// Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// TaskAnalyzeClusterBase.cpp
// Description:
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase implementation.
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 01-APR-2002
// Include Files
#include "Pch.h"
#include "TaskAnalyzeClusterBase.h"
#include "ManagedResource.h"
#include <NameUtil.h>
// For CsRpcGetJoinVersionData() and constants like JoinVersion_v2_0_c_ifspec
#include <StatusReports.h>
// Constant Definitions
DEFINE_THISCLASS( "CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase" )
#define CHECKING_TIMEOUT 90 // seconds
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase class
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase
// Description:
// Construcor
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase( void ) : m_cRef( 1 ) { TraceFunc( "" );
InterlockedIncrement( &g_cObjects );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::~CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase
// Description:
// Destrucor
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::~CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
ULONG idx;
for ( idx = 0; idx < m_idxQuorumToCleanupNext; idx++ ) { ((*m_prgQuorumsToCleanup)[ idx ])->Release(); } // for:
TraceFree( m_prgQuorumsToCleanup );
// m_cRef
// m_cookieCompletion
if ( m_pcccb != NULL ) { m_pcccb->Release(); }
if ( m_pcookies != NULL ) { THR( HrFreeCookies() ); }
// m_cCookies
// m_cNodes
if ( m_event != NULL ) { CloseHandle( m_event ); }
// m_cookieCluster
TraceMoveFromMemoryList( m_bstrClusterName, g_GlobalMemoryList ); TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrClusterName );
TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrNodeName );
// m_fJoiningMode
// m_cUserNodes
TraceFree( m_pcookiesUser );
if ( m_pnui != NULL ) { m_pnui->Release(); }
if ( m_pom != NULL ) { m_pom->Release(); }
if ( m_ptm != NULL ) { m_ptm->Release(); }
if ( m_pcm != NULL ) { m_pcm->Release(); } // if:
TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrQuorumUID );
// m_cSubTasksDone
// m_hrStatus
InterlockedDecrement( &g_cObjects );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::~CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase - IUknkown interface.
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::UlAddRef
// Description:
// Increment the reference count of this object by one.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// The new reference count.
ULONG CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::UlAddRef( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IUnknown]" );
InterlockedIncrement( &m_cRef );
CRETURN( m_cRef );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::UlAddRef
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::UlRelease
// Description:
// Decrement the reference count of this object by one.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// The new reference count.
ULONG CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::UlRelease( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IUnknown]" );
LONG cRef;
cRef = InterlockedDecrement( &m_cRef );
if ( cRef == 0 ) { TraceDo( delete this ); }
CRETURN( cRef );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::UlRelease
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase - IDoTask/ITaskAnalyzeCluster interface.
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrBeginTask
// Description:
// Task entry point.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrBeginTask( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IDoTask]" );
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCookie = 0;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::BeginTask() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
IServiceProvider * psp = NULL; IConnectionPointContainer * pcpc = NULL; IConnectionPoint * pcp = NULL;
TraceInitializeThread( L"" );
LogMsg( L"[MT] [CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase] Beginning task..." );
// Gather the managers we need to complete the task.
hr = THR( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ServiceManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, TypeSafeParams( IServiceProvider, &psp ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_CoCreate_Service_Manager, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
Assert( m_pnui == NULL ); Assert( m_ptm == NULL ); Assert( m_pom == NULL );
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_NotificationManager, IConnectionPointContainer, &pcpc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_QueryService_Notification_Manager, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( pcpc->FindConnectionPoint( IID_INotifyUI, &pcp ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_NotificationMan_FindConnectionPoint, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
pcp = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IConnectionPoint", IConnectionPoint, pcp, 1 );
hr = THR( pcp->TypeSafeQI( INotifyUI, &m_pnui ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_NotificationMan_FindConnectionPoint_QI_INotifyUI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_TaskManager, ITaskManager, &m_ptm ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_QueryService_TaskManager, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &m_pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_QueryService_ObjectManager, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ClusterConnectionManager, IConnectionManager, &m_pcm ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_QueryService_ConnectionManager, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Release the Service Manager.
psp->Release(); psp = NULL;
// Create an event to wait upon.
m_event = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( m_event == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Client_And_Server_Log, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_Win32Error, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Register with the Notification Manager to get notified.
Assert( ( m_cCookies == 0 ) && ( m_pcookies == NULL ) && ( m_cSubTasksDone == 0 ) ); hr = THR( pcp->Advise( static_cast< INotifyUI * >( this ), &dwCookie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_Advise, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Wait for the cluster connection to stablize.
hr = STHR( HrWaitForClusterConnection() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( FAILED( m_hrStatus ) ) { hr = THR( m_hrStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
Assert( m_bstrClusterName != NULL );
// Tell the UI layer we are starting this task.
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrNodeName, TASKID_Major_Update_Progress, TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, 0, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, 0, S_OK, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Count the number of nodes to be analyzed.
hr = STHR( HrCountNumberOfNodes() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( FAILED( m_hrStatus ) ) { hr = THR( m_hrStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Create separate tasks to gather node information.
hr = STHR( HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeInfo() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( FAILED( m_hrStatus ) ) { hr = THR( m_hrStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Tell the UI layer we have completed this task.
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrNodeName, TASKID_Major_Update_Progress, TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, 0, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, S_OK, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Create separate tasks to gather node resources and networks.
hr = STHR( HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeResourcesAndNetworks() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( FAILED( m_hrStatus ) ) { hr = THR( m_hrStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Count the number of nodes to be analyzed again. TaskGatherInformation
// will delete the cookies of unresponsive nodes.
hr = STHR( HrCountNumberOfNodes() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( FAILED( m_hrStatus ) ) { hr = THR( m_hrStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
// Create the feasibility task.
hr = STHR( HrCheckClusterFeasibility() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( FAILED( m_hrStatus ) ) { hr = THR( m_hrStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
STHR( HrCleanupTask( hr ) );
if ( psp != NULL ) { psp->Release(); }
if ( pcpc != NULL ) { pcpc->Release(); }
if ( pcp != NULL ) { HRESULT hr2;
hr2 = THR( pcp->Unadvise( dwCookie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr2 ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Client_And_Server_Log, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_Unadvise, hr2 ); }
pcp->Release(); }
if ( m_cookieCompletion != 0 ) { if ( m_pom != NULL ) { HRESULT hr2; IUnknown * punk; hr2 = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_StandardInfo, m_cookieCompletion, &punk ) ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr2 ) ) { IStandardInfo * psi;
hr2 = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IStandardInfo, &psi ) ); punk->Release();
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr2 ) ) { hr2 = THR( psi->SetStatus( hr ) ); psi->Release(); } else { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Client_And_Server_Log, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_SetStatus, hr2 ); } } else { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Client_And_Server_Log, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_GetObject, hr2 ); } }
if ( m_pnui != NULL ) { //
// Have the notification manager signal the completion cookie.
HRESULT hr2 = THR( m_pnui->ObjectChanged( m_cookieCompletion ) ); if ( FAILED( hr2 ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Client_And_Server_Log, TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_ObjectChanged, hr2 ); hr = hr2; } // if:
} // if:
m_cookieCompletion = 0; } // if: completion cookie was obtained
LogMsg( L"[MT] [CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase] Exiting task. The task was%ws cancelled.", m_fStop == FALSE ? L" not" : L"" );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrBeginTask
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrStopTask
// Description:
// Stop task entry point.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrStopTask( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IDoTask]" );
m_fStop = TRUE;
LogMsg( L"[MT] [CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase] Calling StopTask() on all remaining sub-tasks." );
THR( HrNotifyAllTasksToStop() );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrStopTask
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetJoiningMode
// Description:
// Tell this task whether we are joining nodes to the cluster?
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetJoiningMode( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
m_fJoiningMode = TRUE;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetJoiningMode
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetCookie
// Description:
// Receive the completion cookier from the task creator.
// Arguments:
// cookieIn
// The completion cookie to send back to the creator when this
// task is complete.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetCookie( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
m_cookieCompletion = cookieIn;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetCookie
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetClusterCookie
// Description:
// Receive the object manager cookie of the cluster that we are going
// to analyze.
// Arguments:
// cookieClusterIn
// The cookie for the cluster to work on.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetClusterCookie( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieClusterIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
m_cookieCluster = cookieClusterIn;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSetClusterCookie
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase - IClusCfgCallback interface.
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::SendStatusReport
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
STDMETHODIMP CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::SendStatusReport( LPCWSTR pcszNodeNameIn , CLSID clsidTaskMajorIn , CLSID clsidTaskMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , ULONG ulCurrentIn , HRESULT hrStatusIn , LPCWSTR pcszDescriptionIn , FILETIME * pftTimeIn , LPCWSTR pcszReferenceIn ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgCallback]" ); Assert( pcszNodeNameIn != NULL );
IServiceProvider * psp = NULL; IConnectionPointContainer * pcpc = NULL; IConnectionPoint * pcp = NULL; FILETIME ft;
if ( m_pcccb == NULL ) { //
// Collect the manager we need to complete this task.
hr = THR( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ServiceManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, TypeSafeParams( IServiceProvider, &psp ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_NotificationManager, IConnectionPointContainer, &pcpc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( pcpc->FindConnectionPoint( IID_IClusCfgCallback, &pcp ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
pcp = TraceInterface( L"CConfigurationConnection!IConnectionPoint", IConnectionPoint, pcp, 1 );
hr = THR( pcp->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgCallback, &m_pcccb ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
//m_pcccb = TraceInterface( L"CConfigurationConnection!IClusCfgCallback", IClusCfgCallback, m_pcccb, 1 );
psp->Release(); psp = NULL; }
if ( pftTimeIn == NULL ) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ft ); pftTimeIn = &ft; } // if:
// Send the message!
hr = THR( m_pcccb->SendStatusReport( pcszNodeNameIn != NULL ? pcszNodeNameIn : m_bstrNodeName , clsidTaskMajorIn , clsidTaskMinorIn , ulMinIn , ulMaxIn , ulCurrentIn , hrStatusIn , pcszDescriptionIn , pftTimeIn , pcszReferenceIn ) );
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { hr = E_ABORT; } // if:
Cleanup: if ( psp != NULL ) { psp->Release(); }
if ( pcpc != NULL ) { pcpc->Release(); }
if ( pcp != NULL ) { pcp->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::SendStatusReport
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase - INotifyUI interface.
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::ObjectChanged
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
STDMETHODIMP CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::ObjectChanged( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieIn ) { TraceFunc( "[INotifyUI]" ); Assert( cookieIn != 0 );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fSuccess; ULONG idx;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::ObjectChanged() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() ); LogMsg( L"[MT:CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase] Looking for the completion cookie %u.", cookieIn );
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < m_cCookies ; idx ++ ) { Assert( m_pcookies != NULL );
if ( cookieIn == m_pcookies[ idx ] ) { LogMsg( L"[CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase] Clearing completion cookie %u at array index %u", cookieIn, idx );
// Make sure it won't be signalled twice.
m_pcookies[ idx ] = NULL;
// don't care if this fails, but it really shouldn't
THR( HrRemoveTaskFromTrackingList( cookieIn ) );
// don't care if this fails, but it really shouldn't
THR( m_pom->RemoveObject( cookieIn ) );
InterlockedIncrement( reinterpret_cast< long * >( &m_cSubTasksDone ) );
if ( m_cSubTasksDone == m_cCookies ) { //
// Signal the event if all the nodes are done.
fSuccess = SetEvent( m_event ); if ( fSuccess == FALSE ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Client_And_Server_Log, TASKID_Minor_ObjectChanged_Win32Error, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // if: all done
} // if: matched cookie
} // for: each cookies in the array
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::ObjectChanged
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase - Protected methods.
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrInit
// Description:
// Initialize the object.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK - Success.
