Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Functions for detecting deadlocked resource dll entry point calls.
Chittur Subbaraman
Revision History:
04-11-2002 Created
--*/ #define UNICODE 1
#include "nt.h"
#include "ntrtl.h"
#include "nturtl.h"
#include "resmonp.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#define FILETIMES_PER_SEC ((__int64) 10000000) // (1 second)/(100 ns)
// Globals
PRM_DUE_TIME_FREE_LIST_HEAD g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead = NULL; PRM_DUE_TIME_MONITORED_LIST_HEAD g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead = NULL; CRITICAL_SECTION g_RmDeadlockListLock; BOOL g_RmDeadlockMonitorInitialized = FALSE; PRM_DUE_TIME_ENTRY RmpInsertDeadlockMonitorList( IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceDllName, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceTypeName, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceName, OPTIONAL IN LPCWSTR lpszEntryPointName )
Routine Description:
Inserts an entry into the deadlock monitoring list.
lpszResourceDllName - Resource dll name.
lpszResourceTypeName - Resource type name.
lpszResourceName - Resource name, OPTIONAL
lpszEntryPointName - Entry point name.
Return Value:
A valid due time entry pointer on success, NULL on failure. Use GetLastError() to get error code.
if ( !g_RmDeadlockMonitorInitialized ) { SetLastError ( ERROR_INVALID_STATE ); return ( NULL ); }
// Get an entry from the free list.
EnterCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock );
if ( IsListEmpty ( &g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead->leDueTimeEntry ) ) { dwStatus = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpInsertDeadlockMonitorList: Unable to insert DLL '%1!ws!', Type '%2!ws!', Resource '%3!ws!'," " Entry point '%4!ws!' info into deadlock monitoring list\n", lpszResourceDllName, lpszResourceTypeName, (lpszResourceName == NULL) ? L"Unknown" : lpszResourceName, lpszEntryPointName); LeaveCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock ); goto FnExit; }
pListEntry = RemoveHeadList( &g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead->leDueTimeEntry );
pDueTimeEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, RM_DUE_TIME_ENTRY, leDueTimeEntry ); LeaveCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock );
// Populate the entry. No locks needed for that.
StringCchCopy ( pDueTimeEntry->szResourceDllName, RTL_NUMBER_OF ( pDueTimeEntry->szResourceDllName ), lpszResourceDllName );
StringCchCopy ( pDueTimeEntry->szResourceTypeName, RTL_NUMBER_OF ( pDueTimeEntry->szResourceTypeName ), lpszResourceTypeName );
StringCchCopy ( pDueTimeEntry->szEntryPointName, RTL_NUMBER_OF ( pDueTimeEntry->szEntryPointName ), lpszEntryPointName );
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT ( lpszResourceName ) ) { StringCchCopy ( pDueTimeEntry->szResourceName, RTL_NUMBER_OF ( pDueTimeEntry->szResourceName ), lpszResourceName ); } else { StringCchCopy ( pDueTimeEntry->szResourceName, RTL_NUMBER_OF ( pDueTimeEntry->szResourceName ), L"None" ); }
pDueTimeEntry->dwSignature = RM_DUE_TIME_MONITORED_ENTRY_SIGNATURE; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( ( FILETIME * ) &pDueTimeEntry->uliDueTime ); pDueTimeEntry->dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId ();
// Insert it into the monitoring list
EnterCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock ); pDueTimeEntry->uliDueTime.QuadPart += g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead->ullDeadLockTimeoutSecs * FILETIMES_PER_SEC; InsertTailList ( &g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead->leDueTimeEntry, &pDueTimeEntry->leDueTimeEntry ); LeaveCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock ); FnExit: if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError ( dwStatus ); } return ( pDueTimeEntry ); } // RmpInsertDeadlockMonitorList
VOID RmpRemoveDeadlockMonitorList( IN PRM_DUE_TIME_ENTRY pDueTimeEntry )
Routine Description:
Removes an entry from the deadlock monitoring list.
pDueTimeEntry - Due time entry to be removed.
