Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements the management of properties.
Rod Gamache (rodga) 19-Mar-1997
Revision History:
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4115 ) // Clusrtl - struct def in parentheses
#pragma warning( disable : 4201 ) // SDK - nameless struct/union
#define UNICODE 1
#include "clusres.h"
#include "clusrtl.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#pragma warning( pop )
// Cluster Registry API function pointers
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilEnumProperties( IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, OUT LPWSTR pszOutProperties, IN DWORD cbOutPropertiesSize, OUT LPDWORD pcbBytesReturned, OUT LPDWORD pcbRequired )
Routine Description:
Enumerates the properties for a given object.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pszOutProperties - Supplies the output buffer.
cbOutPropertiesSize - Supplies the size of the output buffer.
pcbBytesReturned - The number of bytes returned in pszOutProperties.
pcbRequired - The required number of bytes if pszOutProperties is too small.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Operation was successful.
ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS - An argument passed to the function was bad.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlEnumProperties( pPropertyTable, pszOutProperties, cbOutPropertiesSize, pcbBytesReturned, pcbRequired ) );
} // ResUtilEnumProperties
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilEnumPrivateProperties( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, OUT LPWSTR pszOutProperties, IN DWORD cbOutPropertiesSize, OUT LPDWORD pcbBytesReturned, OUT LPDWORD pcbRequired )
Routine Description:
Enumerates the properties for a given object.
hkeyClusterKey - Supplies the handle to the key in the cluster database to read from.
pszOutProperties - Supplies the output buffer.
cbOutPropertiesSize - Supplies the size of the output buffer.
pcbBytesReturned - The number of bytes returned in pszOutProperties.
pcbRequired - The required number of bytes if pszOutProperties is too small.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Operation was successful.
ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS - An argument passed to the function was bad.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlEnumPrivateProperties( hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pszOutProperties, cbOutPropertiesSize, pcbBytesReturned, pcbRequired ) );
} // ResUtilEnumProperties
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilGetProperties( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, OUT LPWSTR pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, OUT LPDWORD pcbBytesReturned, OUT LPDWORD pcbRequired )
Routine Description:
Gets the properties for a given object.
hkeyClusterKey - Supplies the handle to the key in the cluster database to read from.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pPropertyList - Supplies the output buffer.
cbPropertyListSize - Supplies the size of the output buffer.
pcbBytesReturned - The number of bytes returned in pPropertyList.
pcbRequired - The required number of bytes if pPropertyList is too small.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Operation was successful.
ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS - An argument passed to the function was bad.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - Error allocating memory.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlGetProperties( hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pcbBytesReturned, pcbRequired ) );
} // ResUtilGetProperties
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilGetAllProperties( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, OUT PVOID pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, OUT LPDWORD pcbBytesReturned, OUT LPDWORD pcbRequired )
Routine Description:
Gets the default and 'unknown' properties for a given object.
hkeyClusterKey - Supplies the handle to the key in the cluster database to read from.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pPropertyList - Supplies the output buffer.
cbPropertyListSize - Supplies the size of the output buffer.
pcbBytesReturned - The number of bytes returned in pPropertyList.
pcbRequired - The required number of bytes if pPropertyList is too small.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Operation was successful.
ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS - An argument passed to the function was bad.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - Error allocating memory.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlGetAllProperties( hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pcbBytesReturned, pcbRequired ) );
} // ResUtilGetAllProperties
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilGetPropertiesToParameterBlock( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, OUT LPBYTE pOutParams, IN BOOL bCheckForRequiredProperties, OUT OPTIONAL LPWSTR * pszNameOfPropInError )
Routine Description:
Gets the default and 'unknown' properties for a given object and stores them in a parameter block.
hkeyClusterKey - Supplies the handle to the key in the cluster database to read from.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pOutParams - Supplies the output parameter block.
bCheckForRequiredProperties - Boolean value specifying whether missing required properties should cause an error.
pszNameOfPropInError - String pointer in which to return the name of the property in error (optional).
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Operation was successful.
ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS - An argument passed to the function was bad.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - Error allocating memory.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ DWORD status;
status = ClRtlGetPropertiesToParameterBlock( hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, pOutParams, bCheckForRequiredProperties, pszNameOfPropInError ); return(status);
} // ResUtilGetPropertiesToParameterBlock
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilPropertyListFromParameterBlock( IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, OUT PVOID pOutPropertyList, IN OUT LPDWORD pcbOutPropertyListSize, IN const LPBYTE pInParams, OUT LPDWORD pcbBytesReturned, OUT LPDWORD pcbRequired )
Routine Description:
Constructs a property list from a parameter block.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pOutPropertyList - Supplies the output buffer.
pcbOutPropertyListSize - Supplies the size of the output buffer.
pInParams - Supplies the input parameter block.
pcbBytesReturned - The number of bytes returned in pOutPropertyList.
pcbRequired - The required number of bytes if pOutPropertyList is too small.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Operation was successful.
ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS - An argument passed to the function was bad.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - Error allocating memory.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ DWORD status;
status = ClRtlPropertyListFromParameterBlock( pPropertyTable, pOutPropertyList, pcbOutPropertyListSize, pInParams, pcbBytesReturned, pcbRequired ); return(status);
} // ResUtilPropertyListFromParameterBlock
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilGetPrivateProperties( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, OUT PVOID pOutPropertyList, IN DWORD cbOutPropertyListSize, OUT LPDWORD pcbBytesReturned, OUT LPDWORD pcbRequired )
Routine Description:
Gets the private properties for a given object.
This routine assumes that it uses the Cluster Registry API's for access to registry info.
hkeyClusterKey - Supplies the handle to the key in the cluster database to read from.
pOutPropertyList - Supplies the output buffer.
cbOutPropertyListSize - Supplies the size of the output buffer.
pcbBytesReturned - The number of bytes returned in pOutPropertyList.
pcbRequired - The required number of bytes if pOutPropertyList is too small.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Operation was successful.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - Error allocating memory.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlGetPrivateProperties( hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pOutPropertyList, cbOutPropertyListSize, pcbBytesReturned, pcbRequired ) );
} // ResUtilGetPrivateProperties
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilGetPropertySize( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTableItem, IN OUT LPDWORD pcbOutPropertyListSize, IN OUT LPDWORD pnPropertyCount )
Routine Description:
Get the total number of bytes required for this property.
hkeyClusterKey - Supplies the handle to the key in the cluster database to read from.
Return Value:
{ return( ClRtlGetPropertySize( hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTableItem, pcbOutPropertyListSize, pnPropertyCount ) );
} // ResUtilGetPropertySize
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilGetProperty( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTableItem, OUT PVOID * pOutPropertyItem, IN OUT LPDWORD pcbOutPropertyItemSize )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
The buffer size has already been determined to be large enough to hold the return data.
{ return( ClRtlGetProperty( hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTableItem, pOutPropertyItem, pcbOutPropertyItemSize ) );
} // ResUtilGetProperty
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilVerifyPropertyTable( IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, IN PVOID Reserved, IN BOOL bAllowUnknownProperties, IN const PVOID pInPropertyList, IN DWORD cbInPropertyListSize, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE pOutParams )
Routine Description:
Validate a property list.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
Reserved - Possible pointer to a future ReadOnly property table.
bAllowUnknownProperties - TRUE if unknown properties should be accepted.
pInPropertyList - The input buffer.
cbInPropertyListSize - The input buffer size.
pOutParams - Parameters block in which to return the data.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 Error on failure.
{ return( ClRtlVerifyPropertyTable( pPropertyTable, Reserved, bAllowUnknownProperties, pInPropertyList, cbInPropertyListSize, pOutParams ) );
} // ResUtilVerifyPropertyTable
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilSetPropertyTable( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, IN PVOID Reserved, IN BOOL bAllowUnknownProperties, IN const PVOID pInPropertyList, IN DWORD cbInPropertyListSize, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE pOutParams )
Routine Description:
hkeyClusterKey - The opened registry key for this object's parameters. If not specified, the property list will only be validated.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
Reserved - Possible pointer to a future ReadOnly property table.
bAllowUnknownProperties - TRUE if unknown properties should be accepted.
pInPropertyList - The input buffer.
cbInPropertyListSize - The input buffer size.
pOutParams - Parameters block in which to return the data.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 Error on failure.
{ return( ClRtlSetPropertyTable( NULL, hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, Reserved, bAllowUnknownProperties, pInPropertyList, cbInPropertyListSize, FALSE, // bForceWrite
pOutParams ) );
} // ResUtilSetPropertyTable
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilSetPropertyTableEx( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, IN PVOID Reserved, IN BOOL bAllowUnknownProperties, IN const PVOID pInPropertyList, IN DWORD cbInPropertyListSize, IN BOOL bForceWrite, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE pOutParams )
Routine Description:
hkeyClusterKey - The opened registry key for this object's parameters. If not specified, the property list will only be validated.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
Reserved - Possible pointer to a future ReadOnly property table.
bAllowUnknownProperties - TRUE if unknown properties should be accepted.
pInPropertyList - The input buffer.
cbInPropertyListSize - The input buffer size.
bForceWrite - TRUE = always write the properties to the cluster database. FALSE = only write the properties if they changed.
pOutParams - Parameters block in which to return the data.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 Error on failure.
{ return( ClRtlSetPropertyTable( NULL, hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, Reserved, bAllowUnknownProperties, pInPropertyList, cbInPropertyListSize, bForceWrite, pOutParams ) );
} // ResUtilSetPropertyTableEx
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlock( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, IN PVOID Reserved, IN const LPBYTE pInParams, IN const PVOID pInPropertyList, IN DWORD cbInPropertyListSize, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE pOutParams )
Routine Description:
hkeyClusterKey - The opened registry key for this object's parameters. If not specified, the property list will only be validated.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pInParams - Parameters block to set.
pInPropertyList - Full Property list.
cbInPropertyListSize - Size of the input full property list.
pOutParams - Parameters block to copy pInParams to.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 Error on failure.
