Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
routines for backing computer object support
Charlie Wickham (charlwi) 14-Dec-2000
User Mode
Revision History:
#define UNICODE 1
#define _UNICODE 1
#define LDAP_UNICODE 1
#define SECURITY_WIN32
extern "C" { #include "clusres.h"
#include "clusstrs.h"
#include "clusrtl.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <sspi.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include <ntldap.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <dsgetdcp.h>
#include <ntdsapi.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <iads.h>
#include <adshlp.h>
#include <adserr.h>
#include "netname.h"
#include "nameutil.h"
// Constants
// private structures
// Externs
extern PLOG_EVENT_ROUTINE NetNameLogEvent;
extern "C" { DWORD EncryptNNResourceData( PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource, LPWSTR MachinePwd, PBYTE * EncryptedData, PDWORD EncryptedDataLength );
DWORD DecryptNNResourceData( PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource, PBYTE EncryptedData, DWORD EncryptedDataLength, LPWSTR MachinePwd ); }
// static data
static WCHAR LdapHeader[] = L"LDAP://";
// partial list of SPNs used by clustering. All netname resources get Host and
// VS SPN. Cluster core name gets server cluster SPN which is used to find
// "clusters" in the DS (for Whistler). This array is order dependent: the
// last entry must be for the core resource.
static PWCHAR SPNServiceClass[] = { L"HOST/", L"MSClusterVirtualServer/", L"MSServerCluster/" };
// each SPN ServiceClass is used to form two SPNs: netbios based and DNS
// based. Virtual servers use the first two entries while core resources use
// all three.
#define SPN_VS_SPN_COUNT 4
#define SPN_MAX_SERVICECLASS_CHARS 23 // virtual server
// forward references
HRESULT GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( IN LPWSTR DistinguishedName, IN LPWSTR DCName OPTIONAL, IN OUT IDirectoryObject ** ComputerObject );
// private routines
static DWORD GenerateRandomBytes( PWSTR Buffer, DWORD BufferLength )
Routine Description:
Generate random bytes for a password. Length is specified in characters and allows room for the trailing null.
Buffer - pointer to area to receive random data
BufferLength - size of Buffer in characters
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS otherwise GetLastError()
{ HCRYPTPROV cryptProvider; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD charLength = BufferLength - 1; DWORD byteLength = charLength * sizeof( WCHAR ); BOOL success;
if ( !CryptAcquireContext(&cryptProvider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT )) { return GetLastError(); }
// leave room for the terminating null
if (CryptGenRandom( cryptProvider, byteLength, (BYTE *)Buffer )) {
// run down the array as WCHARs to make sure there is no premature
// terminating NULL
PWCHAR pw = Buffer;
while ( charLength-- ) { if ( *pw == UNICODE_NULL ) { *pw = 0xA3F5; } ++pw; }
*pw = UNICODE_NULL; } else { status = GetLastError(); }
success = CryptReleaseContext( cryptProvider, 0 ); ASSERT( success );
return status; } // GenerateRandomBytes
Routine Description:
get the name of a DC for our node
Server - pointer to string containing our server (i.e., node) name
DCName - non-null if we should connect to a specific DC
DSFlags - any specific flags needed by the caller
DCInfo - address of a pointer that receives a pointer to DC information
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error. If successful, caller must free DCInfo buffer.
// MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH is defined to be 15 but I could create computer
// objects with name lengths of up to 20 chars. 15 is the max number of
// chars for a Netbios name. In any case, we'll leave ourselves extra room
// by using the DNS constants. Leave space for the dollar sign and
// trailing null.
wcsncpy( localServerName, Server, DNS_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH - 2 ); wcscat( localServerName, L"$" );
// specifying that a DS is required makes us home in on a W2K or better DC
// (as opposed to an NT4 PDC).
retry_findDC: status = DsGetDcNameWithAccountW(DCName, localServerName, UF_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_MASK, L"", NULL, NULL, DSFlags, &dcInfo );
#if DBG
(NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"FindDomainForServer: DsGetGetDcName returned %1!u! with flags %2!08X!\n", status, DSFlags); #endif
if ( status == NO_ERROR ) { HANDLE dsHandle = NULL;
// make sure it is really available by binding to it
status = DsBindW( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, NULL, &dsHandle );
#if DBG
(NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"FindDomainForServer: DsBind returned %1!u!\n", status); #endif
if (DCName == NULL && status != NO_ERROR && !(DSFlags & DS_FORCE_REDISCOVERY )) { //
// couldn't bind to the returned DC and we haven't forced a
// rediscovery; do so now
(NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"FindDomainForServer: Bind to DS failed (status %1!u). " L"Forcing discovery of available DC.\n", status);
NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); dcInfo = NULL; DSFlags |= DS_FORCE_REDISCOVERY; goto retry_findDC; } else if ( status == NO_ERROR ) { DsUnBind( &dsHandle ); *DCInfo = dcInfo; } else { //
// some other error; free up DC info and return error to caller
NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); } }
return status; } // FindDomainForServer
HRESULT AddDnsHostNameAttribute( RESOURCE_HANDLE ResourceHandle, IDirectoryObject * CompObj, PWCHAR VirtualName, BOOL Rename )
Routine Description:
add the DnsHostName attribute to the computer object for the specified virtual name.
ResourceHandle - used to log in cluster log
CompObj - IDirObj COM pointer to object
VirtualName - network name
Rename - true if we're renaming the CO
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
ADSVALUE attrValue;
// get the node's primary DNS domain
dnsSuffixSize = COUNT_OF( dnsSuffix ); success = GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsDomain, dnsSuffix, &dnsSuffixSize);
if ( success ) { //
// build the FQ Dns name for this host
FQDnsName[ COUNT_OF( FQDnsName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( FQDnsName, COUNT_OF( FQDnsName ) - 1, L"%ws.%ws", VirtualName, dnsSuffix );
attrValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; attrValue.CaseIgnoreString = FQDnsName;
attrInfo.pszAttrName = L"dNSHostName"; attrInfo.dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_UPDATE; attrInfo.dwADsType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; attrInfo.pADsValues = &attrValue; attrInfo.dwNumValues = 1;
hr = CompObj->SetObjectAttributes( &attrInfo, 1, &numberModified ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && numberModified != 1 ) { //
// don't know why this scenario would happen but we'd better log
// it since it is unusual
(NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Setting DnsHostName attribute succeeded but NumberModified is zero!\n");
if ( Rename && SUCCEEDED( hr )) { WCHAR dollarName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ];
// try to update the display name as well. Default access rights
// don't allow this to be written but in case the domain admin has
// given the cluster service account additional privileges, we
// might be able to update it
dollarName[ COUNT_OF( dollarName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( dollarName, COUNT_OF( dollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", VirtualName );
attrValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; attrValue.CaseIgnoreString = dollarName;
attrInfo.pszAttrName = L"displayName"; attrInfo.dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_UPDATE; attrInfo.dwADsType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; attrInfo.pADsValues = &attrValue; attrInfo.dwNumValues = 1;
hr = CompObj->SetObjectAttributes( &attrInfo, 1, &numberModified ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { (NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Failed to set DisplayName attribute. status %1!08X!\n", hr);
hr = NO_ERROR; } } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
return hr; } // AddDnsHostNameAttribute
DWORD BuildNetNameSPNs( IN LPWSTR HostName, IN BOOL CoreResource, OUT PNN_SPN_LIST * SpnList )
Routine Description:
For the given name, build the appropriate list of SPNs. Caller frees returned list with only one call to LocalFree().
HostName - host name to be used as part of the SPN
CoreResource - TRUE if this is the core netname resource. It gets extra SPNs
SpnList - address of pointer that receives structure containing array of pointers to SPNs
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked ok....
{ DWORD spnCount; DWORD serviceClassCount; PWCHAR spnBuffer; DWORD charsLeft; DWORD spnSize; DWORD i; BOOL success; WCHAR dnsDomain[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD dnsDomainChars; DWORD hostNameChars = wcslen( HostName );
// get the node's DNS domain
dnsDomainChars = COUNT_OF( dnsDomain ); success = GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameDnsDomain, dnsDomain, &dnsDomainChars ); if ( !success ) { return GetLastError(); }
// compute the space needed for the SPN List - minimum is for virtual servers
if ( CoreResource ) { spnCount = SPN_CORE_SPN_COUNT; serviceClassCount = SPN_CORE_SERVICECLASS_COUNT; } else { spnCount = SPN_VS_SPN_COUNT; serviceClassCount = SPN_VS_SERVICECLASS_COUNT; }
// total size is: the header, the size of the Netbios based SPNs, and the
// size of the DNS based SPNs.
spnSize = sizeof( NN_SPN_LIST ) + ( serviceClassCount * ( SPN_MAX_SERVICECLASS_CHARS + hostNameChars + 1 ) + serviceClassCount * ( SPN_MAX_SERVICECLASS_CHARS + dnsDomainChars ) ) * sizeof( WCHAR );
spnList = (PNN_SPN_LIST)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, spnSize ); if ( spnList == NULL ) { return GetLastError(); }
// build up the structure
spnList->SpnCount = spnCount; spnBuffer = (PWCHAR)(spnList + 1); charsLeft = ( spnSize - sizeof( NN_SPN_LIST )) / sizeof( WCHAR );
for ( i = 0; i < serviceClassCount; ++i ) { LONG charCount;
// build Netbios based SPN
spnList->Spn[ 2 * i ] = spnBuffer; charCount = _snwprintf( spnBuffer, charsLeft, L"%ws%ws", SPNServiceClass[i], HostName ); ASSERT( charCount > 0 );
spnBuffer += ( charCount + 1 ); charsLeft -= ( charCount + 1 );
// build DNS based SPN
spnList->Spn[ 2 * i + 1 ] = spnBuffer; charCount = _snwprintf( spnBuffer, charsLeft, L"%ws%ws.%ws", SPNServiceClass[i], HostName, dnsDomain ); ASSERT( charCount > 0 );
spnBuffer += ( charCount + 1 ); charsLeft -= ( charCount + 1 ); }
*SpnList = spnList;
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // BuildNetNameSPNs
DWORD AddServicePrincipalNames( HANDLE DsHandle, PWCHAR VirtualFQDN, PWCHAR VirtualName, PWCHAR DnsDomain, BOOL IsCoreResource )
Routine Description:
add the DNS and Netbios host service principal names to the specified virtual name. These are: HOST, MSClusterVirtualServer, and MSServerCluster if it is the core resource.
