// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ClusCfgDef.h
// Description:
// This file contains constants,macros,etc needed by more than one ClusCfg Wizard
// component.
// Maintained By:
// Ozan Ozhan (OzanO) 09-JUL-2001
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 23-FEB-2001
#pragma once
// Constants
// Minimum storage size we allow on a quorum resource
// We'll select the smallest disk larger than the optimum storage size, if there's any, as the quorum resource
const HRESULT E_PROPTYPEMISMATCH = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CLUSTER_PROPERTY_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH ); const WCHAR g_szNameSpaceRoot[] = { L"\\\\?\\GLOBALROOT" }; const WCHAR g_szUnknownQuorumUID[] = { L"Unknown Quorum" };
const int STATUS_CONNECTED = 2;
// Time out and wait values...
// Default timeout value for anything that doesn't use INFINITE wait within ClusCfg.
const DWORD CC_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 300000; // 5 minutes
// Limiting user name lengths according to "Naming Properties" and "Example Code for Creating a User"
// topics under Active Directory in MSDN
// Server Component Macros
#define LOG_STATUS_REPORT( _psz_, _hr_ ) \
THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , TASKID_Major_Server_Log \ , IID_NULL \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_\ , _psz_ \ ) )
#define LOG_STATUS_REPORT_STRING( _pszFormat_, _arg0_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( _pszFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , TASKID_Major_Server_Log \ , IID_NULL \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) && SUCCEEDED( _hr_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define LOG_STATUS_REPORT_STRING2( _pszFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( _pszFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , TASKID_Major_Server_Log \ , IID_NULL \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_\ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define LOG_STATUS_REPORT_STRING3( _pszFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _arg2_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( _pszFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _arg2_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , TASKID_Major_Server_Log \ , IID_NULL \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_\ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define LOG_STATUS_REPORT_MINOR( _minor_, _psz_, _hr_ ) \
THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , TASKID_Major_Server_Log \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _psz_ \ ) )
#define LOG_STATUS_REPORT_STRING_MINOR( _minor_, _pszFormat_, _arg0_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( _pszFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , TASKID_Major_Server_Log \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) && SUCCEEDED( _hr_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define LOG_STATUS_REPORT_STRING_MINOR2( _minor_, _pszFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( _pszFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , TASKID_Major_Server_Log \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) && SUCCEEDED( _hr_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define LOG_STATUS_REPORT_STRING_MINOR3( _minor_, _pszFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _arg2_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( _pszFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _arg2_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , TASKID_Major_Server_Log \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) && SUCCEEDED( _hr_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT( _major_, _minor_, _uid_, _hr_ ) \
THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_\ , _uid_ \ ) )
#define STATUS_REPORT_STRING( _major_, _minor_, _idsFormat_, _arg0_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _idsFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_STRING2( _major_, _minor_, _idsFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _idsFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_STRING3( _major_, _minor_, _idsFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _arg2_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _idsFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _arg2_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_NODESTRING( _node_, _major_, _minor_, _idsFormat_, _arg0_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _idsFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _node_ \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_NODESTRING2( _node_, _major_, _minor_, _idsFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _idsFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _node_ \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_NODESTRING3( _node_, _major_, _minor_, _idsFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _arg2_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _idsFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _arg2_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _node_ \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_REF( _major_, _minor_, _idsMsg_, _idsRef_, _hr_ ) \
THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , (DWORD) _idsMsg_ \ , (DWORD) _idsRef_ \ ) )
#define STATUS_REPORT_STRING_REF( _major_, _minor_, _idsFormat_, _arg0_, _idsRef_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _idsFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , _idsRef_ \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_STRING2_REF( _major_, _minor_, _idsFormat_, _arg0_, _arg1_, _idsRef_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _idsFormat_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrSendStatusReport( \ m_picccCallback \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , _idsRef_ \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
// PostCfg Macros
