// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CStatusReport.h
// Description:
// Header file for CStatusReport class.
// CStatusReport is a class the provides the functionality sending a
// status report.
// Implementation File:
// CStatusReport.cpp
// Maintained By:
// David Potter (DavidP) 30-MAR-2001
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 05-JUN-2000
// Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path.
#pragma once
// Include files
// A few common declarations
#include "CommonDefs.h"
// For the exceptions thrown by this class.
#include "Exceptions.h"
// For the CBCAInterface class
#include "CBCAInterface.h"
// class CStatusReport
// Description:
// CStatusReport is a class the provides the functionality sending a
// status report. Each status report can have a number of steps. For
// example, the task of creating the cluster service could have 4 steps,
// The user interface is so designed that if the first step of a report is
// sent, the last one has to be sent as well, even if an error occurs after
// sending the first one. This class queues the last status report for
// sending in case and exception occurs and the last report has not been
// sent yet.
// It is not possible to send the last, outstanding status report from the
// destructor of this class since the error code contained in the exception
// that is causing this object to be destroyed is not known. So, this last
// status report is queued with the CBCAInterface object which will send this
// report once the exception has been caught.
class CStatusReport { public:
// Constructors and destructors
// Constructor.
CStatusReport( CBCAInterface * pbcaiInterfaceIn , const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn , const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , UINT idsDescriptionStringIdIn ) : m_pbcaiInterface( pbcaiInterfaceIn ) , m_clsidTaskMajor( clsidTaskMajorIn ) , m_clsidTaskMinor( clsidTaskMinorIn ) , m_ulMin( ulMinIn ) , m_ulMax( ulMaxIn ) , m_ulNext( ulMinIn ) , m_idsDescriptionStringId( idsDescriptionStringIdIn ) , m_idsReferenceStringId( 0 ) , m_fLastStepSent( false ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Validate the parameters.
if ( ( pbcaiInterfaceIn == NULL ) || ( ulMinIn > ulMaxIn ) ) { THR( E_INVALIDARG ); THROW_ASSERT( E_INVALIDARG, "The parameters for this status report are invalid." ); } // if: the parameters are invalid
} //*** CStatusReport::CStatusReport
// Constructor.
CStatusReport( CBCAInterface * pbcaiInterfaceIn , const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn , const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , UINT idsDescriptionStringIdIn , UINT idsReferenceStringIdIn ) : m_pbcaiInterface( pbcaiInterfaceIn ) , m_clsidTaskMajor( clsidTaskMajorIn ) , m_clsidTaskMinor( clsidTaskMinorIn ) , m_ulMin( ulMinIn ) , m_ulMax( ulMaxIn ) , m_ulNext( ulMinIn ) , m_idsDescriptionStringId( idsDescriptionStringIdIn ) , m_idsReferenceStringId( idsReferenceStringIdIn ) , m_fLastStepSent( false ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Validate the parameters.
if ( ( pbcaiInterfaceIn == NULL ) || ( ulMinIn > ulMaxIn ) ) { THR( E_INVALIDARG ); THROW_ASSERT( E_INVALIDARG, "The parameters for this status report are invalid." ); } // if: the parameters are invalid
} //*** CStatusReport::CStatusReport
// Default destructor.
~CStatusReport( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// If the last step has not been sent, queue it for sending. This is most probably because
// an exception has occurred (if no exception has occurred and the last step has not been
// sent, then it is a programming error).
if ( ! m_fLastStepSent ) { // The last step has not been sent.
// Don't throw exceptions from destructor. An unwind may already be in progress.
try { // Queue the last step for sending. The CBCAInterface object will fill in the
// error code from the current exception and send this report.
m_pbcaiInterface->QueueStatusReportCompletion( m_clsidTaskMajor , m_clsidTaskMinor , m_ulMin , m_ulMax , m_idsDescriptionStringId , m_idsReferenceStringId ); } catch( ... ) { // Catch all errors. Do not rethrow this exception - the app may be terminated due to
// a collided unwind - so log the error.
LogMsg( "[BC] Caught an exception while trying to send the last step of a status report during cleanup." ); } }
} //*** CStatusReport::~CStatusReport
// Public methods
// Send the next step of this report.
void SendNextStep( HRESULT hrStatusIn, UINT idsDescriptionStringIdIn = 0, UINT idsReferenceStringIdIn = 0 ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( m_fLastStepSent ) { LogMsg( "[BC] The last step for this status report has already been sent! Throwing an exception." ); THR( E_INVALIDARG ); THROW_ASSERT( E_INVALIDARG, "The last step for this status report has already been sent." ); } // if: the last step has already been sent
else { if ( idsDescriptionStringIdIn == 0 ) { idsDescriptionStringIdIn = m_idsDescriptionStringId; }
if ( idsReferenceStringIdIn == 0 ) { idsReferenceStringIdIn = m_idsReferenceStringId; }
m_pbcaiInterface->SendStatusReport( m_clsidTaskMajor , m_clsidTaskMinor , m_ulMin , m_ulMax , m_ulNext , hrStatusIn , idsDescriptionStringIdIn , idsReferenceStringIdIn );
m_fLastStepSent = ( m_ulNext > m_ulMax ); } // else: the last step has not been sent
} //*** CStatusReport::SendNextStep
// Send the last step of this report, if it hasn't been sent already.
void SendLastStep( HRESULT hrStatusIn, UINT idsDescriptionStringIdIn = 0, UINT idsReferenceStringIdIn = 0 ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( m_fLastStepSent ) { LogMsg( "[BC] The last step for this status report has already been sent! Throwing an exception." ); THR( E_INVALIDARG ); THROW_ASSERT( E_INVALIDARG, "The last step for this status report has already been sent." ); } // if: the last step has already been sent
else { if ( idsDescriptionStringIdIn == 0 ) { idsDescriptionStringIdIn = m_idsDescriptionStringId; }
if ( idsReferenceStringIdIn == 0 ) { idsReferenceStringIdIn = m_idsReferenceStringId; }
m_pbcaiInterface->SendStatusReport( m_clsidTaskMajor , m_clsidTaskMinor , m_ulMin , m_ulMax , m_ulMax , hrStatusIn , idsDescriptionStringIdIn , idsReferenceStringIdIn );
m_fLastStepSent = true; } // else: the last step has not been sent
} //*** CStatusReport::SendLastStep
// Get the description string ID.
UINT IdsGetDescriptionStringId( void ) { return m_idsDescriptionStringId; }
// Set the description string ID.
void SetDescriptionStringId( UINT idsDescriptionStringIdIn ) { m_idsDescriptionStringId = idsDescriptionStringIdIn; }
// Get the reference string ID.
UINT IdsGetReferenceStringId( void ) { return m_idsReferenceStringId; }
// Set the reference string ID.
void SetReferenceStringId( UINT idsReferenceStringIdIn ) { m_idsReferenceStringId = idsReferenceStringIdIn; }
// Private data
// Pointer to the interface class.
CBCAInterface * m_pbcaiInterface; // The major and minor class id to be sent with this status report.
CLSID m_clsidTaskMajor; CLSID m_clsidTaskMinor;
// The range for this status report
ULONG m_ulMin; ULONG m_ulMax; ULONG m_ulNext;
// The string id of the description to be sent with this status report
UINT m_idsDescriptionStringId;
// The REF string id of the description to be sent with this status report
UINT m_idsReferenceStringId;
// Flag to indicate if the last step has been sent.
bool m_fLastStepSent;
}; //*** class CStatusReport