// Other HRESULTs.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrInit( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// IUnknown stuff
Assert( m_cRef == 1 );
// IDoTask / ITaskAnalyzeClusterMinConfig
Assert( m_cookieCompletion == 0 ); Assert( m_pcccb == NULL ); Assert( m_pcookies == NULL ); Assert( m_cNodes == 0 ); Assert( m_event == NULL ); Assert( m_cookieCluster == NULL ); Assert( m_fJoiningMode == FALSE ); Assert( m_cUserNodes == 0 ); Assert( m_pcookiesUser == NULL ); Assert( m_prgQuorumsToCleanup == NULL ); Assert( m_idxQuorumToCleanupNext == 0 );
Assert( m_pnui == NULL ); Assert( m_pom == NULL ); Assert( m_ptm == NULL ); Assert( m_pcm == NULL ); Assert( m_fStop == FALSE );
// INotifyUI
Assert( m_cSubTasksDone == 0 ); Assert( m_hrStatus == 0 );
hr = THR( HrGetComputerName( ComputerNameDnsHostname , &m_bstrNodeName , TRUE // fBestEffortIn
) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrInit
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrWaitForClusterConnection
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrWaitForClusterConnection( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hrStatus; ULONG ulCurrent; DWORD sc; HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUnknown * punk = NULL; ITaskGatherClusterInfo * ptgci = NULL; IStandardInfo * psi = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrWaitForClusterConnection() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
// Get the cluster name
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_StandardInfo, m_cookieCluster, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_GetObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IStandardInfo, &psi ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_GetObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
//psi = TraceInterface( L"TaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IStandardInfo", IStandardInfo, psi, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Retrieve the cluster's name.
hr = THR( psi->GetName( &m_bstrClusterName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( m_bstrClusterName );
// Tell the UI layer that we are starting to search for an existing cluster.
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster , 0 , CHECKING_TIMEOUT , 0 , S_OK , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECKING_FOR_EXISTING_CLUSTER ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Create a completion cookie list.
Assert( m_cCookies == 0 ); Assert( m_pcookies == NULL ); Assert( m_cSubTasksDone == 0 ); m_pcookies = reinterpret_cast< OBJECTCOOKIE * >( TraceAlloc( 0, sizeof( OBJECTCOOKIE ) ) ); if ( m_pcookies == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_OutOfMemory, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_ClusterCompletionCookie, m_cookieCluster, m_bstrClusterName, IID_NULL, &m_pcookies[ 0 ], &punk ) ); Assert( punk == NULL ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_CreateCompletionCookie, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
m_cCookies = 1;
// Create the task object.
hr = THR( m_ptm->CreateTask( TASK_GatherClusterInfo, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_CreateTask, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
Assert( punk != NULL );
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( ITaskGatherClusterInfo, &ptgci ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_CreateTask_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Set the object cookie in the task.
hr = THR( ptgci->SetCookie( m_cookieCluster ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_SetCookie, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
LogMsg( L"[CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase] Setting completion cookie %u at array index 0 into the gather cluster information task for node %ws", m_pcookies[ 0 ], m_bstrClusterName ); hr = THR( ptgci->SetCompletionCookie( m_pcookies[ 0 ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_SetCompletionCookie, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Submit the task.
hr = THR( m_ptm->SubmitTask( ptgci ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_SubmitTask, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( HrAddTaskToTrackingList( punk, m_pcookies[ 0 ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Now wait for the work to be done.
for ( ulCurrent = 0, sc = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 ; ( sc != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ; ) { MSG msg;
while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); }
sc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( 1, &m_event, 1000, // 1 second
// Tell the UI layer that we are still searching for the cluster. BUT
// don't let the progress reach 100% if it is taking longer than
if ( ulCurrent != CHECKING_TIMEOUT ) { ulCurrent ++; Assert( ulCurrent != CHECKING_TIMEOUT );
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName, TASKID_Major_Update_Progress, TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, 0, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, ulCurrent, S_OK, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
} // for: sc != WAIT_OBJECT_0
// Cleanup the completion cookies
THR( HrFreeCookies() );
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Retrieve the cluster's name again, because it might have been renamed.
TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrClusterName ); m_bstrClusterName = NULL; hr = THR( psi->GetName( &m_bstrClusterName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( m_bstrClusterName );
// Check out the status of the cluster.
hr = THR( psi->GetStatus( &hrStatus ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, TASKID_Minor_WaitForCluster_GetStatus, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// If we are adding nodes and can't connect to the cluster, this
// should be deemed a bad thing!
if ( m_fJoiningMode ) { //
switch ( hrStatus ) { case S_OK: //
// This is what we are expecting.
// If we failed to connect to the server....
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster , TASKID_Minor_Cluster_Not_Found , 1 , 1 , 1 , HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ) , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CLUSTER_NOT_FOUND ) );
default: { //
// If something else goes wrong, stop.
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster , TASKID_Minor_Error_Contacting_Cluster , 1 , 1 , 1 , hrStatus , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_ERROR_CONTACTING_CLUSTER ) );
hr = THR( hrStatus ); } goto Cleanup;
} // switch: hrStatus
} // if: adding
else { //
switch ( hrStatus ) { case HR_S_RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE: //
// This is what we are expecting.
// If we are forming and we find an existing cluster with the same name
// that we trying to form, we shouldn't let the user continue.
// NOTE that some error conditions indicate that "something" is hosting
// the cluster name.
hr = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_EXISTING_CLUSTER_FOUND , &bstrDescription , m_bstrClusterName ) );
THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster , TASKID_Minor_Existing_Cluster_Found , 1 , 1 , 1 , HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CLUSTER_CANT_CREATE_DUP_CLUSTER_NAME ) , bstrDescription , NULL , NULL ) ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrDescription ); hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CLUSTER_CANT_CREATE_DUP_CLUSTER_NAME ) ); } goto Cleanup;
default: { //
// If something else goes wrong, stop.
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster , TASKID_Minor_Error_Contacting_Cluster , 1 , 1 , 1 , hrStatus , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_ERROR_CONTACTING_CLUSTER ) ); hr = THR( hrStatus ); } goto Cleanup;
} // switch: hrStatus
} // else: creating
if ( m_fJoiningMode ) { //
// Memorize the cookies of the objects that the user entered.
hr = THR( HrGetUsersNodesCookies() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Create cookies for the existing nodes.
hr = THR( HrAddJoinedNodes() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } // if: adding nodes to an existing cluster
// Tell the UI layer that we are done searching for the cluster.
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName, TASKID_Major_Update_Progress, TASKID_Major_Checking_For_Existing_Cluster, 0, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, S_OK, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
if ( psi != NULL ) { psi->Release(); }
if ( ptgci != NULL ) { ptgci->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrWaitForClusterConnection
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCountNumberOfNodes
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCountNumberOfNodes( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IEnumCookies * pec = NULL;
// Make sure all the node object that (will) make up the cluster
// are in a stable state.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumCookies, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CountNodes_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumCookies, &pec ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CountNodes_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
//pec = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumCookies", IEnumCookies, pec, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Count how many nodes there are.
hr = THR( pec->Count( &m_cNodes ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CountNodes_EnumNodes_Count, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if: error getting count of nodes
Assert( hr == S_OK );
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
if ( pec != NULL ) { pec->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCountNumberOfNodes
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeInfo
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeInfo( void ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( m_hrStatus == S_OK );
HRESULT hr; ULONG cNode; ULONG cNodesToProcess; ULONG ulCurrent; DWORD sc;
OBJECTCOOKIE cookieDummy; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieNode; BSTR bstrName = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL; IEnumCookies * pec = NULL; ITaskGatherNodeInfo * ptgni = NULL; IStandardInfo * psi = NULL; IStandardInfo ** psiCompletion = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeInfo() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Node_Feasibility , 0 , CHECKING_TIMEOUT , 0 , S_OK , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } //
// Get the enum of the nodes.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumCookies, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumCookies, &pec ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
//pec = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumCookies", IEnumCookies, pec, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Allocate a buffer to collect cookies
Assert( m_cCookies == 0 ); Assert( m_pcookies == NULL ); Assert( m_cSubTasksDone == 0 ); m_pcookies = reinterpret_cast< OBJECTCOOKIE * >( TraceAlloc( 0, m_cNodes * sizeof( OBJECTCOOKIE ) ) ); if ( m_pcookies == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_OutOfMemory, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// KB: gpease 29-NOV-2000
// Create a list of "interesting" completion cookie StandardInfo-s. If any of the
// statuses return from this list are FAILED, then abort the analysis.
psiCompletion = reinterpret_cast< IStandardInfo ** >( TraceAlloc( HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, m_cNodes * sizeof( IStandardInfo * ) ) ); if ( psiCompletion == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_OutOfMemory, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Loop thru the nodes, creating cookies and allocating a gather task for
// that node.
for ( cNode = 0 ; ( cNode < m_cNodes ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ; cNode ++ ) { ULONG celtDummy; ULONG idx; BOOL fFound;
// Grab the next node.
hr = STHR( pec->Next( 1, &cookieNode, &celtDummy ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the node's name. We are using this to distinguish one node's
// completion cookie from another. It might also make debugging
// easier (??).
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, cookieNode, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_GetObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &pccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_GetObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
hr = THR( pccni->GetName( &bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrName );
// Create a completion cookie.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( IID_NULL, m_cookieCluster, bstrName, DFGUID_StandardInfo, &m_pcookies[ cNode ], &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_CompletionCookie_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Increment the cookie counter.
m_cCookies ++;
// See if this node is one of the user entered nodes.
if ( m_fJoiningMode == FALSE ) { //
// All nodes are "interesting" during a form operation.
Assert( m_cUserNodes == 0 ); Assert( m_pcookiesUser == NULL );
fFound = TRUE; } // if: creating a new cluster
else { //
// Only the nodes the user entered are interesting during an add
// nodes operation.
for ( fFound = FALSE, idx = 0 ; idx < m_cUserNodes ; idx ++ ) { if ( m_pcookiesUser[ idx ] == cookieNode ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } // for: each node entered by the user
} // else: adding nodes to an existing cluster
if ( fFound == TRUE ) { hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IStandardInfo, &psiCompletion[ cNode ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_CompletionCookie_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } } else { Assert( psiCompletion[ cNode ] == NULL ); }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Create a task to gather this nodes information.
hr = THR( m_ptm->CreateTask( TASK_GatherNodeInfo, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_CreateTask, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( ITaskGatherNodeInfo, &ptgni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_QI_GatherNodeInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Set the tasks completion cookie.
LogMsg( L"[CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase] Setting completion cookie %u at array index %u into the gather node information task for node %ws", m_pcookies[ cNode ], cNode, bstrName ); hr = THR( ptgni->SetCompletionCookie( m_pcookies[ cNode ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_SetCompletionCookie, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Tell it what node it is suppose to gather information from.
hr = THR( ptgni->SetCookie( cookieNode ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_SetCookie, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Tell it whether it is a user-added node or not.
hr = THR( ptgni->SetUserAddedNodeFlag( fFound ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_SetUserAddedNodeFlag, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Submit the task.
hr = THR( m_ptm->SubmitTask( ptgni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_CreateNodeTasks_EnumNodes_SubmitTask, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( HrAddTaskToTrackingList( punk, m_pcookies[ cNode ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Cleanup for the next node.
pccni->Release(); pccni = NULL;
TraceSysFreeString( bstrName ); bstrName = NULL;
ptgni->Release(); ptgni = NULL;
} // for: looping thru nodes
Assert( m_cCookies == m_cNodes );
// Reset the signal event.
{ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
bRet = ResetEvent( m_event ); Assert( bRet == TRUE ); }
// Now wait for the work to be done.
for ( ulCurrent = 0, sc = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 ; ( sc != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ; ) { MSG msg; while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); }
sc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( 1 , &m_event , INFINITE , QS_ALLEVENTS | QS_ALLINPUT | QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE , 0 );
if ( ulCurrent != CHECKING_TIMEOUT ) { ulCurrent ++; Assert( ulCurrent != CHECKING_TIMEOUT );
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrNodeName, TASKID_Major_Update_Progress, TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, 0, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, ulCurrent, S_OK, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
} // for: sc == WAIT_OBJECT_0
// Now check the results using the list of completion cookie StandardInfo-s
// built earlier of interesting objects. If any of these "interesting" cookies
// return a FAILED status, then abort the analysis.
for ( cNode = 0 , cNodesToProcess = 0 ; ( cNode < m_cNodes ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ); cNode++ ) { HRESULT hrStatus;
if ( psiCompletion[ cNode ] == NULL ) { continue; }
hr = THR( psiCompletion[ cNode ]->GetStatus( &hrStatus ) ); if ( FAILED( hrStatus ) ) { hr = THR( hrStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hrStatus == S_OK ) { cNodesToProcess++; } // if:
} // for: cNode
if ( cNodesToProcess == 0 ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE ) );
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrNodeName , TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection , TASKID_Minor_No_Nodes_To_Process , 1 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NO_NODES_TO_PROCESS ) ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = S_OK;
THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Node_Feasibility , 0 , CHECKING_TIMEOUT , CHECKING_TIMEOUT , S_OK , NULL , NULL , NULL ) );
THR( HrFreeCookies() );
TraceSysFreeString( bstrName );
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); }
if ( pec != NULL ) { pec->Release(); }
if ( ptgni != NULL ) { ptgni->Release(); }
if ( psi != NULL ) { psi->Release(); }
if ( psiCompletion != NULL ) { for ( cNode = 0 ; cNode < m_cNodes ; cNode++ ) { if ( psiCompletion[ cNode ] != NULL ) { psiCompletion[ cNode ]->Release(); } }
TraceFree( psiCompletion ); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeInfo
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeResourcesAndNetworks
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeResourcesAndNetworks( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr; ULONG idxNode; ULONG ulCurrent; DWORD sc;
BSTR bstrName = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL; IEnumCookies * pec = NULL; ITaskGatherInformation * ptgi = NULL; IStandardInfo * psi = NULL; IStandardInfo ** ppsiStatuses = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeResourcesAndNetworks() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() ); Assert( m_hrStatus == S_OK );
// Tell the UI layer we are starting to retrieve the resources/networks.
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName, TASKID_Major_Update_Progress, TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, 0, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, 0, S_OK, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Get the enum of the nodes.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumCookies, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumCookies, &pec ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
pec = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumCookies", IEnumCookies, pec, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Allocate a buffer to collect cookies
Assert( m_cCookies == 0 ); Assert( m_pcookies == NULL ); Assert( m_cSubTasksDone == 0 ); m_pcookies = reinterpret_cast< OBJECTCOOKIE * >( TraceAlloc( HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, m_cNodes * sizeof( OBJECTCOOKIE ) ) ); if ( m_pcookies == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_OutOfMemory, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
ppsiStatuses = reinterpret_cast< IStandardInfo ** >( TraceAlloc( HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, m_cNodes * sizeof( IStandardInfo * ) ) ); if ( ppsiStatuses == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_OutOfMemory, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Loop thru the nodes, creating cookies and allocating a gather task for
// that node.
for ( idxNode = 0 ; ( idxNode < m_cNodes ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ); idxNode++ ) { ULONG celtDummy;
// Grab the next node.
hr = STHR( pec->Next( 1, &cookieNode, &celtDummy ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the node's name. We are using this to distinguish one node's
// completion cookie from another. It might also make debugging
// easier (??).
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, cookieNode, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_GetObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &pccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_GetObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
hr = THR( pccni->GetName( &bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrName );
// Create a completion cookie.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( IID_NULL, m_cookieCluster, bstrName, DFGUID_StandardInfo, &m_pcookies[ idxNode ], &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_CompletionCookie_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IStandardInfo, &ppsiStatuses[ idxNode ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_CompletionCookie_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Increment the cookie counter.
m_cCookies ++;
// Create a task to gather this node's information.
hr = THR( m_ptm->CreateTask( TASK_GatherInformation, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_CreateTask, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMoveFromMemoryList( punk, g_GlobalMemoryList );
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( ITaskGatherInformation, &ptgi ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_QI_GatherNodeInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Set the tasks completion cookie.
hr = THR( ptgi->SetCompletionCookie( m_pcookies[ idxNode ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_SetCompletionCookie, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Tell it what node it is suppose to gather information from.
hr = THR( ptgi->SetNodeCookie( cookieNode ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_SetCookie, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Tell it if we are creating or adding.
if ( m_fJoiningMode ) { hr = THR( ptgi->SetJoining() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_SetJoining, hr ); goto Cleanup; } } // if: adding nodes to an existing cluster
hr = THR( ptgi->SetMinimalConfiguration( BMinimalConfiguration() ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_SetMinimalConfiguration, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Submit the task.
hr = THR( m_ptm->SubmitTask( ptgi ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_EnumNodes_SubmitTask, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( HrAddTaskToTrackingList( punk, m_pcookies[ idxNode ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Cleanup for the next node.
pccni->Release(); pccni = NULL;
TraceSysFreeString( bstrName ); bstrName = NULL;
ptgi->Release(); ptgi = NULL;
} // for: looping thru nodes
Assert( m_cCookies == m_cNodes );
// Reset the signal event.
{ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
bRet = ResetEvent( m_event ); Assert( bRet == TRUE ); }
// Now wait for the work to be done.
for ( ulCurrent = 0, sc = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 ; ( sc != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ; ) { MSG msg; while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); }
sc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( 1 , &m_event , INFINITE , QS_ALLEVENTS | QS_ALLINPUT | QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE , 0 );
if ( ulCurrent != CHECKING_TIMEOUT ) { ulCurrent ++; Assert( ulCurrent != CHECKING_TIMEOUT );
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName, TASKID_Major_Update_Progress, TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, 0, CHECKING_TIMEOUT, ulCurrent, S_OK, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
} // while: sc == WAIT_OBJECT_0
// See if anything went wrong.
for ( idxNode = 0 ; ( idxNode < m_cNodes ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ); idxNode++ ) { HRESULT hrStatus;
if ( ppsiStatuses[ idxNode ] == NULL ) { continue; }
hr = THR( ppsiStatuses[ idxNode ]->GetStatus( &hrStatus ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GatherInformation_GetStatus, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( FAILED( hrStatus ) ) { hr = THR( hrStatus ); goto Cleanup; } }
// Tell the UI we are done.
THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Find_Devices , 0 , CHECKING_TIMEOUT , CHECKING_TIMEOUT , S_OK , NULL , NULL , NULL ) );
THR( HrFreeCookies() );
TraceSysFreeString( bstrName );
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); } if ( pec != NULL ) { pec->Release(); } if ( ptgi != NULL ) { ptgi->Release(); } if ( psi != NULL ) { psi->Release(); } if ( ppsiStatuses != NULL ) { for ( idxNode = 0 ; idxNode < m_cNodes ; idxNode++ ) { if ( ppsiStatuses[ idxNode ] != NULL ) { ppsiStatuses[ idxNode ]->Release(); } }
TraceFree( ppsiStatuses ); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateSubTasksToGatherNodeResourcesAndNetworks
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckClusterFeasibility
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckClusterFeasibility( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckClusterFeasibility() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
// Notify the UI layer that we have started.
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 0 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Check membership.
hr = THR( HrCheckClusterMembership() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 1 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Look for nodes not in the cluster's domain.
hr = THR( HrCheckNodeDomains() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 2 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Check platform interoperability.
hr = THR( HrCheckPlatformInteroperability() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 3 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Check version interoperability.
hr = STHR( HrCheckInteroperability() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 4 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Compare drive letter mappings to make sure we don't have any conflicts.
hr = THR( HrCompareDriveLetterMappings() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 5 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Compare resources on each node and in the cluster.
hr = THR( HrCompareResources() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 6 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Compare the networks.
hr = THR( HrCompareNetworks() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 7 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Now check to see if the nodes can all see the selected quorum resource.
hr = THR( HrCheckForCommonQuorumResource() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
// Notify the UI layer that we are done.
THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Update_Progress , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , 0 , 8 , 8 , hr , NULL , NULL , NULL ) );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckClusterFeasibility
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrAddJoinedNodes
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrAddJoinedNodes( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; long idxNode = 0; long cNodes = 0; BSTR* rgbstrNodeNames = NULL;
OBJECTCOOKIE cookieDummy; BSTR bstrNodeFQN = NULL; size_t idxClusterDomain = 0; IUnknown * punkDummy = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL;
IClusCfgServer * piccs = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * piccni = NULL; IClusCfgClusterInfo * piccci = NULL; IClusCfgClusterInfoEx * picccie = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrAddJoinedNodes() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_AddJoinedNodes , 0 , 1 , 0 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_ADD_JOINED_NODES ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( m_pcm->GetConnectionToObject( m_cookieCluster, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrAddJoinedNodes_GetConnectionObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgServer, &piccs ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrAddJoinedNodes_ConfigConnection_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( piccs->GetClusterNodeInfo( &piccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrAddJoinedNodes_GetNodeInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( piccni->GetClusterConfigInfo( &piccci ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrAddJoinedNodes_GetConfigInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( piccci->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgClusterInfoEx, &picccie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_HrAddJoinedNodes_ClusterInfoEx_QI , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_ERR_NO_RC2_INTERFACE ) ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( HrFindDomainInFQN( m_bstrClusterName, &idxClusterDomain ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrAddJoinedNodes_HrFindDomainInFQN, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( picccie->GetNodeNames( &cNodes, &rgbstrNodeNames ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrAddJoinedNodes_GetNodeNames, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
for ( idxNode = 0; idxNode < cNodes; ++idxNode ) { //
// Build the FQName of the node.
hr = THR( HrMakeFQN( rgbstrNodeNames[ idxNode ], m_bstrClusterName + idxClusterDomain, TRUE /*Accept non-RFC characters*/, &bstrNodeFQN ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrAddJoinedNodes_HrMakeFQN, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
LogMsg( L"[MT] Connecting to cluster node '%ws'", bstrNodeFQN );
// Prime the object manager to retrieve the node information.
// can't wrap - should return E_PENDING
hr = m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, bstrNodeFQN, DFGUID_NodeInformation, &cookieDummy, &punkDummy ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { Assert( punkDummy != NULL ); punkDummy->Release(); punkDummy = NULL; } // if
else if ( hr == E_PENDING ) { hr = S_OK; } // else
else // !SUCCEEDED( hr ) && ( hr != E_PENDING )
{ THR( hr ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_AddJoinedNodes_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // else
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeFQN ); bstrNodeFQN = NULL; } // for: idx
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_AddJoinedNodes , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_ADD_JOINED_NODES ) );
Assert( punkDummy == NULL ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeFQN );
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
if ( piccs != NULL ) { piccs->Release(); } // if
if ( piccni != NULL ) { piccni->Release(); } // if:
if ( piccci != NULL ) { piccci->Release(); } // if:
if ( picccie != NULL ) { picccie->Release(); } // if:
if ( rgbstrNodeNames != NULL ) { for ( idxNode = 0; idxNode < cNodes; idxNode += 1 ) { SysFreeString( rgbstrNodeNames[ idxNode ] ); } // for
CoTaskMemFree( rgbstrNodeNames ); } // if
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrAddJoinedNodes
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckDomainMembership
// Description:
// Determine whether all participating nodes are in the cluster's domain.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckNodeDomains( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; OBJECTCOOKIE ocNodeEnum = 0; IUnknown * punkNodeEnum = NULL; IEnumNodes * pen = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo ** prgccni = NULL; DWORD cNodeInfoObjects = 0; DWORD idxNodeInfo = 0; BSTR bstrNodeName = NULL; size_t idxClusterDomain = 0; ULONG cNodesFetched = 0; BSTR bstrDescription = NULL; BSTR bstrReference = NULL;
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains , 0 , 1 , 0 , S_OK , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_NODE_DOMAINS ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Get a pointer to the domain portion of the cluster's name.
hr = THR( HrFindDomainInFQN( m_bstrClusterName, &idxClusterDomain ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_HrFindDomainInClusterFQN, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
// Ask the object manager for the node enumerator.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumNodes, &ocNodeEnum, &punkNodeEnum ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( punkNodeEnum->TypeSafeQI( IEnumNodes, &pen ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
// Get array of node objects.
hr = THR( pen->Count( &cNodeInfoObjects ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_Count, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
if ( cNodeInfoObjects == 0 ) { // Nothing to check, so no more work to do.
