// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// TaskGatherNodeInfo.cpp
// Description:
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo implementation.
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 02-FEB-2000
#include "Pch.h"
#include "TaskGatherNodeInfo.h"
#include <Lm.h>
#include <LmJoin.h>
// Failure code.
#define SSR_FAILURE( _minor, _hr ) THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrName, TASKID_Major_Client_And_Server_Log, _minor, 0, 1, 1, _hr, NULL, NULL, NULL ) );
// ************************************************************************
// Constructor / Destructor
// ************************************************************************
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::S_HrCreateInstance(
// IUnknown ** ppunkOut
// )
HRESULT CTaskGatherNodeInfo::S_HrCreateInstance( IUnknown ** ppunkOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CTaskGatherNodeInfo * ptgni = NULL;
Assert( ppunkOut != NULL ); if ( ppunkOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
ptgni = new CTaskGatherNodeInfo; if ( ptgni == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( ptgni->HrInit() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( ptgni->TypeSafeQI( IUnknown, ppunkOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// This gets passed to other threads.
TraceMoveToMemoryList( ptgni, g_GlobalMemoryList );
if ( ptgni != NULL ) { ptgni->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::S_HrCreateInstance
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::CTaskGatherNodeInfo
CTaskGatherNodeInfo::CTaskGatherNodeInfo( void ) : m_cRef( 1 ) { TraceFunc( "" );
InterlockedIncrement( &g_cObjects );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::CTaskGatherNodeInfo
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::HrInit
STDMETHODIMP CTaskGatherNodeInfo::HrInit( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// IUnknown stuff
Assert( m_cRef == 1 );
// IDoTask / ITaskGatherNodeInfo
Assert( m_cookie == NULL ); Assert( m_cookieCompletion == NULL ); Assert( m_bstrName == NULL );
// IClusCfgCallback
Assert( m_pcccb == NULL );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::HrInit
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::~CTaskGatherNodeInfo
CTaskGatherNodeInfo::~CTaskGatherNodeInfo( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( m_pcccb != NULL ) { m_pcccb->Release(); }
TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrName );
// This keeps the per thread memory tracking from screaming.
TraceMoveFromMemoryList( this, g_GlobalMemoryList );
InterlockedDecrement( &g_cObjects );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::~CTaskGatherNodeInfo
// ************************************************************************
// IUnknown
// ************************************************************************
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::QueryInterface
// Description:
// Query this object for the passed in interface.
// Arguments:
// riidIn
// Id of interface requested.
// ppvOut
// Pointer to the requested interface.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the interface is available on this object.
// If the interface is not available.
// ppvOut was NULL.
// Remarks:
// None.
STDMETHODIMP CTaskGatherNodeInfo::QueryInterface( REFIID riidIn , LPVOID * ppvOut ) { TraceQIFunc( riidIn, ppvOut );
// Validate arguments.
Assert( ppvOut != NULL ); if ( ppvOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
// Handle known interfaces.
if ( IsEqualIID( riidIn, IID_IUnknown ) ) { *ppvOut = static_cast< ITaskGatherNodeInfo * >( this ); } // if: IUnknown
else if ( IsEqualIID( riidIn, IID_IDoTask ) ) { *ppvOut = TraceInterface( __THISCLASS__, IDoTask, this, 0 ); } // else if: IDoTask
else if ( IsEqualIID( riidIn, IID_ITaskGatherNodeInfo ) ) { *ppvOut = TraceInterface( __THISCLASS__, ITaskGatherNodeInfo, this, 0 ); } // else if: ITaskGatherNodeInfo
else { *ppvOut = NULL; hr = E_NOINTERFACE; }
// Add a reference to the interface if successful.
