// Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ClusCfg.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation of CClusCfgWizard class.
// Maintained By:
// David Potter (DavidP) 14-MAR-2001
// Include Files
#include "Pch.h"
#include "TaskTreeView.h"
#include "AnalyzePage.h"
#include "ClusDomainPage.h"
#include "CommitPage.h"
#include "CompletionPage.h"
#include "CSAccountPage.h"
#include "IPAddressPage.h"
#include "SelNodePage.h"
#include "SelNodesPage.h"
#include "WelcomePage.h"
#include "SummaryPage.h"
#include <initguid.h>
// CClusCfgWizard
// {AAA8DA17-62C8-40f6-BEC1-3F0326B73388}
DEFINE_GUID( CLSID_CancelCleanupTaskCompletionCookieType, 0xaaa8da17, 0x62c8, 0x40f6, 0xbe, 0xc1, 0x3f, 0x3, 0x26, 0xb7, 0x33, 0x88 );
// CClusCfgWizard::S_HrCreateInstance
// Description:
// Create a CClusCfgWizard instance.
// Arguments:
// ppccwOut
// Return Values:
// S_OK - Operation completed successfully.
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - Error allocating memory.
// Other HRESULTs.
HRESULT CClusCfgWizard::S_HrCreateInstance( CClusCfgWizard ** ppccwOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CClusCfgWizard * pccw = NULL;
Assert( ppccwOut != NULL ); if ( ppccwOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } *ppccwOut = NULL;
pccw = new CClusCfgWizard(); if ( pccw == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( pccw->HrInit() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
*ppccwOut = pccw; pccw = NULL;
if ( pccw != NULL ) { pccw->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::S_HrCreateInstance
// CClusCfgWizard::CClusCfgWizard
// Description:
// Default constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
CClusCfgWizard::CClusCfgWizard( void ) : m_cRef( 1 ) , m_pccc( NULL ) , m_psp( NULL ) , m_pcpc( NULL ) , m_pom( NULL ) , m_ptm( NULL ) , m_bstrClusterDomain( NULL ) , m_fDefaultedDomain( TRUE ) , m_dwCookieNotify( 0 ) , m_hCancelCleanupEvent( NULL ) { TraceFunc( "" );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::CClusCfgWizard
// CClusCfgWizard::~CClusCfgWizard
// Description:
// Destructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
CClusCfgWizard::~CClusCfgWizard( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrNetworkName ); TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrClusterDomain );
if ( m_psp != NULL ) { m_psp->Release(); } // if:
if ( m_pcpc != NULL ) { m_pcpc->Release(); } // if:
if ( m_ptm != NULL ) { m_ptm->Release(); } // if:
if ( m_pom != NULL ) { m_pom->Release(); } // if:
if ( m_pccc != NULL ) { m_pccc->Release(); } // if:
if ( m_hRichEdit != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( m_hRichEdit ); } // if:
if ( m_hCancelCleanupEvent != NULL ) { CloseHandle( m_hCancelCleanupEvent ); } // if:
} // ~CClusCfgWizard
// CClusCfgWizard::HrInit
// Description:
// Initialize a CClusCfgWizard instance.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK - Operation completed successfully.
// Other HRESULTs.
HRESULT CClusCfgWizard::HrInit( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceFunc( "" );
INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex; BOOL bRet; // EConfigurationSettings ecsConfigType = csFullConfig;
// IUnknown
Assert( m_cRef == 1 );
Assert( m_ulIPAddress == 0 ); Assert( m_ulIPSubnet == 0 ); Assert( m_bstrNetworkName == NULL ); Assert( m_psp == NULL ); Assert( m_pcpc == NULL ); Assert( m_pom == NULL ); Assert( m_ptm == NULL ); Assert( m_pccc == NULL ); Assert( m_cookieCompletion == 0 ); Assert( m_fMinimalConfig == FALSE );
hr = THR( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ServiceManager , NULL , CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER , IID_IServiceProvider , reinterpret_cast< void ** >( &m_psp ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( m_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &m_pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( m_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_TaskManager, ITaskManager, &m_ptm ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( m_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_NotificationManager, IConnectionPointContainer, &m_pcpc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( HrCoCreateInternalInstance( CLSID_ClusCfgCredentials , NULL , CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER , IID_IClusCfgCredentials , reinterpret_cast< void ** >( &m_pccc ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Initialize the RichEdit controls.
m_hRichEdit = LoadLibrary( L"RichEd32.Dll" ); if ( m_hRichEdit == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); goto Cleanup; }
m_hCancelCleanupEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( m_hCancelCleanupEvent == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// STHR( HrReadSettings( &ecsConfigType ) );
// m_fMinimalConfig = ( ecsConfigType == csMinConfig );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrInit
// IUnknown
// CClusCfgWizard::QueryInterface
// Description:
// Query this object for the passed in interface.
// Arguments:
// riidIn
// Id of interface requested.
// ppvOut
// Pointer to the requested interface.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the interface is available on this object.
// If the interface is not available.
// ppvOut was NULL.
// Remarks:
// None.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::QueryInterface( REFIID riidIn , PVOID * ppvOut ) { TraceQIFunc( riidIn, ppvOut );
// Validate arguments.
Assert( ppvOut != NULL ); if ( ppvOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
// Handle known interfaces.
if ( IsEqualIID( riidIn, IID_IUnknown ) ) { *ppvOut = static_cast< IUnknown * >( this ); } // if: IUnknown
else if ( IsEqualIID( riidIn, IID_INotifyUI ) ) { *ppvOut = TraceInterface( __THISCLASS__, INotifyUI, this, 0 ); } // else if: INotifyUI
else { *ppvOut = NULL; hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } // else
// Add a reference to the interface if successful.
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ((IUnknown *) *ppvOut)->AddRef(); } // if: success
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::QueryInterface
// CClusCfgWizard::AddRef
// Description:
// Add a reference to this instance.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// New reference count.
STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) CClusCfgWizard::AddRef( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IUnknown]" );
InterlockedIncrement( &m_cRef );
CRETURN( m_cRef );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::AddRef
// CClusCfgWizard::Release
// Description:
// Release a reference to this instance. If it is the last reference
// the object instance will be deallocated.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// New reference count.
STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) CClusCfgWizard::Release( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IUnknown]" );
LONG cRef;
cRef = InterlockedDecrement( &m_cRef );
if ( cRef == 0 ) { delete this; }
CRETURN( cRef );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::Release
// IClusCfgWizard
// CClusCfgWizard::CreateCluster
// Description:
// Arguments:
// ParentWnd
// pfDone
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::CreateCluster( HWND lParentWndIn, BOOL * pfDoneOut ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
HPROPSHEETPAGE rPages[ 9 ]; PROPSHEETHEADER pshead; BOOL fSuccess; INT_PTR ipStatus; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ILogManager * plm = NULL; TraceFlow1( "[Clcfgsrv] - CClusCfgWizard::CreateCluster - Thread id %d", GetCurrentThreadId() );
CWelcomePage dlgWelcomePage( this, camCREATING ); CClusDomainPage dlgClusDomainPage( this, camCREATING, IDS_DOMAIN_DESC_CREATE ); CSelNodePage dlgSelNodePage( this ); CAnalyzePage dlgAnalyzePage( this, camCREATING ); CIPAddressPage dlgIPAddressPage( this, camCREATING, &m_ulIPAddress, &m_ulIPSubnet, &m_bstrNetworkName ); CCSAccountPage dlgCSAccountPage( this, camCREATING, m_pccc ); CSummaryPage dlgSummaryPage( this, camCREATING, IDS_SUMMARY_NEXT_CREATE ); CCommitPage dlgCommitPage( this, camCREATING ); CCompletionPage dlgCompletionPage( IDS_COMPLETION_TITLE_CREATE, IDS_COMPLETION_DESC_CREATE );
// TODO: gpease 14-MAY-2000
// Do we really need this?
if ( pfDoneOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Start the logger.
hr = THR( m_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_LogManager, ILogManager, &plm ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( plm->StartLogging() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Register to get UI notification (if needed)
if ( m_dwCookieNotify == 0 ) { hr = THR( HrAdvise( IID_INotifyUI, static_cast< INotifyUI * >( this ), &m_dwCookieNotify ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // if:
// Create the Wizard.
ZeroMemory( &pshead, sizeof( pshead ) ); pshead.dwSize = sizeof( pshead ); pshead.dwFlags = PSH_WIZARD97 | PSH_WATERMARK | PSH_HEADER; pshead.hInstance = g_hInstance; pshead.pszCaption = MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_TITLE_FORM ); pshead.phpage = rPages; pshead.pszbmWatermark = MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDB_WATERMARK ); pshead.pszbmHeader = MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDB_BANNER ); pshead.hwndParent = lParentWndIn;
THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_WELCOME_CREATE, CWelcomePage::S_DlgProc, 0, 0, (LPARAM) &dlgWelcomePage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_CLUSDOMAIN, CClusDomainPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TCLUSTER, IDS_STCLUSTER_CREATE, (LPARAM) &dlgClusDomainPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_SELNODE, CSelNodePage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TSELNODE, IDS_STSELNODE, (LPARAM) &dlgSelNodePage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_ANALYZE, CAnalyzePage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TANALYZE, IDS_STANALYZE, (LPARAM) &dlgAnalyzePage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_IPADDRESS, CIPAddressPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TIPADDRESS, IDS_STIPADDRESS, (LPARAM) &dlgIPAddressPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_CSACCOUNT, CCSAccountPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TCSACCOUNT, IDS_STCSACCOUNT, (LPARAM) &dlgCSAccountPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_SUMMARY, CSummaryPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TSUMMARY, IDS_STSUMMARY_CREATE, (LPARAM) &dlgSummaryPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_COMMIT, CCommitPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TCOMMIT_CREATE, IDS_STCOMMIT, (LPARAM) &dlgCommitPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_COMPLETION, CCompletionPage::S_DlgProc, 0, 0, (LPARAM) &dlgCompletionPage ) );
AssertMsg( pshead.nPages == ARRAYSIZE( rPages ), "Not enough or too many PROPSHEETPAGEs." );
ipStatus = PropertySheet( &pshead ); if ( ipStatus == -1 ) { TW32( GetLastError() ); } fSuccess = ipStatus != NULL; if ( pfDoneOut != NULL ) { *pfDoneOut = fSuccess; }
if ( plm != NULL ) { THR( plm->StopLogging() ); plm->Release(); } // if:
if ( m_dwCookieNotify != 0 ) { THR( HrUnadvise( IID_INotifyUI, m_dwCookieNotify ) ); m_dwCookieNotify = 0; } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::CreateCluster
// CClusCfgWizard::AddClusterNodes
// Description:
// Launch the Cluster Wizard in Add Cluster Nodes mode.
// Parameters
// ParentWnd - Handle to the parent window (default NULL).
// If not NULL, the wizard will be positionned
// in the center of this window.
// Done - return TRUE if committed, FALSE if cancelled.
// Return Values:
// S_OK - The call succeeded.
// other HRESULTs - The call failed.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::AddClusterNodes( HWND lParentWndIn, BOOL * pfDoneOut ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
BOOL fSuccess; INT_PTR ipStatus;
ILogManager * plm = NULL;
CWelcomePage dlgWelcomePage( this, camADDING ); CClusDomainPage dlgClusDomainPage( this, camADDING, IDS_DOMAIN_DESC_ADD ); CSelNodesPage dlgSelNodesPage( this ); CAnalyzePage dlgAnalyzePage( this, camADDING ); CCSAccountPage dlgCSAccountPage( this, camADDING, m_pccc ); CSummaryPage dlgSummaryPage( this, camADDING, IDS_SUMMARY_NEXT_ADD ); CCommitPage dlgCommitPage( this, camADDING ); CCompletionPage dlgCompletionPage( IDS_COMPLETION_TITLE_ADD, IDS_COMPLETION_DESC_ADD );
// TODO: gpease 12-JUL-2000
// Do we really need this? Or can we have the script implement an event
// sink that we signal?
if ( pfDoneOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Start the logger.
hr = THR( m_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_LogManager, ILogManager, &plm ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( plm->StartLogging() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Register to get UI notification (if needed)
if ( m_dwCookieNotify == 0 ) { hr = THR( HrAdvise( IID_INotifyUI, static_cast< INotifyUI * >( this ), &m_dwCookieNotify ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // if:
// Create the Wizard.
ZeroMemory( &pshead, sizeof(pshead) ); pshead.dwSize = sizeof(pshead); pshead.dwFlags = PSH_WIZARD97 | PSH_WATERMARK | PSH_HEADER; pshead.hInstance = g_hInstance; pshead.pszCaption = MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_TITLE_JOIN ); pshead.phpage = rPages; pshead.pszbmWatermark = MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDB_WATERMARK ); pshead.pszbmHeader = MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDB_BANNER ); pshead.hwndParent = lParentWndIn;
THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_WELCOME_ADD, CWelcomePage::S_DlgProc, 0, 0, (LPARAM) &dlgWelcomePage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_CLUSDOMAIN, CClusDomainPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TCLUSTER, IDS_STCLUSTER_ADD, (LPARAM) &dlgClusDomainPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_SELNODES, CSelNodesPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TSELNODES, IDS_STSELNODES, (LPARAM) &dlgSelNodesPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_ANALYZE, CAnalyzePage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TANALYZE, IDS_STANALYZE, (LPARAM) &dlgAnalyzePage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_CSACCOUNT, CCSAccountPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TCSACCOUNT, IDS_STCSACCOUNT, (LPARAM) &dlgCSAccountPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_SUMMARY, CSummaryPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TSUMMARY, IDS_STSUMMARY_ADD, (LPARAM) &dlgSummaryPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_COMMIT, CCommitPage::S_DlgProc, IDS_TCOMMIT_ADD, IDS_STCOMMIT, (LPARAM) &dlgCommitPage ) ); THR( HrAddWizardPage( &pshead, IDD_COMPLETION, CCompletionPage::S_DlgProc, 0, 0, (LPARAM) &dlgCompletionPage ) );
AssertMsg( pshead.nPages == ARRAYSIZE( rPages ), "Not enough or too many PROPSHEETPAGEs." );
ipStatus = PropertySheet( &pshead ); fSuccess = ipStatus != NULL; if ( pfDoneOut != NULL ) { *pfDoneOut = fSuccess; }
if ( plm != NULL ) { THR( plm->StopLogging() ); plm->Release(); } // if:
if ( m_dwCookieNotify != 0 ) { THR( HrUnadvise( IID_INotifyUI, m_dwCookieNotify ) ); m_dwCookieNotify = 0; } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::AddClusterNodes
// CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterName
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pbstrNameOut
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterName( BSTR * pbstrNameOut ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
if ( pbstrNameOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( m_ncCluster.bstrName == NULL ) { hr = S_FALSE; *pbstrNameOut = NULL; goto Cleanup; }
// Return either an IP address or an FQDN.
