Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines for the message passing interface for regroup
John Vert (jvert) 5/30/1996
Revision History:
--*/ #include "service.h"
#include "sspi.h"
#include "issperr.h"
#include "clmsg.h"
#include "wrgp.h"
#include "wsclus.h"
// Private Constants
// security package info
// For NT5, the security context generation code was rewritten to allow
// multiple packages to be specified. The packages are tried in order until
// there are no more packages or a context has been successfully
// generated.
// The default is the negotiate package in secur32.dll which will negotiate
// either kerberos or NTLM. Between NT5 systems, the actual package used
// depends on the veresion of the DC: NT5 DCs support kerberos while NT4 DCs
// use NTLM. Mixed mode clusters use NTLM. The NTLM portion of Negotiate
// doesn't interoperate with NT4 NTLM hence the need for trying NTLM directly.
// These routines use multi-leg style authentication, i.e., a security blob is
// passed between the client and server until the security routines indicate
// that they have succeeded or failed. Note that encryption is not specified
// for two reasons: we don't need it and it prevents the code from working on
// the non-US versions where NTLM doesn't have an encryption capability.
// The DLL and package values can be overridden via the registry.
WCHAR DefaultSspiPackageList[] = L"NTLM" L"\0"; //WCHAR DefaultSspiPackageList[] = L"negotiate" L"\0" L"NTLM" L"\0";
#define VALID_SSPI_HANDLE( _x ) ((_x).dwUpper != (ULONG_PTR)-1 && \
(_x).dwLower != (ULONG_PTR)-1 )
#define INVALIDATE_SSPI_HANDLE( _x ) { \
(_x).dwUpper = (ULONG_PTR)-1; \ (_x).dwLower = (ULONG_PTR)-1; \ }
// Private Types
// the Data array in CLMSG_DATAGRAM_CONTEXT contains the contents of the
// regroup message and the digital signature of the message. Currently, it is
// not possible to get the signature buffer size until a context is
// negotiated. A DCR has been submitted asking for a query that doesn't
// require a context. In lieu of that, we know that for kerberos, the sig
// buffer size is 35b while it is 16b for NTLM. When that feature is
// available, the DatagramContext allocation should be moved into
// ClMsgLoadSecurityProvider.
typedef struct { CLRTL_WORK_ITEM ClRtlWorkItem; DWORD Flags; SOCKADDR_CLUSTER SourceAddress; INT SourceAddressLength; UCHAR Data[ sizeof(rgp_msgbuf) + MAX_SIGNATURE_SIZE ]; } CLMSG_DATAGRAM_CONTEXT, *PCLMSG_DATAGRAM_CONTEXT;
// info specific to a package. Many pair-wise context associations may use the
// same package. Package info is maintained in a single linked list.
typedef struct _CLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO { struct _CLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO * Next; LPWSTR Name; CredHandle OutboundSecurityCredentials; CredHandle InboundSecurityCredentials; ULONG SecurityTokenSize; ULONG SignatureBufferSize; } CLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO, *PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO;
// security context handles with ref counts
// pair-wise context data
// Private Data
PCLRTL_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue = NULL; PCLMSG_DATAGRAM_CONTEXT DatagramContext = NULL; PCLMSG_EVENT_CONTEXT EventContext = NULL; SOCKET DatagramSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; HANDLE ClusnetHandle = NULL; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE * Session = NULL; BOOLEAN ClMsgInitialized = FALSE; HINSTANCE SecurityProvider; PSecurityFunctionTable SecurityFuncs; CRITICAL_SECTION SecContextLock; PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO PackageInfoList;
// [GorN 08/01/99]
// Every time CreateDefaultBinding is called we increase
// generation counter for the node.
// In DeleteDefaultBinding, we do a delete, only if generation
// number passed matches the binding generation of that node.
// We use GenerationCritSect for synchronization.
// [HACKHACK] We are not deleting GenerationCritSect.