hr = S_OK; goto Cleanup; } // if
prgccni = new IClusCfgNodeInfo*[ cNodeInfoObjects ]; if ( prgccni == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_New, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
ZeroMemory( prgccni, cNodeInfoObjects * sizeof( *prgccni ) );
do { hr = STHR( pen->Next( cNodeInfoObjects, prgccni, &cNodesFetched ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
// Step through node array, checking domain of each against cluster's domain.
for ( idxNodeInfo = 0; idxNodeInfo < cNodesFetched; idxNodeInfo += 1 ) { size_t idxNodeDomain = 0;
hr = THR( prgccni[ idxNodeInfo ]->GetName( &bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrNodeName );
// Done with the node, but might reuse array, so dispose node now.
prgccni[ idxNodeInfo ]->Release(); prgccni[ idxNodeInfo ] = NULL;
hr = THR( HrFindDomainInFQN( bstrNodeName, &idxNodeDomain ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_HrFindDomainInNodeFQN, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
if ( ClRtlStrICmp( bstrNodeName + idxNodeDomain, m_bstrClusterName + idxClusterDomain ) != 0 ) { DWORD scError = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA );
hr = THR( HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR( g_hInstance , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_NODE_DOMAINS_ERROR_REF , &bstrReference , bstrNodeName , bstrNodeName + idxNodeDomain , m_bstrClusterName + idxClusterDomain ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_FormatMessage, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if
hr = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_NODE_DOMAINS_ERROR, &bstrDescription ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains_LoadString, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( scError ); THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , bstrDescription , NULL , bstrReference ) ); goto Cleanup; } // if node domain does not match cluster's
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); bstrNodeName = NULL; } // for each node
} while ( cNodesFetched > 0 ); // while enumerator has more nodes
// Might have finished the loop with S_FALSE, so replace with S_OK to signal normal completion.
hr = S_OK;
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_CheckNodeDomains , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_NODE_DOMAINS ) );
if ( punkNodeEnum != NULL ) { punkNodeEnum->Release(); } // if:
if ( pen != NULL ) { pen->Release(); } // if:
if ( prgccni != NULL ) { for ( idxNodeInfo = 0; idxNodeInfo < cNodeInfoObjects; idxNodeInfo += 1 ) { if ( prgccni[ idxNodeInfo ] != NULL ) { prgccni[ idxNodeInfo ]->Release(); } // if
} // for
delete [] prgccni; } // if
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrReference );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckNodeDomains
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckClusterMembership
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckClusterMembership( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
IClusCfgClusterInfo * pccci;
BSTR bstrNodeName = NULL; BSTR bstrClusterName = NULL; BSTR bstrNotification = NULL;
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IEnumNodes * pen = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckClusterMembership() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Check_Cluster_Membership , 0 , 1 , 0 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Ask the object manager for the node enumerator.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumNodes,&cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumNodes, &pen ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// If we are adding nodes to an existing cluster, make sure that all the
// other nodes are members of the same cluster.
Assert( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ); while ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ULONG celtDummy;
// Cleanup
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); pccni = NULL; }
TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterName ); bstrClusterName = NULL;
// Get the next node.
hr = STHR( pen->Next( 1, &pccni, &celtDummy ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_EnumNode_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Check to see if we need to "form a cluster" by seeing if any
// of the nodes are already clustered.
hr = STHR( pccni->IsMemberOfCluster() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_EnumNode_IsMemberOfCluster, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { //
// Retrieve the name and make sure they match.
hr = THR( pccni->GetClusterConfigInfo( &pccci ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_EnumNode_GetClusterConfigInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( pccci->GetName( &bstrClusterName ) ); pccci->Release(); // release promptly
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_EnumNode_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrClusterName );
hr = THR( pccni->GetName( &bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_EnumNode_GetNodeName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrNodeName );
if ( ClRtlStrICmp( m_bstrClusterName, bstrClusterName ) != 0 ) { //
// They don't match! Tell the UI layer!
hr = THR( HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CLUSTER_NAME_MISMATCH, &bstrNotification, bstrClusterName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_EnumNode_FormatMessage, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
THR( SendStatusReport( bstrNodeName, TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Cluster_Name_Mismatch, 1, 1, 1, hr, bstrNotification, NULL, NULL ) );
// We don't care what the return value is since we are bailing the analysis.
goto Cleanup; } // if: cluster names don't match
else { hr = STHR( HrIsUserAddedNode( bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = THR( HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NODE_ALREADY_IS_MEMBER, &bstrNotification, bstrNodeName, bstrClusterName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_EnumNode_FormatMessage1, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Make this a success code because we don't want to abort. We simply want to tell the user...
THR( SendStatusReport( bstrNodeName, TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Cluster_Name_Match, 1, 1, 1, hr, bstrNotification, NULL, NULL ) ); } // if:
} // else: cluster names do match then this node is already a member of this cluster
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); bstrNodeName = NULL; } // if: cluster member
} // while: hr
hr = THR( HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_VERIFIED, &bstrNotification ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckMembership_FormatMessage, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Check_Cluster_Membership , TASKID_Minor_Cluster_Membership_Verified , 1 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_VERIFIED ) );
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Check_Cluster_Membership , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP ) );
if ( pen != NULL ) { pen->Release(); } // if:
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNotification );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckClusterMembership
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCompareResources
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCompareResources( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieNode; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieDummy; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieClusterNode; ULONG celtDummy; BSTR bstrNotification = NULL; BSTR bstrClusterNodeName = NULL; BSTR bstrClusterResUID = NULL; BSTR bstrClusterResName = NULL; BSTR bstrNodeName = NULL; BSTR bstrNodeResUID = NULL; BSTR bstrNodeResName = NULL; BSTR bstrQuorumName = NULL; IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmriNew = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IEnumCookies * pecNodes = NULL; IEnumClusCfgManagedResources * peccmr = NULL; IEnumClusCfgManagedResources * peccmrCluster = NULL; IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmri = NULL; IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmriCluster = NULL; IClusCfgVerifyQuorum * piccvq = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCompareResources() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources , 0 , 1 , 0 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_COMPARE_RESOURCES ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( HrGetAClusterNodeCookie( &pecNodes, &cookieClusterNode ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Retrieve the node's name for error messages.
hr = THR( HrRetrieveCookiesName( m_pom, cookieClusterNode, &bstrClusterNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Retrieve the managed resources enumerator.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_ManagedResourceType, cookieClusterNode, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableResources, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ) { hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources , TASKID_Minor_No_Managed_Resources_Found , 1 , 1 , 1 , MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NO_MANAGED_RESOURCES_FOUND ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// fall thru - the while ( hr == S_OK ) will be FALSE and keep going
} // if: no manageable resources are available for the cluster node
else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_First_Node_Find_Object, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // else if: error finding manageable resources for the cluster node
else { hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgManagedResources, &peccmrCluster ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_First_Node_Find_Object_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL; } // else: found manageable resources for the cluster node
// Loop thru the resources of the node selected as the cluster node
// to create an equivalent resource under the cluster configuration
// object/cookie.
while ( ( hr == S_OK ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ) {
// Cleanup
if ( pccmriCluster != NULL ) { pccmriCluster->Release(); pccmriCluster = NULL; }
// Get next resource.
hr = STHR( peccmrCluster->Next( 1, &pccmriCluster, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_First_Node_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
// Create a new object. If min config was selected this new object will be marked as not managed.
hr = THR( HrCreateNewResourceInCluster( pccmriCluster, &pccmriNew ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = STHR( pccmriNew->IsQuorumResource() ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { Assert( m_bstrQuorumUID == NULL );
hr = THR( pccmriNew->GetUID( &m_bstrQuorumUID ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_First_Node_Get_Quorum_UID, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( m_bstrQuorumUID );
LogMsg( L"[MT][1] Found the quorum resource '%ws' on node '%ws' and setting it as the quorum resource.", m_bstrQuorumUID, bstrClusterNodeName );
Assert( pccmriNew->IsManaged() == S_OK );
// Since this is the quorum resource then it needs to be managed. If min config was selected it will not be managed.
//hr = THR( pccmriNew->SetManaged( TRUE ) );
//if ( FAILED( hr ) )
// goto Cleanup;
//} // if:
// Tell the UI which resource is the quorum.
hr = THR( pccmriNew->GetName( &bstrQuorumName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrQuorumName );
hr = THR( ::HrFormatDescriptionAndSendStatusReport( m_pcccb , m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources , TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_First_Node_Quorum , 1 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_COMPARE_RESOURCES_ENUM_FIRST_NODE_QUORUM , bstrQuorumName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Check that the quorum supports adding nodes to the cluster
// if we are in add mode.
if ( m_fJoiningMode ) { hr = pccmriNew->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgVerifyQuorum, &piccvq ); if ( hr == E_NOINTERFACE ) { LogMsg( L"[MT] The quorum resource \"%ws\" does not support IClusCfgVerifyQuorum and we cannot determine if multi nodes is supported.", m_bstrQuorumUID ); hr = S_OK; } // if:
else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // else if:
else { hr = STHR( piccvq->IsMultiNodeCapable() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_First_Node_Is_Device_Joinable, hr ); goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources , TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_First_Node_Is_Device_Joinable , 1 , 1 , 1 , HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( ERROR_QUORUM_DISK_NOT_FOUND ) ) , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_MISSING_JOINABLE_QUORUM_RESOURCE ) );
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( ERROR_QUORUM_DISK_NOT_FOUND ) ); goto Cleanup; } // else if: Quorum resource is not multi node capable.
piccvq->Release(); piccvq = NULL; } // else: This resource support IClusCfgVerifyQuorum
} // if: Are we adding nodes?
pccmriNew->Release(); pccmriNew = NULL; } // if: Is this the quorum resource?
else { pccmriNew->Release(); pccmriNew = NULL; hr = S_OK; } // else: It is not the quorum resource.
} // while: more resources on the selected cluster node
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( pecNodes->Reset() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Reset, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// If this is an add nodes operation, a quorum resource must have been
// found in the existing cluster.
Assert( ( m_fJoiningMode == FALSE ) || ( m_bstrQuorumUID != NULL ) );
// Loop thru the rest of the nodes comparing the resources.
for ( ; m_fStop == FALSE; ) { //
// Cleanup
if ( peccmr != NULL ) { peccmr->Release(); peccmr = NULL; } // if:
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); bstrNodeName = NULL;
// Get the next node.
hr = STHR( pecNodes->Next( 1, &cookieNode, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
// Skip the selected cluster node since we already have its
// configuration.
if ( cookieClusterNode == cookieNode ) { continue; }
// Retrieve the node's name for error messages.
hr = THR( HrRetrieveCookiesName( m_pom, cookieNode, &bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Retrieve the managed resources enumerator.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_ManagedResourceType, cookieNode, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableResources, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ) { hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources , TASKID_Minor_No_Managed_Resources_Found , 1 , 1 , 1 , MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NO_MANAGED_RESOURCES_FOUND ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
continue; // skip this node
} // if: no manageable resources for the node are available
else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Find_Object, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // else if: error finding manageable resources for the node
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgManagedResources, &peccmr ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Find_Object_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Loop thru the managed resources that the node has.
for ( ; m_fStop == FALSE; ) { //
// Cleanup
if ( pccmri != NULL ) { pccmri->Release(); pccmri = NULL; }
if ( peccmrCluster != NULL ) { peccmrCluster->Release(); peccmrCluster = NULL; }
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeResUID ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeResName ); bstrNodeResUID = NULL; bstrNodeResName = NULL;
// Get next resource
hr = STHR( peccmr->Next( 1, &pccmri, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
pccmri = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo", IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo, pccmri, 1 );
// Get the resource's UID and name.
hr = THR( pccmri->GetUID( &bstrNodeResUID ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_GetUID, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrNodeResUID );
hr = THR( pccmri->GetName( &bstrNodeResName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrNodeResName );
// See if it matches a resource already in the cluster configuration.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_ManagedResourceType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableResources, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ) { hr = S_FALSE; // create a new object.
