrantedRight ); const WCHAR * pcszToBeGrantedRight = gs_rgpcszRightsArray[ ulIndex ];
// Do our own string compare since LSA_UNICODE_STRING may not be '\0' terminated.
while ( ( usCharCount > 0 ) && ( *pcszToBeGrantedRight != L'\0' ) ) { if ( *pchGrantedRight != *pcszToBeGrantedRight ) { break; } // if: the current characters are not the same.
--usCharCount; ++pcszToBeGrantedRight; ++pchGrantedRight; } // while: there are still characters to be compared
// The strings are equal.
if ( ( usCharCount == 0 ) && ( *pcszToBeGrantedRight == L'\0' ) ) { fRightAlreadyGranted = true; break; } // if: the strings are equal
} // for: loop through the list of rights already granted to the account
// Is the current right already granted.
if ( ! fRightAlreadyGranted ) { // The current right is not already granted.
rgulToBeGrantedIndex[ m_ulRightsToBeGrantedCount ] = ulIndex;
// One more right to be granted.
++m_ulRightsToBeGrantedCount; } // if: the current right was not already granted
} // for: loop through the list of rights that we want to grant the account
// Create an array of LSA_UNICODE_STRINGs of right names to be granted and store it in the
// member variable.
m_srglusRightsToBeGrantedArray.Assign( new LSA_UNICODE_STRING[ m_ulRightsToBeGrantedCount ] );
if ( m_srglusRightsToBeGrantedArray.FIsEmpty() ) { LogMsg( "[BC] A memory allocation error occurred (%d bytes) trying to grant account rights.", m_ulRightsToBeGrantedCount ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( E_OUTOFMEMORY , IDS_ERROR_ACCOUNT_RIGHTS_CONFIG ); } // if: memory allocation failed.
// Initialize the array.
for ( ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < m_ulRightsToBeGrantedCount; ++ ulIndex ) { ULONG ulCurrentRightIndex = rgulToBeGrantedIndex[ ulIndex ];
LogMsg( "[BC] The '%ws' right will be granted.", gs_rgpcszRightsArray[ ulCurrentRightIndex ] );
// Add it to the list of rights to be granted.
InitLsaString( const_cast< WCHAR * >( gs_rgpcszRightsArray[ ulCurrentRightIndex ] ) , m_srglusRightsToBeGrantedArray.PMem() + ulIndex );
} // for: iterate through the list of rights that need to be granted
// Grant the rights.
ntStatus = THR( LsaAddAccountRights( m_pbcanParentAction->HGetLSAPolicyHandle() , m_pbcanParentAction->PSidGetServiceAccountSID() , m_srglusRightsToBeGrantedArray.PMem() , m_ulRightsToBeGrantedCount ) );
if ( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to grant the cluster service account rights. Throwing an exception.", ntStatus );
THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( ntStatus, IDS_ERROR_ACCOUNT_RIGHTS_CONFIG ); } // if: LsaAddAccountRights() failed
m_fRightsGrantSuccessful = true;
// Send the last step of this status report.
srConfigAcct.SendNextStep( S_OK );
} //*** CClusSvcAccountConfig::ConfigureAccount
// CClusSvcAccountConfig::RevertAccount
// Description:
// Bring the account back to its original state.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any that are thrown by the underlying functions.
void CClusSvcAccountConfig::RevertAccount( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Check if we granted any rights to the service account. If we did, revoke them.
if ( m_fRightsGrantSuccessful ) { NTSTATUS ntStatus;
// Revoke the rights.
ntStatus = THR( LsaRemoveAccountRights( m_pbcanParentAction->HGetLSAPolicyHandle() , m_pbcanParentAction->PSidGetServiceAccountSID() , m_fRemoveAllRights , m_srglusRightsToBeGrantedArray.PMem() , m_ulRightsToBeGrantedCount ) );
if ( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to remove the granted cluster service account rights. Throwing an exception.", ntStatus );
THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( ntStatus, IDS_ERROR_ACCOUNT_RIGHTS_CONFIG ); } // if: LsaRemoveAccountRights() failed
} // if: we granted the service account any rights.
// Check if we added the account to the admin group. If we did, remove it.
if ( ! m_fWasAreadyInGroup ) { FChangeAdminGroupMembership( m_pbcanParentAction->PSidGetServiceAccountSID(), false ); } // if: we added the account to the admin group.
} //*** CClusSvcAccountConfig::RevertAccount
// CClusSvcAccountConfig::InitLsaString
// Description:
// Initialize a LSA_UNICODE_STRING structure
// Arguments:
// pszSourceIn
// The string used to initialize the unicode string structure.