hr = STHR( HrIsValidFQN( m_ncCluster.bstrName, true ) ); if ( hr == S_OK ) // Name is fully-qualified.
{ HRESULT hrFQIPTest = STHR( HrFQNIsFQIP( m_ncCluster.bstrName ) ); if ( hrFQIPTest == S_OK ) // Name is an FQIP.
{ // If the name is an FQIP, return just the IP address.
hr = HrExtractPrefixFromFQN( m_ncCluster.bstrName, pbstrNameOut ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } TraceMemoryDelete( *pbstrNameOut, false ); // Prevent false reports of memory leaks.
} // If name is FQIP.
else if ( hrFQIPTest == S_FALSE ) // Name is an FQDN.
{ // Otherwise, the name is an FQDN, so return the whole thing.
*pbstrNameOut = SysAllocString( m_ncCluster.bstrName ); if ( *pbstrNameOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } } // If name is FQDN.
else if ( FAILED( hrFQIPTest ) ) { hr = hrFQIPTest; goto Cleanup; } } // If name is fully-qualified.
else if ( hr == S_FALSE ) // Name is not fully-qualified.
{ HRESULT hrIPTest = STHR( HrIsValidIPAddress( m_ncCluster.bstrName ) ); if ( hrIPTest == S_OK ) { // If the name is an IP address, return it.
*pbstrNameOut = SysAllocString( m_ncCluster.bstrName ); if ( *pbstrNameOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } } // If name is an IP address.
else if ( hrIPTest == S_FALSE ) // Name is hostname label.
{ // Otherwise, append the cluster domain and return the result.
hr = THR( HrMakeFQN( m_ncCluster.bstrName, m_bstrClusterDomain, true, pbstrNameOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } TraceMemoryDelete( *pbstrNameOut, false ); // Prevent false reports of memory leaks.
} // If name is hostname label.
else if ( FAILED( hrIPTest ) ) { hr = hrIPTest; goto Cleanup; } } // If name is not fully-qualified.
else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterName
// CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterName
// Description:
// Arguments:
// bstrNameIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterName( BSTR bstrNameIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] bstrNameIn = %'ls'", bstrNameIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : bstrNameIn );
if ( bstrNameIn == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( HrSetClusterName( bstrNameIn, true ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterName
// CClusCfgWizard::get_ServiceAccountUserName
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pbstrNameOut
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::get_ServiceAccountUserName( BSTR * pbstrNameOut ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrDomain = NULL;
if ( pbstrNameOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( m_pccc->GetIdentity( pbstrNameOut, &bstrDomain ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } if ( SysStringLen( *pbstrNameOut ) == 0 ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
SysFreeString( bstrDomain );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::get_ServiceAccountUserName
// CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountUserName
// Description:
// Arguments:
// bstrNameIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountUserName( BSTR bstrNameIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] bstrNameIn = '%ls'", bstrNameIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : bstrNameIn );
hr = THR( m_pccc->SetCredentials( bstrNameIn, NULL, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountUserName
// CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountPassword
// Description:
// Arguments:
// bstrPasswordIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountPassword( BSTR bstrPasswordIn ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
hr = THR( m_pccc->SetCredentials( NULL, NULL, bstrPasswordIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountPassword
// CClusCfgWizard::get_ServiceAccountDomainName
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pbstrDomainOut
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::get_ServiceAccountDomainName( BSTR * pbstrDomainOut ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrName = NULL;
if ( pbstrDomainOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( m_pccc->GetIdentity( &bstrName, pbstrDomainOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } if ( SysStringLen( *pbstrDomainOut ) == 0 ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
SysFreeString( bstrName );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::get_ServiceAccountDomainName
// CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountDomainName
// Description:
// Arguments:
// bstrDomainIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountDomainName( BSTR bstrDomainIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] bstrDomainIn = '%ls'", bstrDomainIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : bstrDomainIn );
hr = THR( m_pccc->SetCredentials( NULL, bstrDomainIn, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::put_ServiceAccountDomainName
// CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPAddress
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pbstrIPAddressOut
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPAddress( BSTR * pbstrIPAddressOut ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwStatus; LPWSTR pwszIPAddress = NULL;
if ( pbstrIPAddressOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( m_ulIPAddress == 0 ) { hr = S_FALSE; *pbstrIPAddressOut = NULL; goto Cleanup; }
dwStatus = TW32( ClRtlTcpipAddressToString( m_ulIPAddress, &pwszIPAddress ) ); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
*pbstrIPAddressOut = SysAllocString( pwszIPAddress ); if ( *pbstrIPAddressOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( pwszIPAddress != NULL ) { LocalFree( pwszIPAddress ); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPAddress
// CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPAddress
// Description:
// Arguments:
// bstrIPAddressIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPAddress( BSTR bstrIPAddressIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] bstrIPAddressIn = '%ls'", bstrIPAddressIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : bstrIPAddressIn );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwStatus;
if ( bstrIPAddressIn == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); goto Cleanup; }
dwStatus = TW32( ClRtlTcpipStringToAddress( bstrIPAddressIn, &m_ulIPAddress ) ); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPAddress
// CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPSubnet
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pbstrIPSubnetOut
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPSubnet( BSTR * pbstrIPSubnetOut ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
if ( pbstrIPSubnetOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } *pbstrIPSubnetOut = NULL;
if ( m_ulIPSubnet == 0 ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
dwStatus = TW32( ClRtlTcpipAddressToString( m_ulIPSubnet, &pwszIPSubnet ) ); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
*pbstrIPSubnetOut = SysAllocString( pwszIPSubnet ); if ( *pbstrIPSubnetOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( pwszIPSubnet != NULL ) { LocalFree( pwszIPSubnet ); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPSubnet
// CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPSubnet
// Description:
// Arguments:
// bstrSubnetMaskIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPSubnet( BSTR bstrIPSubnetIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] bstrIPSubnetIn = '%ls'", bstrIPSubnetIn );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwStatus;
if ( bstrIPSubnetIn == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); goto Cleanup; }
dwStatus = TW32( ClRtlTcpipStringToAddress( bstrIPSubnetIn, &m_ulIPSubnet ) ); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPSubnet
// CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPAddressNetwork
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pbstrNetworkNameOut
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPAddressNetwork( BSTR * pbstrNetworkNameOut ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
if ( pbstrNetworkNameOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } *pbstrNetworkNameOut = NULL;
if ( m_bstrNetworkName == NULL ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
*pbstrNetworkNameOut = SysAllocString( m_bstrNetworkName ); if ( *pbstrNetworkNameOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::get_ClusterIPAddressNetwork
// CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPAddressNetwork
// Description:
// Arguments:
// bstrNetworkNameIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPAddressNetwork( BSTR bstrNetworkNameIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] bstrNetworkNameIn = '%ls'", bstrNetworkNameIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : bstrNetworkNameIn );
BSTR bstrNewNetworkName;
if ( bstrNetworkNameIn == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); goto Cleanup; }
bstrNewNetworkName = TraceSysAllocString( bstrNetworkNameIn ); if ( bstrNewNetworkName == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( m_bstrNetworkName != NULL ) { TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrNetworkName ); }
m_bstrNetworkName = bstrNewNetworkName;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::put_ClusterIPAddressNetwork
// CClusCfgWizard::get_MinimumConfiguration
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pfMinimumConfigurationOut
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::get_MinimumConfiguration( BOOL * pfMinimumConfigurationOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( pfMinimumConfigurationOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
*pfMinimumConfigurationOut = m_fMinimalConfig;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::get_MinimumConfiguration
// CClusCfgWizard::put_MinimumConfiguration
// Description:
// Arguments:
// fMinimumConfigurationIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::put_MinimumConfiguration( BOOL fMinimumConfigurationIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] fMinimalConfigurationIn = '%ls'", fMinimumConfigurationIn ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE" );
m_fMinimalConfig = fMinimumConfigurationIn;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::put_MinimumConfiguration
// CClusCfgWizard::AddComputer
// Description:
// Arguments:
// bstrNameIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::AddComputer( BSTR bstrNameIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] pcszNameIn = '%ls'", bstrNameIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : bstrNameIn );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( bstrNameIn == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( HrAddNode( bstrNameIn, true ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::AddComputer
// CClusCfgWizard::RemoveComputer
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pcszNameIn
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::RemoveComputer( BSTR bstrNameIn ) { TraceFunc1( "[IClusCfgWizard] pcszNameIn = '%ls'", bstrNameIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : bstrNameIn );
NamedCookieArray::Iterator itNode = m_ncaNodes.ItBegin();
if ( bstrNameIn == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
// Look for a node that has the same name.
while ( ( itNode != m_ncaNodes.ItEnd() ) && ( NBSTRCompareNoCase( ( *itNode ).bstrName, bstrNameIn ) != 0 ) ) { ++itNode; }
// If a node with the same name exists, remove it.
if ( itNode != m_ncaNodes.ItEnd() ) { if ( ( *itNode ).FHasCookie() ) { THR( m_pom->RemoveObject( ( *itNode ).ocObject ) ); } hr = THR( m_ncaNodes.HrRemove( itNode ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } else // No node has the same name.
{ hr = S_FALSE; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::RemoveComputer
// CClusCfgWizard::ClearComputerList
// Description:
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::ClearComputerList( void ) { TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgWizard]" );
hr = THR( HrReleaseNodeObjects() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr ); } //*** CClusCfgWizard::ClearComputerList
// Private
// CClusCfgWizard::HrAddWizardPage
// Description:
// Fills in the PROPSHEETPAGE structure, create the page and adds it to
// the wizard's PROPSHEETHEADER.
// Arguments:
// ppshInout
// LPPROPSHEETHEADER structure to add page to.
// idTemplateIn
// The dialog template ID of the page.
// pfnDlgProcIn
// The dialog proc for the page.
// idCaptionIn
// The page's caption.
// idTitleIn
// The page's title.
// idSubtitleIn
// The page's sub-title.
// lParam
// The lParam to be put into the PROPSHEETPAGE stucture's lParam.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded.
HRESULT CClusCfgWizard::HrAddWizardPage( LPPROPSHEETHEADER ppshInout, UINT idTemplateIn, DLGPROC pfnDlgProcIn, UINT idTitleIn, UINT idSubtitleIn, LPARAM lParam ) { TraceFunc( "" );
TCHAR szTitle[ 256 ]; TCHAR szSubTitle[ 256 ];
ZeroMemory( &psp, sizeof(psp) );
psp.dwSize = sizeof(psp); psp.dwFlags = PSP_USETITLE; psp.pszTitle = ppshInout->pszCaption; psp.hInstance = ppshInout->hInstance; psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE( idTemplateIn ); psp.pfnDlgProc = pfnDlgProcIn; psp.lParam = lParam;
if ( ( idTemplateIn == IDD_WELCOME_CREATE ) || ( idTemplateIn == IDD_WELCOME_ADD ) || ( idTemplateIn == IDD_COMPLETION ) ) { psp.dwFlags |= PSP_HIDEHEADER; } else { if ( idTitleIn != 0 ) { DWORD dw; dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, idTitleIn, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle) ); Assert( dw ); psp.pszHeaderTitle = szTitle; psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERTITLE; } else { psp.pszHeaderTitle = NULL; }
if ( idSubtitleIn != 0 ) { DWORD dw; dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, idSubtitleIn, szSubTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szSubTitle) ); Assert( dw ); psp.pszHeaderSubTitle = szSubTitle; psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERSUBTITLE; } else { psp.pszHeaderSubTitle = NULL; } }
ppshInout->phpage[ ppshInout->nPages ] = CreatePropertySheetPage( &psp ); Assert( ppshInout->phpage[ ppshInout->nPages ] != NULL ); if ( ppshInout->phpage[ ppshInout->nPages ] != NULL ) { ppshInout->nPages++; }
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrAddWizardPage
// CClusCfgWizard::HrIsCompatibleNodeDomain
// Description:
// Determine whether the domain of a node being added to the cluster
// matches that already established for the cluster.
// Arguments:
// pcwszDomainIn - The domain of the proposed node.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Either the domain matches, or the cluster is empty.
// The domain does not match the cluster's.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrIsCompatibleNodeDomain( LPCWSTR pcwszDomainIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( ( m_bstrClusterDomain != NULL ) && ( ClRtlStrICmp( pcwszDomainIn, m_bstrClusterDomain ) != 0 ) ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrIsCompatibleNodeDomain
// HrLaunchCleanupTask
// Description:
// When the wizard has been canceled after analysis has completed
// the cancel cleanup task needs to be run to ensure that all
// cleanup has occured.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Success
// HRESULT errors
// Remarks:
HRESULT CClusCfgWizard::HrLaunchCleanupTask( void ) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( m_cookieCompletion == 0 );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUnknown * punk = NULL; ITaskCancelCleanup * ptcc = NULL; OBJECTCOOKIE cookieCluster; ULONG ulCurrent; DWORD sc;
hr = HrGetCompletionCookie( CLSID_CancelCleanupTaskCompletionCookieType, &m_cookieCompletion ); if ( hr == E_PENDING ) { // no-op.