Return Value:
{ if ( !g_RmDeadlockMonitorInitialized ) { goto FnExit; }
if ( pDueTimeEntry == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpRemoveDeadlockMonitorList: Unable to remove NULL entry from deadlock monitoring list\n"); goto FnExit; }
// Remove from the monitoring list and add it into the free list.
EnterCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock ); RemoveEntryList ( &pDueTimeEntry->leDueTimeEntry ); ZeroMemory ( pDueTimeEntry, sizeof ( RM_DUE_TIME_ENTRY ) ); pDueTimeEntry->dwSignature = RM_DUE_TIME_FREE_ENTRY_SIGNATURE; InsertTailList ( &g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead->leDueTimeEntry, &pDueTimeEntry->leDueTimeEntry ); LeaveCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock ); FnExit: return; } // RmpRemoveDeadlockMonitorList
DWORD RmpDeadlockMonitorInitialize( IN DWORD dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout )
Routine Description:
Initialize the deadlock monitoring system.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS on success, a Win32 error code otherwise.
{ DWORD i, dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hDeadlockTimerThread = NULL; PRM_DUE_TIME_ENTRY pDueTimeEntryStart = NULL;
// If the deadlock monitoring susbsystem is already initialized, you are done.
if ( g_RmDeadlockMonitorInitialized ) { return ( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
// Adjust timeouts so that it is at least equal to the minimum allowed.
dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout = ( dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout < CLUSTER_RESOURCE_DLL_MINIMUM_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT_SECS ) ? CLUSTER_RESOURCE_DLL_MINIMUM_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT_SECS : dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout;
// Initialize the critsec. Catch low memory conditions and return error to caller.
try { InitializeCriticalSection( &g_RmDeadlockListLock ); } except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { dwStatus = GetExceptionCode(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpDeadlockMonitorInitialize: Initialize critsec returned %1!u!\n", dwStatus); return ( dwStatus ); }
// Build the list heads. All are one time only allocs that are never freed.
g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof ( RM_DUE_TIME_MONITORED_LIST_HEAD ) );
if ( g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError (); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpDeadlockMonitorInitialize: Unable to alloc memory for monitor list head, status %1!u!\n", dwStatus); goto FnExit; }
InitializeListHead ( &g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead->leDueTimeEntry ); g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead->ullDeadLockTimeoutSecs = dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout; g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead->dwSignature = RM_DUE_TIME_MONITORED_LIST_HEAD_SIGNATURE;
g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof ( RM_DUE_TIME_FREE_LIST_HEAD ) );
if ( g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError (); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpDeadlockMonitorInitialize: Unable to alloc memory for free list head, status %1!u!\n", dwStatus); goto FnExit; }
InitializeListHead ( &g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead->leDueTimeEntry ); g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead->dwSignature = RM_DUE_TIME_FREE_LIST_HEAD_SIGNATURE;
// Build the free list
if ( pDueTimeEntryStart == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError (); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpDeadlockMonitorInitialize: Unable to alloc memory for monitor list entries, status %1!u!\n", dwStatus); goto FnExit; }
// Populate the free list
for ( i = 0; i < RESMON_MAX_DEADLOCK_MONITOR_ENTRIES; i++ ) { pDueTimeEntryStart[i].dwSignature = RM_DUE_TIME_FREE_ENTRY_SIGNATURE; InsertTailList ( &g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead->leDueTimeEntry, &pDueTimeEntryStart[i].leDueTimeEntry ); }
// Create the monitor thread
hDeadlockTimerThread = CreateThread( NULL, // Security attributes
0, // Use default process stack size
RmpDeadlockTimerThread, // Function address
NULL, // Context
0, // Flags
NULL ); // Thread ID -- not interested
if ( hDeadlockTimerThread == NULL ) { dwStatus = GetLastError (); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpDeadlockMonitorInitialize: Unable to create monitor thread, status %1!u!\n", dwStatus); goto FnExit; }
// Try to set the thread priority to highest. Continue even in case of an error.
if ( !SetThreadPriority( hDeadlockTimerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST ) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[RM] RmpDeadlockMonitorInitialize: Unable to set monitor thread priority, status %1!u!\n", GetLastError()); }
CloseHandle( hDeadlockTimerThread );
g_RmDeadlockMonitorInitialized = TRUE;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[RM] RmpDeadlockMonitorInitialize: Successfully initialized with a timeout of %1!u! secs\n", dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout);
FnExit: if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LocalFree ( g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead ); g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead = NULL; LocalFree ( g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead ); g_pRmDueTimeFreeListHead = NULL; DeleteCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock ); }
return ( dwStatus ); } // RmDeadlockMonitorInitialize
DWORD RmpDeadlockTimerThread( IN LPVOID pContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Timer thread that monitors for deadlocks in resource dll entry points.
pContext - Context, Unused.