DsHandle - handle obtained from DsBind
VirtualFQDN - distinguished name of computer object for the virtual netname
VirtualName - the network name to be added
DnsDomain - the DNS domain used to construct the DNS SPN
IsCoreResource - true if we need to add the core resource SPN
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
{ DWORD status;
// get a list of the SPNs
status = BuildNetNameSPNs( VirtualName, IsCoreResource, &spnList ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return status; }
// write the SPNs to the DS
status = DsWriteAccountSpnW(DsHandle, DS_SPN_ADD_SPN_OP, VirtualFQDN, spnList->SpnCount, (LPCWSTR *)spnList->Spn);
LocalFree( spnList ); return status; } // AddServicePrincipalNames
DWORD SetACLOnParametersKey( HKEY ParametersKey )
Routine Description:
Set the ACL on the params key to allow only admin group and creator/owner to have access to the data
ParametersKey - cluster HKEY to the netname's params key
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
{ DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL success;
// build an SD the quick way. This gives builtin admins (local admins's
// group), creator/owner and the service SID full access to the
// key. Inheritance is prevented in both directions, i.e., doesn't inherit
// from its parent nor passes the settings onto its children (of which the
// node parameters keys are the only children).
success = ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor( L"D:P(A;;KA;;;BA)(A;;KA;;;CO)(A;;KA;;;SU)", SDDL_REVISION_1, &secDesc, NULL);
if ( success && (secDesc != NULL) ) { status = ClusterRegSetKeySecurity(ParametersKey, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, secDesc); LocalFree( secDesc ); } else { if ( secDesc != NULL ) { LocalFree( secDesc ); status = GetLastError(); } }
return status; } // SetACLOnParametersKey
HRESULT GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( IN LPWSTR DistinguishedName, IN LPWSTR DCName OPTIONAL, IN OUT IDirectoryObject ** ComputerObject )
Routine Description:
for the specified distinguished name, get an IDirectoryObject pointer to it
DistinguishedName - FQDN of object in DS to find
DCName - optional pointer to name of DC (not domain) that we should bind to
ComputerObject - address of pointer that receives pointer to computer object
Return Value:
success if everything worked, otherwise....
{ WCHAR buffer[ 256 ]; PWCHAR bindingString = buffer; LONG charCount; HRESULT hr; DWORD dnLength; DWORD adsFlags = ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION;
// format an LDAP binding string for our distingiushed name. If DCName is
// specified, we need to add a trailing "/".
dnLength = (DWORD)( COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) + wcslen( DistinguishedName )); if ( DCName != NULL ) { if ( *DCName == L'\\' && *(DCName+1) == L'\\' ) { // skip over double backslashes
DCName += 2; }
dnLength += wcslen( DCName ) + 1; adsFlags |= ADS_SERVER_BIND; }
if ( dnLength > COUNT_OF( buffer )) { bindingString = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, dnLength * sizeof( WCHAR )); if ( bindingString == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError()); } }
wcscpy( bindingString, LdapHeader ); if ( DCName != NULL ) { wcscat( bindingString, DCName ); wcscat( bindingString, L"/" ); } wcscat( bindingString, DistinguishedName );
*ComputerObject = NULL; hr = ADsOpenObject(bindingString, NULL, // username
NULL, // password
adsFlags, IID_IDirectoryObject, (VOID **)ComputerObject );
if ( bindingString != buffer ) { LocalFree( bindingString ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) && *ComputerObject != NULL ) { (*ComputerObject)->Release(); }
return hr; } // GetComputerObjectViaFQDN
HRESULT GetComputerObjectViaGUID( IN LPWSTR ObjectGUID, IN LPWSTR DCName OPTIONAL, IN OUT IDirectoryObject ** ComputerObject )
Routine Description:
for the specified object GUID, get an IDirectoryObject pointer to it
ObjectGUID - GUID of object in DS to find
DCName - optional pointer to name of DC (not domain) that we should bind to
ComputerObject - address of pointer that receives pointer to computer object
Return Value:
success if everything worked, otherwise....
{ WCHAR guidHeader[] = L"<GUID="; WCHAR guidTrailer[] = L">"; LONG charCount; HRESULT hr; DWORD dnLength; DWORD adsFlags = ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION;
// 37 = guid length
WCHAR buffer[ COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) + DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + COUNT_OF( guidHeader ) + 37 + COUNT_OF( guidTrailer ) ];
PWCHAR bindingString = buffer;
// format an LDAP binding string for the object GUID. If DCName is
// specified, we need to add a trailing / plus the trailing null.
ASSERT( ObjectGUID != NULL ); dnLength = (DWORD)( COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) + COUNT_OF( guidHeader ) + COUNT_OF( guidTrailer ) + wcslen( ObjectGUID ));
if ( DCName != NULL ) { if ( *DCName == L'\\' && *(DCName+1) == L'\\' ) { // skip over double backslashes
DCName += 2; }
dnLength += ( wcslen( DCName ) + 1 ); adsFlags |= ADS_SERVER_BIND; }
if ( dnLength > COUNT_OF( buffer )) { bindingString = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, dnLength * sizeof( WCHAR )); if ( bindingString == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
wcscpy( bindingString, LdapHeader ); if ( DCName != NULL ) { wcscat( bindingString, DCName ); wcscat( bindingString, L"/" ); }
wcscat( bindingString, guidHeader ); wcscat( bindingString, ObjectGUID ); wcscat( bindingString, guidTrailer );
*ComputerObject = NULL; hr = ADsOpenObject(bindingString, NULL, // username
NULL, // password
adsFlags, IID_IDirectoryObject, (VOID **)ComputerObject );
if ( bindingString != buffer ) { LocalFree( bindingString ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) && *ComputerObject != NULL ) { (*ComputerObject)->Release(); }
return hr; } // GetComputerObjectViaGUID
DWORD DeleteComputerObject( IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource )
Routine Description:
delete the computer object in the DS for this name.
Not called right now since we don't have the virtual netname at this point in time. The name must be kept around and cleaned during close processing instead of offline where it is done now. This means dealing with renaming issues while it is offline but not getting deleted.
Resource - pointer to the resource context info
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked
{ DWORD status; WCHAR virtualDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; HKEY resourceKey = Resource->ResKey; PWSTR virtualName = Resource->Params.NetworkName;
RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle;
// get the name of a writable DC
status = FindDomainForServer( resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, NULL, DS_WRITABLE_REQUIRED, &dcInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to find a DC, status %1!u!.\n", status); return status; }
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Using domain controller %1!ws! to delete computer account %2!ws!.\n", dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualName);
// add a $ to the end of the name
virtualDollarName[ COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( virtualDollarName, COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", virtualName );
status = NetUserDel( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName ); if ( status == NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Deleted computer account %1!ws! in domain %2!ws!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainName);
ClusResLogSystemEventByKey1(resourceKey, LOG_NOISE, RES_NETNAME_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_DELETED, dcInfo->DomainName);
if ( Resource->ObjectGUID ) { LocalFree( Resource->ObjectGUID ); Resource->ObjectGUID = NULL; } } else { LPWSTR msgBuff; DWORD msgBytes;
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to delete computer account %1!ws! in domain %2!ws!, status %3!u!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainName, status);
if ( msgBytes > 0 ) {
ClusResLogSystemEventByKey2(resourceKey, LOG_UNUSUAL, RES_NETNAME_DELETE_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED, dcInfo->DomainName, msgBuff);
LocalFree( msgBuff ); } else { ClusResLogSystemEventByKeyData1(resourceKey, LOG_UNUSUAL, RES_NETNAME_DELETE_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED_STATUS, sizeof( status ), &status, dcInfo->DomainName); } }
NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo );
return status; } // DeleteComputerObject
DWORD NNLogonUser( RESOURCE_HANDLE ResourceHandle, LPTSTR UserName, LPTSTR DomainName, LPTSTR Password, PHANDLE VSToken, PDWORD TokenStatus )
Routine Description:
Do a network logon of the machine account credentials by generating a security context between the cluster service account and the machine.
NTLM is currently used for this purpose though Kerberos should eventually be used. If it is changed to Kerb, then NNGetAuthenticatingDC has to be changed to query Kerb for its DC.
ResourceHandle - used to log in cluster log
UserName - pointer to buffer holding machine name with trailing $
DomainName - duh....
Password - double duh...
VSToken - pointer which gets token handle to passed in credentials
TokenStatus - pointer to DWORD returning status on getting token handle
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if password is good...
DWORD tokenStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL success;
CredHandle csaCredHandle = { 0, 0 }; // cluster service account
CredHandle computerCredHandle = { 0, 0 }; // machine account
CtxtHandle computerCtxtHandle = { 0, 0 }; CtxtHandle csaCtxtHandle = { 0, 0 };
ULONG contextAttributes;
ULONG packageCount; ULONG packageIndex; PSecPkgInfo packageInfo; DWORD cbMaxToken = 0;
TimeStamp ctxtLifeTime; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY authIdentity;
SecBufferDesc NegotiateDesc; SecBuffer NegotiateBuffer;
SecBufferDesc ChallengeDesc; SecBuffer ChallengeBuffer;
SecBufferDesc AuthenticateDesc; SecBuffer AuthenticateBuffer;
PVOID computerBuffer = NULL; PVOID csaBuffer = NULL;
// validate parameters
if ( DomainName == NULL || UserName == NULL || Password == NULL ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// << this section could be cached in a repeat caller scenario >>
// Get info about the security packages.
secStatus = EnumerateSecurityPackages( &packageCount, &packageInfo ); if( secStatus != SEC_E_OK ) { return secStatus; }
// loop through the packages looking for NTLM
for(packageIndex = 0 ; packageIndex < packageCount ; packageIndex++ ) { if(packageInfo[packageIndex].Name != NULL) { if( ClRtlStrICmp(packageInfo[packageIndex].Name, NTLMSP_NAME) == 0) { cbMaxToken = packageInfo[packageIndex].cbMaxToken; break; } } }
FreeContextBuffer( packageInfo );
if( cbMaxToken == 0 ) { secStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; }
// << end of cached section >>
// Acquire an outbound (client side) credential handle for the computer
// account
ZeroMemory( &authIdentity, sizeof(authIdentity) );
authIdentity.Domain = DomainName; authIdentity.DomainLength = lstrlen(DomainName);
authIdentity.User = UserName; authIdentity.UserLength = lstrlen(UserName);
authIdentity.Password = Password; authIdentity.PasswordLength = lstrlen(Password);
secStatus = AcquireCredentialsHandle( NULL, // New principal
NTLMSP_NAME, // Package Name
SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, &authIdentity, NULL, NULL, &computerCredHandle, &ctxtLifeTime );
if ( secStatus != SEC_E_OK ) { goto cleanup; }
// Acquire an inbound (server side) credential handle for the cluster
// service account. The resulting security context will represent the
// computer account.
secStatus = AcquireCredentialsHandle( NULL, // New principal
NTLMSP_NAME, // Package Name
SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &csaCredHandle, &ctxtLifeTime );
if ( secStatus != SEC_E_OK ) { goto cleanup; }
// allocate token buffers for the computer and CSA sides.