} // if:
else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { THR( hr ); goto Cleanup; } // else if:
hr = THR( HrCreateTask( TASK_CancelCleanup, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( ITaskCancelCleanup, &ptcc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( HrGetClusterCookie( &cookieCluster ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( ptcc->SetCompletionCookie( m_cookieCompletion ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
hr = THR( HrSubmitTask( ptcc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Wait for task to complete.
for ( ulCurrent = 0, sc = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 ; ( sc != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) ; ulCurrent++ ) { MSG msg;
while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } // while:
sc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( 1 , &m_hCancelCleanupEvent , INFINITE , QS_ALLEVENTS | QS_ALLINPUT | QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE , 0 ); } // while: sc == WAIT_OBJECT_0
if ( m_cookieCompletion != 0 ) { THR( HrReleaseCompletionObject( m_cookieCompletion ) ); m_cookieCompletion = 0; } // if:
if ( ptcc != NULL ) { ptcc->Release(); } // if:
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrLaunchCleanupTask
// Non-COM public methods: cluster access
// CClusCfgWizard::HrSetClusterName
// Description:
// Sets the cluster name, overwriting any current name.
// Arguments:
// pwcszClusterNameIn - The new cluster name.
// fAcceptNonRFCCharsIn - Allow the name to contain non-RFC chars.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Changing the cluster name succeeded.
// The cluster already has this name.
// Other errors
// Something went wrong, and the cluster's name hasn't changed.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrSetClusterName( LPCWSTR pwcszClusterNameIn , bool fAcceptNonRFCCharsIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
BSTR bstrClusterFQN = NULL; BSTR bstrClusterDisplay = NULL; BSTR bstrClusterDomain = NULL;
Assert( pwcszClusterNameIn != NULL ); if ( pwcszClusterNameIn == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
// Determine whether the caller is providing a fully-qualified name,
// and remember the result, so that the cluster name and domain page knows
// whether to obtain the domain from the user.
hr = STHR( HrIsValidFQN( pwcszClusterNameIn, true ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
m_fDefaultedDomain = ( hr == S_FALSE );
// Make corresponding FQName.
hr = THR( HrMakeFQN( pwcszClusterNameIn , NULL // Default to local machine's domain.
, fAcceptNonRFCCharsIn , &bstrClusterFQN ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Get domain name from FQName.
{ size_t idxClusterDomain = 0; hr = THR( HrFindDomainInFQN( bstrClusterFQN, &idxClusterDomain ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
bstrClusterDomain = TraceSysAllocString( ( bstrClusterFQN + idxClusterDomain ) ); if ( bstrClusterDomain == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } }
// If bstrClusterFQN is an FQIP,
hr = STHR( HrFQNIsFQIP( bstrClusterFQN ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr == S_OK ) // set display name to IP address; { hr = THR( HrExtractPrefixFromFQN( bstrClusterFQN, &bstrClusterDisplay ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } else // otherwise, set display name to pwcszClusterNameIn.
{ hr = S_OK; bstrClusterDisplay = TraceSysAllocString( pwcszClusterNameIn ); if ( bstrClusterDisplay == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } }
// If already have a cluster name,
if ( FHasClusterName() ) { // if names are equal, bail out with S_FALSE;
if ( ( NBSTRCompareNoCase( m_ncCluster.bstrName, bstrClusterDisplay ) == 0 ) && ( NBSTRCompareNoCase( m_bstrClusterDomain, bstrClusterDomain ) == 0 ) ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; } else // otherwise, dump current cluster.
{ hr = THR( HrReleaseClusterObject() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
m_ncCluster.Erase(); TraceSysFreeString( m_bstrClusterDomain ); m_bstrClusterDomain = NULL; } }
// Set cluster names.
m_bstrClusterDomain = bstrClusterDomain; bstrClusterDomain = NULL; m_ncCluster.bstrName = bstrClusterDisplay; bstrClusterDisplay = NULL;
TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterFQN ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterDisplay ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterDomain );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrSetClusterName
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterDomain
// Description:
// Retrieve the cluster's domain.
// Arguments:
// pbstrDomainOut - The cluster's domain.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// *pbstrDomainOut is a BSTR containing the cluster's domain; the
// caller needs to free it with TraceSysFreeString.
// Same as S_OK, except that the cluster's domain was not specified
// by the caller who set it, and so it defaulted to the local machine's.
// pbstrDomainOut was null.
// The cluster's name and domain are not yet defined.
// Other failures are possible.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterDomain( BSTR* pbstrDomainOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
Assert( pbstrDomainOut != NULL ); if ( pbstrDomainOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } *pbstrDomainOut = NULL;
if ( !FHasClusterName() ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DOMAINNAME ) ); goto Cleanup; }
*pbstrDomainOut = TraceSysAllocString( m_bstrClusterDomain ); if ( *pbstrDomainOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = ( m_fDefaultedDomain? S_FALSE: S_OK );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterDomain
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterObject
// Description:
// Retrieve the CClusCfgServer object representing the cluster,
// creating it if necessary.
// Arguments:
// ppClusterOut
// A pointer to the CClusCfgServer object; can be null if the
// caller wants just to ensure the object exists.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The cluster object exists; if ppClusterOut is not null,
// *ppClusterOut points to the object and the caller must
// release it.
// The cluster object has not been initialized,
// and *ppClusterOut is null.
// The cluster's name has not yet been set.
// Other failures are possible.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterObject( IClusCfgClusterInfo ** ppClusterOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( ppClusterOut != NULL ) { *ppClusterOut = NULL; }
if ( !m_ncCluster.FHasObject() ) { if ( !m_ncCluster.FHasCookie() ) { hr = STHR( HrGetClusterCookie( NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_ClusterConfigurationInfo, m_ncCluster.ocObject, &m_ncCluster.punkObject ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } // m_ncCluster currently has no object pointer.
if ( ppClusterOut != NULL ) { hr = THR( m_ncCluster.punkObject->QueryInterface( IID_IClusCfgClusterInfo, reinterpret_cast< void ** >( ppClusterOut ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterObject
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterCookie
// Description:
// Retrieve the ObjectManager cookie corresponding to the cluster,
// creating it if necessary.
// Arguments:
// pocClusterOut
// A pointer to the ObjectManager cookie; can be null if the
// caller wants just to ensure the cookie exists.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The cookie exists; if pocClusterOut is not null,
// *pocClusterOut holds the value of the cookie.
// Same as S_OK except that the corresponding object is known not
// to be initialized.
// The cluster's name has not yet been set.
