// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ListTest.cpp
// Description:
// Main file for the application used to test CList
// Documentation:
// No documention for the test harness.
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
#if DBG==1 || defined( _DEBUG )
#define DEBUG
#include <windows.h>
HINSTANCE g_hInstance; LPVOID g_GlobalMemoryList = NULL; // Global memory tracking list
// For the debugging macros.
#include "debug.h"
// For printf
#include <stdio.h>
// For CList
#include "CList.h"
// Globals
int g_nPrintDepth = 1;
// Test class
class CTestClass { public: static int ms_nObjectNo; int m_nId;
CTestClass() { ++ms_nObjectNo; m_nId = ms_nObjectNo; wprintf( L"%*cConstructing CTestClass object %d\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ', ms_nObjectNo ); }
CTestClass( const CTestClass & src ) { ++ms_nObjectNo; m_nId = src.m_nId; wprintf( L"%*cConstructing CTestClass object %d\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ', ms_nObjectNo ); }
~CTestClass() { wprintf( L"%*cDestroying CTestClass object %d\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ', ms_nObjectNo ); --ms_nObjectNo; }
private: const CTestClass & operator=( const CTestClass & );
}; //*** class CTestClass
int CTestClass::ms_nObjectNo = 0;
void PrintId( CList< CTestClass >::CIterator & iter ) { wprintf( L"%d", iter->m_nId ); }
void PrintId( CList< CTestClass * >::CIterator & iter ) { wprintf( L"%d", (*iter)->m_nId ); }
void PrintId( CList< int >::CIterator & iter ) { wprintf( L"%d", *iter ); }
template< class t_Ty > void PrintForwardList( CList<t_Ty> & l ) { g_nPrintDepth += 4; wprintf( L"%*cPrinting forward list element ids...\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' );
CList<t_Ty>::CIterator s = l.CiBegin(); CList<t_Ty>::CIterator e = l.CiEnd();
wprintf( L"%*c+ ", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); while( s != e ) { PrintId( s ); wprintf( L" " ); ++s; }
wprintf( L" +\n" );
g_nPrintDepth -= 4; }
template< class t_Ty > void PrintReverseList( CList<t_Ty> & l ) { g_nPrintDepth += 4; wprintf( L"%*cPrinting reverse list element ids...\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' );
CList<t_Ty>::CIterator s = l.CiEnd(); CList<t_Ty>::CIterator e = l.CiEnd();
wprintf( L"%*c+ ", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' );
--s; while( s != e ) { PrintId( s ); wprintf( L" " ); --s; }
wprintf( L"+\n" );
g_nPrintDepth -= 4; }
template< class t_Ty > void CheckSize( CList<t_Ty> & l, int size ) { if ( l.CGetSize() != size ) { wprintf( L"%*cERROR: The list should be %d. It is %d.\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ', size, l.CGetSize() ); throw L"List size"; } }
// Test a list of integers
template< class t_Ty > void TestList( t_Ty array[], int arrSize ) { int idx;
wprintf( L"%*c|-------------------------------------------------------------------|\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); g_nPrintDepth += 4;
wprintf( L"\n%*cConstructing empty list.\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); CList<t_Ty> l; CheckSize( l, 0 );
{ CList<t_Ty>::CIterator b = l.CiBegin(); CList<t_Ty>::CIterator e = l.CiEnd();
wprintf( L"\n%*cChecking if beginning and end of empty list are the same... ", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); if ( ( b == e ) && !( b != e ) ) { wprintf( L"Passed\n" ); } else { wprintf( L"Failed\n" ); throw L"Empty list iterator"; } }
wprintf( L"\n%*cPrinting empty list...\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); PrintForwardList( l ); PrintReverseList( l );
{ wprintf( L"\n%*cAdding one element to list\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); l.Append( array[0] ); CheckSize( l, 1 );
PrintForwardList( l ); PrintReverseList( l ); }
{ wprintf( L"\n%*cAdding %d more elements\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ', arrSize - 1 ); CList<t_Ty>::CIterator iter = l.CiBegin();
for ( idx = 1; idx < arrSize; ) { l.InsertAfter( iter, array[idx] ); ++iter; ++idx; CheckSize( l, idx ); }
PrintForwardList( l ); PrintReverseList( l ); }
{ wprintf( L"\n%*cDeleting elements\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ', arrSize - 1 ); CList<t_Ty>::CIterator iter = l.CiBegin(); CList<t_Ty>::CIterator end = l.CiEnd();
idx = arrSize; while( iter != end ) { --idx; l.DeleteAndMoveToNext( iter ); CheckSize( l, idx ); }
PrintForwardList( l ); PrintReverseList( l ); }
g_nPrintDepth -= 4; wprintf( L"%*c|-------------------------------------------------------------------|\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); }
int __cdecl wmain( void ) { int nRetVal = 0;
g_hInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
TraceInitializeProcess( NULL, NULL ); TraceCreateMemoryList( g_GlobalMemoryList );
g_tfModule = mtfMEMORYLEAKS;
try { { wprintf( L"%*cTesting CTestClass list.\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); CTestClass arr[ 4 ];
TestList< CTestClass >( arr, 4 ); }
{ wprintf( L"\n%*cTesting CTestClass pointer list.\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' );
CTestClass * arr[ 5 ]; int idx;
for ( idx = 0; idx < 5; ++idx ) arr[idx] = new CTestClass;
TestList< CTestClass * >( arr, 5 );
for ( idx = 0; idx < 5; ++idx ) delete arr[idx];
{ int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
wprintf( L"\n%*cTesting int list.\n", g_nPrintDepth, L' ' ); TestList< int >( arr, sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( arr[0] ) ); } } catch( WCHAR * pszTestName ) { wprintf( L"Test '%s' failed.\n", pszTestName ); } catch( ... ) { wprintf( L"Caught an unknown exception.\n" ); nRetVal = 1; }
TraceTerminateMemoryList( g_GlobalMemoryList ); TraceTerminateProcess( NULL, NULL );
return nRetVal; }