computerBuffer = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cbMaxToken);
if( computerBuffer == NULL ) { secStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
csaBuffer = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cbMaxToken);
if( csaBuffer == NULL ) { secStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// Get the NegotiateMessage (ClientSide)
NegotiateDesc.ulVersion = 0; NegotiateDesc.cBuffers = 1; NegotiateDesc.pBuffers = &NegotiateBuffer;
NegotiateBuffer.cbBuffer = cbMaxToken; NegotiateBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; NegotiateBuffer.pvBuffer = computerBuffer;
secStatus = InitializeSecurityContext( &computerCredHandle, NULL, // No Client context yet
NULL, // target name
SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, NULL, // No initial input token
0, // Reserved 2
&computerCtxtHandle, &NegotiateDesc, &contextAttributes, &ctxtLifeTime );
if( secStatus < 0 ) { goto cleanup; }
// Get the ChallengeMessage (ServerSide)
NegotiateBuffer.BufferType |= SECBUFFER_READONLY; ChallengeDesc.ulVersion = 0; ChallengeDesc.cBuffers = 1; ChallengeDesc.pBuffers = &ChallengeBuffer;
ChallengeBuffer.cbBuffer = cbMaxToken; ChallengeBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; ChallengeBuffer.pvBuffer = csaBuffer;
secStatus = AcceptSecurityContext( &csaCredHandle, NULL, // No Server context yet
SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &csaCtxtHandle, &ChallengeDesc, &contextAttributes, &ctxtLifeTime );
if( secStatus < 0 ) { goto cleanup; }
// Get the AuthenticateMessage (ClientSide)
ChallengeBuffer.BufferType |= SECBUFFER_READONLY; AuthenticateDesc.ulVersion = 0; AuthenticateDesc.cBuffers = 1; AuthenticateDesc.pBuffers = &AuthenticateBuffer;
AuthenticateBuffer.cbBuffer = cbMaxToken; AuthenticateBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; AuthenticateBuffer.pvBuffer = computerBuffer;
secStatus = InitializeSecurityContext( NULL, &computerCtxtHandle, NULL, // target name
0, 0, // Reserved 1
SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &ChallengeDesc, 0, // Reserved 2
&computerCtxtHandle, &AuthenticateDesc, &contextAttributes, &ctxtLifeTime );
if ( secStatus < 0 ) { goto cleanup; }
// Finally authenticate the user (ServerSide)
AuthenticateBuffer.BufferType |= SECBUFFER_READONLY;
secStatus = AcceptSecurityContext( NULL, &csaCtxtHandle, &AuthenticateDesc, ASC_REQ_ALLOW_NON_USER_LOGONS, // | ASC_REQ_DELEGATE,
SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &csaCtxtHandle, NULL, &contextAttributes, &ctxtLifeTime );
// now get a primary token to the virtual computer account if we were
// successful up to this point
if ( secStatus == SEC_E_OK ) { if ( *VSToken != NULL ) { CloseHandle( *VSToken ); *VSToken = NULL; }
tokenStatus = ImpersonateSecurityContext( &csaCtxtHandle ); if ( tokenStatus == SEC_E_OK ) { SECURITY_STATUS revertStatus;
// create a new primary token that represents the virtual computer
// account
success = LogonUser(UserName, DomainName, Password, LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, VSToken);
if ( !success ) { secStatus = GetLastError(); (NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Could not create primary token for the virtual computer account " L"associated with this resource. status %u\n", secStatus ); }
revertStatus = RevertSecurityContext( &csaCtxtHandle ); if ( revertStatus != SEC_E_OK ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Could not revert this thread's security context back to " L"the Cluster Service Account after acquiring a token to " L"this resource's virtual computer account - status %u. This will subsequently " L"cause different types of access denied failures when this thread " L"is used by the resource monitor. The cluster service should be stopped " L"and restarted on this node to recover from this situation\n", revertStatus);
tokenStatus = revertStatus; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to impersonate virtual computer account - status %1!u!\n", tokenStatus); }
*TokenStatus = tokenStatus; }
// clean up the security contexts
if ( computerCtxtHandle.dwUpper != 0 && computerCtxtHandle.dwLower != 0 ) { DeleteSecurityContext( &computerCtxtHandle ); }
if ( csaCtxtHandle.dwUpper != 0 && csaCtxtHandle.dwLower != 0 ) { DeleteSecurityContext( &csaCtxtHandle ); }
// Free credential handles
if ( csaCredHandle.dwUpper != 0 && csaCredHandle.dwLower != 0 ) { FreeCredentialsHandle( &csaCredHandle ); }
if ( computerCredHandle.dwUpper != 0 && computerCredHandle.dwLower != 0 ) { FreeCredentialsHandle( &computerCredHandle ); }
if( computerBuffer != NULL ) { ZeroMemory( computerBuffer, cbMaxToken ); LocalFree( computerBuffer ); }
if( csaBuffer != NULL ) { ZeroMemory( csaBuffer, cbMaxToken ); LocalFree( csaBuffer ); }
return secStatus; } // NNLogonUser
#ifdef BUG601100
don't want to throw this code away since it might be useful in the future. It's not clear it is needed for anything at this point. It does make sense to restore the ACL back to its original form making the CSA the owner.
HRESULT ResetComputerObjectSecurityDesc( IN LPWSTR DCName, IN LPWSTR VirtualName, IDirectoryObject * ComputerObject )
Routine Description:
Reset the security descriptor on the computer object as specified in the schema.
By default, only domain level admins have this access. The SELF is not granted this right since this could lead to DS DoS attacks where millions of child objects are created. The Cluster Service Account could be given elevated access rights to accomplish but there are other issues involved like this code doesn't correctly inherit the ACEs in the parent container.
VirtualName - pointer to the name of the object
Return Value:
{ HRESULT hr; IADs * rootDSE = NULL; IADs * computerSchema = NULL; VARIANT schemaNamingCtxt; VARIANT computerSchemaSDDL; WCHAR computerCN[] = L"/cn=computer,"; DWORD pathChars; LPWSTR computerSchemaPath = NULL; DWORD numberModified; WCHAR rootDN[] = L"/rootDSE"; WCHAR rootServerPath[ COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) + DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + COUNT_OF( rootDN ) ];
ADSVALUE attrValue;
// skip over '\\' if it is in front of the DC name
if ( *DCName == L'\\' && *(DCName+1) == L'\\' ) { DCName += 2; }
// Get rootDSE and the schema container's DN. Bind to current user's
// domain using current user's security context.
rootServerPath[ COUNT_OF( rootServerPath ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( rootServerPath, COUNT_OF( rootServerPath ) - 1, L"%ws%ws%ws", LdapHeader, DCName, rootDN);
hr = ADsOpenObject(L"LDAP://rootDSE", NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION | ADS_SERVER_BIND, IID_IADs, (void**)&rootDSE); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// get the DN to the schema
hr = rootDSE->Get( L"schemaNamingContext", &schemaNamingCtxt ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// build the path to the computer class schema object and get an ADs
// pointer to it. Subtract one since COUNT_OF includes the NULL and we
// only need to do that once. The path is of the form:
// LDAP://DCName/cn=computer,<path to computer classSchema object in schema>
pathChars = COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) + wcslen( DCName ) + COUNT_OF( computerCN ) + wcslen( schemaNamingCtxt.bstrVal ) - 1;
computerSchemaPath = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc( 0, pathChars * sizeof( WCHAR )); if ( computerSchemaPath == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError()); goto cleanup; }
computerSchemaPath[ pathChars - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf(computerSchemaPath, pathChars - 1, L"%ws%ws%ws%ws", LdapHeader, DCName, computerCN, schemaNamingCtxt.bstrVal );
hr = ADsOpenObject(computerSchemaPath, NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION | ADS_SERVER_BIND, IID_IADs, (void**)&computerSchema);
LocalFree( computerSchemaPath );
if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// now read the default security descriptor and convert it from string
// notation to a self-relative SD
hr = computerSchema->Get( L"defaultSecurityDescriptor", &computerSchemaSDDL ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
if ( computerSchemaSDDL.vt == VT_BSTR ) { if ( !ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(computerSchemaSDDL.bstrVal, SDDL_REVISION_1, &schemaSD, NULL)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError()); } } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// finally, set the schema SD on our object.
attrValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR; attrValue.SecurityDescriptor.dwLength = GetSecurityDescriptorLength( schemaSD ); attrValue.SecurityDescriptor.lpValue = (LPBYTE)schemaSD;
attrInfo.pszAttrName = L"nTSecurityDescriptor"; attrInfo.dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_UPDATE; attrInfo.dwADsType = ADSTYPE_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR; attrInfo.pADsValues = &attrValue; attrInfo.dwNumValues = 1;
hr = ComputerObject->SetObjectAttributes( &attrInfo, 1, &numberModified ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && numberModified != 1 ) { hr = E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_SET; }
VariantClear( &computerSchemaSDDL );
if ( computerSchema ) { computerSchema->Release(); }
VariantClear( &schemaNamingCtxt );
if ( rootDSE ) { rootDSE->Release(); }
return hr;
} // ResetComputerObjectSecurityDesc
#endif // BUG601100
DWORD NNGetAuthenticatingDCName( LPWSTR * AuthDCName )
Routine Description:
get the DC that netname uses to authenticate with when generating the VS token. Currently, we use NTLM so this is the other end of netlogon's trusted connection
AuthDCName - address of pointer that receives the buffer containing the name (that Jack built)
Return Value:
{ WCHAR trustedDomainName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; PWCHAR inputParam = trustedDomainName; DWORD nameBufferSize = COUNT_OF( trustedDomainName ); DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL success;
// get our domain name
success = GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsDomain, trustedDomainName, &nameBufferSize);
if ( success ) { netStatus = I_NetLogonControl2(NULL, // this node
NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY, 2, (LPBYTE)&inputParam, (LPBYTE *)&nlInfo2 );
if ( netStatus == NERR_Success ) { *AuthDCName = ResUtilDupString( nlInfo2->netlog2_trusted_dc_name ); NetApiBufferFree( nlInfo2 ); } else { status = netStatus; } } else { status = GetLastError(); }
return status; } // NNGetAuthenticatingDCName
// exported routines
DWORD AddComputerObject( IN PCLUS_WORKER Worker, IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource, OUT PWCHAR * MachinePwd )
Routine Description:
Create a computer object in the DS that is used primarily for kerb authentication.
Worker - cluster worker thread so we can abort early if asked to do so
Resource - pointer to netname resource context block
MachinePwd - address of pointer to receive pointer to machine account PWD
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
{ DWORD status; PWSTR virtualName = Resource->Params.NetworkName; DWORD virtualNameSize = wcslen( virtualName ); PWSTR virtualFQDN = NULL; HANDLE dsHandle = NULL; WCHAR virtualDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; PWCHAR machinePwd = NULL; DWORD pwdBufferByteLength = ((LM20_PWLEN + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR )); DWORD pwdBufferCharLength = LM20_PWLEN + 1; DWORD paramInError = 0; BOOL deleteObjectOnFailure = FALSE; // only delete the CO if we create it
USER_INFO_1 netUI1; PUSER_INFO_20 netUI20 = NULL; USER_INFO_1003 netUI1003;
RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle; IDirectoryObject * compObj = NULL;
// Time to choose a DC. The order of preference is: PDC, authenticating
// DC, any DC. This strategy centers around how computer/machine account
// passwords are handled with the goal being to increase the chances that
// genearting a token for the virtual computer account will succeed.
// Just like user accounts, if a logon attempt fails at the authenticating
// DC, the logon is forwarded to the PDC. If it has the correct password,
// the logon succeeds. Unlike user accounts, password changes for machine
// accounts are not automatically forwarded to the PDC. Hence we favor the
// PDC when selecting the DC on which to either create or update the
// computer object.