// Other failures are possible.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterCookie( OBJECTCOOKIE * pocClusterOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrClusterFQN = NULL;
// Clear *pocClusterOut in case of failure.
if ( pocClusterOut != NULL ) { *pocClusterOut = 0; }
Assert( FHasClusterName() ); if ( !FHasClusterName() ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME ) ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the cookie from the object manager if necessary.
if ( !m_ncCluster.FHasCookie() ) { // Make FQName for cluster.
hr = THR( HrMakeFQN( m_ncCluster.bstrName, m_bstrClusterDomain, true, &bstrClusterFQN ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_ClusterConfigurationType , 0 , bstrClusterFQN , DFGUID_ClusterConfigurationInfo , &m_ncCluster.ocObject , &m_ncCluster.punkObject ); if ( hr == E_PENDING ) { hr = S_FALSE; } else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { THR( hr ); goto Cleanup; } } // m_ncCluster currently has no cookie.
// Set the cookie if the caller wants it.
if ( pocClusterOut != NULL ) { *pocClusterOut = m_ncCluster.ocObject; }
Cleanup: TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterFQN ); HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterCookie
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterChild
// Description:
// Retrieve an object which the ObjectManager regards as a child of
// the cluster.
// Arguments:
// rclsidChildIn - The child's class.
// rguidFormatIn - The child's "data format."
// ppunkChildOut - A pointer to the child object.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded and *ppunkChildOut points to a valid object,
// which the caller must release.
// Failure
// *ppunkChildOut is null.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterChild( REFCLSID rclsidChildIn , REFGUID rguidFormatIn , IUnknown ** ppunkChildOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
Assert( ppunkChildOut != NULL ); if ( ppunkChildOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } *ppunkChildOut = NULL;
if ( !m_ncCluster.FHasCookie() ) { hr = STHR( HrGetClusterCookie( NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( rclsidChildIn , m_ncCluster.ocObject , NULL , rguidFormatIn , &ocChild , ppunkChildOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetClusterChild
// CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseClusterObject
// Description:
// Discard the cluster object (if one exists) and all nodes, and
// ask the object manager to do the same, but preserve the cluster's
// name (as well as the node names).
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseClusterObject( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( m_ncCluster.FHasCookie() ) { hr = THR( HrReleaseNodeObjects() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( m_pom->RemoveObject( m_ncCluster.ocObject ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
m_ncCluster.ocObject = 0; m_ncCluster.ReleaseObject(); } // If: cluster cookie exists.
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseClusterObject
// Non-COM public methods: node access
// CClusCfgWizard::HrAddNode
// Description:
// Add a node for the wizard to include in its action.
// Arguments:
// pwcszNodeNameIn
// The node's name; can be anything accepted as the first
// argument to HrMakeFQN.
// fAcceptNonRFCCharsIn
// Allow the node name to contain non-RFC characters.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The name is valid and the corresponding machine will be
// included in the wizard's action.
// The node is already in the wizard's list.
// The node's domain conflicts either with the cluster's or with
// that of other nodes in the cluster.
// Other failures
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrAddNode( LPCWSTR pwcszNodeNameIn , bool fAcceptNonRFCCharsIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrNodeFQN = NULL; BSTR bstrNodeDisplay = NULL;
NamedCookieArray::Iterator it = m_ncaNodes.ItBegin();
Assert( pwcszNodeNameIn != NULL ); if ( pwcszNodeNameIn == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
// Make corresponding FQName, using cluster domain (or local machine's) as default.
hr = THR( HrMakeFQN( pwcszNodeNameIn, m_bstrClusterDomain, fAcceptNonRFCCharsIn, &bstrNodeFQN ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// If bstrNodeFQN is an FQIP,
hr = STHR( HrFQNIsFQIP( bstrNodeFQN ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr == S_OK ) // set display name to IP address; { hr = THR( HrExtractPrefixFromFQN( bstrNodeFQN, &bstrNodeDisplay ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } else // otherwise, set display name to pwcszNodeNameIn.
{ bstrNodeDisplay = TraceSysAllocString( pwcszNodeNameIn ); if ( bstrNodeDisplay == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } }
// If name already exists, bail out with S_FALSE;
while ( it != m_ncaNodes.ItEnd() ) { if ( NBSTRCompareNoCase( ( *it ).bstrName, bstrNodeDisplay ) == 0 ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; } ++it; } // For each node currently in the list.
// Add to node list.
{ SNamedCookie ncNewNode;
ncNewNode.bstrName = bstrNodeDisplay; bstrNodeDisplay = NULL;
hr = THR( m_ncaNodes.HrPushBack( ncNewNode ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeFQN ); TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeDisplay );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrAddNode
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeCount
// Description:
// Retrieve the number of nodes currently in the wizard's list.
// Arguments:
// pcNodesOut - The node count.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeCount( size_t* pcNodesOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
Assert( pcNodesOut != NULL ); if ( pcNodesOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; }
*pcNodesOut = m_ncaNodes.Count();
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeCount
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeObject
// Description:
// Retrieve the CClusCfgServer object representing a node in the
// list, creating it if necessary.
// Arguments:
// idxNodeIn
// The zero-based index of the node in the list.
// ppNodeOut
// A pointer to the CClusCfgServer object; can be null if the
// caller wants just to ensure the object exists.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The node object exists; if ppNodeOut is not null,
// *ppNodeOut points to the object and the caller must
// release it.
// The node object has not been initialized,
// and *ppNodeOut is null.
// Other failures are possible.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeObject( size_t idxNodeIn , IClusCfgNodeInfo ** ppNodeOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Clear *ppNodeOut in case of failure.
if ( ppNodeOut != NULL ) { *ppNodeOut = NULL; }
// Make sure index is within bounds.
Assert( idxNodeIn < m_ncaNodes.Count() ); if ( idxNodeIn >= m_ncaNodes.Count() ) { hr = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); goto Cleanup; }
// Obtain the object from the object manager if necessary.
if ( !m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].FHasObject() ) { hr = STHR( HrGetNodeCookie( idxNodeIn, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation , m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].ocObject , &m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].punkObject ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } // If: need to obtain object from object manager.
// QI for the interface if the caller wants it.
if ( ppNodeOut != NULL ) { hr = THR( m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].punkObject->QueryInterface( IID_IClusCfgNodeInfo , reinterpret_cast< void** >( ppNodeOut ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeObject
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeCookie
// Description:
// Retrieve the ObjectManager cookie corresponding to the node,
// creating it if necessary.
// Arguments:
// idxNodeIn
// The zero-based index of the node in the list.
// pocNodeOut
// A pointer to the ObjectManager cookie; can be null if the
// caller wants just to ensure the cookie exists.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The cookie exists; if pocNodeOut is not null,
// *pocNodeOut holds the value of the cookie.
// Same as S_OK except that the corresponding object is known not
// to be initialized.
// Other failures are possible.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeCookie( size_t idxNodeIn , OBJECTCOOKIE * pocNodeOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Clear *pocNodeOut in case of failure.
if ( pocNodeOut != NULL ) { *pocNodeOut = 0; }
// Make sure index is within bounds.
Assert( idxNodeIn < m_ncaNodes.Count() ); if ( idxNodeIn >= m_ncaNodes.Count() ) { hr = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the cookie from the object manager if necessary.
if ( !m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].FHasCookie() ) { hr = STHR( HrGetClusterCookie( NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( HrMakeFQN( m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].bstrName, m_bstrClusterDomain, true, &bstrNodeFQN ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = m_pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType , m_ncCluster.ocObject , bstrNodeFQN , DFGUID_NodeInformation , &m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].ocObject , &m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].punkObject ); if ( hr == E_PENDING ) { hr = S_FALSE; } else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { THR( hr ); goto Cleanup; } } // If: node doesn't already have a cookie.