// It will get cleaned up by ExitProcess <grin>
DWORD *BindingGeneration = NULL; CRITICAL_SECTION GenerationCritSect;
// the security context array is indexed using internal node numbering (0
// based) and protected by SecContextLock. For sending and recv'ing packets,
// the lock is held while the signature is created/verified. Locking gets
// trickier during the setup of a security context since it involves separate
// inbound and outbound contexts which cause messages to be sent between
// nodes. There is still a window where something bad could happen since
// verifying a signature with a partially setup context is bad. The
// {In,Out}boundStable vars are used to track whether the actual context
// handle can be checked for validity and then, if valid, used for signature
// operations.
// The joining node initially sets up an outbound context with its sponsor
// (inbound for sponsor). If that is successful, the sponsor sets up an
// outbound context with the joiner (inbound for joiner). This is done in such
// a way that SecContextLock cannot be held at a high level; it must be
// released when ever a message is sent via MmRpcEstablishSecurityContext.
// The lock may be held recursively (by the same thread obviously) during
// certain periods.
// Update (daviddio 8/28/2001): SecContextLock cannot be held while invoking
// the SSPI API because SSPI may call out to a domain controller. Holding
// the lock while calling a DC can delay time-critical operations, such as
// regroup, that need to access the security context array to sign and
// verify messages.
CLUSTER_SECURITY_DATA SecurityCtxtData[ ClusterDefaultMaxNodes ]; SECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE InvalidCtxtHandle;
// Private Routines
ctxt = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(SECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE) ); if (ctxt != NULL) { INVALIDATE_SSPI_HANDLE( ctxt->Handle ); ctxt->RefCount = 1; }
return ctxt; }
#define ClMsgReferenceSecurityCtxt(_ctxt) \
InterlockedIncrement( &(_ctxt)->RefCount )
#define ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt(_ctxt) \
if (InterlockedDecrement( &((_ctxt)->RefCount) ) == 0) { \ CL_ASSERT((_ctxt) != &InvalidCtxtHandle); \ if ( VALID_SSPI_HANDLE( (_ctxt)->Handle )) { \ (*SecurityFuncs->DeleteSecurityContext)( &((_ctxt)->Handle) ); \ } \ if ((_ctxt) != &InvalidCtxtHandle) { \ LocalFree( (_ctxt) ); \ } \ }
VOID ClMsgDatagramHandler( IN PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM WorkItem, IN DWORD Status, IN DWORD BytesTransferred, IN ULONG_PTR IoContext ) { WSABUF wsaBuf; int err; SecBufferDesc BufferDescriptor; SecBuffer SignatureDescriptor[2]; ULONG fQOP; SECURITY_STATUS SecStatus; PCLUSTER_SECURITY_DATA SecurityData; PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE InboundCtxt; DWORD retryCount; DWORD signatureBufferSize; PVOID signatureBuffer; rgp_msgbuf * regroupMsg;
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(IoContext); CL_ASSERT(WorkItem == &(datagramContext->ClRtlWorkItem));
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS || Status == WSAEMSGSIZE ) {
if (BytesTransferred == sizeof(rgp_msgbuf)) { // If clusnet verified the signature of a packet,
// it sets sac_zero field of a source address to 1
if (datagramContext->SourceAddress.sac_zero == 1) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] recv'd mcast from %1!u!\n", datagramContext->SourceAddress.sac_node); RGP_LOCK; MMDiag((PVOID)datagramContext->Data, BytesTransferred, &BytesTransferred); RGP_UNLOCK; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] unrecognized packet from %1!u! discarded (%2!u!)\n", datagramContext->SourceAddress.sac_node, datagramContext->SourceAddress.sac_zero); } } else { EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
SecurityData = &SecurityCtxtData[ INT_NODE( datagramContext->SourceAddress.sac_node )];
if ( SecurityData->InboundStable && VALID_SSPI_HANDLE( SecurityData->Inbound->Handle )) { //
// copy remainder of needed data from SecurityData structure
signatureBufferSize = SecurityData->PackageInfo->SignatureBufferSize; InboundCtxt = SecurityData->Inbound; ClMsgReferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt );
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
// get pointer to signature buffer at back of packet
regroupMsg = (rgp_msgbuf *)(datagramContext->Data); signatureBuffer = (PVOID)(regroupMsg + 1); CL_ASSERT( sizeof(rgp_msgbuf) == BytesTransferred - signatureBufferSize );
// Build the descriptors for the message and the
// signature buffer
BufferDescriptor.cBuffers = 2; BufferDescriptor.pBuffers = SignatureDescriptor; BufferDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
SignatureDescriptor[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; SignatureDescriptor[0].cbBuffer = BytesTransferred - signatureBufferSize; SignatureDescriptor[0].pvBuffer = (PVOID)regroupMsg;
SignatureDescriptor[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SignatureDescriptor[1].cbBuffer = signatureBufferSize; SignatureDescriptor[1].pvBuffer = (PVOID)signatureBuffer;
SecStatus = (*SecurityFuncs->VerifySignature)( &InboundCtxt->Handle, &BufferDescriptor, 0, // no sequence number
&fQOP); // Quality of protection
ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt );
if ( SecStatus == SEC_E_OK ) {
// only feed this buffer to MM if it hasn't been tampered
// with. since we're running over a datagram transport, it
// will be possible to lose packets
RGP_LOCK; MMDiag((PVOID)datagramContext->Data, BytesTransferred - signatureBufferSize, &BytesTransferred); RGP_UNLOCK; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Signature verify on message from node %1!u! failed, " "status %2!08X!\n", datagramContext->SourceAddress.sac_node, SecStatus); } } else {
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock ); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] No security context to verify message from node %1!u!!\n", datagramContext->SourceAddress.sac_node); }
} } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Receive datagram failed, status %1!u!\n", Status ); }
retryCount = 0;
while ((Status != WSAENOTSOCK) && (retryCount++ < 10)) { //
// Repost the request
ZeroMemory(datagramContext, sizeof(CLMSG_DATAGRAM_CONTEXT));
datagramContext->ClRtlWorkItem.WorkRoutine = ClMsgDatagramHandler; datagramContext->ClRtlWorkItem.Context = datagramContext;
datagramContext->SourceAddressLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_CLUSTER);
wsaBuf.len = sizeof( datagramContext->Data ); wsaBuf.buf = (PCHAR)&datagramContext->Data;
err = WSARecvFrom( DatagramSocket, &wsaBuf, 1, &BytesTransferred, &(datagramContext->Flags), (struct sockaddr *) &(datagramContext->SourceAddress), &(datagramContext->SourceAddressLength), &(datagramContext->ClRtlWorkItem.Overlapped), NULL );
if ((err == 0) || ((Status = WSAGetLastError()) == WSA_IO_PENDING)) { return; }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Post of receive datagram failed, status %1!u!\n", Status );
Sleep(100); }
if (Status != WSAENOTSOCK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Post of receive datagram failed too many times. Halting.\n" ); CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR(Status); CsInconsistencyHalt(Status); } else { //
// The socket was closed. Do nothing.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Datagram socket was closed. status %1!u!\n", Status ); }
LocalFree(DatagramContext); DatagramContext = NULL; return;
} // ClMsgDatagramHandler
#if defined(DBG)
int IgnoreJoinerNodeUp = MM_INVALID_NODE; // Fault Injection variable
VOID ClMsgEventHandler( IN PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM WorkItem, IN DWORD Status, IN DWORD BytesTransferred, IN ULONG_PTR IoContext ) { PCLMSG_EVENT_CONTEXT eventContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( WorkItem, CLMSG_EVENT_CONTEXT, ClRtlWorkItem ); PCLUSNET_EVENT event = &(eventContext->EventData); BOOL EpochsEqual;
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(IoContext); CL_ASSERT(WorkItem == &(eventContext->ClRtlWorkItem));
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (BytesTransferred == sizeof(CLUSNET_EVENT)) {
// handle the event. First make sure that the epoch in the event
// matches MM's epoch. If not, ignore this event.