// This strategy breaks down when the computer object doesn't exist in the
// domain or more specifically, the authenticating DC. That DC will not
// forward the logon request if it can't find the object in its SAM. For
// that reason, getting a token for the virtual computer account is not
// considered a failure during online. If one is requested later on, the
// logon attempt will be retried. Replication of the object and discovery
// by netlogon takes about 15 seconds so this shouldn't be that big of a
// problem.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Searching the PDC for existing computer account %1!ws!.\n", virtualName);
while ( TRUE ) { LPWSTR hostingDCName = NULL; LPWSTR searchDCName;
// if we've tried the PDC and the auth DC, set our search routine to
// search the domain and not a specific DC
if (( dsFlags & DS_PDC_REQUIRED ) == 0 && dcName == NULL ) { searchDCName = NULL; status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { //
// we have a specific DC in mind; look up its info
status = FindDomainForServer(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, dcName, dsFlags, &dcInfo );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { searchDCName = dcInfo->DomainControllerName; } }
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = IsComputerObjectInDS(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, virtualName, searchDCName, &objectExists, &virtualFQDN, &hostingDCName);
if ( FAILED( hr )) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Search for existing computer account failed. status %1!08X!\n", hr); } } // if DC lookup was successful
else { if ( dsFlags & DS_PDC_REQUIRED ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't get information about PDC. status %1!u!\n", status); } else if ( dcName != NULL ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't get information about authenticating DC %1!ws!. status %2!u!\n", dcName, status); } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Couldn't get information about any DC in the domain. status %1!u!\n", status); } }
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED;
if ( hostingDCName ) { LocalFree( hostingDCName ); }
goto cleanup; }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && objectExists ) { //
// object is on a DC; if this was a general domain wide search,
// then get this DC's information
if ( searchDCName == NULL ) { status = FindDomainForServer(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, hostingDCName, dsFlags, &dcInfo ); }
LocalFree( hostingDCName );
break; }
if ( dsFlags & DS_PDC_REQUIRED ) {
// not on PDC; look up authenticating DC and try that. If we
// can't get the auth DC, then just search the domain
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Computer account %1!ws! not found on PDC.\n", virtualName);
dsFlags &= ~DS_PDC_REQUIRED; if ( dcInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); dcInfo = NULL; }
status = NNGetAuthenticatingDCName( &dcName ); if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Searching %1!ws! for existing computer account %2!ws!.\n", dcName, virtualName);
} else { //
// couldn't get auth DC name; skip to looking in the whole domain
dcName = NULL; (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't get name of authenticating DC (status %1!u!). " L"Performing domain wide search.\n", status); } } else if ( dcName != NULL ) {
// not on the auth DC; try just the domain
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Computer account %1!ws! not found on DC %2!ws!. Performing " L"domain wide search.\n", virtualName, dcName);
if ( dcInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); dcInfo = NULL; }
LocalFree( dcName ); dcName = NULL; } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Computer account %1!ws! does not exist in this domain.\n", virtualName);
break; }
} // end of while TRUE
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
if ( !objectExists ) { //
// couldn't find object anywhere so we need to pick a DC on which to
// create the object. Our preference is the PDC, then the auth DC,
// then any DC.
status = FindDomainForServer(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, NULL, DS_PDC_REQUIRED | DS_WRITABLE_REQUIRED, &dcInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Failed to find the PDC in this domain. status %1!u!\n", status );
status = NNGetAuthenticatingDCName( &dcName ); if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// got the auth DC name; get its info
status = FindDomainForServer(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, dcName, DS_WRITABLE_REQUIRED, &dcInfo ); LocalFree( dcName ); dcName = NULL;
} // else couldn't get auth DC name
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// find any DC out there
status = FindDomainForServer(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, NULL, DS_WRITABLE_REQUIRED, &dcInfo ); } // else was able to get auth DC info
} // else PDC info was available
} // else an existing object was found
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LPWSTR msgBuff; DWORD msgBytes;
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to find a suitable DC in this domain. status %1!u!\n", status );
if ( msgBytes > 0 ) { ClusResLogSystemEventByKey1(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_NO_WRITEABLE_DC, msgBuff);
LocalFree( msgBuff ); } else { ClusResLogSystemEventByKeyData(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_NO_WRITEABLE_DC_STATUS, sizeof( status ), &status); }
goto cleanup;
} // else we found a suitable DC
// bind to the DS on this DC
status = DsBindW( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, NULL, &dsHandle ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to bind to DC %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", dcInfo->DomainControllerName, status );
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_DC_BIND_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Using domain controller %1!ws!.\n", dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
// initialize the user's pwd buffer and get a buffer to hold the machine
// Pwd
*MachinePwd = NULL; machinePwd = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, pwdBufferByteLength ); if ( machinePwd == NULL ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory for resource data. status %1!u!.\n", status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_RESDATA_ALLOC_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
// generate a random stream of bytes for the password
status = GenerateRandomBytes( machinePwd, pwdBufferCharLength ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to generate password. status %1!u!.\n", status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_PASSWORD_UPDATE_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
// set the ACL on the parameters key to contain just the cluster
// service account since we're about to store sensitive info in there.
status = SetACLOnParametersKey( Resource->ParametersKey ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set permissions on resource's parameters key. status %1!u!\n", status );
// take our new password, encrypt it and store it in the cluster
// registry
if ( Resource->Params.ResourceData != NULL ) { LocalFree( Resource->Params.ResourceData ); Resource->Params.ResourceData = NULL; }
status = EncryptNNResourceData(Resource, machinePwd, &Resource->Params.ResourceData, &Resource->ResDataSize);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to store resource data. status %1!u!\n", status );
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_RESDATA_STORE_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
// record when it is time to rotate the pwd; per MSDN, convert to
// ULARGE Int and add in the update interval.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &Resource->Params.NextUpdate ); updateTime.LowPart = Resource->Params.NextUpdate.dwLowDateTime; updateTime.HighPart = Resource->Params.NextUpdate.dwHighDateTime; updateTime.QuadPart += ( Resource->Params.UpdateInterval * 60 * 1000 * 100 ); Resource->Params.NextUpdate.dwLowDateTime = updateTime.LowPart; Resource->Params.NextUpdate.dwHighDateTime = updateTime.HighPart;
setValueStatus = ResUtilSetBinaryValue(Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__NEXT_UPDATE, (const LPBYTE)&updateTime, sizeof( updateTime ), NULL, NULL);
if ( setValueStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { status = setValueStatus; goto cleanup; } #endif
// identify this as a machine account by adding a $ to the end of the name.
virtualDollarName[ COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( virtualDollarName, COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", virtualName );
if ( objectExists ) { //
// found an object; see if it is enabled and whether we can hijack it.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Found existing computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
// check if the account is disabled
status = NetUserGetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 20, (LPBYTE *)&netUI20);
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { if ( netUI20->usri20_flags & UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE ) { USER_INFO_1008 netUI1008;
// try to re-enable; fail if we can't
netUI1008.usri1008_flags = netUI20->usri20_flags & ~UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE; status = NetUserSetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 1008, (LPBYTE)&netUI1008, ¶mInError);
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Computer account %1!ws! is disabled and couldn't be re-enabled. " L"status %2!u!\n", virtualName, status);
NetApiBufferFree( netUI20 ); netUI20 = NULL;
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { goto cleanup; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't determine if computer account %1!ws! " L"is disabled. status %2!u!\n", virtualName, status); }
// set the password on the computer object
netUI1003.usri1003_password = (PWCHAR)machinePwd; status = NetUserSetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 1003, (PBYTE)&netUI1003, ¶mInError );
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to update password for computer account " L"%1!ws! on DC %2!ws!, status %3!u!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_CO_PASSWORD_UPDATE_FAILED; goto cleanup; } } else { //
// the computer account doesn't exist in the DS. Create it.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Failed to find a computer account for " L"%1!ws! on DC %2!ws!. Attempting to create one.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
// create the computer object (machine account).
RtlZeroMemory( &netUI1, sizeof( netUI1 ) ); netUI1.usri1_password = (PWCHAR)machinePwd; netUI1.usri1_priv = USER_PRIV_USER; netUI1.usri1_name = virtualDollarName; netUI1.usri1_flags = UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT | UF_SCRIPT; netUI1.usri1_comment = NetNameCompObjAccountDesc;
status = NetUserAdd( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, 1, (PBYTE)&netUI1, ¶mInError );
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Created computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
deleteObjectOnFailure = TRUE; } // if NetUserAdd was successful
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to create computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws!, " L"status %3!u! (paramInError: %4!u!)\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, status, paramInError);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_CREATE_CO_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
// get the FQDN for setting attributes
hr = IsComputerObjectInDS( resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, &objectExists, &virtualFQDN, NULL);
if ( FAILED( hr ) || !objectExists ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to get LDAP distinguished name for computer account %1!ws! " L"on DC %2!ws!, status %3!08X!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, hr);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_GET_LDAP_NAME_FAILED; status = hr; goto cleanup; } }
// use the Object GUID for binding during CheckComputerObjectAttributes so
// we don't have to track changes to the DN. If the object is moved in the
// DS, its DN will change but not its GUID. We use this code instead of
// GetComputerObjectGuid because we need to target a specific DC.
{ IADs * pADs = NULL;
hr = GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( virtualFQDN, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, &compObj ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { hr = compObj->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**) &pADs); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { BSTR guidStr = NULL;
hr = pADs->get_GUID( &guidStr ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( Resource->ObjectGUID != NULL ) { LocalFree( Resource->ObjectGUID ); Resource->ObjectGUID = NULL; }
Resource->ObjectGUID = ResUtilDupString( guidStr ); if ( Resource->ObjectGUID == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError()); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to get object GUID for computer account %1!ws!, " L"status %2!08X!\n", virtualName, hr ); }
if ( guidStr ) { SysFreeString( guidStr ); } }
if ( pADs != NULL ) { pADs->Release(); }
if ( FAILED( hr )) { addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_GET_CO_GUID_FAILED; status = hr; goto cleanup; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to obtain access to computer account %1!ws!, status %2!08X!\n", virtualName, hr );
status = hr; addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_GET_CO_POINTER_FAILED; goto cleanup; } }
// add the DnsHostName and ServicePrincipalName attributes
hr = AddDnsHostNameAttribute( resourceHandle, compObj, virtualName, FALSE );
if ( FAILED( hr )) { status = hr; (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set DnsHostName attribute for computer account " L"%1!ws!, status %2!08X!.\n", virtualName, hr);
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
status = AddServicePrincipalNames( dsHandle, virtualFQDN, virtualName, dcInfo->DomainName, Resource->dwFlags & CLUS_FLAG_CORE );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set ServicePrincipalName attribute for computer account " L"%1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", virtualName, status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_SPN_UPDATE_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
// store the name of our creating DC in that property and make a copy for
// the online parameters block
if ( Resource->Params.CreatingDC != NULL ) { //
// this shouldn't be the case, but it will avoid mem leaks
LocalFree( Resource->Params.CreatingDC ); }
Resource->Params.CreatingDC = ResUtilDupString( dcInfo->DomainControllerName ); if ( Resource->Params.CreatingDC == NULL ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory for CreatingDC property, status %1!u!.\n", status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_CREATINDC_ALLOC_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
status = ResUtilSetSzValue(Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__CREATING_DC, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, NULL);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set CreatingDC property, status %1!u!.\n", status);
cleanup: //
// always free these
if ( dsHandle != NULL ) { DsUnBind( &dsHandle ); }
if ( compObj != NULL ) { compObj->Release(); }
if ( virtualFQDN != NULL ) { LocalFree( virtualFQDN ); }
if ( dcName != NULL ) { LocalFree( dcName ); }
if ( netUI20 != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( netUI20 ); }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *MachinePwd = machinePwd; } else { if ( status != ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED ) { LPWSTR msgBuff; DWORD msgBytes; LPWSTR addtlErrText; LPWSTR domainName; WCHAR domainNameBuffer[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD domainNameChars = COUNT_OF( domainNameBuffer ); BOOL success;
// get the additional error text to go with the generic failed message
addtlErrText = ClusResLoadMessage( addtlErrTextID );
success = GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsDomain, domainNameBuffer, &domainNameChars);
if ( success ) { domainName = domainNameBuffer; } else { domainName = NULL; }
if ( msgBytes > 0 ) { ClusResLogSystemEventByKey3(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_ADD_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED, domainName, addtlErrText, msgBuff);
LocalFree( msgBuff ); } else { ClusResLogSystemEventByKeyData2(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_ADD_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED_STATUS, sizeof( status ), &status, domainName, addtlErrText); }
if ( addtlErrText ) { LocalFree( addtlErrText ); } }
if ( machinePwd != NULL ) { RtlSecureZeroMemory( machinePwd, pwdBufferByteLength ); LocalFree( machinePwd ); }
if ( Resource->Params.ResourceData ) { DWORD deleteStatus;
RemoveNNCryptoCheckpoint( Resource );
deleteStatus = ClusterRegDeleteValue(Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__RESOURCE_DATA);
if ( deleteStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS && deleteStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(Resource->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to clear the " PARAM_NAME__RESOURCE_DATA L" property. status %1!u!\n", deleteStatus ); }
LocalFree( Resource->Params.ResourceData ); Resource->Params.ResourceData = NULL; }
if ( Resource->Params.CreatingDC ) { DWORD deleteStatus;
deleteStatus = ClusterRegDeleteValue(Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__CREATING_DC);
if ( deleteStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS && deleteStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(Resource->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to clear the " PARAM_NAME__CREATING_DC L" property. status %1!u!\n", deleteStatus ); }
LocalFree( Resource->Params.CreatingDC ); Resource->Params.CreatingDC = NULL; }
if ( deleteObjectOnFailure ) { //
// only delete the object if we created it. It is possible that
// the name was online at one time and the object was properly
// created allowing additional information/SPNs to be registered
// with the CO. For this reason, we shouldn't undo the work done
// by other applications.