// Set the cookie if the caller wants it.
if ( pocNodeOut != NULL ) { *pocNodeOut = m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].ocObject; }
TraceSysFreeString( bstrNodeFQN ); HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeCookie
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeName
// Description:
// Retrieve the node's name.
// Arguments:
// idxNodeIn - The zero-based index of the node in the list.
// pbstrNodeNameOut - The node's name.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// *pbstrNodeNameOut is a BSTR containing the node's name; the
// caller needs to free it with TraceSysFreeString.
// pbstrNodeNameOut was null.
// The index was out of range for the current set of nodes.
// Other failures are possible.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeName( size_t idxNodeIn , BSTR * pbstrNodeNameOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Check out-parameter and set to null in case of failure.
Assert( pbstrNodeNameOut != NULL ); if ( pbstrNodeNameOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } *pbstrNodeNameOut = NULL;
// Make sure index is within bounds.
Assert( idxNodeIn < m_ncaNodes.Count() ); if ( idxNodeIn >= m_ncaNodes.Count() ) { hr = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); goto Cleanup; }
*pbstrNodeNameOut = TraceSysAllocString( m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].bstrName ); if ( *pbstrNodeNameOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeName
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeChild
// Description:
// Retrieve an object which the ObjectManager regards as a child of
// the node.
// Arguments:
// idxNodeIn - The zero-based index of the node in the list.
// rclsidChildIn - The child's class.
// rguidFormatIn - The child's "data format."
// ppunkChildOut - A pointer to the child object.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The call succeeded and *ppunkChildOut points to a valid object,
// which the caller must release.
// Failure
// *ppunkChildOut is null.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeChild( size_t idxNodeIn , REFCLSID rclsidChildIn , REFGUID rguidFormatIn , IUnknown ** ppunkChildOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Check out-parameter and set to null in case of failure.
Assert( ppunkChildOut != NULL ); if ( ppunkChildOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } *ppunkChildOut = NULL;
// Make sure index is within bounds.
Assert( idxNodeIn < m_ncaNodes.Count() ); if ( idxNodeIn >= m_ncaNodes.Count() ) { hr = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); goto Cleanup; }
// Get the node's cookie if necessary.
if ( !m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].FHasCookie() ) { hr = STHR( HrGetNodeCookie( idxNodeIn, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
// Ask the object manager for the child object.
hr = THR( m_pom->FindObject( rclsidChildIn , m_ncaNodes[ idxNodeIn ].ocObject , NULL , rguidFormatIn , &ocChild , ppunkChildOut ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetNodeChild
// CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseNodeObjects
// Description:
// Discard all node objects, and ask the object manager to do
// the same, but preserve the list of names.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseNodeObjects( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
for ( NamedCookieArray::Iterator it = m_ncaNodes.ItBegin(); it != m_ncaNodes.ItEnd(); ++it) { if ( ( *it ).FHasCookie() ) { hr = THR( m_pom->RemoveObject( ( *it ).ocObject ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } ( *it ).ocObject = 0;
( *it ).ReleaseObject(); } } // For each node in the list.
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseNodeObjects
// Non-COM public methods: task access
// CClusCfgWizard::HrCreateTask
// Description:
// Get a new task from the task manager.
// Arguments:
// rguidTaskIn - The type of task.
// ppunkOut - A pointer to the new task.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrCreateTask( REFGUID rguidTaskIn , IUnknown ** ppunkOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
hr = THR( m_ptm->CreateTask( rguidTaskIn, ppunkOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrCreateTask
// CClusCfgWizard::HrSubmitTask
// Description:
// Submit a task to the task manager.
// Arguments:
// pTaskIn - A pointer to the task to submit.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrSubmitTask( IDoTask * pTaskIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
hr = THR( m_ptm->SubmitTask( pTaskIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrSubmitTask
// Non-COM public methods: completion task access
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetCompletionCookie
// Description:
// Get an object manager cookie for referring to a completion task.
// Arguments:
// rguidTaskIn - The type of completion task.
// pocTaskOut - The task's cookie.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// E_PENDING - An expected value; the task is not yet complete.
// Other failures.
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetCompletionCookie( REFGUID rguidTaskIn , OBJECTCOOKIE * pocTaskOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUnknown* punk = NULL;
hr = m_pom->FindObject( rguidTaskIn , NULL , m_ncCluster.bstrName , IID_NULL , pocTaskOut , &punk // dummy
); if ( FAILED( hr ) && ( hr != E_PENDING ) ) { THR( hr ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); } HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetCompletionCookie
// CClusCfgWizard::HrGetCompletionStatus
// Description:
// Get the status of a completion task.
// Arguments:
// ocTaskIn
// The task's cookie, obtained from HrGetCompletionCookie.
// phrStatusOut
// The task's current status.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrGetCompletionStatus( OBJECTCOOKIE ocTaskIn , HRESULT * phrStatusOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IStandardInfo* psi = NULL; IUnknown* punk = NULL;
hr = THR( m_pom->GetObject( DFGUID_StandardInfo, ocTaskIn, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IStandardInfo, &psi ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( psi->GetStatus( phrStatusOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release(); }
if ( psi != NULL ) { psi->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrGetCompletionStatus
// CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseCompletionObject
// Description:
// Release a completion task that's no longer needed.
// Arguments:
// ocTaskIn
// The task's cookie, obtained from HrGetCompletionCookie.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseCompletionObject( OBJECTCOOKIE ocTaskIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
hr = THR( m_pom->RemoveObject( ocTaskIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrReleaseCompletionObject
// Non-COM public methods: connection point access
// CClusCfgWizard::HrAdvise
// Description:
// Hook up an event sink to receive notifications from the middle tier.
// Arguments:
// riidConnectionIn - The type of event sink.
// punkConnectionIn - The event sink instance to connect.
// pdwCookieOut - The cookie to use for disconnecting.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrAdvise( REFIID riidConnectionIn , IUnknown * punkConnectionIn , DWORD * pdwCookieOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IConnectionPoint * pConnection = NULL;
hr = THR( m_pcpc->FindConnectionPoint( riidConnectionIn, &pConnection ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( pConnection->Advise( punkConnectionIn, pdwCookieOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( pConnection != NULL ) { pConnection->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrAdvise
// CClusCfgWizard::HrUnadvise
// Description:
// Disconnect an event sink from the middle tier.
// Arguments:
// riidConnectionIn - The type of event sink.