// fall thru
} // if: no cluster manageable resources found
else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_Find_Object, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // else if: error finding manageable resources for the cluster
else { hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgManagedResources, &peccmrCluster ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_Find_Object_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL; } // else: found manageable resources for the cluster
// Loop thru the configured cluster resources to see what matches.
while ( ( hr == S_OK ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ) { BOOL fMatch;
// Cleanup
if ( pccmriCluster != NULL ) { pccmriCluster->Release(); pccmriCluster = NULL; }
TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterResUID ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterResName ); bstrClusterResUID = NULL; bstrClusterResName = NULL;
hr = STHR( peccmrCluster->Next( 1, &pccmriCluster, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
// Get the resource's UID and name.
hr = THR( pccmriCluster->GetUID( &bstrClusterResUID ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_GetUID, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrClusterResUID );
hr = THR( pccmriCluster->GetName( &bstrClusterResName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrClusterResName );
fMatch = ( NBSTRCompareCase( bstrNodeResUID, bstrClusterResUID ) == 0 );
if ( fMatch == FALSE ) { continue; // keep looping
// A resource is already in the database. See if it is the
// same from the POV of management.
// If we made it here then we think it truly is the same
// resource. The rest is stuff we need to fixup during the
// commit phase.
// If this node wants its resources managed, mark it as
// being managed in the cluster configuration as well.
// BUGBUG: 09-APR-2002 GalenB
// I cannot see how this code is ever executed! You must have more than one node in the nodes
// list to get down here. However, you can only have more than one node in the node list when
// adding nodes...
if ( m_fJoiningMode == FALSE ) { //
// Want to alert someone if we ever get in here...
Assert( FALSE );
hr = STHR( pccmri->IsManagedByDefault() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_IsManageable, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = THR( pccmriCluster->SetManaged( TRUE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_SetManaged, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Since this node manages this resource, it should be
// able to provide us with a name. We will use this
// name to overwrite whatever we currently have,
// except for the quorum resource, which already has
// the correct name.
hr = STHR( pccmri->IsQuorumResource() ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { hr = THR( pccmriCluster->SetName( bstrNodeResName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_SetResName, hr ); goto Cleanup; } } // if: is not quorum device
} // if: is managed
} // if: creating a new cluster
else { //
// Since we have a match and we are adding nodes to the cluster we need to perform a
// private data exchange if the server objects supported it.
hr = THR( HrResourcePrivateDataExchange( pccmriCluster, pccmri ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // else:
// Check to see if the resource is the quorum resource. If so, mark that
// we found a common quorum resource.
if ( m_bstrQuorumUID == NULL ) { //
// No previous quorum has been set. See if this is the quorum resource.
// There is already a quorum resource when adding nodes to
// the cluster, so this string better already be set.
Assert( m_fJoiningMode == FALSE );
hr = STHR( pccmri->IsQuorumResource() ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { //
// Yes it is. Then mark it in the configuration as such.
hr = THR( pccmriCluster->SetQuorumResource( TRUE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_SetQuorumDevice_Cluster, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Remember that this resource is the quorum.
hr = THR( pccmriCluster->GetUID( &m_bstrQuorumUID ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_SetQuorumDevice_GetUID, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( m_bstrQuorumUID ); LogMsg( L"[MT][2] Found the quorum resource '%ws' on node '%ws' and setting it as the quorum resource.", m_bstrQuorumUID, bstrNodeName ); } // if: node resource says its the quorum resource
} // if: haven't found the quorum resource yet
else if ( NBSTRCompareCase( m_bstrQuorumUID, bstrNodeResUID ) == 0 ) { //
// Check to ensure that the resource on the new node can
// really host the quorum resource.
LogMsg( L"[MT] Checking quorum capabilities (PrepareToHostQuorum) for node '%ws.' for quorum resource '%ws'", bstrNodeName, m_bstrQuorumUID );
hr = STHR( HrCheckQuorumCapabilities( pccmri, cookieNode ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// This is the same quorum. Mark the Node's configuration.
hr = THR( pccmri->SetQuorumResource( TRUE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_SetQuorumDevice_Node_True, hr ); goto Cleanup; } } // else if: node's resource matches the quorum resource
else { //
// Otherwise, make sure that the device isn't marked as quorum. (paranoid)
hr = THR( pccmri->SetQuorumResource( FALSE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources, TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Enum_Cluster_SetQuorumDevice_Node_False, hr ); goto Cleanup; } } // else: quorum already found and this is not it
// Display the names of the cluster resource and the node's
// resource in the log.
LogMsg( L"[MT] Matched resource '%ws' ('%ws') from node '%ws' with '%ws' ('%ws') on cluster node '%ws'." , bstrNodeResName , bstrNodeResUID , bstrNodeName , bstrClusterResName , bstrClusterResUID , bstrClusterNodeName );
// Exit the loop with S_OK so we don't create a new resource.
hr = S_OK; break; // exit loop
} // while: S_OK
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { hr = THR( HrCreateNewResourceInCluster( pccmri, bstrNodeResName, &bstrNodeResUID, bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // if: node's resource not matched to a cluster resource
} // for: each resource on the node
} // for: each node
hr = S_OK;
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Compare_Resources , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_COMPARE_RESOURCES ) );
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNotification ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterNodeName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterResUID ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterResName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeResUID ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeResName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrQuorumName );
if ( piccvq != NULL ) { piccvq->Release(); } // if:
if ( pccmriNew != NULL ) { pccmriNew->Release(); } // if:
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
if ( pecNodes != NULL ) { pecNodes->Release(); }
if ( peccmr != NULL ) { peccmr->Release(); }
if ( peccmrCluster != NULL ) { peccmrCluster->Release(); }
if ( pccmri != NULL ) { pccmri->Release(); }
if ( pccmriCluster != NULL ) { pccmriCluster->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCompareResources
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateNewManagedResourceInClusterConfiguration
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateNewManagedResourceInClusterConfiguration( IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmriIn , IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo ** ppccmriNewOut ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( pccmriIn != NULL ); Assert( ppccmriNewOut != NULL );
HRESULT hr; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieDummy; BSTR bstrUID = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IGatherData * pgd = NULL; IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmri = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateNewManagedResourceInClusterConfiguration() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
// TODO: gpease 28-JUN-2000
// Make this dynamic - for now we'll just create a "managed device."
// grab the name
hr = THR( pccmriIn->GetUID( &bstrUID ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_Create_Resource_GetUID, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrUID );
#ifdef DEBUG
BSTR _bstr_ = NULL;
THR( pccmriIn->GetName( &_bstr_ ) );
LogMsg( L"[MT] [HrCreateNewManagedResourceInClusterConfiguration] The UID for the new object is \"%ws\" and it has the name \"%ws\".", bstrUID, _bstr_ );
SysFreeString( _bstr_ ); #endif
// create an object in the object manager.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_ManagedResourceType, m_cookieCluster, bstrUID, DFGUID_ManagedResource, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_Create_Resource_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// find the IGatherData interface
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IGatherData, &pgd ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_Create_Resource_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// have the new object gather all information it needs
hr = THR( pgd->Gather( m_cookieCluster, pccmriIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_Create_Resource_Gather, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// hand the object out if requested
if ( ppccmriNewOut != NULL ) { // find the IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo, &pccmri ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_Create_Resource_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
*ppccmriNewOut = TraceInterface( L"ManagedResource!ICCMRI", IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo, pccmri, 0 ); (*ppccmriNewOut)->AddRef(); }
TraceSysFreeString( bstrUID );
if ( pccmri != NULL ) { pccmri->Release(); }
if ( pgd != NULL ) { pgd->Release(); }
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateNewManagedResourceInClusterConfiguration
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckForCommonQuorumResource
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckForCommonQuorumResource( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
OBJECTCOOKIE cookie; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieDummy; ULONG cMatchedNodes = 0; ULONG cAnalyzedNodes = 0; BOOL fNodeCanAccess = FALSE; BSTR bstrUID = NULL; BSTR bstrNotification = NULL; BSTR bstrNodeName = NULL; BSTR bstrMessage = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IEnumCookies * pecNodes = NULL; IEnumClusCfgManagedResources * peccmr = NULL; IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmri = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * piccni = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckForCommonQuorumResource() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Finding_Common_Quorum_Device , 0 , m_cNodes + 1 , 0 , S_OK , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_FINDING_COMMON_QUORUM_DEVICE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( m_bstrQuorumUID != NULL ) { //
// Grab the cookie enumer for nodes in our cluster configuration.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumCookies, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Check_Common_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumCookies, &pecNodes ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Check_Common_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
//pecNodes = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumCookies", IEnumCookies, pecNodes, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Scan the cluster configurations looking for the quorum resource.
for ( ;; ) { ULONG celtDummy;
if ( peccmr != NULL ) { peccmr->Release(); peccmr = NULL; } // if:
hr = STHR( pecNodes->Next( 1, &cookie, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Check_Common_Enum_Nodes_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, cookie, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &piccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); bstrNodeName = NULL;
hr = THR( piccni->GetName( &bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrNodeName );
// increment counter for a "nice" progress bar
cAnalyzedNodes ++;
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Finding_Common_Quorum_Device , 0 , m_cNodes + 1 , cAnalyzedNodes , S_OK , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_FINDING_COMMON_QUORUM_DEVICE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Grab the managed resource enumer for resources that our node has.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_ManagedResourceType, cookie, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableResources, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ) { continue; // ignore and continue
} else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { THR( hr ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Check_Common_Enum_Nodes_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgManagedResources, &peccmr ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Check_Common_Enum_Nodes_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
//peccmr = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumClusCfgManagedResources", IEnumClusCfgManagedResources, peccmr, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
fNodeCanAccess = FALSE;
// Loop thru the resources trying to match the UID of the quorum resource.
for ( ; m_fStop == FALSE; ) { TraceSysFreeString( bstrUID ); bstrUID = NULL;
if ( pccmri != NULL ) { pccmri->Release(); pccmri = NULL; }
hr = STHR( peccmr->Next( 1, &pccmri, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Check_Common_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
pccmri = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo", IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo, pccmri, 1 );
hr = THR( pccmri->GetUID( &bstrUID ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_Check_Common_Enum_Nodes_Enum_Resources_GetUID, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrUID );
if ( NBSTRCompareCase( bstrUID, m_bstrQuorumUID ) != 0 ) { continue; // doesn't match - keep going
cMatchedNodes ++; fNodeCanAccess = TRUE;
break; // exit condition
} // for: ( ; m_fStop == FALSE; )
// Give the UI feedback if this node has no access to the quorum
if ( fNodeCanAccess == FALSE ) { HRESULT hrTemp; DWORD dwRefId; CLSID clsidMinorId;
hr = THR( CoCreateGuid( &clsidMinorId ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { clsidMinorId = IID_NULL; } // if:
// Ensure that the parent item is in the tree control.
hr = THR( ::HrSendStatusReport( m_pcccb , m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Finding_Common_Quorum_Device , TASKID_Minor_Nodes_Cannot_Access_Quorum , 1 , 1 , 1 , S_OK , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NODES_CANNOT_ACCESS_QUORUM ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = HrFixupErrorCode( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_QUORUM_DISK_NOT_FOUND ) ); // don't THR this!
GetNodeCannotVerifyQuorumStringRefId( &dwRefId );
// Cleanup.
TraceSysFreeString( bstrMessage ); bstrMessage = NULL;
Assert( bstrNodeName != NULL );
hrTemp = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NODE_CANNOT_ACCESS_QUORUM_ERROR, &bstrMessage, bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hrTemp ) ) { hr = hrTemp; goto Cleanup; } // if:
hrTemp = THR( ::HrSendStatusReport( m_pcccb , m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Nodes_Cannot_Access_Quorum , clsidMinorId , 1 , 1 , 1 , hr , bstrMessage , dwRefId ) ); if ( FAILED( hrTemp ) ) { hr = hrTemp; goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // if ( fNodeCanAccess == FALSE )
} // for: ever
} // if: m_bstrQuorumUID != NULL
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Figure out if we ended up with a common quorum device.
if ( cMatchedNodes == m_cNodes ) { //
// We found a device that can be used as a common quorum device.