DeleteComputerObject( Resource ); } }
if ( dcInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); }
return status; } // AddComputerObject
DWORD UpdateComputerObject( IN PCLUS_WORKER Worker, IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource, OUT PWCHAR * MachinePwd )
Routine Description:
Check the status of our existing computer object in the DS, i.e., make sure that nothing has happened to it.
Worker - cluster worker thread so we can abort early if asked to do so
Resource - pointer to netname resource context block
MachinePwd - address of pointer to receive pointer to machine account PWD
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
{ DWORD status; PWSTR virtualName = Resource->Params.NetworkName; PWSTR virtualFQDN = NULL; HANDLE dsHandle = NULL; WCHAR virtualDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; PWCHAR machinePwd = NULL; DWORD pwdBufferByteLength = ((LM20_PWLEN + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR )); DWORD paramInError = 0; BOOL objectFound = FALSE; HRESULT hr; DWORD addtlErrTextID; DWORD tokenStatus; BOOL success; PWCHAR hostingDCName = NULL;
PUSER_INFO_20 netUI20 = NULL; USER_INFO_1003 netUI1003;
RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle; IDirectoryObject * compObj = NULL;
*MachinePwd = NULL;
// find the object in the domain
hr = IsComputerObjectInDS(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, virtualName, NULL, &objectFound, &virtualFQDN, &hostingDCName);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( !objectFound ) { //
// couldn't find object anywhere in the DS; let's specifically
// retry on the creating DC in the event it was overlooked
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Computer account %1!ws! could not be found on the available " L"domain controllers. Checking the DC where the object was " L"created.\n", virtualName);
hostingDCName = Resource->Params.CreatingDC; hr = IsComputerObjectInDS(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, virtualName, hostingDCName, &objectFound, &virtualFQDN, NULL);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( !objectFound ) {
// something's amiss. Our object should be on the creating
// DC node but it's not. Fail and log a message to the
// system event log.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to find computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws! where it was " L"created.\n", virtualName, hostingDCName);
status = ERROR_DS_OBJ_NOT_FOUND; addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_MISSING_CO; goto cleanup; } } // if the search succeeded
else { //
// search on creating DC failed. assume it is not available.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Search for computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws! " L"failed. status %3!08X!.\n", virtualName, hostingDCName, hr); } } // end: the object wasn't found
} // if the domain wide search succeeded
else { //
// our domain wide search failed - continue on
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Domain wide search for computer account %1!ws! failed. status %2!08X!.\n", virtualName, hr); }
// get a buffer to hold the machine Pwd
machinePwd = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, pwdBufferByteLength ); if ( machinePwd == NULL ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory for resource data. status %1!u!.\n", status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_RESDATA_ALLOC_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
// Extract the password from the ResourceData property.
ASSERT( Resource->Params.ResourceData != NULL ); status = DecryptNNResourceData(Resource, Resource->Params.ResourceData, Resource->ResDataSize, machinePwd);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to decrypt resource data. status %1!u!\n", status );
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_DECRYPT_RESDATA_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
if ( !objectFound ) { //
// no point in proceeding with the rest of the routine since we don't
// have an object on which to check the attributes and trying to
// generate a token is going to fail (most likely).
goto cleanup; }
// get info about our selected DC and bind to its DS
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Found computer account %1!ws! on domain controller %2!ws!.\n", virtualName, hostingDCName);
status = FindDomainForServer( resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, hostingDCName, 0, &dcInfo );
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { status = DsBindW( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, NULL, &dsHandle ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to bind to domain controller %1!ws! (status %2!u!). " L"Cannot proceed with computer account attribute check.\n", hostingDCName, status);
} } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to get information about domain controller %1!ws! " L"(status %2!u!). Cannot proceed with computer account attribute " L"check.\n", hostingDCName, status); }
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// we couldn't get the DC info or we couldn't bind - non-fatal
status = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; }
// add a $ to the end of the name. I don't know why we need to do this;
// computer accounts have always had a $ at the end.
virtualDollarName[ COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( virtualDollarName, COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", virtualName );
// now check if it is disabled
status = NetUserGetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 20, (LPBYTE *)&netUI20);
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { if ( netUI20->usri20_flags & UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE ) { USER_INFO_1008 netUI1008;
// try to re-enable; fail if we can't. Kerb on W2K will continue
// to give out tickets to disabled objects. In order to perform
// updates on the object, it needs to be enabled.
netUI1008.usri1008_flags = netUI20->usri20_flags & ~UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE; status = NetUserSetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 1008, (LPBYTE)&netUI1008, ¶mInError);
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Computer account %1!ws! is disabled and couldn't be re-enabled. " L"status %2!u!\n", virtualName, status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_CO_CANT_BE_REENABLED; } } // else the CO was enabled
NetApiBufferFree( netUI20 ); netUI20 = NULL;
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { goto cleanup; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't determine if computer account %1!ws! " L"is already disabled. status %2!u!\n", virtualName, status); }
// see if our password is good by trying to do a network logon with this
// account. Get a token while we're at it.
status = NNLogonUser(resourceHandle, virtualDollarName, dcInfo->DomainName, machinePwd, &Resource->VSToken, &tokenStatus);
if ( status == SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Password for computer account %1!ws! is incorrect " L"(status 0x%2!08X!). Updating computer account with " L"stored password.\n", virtualName, status);
// now we need the PDC in write mode; rebind (if necessary). If that
// fails, fall back to the authenticating DC. See comments in
// AddComputerObject about choosing a DC.
if (( dcInfo->Flags & DS_WRITABLE_FLAG ) == 0 || ( dcInfo->Flags & DS_PDC_FLAG ) == 0 ) { LPWSTR dcName = NULL; DWORD nlStatus; DWORD dsFlags = DS_PDC_REQUIRED | DS_WRITABLE_REQUIRED;
DsUnBind( &dsHandle ); dsHandle = NULL;
NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); dcInfo = NULL;
retry_dc_search: status = FindDomainForServer( resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, dcName, dsFlags, &dcInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
if ( dsFlags & DS_PDC_REQUIRED ) {
// retry with authenticating DC. remove the PDC flag so if
// we fail again, we'll fall through to the bailout case
nlStatus = NNGetAuthenticatingDCName( &dcName ); if ( nlStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
dsFlags &= ~DS_PDC_REQUIRED;
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to find the PDC in the domain (status: %1!u!). " L"retying with the authenticating DC (%2!ws!).\n", status, dcName);
goto retry_dc_search; } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to determine the name of the authenticating DC, status %1!u!.\n", nlStatus); } } // else couldn't find the PDC and NL's DC wasn't available
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"No domain controller available to update password for computer " L"account %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", virtualName, status); } // else found the PDC
if ( dcName != NULL ) { LocalFree( dcName ); } } // else DC we had was PDC and writable
else { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// we lost our original DC and we couldn't get one to the PDC or
// the auth DC and the password doesn't work. bail out.
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_NO_DC_FOR_PASSWORD_UPDATE; goto cleanup; }
// if the DC handling the update is different from the original
// creator, then it becomes the new synchronization DC while waiting
// for attribute changes to replicate.
if ( ClRtlStrICmp( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC ) != 0 ) { LPWSTR newDCName;
newDCName = ResUtilDupString( dcInfo->DomainControllerName ); if ( newDCName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory for CreatingDC property value, " L"status %1!u!.\n", status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_CREATINDC_ALLOC_FAILED; goto cleanup; }
status = ResUtilSetSzValue(Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__CREATING_DC, newDCName, NULL);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set CreatingDC property, status %1!u!.\n", status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_CREATINGDC_UPDATE_FAILED; LocalFree( newDCName ); goto cleanup; }
// successfully committed change to cluster hive, now update the
// resource struct
LocalFree( Resource->Params.CreatingDC ); Resource->Params.CreatingDC = newDCName;
} // else the DC we are using is the original creating DC
// try setting our password on the object
netUI1003.usri1003_password = (PWCHAR)machinePwd; status = NetUserSetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 1003, (PBYTE)&netUI1003, ¶mInError );
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Updated password for computer account " L"%1!ws! on DC %2!ws!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
// now that password is fixed up, try to get a token; if object
// hasn't replicated to authenticating DC, this could fail.
status = NNLogonUser(resourceHandle, virtualDollarName, dcInfo->DomainName, machinePwd, &Resource->VSToken, &tokenStatus);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't log the computer account onto the domain. status 0x%1!08X!\n", status); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to update password for computer account " L"%1!ws! on DC %2!ws!, status %3!u!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, status);
} // else logon failed for some reason other than logon denied
else if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// can't tell if password is good; continue on hoping that it is ok.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't log the computer account onto the domain (status 0x%1!08X!). " L"Validity of locally stored password is unknown.\n", status); } // else NNLogonUser succeeded
if ( tokenStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to get token for computer account - status %1!u!\n", tokenStatus); }
// make sure residual non-fatal error doesn't kill us later on
// use the Object GUID for binding during CheckComputerObjectAttributes so
// we don't have to track changes to the DN. If the object moved in the
// DS, its DN will change but not its GUID. We use this code instead of
// GetComputerObjectGuid because we want to target a specific DC.
// If we fail to get the GUID, that in itself is not a failure. If later
// on, we need to update the DNS hostname attribute, then we fail since we
// need a pointer to the computer object which is a side effect of getting
// the GUID.