// dwCookieIn - The event sink's cookie from HrAdvise.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrUnadvise( REFIID riidConnectionIn , DWORD dwCookieIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IConnectionPoint * pConnection = NULL;
hr = THR( m_pcpc->FindConnectionPoint( riidConnectionIn, &pConnection ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( pConnection->Unadvise( dwCookieIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( pConnection != NULL ) { pConnection->Release(); }
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrUnadvise
// Non-COM public methods: miscellaneous
// CClusCfgWizard::HrCreateMiddleTierObjects
// Description:
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrCreateMiddleTierObjects() { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t idxNode = 0;
hr = STHR( HrGetClusterCookie( NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
for ( idxNode = 0; idxNode < m_ncaNodes.Count(); ++idxNode ) { hr = STHR( HrGetNodeCookie( idxNode, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
hr = S_OK;
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrCreateMiddleTierObjects
// CClusCfgWizard::FHasClusterName
// Description:
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
BOOL CClusCfgWizard::FHasClusterName() const { TraceFunc( "" );
RETURN( m_ncCluster.FHasName() );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::FHasClusterName
// CClusCfgWizard::FDefaultedClusterDomain
// Description:
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
BOOL CClusCfgWizard::FDefaultedClusterDomain() const { TraceFunc( "" );
RETURN( m_fDefaultedDomain );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::FHasClusterName
// CClusCfgWizard::HrFilterNodesWithBadDomains
// Description:
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::HrFilterNodesWithBadDomains( BSTR* pbstrBadNodesOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrCurrentList = NULL;
NamedCookieArray ncaUnfilteredNodes;
Assert( pbstrBadNodesOut != NULL ); if ( pbstrBadNodesOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_POINTER ); goto Cleanup; } *pbstrBadNodesOut = NULL;
ncaUnfilteredNodes.Swap( m_ncaNodes );
for ( NamedCookieArray::Iterator it = ncaUnfilteredNodes.ItBegin(); it != ncaUnfilteredNodes.ItEnd(); ++it ) { bool fDomainValid = true;
hr = STHR( HrIsValidFQN( ( *it ).bstrName, true ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr == S_OK ) { size_t idxNodeDomain = 0; hr = THR( HrFindDomainInFQN( ( *it ).bstrName, &idxNodeDomain ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
hr = STHR( HrIsCompatibleNodeDomain( ( *it ).bstrName + idxNodeDomain ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } fDomainValid = ( hr == S_OK );
if ( fDomainValid ) { // KB: 18-Oct-2001 jfranco bug #477514
// The wizard's supposed to show node domains to the user only when they're invalid,
// so remove the domain from the node name.
BSTR bstrShortName = NULL; hr = THR( HrExtractPrefixFromFQN( ( *it ).bstrName, &bstrShortName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
TraceSysFreeString( ( *it ).bstrName ); ( *it ).bstrName = bstrShortName; } } // if: node name has a domain
if ( fDomainValid ) // Domain is okay, so put into filtered array.
{ hr = THR( m_ncaNodes.HrPushBack( ( *it ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } else // Domain doesn't match; add to bad list.
{ if ( *pbstrBadNodesOut == NULL ) // First name in bad list.
{ *pbstrBadNodesOut = TraceSysAllocString( ( *it ).bstrName ); if ( *pbstrBadNodesOut == NULL ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } } else // Append another name to non-empty bad list.
{ TraceSysFreeString( bstrCurrentList ); bstrCurrentList = *pbstrBadNodesOut; *pbstrBadNodesOut = NULL; hr = THR( HrFormatStringIntoBSTR( L"%1!ws!; %2!ws!" , pbstrBadNodesOut , bstrCurrentList , ( *it ).bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } // else: append name to bad list
} // else: mismatched domain
} // for: each unfiltered node
TraceSysFreeString( bstrCurrentList );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrFilterNodesWithBadDomains
// CClusCfgWizard::HrReadSettings
// Description:
// Read the saved settings from the registry. If there are no saved
// setting then we want to do a full configuration.
// Arguments:
// pecsSettingOut
// What is the saved setting?
// pfValuePresentOut
// Was the value present in the registry?
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Success
HRESULT CClusCfgWizard::HrReadSettings( EConfigurationSettings * pecsSettingOut , BOOL * pfValuePresentOut // = NULL
) { TraceFunc( "" ); Assert( pecsSettingOut != NULL );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD sc; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData; DWORD cbData = sizeof( dwData );
// Default to doing a full config.
*pecsSettingOut = csFullConfig;
// Default to the value not being present.
if ( pfValuePresentOut != NULL ) { *pfValuePresentOut = FALSE; } // if:
sc = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, USER_REGISTRY_SETTINGS_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ); if ( sc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; } // if:
// If we fail for any other reason log it and leave.
if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( L"[WIZ] RegOpenKeyEx() for %ws failed. (hr = %#08x)", USER_REGISTRY_SETTINGS_KEY, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( sc ) ) ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Now that the key is open we need to read the value.
sc = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, CONFIGURATION_TYPE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwData, &cbData ); if ( sc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { //
// It's okay if the value is not found.
goto Cleanup; } // if:
else if ( sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Assert( dwType == REG_DWORD )
// The value was present. Tell the caller if they cared to ask...
if ( pfValuePresentOut != NULL ) { *pfValuePresentOut = TRUE; } // if:
// If there was a stored value then we need to return it to the caller.
*pecsSettingOut = (EConfigurationSettings) dwData; } // else if:
else { TW32( sc ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ); goto Cleanup; } // else:
if ( hKey != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrReadSettings
// CClusCfgWizard::HrWriteSettings
// Description:
// Write the settings into the registry.
// Arguments:
// ecsSettingIn
// The setting to write.
// fDeleteValueIn
// Should the value be deleted and therefore stop being the default
// setting.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Success
HRESULT CClusCfgWizard::HrWriteSettings( EConfigurationSettings ecsSettingIn , BOOL fDeleteValueIn // = FALSE
) { TraceFunc( "" );
sc = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, USER_REGISTRY_SETTINGS_KEY, NULL, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, NULL ); if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( sc ) ); LogMsg( L"[WIZ] RegCreateKeyExW() for %ws failed. (hr = %#08x)", USER_REGISTRY_SETTINGS_KEY, hr ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
// Only save the data if we are not going to delete the value from the registry.
if ( fDeleteValueIn == FALSE ) { //
// Now that the key is open we need to write the value.
sc = RegSetValueExW( hKey, CONFIGURATION_TYPE, NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &ecsSettingIn, sizeof( ecsSettingIn ) ); if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( sc ) ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // if:
else { sc = RegDeleteValueW( hKey, CONFIGURATION_TYPE ); if ( ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( sc != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { TW32( sc ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // else:
if ( hKey != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); } // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::HrWriteSettings
// INotifyUI
// CClusCfgWizard::ObjectChanged
// Description:
// Arguments:
// cookieIn
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Failure
STDMETHODIMP CClusCfgWizard::ObjectChanged( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieIn ) { TraceFunc( "[INotifyUI]" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrResult; BOOL fSuccess;
if ( cookieIn == m_cookieCompletion ) { THR( HrGetCompletionStatus( m_cookieCompletion, &hrResult ) );
fSuccess = SetEvent( m_hCancelCleanupEvent ); if ( fSuccess == FALSE ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( GetLastError() ) ); } // if:
} // if:
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CClusCfgWizard::ObjectChanged