{ return( ClRtlSetPropertyParameterBlock( NULL, // IN HANDLE hXsaction,
hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, Reserved, pInParams, pInPropertyList, cbInPropertyListSize, FALSE, // bForceWrite
pOutParams ) );
} // ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlock
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlockEx( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, IN PVOID Reserved, IN const LPBYTE pInParams, IN const PVOID pInPropertyList, IN DWORD cbInPropertyListSize, IN BOOL bForceWrite, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE pOutParams )
Routine Description:
hkeyClusterKey - The opened registry key for this object's parameters. If not specified, the property list will only be validated.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pInParams - Parameters block to set.
pInPropertyList - Full Property list.
cbInPropertyListSize - Size of the input full property list.
bForceWrite - TRUE = always write the properties to the cluster database. FALSE = only write the properties if they changed.
pOutParams - Parameters block to copy pInParams to.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 Error on failure.
{ return( ClRtlSetPropertyParameterBlock( NULL, // IN HANDLE hXsaction,
hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, Reserved, pInParams, pInPropertyList, cbInPropertyListSize, bForceWrite, pOutParams ) );
} // ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlockEx
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilSetUnknownProperties( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, IN const PVOID pInPropertyList, IN DWORD cbInPropertyListSize )
Routine Description:
Set items that are not in the property table list.
hkeyClusterKey - The opened registry key for this object's parameters. If not specified, the property list will only be validated.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pInPropertyList - Full Property list.
cbInPropertyListSize - Size of the input full property list.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 Error on failure.
{ return( ClRtlpSetNonPropertyTable( NULL, // IN HANDLE hXsaction
hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, NULL, pInPropertyList, cbInPropertyListSize ) );
} // ResUtilSetUnknownProperties
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilVerifyPrivatePropertyList( IN const PVOID pInPropertyList, IN DWORD cbInPropertyListSize )
Routine Description:
Validate a private property list.
pInPropertyList - The input buffer.
cbInPropertyListSize - The input buffer size.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 Error on failure.
{ return( ClRtlVerifyPrivatePropertyList( pInPropertyList, cbInPropertyListSize ) );
} // ResUtilVerifyPrivatePropertyList
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilSetPrivatePropertyList( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PVOID pInPropertyList, IN DWORD cbInPropertyListSize )
Routine Description:
hkeyClusterKey - The opened registry key for this resource's parameters. If not specified, the property list will only be validated.
pInPropertyList - The input buffer.
cbInPropertyListSize - The input buffer size.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 Error on failure.
{ return( ClRtlSetPrivatePropertyList( NULL, // IN HANDLE hXsaction
hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pInPropertyList, cbInPropertyListSize ) );
} // ResUtilSetPrivatePropertyList
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilAddUnknownProperties( IN HKEY hkeyClusterKey, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, IN OUT PVOID pOutPropertyList, IN DWORD cbOutPropertyListSize, IN OUT LPDWORD pcbBytesReturned, IN OUT LPDWORD pcbRequired )
Routine Description:
Adds the unknown properties for a given object to the end of a property list.
hkeyClusterKey - Supplies the handle to the key in the cluster database to read from.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
pOutPropertyList - Supplies the output buffer.
cbOutPropertyListSize - Supplies the size of the output buffer.
pcbBytesReturned - On input, contains the number of bytes in use in the output buffer. On output, contains the total number of bytes in pOutPropertyList.
pcbRequired - The required number of bytes if pOutPropertyList is too small.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Operation was successful.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - Error allocating memory.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ DWORD status;
status = ClRtlAddUnknownProperties( hkeyClusterKey, &ResUtilClusterRegApis, pPropertyTable, pOutPropertyList, cbOutPropertyListSize, pcbBytesReturned, pcbRequired );
} // ResUtilAddUnknownProperties
// Utility routines to grovel though a Control Function item list buffer
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilFindSzProperty( IN PVOID pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, IN LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, OUT LPWSTR * pszPropertyValue )
Routine Description:
Finds the specified string property in the Property List buffer pointed at by pPropertyList.
pPropertyList - a property list.
cbPropertyListSize - the size in bytes of the data in pPropertyList.
pszPropertyName - the property name to look for in the buffer.
pszPropertyValue - the matching string value found.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlFindSzProperty( pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pszPropertyName, pszPropertyValue ) );
} // ResUtilFindSzProperty
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilFindExpandSzProperty( IN PVOID pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, IN LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, OUT LPWSTR * pszPropertyValue )
Routine Description:
Finds the specified EXPAND_SZ string property in the Property List buffer pointed at by pPropertyList.
pPropertyList - a property list.
cbPropertyListSize - the size in bytes of the data in pPropertyList.
pszPropertyName - the property name to look for in the buffer.
pszPropertyValue - the matching string value found.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlFindExpandSzProperty( pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pszPropertyName, pszPropertyValue ) );
} // ResUtilFindExpandSzProperty
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilFindExpandedSzProperty( IN PVOID pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, IN LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, OUT LPWSTR * pszPropertyValue )
Routine Description:
Finds the specified string property in the Property List buffer pointed at by pPropertyList and returns it's expanded value.
pPropertyList - a property list.
cbPropertyListSize - the size in bytes of the data in pPropertyList.
pszPropertyName - the property name to look for in the buffer.