switch ( event->EventType ) { case ClusnetEventNodeUp:
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Received node up event for node %1!u!, epoch %2!u!\n", event->NodeId, event->Epoch ); #if defined(DBG)
if( IgnoreJoinerNodeUp == (node_t)event->NodeId ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Fault injection. Ignoring node up for %1!u!\n", event->NodeId ); break; } #endif
RGP_LOCK; EpochsEqual = ( event->Epoch == rgp->OS_specific_control.EventEpoch );
if ( EpochsEqual ) { rgp_monitor_node( (node_t)event->NodeId ); RGP_UNLOCK; } else { RGP_UNLOCK; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Unequal Event Epochs. MM = %1!u! Clusnet = %2!u! !!!\n", rgp->OS_specific_control.EventEpoch, event->Epoch); }
case ClusnetEventNodeDown: //
// handle this the same as if the rgp periodic check had
// detected a late IAmAlive packet
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Received node down event for node %1!u!, epoch %2!u!\n", event->NodeId, event->Epoch );
RGP_LOCK; EpochsEqual = ( event->Epoch == rgp->OS_specific_control.EventEpoch );
if ( EpochsEqual ) { rgp_event_handler(RGP_EVT_LATEPOLLPACKET, (node_t)event->NodeId ); RGP_UNLOCK; } else { RGP_UNLOCK; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Unequal Event Epochs. MM = %1!u! Clusnet = %2!u! !!!\n", rgp->OS_specific_control.EventEpoch, event->Epoch); }
case ClusnetEventPoisonPacketReceived: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Received poison event.\n", event->NodeId, event->Epoch );
RGP_ERROR((uint16) (RGP_PARIAH + event->NodeId));
case ClusnetEventNetInterfaceUp: case ClusnetEventNetInterfaceUnreachable: case ClusnetEventNetInterfaceFailed: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Received interface %1!ws! event for node %2!u! network %3!u!\n", ( (event->EventType == ClusnetEventNetInterfaceUp) ? L"up" : ( ( event->EventType == ClusnetEventNetInterfaceUnreachable ) ? L"unreachable" : L"failed" ) ), event->NodeId, event->NetworkId );
NmPostPnpEvent( event->EventType, event->NodeId, event->NetworkId );
case ClusnetEventAddAddress: case ClusnetEventDelAddress: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Received %1!ws! address event, address %2!x!\n", ((event->EventType == ClusnetEventAddAddress) ? L"add" : L"delete"), event->NetworkId );
NmPostPnpEvent( event->EventType, event->NetworkId, 0 );
case ClusnetEventMulticastSet: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Received new multicast reachable node " "set event: %1!x!.\n", event->NodeId ); SetMulticastReachable(event->NodeId); break;
default: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Received unhandled event type %1!u! node %2!u! network %3!u!\n", event->EventType, event->NodeId, event->NetworkId );
break; } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Received event buffer of size %1!u! !!!\n", BytesTransferred ); CL_ASSERT(BytesTransferred == sizeof(CLUSNET_EVENT)); }
// Repost the request
ClRtlInitializeWorkItem( &(eventContext->ClRtlWorkItem), ClMsgEventHandler, eventContext );
Status = ClusnetGetNextEvent( ClusnetHandle, &(eventContext->EventData), &(eventContext->ClRtlWorkItem.Overlapped) );
if ((Status == ERROR_IO_PENDING) || (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { return; } }
// Some kind of error occurred
if (Status != ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] GetNextEvent failed, status %1!u!\n", Status ); CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR(Status); } else { //
// The control channel was closed. Do nothing.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Control Channel was closed.\n"); }
LocalFree(EventContext); EventContext = NULL;
} // ClMsgEventHandler
DWORD ClMsgInitializeSecurityPackage( LPCWSTR PackageName )
Routine Description:
Find the specified security package and acquire inboud/outbound credential handles to it
PackageName - package to find in security DLL
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked ok...
{ DWORD status; ULONG i; PWSTR securityPackageName; DWORD numPackages; PSecPkgInfo secPackageInfoBase = NULL; PSecPkgInfo secPackageInfo; TimeStamp expiration; PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO clusterPackageInfo;
// enumerate the packages provided by this provider and look through the
// results to find one that matches the specified package name.