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ((IUnknown *) *ppvOut)->AddRef(); } // if: success
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::QueryInterface
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::AddRef
STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) CTaskGatherNodeInfo::AddRef( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IUnknown]" );
InterlockedIncrement( &m_cRef );
CRETURN( m_cRef );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::AddRef
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::Release
STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) CTaskGatherNodeInfo::Release( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IUnknown]" );
LONG cRef;
cRef = InterlockedDecrement( &m_cRef );
if ( cRef == 0 ) { TraceDo( delete this ); }
CRETURN( cRef );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::Release
// ************************************************************************
// IDoTask / ITaskGatherNodeInfo
// ************************************************************************
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::BeginTask( void );
STDMETHODIMP CTaskGatherNodeInfo::BeginTask( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IDoTask]" );
OBJECTCOOKIE cookieParent; BSTR bstrNotification = NULL; BSTR bstrDisplayName = NULL; IServiceProvider * psp = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL; IObjectManager * pom = NULL; IConnectionManager * pcm = NULL; IConnectionPointContainer * pcpc = NULL; IConnectionPoint * pcp = NULL; INotifyUI * pnui = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL; IClusCfgServer * pccs = NULL; IGatherData * pgd = NULL; IStandardInfo * psi = NULL;
TraceInitializeThread( L"TaskGatherNodeInfo" );
// Collect the manager we need to complete this task.
hr = THR( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ServiceManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, TypeSafeParams( IServiceProvider, &psp ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_CoCreate_ServiceManager, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_QS_ObjectManager, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ClusterConnectionManager, IConnectionManager, &pcm ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_QS_ConnectionManager, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_NotificationManager, IConnectionPointContainer, &pcpc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_QS_NotificationManager, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( pcpc->FindConnectionPoint( IID_INotifyUI, &pcp ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_FindConnectionPoint, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
pcp = TraceInterface( L"CTaskGatherNodeInfo!IConnectionPoint", IConnectionPoint, pcp, 1 );
hr = THR( pcp->TypeSafeQI( INotifyUI, &pnui ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_FindConnectionPoint_QI, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
pnui = TraceInterface( L"CTaskGatherNodeInfo!INotifyUI", INotifyUI, pnui, 1 );
// release promptly
psp->Release(); psp = NULL;
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Retrieve the node's standard info.
hr = THR( pom->GetObject( DFGUID_StandardInfo, m_cookie, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_GetObject_StandardInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IStandardInfo, &psi ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_GetObject_StandardInfo_QI_psi, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
psi = TraceInterface( L"TaskGatherNodeInfo!IStandardInfo", IStandardInfo, psi, 1 );
// Get the node's name to display a status message.
hr = THR( psi->GetName( &m_bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
TraceMemoryAddBSTR( m_bstrName );
hr = STHR( HrGetFQNDisplayName( m_bstrName, &bstrDisplayName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_GatherNodeInfo_GetName, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Create a progress message.
// Tell the UI layer what's going on.
hr = THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrName , TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection , TASKID_Minor_Connecting , 0 , 1 , 0 , S_OK , IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CONNECTING_TO_NODES ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Ask the Connection Manager for a connection to the object.
hr = pcm->GetConnectionToObject( m_cookie, &punk ); if ( hr == HR_S_RPC_S_CLUSTER_NODE_DOWN ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( ( hr == HR_S_RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ) || FAILED( hr ) ) { LPWSTR pszNameBuffer = NULL; NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS JoinType; NET_API_STATUS naps = NERR_Success;
// test domain membership
naps = NetGetJoinInformation( bstrDisplayName, &pszNameBuffer, &JoinType );
// We are using bstrDisplayName instead of a full DNS name in the code above,
// since machine that is a workgroup member might have only NETBIOS name only
LogMsg( L"%ws: Test domain membership, %d.", bstrDisplayName, naps );
if ( naps == NERR_Success ) { if ( JoinType == NetSetupDomainName ) { LogMsg( L"%ws is a member of a domain.", m_bstrName ); } else { // not a member of the domain
NetApiBufferFree( pszNameBuffer ); } // if: NetGetJoinInformation failed
if ( naps == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { LogMsg( L"%ws is not a member of a domain.", m_bstrName );
// verify that the node is a member of the domain
HRESULT reportHr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN ) ); THR( HrSendStatusReport( m_bstrName, TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_Check_Domain_Membership, 0, 1, 1, reportHr, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_DOMAIN_MEMBERSHIP, IDS_TASKID_MINOR_CHECK_DOMAIN_MEMBERSHIP_ERROR_REF ) ); } // if: failed with ACCESS_DENIED
}// if: GetConnectionToObject failed
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { THR( hr ); SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_GetConnectionToObject, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// If this comes up from a Node, this is bad so change the error code
// back and bail.