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Finding_Common_Quorum_Device , TASKID_Minor_Found_Common_Quorum_Resource , 1 , 1 , 1 , S_OK , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_FOUND_COMMON_QUORUM_RESOURCE ) ); // error checked outside if/else statement
} else { if ( ( m_cNodes == 1 ) && ( m_fJoiningMode == FALSE ) ) { //
// We didn't find a common quorum device, but we're only forming. We can
// create the cluster with a local quorum. Just put up a warning.
hr = THR( HrShowLocalQuorumWarning() );
// error checked outside if/else statement
} else { HRESULT hrTemp; DWORD dwMessageId; DWORD dwRefId;
// We didn't find a common quorum device.
hr = HrFixupErrorCode( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_QUORUM_DISK_NOT_FOUND ) ); // don't THR this!
GetNoCommonQuorumToAllNodesStringIds( &dwMessageId, &dwRefId );
hrTemp = THR( ::HrSendStatusReport( m_pcccb , m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Finding_Common_Quorum_Device , TASKID_Minor_Missing_Common_Quorum_Resource , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , dwMessageId , dwRefId ) );
// Should we bail out and return an error to the client?
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// If the SSR failed. This is a secondary failure to the one above.
if ( FAILED( hrTemp ) ) { hr = hrTemp; goto Cleanup; } // if:
} }
// Check to see if any of the SendStatusReports() returned anything
// of interest.
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = S_OK;
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Finding_Common_Quorum_Device , 0 , m_cNodes + 1 , m_cNodes + 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_FINDING_COMMON_QUORUM_DEVICE ) );
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
if ( piccni != NULL ) { piccni->Release(); } // if:
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNotification ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrUID ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrMessage );
if ( pccmri != NULL ) { pccmri->Release(); } // if:
if ( peccmr != NULL ) { peccmr->Release(); } // if:
if ( pecNodes != NULL ) { pecNodes->Release(); } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckForCommonQuorumResource
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCompareNetworks
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCompareNetworks( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrError = S_OK; BSTR bstrUID = NULL; BSTR bstrName = NULL; BSTR bstrUIDExisting; BSTR bstrNotification = NULL; ULONG celtDummy; BOOL fIsPrivateNetworkAvailable = FALSE; BOOL fIsPublicNetworkAvailable = FALSE; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieNode; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieDummy; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieFirst; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IEnumCookies * pecNodes = NULL; IEnumClusCfgNetworks * peccn = NULL; IEnumClusCfgNetworks * peccnCluster = NULL; IClusCfgNetworkInfo * pccni = NULL; IClusCfgNetworkInfo * pccniCluster = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCompareNetworks() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks , 0 , 1 , 0 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_COMPARE_NETWORKS ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( HrGetAClusterNodeCookie( &pecNodes, &cookieFirst ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Retrieve the node name in case of errors.
hr = THR( HrRetrieveCookiesName( m_pom, cookieFirst, &bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Retrieve the networks enumer.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NetworkType, cookieFirst, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableNetworks, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ) { hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( bstrName , TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks , TASKID_Minor_No_Managed_Networks_Found , 1 , 1 , 1 , MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NO_MANAGED_NETWORKS_FOUND ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// fall thru - the while ( hr == S_OK ) will be FALSE and keep going
} else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumResources_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; } else { hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgNetworks, &peccn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumResources_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
//peccn = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumClusCfgNetworks", IEnumClusCfgNetworks, peccn, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL; }
// Loop thru the first nodes networks create an equalivant network
// under the cluster configuration object/cookie.
while ( ( hr == S_OK ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ) {
// Cleanup
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); pccni = NULL; }
// Get next network
hr = STHR( peccn->Next( 1, &pccni, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetwork_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
pccni = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IClusCfgNetworkInfo", IClusCfgNetworkInfo, pccni, 1 );
// create a new object
hr = THR( HrCreateNewNetworkInClusterConfiguration( pccni, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
} // while: S_OK
// Reset the enumeration.
hr = THR( pecNodes->Reset() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_Reset, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Loop thru the rest of the nodes comparing the networks.
do { //
// Cleanup
if ( peccn != NULL ) { peccn->Release(); peccn = NULL; } TraceSysFreeString( bstrName ); bstrName = NULL;
// Get the next node.
hr = STHR( pecNodes->Next( 1, &cookieNode, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_NextNode, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
if ( cookieNode == cookieFirst ) { continue; // skip it
// Retrieve the node's name
hr = THR( HrRetrieveCookiesName( m_pom, cookieNode, &bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Retrieve the networks enumer.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NetworkType, cookieNode, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableNetworks, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ) { hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( bstrName , TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks , TASKID_Minor_No_Managed_Networks_Found , 1 , 1 , 1 , MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NO_MANAGED_NETWORKS_FOUND ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
continue; // skip this node
} // if: not found
else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_Next_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgNetworks, &peccn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
//peccn = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumClusCfgNetworks", IEnumClusCfgNetworks, peccn, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Loop thru the networks already that the node has.
// These are used to detect whether or not private and public communications are enabled.
fIsPrivateNetworkAvailable = FALSE; fIsPublicNetworkAvailable = FALSE;
do { //
// Cleanup
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); pccni = NULL; } TraceSysFreeString( bstrUID ); bstrUID = NULL;
if ( peccnCluster != NULL ) { peccnCluster->Release(); peccnCluster = NULL; }
// Get next network
hr = STHR( peccn->Next( 1, &pccni, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetworks_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
pccni = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IClusCfgNetworkInfo", IClusCfgNetworkInfo, pccni, 1 );
// Grab the network's UUID.
hr = THR( pccni->GetUID( &bstrUID ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetworks_GetUID, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrUID );
// See if it matches a network already in the cluster configuration.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NetworkType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableNetworks, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ) { hr = S_FALSE; // create a new object.
// fall thru
} else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetworks_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgNetworks, &peccnCluster ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetworks_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
//peccnCluster = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumClusCfgNetworks", IEnumClusCfgNetworks, peccnCluster, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Loop thru the configured cluster network to see what matches.
while ( ( hr == S_OK ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ) { BOOL fMatch;
// Cleanup
if ( pccniCluster != NULL ) { pccniCluster->Release(); pccniCluster = NULL; }
hr = STHR( peccnCluster->Next( 1, &pccniCluster, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetworks_Cluster_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
pccniCluster = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IClusCfgNetworkInfo", IClusCfgNetworkInfo, pccniCluster, 1 );
hr = THR( pccniCluster->GetUID( &bstrUIDExisting ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetworks_Cluster_GetUID, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrUIDExisting );
fMatch = ( NBSTRCompareCase( bstrUID, bstrUIDExisting ) == 0 ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrUIDExisting );
if ( fMatch == FALSE ) { continue; // keep looping
// If we made it here then we think it TRUEly is the same network. The
// rest is stuff we need to fixup during the commit phase.
// Exit the loop with S_OK so we don't create a new network.
// We have a match. Now see if it's private and/or public.
hr = pccniCluster->IsPublic(); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetworks_IsPublic, hr ); goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr == S_OK ) { fIsPublicNetworkAvailable = TRUE; }
hr = pccniCluster->IsPrivate(); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_EnumNetworks_IsPrivate, hr ); goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr == S_OK ) { fIsPrivateNetworkAvailable = TRUE; }
hr = S_OK; break; // exit loop
} // while: S_OK
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { //
// Need to create a new object.
Assert( pccni != NULL );
hr = THR( HrCreateNewNetworkInClusterConfiguration( pccni, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
} // if: object not found
} while ( ( hr == S_OK ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ); // networks
// If no public network is available return a warning. If no private network is available
// return an error, which supercedes the warning.
if ( fIsPublicNetworkAvailable == FALSE ) { hr = THR( HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NO_PUBLIC_NETWORKS_FOUND, &bstrNotification, bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_IsPublic_FormatMessage, hr ); }
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks , TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_IsPublicNetworkAvailable , 1 , 1 , 1 , MAKE_HRESULT( SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND ) , bstrNotification , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// At a minimum we need to return a warning. If we have anything less than that
// then upgrade it to our warning. We don't break or goto Cleanup here so that
// we can continue evaluating any other nodes that we're trying to add.
if ( hrError == S_OK ) { hrError = MAKE_HRESULT( SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_WIN32, ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND ); } } // if: publicnetworkavailable == FALSE
if ( fIsPrivateNetworkAvailable == FALSE ) { hr = THR( HrFormatMessageIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NO_PRIVATE_NETWORKS_FOUND, &bstrNotification, bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks, TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_IsPrivate_FormatMessage, hr ); }
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks , TASKID_Minor_CompareNetworks_EnumNodes_IsPrivateNetworkAvailable , 1 , 1 , 1 , HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND ) , bstrNotification , NULL , NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// We need to return an error. If we have anything less than that
// then upgrade it to our error. We don't break or goto Cleanup here so that
// we can continue evaluating any other nodes that we're trying to add.
if ( HRESULT_SEVERITY( hrError ) < SEVERITY_ERROR ) { hrError = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND ); } } // if: privatenetworkavailable == FALSE
} while ( ( hr == S_OK ) && ( m_fStop == FALSE ) ); // nodes
// If we had an error with one of the new nodes not having both public and private
// communications enabled, then return the correct error. We do this here so that
// we can analyze all of the nodes in the enumeration to detect multiple errors at
// once. If we get here then hr is going to be S_FALSE since that is the normal
// exit condition for the loops above. Any other exit would have gone to cleanup.
hr = hrError;
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Check_Compare_Networks , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_COMPARE_NETWORKS ) );
TraceSysFreeString( bstrUID ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNotification );
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
if ( pecNodes != NULL ) { pecNodes->Release(); }
if ( peccn != NULL ) { peccn->Release(); }
if ( peccnCluster != NULL ) { peccnCluster->Release(); }
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); }
if ( pccniCluster != NULL ) { pccniCluster->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCompareNetworks
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateNewNetworkInClusterConfiguration
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateNewNetworkInClusterConfiguration( IClusCfgNetworkInfo * pccniIn, IClusCfgNetworkInfo ** ppccniNewOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IGatherData * pgd = NULL; IClusCfgNetworkInfo * pccni = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateNewNetworkInClusterConfiguration() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
// grab the name
hr = THR( pccniIn->GetUID( &bstrUID ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CreateNetwork_GetUID, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrUID );
// create an object in the object manager.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NetworkType, m_cookieCluster, bstrUID, DFGUID_NetworkResource, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CreateNetwork_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// find the IGatherData interface
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IGatherData, &pgd ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CreateNetwork_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// have the new object gather all information it needs
hr = THR( pgd->Gather( m_cookieCluster, pccniIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CreateNetwork_Gather, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// hand the object out if requested
if ( ppccniNewOut != NULL ) { // find the IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNetworkInfo, &pccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CreateNetwork_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
*ppccniNewOut = TraceInterface( L"ManagedResource!ICCNI", IClusCfgNetworkInfo, pccni, 0 ); (*ppccniNewOut)->AddRef(); }
Cleanup: TraceSysFreeString( bstrUID );
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); } if ( pgd != NULL ) { pgd->Release(); } if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCreateNewNetworkInClusterConfiguration
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrFreeCookies
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrFreeCookies( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hrReturn = S_OK;
Assert( m_pom != NULL );
while( m_cCookies != 0 ) { m_cCookies --;
if ( m_pcookies[ m_cCookies ] != NULL ) { hr = THR( m_pom->RemoveObject( m_pcookies[ m_cCookies ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { hrReturn = hr; } } // if: found cookie
} // while: more cookies
Assert( m_cCookies == 0 ); m_cSubTasksDone = 0; TraceFree( m_pcookies ); m_pcookies = NULL;
HRETURN( hrReturn );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrFreeCookies
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckInteroperability
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckInteroperability( void ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( m_pcm != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUnknown * punk = NULL; bool fAllNodesMatch; DWORD dwNodeHighestVersion; DWORD dwNodeLowestVersion;
IClusCfgServer * piccs = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * piccni = NULL; IClusCfgClusterInfo * piccci = NULL; IClusCfgClusterInfoEx * picccie = NULL;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckInteroperability() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
// If were are creating a new cluster, there is no need to do this check.
if ( m_fJoiningMode == FALSE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Tell the UI were are starting this.