pszPropertyValue - the matching string value found.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlFindExpandedSzProperty( pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pszPropertyName, pszPropertyValue ) );
} // ResUtilFindExpandedSzProperty
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilFindDwordProperty( IN PVOID pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, IN LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, OUT LPDWORD pdwPropertyValue )
Routine Description:
Finds the specified DWORD property in the Property List buffer pointed at by pPropertyList.
pPropertyList - a property list.
cbPropertyListSize - the size in bytes of the data in pPropertyList.
pszPropertyName - the property name to look for in the buffer.
pdwPropertyValue - the matching DWORD value found.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlFindDwordProperty( pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pszPropertyName, pdwPropertyValue ) );
} // ResUtilFindDwordProperty
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilFindLongProperty( IN PVOID pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, IN LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, OUT LPLONG plPropertyValue )
Routine Description:
Finds the specified string in the Value List buffer pointed at by Buffer.
pPropertyList - a property list.
cbPropertyListSize - the size in bytes of the data in pPropertyList.
pszPropertyName - the property name to look for in the buffer.
plPropertyValue - the matching long value found.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlFindLongProperty( pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pszPropertyName, plPropertyValue ) ); } // ResUtilFindLongProperty
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilFindBinaryProperty( IN PVOID pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, IN LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, OUT LPBYTE * pbPropertyValue, OUT LPDWORD pcbPropertyValueSize )
Routine Description:
Finds the specified binary property in the Property List buffer pointed at by pPropertyList.
pPropertyList - a property list.
cbPropertyListSize - the size in bytes of the data in pPropertyList.
pszPropertyName - the property name to look for in the buffer.
pbPropertyValue - the matching binary value found.
pcbPropertyValueSize - the length of the matching binary value found.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlFindBinaryProperty( pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pszPropertyName, pbPropertyValue, pcbPropertyValueSize ) );
} // ResUtilFindBinaryProperty
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilFindMultiSzProperty( IN PVOID pPropertyList, IN DWORD cbPropertyListSize, IN LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, OUT LPWSTR * pszPropertyValue, OUT LPDWORD pcbPropertyValueSize )
Routine Description:
Finds the specified multiple string property in the Proprety List buffer pointed at by pPropertyList.
pPropertyList - a property list.
cbPropertyListSize - the size in bytes of the data in pPropertyList.
pszPropertyName - the property name to look for in the buffer.
pszPropertyValue - the matching multiple string value found.
pcbPropertyValueSize - the length of the matching multiple string value found.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ return( ClRtlFindMultiSzProperty( pPropertyList, cbPropertyListSize, pszPropertyName, pszPropertyValue, pcbPropertyValueSize ) );
} // ResUtilFindMultiSzProperty
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilDupParameterBlock( OUT LPBYTE pOutParams, IN const LPBYTE pInParams, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable )
Routine Description:
Deallocates any buffers allocated for a parameter block that are different than the buffers used for the input parameter block.
pOutParams - Parameter block to return.
pInParams - Reference parameter block.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Parameter block duplicated successfully.
{ DWORD status;
status = ClRtlDupParameterBlock( pOutParams, pInParams, pPropertyTable );
} // ResUtilDupParameterBlock
void WINAPI ResUtilFreeParameterBlock( IN OUT LPBYTE pOutParams, IN const LPBYTE pInParams, IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable )
Routine Description:
Deallocates any buffers allocated for a parameter block that are different than the buffers used for the input parameter block.
pOutParams - Parameter block to free.
pInParams - Reference parameter block.
pPropertyTable - Pointer to the property table to process.
Return Value:
{ ClRtlFreeParameterBlock( pOutParams, pInParams, pPropertyTable );
} // ResUtilFreeParameterBlock
BOOL WINAPI ResUtilResourceTypesEqual( IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceTypeName, IN HRESOURCE hResource )
Routine Description: Checks to see if the resource names type matches
Arguments: lpszResourceTypeName - The type of resource to check for
hResource - A handle to the resource to check
Return Value: TRUE - the resource type matches FALSE - the resource types do not match
--*/ { BOOL bIsEqual = FALSE; DWORD dwError; WCHAR szName[ __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR pszName = szName; DWORD cbNameBufSize = __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH * sizeof( szName[ 0 ] ); DWORD cbRetSize;
// Get the resource type name
dwError = ClusterResourceControl( hResource, //Handle to the resource
NULL, //Don't care about node
0, // &InBuffer
0, // nInBufferSize,
pszName, // &OutBuffer
cbNameBufSize, // nOutBufferSize,
&cbRetSize ); // returned size
if ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cbNameBufSize = cbRetSize + sizeof( WCHAR ); pszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cbNameBufSize ); if ( pszName == NULL ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: error allocating buffer
dwError = ClusterResourceControl( hResource, //Handle to the resource
NULL, //Don't care about node
0, // &InBuffer
0, // nInBufferSize,
pszName, // &OutBuffer
cbNameBufSize, // nOutBufferSize,
&cbRetSize ); // returned size
} // if: name buffer too small
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
// See if it's like US
if ( lstrcmpiW( lpszResourceTypeName, pszName ) == 0 ) { bIsEqual = TRUE; }
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); } // if: we allocated the output name buffer
return bIsEqual;
} //*** ResUtilResourceTypesEqual()
BOOL WINAPI ResUtilResourcesEqual( IN HRESOURCE hSelf, IN HRESOURCE hResource )
Routine Description: Check to See if the resources are the same
Arguments: IN hSelf - a handle to the callee, or NULL to indicate not equal.