{ IADs * pADs = NULL;
hr = GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( virtualFQDN, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, &compObj ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { hr = compObj->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**) &pADs); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { BSTR guidStr = NULL;
hr = pADs->get_GUID( &guidStr ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( Resource->ObjectGUID != NULL ) { LocalFree( Resource->ObjectGUID ); Resource->ObjectGUID = NULL; }
Resource->ObjectGUID = ResUtilDupString( guidStr ); if ( Resource->ObjectGUID == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError()); } } else { }
if ( guidStr ) { SysFreeString( guidStr ); } } // else QI for IADs object failed
if ( pADs != NULL ) { pADs->Release(); }
if ( FAILED( hr )) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Failed to get object GUID for computer account %1!ws!, " L"status %2!08X!\n", virtualName, hr ); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Failed to obtain IDirectoryObject pointer to computer " L"account %1!ws!, status %2!08X!\n", virtualName, hr ); } } // local block to get IDirectoryObject pointer
// now check the attributes on the object we care about are correct
hr = CheckComputerObjectAttributes( Resource, dcInfo->DomainControllerName ); if ( FAILED( hr ) && compObj != NULL ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Updating attributes for computer account %1!ws!\n", virtualName);
// add the DnsHostName and ServicePrincipalName attributes
hr = AddDnsHostNameAttribute( resourceHandle, compObj, virtualName, FALSE );
if ( FAILED( hr )) { status = hr; (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set DnsHostName attribute for computer account %1!ws!, " L"status %2!08X!.\n", virtualName, status);
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
status = AddServicePrincipalNames( dsHandle, virtualFQDN, virtualName, dcInfo->DomainName, Resource->dwFlags & CLUS_FLAG_CORE );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set ServicePrincipalName attribute for computer account %1!ws!, " L"status %2!u!.\n", virtualName, status);
addtlErrTextID = RES_NETNAME_SPN_UPDATE_FAILED; goto cleanup; } } // else attributes are correct
cleanup: //
// always free these
if ( dsHandle != NULL ) { DsUnBind( &dsHandle ); }
if ( compObj != NULL ) { compObj->Release(); }
if ( virtualFQDN != NULL ) { LocalFree( virtualFQDN ); }
if ( hostingDCName != NULL && hostingDCName != Resource->Params.CreatingDC ) { //
// hostingDCName was allocated by the search routine
LocalFree( hostingDCName ); }
if ( netUI20 != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( netUI20 ); }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *MachinePwd = machinePwd; } else { if ( status != ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED ) { LPWSTR msgBuff; DWORD msgBytes; LPWSTR addtlErrText; LPWSTR domainName; WCHAR domainNameBuffer[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD domainNameChars = COUNT_OF( domainNameBuffer );
// get the additional error text to go with the generic failed message
addtlErrText = ClusResLoadMessage( addtlErrTextID );
success = GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsDomain, domainNameBuffer, &domainNameChars);
if ( success ) { domainName = domainNameBuffer; } else { domainName = NULL; }
if ( msgBytes > 0 ) { ClusResLogSystemEventByKey3(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_UPDATE_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED, domainName, addtlErrText, msgBuff);
LocalFree( msgBuff ); } else { ClusResLogSystemEventByKeyData2(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_UPDATE_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED_STATUS, sizeof( status ), &status, domainName, addtlErrText); }
if ( addtlErrText ) { LocalFree( addtlErrText ); } }
if ( machinePwd != NULL ) { //
// zero out the string
RtlSecureZeroMemory( machinePwd, pwdBufferByteLength ); LocalFree( machinePwd ); }
if ( Resource->VSToken ) { CloseHandle( Resource->VSToken ); Resource->VSToken = NULL; } }
if ( dcInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); }
return status; } // UpdateComputerObject
DWORD DisableComputerObject( PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource )
Routine Description:
Disable the CO associated with the resource.
Return Value:
success otherwise Win32 error
{ WCHAR virtualDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; PWCHAR virtualName; LPWSTR dcName = NULL;
NET_API_STATUS status; PUSER_INFO_20 netUI20; USER_INFO_1008 netUI1008; RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle;
// use the name stored in the registry since the name property could have
// been changed multiple times while offline
virtualName = ResUtilGetSzValue( Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__NAME ); if ( virtualName == NULL ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// find a writable DC; 2nd time through, we try the creating DC...
retry_findDC: status = FindDomainForServer( resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, dcName, DS_WRITABLE_REQUIRED, &dcInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Can't connect to DC %1!ws! to disable computer account %2!ws!. " L"status %3!u!\n", Resource->Params.CreatingDC, virtualName, status);
return status; }
virtualDollarName[ COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( virtualDollarName, COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", virtualName );
// get the current flags associated with the account
status = NetUserGetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 20, (LPBYTE *)&netUI20);
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { DWORD paramInError;
if ( netUI20->usri20_flags & UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE ) { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { netUI1008.usri1008_flags = netUI20->usri20_flags | UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE; status = NetUserSetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 1008, (LPBYTE)&netUI1008, ¶mInError);
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to disable computer account %1!ws!. status %2!u!\n", virtualName, status); } }
NetApiBufferFree( netUI20 ); } else if ( status == NERR_UserNotFound && dcName == NULL && Resource->Params.CreatingDC != NULL ) { //
// object must have not replicated just yet; retry on our synch point
// DC
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Failed to find computer account %1!ws! in order " L"to disable. Retrying on DC %2!ws!.\n", virtualName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC);
NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); dcInfo = NULL; dcName = Resource->Params.CreatingDC; goto retry_findDC; } else if ( status == NERR_UserNotFound ) { //
// apparently nothing to disable
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Failed to find computer account %1!ws! in order " L"to disable.\n", virtualName); } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't determine if computer account %1!ws! " L"is already disabled. status %2!u!\n", virtualName, status); }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Computer account %1!ws! is disabled.\n", virtualName); }
LocalFree( virtualName );
if ( dcInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); }
return status; } // DisableComputerObject
Routine Description:
For the given resource, find its computer object's GUID in the DS
Resource - pointer to netname resource context block
Name - optional pointer to name to use. If not specified, use name in resource block
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
{ LPWSTR virtualFQDN = NULL; LPWSTR nameToFind; HRESULT hr; DWORD status; BOOL objectExists;
// use the optional name if specified.
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Name )) { nameToFind = Name; } else { nameToFind = Resource->Params.NetworkName; }
// get the FQ Distinguished Name of the object
hr = IsComputerObjectInDS( Resource->ResourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, nameToFind, NULL, &objectExists, &virtualFQDN, NULL); // don't need HostingDCName
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( objectExists ) { IDirectoryObject * compObj = NULL;
// get a COM pointer to the computer object
hr = GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( virtualFQDN, NULL, &compObj ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { IADs * pADs = NULL;
// get a pointer to the generic IADs interface so we can get the
hr = compObj->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**) &pADs); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { BSTR guidStr = NULL;
hr = pADs->get_GUID( &guidStr ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( Resource->ObjectGUID != NULL ) { LocalFree( Resource->ObjectGUID ); }
Resource->ObjectGUID = ResUtilDupString( guidStr ); }
if ( guidStr ) { SysFreeString( guidStr ); } }
if ( pADs != NULL ) { pADs->Release(); } }
if ( compObj != NULL ) { compObj->Release(); } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT ); } }
if ( virtualFQDN ) { LocalFree( virtualFQDN ); }
return hr; } // GetComputerObjectGuid
Routine Description:
LooksAlive routine for computer object. Using an IDirectoryObject pointer to the virtual CO, check its DnsHostName and SPN attributes
Resource - pointer to netname resource context structure
DCName - optional pointer to a DC to bind to
Return Value:
S_OK if everything worked ok...
ADS_ATTR_INFO * attributeInfo = NULL; RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle;
IDirectoryObject * compObj = NULL;
// get a pointer to our CO
hr = GetComputerObjectViaGUID( Resource->ObjectGUID, DCName, &compObj );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { LPWSTR attributeNames[2] = { L"DnsHostName", L"ServicePrincipalName" }; DWORD numAttributes = COUNT_OF( attributeNames ); DWORD countOfAttrs;;
hr = compObj->GetObjectAttributes(attributeNames, numAttributes, &attributeInfo, &countOfAttrs );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { DWORD i; WCHAR fqDnsName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD nodeCharCount; DWORD fqDnsSize; BOOL setUnexpected = FALSE; BOOL success;
ADS_ATTR_INFO * attrInfo;
// check that we found our attributes
if ( countOfAttrs != numAttributes ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"DnsHostName and/or ServicePrincipalName attributes are " L"missing from computer account in DS.\n");
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto cleanup; }
// build our FQDnsName using the primary DNS domain for this
// node. Add 1 for the dot.
nodeCharCount = wcslen( Resource->Params.NetworkName ) + 1; wcscpy( fqDnsName, Resource->Params.NetworkName ); wcscat( fqDnsName, L"." ); fqDnsSize = COUNT_OF( fqDnsName ) - nodeCharCount;
success = GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameDnsDomain, &fqDnsName[ nodeCharCount ], &fqDnsSize );
ASSERT( success );
attrInfo = attributeInfo; for( i = 0; i < countOfAttrs; i++, attrInfo++ ) { if ( ClRtlStrICmp( attrInfo->pszAttrName, L"DnsHostName" ) == 0 ) { //
// should only be one entry and it should match our constructed FQDN
if ( attrInfo->dwNumValues == 1 ) { if ( ClRtlStrICmp( attrInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString, fqDnsName ) != 0 ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"DnsHostName attribute in DS doesn't match. " L"Expected: %1!ws! Actual: %2!ws!\n", fqDnsName, attrInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString); setUnexpected = TRUE; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Found more than one string for DnsHostName attribute in DS.\n"); setUnexpected = TRUE; } } else { //
// SPNs require more work since we publish a bunch of them
// as well as other services may have added their
// SPNs. The core resource should have more SPNs than the
// normal VS resource.
BOOL isCoreResource = ( Resource->dwFlags & CLUS_FLAG_CORE ); DWORD spnCount = isCoreResource ? SPN_CORE_SPN_COUNT : SPN_VS_SPN_COUNT;
if ( attrInfo->dwNumValues >= spnCount ) { DWORD countOfOurSPNs = 0; DWORD value; DWORD status;
status = BuildNetNameSPNs( Resource->Params.NetworkName, isCoreResource, &spnList);
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// examine each SPN and count the number that match the list
for ( value = 0; value < attrInfo->dwNumValues; value++, attrInfo->pADsValues++) { DWORD spnIndex;
for ( spnIndex = 0; spnIndex < spnCount; ++spnIndex ) { if ( ClRtlStrICmp(attrInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString, spnList->Spn[ spnIndex ]) == 0 ) { ++countOfOurSPNs; break; } } // SPN list loop
} // end of for each SPN value in the DS
if ( countOfOurSPNs != spnCount ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"There are missing entries in the ServicePrincipalName " L"attribute.\n"); setUnexpected = TRUE; }
LocalFree( spnList ); } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to build list of SPNs to check, status %1!u!\n"); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"There are missing entries in the ServicePrincipalName " L"attribute.\n"); setUnexpected = TRUE; } } } // for each attribute info entry
if ( setUnexpected ) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } // if GetObjectAttributes succeeded
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to find attributes for computer object in DS. status %1!08X!.\n", hr); } } // if GetComputerObjectViaFQDN succeeded
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Computer account attribute check: Unable to find computer account %1!ws! with GUID " L"{%2!.2ws!%3!.2ws!%4!.2ws!%5!.2ws!-%6!.2ws!%7!.2ws!-%8!.2ws!%9!.2ws!-%10!.4ws!-%11!ws!} " L"in Active Directory. status %12!08X!.\n", Resource->Params.NetworkName, Resource->ObjectGUID + 6, Resource->ObjectGUID + 4, Resource->ObjectGUID + 2, Resource->ObjectGUID, Resource->ObjectGUID + 10, Resource->ObjectGUID + 8, Resource->ObjectGUID + 14, Resource->ObjectGUID + 12, Resource->ObjectGUID + 16, Resource->ObjectGUID + 20, hr); }
cleanup: if ( attributeInfo != NULL ) { FreeADsMem( attributeInfo ); }
if ( compObj != NULL ) { compObj->Release(); }
return hr; } // CheckComputerObjectAttributes
Routine Description:
See if the specified name has a computer object in the DS. We do this by:
1) binding to a domain controller in the domain and QI'ing for an IDirectorySearch object 2) specifying (&(objectCategory=computer)(cn=<new name>)) as the search string 3) examining result count of search; 1 means it exists.