// plusUnicodeStringOut,
// The output unicode string structure.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
void CClusSvcAccountConfig::InitLsaString( LPWSTR pszSourceIn , PLSA_UNICODE_STRING plusUnicodeStringOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( pszSourceIn == NULL ) { plusUnicodeStringOut->Buffer = NULL; plusUnicodeStringOut->Length = 0; plusUnicodeStringOut->MaximumLength = 0;
} // if: input string is NULL
else { plusUnicodeStringOut->Buffer = pszSourceIn; plusUnicodeStringOut->Length = static_cast< USHORT >( wcslen( pszSourceIn ) * sizeof( *pszSourceIn ) ); plusUnicodeStringOut->MaximumLength = static_cast< USHORT >( plusUnicodeStringOut->Length + sizeof( *pszSourceIn ) );
} // else: input string is not NULL
} //*** CClusSvcAccountConfig::InitLsaString
// CClusSvcAccountConfig::FChangeAdminGroupMembership
// Description:
// Adds/removes an account to/from the administrators group.
// Arguments:
// psidAccountSidIn
// Pointer to the SID the of account to add/remove to/from administrators
// group.
// fAddIn
// The account is added to the administrators group if this parameter
// is true. The account is removed from the group otherwise.
// Return Value:
// true if the accound was already present/absent in/from the group.
// false otherwise.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
bool CClusSvcAccountConfig::FChangeAdminGroupMembership( PSID psidAccountSidIn , bool fAddIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
bool fWasAlreadyInGroup = false; LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_0 lgmiLocalGroupMemberInfo; NET_API_STATUS nasStatus;
lgmiLocalGroupMemberInfo.lgrmi0_sid = psidAccountSidIn;
if ( fAddIn ) { CStatusReport srAddAcctToAdminGroup( m_pbcanParentAction->PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() , TASKID_Major_Configure_Cluster_Services , TASKID_Minor_Make_Cluster_Service_Account_Admin , 0, 1 , IDS_TASK_MAKING_CLUSSVC_ACCOUNT_ADMIN );
srAddAcctToAdminGroup.SendNextStep( S_OK );
nasStatus = NetLocalGroupAddMembers( NULL , m_sszAdminGroupName.PMem() , 0 , reinterpret_cast< LPBYTE >( &lgmiLocalGroupMemberInfo ) , 1 );
if ( nasStatus == ERROR_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS ) { LogMsg( "[BC] The account was already a member of the admin group." ); nasStatus = NERR_Success; fWasAlreadyInGroup = true; srAddAcctToAdminGroup.SendLastStep( S_OK, IDS_TASK_CLUSSVC_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ADMIN ); } // if: the account was already a member of the admin group.
else { if ( nasStatus == NERR_Success ) { LogMsg( "[BC] The account has been added to the admin group." ); srAddAcctToAdminGroup.SendLastStep( S_OK ); fWasAlreadyInGroup = false;
} // if: everything was ok
else { HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( nasStatus ) ); srAddAcctToAdminGroup.SendLastStep( hr ); LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred adding the cluster service account to the Administrators group.", nasStatus ); } // else: something went wrong
} // else: the account was not already a member of the admin group.
} // if: the account has to be added to the admin group
else { LogMsg( "[BC] The account needs to be removed from the administrators group." );
nasStatus = NetLocalGroupDelMembers( NULL , m_sszAdminGroupName.PMem() , 0 , reinterpret_cast< LPBYTE >( &lgmiLocalGroupMemberInfo ) , 1 );
if ( nasStatus == ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEMBER ) { LogMsg( "[BC] The account was not a member of the admin group to begin with." ); nasStatus = NERR_Success; fWasAlreadyInGroup = false; } // if: the account was not a member of the admin group.
else { if ( nasStatus == NERR_Success ) { LogMsg( "[BC] The account has been deleted from the admin group." ); fWasAlreadyInGroup = true; } // if: everything was ok
else { TW32( nasStatus ); LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred removing the cluster service account from the Administrators group.", nasStatus ); } // else: something went wrong
} // else; the account was a member of the admin group.
} // else: the account has to be deleted from the admin group
if ( nasStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to change membership in administrators group. Throwing an exception.", nasStatus ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( nasStatus ), IDS_ERROR_ADMIN_GROUP_ADD_REMOVE ); } // if: something went wrong.
else { LogMsg( "[BC] The account was successfully added/deleted to/from the group '%s'.", m_sszAdminGroupName.PMem() ); } // else: everything was hunky-dory
RETURN( fWasAlreadyInGroup );
} //*** CClusSvcAccountConfig::FChangeAdminGroupMembership