IN hResource - a handle to the resource to compare
Return Value:
TRUE - Resource are equal FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bIsEqual = FALSE; DWORD sc; LPWSTR pwszSelfName = NULL; DWORD cbSelfName = 0; LPWSTR pwszResName = NULL; DWORD cbResName = 0; DWORD cbRetSize = 0;
if ( ( hSelf == NULL ) || ( hResource == NULL ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// "Self" - Get the resource name
sc = ClusterResourceControl( hSelf, //Handle to the resource
NULL, //Don't care about node
NULL, // &InBuffer
0, // nInBufferSize,
NULL, // &OutBuffer
0, // OutBufferSize,
&cbRetSize // returned size
); if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Allocate the necessary buffer.
cbSelfName = cbRetSize + sizeof( WCHAR ); // Add one for NULL.
pwszSelfName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cbSelfName ); if ( pwszSelfName == NULL ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: error allocating buffer
sc = ClusterResourceControl( hSelf, // Handle to the resource
NULL, // Don't care about node
0, // &InBuffer
0, // nInBufferSize,
pwszSelfName, // &OutBuffer
cbSelfName, // OutBufferSize,
&cbRetSize // returned size
); if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
// "Res" - Get the resource type name
sc = ClusterResourceControl( hResource, //Handle to the resource
NULL, //Don't care about node
NULL, // &InBuffer
0, // nInBufferSize,
NULL, // &OutBuffer
0, // OutBufferSize,
&cbRetSize // returned size
); if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cbResName = cbRetSize + sizeof( WCHAR ); // Add one for NULL.
pwszResName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cbResName ); if ( pwszResName == NULL ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: error allocating buffer
sc = ClusterResourceControl( hResource, // Handle to the resource
NULL, // Don't care about node
NULL, // &InBuffer
0, // nInBufferSize,
pwszResName, // &OutBuffer
cbResName , // OutBufferSize,
&cbRetSize // returned size
); if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
// See if were looking in a mirror
if ( ClRtlStrNICmp( pwszResName, pwszSelfName, cbResName ) == 0 ) { bIsEqual = TRUE; }
LocalFree( pwszSelfName ); LocalFree( pwszResName );
return bIsEqual;
} //*** ResUtilResourcesEqual()
Routine Description: Checks to see if the resource names type matches
Arguments: prci - The resource class info to check for.
hResource - A handle to the resource to check.
Return Value: TRUE - the resource type matches FALSE - the resource types do not match
// Get the resource class info
sc = ClusterResourceControl( hResource, // Handle to the resource
NULL, // Don't care about node
0, // &InBuffer
0, // nInBufferSize,
&rci, // &OutBuffer
sizeof( rci ), // nOutBufferSize,
&cbRetSize ); // returned size
if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
// See if it's like US
if ( rci.rc == prci->rc ) { bIsEqual = TRUE; }
return bIsEqual;
} //*** ResUtilIsResourceClassEqual()
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilEnumResources( IN HRESOURCE hSelf, IN LPCWSTR lpszResTypeName, IN LPRESOURCE_CALLBACK pResCallBack, IN PVOID pParameter ) /*++
Routine Description: This is a generic resource walking routine. It enumerates all resources in the cluster and invokes the callback function for each resource.
IN [OPTIONAL] hSelf - A handle to the resource. When enumerating resources do not invoke the callback when the enumerated resource is hSelf. IF NULL then invoke the callback for all resources
IN [OPTIONAL] lpszResTypeName - This is an optional resource type name. If specified the callback function will only be invoked for resources of this type.
IN pResCallBack - Pointer to function that gets called for each enumerated resource in the cluster
IN pParameter - An Opaque callback parameter
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; HCLUSENUM hClusEnum = NULL; HRESOURCE hResource = NULL; BOOL fExecuteCallBack; WCHAR szName[ __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR lpszName = szName; DWORD cchSize = __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; DWORD cchRetSize; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwType;
// Open the cluster
hCluster = OpenCluster( NULL ); if( hCluster == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Get a resource enumeration handle
hClusEnum = ClusterOpenEnum( hCluster, CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE ); if ( hClusEnum == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Enumerate each resource in the cluster
dwIndex = 0;
do { cchRetSize = cchSize; dwStatus = ClusterEnum( hClusEnum, //handle to enum
dwIndex, //Index
&dwType, //Type
lpszName, //Name
&cchRetSize //Size of name (in characters)
if ( dwStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cchSize = cchRetSize + 1; // Add room for terminating NULL
if ( lpszName != szName ) { LocalFree( lpszName ); } lpszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( lpszName == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); break; } cchRetSize = cchSize; dwStatus = ClusterEnum( hClusEnum, //handle to enum
dwIndex, //Index
&dwType, //Type
lpszName, //Name
&cchRetSize //Size of name
); } if ( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Try to open this resource
hResource = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, lpszName );
if ( hResource == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); if ( dwStatus == ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND ) { //
// If the resource cannot be found, assume it got deleted after
// you opened the enumeration. So, skip the resource and proceed.