ResourceHandle - used to log domain lookup into cluster log
NodeName - our name; used to to find DS with which to bind
NewObjectName - requested new name of object
DCName - name of DC where search is performed. If none supplied, then domain is searched
ObjectExists - TRUE if object already exists; only valid if function status is success
DistinguishedName - optional address of pointer that receives the LDAP FQDN of the object
HostingDCName - optional address of pointer to receive name of DC where object was found. Used when DCName is NULL.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked
{ BOOL objectExists; HRESULT hr; DWORD charsFormatted; LPWSTR distName = L"distinguishedName"; WCHAR buffer[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) ]; PWCHAR bindingString = buffer; DWORD bindingChars; DWORD status; LPWSTR targetName;
WCHAR searchLeader[] = L"(&(objectCategory=computer)(name="; WCHAR searchTrailer[] = L"))"; WCHAR searchFilter[ COUNT_OF( searchLeader ) + MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + COUNT_OF( searchTrailer )];
ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN searchCol; ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO searchPrefs[2]; IDirectorySearch * pDSSearch = NULL; ADS_SEARCH_HANDLE searchHandle;
// bind to the domain if no DC was specified
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( DCName )) { if ( *DCName == L'\\' && *(DCName+1) == L'\\' ) { // skip over double backslashes
DCName += 2; }
targetName = DCName; } else {
// get any DC
status = FindDomainForServer( ResourceHandle, NodeName, NULL, 0, &dcInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status ); }
// format an LDAP binding string for DNS suffix of the domain.
targetName = dcInfo->DomainName; }
bindingChars = (DWORD)( COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) + wcslen( targetName )); if ( bindingChars > COUNT_OF( buffer )) { bindingString = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, bindingChars * sizeof( WCHAR )); if ( bindingString == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } }
wcscpy( bindingString, LdapHeader ); wcscat( bindingString, targetName );
hr = ADsGetObject( bindingString, IID_IDirectorySearch, (VOID **)&pDSSearch ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// build search preference array. we limit the size to one and we want to
// scope the search to check all subtrees.
searchPrefs[0].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SIZE_LIMIT; searchPrefs[0].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; searchPrefs[0].vValue.Integer = 1;
searchPrefs[1].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SEARCH_SCOPE; searchPrefs[1].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; searchPrefs[1].vValue.Integer = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE;
hr = pDSSearch->SetSearchPreference( searchPrefs, COUNT_OF( searchPrefs )); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// build the search filter and execute the search; constrain the
// attributes to the distinguished name.
searchFilter[ COUNT_OF( searchFilter ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; charsFormatted = _snwprintf(searchFilter, COUNT_OF( searchFilter ) - 1, L"%ws%ws%ws", searchLeader, NewObjectName, searchTrailer); ASSERT( charsFormatted > COUNT_OF( searchLeader ));
hr = pDSSearch->ExecuteSearch(searchFilter, &distName, 1, &searchHandle); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// try to get the first row. Anything but S_OK returns FALSE
hr = pDSSearch->GetFirstRow( searchHandle ); *ObjectExists = (hr == S_OK); if ( hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS ) { hr = S_OK; }
if ( *ObjectExists ) {
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( DistinguishedName )) { hr = pDSSearch->GetColumn( searchHandle, distName, &searchCol );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { DWORD fqdnChars;
#if DBG
(NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"IsComputerObjectInDS: found %1!ws!\n", searchCol.pADsValues->DNString); #endif
fqdnChars = wcslen( searchCol.pADsValues->DNString ) + 1; *DistinguishedName = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, fqdnChars * sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( *DistinguishedName ) { wcscpy( *DistinguishedName, searchCol.pADsValues->DNString ); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError()); }
pDSSearch->FreeColumn( &searchCol ); } } // else FQDN wasn't needed
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( HostingDCName )) { IADsObjectOptions * objOpt = NULL; VARIANT serverName;
VariantInit( &serverName );
hr = pDSSearch->QueryInterface( IID_IADsObjectOptions, (void**)&objOpt ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) {
hr = objOpt->GetOption( ADS_OPTION_SERVERNAME, &serverName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { *HostingDCName = ResUtilDupString( V_BSTR( &serverName )); }
VariantClear( &serverName ); }
if ( objOpt != NULL ) { objOpt->Release(); }
} // else hosting DC name wasn't needed
pDSSearch->CloseSearchHandle( searchHandle );
cleanup: if ( pDSSearch != NULL ) { pDSSearch->Release(); }
if ( dcInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); }
if ( bindingString != buffer && bindingString != NULL ) { LocalFree( bindingString ); }
return hr; } // IsComputerObjectInDS
HRESULT RenameComputerObject( IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource, IN LPWSTR OriginalName, IN LPWSTR NewName )
Routine Description:
Rename the computer object at the DS. Do this by:
1) Check if we have to recover from an interrupted rename attempt.
2) Find the object in the DS on the CreatingDC. If that fails, try to find the object on another DC. If that succeeds, get the DC that provided the binding and update CreatingDC property.
3) Write the old and new names to the resource's GUID reg area (not Parameters). These are used to recover from a botched rename attempt if resmon fails in the middle of renaming.
4) use NetUserSetInfo, level 0 to change the name. This updates a number of name specific attributes of the object as well as all Netbios based SPNs
5) Clear just the old name from the resource's reg area. This will indicate that the rename was successful. When the Name property is successfully updated in the registry, the RenameNewName value is deleted.
6) update the DnsHostName attribute. This updates the DNS based SPNs
Renaming must be a recoverable operation. If the DnsHostName update fails after the object is renamed, the rename must be backed out. Even though online tries to fixup the attribute, if it can't be changed here, the fixup will fail during online.
In addition, if resmon should die while in the middle of a rename, netname has to recover from that as well. Two keys, RenameOriginalName and RenameNewName, hold those names prior to the update. If resmon dies before the Name property is updated, the orignal name will be kept. If necessary, the object must be renamed back to the original name.
Resource - pointer to the netname context block
OriginalName - pointer to the current name
NewName - pointer to new name
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if it worked...
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD status; WCHAR originalDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; WCHAR newDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD paramInError; LPWSTR renameOriginalName; LPWSTR renameNewName; BOOL performRename = TRUE; BOOL freeOriginalName = FALSE; LPWSTR nameForGuidLookup = OriginalName;
RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle;
IDirectoryObject * compObj = NULL; IADsObjectOptions * objOpts = NULL;
// see if we need to recover from an interrupted rename attempt. If a
// rename failed in the middle of a previous attempt, then the astute
// admin will check on the name before bringing it online (there is
// recovery code in the online path as well). If we're here (as opposed to
// going online), we need to figure out how much work was done by the last
// attempt. There will be two scenarios: 1) the rename didn't get far
// enough to rename the object in which case, we can continue or 2) it did
// rename the object but failed before the Name property could be
// stored. In that case, we can skip the rename op providing the NewName
// matches RenameNewName. If it doesn't, then we set OriginalName to
// RenameNewName so we can rename the object to NewName.
// read the rename keys from the registry. If these fail for reasons other
// than file not found, then something is wrong at the service level (like
// it's dead) so no need to log an error.
renameOriginalName = ResUtilGetSzValue( Resource->ResKey, PARAM_NAME__RENAMEORIGINALNAME ); if ( renameOriginalName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); if ( status != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status ); } }
renameNewName = ResUtilGetSzValue( Resource->ResKey, PARAM_NAME__RENAMENEWNAME ); if ( renameNewName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); if ( status != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status ); } }
if ( renameNewName && renameOriginalName ) { BOOL originalNameObjectExists; BOOL newNameObjectExists;
// since both keys exist, we don't know if the object rename
// happened. Go find it now.
// ISSUE - 11/11/01. charlwi (Charlie Wickham)
// We've also constrained the searching to the creating DC. If this DC
// were demoted before recovery could take place, then the object will
// never be found. For Windows Server 2003, disabling and re-enabling Kerb
// support will fix this since it will find the object on another DC and that
// will become the creating DC. When there is no option to disable
// Kerb, this routine will have to be fixed to look on other DCs.
hr = IsComputerObjectInDS( resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, renameOriginalName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, &originalNameObjectExists, NULL, // FQDN not needed
NULL); // Hosting DC Name not needed
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( !originalNameObjectExists ) { //
// couldn't find an object with the original (old) name; try
// with the new name.
hr = IsComputerObjectInDS( resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, renameNewName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, &newNameObjectExists, NULL, // FQDN not needed
NULL); // Hosting DC Name not needed
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( newNameObjectExists ) {
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Recovering computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws! from " L"interrupted rename operation.\n", renameNewName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC);
nameForGuidLookup = renameNewName;
// now check if NewName is different from the old
// "NewName". If so, then set OriginalName to the old
// "NewName" and continue with the rename op
if ( ClRtlStrICmp( renameNewName, NewName ) != 0 ) { OriginalName = ResUtilDupString( renameNewName ); if ( OriginalName == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( GetLastError()); } else { freeOriginalName = TRUE; } } else { performRename = FALSE; } } else { //
// this is very bad: can't find the object by either name.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"The computer account for this resource could not be " L"found on DC %1!ws! during rename recovery. The original " L"name (%2!ws!) was being renamed to %3!ws! and " L"a computer account by either name could not be found. " L"The resource cannot go online until the object is recreated. This " L"can be accomplished by disabling and re-enabling Kerberos " L"Authentication for this resource.\n", Resource->Params.CreatingDC, renameOriginalName, renameNewName);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT ); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"AD search for computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws! failed " L"during rename recovery operation - status %2!08X!.\n", renameNewName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, hr); } } else { //
// object with original name exists. Nothing to do.
nameForGuidLookup = renameOriginalName; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"AD search for computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws! failed " L"during rename recovery operation - status %2!08X!.\n", renameOriginalName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, hr); } } else if ( renameNewName && renameOriginalName == NULL ) {
// could be we made it past writing the Name property but not far
// enough to delete the RenameNewName key. If the names are aligned,
// then nothing to do.
if ( ClRtlStrICmp( renameNewName, OriginalName ) != 0 ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Found partially renamed computer account %1!ws! on " L"DC %2!ws!. Attempting recovery.\n", renameNewName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC);
nameForGuidLookup = renameNewName;
// now we need to check if NewName equals RenameNewName. If they don't
// then we change OriginalName to RenameNewName and proceed with the
// rename.
if ( ClRtlStrICmp( renameNewName, NewName ) != 0 ) { OriginalName = ResUtilDupString( renameNewName ); if ( OriginalName == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( GetLastError()); } else { freeOriginalName = TRUE; } } else { performRename = FALSE; } } }
if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// get the CO GUID if necessary
if ( Resource->ObjectGUID == NULL ) { //
// GUID isn't set in param block if we haven't been online yet. do it
// here since we need it to get a computer object pointer.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Getting Computer Object GUID.\n");
hr = GetComputerObjectGuid( Resource, nameForGuidLookup ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to find the object GUID for computer account %1!ws! " L"(status %2!08X!). This error can occur if the Network Name " L"was changed and the name change of the corresponding computer " L"account hasn't replicated to other domain controllers. The rename of " L"the computer account occurs on the DC named in the CreatingDC " L"property. Ensure that this DC is availalbe and attempt the " L"rename again.\n", nameForGuidLookup, hr);
goto cleanup; } }
// get a IDirectoryObject pointer on the creating DC; if that fails, then
// try to find the object on another DC and update the CreatingDC
// property.