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_CheckInteroperability , 0 , 1 , 0 , S_OK , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECKINTEROPERABILITY ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// All nodes must be at the same level diring a bulk add.
hr = STHR( HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion( &dwNodeHighestVersion, &dwNodeLowestVersion, &fAllNodesMatch ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Error; } // if:
// If no nodes found that are being added, then there isn't a need to do
// do this check. Just bail.
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if
if ( fAllNodesMatch == FALSE ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CLUSTER_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONS ) ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Get and verify the sponsor version
hr = THR( m_pcm->GetConnectionToObject( m_cookieCluster, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCheckInteroperability_GetConnectionObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgServer, &piccs ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCheckInteroperability_ConfigConnection_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( piccs->GetClusterNodeInfo( &piccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCheckInteroperability_GetNodeInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( piccni->GetClusterConfigInfo( &piccci ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCheckInteroperability_GetClusterConfigInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( piccci->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgClusterInfoEx, &picccie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_HrCheckInteroperability_ClusterInfoEx_QI , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_ERR_NO_RC2_INTERFACE ) ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( picccie->CheckJoiningNodeVersion( dwNodeHighestVersion, dwNodeLowestVersion ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCheckInteroperability_CheckJoiningNodeVersion, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if: CheckJoiningNodeVersion() failed
goto UpdateStatus;
Error: UpdateStatus: { HRESULT hr2;
hr2 = THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName, TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckInteroperability, 0, 1, 1, hr, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr2 ) ) { hr = hr2; } // if
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
if ( piccs != NULL ) { piccs->Release(); } // if:
if ( piccni != NULL ) { piccni->Release(); } // if:
if ( piccci != NULL ) { piccci->Release(); } // if:
if ( picccie != NULL ) { picccie->Release(); } // if:
HRETURN( hr ); } //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckInteroperability
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion( DWORD * pdwNodeHighestVersionOut, DWORD * pdwNodeLowestVersionOut, bool * pfAllNodesMatchOut ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( m_fJoiningMode ); Assert( pdwNodeHighestVersionOut != NULL ); Assert( pdwNodeLowestVersionOut != NULL ); Assert( pfAllNodesMatchOut != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieDummy; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IEnumNodes * pen = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL; DWORD rgdwNodeHighestVersion[ 2 ]; DWORD rgdwNodeLowestVersion[ 2 ]; int idx = 0; BSTR bstrDescription = NULL; BSTR bstrNodeName = NULL; BSTR bstrFirstNodeName = NULL; BOOL fFoundAtLeastOneJoiningNode = FALSE;
TraceFlow1( "[MT] CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion() Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
*pfAllNodesMatchOut = TRUE;
ZeroMemory( rgdwNodeHighestVersion, sizeof( rgdwNodeHighestVersion ) ); ZeroMemory( rgdwNodeLowestVersion, sizeof( rgdwNodeLowestVersion ) );
// Ask the object manager for the node enumerator.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumNodes, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumNodes, &pen ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Look at each node and ensure that they all have the same version.
Assert( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ); while ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ULONG celtDummy;
// Cleanup
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); pccni = NULL; } // if:
// Get the next node.
hr = STHR( pen->Next( 1, &pccni, &celtDummy ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; // exit condition
} // if:
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion_EnumNode_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = STHR( pccni->IsMemberOfCluster() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion_Node_IsMemberOfCluster, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Only want to check those nodes that are not already members of a cluster. The nodes being added.
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fFoundAtLeastOneJoiningNode = TRUE;
hr = THR( pccni->GetClusterVersion( &rgdwNodeHighestVersion[ idx ], &rgdwNodeLowestVersion[ idx ] ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion_Node_GetClusterVersion, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Need to get the another node's version.
if ( idx == 1 ) { WCHAR * psz = NULL;
hr = THR( pccni->GetName( &bstrFirstNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrFirstNodeName );
psz = wcschr( bstrFirstNodeName, L'.' ); if ( psz != NULL ) { *psz = L'\0'; // change from an FQDN to a simple node name.
} // if:
continue; } // if:
// Let's compare two nodes at a time...
if ( idx == 2 ) { if ( ( rgdwNodeHighestVersion[ 0 ] == rgdwNodeHighestVersion[ 1 ] ) && ( rgdwNodeLowestVersion[ 1 ] == rgdwNodeLowestVersion[ 1 ] ) ) { idx = 1; // reset to put the next node's version values at the second position...
continue; } // if:
else { *pfAllNodesMatchOut = FALSE;
hr = THR( pccni->GetName( &bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrNodeName );
hr = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NODES_VERSION_MISMATCH, &bstrDescription, bstrFirstNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion_FormatString, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_CheckInteroperability , TASKID_Minor_Incompatible_Versions , 1 , 1 , 1 , HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CLUSTER_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONS ) , bstrDescription , NULL , NULL ) ); goto Cleanup; } // else:
} // if:
} // if:
} // while: hr
if ( fFoundAtLeastOneJoiningNode == FALSE ) { THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_CheckInteroperability , TASKID_Minor_No_Joining_Nodes_Found_For_Version_Check , 1 , 1 , 1 , S_FALSE , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_NO_JOINING_NODES_FOUND_FOR_VERSION_CHECK ) );
hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Fill in the out args...
*pdwNodeHighestVersionOut = rgdwNodeHighestVersion[ 0 ]; *pdwNodeLowestVersionOut = rgdwNodeLowestVersion[ 0 ];
hr = S_OK;
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); } // if:
if ( pen != NULL ) { pen->Release(); } // if:
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrFirstNodeName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrDescription );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrEnsureAllJoiningNodesSameVersion
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetUsersNodesCookies
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetUsersNodesCookies( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr; ULONG cElememtsReturned; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieDummy; ULONG cNode; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IEnumCookies * pec = NULL; BSTR bstrName = NULL;
// Get the cookie enumerator.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumCookies, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_GetUsersNodesCookies_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumCookies, &pec ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_GetUsersNodesCookies_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Get the number of nodes entered by the user.
hr = THR( pec->Count( &m_cUserNodes ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_GetUsersNodesCookies_EnumCookies_Count, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if: error getting count of nodes entered by user
Assert( hr == S_OK );
// Allocate a buffer for the cookies.
m_pcookiesUser = (OBJECTCOOKIE *) TraceAlloc( 0, sizeof( OBJECTCOOKIE ) * m_cUserNodes ); if ( m_pcookiesUser == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_GetUsersNodesCookies_OutOfMemory, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Reset the enumerator.
hr = THR( pec->Reset() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_GetUsersNodesCookies_EnumCookies_Reset, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Enumerate them again this time putting the cookies into the buffer.
for ( cNode = 0 ; cNode < m_cUserNodes ; cNode ++ ) { //
// Cleanup
TraceSysFreeString( bstrName ); bstrName = NULL;
// Get each user-added node cookie in turn and add it to the array...
hr = THR( pec->Next( 1, &m_pcookiesUser[ cNode ], &cElememtsReturned ) ); AssertMsg( hr != S_FALSE, "We should never hit this because the count of nodes should not change!" ); if ( hr != S_OK ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_GetUsersNodesCookies_EnumCookies_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Log the node name as a user-added node.
hr = THR( HrRetrieveCookiesName( m_pom, m_pcookiesUser[ cNode ], &bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
LogMsg( L"[MT] Adding node '%ws' to the list of user-added nodes.", bstrName ); } // for: each user-entered node
Assert( cNode == m_cUserNodes );
#ifdef DEBUG
hr = STHR( pec->Next( 1, &cookie, &cElememtsReturned ) ); Assert( hr == S_FALSE ); } #endif
hr = S_OK;
TraceSysFreeString( bstrName );
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
if ( pec != NULL ) { pec->Release(); } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetUsersNodesCookies
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrIsUserAddedNode
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT failure.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrIsUserAddedNode( BSTR bstrNodeNameIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; ULONG cNode; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL; BSTR bstrNodeName = NULL;
for ( cNode = 0 ; cNode < m_cUserNodes ; cNode ++ ) { hr = m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, m_pcookiesUser[ cNode ], &punk ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ) { ULONG idx;
// The cookie at cNode was removed from the object manager since it was gathered before the nodes
// were connected to. This typically means that the user added node was removed form the list
// of nodes to work on. We need to remove this cookie from the list.
// Shift the cookies to the left by one index.
for ( idx = cNode; idx < m_cUserNodes - 1; idx++ ) { m_pcookiesUser[ idx ] = m_pcookiesUser[ idx + 1 ]; } // for:
m_cUserNodes -= 1; hr = S_FALSE; continue; } else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { THR( hr ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrIsUserAddedNode_GetObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // else if:
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &pccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrIsUserAddedNode_GetObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
hr = THR( pccni->GetName( &bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrIsUserAddedNode_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( bstrNodeName );
pccni->Release(); pccni = NULL;
if ( NBSTRCompareCase( bstrNodeNameIn, bstrNodeName ) == 0 ) { hr = S_OK; break; } // if:
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); bstrNodeName = NULL;
hr = S_FALSE; } // for:
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); } // if:
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrIsUserAddedNode
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSendStatusReport
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
// Remarks:
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSendStatusReport( LPCWSTR pcszNodeNameIn , CLSID clsidMajorIn , CLSID clsidMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , ULONG ulCurrentIn , HRESULT hrIn , int nDescriptionIdIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstr = NULL;
hr = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, nDescriptionIdIn, &bstr ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( pcszNodeNameIn == NULL ? m_bstrClusterName : pcszNodeNameIn , clsidMajorIn , clsidMinorIn , ulMinIn , ulMaxIn , ulCurrentIn , hrIn , bstr , NULL , NULL ) );
TraceSysFreeString( bstr );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrSendStatusReport
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrResourcePrivateDataExchange
// Description:
// The two passed in managed resources are a match between the one in
// the cluster and one on a node. If they both support the
// IClusCfgManagedResourceData interface then the private data from
// the resource in the cluster will be handed to the resource on the
// node.
// Arguments:
// pccmriClusterIn
// The mananged resource in the cluster.
// pccmriNodeIn
// The managed resource from the node.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
// Remarks:
// This function will return S_OK unless there is a good reason to stop
// the caller from continuing. Just because one, or both, of these
// objects does not support the IClusCfgManagedResourceData interface
// is not a good reason to stop.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrResourcePrivateDataExchange( IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmriClusterIn , IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmriNodeIn ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( pccmriClusterIn != NULL ); Assert( pccmriNodeIn != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrClusterQI = S_OK; HRESULT hrNodeQI = S_OK; IClusCfgManagedResourceData * pccmrdCluster = NULL; IClusCfgManagedResourceData * pccmrdNode = NULL; BYTE * pbPrivateData = NULL; DWORD cbPrivateData = 0;
hrClusterQI = pccmriClusterIn->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgManagedResourceData, &pccmrdCluster ); if ( hrClusterQI == E_NOINTERFACE ) { LogMsg( L"[MT] The cluster managed resource has no support for IClusCfgManagedResourceData." ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
else if ( FAILED( hrClusterQI ) ) { hr = THR( hrClusterQI ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrResourcePrivateDataExchange_ClusterResource_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hrNodeQI = pccmriNodeIn->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgManagedResourceData, &pccmrdNode ); if ( hrNodeQI == E_NOINTERFACE ) { LogMsg( L"[MT] The new node resource has no support for IClusCfgManagedResourceData." ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
else if ( FAILED( hrNodeQI ) ) { hr = THR( hrNodeQI ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrResourcePrivateDataExchange_NodeResource_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
Assert( ( hrClusterQI == S_OK ) && ( pccmrdCluster != NULL ) ); Assert( ( hrNodeQI == S_OK ) && ( pccmrdNode != NULL ) );
cbPrivateData = 512; // start with a reasonable amout
pbPrivateData = (BYTE *) TraceAlloc( 0, cbPrivateData ); if ( pbPrivateData == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrResourcePrivateDataExchange_Out_Of_Memory1, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = pccmrdCluster->GetResourcePrivateData( pbPrivateData, &cbPrivateData ); if ( hr == HR_RPC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { TraceFree( pbPrivateData ); pbPrivateData = NULL;
pbPrivateData = (BYTE *) TraceAlloc( 0, cbPrivateData ); if ( pbPrivateData == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrResourcePrivateDataExchange_Out_Of_Memory2, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = pccmrdCluster->GetResourcePrivateData( pbPrivateData, &cbPrivateData ); } // if:
if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = THR( pccmrdNode->SetResourcePrivateData( pbPrivateData, cbPrivateData ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrResourcePrivateDataExchange_SetResourcePrivateData, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // if:
else if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { hr = S_OK; } // else if:
else { THR( hr ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrResourcePrivateDataExchange_GetResourcePrivateData, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( pccmrdCluster != NULL ) { pccmrdCluster->Release(); } // if:
if ( pccmrdNode != NULL ) { pccmrdNode->Release(); } // if:
TraceFree( pbPrivateData );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrResourcePrivateDataExchange
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckQuorumCapabilities
// Description:
// Call through the CManagedResource proxy object to the server side
// object and ensure that it can indeed host the quorum resource.