dwIndex ++; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; continue; } break; }
// Indicate that will invoke the callback
fExecuteCallBack = TRUE;
// Determine if we need to check the type
if ( lpszResTypeName != NULL ) { fExecuteCallBack = ResUtilResourceTypesEqual( lpszResTypeName, hResource );
} //if lpszResTypeName
if ( fExecuteCallBack && ( hSelf != NULL ) ) { // Don't execute callback if hResource is callee (i.e., hSelf)
fExecuteCallBack = !(ResUtilResourcesEqual( hSelf, hResource ));
} //if fExecuteCallBack && hSelf
if ( fExecuteCallBack ) { dwStatus = pResCallBack( hSelf, hResource, pParameter );
if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
} //if fExecuteCallBack
CloseClusterResource( hResource ); hResource = NULL;
dwIndex++; } while ( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS );
if ( hClusEnum != NULL ) { ClusterCloseEnum( hClusEnum ); }
if ( hCluster != NULL ) { CloseCluster( hCluster ); }
if ( hResource != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResource ); }
if ( lpszName != szName ) { LocalFree( lpszName ); }
if ( dwStatus == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return dwStatus;
} //*** ResUtilEnumResources()
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilEnumResourcesEx( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN HRESOURCE hSelf, IN LPCWSTR lpszResTypeName, IN LPRESOURCE_CALLBACK_EX pResCallBack, IN PVOID pParameter ) /*++
Routine Description: This is a generic resource walking routine. It enumerates all resources in the cluster and invokes the callback function for each resource.
IN hCluster - A handle to the cluster to enumerate resources on.
IN [OPTIONAL] hSelf - A handle to the resource. When enumerating resources do not invoke the callback when the enumerated resource is hSelf. IF NULL then invoke the callback for all resources
IN [OPTIONAL] lpszResTypeName - This is an optional resource type name. If specified the callback function will only be invoked for resources of this type.
IN pResCallBack - Pointer to function that gets called for each enumerated resource in the cluster
IN pParameter - An Opaque callback parameter
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
A Win32 error code on failure.
{ DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HCLUSENUM hClusEnum = NULL; HRESOURCE hResource = NULL; BOOL fExecuteCallBack; WCHAR szName[ __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR lpszName = szName; DWORD cchSize = __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; DWORD cchRetSize; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwType;
// Get a resource enumeration handle
hClusEnum = ClusterOpenEnum( hCluster, CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE ); if ( hClusEnum == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Enumerate each resource in the cluster
dwIndex = 0;
do { cchRetSize = cchSize; dwStatus = ClusterEnum( hClusEnum, //handle to enum
dwIndex, //Index
&dwType, //Type
lpszName, //Name
&cchRetSize //Size of name
if ( dwStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cchSize = cchRetSize + 1; // Add room for terminating null
if ( lpszName != szName ) { LocalFree( lpszName ); } lpszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( lpszName == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); break; } cchRetSize = cchSize; dwStatus = ClusterEnum( hClusEnum, //handle to enum
dwIndex, //Index
&dwType, //Type
lpszName, //Name
&cchRetSize //Size of name
); } if ( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Try to open this resource
hResource = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, lpszName );
if ( hResource == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); if ( dwStatus == ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND ) { //
// If the resource cannot be found, assume it got deleted after
// you opened the enumeration. So, skip the resource and proceed.
dwIndex ++; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; continue; } break; }
// Indicate that will invoke the callback
fExecuteCallBack = TRUE;
// Determine if we need to check the type
if ( lpszResTypeName != NULL ) { fExecuteCallBack = ResUtilResourceTypesEqual( lpszResTypeName, hResource );
} //if lpszResTypeName
if ( fExecuteCallBack && ( hSelf != NULL ) ) { // Don't execute callback if hResource is callee (i.e., hSelf)
fExecuteCallBack = !(ResUtilResourcesEqual( hSelf, hResource ));
} //if fExecuteCallBack && hSelf
if ( fExecuteCallBack ) { dwStatus = pResCallBack( hCluster, hSelf, hResource, pParameter );
if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
} //if fExecuteCallBack
CloseClusterResource( hResource ); hResource = NULL;
dwIndex++; } while ( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS );
if ( hClusEnum != NULL ) { ClusterCloseEnum( hClusEnum ); }
if ( hResource != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResource ); }
if ( lpszName != szName ) { LocalFree( lpszName ); }
if ( dwStatus == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return dwStatus;
} //*** ResUtilEnumResourcesEx()
HRESOURCE WINAPI ResUtilGetResourceDependency( IN HANDLE hSelf, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceType )
Routine Description:
Returns a dependent resource for the local cluster.
hSelf - A handle to the original resource.