// Commented out as a fix for bug #543135 [GorN 4/11/2002]
if ( m_fUserAddedNode ) { //
// If it is user entered node the error is fatal.
goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgServer, &pccs ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_GetConnectionToObject_QI_pccs, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( pccs->GetClusterNodeInfo( &pccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_GetClusterNodeInfo, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
// Ask the Object Manager to retrieve the data format to store the information.
hr = THR( pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, m_cookie, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_GetObject_NodeInformation, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IGatherData, &pgd ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_GetObject_NodeInformation_QI_pgd, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
punk->Release(); punk = NULL;
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Find out our parent.
hr = THR( psi->GetParent( &cookieParent ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_GetParent, hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( m_fStop == TRUE ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Start sucking.
hr = THR( pgd->Gather( cookieParent, pccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SSR_FAILURE( TASKID_Minor_BeginTask_Gather, hr ); //
// Don't goto cleanup - we need to single that the information possibly changed.
// At this point, we don't care if the "Gather" succeeded or failed. We
// need to single that the object potentially changed.
THR( pnui->ObjectChanged( m_cookie ) );
Cleanup: // Tell the UI layer we are done and the results of what was done.
THR( SendStatusReport( m_bstrName, TASKID_Major_Establish_Connection, TASKID_Minor_Connecting, 0, 1, 1, hr, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ); // don't care about errors from SSR at this point
if ( psp != NULL ) { psp->Release(); }
if ( pcm != NULL ) { pcm->Release(); }
if ( pccs != NULL ) { pccs->Release(); }
if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release(); }
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
if ( pom != NULL ) { //
// Update the cookie's status indicating the result of our task.
IUnknown * punkTemp = NULL; HRESULT hr2;
hr2 = THR( pom->GetObject( DFGUID_StandardInfo, m_cookie, &punkTemp ) ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr2 ) ) { IStandardInfo * psiTemp = NULL;
hr2 = THR( punkTemp->TypeSafeQI( IStandardInfo, &psiTemp ) ); punkTemp->Release(); punkTemp = NULL;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr2 ) ) { // if ( hr == HR_S_RPC_S_CLUSTER_NODE_DOWN )
// {
// }
hr2 = THR( psiTemp->SetStatus( hr ) ); psiTemp->Release(); psiTemp = NULL; } }
hr2 = THR( pom->GetObject( DFGUID_StandardInfo, m_cookieCompletion, &punkTemp ) ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr2 ) ) { IStandardInfo * psiTemp = NULL;
hr2 = THR( punkTemp->TypeSafeQI( IStandardInfo, &psiTemp ) ); punkTemp->Release(); punkTemp = NULL;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr2 ) ) { hr2 = THR( psiTemp->SetStatus( hr ) ); psiTemp->Release(); psiTemp = NULL; } }
pom->Release(); } // if: ( pom != NULL )
if ( pcpc != NULL ) { pcpc->Release(); } if ( pcp != NULL ) { pcp->Release(); } if ( pnui != NULL ) { if ( m_cookieCompletion != 0 ) { //
// Signal the cookie to indicate that we are done.