status = (*SecurityFuncs->EnumerateSecurityPackages)(&numPackages, &secPackageInfoBase);
if ( status != SEC_E_OK ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Can't enum security packages 0x%1!08X!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
secPackageInfo = secPackageInfoBase; for ( i = 0; i < numPackages; ++i ) {
if ( ClRtlStrICmp( PackageName, secPackageInfo->Name ) == 0) { break; }
++secPackageInfo; }
if ( i == numPackages ) { status = (DWORD)SEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND; // [THINKTHINK] not a good choice
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Couldn't find %1!ws! security package\n", PackageName); goto error_exit; }
// allocate a blob to hold our package info and stuff it on the the list
clusterPackageInfo = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(CLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO)); if ( clusterPackageInfo == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Couldn't allocate memory for package info (%1!u!)\n", status); goto error_exit; }
clusterPackageInfo->Name = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(secPackageInfo->Name)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( clusterPackageInfo->Name == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Couldn't allocate memory for package info name (%1!u!)\n", status); goto error_exit; } wcscpy( clusterPackageInfo->Name, secPackageInfo->Name );
if ( PackageInfoList == NULL ) { PackageInfoList = clusterPackageInfo; } else { PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO nextPackage;
nextPackage = PackageInfoList; while ( nextPackage->Next != NULL ) { nextPackage = nextPackage->Next; } nextPackage->Next = clusterPackageInfo; } clusterPackageInfo->Next = NULL;
clusterPackageInfo->SecurityTokenSize = secPackageInfo->cbMaxToken;
// finally get a set of credential handles. Note that there is a bug in
// the security packages that prevent using an in/outbound
// credential. When/if that gets fixed, this code could be greatly
// simplified.
status = (*SecurityFuncs->AcquireCredentialsHandle)( NULL, secPackageInfo->Name, SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &clusterPackageInfo->OutboundSecurityCredentials, &expiration);
if ( status != SEC_E_OK ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Can't obtain outbound credentials %1!08X!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
status = (*SecurityFuncs->AcquireCredentialsHandle)( NULL, secPackageInfo->Name, SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &clusterPackageInfo->InboundSecurityCredentials, &expiration);
if ( status != SEC_E_OK ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Can't obtain inbound credentials %1!08X!\n", status ); }
error_exit: if ( secPackageInfoBase != NULL ) { (*SecurityFuncs->FreeContextBuffer)( secPackageInfoBase ); }
return status; } // ClMsgInitializeSecurityPackage
DWORD ClMsgLoadSecurityProvider( VOID )
Routine Description:
Load the security DLL and construct a list of packages to use for context establishment.
This allows use of a set of registry keys to override the current security DLL/packages. This is not meant as a general mechanism since switching the security provider in a synchronized fashion through out all the nodes in the cluster has numerous issues. This is meant as a bailout for a customer that is stuck because of some random problem with security or has their own security package (the fools!)
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked ok...
{ DWORD status; WCHAR securityProviderDLLName[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD securityDLLNameSize = sizeof( securityProviderDLLName ); DWORD packageListSize = 0; INIT_SECURITY_INTERFACE initSecurityInterface; BOOL dllNameSpecified = TRUE; LPWSTR securityPackages = NULL; LPWSTR packageName; ULONG packagesLoaded = 0; ULONG i; HKEY hClusSvcKey = NULL; DWORD regType;
// see if a specific security DLL is named in the registry. if not, fail
// back to the default.
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
status = RegQueryValueExW(hClusSvcKey, CLUSREG_NAME_SECURITY_DLL_NAME, 0, ®Type, (LPBYTE)&securityProviderDLLName, &securityDLLNameSize);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS || securityDLLNameSize == sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ) || regType != REG_SZ) { if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( regType != REG_SZ ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] The security DLL key must be of type REG_SZ. Using " "%1!ws! as provider.\n", DEFAULT_SSPI_DLL); } else if ( securityDLLNameSize == sizeof( UNICODE_NULL )) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] No value specified for security DLL key. Using " "%1!ws! as provider.\n", DEFAULT_SSPI_DLL); } } else if ( status != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Can't read security DLL key, status %1!u!. Using " "%2!ws! as provider\n", status, DEFAULT_SSPI_DLL); }
wcscpy( securityProviderDLLName, DEFAULT_SSPI_DLL ); dllNameSpecified = FALSE; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Using %1!ws! as the security provider DLL\n", securityProviderDLLName); } } else { wcscpy( securityProviderDLLName, DEFAULT_SSPI_DLL ); dllNameSpecified = FALSE; }
SecurityProvider = LoadLibrary( securityProviderDLLName );
if ( SecurityProvider == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to load security provider %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", securityProviderDLLName, status); goto error_exit; }
// get a pointer to the initialize function in the DLL
initSecurityInterface = (INIT_SECURITY_INTERFACE)GetProcAddress(SecurityProvider, SECURITY_ENTRYPOINT_ANSI);
if ( initSecurityInterface == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to get security init function, status %1!u!\n", status); goto error_exit; }
// now get a pointer to all the security funcs
SecurityFuncs = (*initSecurityInterface)(); if ( SecurityFuncs == NULL ) { status = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to get security function table\n"); goto error_exit; }
if ( dllNameSpecified ) {
// If a DLL name was specified in the registry, then the package name
// key must be specified as well. Get its size first.