lpszResourceType - the type of resource that it depends on
Return Value:
NULL - error (use GetLastError() to get further info)
NON-NULL - Handle to a resource of type ResourceType
--*/ { HRESOURCE hResDepends = NULL; HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; HRESENUM hResEnum = NULL; WCHAR szName[ __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR pszName = szName; DWORD cchSize = __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; DWORD cchRetSize; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
hCluster = OpenCluster( NULL ); if ( hCluster == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
// Open the depends on enum (get resource dependencies)
hResEnum = ClusterResourceOpenEnum( hSelf, CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_DEPENDS );
if ( hResEnum == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); goto error_exit; }
// Enumerate all the depends on keys
do { cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); if ( status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cchSize = cchRetSize + 1; // Add room for terminating null
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); } pszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( pszName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; } // if: error allocating memory
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); } if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// Determine the type of resource found
hResDepends = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, pszName ); if ( hResDepends == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; }
if ( hResDepends != NULL ) { //
// Valid resource now open the reg and get it's type
if ( ResUtilResourceTypesEqual( lpszResourceType, hResDepends ) ) { break; }
} //if !hResDepends
// Close all handles, key's
if ( hResDepends != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResDepends ); hResDepends = NULL; }
dwIndex++; } while ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS );
error_exit: //
// At this point hResDepends is NULL if no match or non-null (success)
if ( hCluster != NULL ) { CloseCluster( hCluster ); }
if ( hResEnum != NULL ) { ClusterResourceCloseEnum( hResEnum ); }
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); }
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( status ); } return(hResDepends);
} //*** ResUtilGetResourceDependency()
HRESOURCE WINAPI ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN HANDLE hSelf, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceType, IN BOOL bRecurse )
Routine Description:
Returns a dependent resource for a specified cluster based on the resource type name.
hCluster - Cluster to query.
hSelf - A handle to the original resource.
lpszResourceType - The name of the resource type of the resource that the specified resource depends on.
bRecurse - TRUE = check dependents of dependents. An immediate dependency will be returned if there is one.
Return Value:
NULL - error (use GetLastError() to get further info)
NON-NULL - Handle to a resource of type lpszResourceType
--*/ { HRESOURCE hResDepends = NULL; HRESOURCE hResDepends2 = NULL; HRESENUM hResEnum = NULL; WCHAR szName[ __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR pszName = szName; DWORD cchSize = __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; DWORD cchRetSize; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( ( hCluster == NULL ) || ( lpszResourceType == NULL ) ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return NULL; } // if: no cluster handle or resource type name specified
// Open the depends on enum (get resource dependencies)
hResEnum = ClusterResourceOpenEnum( hSelf, CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_DEPENDS );
if ( hResEnum == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); goto error_exit; }
// Enumerate all the depends on keys
do { //
// Get the next dependent resource.
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); if ( status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cchSize = cchRetSize + 1; // Add room for terminating null
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); } pszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( pszName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; } // if: error allocating memory
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); } if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// Open the resource.
hResDepends = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, pszName ); if ( hResDepends == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; }
// Resource is valid. Now see if it is the right type.
if ( ResUtilResourceTypesEqual( lpszResourceType, hResDepends ) ) { break; }
// Close all handles, key's
if ( hResDepends != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResDepends ); hResDepends = NULL; }
dwIndex++; } while ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS );
// If a match was not found, recurse the dependencies again looking for a
// dependency of the dependencies if the bDeep argument was specified.
if ( ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( hResDepends == NULL ) && bRecurse ) {
// Open the depends on enum (get resource dependencies)
ClusterResourceCloseEnum( hResEnum ); hResEnum = ClusterResourceOpenEnum( hSelf, CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_DEPENDS );
if ( hResEnum == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); goto error_exit; }
// Enumerate all the depends on keys
dwIndex = 0; do { //
// Get the next dependent resource.
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); if ( status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cchSize = cchRetSize + 1; // Add room for terminating null
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); } pszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( pszName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; } // if: error allocating memory
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); } if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// Open the resource.
hResDepends2 = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, pszName ); if ( hResDepends2 == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; }
// Recursively call ourselves with this resource.
hResDepends = ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName( hCluster, hResDepends2, lpszResourceType, bRecurse ); if ( hResDepends != NULL ) { break; } status = GetLastError(); if ( status != ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND ) { break; } status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Close all handles, key's
if ( hResDepends2 != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResDepends2 ); hResDepends2 = NULL; }
dwIndex++; } while ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
error_exit: if ( hResEnum != NULL ) { ClusterResourceCloseEnum( hResEnum ); }
if ( hResDepends2 != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResDepends2 ); }
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); }
if ( ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( hResDepends == NULL ) ) { status = ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; } if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( status ); }
return hResDepends;
} //*** ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName()
HRESOURCE WINAPI ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByClass( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN HANDLE hSelf, IN PCLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO prci, IN BOOL bRecurse )
Routine Description:
Returns a dependent resource for a specified cluster based on the resource type class information.
hCluster - Cluster to query.
hSelf - A handle to the original resource.
prci - The resource class info of the resource type of the resource that the specified resource depends on.
bRecurse - TRUE = check dependents of dependents. An immediate dependency will be returned if there is one.
Return Value:
NULL - error (use GetLastError() to get further info)
NON-NULL - Handle to a resource whose class is specified by prci.