hr = THR( pnui->ObjectChanged( m_cookieCompletion ) ); }
pnui->Release(); } if ( pgd != NULL ) { pgd->Release(); } if ( psi != NULL ) { psi->Release(); }
TraceSysFreeString( bstrDisplayName ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNotification );
LogMsg( L"[MT] [CTaskGatherNodeInfo] exiting task. The task was%ws cancelled.", m_fStop == FALSE ? L" not" : L"" );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::BeginTask
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::StopTask( void )
STDMETHODIMP CTaskGatherNodeInfo::StopTask( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IDoTask]" );
m_fStop = TRUE;
LogMsg( L"[MT] [CTaskGatherNodeInfo] is being stopped." );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** StopTask
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SetCookie(
// )
STDMETHODIMP CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SetCookie( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieIn ) { TraceFunc( "[ITaskGatherNodeInfo]" );
m_cookie = cookieIn;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** SetCookie
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SetCompletionCookie(
// )
STDMETHODIMP CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SetCompletionCookie( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieIn ) { TraceFunc( "..." );
m_cookieCompletion = cookieIn;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SetGatherPunk
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SetUserAddedNodeFlag(
// BOOL fUserAddedNodeIn
// )
STDMETHODIMP CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SetUserAddedNodeFlag( BOOL fUserAddedNodeIn ) { TraceFunc( "[ITaskGatherNodeInfo]" );
m_fUserAddedNode = fUserAddedNodeIn;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** SetUserAddedNodeFlag
// IClusCfgCallback
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SendStatusReport(
// LPCWSTR pcszNodeNameIn
// , CLSID clsidTaskMajorIn
// , CLSID clsidTaskMinorIn
// , ULONG ulMinIn
// , ULONG ulMaxIn
// , ULONG ulCurrentIn
// , HRESULT hrStatusIn
// , LPCWSTR pcszDescriptionIn
// , FILETIME * pftTimeIn
// , LPCWSTR pcszReferenceIn
// )
STDMETHODIMP CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SendStatusReport( LPCWSTR pcszNodeNameIn , CLSID clsidTaskMajorIn , CLSID clsidTaskMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , ULONG ulCurrentIn , HRESULT hrStatusIn , LPCWSTR pcszDescriptionIn , FILETIME * pftTimeIn , LPCWSTR pcszReferenceIn ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgCallback]" ); Assert( pcszNodeNameIn != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IServiceProvider * psp = NULL; IConnectionPointContainer * pcpc = NULL; IConnectionPoint * pcp = NULL; FILETIME ft;
if ( m_pcccb == NULL ) { //
// Collect the manager we need to complete this task.
hr = THR( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ServiceManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, TypeSafeParams( IServiceProvider, &psp ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_NotificationManager, IConnectionPointContainer, &pcpc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pcpc->FindConnectionPoint( IID_IClusCfgCallback, &pcp ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
pcp = TraceInterface( L"CConfigurationConnection!IConnectionPoint", IConnectionPoint, pcp, 1 );
hr = THR( pcp->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgCallback, &m_pcccb ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
m_pcccb = TraceInterface( L"CConfigurationConnection!IClusCfgCallback", IClusCfgCallback, m_pcccb, 1 );
psp->Release(); psp = NULL; }
if ( pftTimeIn == NULL ) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ft ); pftTimeIn = &ft; } // if:
// Send the message!
hr = THR( m_pcccb->SendStatusReport( pcszNodeNameIn != NULL ? pcszNodeNameIn : m_bstrName , clsidTaskMajorIn , clsidTaskMinorIn , ulMinIn , ulMaxIn , ulCurrentIn , hrStatusIn , pcszDescriptionIn , pftTimeIn , pcszReferenceIn ) );
Cleanup: if ( psp != NULL ) { psp->Release(); } if ( pcpc != NULL ) { pcpc->Release(); } if ( pcp != NULL ) { pcp->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::SendStatusReport
// CTaskGatherNodeInfo::HrSendStatusReport(
// LPCWSTR pcsNodeNameIn
// , CLSID clsidMajorIn
// , CLSID clsidMinorIn
// , ULONG ulMinIn
// , ULONG ulMaxIn
// , ULONG ulCurrentIn
// , HRESULT hrIn
// , int nDescriptionIdIn
// )
HRESULT CTaskGatherNodeInfo::HrSendStatusReport( LPCWSTR pcszNodeNameIn , CLSID clsidMajorIn , CLSID clsidMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , ULONG ulCurrentIn , HRESULT hrIn , int nDescriptionIdIn , int nReferenceIdIn // = 0
) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstr = NULL; BSTR bReference = NULL;
hr = THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, nDescriptionIdIn, &bstr ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( nReferenceIdIn != 0 ) { //
// Even though we failed to load the reference, we still would like the user to learn
// about whatever report we were going to send...
THR( HrLoadStringIntoBSTR( g_hInstance, nReferenceIdIn, &bReference ) ); } // if:
hr = THR( SendStatusReport( pcszNodeNameIn, clsidMajorIn, clsidMinorIn, ulMinIn, ulMaxIn, ulCurrentIn, hrIn, bstr, NULL, bReference ) );
TraceSysFreeString( bReference ); TraceSysFreeString( bstr );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CTaskGatherNodeInfo::HrSendStatusReport