hr = GetComputerObjectViaGUID( Resource->ObjectGUID, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, &compObj ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Failed to find computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws! (status %3!08X!). " L"Trying on another DC.\n", OriginalName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, hr);
hr = GetComputerObjectViaGUID( Resource->ObjectGUID, NULL, &compObj ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { LPWSTR attributeNames[1] = { L"cn" }; DWORD numAttributes = COUNT_OF( attributeNames ); DWORD countOfAttrs;;
ADS_ATTR_INFO * attributeInfo = NULL;
// Check that the common name of the object matches the current
// network name of the resource. If the name is changed on DC A
// which becomes unavailable soon thereafter and doesn't replicate
// the change to DC B and DC B becomes available before DC A and
// another rename operation is attempted then we can get a pointer
// to the object since the GUID hasn't changed but the name of the
// object on DC A and the network name won't match. Disallow the
// rename in that case.
hr = compObj->GetObjectAttributes(attributeNames, numAttributes, &attributeInfo, &countOfAttrs );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( countOfAttrs == 1 ) { if ( ClRtlStrICmp( OriginalName, attributeInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString ) != 0 ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"The Network Name (%1!ws!) does not match the name of the " L"corresponding computer account in AD (%2!ws!). This is " L"usually due to the name change of the computer account " L"not replicating to other domain controllers in the domain. " L"A subsequent rename cannot be performed until the name " L"change has replicated to other DCs. If the Network Name " L"has not been changed, then it is out synch with the name of " L"the computer account. This problem can be fixed by renaming " L"the computer account and letting that change replicate " L"to other DCs. Once that has occurred, the Network Name for this " L"resource can be changed.\n", OriginalName, attributeInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString);
ClusResLogSystemEventByKey2(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_RENAME_OUT_OF_SYNCH_WITH_COMPOBJ, OriginalName, attributeInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CLUSTER_MISMATCHED_COMPUTER_ACCT_NAME ); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"The cn attribute is missing for computer account %1!ws!.\n", attributeInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString);
FreeADsMem( attributeInfo ); } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to get information on computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws! " L"(status %3!08X!). Trying on another DC.\n", OriginalName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, hr);
if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
hr = compObj->QueryInterface( IID_IADsObjectOptions, (void **)&objOpts ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) {
VARIANT serverName; VariantInit( &serverName ); hr = objOpts->GetOption( ADS_OPTION_SERVERNAME, &serverName );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { DWORD dcNameChars; LPWSTR creatingDC;
// CreatingDC property needs leading backslashes; add them if they
// are not there.
dcNameChars = wcslen( serverName.bstrVal ) + 1; if ( serverName.bstrVal[0] != L'\\' && serverName.bstrVal[1] != L'\\' ) { dcNameChars += 2; }
creatingDC = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, dcNameChars * sizeof( WCHAR )); if ( creatingDC ) { PWCHAR p = creatingDC;
if ( serverName.bstrVal[0] != L'\\' && serverName.bstrVal[1] != L'\\' ) { *p++ = L'\\'; *p++ = L'\\'; }
wcscpy( p, serverName.bstrVal );
status = ResUtilSetSzValue(Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__CREATING_DC, creatingDC, NULL);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set CreatingDC property, status %1!u!.\n", status);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status ); LocalFree( creatingDC ); } else { LocalFree( Resource->Params.CreatingDC ); Resource->Params.CreatingDC = creatingDC; } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError());
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to allocate memory for rename operation. status %1!08X!\n", hr); }
VariantClear( &serverName ); } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to get name of DC for computer account %1!ws!. status %2!08X!\n", OriginalName, hr); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to get object options for computer account %1!ws!. " L"status %2!08X!\n", OriginalName, hr); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to find computer account %1!ws! in Active Directory " L"(status %2!08X!).\n", OriginalName, hr); } }
if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// write the original and new names to the resource's registry area in case
// we need to recover from a resmon crash.
status = ClusterRegSetValue(Resource->ResKey, PARAM_NAME__RENAMEORIGINALNAME, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)OriginalName, ( wcslen(OriginalName) + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status ); (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to write original name to registry for rename recovery - status %1!08X!\n", hr);
goto cleanup; }
status = ClusterRegSetValue(Resource->ResKey, PARAM_NAME__RENAMENEWNAME, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)NewName, ( wcslen(NewName) + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status ); (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to write new name to registry for rename recovery - status %1!08X!\n", hr);
goto cleanup; }
// build the dollar sign names
originalDollarName[ COUNT_OF( originalDollarName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( originalDollarName, COUNT_OF( originalDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", OriginalName );
newDollarName[ COUNT_OF( newDollarName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( newDollarName, COUNT_OF( newDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", NewName );
if ( performRename ) { //
// Since we've successfully bound to the object on a DC, we give renaming
// one chance, i.e., if this should fail, we don't try to find yet another
// DC and retry.
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Attempting rename of computer account %1!ws! to %2!ws! with DC %3!ws!.\n", OriginalName, NewName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC);
netUI0.usri0_name = newDollarName; status = NetUserSetInfo( Resource->Params.CreatingDC, originalDollarName, 0, (LPBYTE)&netUI0, ¶mInError); }
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Updating DnsHostName attribute.\n");
// remove RenameOriginalName from the registry; we leave RenameNewName
// in place since resmon could still croak before writing the Name
// property back to the registry. Once the Name property has been
// updated, the RenameNewName value can be deleted.
status = ClusterRegDeleteValue(Resource->ResKey, PARAM_NAME__RENAMEORIGINALNAME);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status ); (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to delete " PARAM_NAME__RENAMEORIGINALNAME L" from registry - status %1!08X!\n", hr);
goto cleanup; }
// if resmon crashes now, the recovery routines will find the object
// with the new name and try to update DnsHostName then.
hr = AddDnsHostNameAttribute( resourceHandle, compObj, NewName, TRUE );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"DnsHostName attribute update succeeded.\n"); } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set DnsHostName attribute for Computer account %1!ws!, " L"status %2!08X!.\n", NewName, hr);
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Attempting rename back to original name (%1!ws!) with DC %2!ws!.\n", OriginalName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC);
netUI0.usri0_name = originalDollarName; status = NetUserSetInfo( Resource->Params.CreatingDC, newDollarName, 0, (LPBYTE)&netUI0, ¶mInError);
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Rename back to original name (%1!ws!) succeeded.\n", OriginalName); } else { //
// since we were able to rename the object in the first place,
// I can't imagine why this would fail. If it does, it is bad
// since the name of the object is now out of synch with the
// network name.
// We'll log to the system event log that something bad happened.
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status );
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Rename back to original name (%1!ws!) with DC %2!ws! failed, status %3!08X!.\n", OriginalName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, hr);
ClusResLogSystemEventByKeyData2(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_RENAME_RESTORE_FAILED, sizeof( status ), &status, NewName, OriginalName); goto cleanup; } } } else { //
// failed; log status and exit
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status );
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to rename computer account %1!ws! to %2!ws! using DC %3!ws! " L"(status %4!08X!).\n", OriginalName, NewName, Resource->Params.CreatingDC, hr); goto cleanup; }
cleanup: if ( compObj != NULL ) { compObj->Release(); }
if ( objOpts != NULL ) { objOpts->Release(); }
if ( freeOriginalName ) { LocalFree( OriginalName ); }
if ( renameNewName ) { LocalFree( renameNewName ); }
if ( renameOriginalName ) { LocalFree( renameOriginalName ); }
return hr; } // RenameComputerObject
Routine Description:
Duplicate the VS Token for this resource into the process identified in the TokenInfo structure.
Resource - pointer to netname resource context struct
TokenInfo - pointer to struct containing info about where and how to dup the token
DuplicatedToken - pointer to handle that receives the dup'ed token
Return Value:
Win32 error code...
{ DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE targetProcess; BOOL success;
RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle;
// do some validation
if ( Resource->Params.RequireKerberos == 0 ) { return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; }
// do we have a otoken already?
if ( Resource->VSToken == NULL ) { DWORD tokenStatus; LPWSTR machinePwd; DWORD pwdBufferByteLength = ((LM20_PWLEN + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR )); WCHAR virtualDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; WCHAR domainName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD domainNameChars = COUNT_OF( domainName );
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Getting a virtual computer account token.\n");
// didn't get one during online. get the password and try to log in
// the account. get a buffer to hold the machine Pwd
virtualDollarName[ COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; _snwprintf( virtualDollarName, COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", Resource->Params.NetworkName );
success = GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameDnsDomain, domainName, &domainNameChars ); if ( success ) {
machinePwd = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, pwdBufferByteLength ); if ( machinePwd != NULL ) {
// Extract the password from the ResourceData property.
status = DecryptNNResourceData(Resource, Resource->Params.ResourceData, Resource->ResDataSize, machinePwd);
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// get the token
status = NNLogonUser(resourceHandle, virtualDollarName, domainName, machinePwd, &Resource->VSToken, &tokenStatus);
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( tokenStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to get token for computer account - status %1!u!\n", tokenStatus);
status = tokenStatus; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Couldn't log the computer account into the domain. status 0x%1!08X!\n", status); }
} // was able to decrypt the password
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to decrypt resource data. status %1!u!\n", status ); }
RtlSecureZeroMemory( machinePwd, pwdBufferByteLength ); LocalFree( machinePwd );
} // allocated buffer for password
else { status = GetLastError(); (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory for resource data. status %1!u!.\n", status); } } // got DNS domain name
else { status = GetLastError(); }
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return status; } }
// get a handle to the target process
targetProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, // no inherit
if ( targetProcess == NULL ) { NTSTATUS ntStatus; BOOLEAN debugWasEnabled; DWORD openProcessStatus;
openProcessStatus = GetLastError();
// enable debug priv and try again
ntStatus = ClRtlEnableThreadPrivilege( SE_DEBUG_PRIVILEGE, &debugWasEnabled ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus )) { targetProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, // no inherit
if ( targetProcess == NULL ) { openProcessStatus = GetLastError(); }
ntStatus = ClRtlRestoreThreadPrivilege( SE_DEBUG_PRIVILEGE, debugWasEnabled );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus )) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to disable DEBUG privilege, status %1!08X!.\n", ntStatus); }
} else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to enable DEBUG privilege, status %1!08X!.\n", ntStatus); }
if ( targetProcess == NULL ) { SetLastError( openProcessStatus ); } }
if ( targetProcess != NULL ) { DWORD options = 0;
// if no specific access was requested, then dup the same access that
// our impersonation token has
if ( TokenInfo->DesiredAccess == 0 ) { options = DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS; }
success = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), Resource->VSToken, targetProcess, DuplicatedToken, TokenInfo->DesiredAccess, TokenInfo->InheritHandle, options);
if ( !success ) { status = GetLastError(); }
CloseHandle( targetProcess ); } else { status = GetLastError(); }
return status;
} // DuplicateVSToken
DWORD UpdateCompObjPassword( IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // UpdateCompObjPassword