ERROR_SUCCESS on success. Win32 error code of failure.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ( ( FILETIME * ) &uliCurrentTime );
EnterCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock );
pListEntry = g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead->leDueTimeEntry.Flink;
// Walk the deadlock monitoring list looking for a deadlock.
while ( pListEntry != &g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead->leDueTimeEntry ) { pDueTimeEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, RM_DUE_TIME_ENTRY, leDueTimeEntry ); pListEntry = pListEntry->Flink; if ( pDueTimeEntry->uliDueTime.QuadPart <= uliCurrentTime.QuadPart ) { RmpDeclareDeadlock ( pDueTimeEntry, uliCurrentTime ); } } // while
LeaveCriticalSection ( & g_RmDeadlockListLock ); } // while
return ( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }// RmpDeadlockTimerThread
VOID RmpDeclareDeadlock( IN PRM_DUE_TIME_ENTRY pDueTimeEntry, IN ULARGE_INTEGER uliCurrentTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
Declare a deadlock and exit this process.
pDueTimeEntry - The entry that contains information of possible deadlock causing resource dll.
uliCurrentTime - Current time.
--*/ { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpDeclareDeadlock: Declaring deadlock and exiting process\n"); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpDeclareDeadlock: Deadlock candidate info - DLL '%1!ws!', Type '%2!ws!', Resource '%3!ws!', Entry point '%4!ws!', Thread 0x%5!08lx!\n", pDueTimeEntry->szResourceDllName, pDueTimeEntry->szResourceTypeName, pDueTimeEntry->szResourceName, pDueTimeEntry->szEntryPointName, pDueTimeEntry->dwThreadId);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[RM] RmpDeclareDeadlock: Current time 0x%1!08lx!:%2!08lx!, due time 0x%3!08lx!:%4!08lx!\n", uliCurrentTime.HighPart, uliCurrentTime.LowPart, pDueTimeEntry->uliDueTime.HighPart, pDueTimeEntry->uliDueTime.LowPart);
ClusterLogEvent4(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CURRENT_MODULE, __FILE__, __LINE__, RMON_DEADLOCK_DETECTED, 0, NULL, pDueTimeEntry->szResourceDllName, pDueTimeEntry->szResourceTypeName, pDueTimeEntry->szResourceName, pDueTimeEntry->szEntryPointName);
RmpSetMonitorState ( RmonDeadlocked, NULL ); ExitProcess ( 0 ); }// RmpDeclareDeadlock
DWORD RmpUpdateDeadlockDetectionParams( IN DWORD dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout )
Routine Description:
Update the parameters of the deadlock monitoring subsystem.
dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout - The deadlock detection timeout.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS on success, a Win32 error code otherwise.
{ if ( !g_RmDeadlockMonitorInitialized ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[RM] RmpUpdateDeadlockDetectionParams: Deadlock monitor not initialized yet\n"); return ( ERROR_INVALID_STATE ); }
// Adjust timeouts so that it is at least equal to the minimum allowed.
dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout = ( dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout < CLUSTER_RESOURCE_DLL_MINIMUM_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT_SECS ) ? CLUSTER_RESOURCE_DLL_MINIMUM_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT_SECS : dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout;
EnterCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock ); g_pRmDueTimeMonitoredListHead->ullDeadLockTimeoutSecs = dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout; LeaveCriticalSection ( &g_RmDeadlockListLock );
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[RM] RmpUpdateDeadlockDetectionParams: Updated monitor with a deadlock timeout of %1!u! secs\n", dwDeadlockDetectionTimeout);
return ( ERROR_SUCCESS ); } // RmpUpdateDeadlockDetectionParams