#define STATUS_REPORT_POSTCFG( _major_, _minor_, _uid_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , NULL \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_POSTCFG1( _major_, _minor_, _uid_, _hr_, _arg0_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , NULL \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_MINOR_POSTCFG( _major_, _uid_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ CLSID _clsidMinorId_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( CoCreateGuid( &_clsidMinorId_ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _clsidMinorId_ = IID_NULL; \ } \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _clsidMinorId_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , NULL \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_MINOR_POSTCFG1( _major_, _uid_, _hr_, _arg0_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ CLSID _clsidMinorId_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( CoCreateGuid( &_clsidMinorId_ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _clsidMinorId_ = IID_NULL; \ } \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _clsidMinorId_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , NULL \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_MINOR_POSTCFG2( _major_, _uid_, _hr_, _arg0_ , _arg1_) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ CLSID _clsidMinorId_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( CoCreateGuid( &_clsidMinorId_ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _clsidMinorId_ = IID_NULL; \ } \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _clsidMinorId_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , NULL \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }
// REF version MACROS
#define STATUS_REPORT_REF_POSTCFG( _major_, _minor_, _uid_, _uidref_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ BSTR _bstrRefMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrMsg_; \ HRESULT _hrRef_; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrMsg_ = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_ ) );\ _hrRef_ = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uidref_, &_bstrRefMsg_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrMsg_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , _hrRef_ == S_OK ? _bstrRefMsg_ : L"The reference for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrRefMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_REF_POSTCFG1( _major_, _minor_, _uid_, _uidref_, _hr_, _arg0_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ BSTR _bstrRefMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ HRESULT _hrMsg_; \ HRESULT _hrRef_; \ \ _hrMsg_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) );\ _hrRef_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uidref_, &_bstrRefMsg_, _arg0_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrMsg_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , _hrRef_ == S_OK ? _bstrRefMsg_ : L"The reference for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrRefMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_MINOR_REF_POSTCFG( _major_, _uid_, _uidref_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ BSTR _bstrRefMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ CLSID _clsidMinorId_; \ HRESULT _hrMsg_; \ HRESULT _hrRef_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( CoCreateGuid( &_clsidMinorId_ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _clsidMinorId_ = IID_NULL; \ } \ \ _hrMsg_ = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_ ) ); \ _hrRef_ = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uidref_, &_bstrRefMsg_ ) ); \ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _clsidMinorId_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrMsg_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , _hrRef_ == S_OK ? _bstrRefMsg_ : L"The reference for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrRefMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_MINOR_REF_POSTCFG1( _major_, _uid_, _uidref_, _hr_, _arg0_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ BSTR _bstrRefMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ CLSID _clsidMinorId_; \ HRESULT _hrMsg_; \ HRESULT _hrRef_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( CoCreateGuid( &_clsidMinorId_ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _clsidMinorId_ = IID_NULL; \ } \ \ _hrMsg_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_ ) );\ _hrRef_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uidref_, &_bstrRefMsg_, _arg0_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _clsidMinorId_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrMsg_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , _hrRef_ == S_OK ? _bstrRefMsg_ : L"The reference for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrRefMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_MINOR_REF_POSTCFG2( _major_, _uid_, _uidref_, _hr_, _arg0_ , _arg1_) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ BSTR _bstrRefMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ CLSID _clsidMinorId_; \ HRESULT _hrMsg_; \ HRESULT _hrRef_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( CoCreateGuid( &_clsidMinorId_ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _clsidMinorId_ = IID_NULL; \ } \ \ _hrMsg_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_ ) );\ _hrRef_ = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uidref_, &_bstrRefMsg_, _arg0_, _arg1_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _clsidMinorId_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrMsg_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , _hrRef_ == S_OK ? _bstrRefMsg_ : L"The reference for this entry could not be located." \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrRefMsg_ ); \ }
#define STATUS_REPORT_PTR_POSTCFG( _pcpcmThis_, _major_, _minor_, _uid_, _hr_ ) \
{ \ BSTR _bstrMsg_ = NULL; \ HRESULT _hrTemp_; \ \ _hrTemp_ = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, _uid_, &_bstrMsg_ ) );\ _hrTemp_ = THR( _pcpcmThis_->SendStatusReport( \ NULL \ , _major_ \ , _minor_ \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , 1 \ , _hr_ \ , _hrTemp_ == S_OK ? _bstrMsg_ : L"The description for this entry could not be located." \ , NULL \ , NULL \ ) ); \ if ( FAILED( _hrTemp_ ) ) \ { \ _hr_ = _hrTemp_; \ } \ \ TraceSysFreeString( _bstrMsg_ ); \ }