// Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Dll.cpp
// Description:
// DLL services/entry points.
// Maintained By:
// David Potter (DavidP) 25-MAR-2002
// Vij Vasu (VVasu) 29-AUG-2000
// Modified this file to remove dependency on Shell API since they
// may not be present on the OS that this DLL runs in.
// Removed unnecessary functions for the same reason.
// Geoffrey Pease (GPease) 22-NOV-1999
// Original version.
#include "Pch.h"
// Macro Definitions
// For tracing
#include <DllSrc.cpp>
#if 0
// DLL Globals
HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; LONG g_cObjects = 0; LONG g_cLock = 0; WCHAR g_szDllFilename[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
LPVOID g_GlobalMemoryList = NULL; // Global memory tracking list
#if !defined(NO_DLL_MAIN) || defined(DEBUG)
// DLLMain(
// HANDLE hInstIn,
// ULONG ulReasonIn,
// LPVOID lpReservedIn
// )
// Description:
// Dll entry point.
// Arguments:
// hInstIn - DLL instance handle.
// ulReasonIn - DLL reason code for entrance.
// lpReservedIn - Not used.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HANDLE hInstIn, ULONG ulReasonIn, LPVOID // lpReservedIn
) { //
// By not defining this you can prvent the linker
// from calling you DllEntry for every new thread.
// This makes creating new thread significantly
// faster if every DLL in a process does it.
// Unfortunately, not all DLLs do this.
// In CHKed/DEBUG, we keep this on for memory
// tracking.
#if defined( DEBUG )
#endif // DEBUG
switch( ulReasonIn ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { TraceInitializeProcess( TRUE ); TraceCreateMemoryList( g_GlobalMemoryList );
#if defined( DEBUG )
TraceFunc( "" ); TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfDLL, L"DLL: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH - ThreadID = %#x", GetCurrentThreadId( ) ); FRETURN( TRUE ); #endif // DEBUG
g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE) hInstIn;
GetModuleFileNameW( g_hInstance, g_szDllFilename, MAX_PATH ); break; }
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { #if defined( DEBUG )
TraceFunc( "" ); TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfDLL, L"DLL: DLL_PROCESS_DETACH - ThreadID = %#x [ g_cLock=%u, g_cObjects=%u ]", GetCurrentThreadId( ), g_cLock, g_cObjects ); FRETURN( TRUE ); #endif // DEBUG
TraceTerminateMemoryList( g_GlobalMemoryList ); TraceTerminateProcess(); break; }
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: { TraceInitializeThread( NULL ); #if defined( DEBUG )
TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfDLL, L"The thread 0x%x has started.", GetCurrentThreadId( ) ); TraceFunc( "" ); TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfDLL, L"DLL: DLL_THREAD_ATTACH - ThreadID = %#x [ g_cLock=%u, g_cObjects=%u ]", GetCurrentThreadId( ), g_cLock, g_cObjects ); FRETURN( TRUE ); #endif // DEBUG
break; }
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: { #if defined( DEBUG )
TraceFunc( "" ); TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfDLL, L"DLL: DLL_THREAD_DETACH - ThreadID = %#x [ g_cLock=%u, g_cObjects=%u ]", GetCurrentThreadId( ), g_cLock, g_cObjects ); FRETURN( TRUE ); #endif // DEBUG
TraceThreadRundown( );; break; }
default: { #if defined( DEBUG )
TraceFunc( "" ); TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfDLL, L"DLL: UNKNOWN ENTRANCE REASON - ThreadID = %#x [ g_cLock=%u, g_cObjects=%u ]", GetCurrentThreadId( ), g_cLock, g_cObjects ); FRETURN( TRUE ); #endif // DEBUG
break; } }
return TRUE;
BOOL fResult; Assert( ulReasonIn == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH || ulReasonIn == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ); #if defined(DEBUG)
TraceInitializeProcess( TRUE ); #endif // DEBUG
g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE) hInstIn; GetModuleFileNameW( g_hInstance, g_szDllFilename, MAX_PATH ); fResult = DisableThreadLibraryCalls( g_hInstance ); AssertMsg( fResult, "*ERROR* DisableThreadLibraryCalls( ) failed." ); return TRUE; #endif // NO_THREAD_OPTIMIZATIONS
} //*** DllMain()
#endif // !defined(NO_DLL_MAIN) && !defined(DEBUG)