--*/ { HRESOURCE hResDepends = NULL; HRESOURCE hResDepends2 = NULL; HRESENUM hResEnum = NULL; WCHAR szName[ __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR pszName = szName; DWORD cchSize = __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; DWORD cchRetSize; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( ( hCluster == NULL ) || ( prci == NULL ) ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return NULL; } // if: no cluster handle or class info specified
// Open the depends on enum (get resource dependencies)
hResEnum = ClusterResourceOpenEnum( hSelf, CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_DEPENDS );
if ( hResEnum == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); goto error_exit; }
// Enumerate all the depends on keys
do { //
// Get the next dependent resource.
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); if ( status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cchSize = cchRetSize + 1; // Add room for terminating null
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); } pszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( pszName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; } // if: error allocating memory
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); } if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// Determine the type of resource found
hResDepends = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, pszName ); if ( hResDepends == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; }
// Resource is valid. Now see if it is the right class.
if ( ResUtilIsResourceClassEqual( prci, hResDepends ) ) { break; }
// Close all handles, key's
if ( hResDepends != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResDepends ); hResDepends = NULL; }
dwIndex++; } while ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS );
// If a match was not found, recurse the dependencies again looking for a
// dependency of the dependencies if the bDeep argument was specified.
if ( ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( hResDepends == NULL ) && bRecurse ) {
// Open the depends on enum (get resource dependencies)
ClusterResourceCloseEnum( hResEnum ); hResEnum = ClusterResourceOpenEnum( hSelf, CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_DEPENDS );
if ( hResEnum == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); goto error_exit; }
// Enumerate all the depends on keys
dwIndex = 0; do { //
// Get the next dependent resource.
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); if ( status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cchSize = cchRetSize + 1; // Add room for terminating null
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); } pszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( pszName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; } // if: error allocating memory
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); } if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// Open the resource.
hResDepends2 = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, pszName ); if ( hResDepends2 == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; }
// Recursively call ourselves with this resource.
hResDepends = ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByClass( hCluster, hResDepends2, prci, bRecurse ); if ( hResDepends != NULL ) { break; } status = GetLastError(); if ( status != ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND ) { break; } status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Close all handles, key's
if ( hResDepends2 != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResDepends2 ); hResDepends2 = NULL; }
dwIndex++; } while ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
error_exit: if ( hResEnum != NULL ) { ClusterResourceCloseEnum( hResEnum ); }
if ( hResDepends2 != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResDepends2 ); }
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); }
if ( ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( hResDepends == NULL ) ) { status = ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; } if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( status ); }
return hResDepends;
} //*** ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByClass()
HRESOURCE WINAPI ResUtilGetResourceNameDependency( IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceName, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceType )
Routine Description:
Returns a dependent resource
lpszResourceName - the name of the resource
lpszResourceType - the type of the resource that it depends on
Return Value:
NULL - error (use GetLastError() to get further info)
NON-NULL - Handle to a resource of type ResourceType
--*/ { HRESOURCE hResDepends = NULL; HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; HRESOURCE hSelf = NULL; HRESENUM hResEnum = NULL; WCHAR szName[ __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR pszName = szName; DWORD cchSize = __INITIAL_NAME_LENGTH; DWORD cchRetSize; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( lpszResourceName == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return( NULL ); }
hCluster = OpenCluster( NULL ); if ( hCluster == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
// Open a handle to the passed in resource name.
hSelf = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, lpszResourceName ); if ( hSelf == NULL ) { goto error_exit; }
// Open the depends on enum (get resource dependencies)
hResEnum = ClusterResourceOpenEnum( hSelf, CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_DEPENDS ); if ( hResEnum == NULL ) { goto error_exit; }
// Enumerate all the depends on keys
do { cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); if ( status == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { //
// Output name buffer is too small. Allocate a new one.
cchSize = cchRetSize + 1; // Add room for terminating NULL
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); } pszName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( pszName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); break; } // if: error allocating memory
cchRetSize = cchSize; status = ClusterResourceEnum( hResEnum, dwIndex, &dwType, pszName, &cchRetSize ); } if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// Determine the type of resource found
hResDepends = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, pszName ); if ( hResDepends == NULL ) { break; }
// Valid resource now open the reg and get it's type
if ( ResUtilResourceTypesEqual( lpszResourceType, hResDepends ) ) { break; }
// Close all handles, key's
if ( hResDepends != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hResDepends ); hResDepends = NULL; }
dwIndex++; } while (status == ERROR_SUCCESS);
error_exit: //
// At this point hResDepends is NULL if no match or non-null (success)
if ( hCluster != NULL ) { CloseCluster( hCluster ); }
if ( hSelf != NULL ) { CloseClusterResource( hSelf ); }
if ( hResEnum != NULL ) { ClusterResourceCloseEnum( hResEnum ); }
if ( pszName != szName ) { LocalFree( pszName ); }
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( status ); }
return hResDepends;
} //*** ResUtilGetResourceNameDependency()
DWORD WINAPI ResUtilGetPropertyFormats( IN const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM pPropertyTable, OUT PVOID pOutPropertyFormatList, IN DWORD cbPropertyFormatListSize, OUT LPDWORD pcbBytesReturned, OUT LPDWORD pcbRequired ) { return( ClRtlGetPropertyFormats( pPropertyTable, pOutPropertyFormatList, cbPropertyFormatListSize, pcbBytesReturned, pcbRequired ) );
} // ResUtilGetPropertyFormats()