// Arguments:
// pccmriNodeResourceIn
// The managed resource from the node.
// cookieNodeIn
// The cookie for the node that the passed in resource belongs to.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
// Remarks:
// This function will return S_OK unless there is a good reason to stop
// the caller from continuing.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckQuorumCapabilities( IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmriNodeResourceIn , OBJECTCOOKIE cookieNodeIn ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( pccmriNodeResourceIn != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IClusCfgVerifyQuorum * piccvq = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pcni = NULL;
// Get a node info object for the passed in node cookie.
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, cookieNodeIn, reinterpret_cast< IUnknown ** >( &pcni ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
Assert( pcni != NULL );
// If this node is already a member of the cluster, or an error occurs,
// then we should not call PrepareToHostQuorum() on that node.
hr = STHR( pcni->IsMemberOfCluster() ); if ( hr != S_FALSE ) { BSTR bstr = NULL;
THR( pcni->GetName( &bstr ) );
if ( hr == S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[MT] Skipping quorum capabilities check for node \"%ws\" because the node is already clustered.", bstr != NULL ? bstr : L"<unknown>" ); } // if:
else { LogMsg( L"[MT] Skipping quorum capabilities check for node \"%ws\". (hr = %#08x)", bstr != NULL ? bstr : L"<unknown>", hr ); } // else:
SysFreeString( bstr ); // do not make TraceSysFreeString because it hasn't been tracked!!
goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = pccmriNodeResourceIn->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgVerifyQuorum, &piccvq ); if ( hr == E_NOINTERFACE ) { hr = S_OK; goto Cleanup; } // if:
else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCheckQuorumCapabilities_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // else if:
Assert( (hr == S_OK ) && ( piccvq != NULL ) );
hr = THR( HrAddResurceToCleanupList( piccvq ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCheckQuorumCapabilities_HrAddResurceToCleanupList, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = STHR( piccvq->PrepareToHostQuorumResource() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCheckQuorumCapabilities_PrepareToHostQuorumResource, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( pcni != NULL ) { pcni->Release(); } // if:
if ( piccvq != NULL ) { piccvq->Release(); } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckQuorumCapabilities
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCleanupTask
// Description:
// Call through the CManagedResource proxy objects to the server side
// objects and give them a chance to cleanup anything they might need
// to.
// Arguments:
// hrCompletionStatusIn
// The completion status of this task.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCleanupTask( HRESULT hrCompletionStatusIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG idx; EClusCfgCleanupReason ecccr = crSUCCESS;
// Figure out what the cleanup reason should be.
if ( hrCompletionStatusIn == E_ABORT ) { ecccr = crCANCELLED; } // if:
else if ( FAILED( hrCompletionStatusIn ) ) { ecccr = crERROR; } // else if:
for ( idx = 0; idx < m_idxQuorumToCleanupNext; idx++ ) { hr = STHR( ((*m_prgQuorumsToCleanup)[ idx ])->Cleanup( ecccr ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_HrCleanupTask_Cleanup, hr ); } // if:
} // for:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCleanupTask
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrAddResurceToCleanupList
// Description:
// Add the passed in object to the side list of objects that need
// to be called for cleanup when the task exits.
// Arguments:
// piccvqIn
// The object to add to the list.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrAddResurceToCleanupList( IClusCfgVerifyQuorum * piccvqIn ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( piccvqIn != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IClusCfgVerifyQuorum * ((*prgTemp)[]) = NULL;
prgTemp = (IClusCfgVerifyQuorum *((*)[])) TraceReAlloc( m_prgQuorumsToCleanup , sizeof( IClusCfgVerifyQuorum * ) * ( m_idxQuorumToCleanupNext + 1 ) , HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY ); if ( prgTemp == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_HrAddResurceToCleanupList_Memory, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
m_prgQuorumsToCleanup = prgTemp;
(*m_prgQuorumsToCleanup)[ m_idxQuorumToCleanupNext++ ] = piccvqIn; piccvqIn->AddRef();
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrAddResurceToCleanupList
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckPlatformInteroperability
// Description:
// Check each node's platform specs, processor architecture against
// the cluster's plaform specs.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckPlatformInteroperability( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cookieClusterNode; DWORD cookieNode; IEnumCookies * pecNodes = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * piccni = NULL; WORD wClusterProcArch; WORD wNodeProcArch; WORD wClusterProcLevel; WORD wNodeProcLevel; BSTR bstrNodeName = NULL; ULONG celtDummy; BSTR bstrDescription = NULL; BSTR bstrReference = NULL;
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Check_processor_Architecture , 0 , 1 , 0 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Get a node that is already in the cluster.
hr = THR( HrGetAClusterNodeCookie( &pecNodes, &cookieClusterNode ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Retrieve the node information.
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, cookieClusterNode, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckPlatformInteroperability_NodeInfo_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &piccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckPlatformInteroperability_NodeInfo_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
piccni = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!HrCheckPlatformInteroperability", IClusCfgNodeInfo, piccni, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// Now get that node's processor architecture values.
hr = THR( piccni->GetProcessorInfo( &wClusterProcArch, &wClusterProcLevel ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckPlatformInteroperability_Get_Proc_info, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Cleanup since we now have the processor info for the cluster.
piccni->Release(); piccni = NULL;
hr = THR( pecNodes->Reset() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckPlatformInteroperability_Enum_Reset, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Loop thru the rest of the nodes comparing the resources.
for ( ; m_fStop == FALSE; ) { //
// Cleanup
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); bstrNodeName = NULL;
if ( piccni != NULL ) { piccni->Release(); piccni = NULL; } // if:
// Get the next node.
hr = STHR( pecNodes->Next( 1, &cookieNode, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckPlatformInteroperability_Enum_Nodes_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { hr = S_OK; break; // exit condition
} // if:
// Skip the selected cluster node since we already have its
// configuration.
if ( cookieClusterNode == cookieNode ) { continue; } // if:
// Retrieve the node's name for error messages.
hr = THR( HrRetrieveCookiesName( m_pom, cookieNode, &bstrNodeName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Retrieve the node information.
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, cookieNode, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckPlatformInteroperability_NodeInfo_FindObject_1, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &piccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckPlatformInteroperability_NodeInfo_FindObject_QI_1, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
piccni = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!HrCheckPlatformInteroperability", IClusCfgNodeInfo, piccni, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
hr = THR( piccni->GetProcessorInfo( &wNodeProcArch, &wNodeProcLevel ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility, TASKID_Minor_CheckPlatformInteroperability_Get_Proc_info_1, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// If either the processor architecture is not the same between the node and the cluster
// then inform the user and fail.
if ( wClusterProcArch != wNodeProcArch ) { THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_MISMATCH , &bstrDescription , bstrNodeName ) );
THR( HrFormatProcessorArchitectureRef( wClusterProcArch, wNodeProcArch, bstrNodeName, &bstrReference ) );
THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Minor_Check_processor_Architecture , TASKID_Minor_Processor_Architecture_Mismatch , 1 , 1 , 1 , hr , bstrDescription != NULL ? bstrDescription : L"A node was found that was not the same processor architecture as the cluster." , NULL , bstrReference ) );
goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // for:
THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrClusterName , TASKID_Major_Check_Cluster_Feasibility , TASKID_Minor_Check_processor_Architecture , 0 , 1 , 1 , hr , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE ) );
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
if ( piccni != NULL ) { piccni->Release(); } // if:
if ( pecNodes != NULL ) { pecNodes->Release(); } // if :
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrDescription ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrReference );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrCheckPlatformInteroperability
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetAClusterNodeCookie
// Description:
// Check each node's platform specs, processor architecture against
// the cluster's plaform specs.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetAClusterNodeCookie( IEnumCookies ** ppecNodesOut , DWORD * pdwClusterNodeCookieOut ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( ppecNodesOut != NULL ); Assert( pdwClusterNodeCookieOut != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cookieDummy; DWORD cookieClusterNode; ULONG celtDummy; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL;
// Get the node cookie enumerator.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, m_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumCookies, &cookieDummy, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GetAClusterNodeCookie_Find_Object, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumCookies, ppecNodesOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GetAClusterNodeCookie_Find_Object_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
*ppecNodesOut = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IEnumCookies", IEnumCookies, *ppecNodesOut, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
// If creating a cluster, it doesn't matter who we pick to prime the cluster configuration
if ( m_fJoiningMode == FALSE ) { //
// The first guy thru, we just copy his resources under the cluster
// configuration.
hr = THR( (*ppecNodesOut)->Next( 1, &cookieClusterNode, &celtDummy ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GetAClusterNodeCookie_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; } } // if: not adding
else { //
// We are adding nodes to the cluster. Find a node that is ta member
// of the cluster and use it to prime the new configuration.
for ( ;; ) { //
// Cleanup
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); pccni = NULL; }
hr = STHR( (*ppecNodesOut)->Next( 1, &cookieClusterNode, &celtDummy ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { //
// We shouldn't make it here. There should be at least one node
// in the cluster that we are adding.
hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) ); SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GetAClusterNodeCookie_Find_Formed_Node_Next, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_GetAClusterNodeCookie_Find_Formed_Node_Next1, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Retrieve the node information.
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, cookieClusterNode, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareResources_NodeInfo_FindObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &pccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_ANALYSIS_FAILED( TASKID_Major_Find_Devices, TASKID_Minor_CompareResources_NodeInfo_FindObject_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
pccni = TraceInterface( L"CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase!IClusCfgNodeInfo", IClusCfgNodeInfo, pccni, 1 );
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
hr = STHR( pccni->IsMemberOfCluster() ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { break; // exit condition
} } // for: ever
} // else: adding
*pdwClusterNodeCookieOut = cookieClusterNode; hr = S_OK;
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetAClusterNodeCookie
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrFormatProcessorArchitectureRef(
// Description:
// Format a reference string with the processor architecture types in
// it.
// Arguments:
// wClusterProcArchIn
// wNodeProcArchIn
// pcszNodeNameIn
// pbstrReferenceOut
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrFormatProcessorArchitectureRef( WORD wClusterProcArchIn , WORD wNodeProcArchIn , LPCWSTR pcszNodeNameIn , BSTR * pbstrReferenceOut ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( pcszNodeNameIn != NULL ); Assert( pbstrReferenceOut != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrClusterArch = NULL; BSTR bstrNodeArch = NULL;
hr = THR( HrGetProcessorArchitectureString( wClusterProcArchIn, &bstrClusterArch ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( HrGetProcessorArchitectureString( wNodeProcArchIn, &bstrNodeArch ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_MISMATCH_REF , pbstrReferenceOut , bstrClusterArch , bstrNodeArch , pcszNodeNameIn ) );
TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterArch ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeArch );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrFormatProcessorArchitectureRef
// CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetProcessorArchitectureString
// Description:
// Get the description string for the passed in architecture.
// it.
// Arguments:
// wProcessorArchitectureIn
// pbstrProcessorArchitectureOut
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetProcessorArchitectureString( WORD wProcessorArchitectureIn , BSTR * pbstrProcessorArchitectureOut ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( pbstrProcessorArchitectureOut != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; int id;
switch ( wProcessorArchitectureIn ) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL : id = IDS_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL; break;
} // switch:
hr = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, id, pbstrProcessorArchitectureOut ) );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskAnalyzeClusterBase::HrGetProcessorArchitectureString