status = RegQueryValueExW(hClusSvcKey, CLUSREG_NAME_SECURITY_PACKAGE_LIST, 0, ®Type, NULL, &packageListSize);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS || packageListSize == sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ) || regType != REG_MULTI_SZ) { if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( regType != REG_MULTI_SZ ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] The security package key must of type REG_MULTI_SZ.\n"); } else if ( packageListSize == sizeof( UNICODE_NULL )) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] No package names were specified for %1!ws!.\n", securityProviderDLLName); }
status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Can't read security package key (%1!u!).\n", status); } goto error_exit; }
securityPackages = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, packageListSize ); if ( securityPackages == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Can't allocate memory for package list.\n");
status = GetLastError(); goto error_exit; }
status = RegQueryValueExW(hClusSvcKey, CLUSREG_NAME_SECURITY_PACKAGE_LIST, 0, ®Type, (PUCHAR)securityPackages, &packageListSize); CL_ASSERT( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } else { securityPackages = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof( DefaultSspiPackageList ));
if ( securityPackages == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Can't allocate memory for default package list.\n");
status = GetLastError(); goto error_exit; }
memcpy(securityPackages, DefaultSspiPackageList, sizeof( DefaultSspiPackageList )); }
// initialize each package in the list
packageName = securityPackages; while ( *packageName != UNICODE_NULL ) {
status = ClMsgInitializeSecurityPackage( packageName ); if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ++packagesLoaded; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Initialized %1!ws! package.\n", packageName); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] %1!ws! package failed to initialize, status %2!08X!.\n", packageName, status); }
packageName = packageName + wcslen( packageName ) + 1;; }
if ( packagesLoaded == 0 ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] No security packages could be initialized.\n"); status = ERROR_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE; goto error_exit; }
// initialize the individual client and server side security contexts.
// a context handle is stable when it is marked as invalid.
INVALIDATE_SSPI_HANDLE( InvalidCtxtHandle.Handle ); InvalidCtxtHandle.RefCount = 1;
for ( i = ClusterMinNodeId; i <= NmMaxNodeId; ++i ) { PCLUSTER_SECURITY_DATA SecurityData = &SecurityCtxtData[ INT_NODE( i )];
SecurityData->OutboundStable = TRUE; SecurityData->InboundStable = TRUE; SecurityData->PackageInfo = NULL; SecurityData->OutboundChangeCount = 0; SecurityData->InboundChangeCount = 0; SecurityData->Outbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; SecurityData->Inbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; }
if ( hClusSvcKey != NULL ) { RegCloseKey(hClusSvcKey); }
if ( securityPackages != NULL ) { LocalFree( securityPackages ); }
return status; } // ClMsgLoadSecurityProvider
DWORD ClMsgImportSecurityContexts( CL_NODE_ID NodeId, LPWSTR SecurityPackageName, DWORD SignatureBufferSize, PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE InboundCtxt, PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE OutboundCtxt )
Routine Description:
Export the inbound/outbound security contexts for the specified node and ship them to clusnet for use in signing heartbeat and poison pkts
NodeId - Id of the node whose contexts are being exported
SecurityPackageName - name of package used with which to establish context
SignatureBufferSize - number of bytes needed for the signature buffer InboundCtxt - inbound security context OutboundCtxt - outbound security context
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked ok...
{ DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; SecBuffer ServerContext; SecBuffer ClientContext; CL_NODE_ID InternalNodeId = INT_NODE( NodeId );
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Importing security contexts from %1!ws! package.\n", SecurityPackageName);
Status = (*SecurityFuncs->ExportSecurityContext)( &InboundCtxt->Handle, 0, &ServerContext, 0);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { goto error_exit; }
Status = (*SecurityFuncs->ExportSecurityContext)( &OutboundCtxt->Handle, 0, &ClientContext, 0);
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { CL_ASSERT( SignatureBufferSize > 0 );
Status = ClusnetImportSecurityContexts(NmClusnetHandle, NodeId, SecurityPackageName, SignatureBufferSize, &ServerContext, &ClientContext);
(*SecurityFuncs->FreeContextBuffer)( ClientContext.pvBuffer ); }
(*SecurityFuncs->FreeContextBuffer)( ServerContext.pvBuffer );
return Status;
} // ClMsgImportSecurityContexts
DWORD ClMsgEstablishSecurityContext( IN DWORD JoinSequence, IN DWORD TargetNodeId, IN SECURITY_ROLE RoleOfClient, IN PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO PackageInfo, IN PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE MemberInboundCtxt )
Routine Description:
try to establish an outbound security context with the other node using the specified package name. The initialized security blob is shipped to the other side via RPC. This process continues back and forth until the security APIs indicate that the context has been successfully generated or has failed.
JoinSequence - Sequence number of the join. Used by the other node to determine if this blob is the generation of a new context
TargetNodeId - Id of the node with which to generate the context
RoleOfClient - indicates whether the client establishing the security context is acting as a cluster member or a joining member. Determines when the client/server roles of establishing a security context are reversed
PackageInfo - pointer to security package info to be used
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked ok...
{ CtxtHandle ClientContext; TimeStamp Expiration; SecBufferDesc ServerBufferDescriptor; SecBuffer ServerSecurityToken; SecBufferDesc ClientBufferDescriptor; SecBuffer ClientSecurityToken; ULONG ContextRequirements; ULONG ContextAttributes; SECURITY_STATUS OurStatus; SECURITY_STATUS ServerStatus = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED; ULONG passCount = 1; error_status_t RPCStatus; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD FacilityCode; PCLUSTER_SECURITY_DATA TargetSecurityData; PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE OutboundCtxt; PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE InboundCtxt; ULONG outboundChangeCount; BOOL pkgInfoValid = FALSE;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[ClMsg] Establishing outbound security context with the " "%1!ws! package.\n", PackageInfo->Name);
// obtain a security context with the target node by swapping token
// buffers until the process is complete.
// Build the Client (caller of this function) and Server (target node)
// buffer descriptors.
ServerBufferDescriptor.cBuffers = 1; ServerBufferDescriptor.pBuffers = &ServerSecurityToken; ServerBufferDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
ServerSecurityToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; ServerSecurityToken.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, PackageInfo->SecurityTokenSize);
if ( ServerSecurityToken.pvBuffer == NULL ) { return GetLastError(); }
ClientBufferDescriptor.cBuffers = 1; ClientBufferDescriptor.pBuffers = &ClientSecurityToken; ClientBufferDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
ClientSecurityToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; ClientSecurityToken.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, PackageInfo->SecurityTokenSize); ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer = 0;
if ( ClientSecurityToken.pvBuffer == NULL ) { LocalFree( ServerSecurityToken.pvBuffer ); return GetLastError(); }
// Indicate context requirements. replay is necessary in order for the
// context to generate valid signatures
// mark the outbound context unstable. increment the change count
// in anticipation of committing a new outbound context at the
// conclusion of this routine.
TargetSecurityData = &SecurityCtxtData[ INT_NODE( TargetNodeId )];
EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
OutboundCtxt = TargetSecurityData->Outbound; TargetSecurityData->Outbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; TargetSecurityData->OutboundStable = FALSE; outboundChangeCount = ++TargetSecurityData->OutboundChangeCount;
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
// if there was an old outbound context, dereference it now
if ( OutboundCtxt != &InvalidCtxtHandle ) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( OutboundCtxt ); }
// Create a new outbound context.
OutboundCtxt = ClMsgCreateSecurityCtxt(); if ( OutboundCtxt == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Failed to allocate outbound security context " "for node %1!u!.\n", TargetNodeId ); OutboundCtxt = &InvalidCtxtHandle; Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
// we obtain a blob from the SSPI provider, which is shiped over to the
// other side where another blob is generated. This continues until the
// two SSPI providers say we're done or an error has occurred.
do {
// init the output buffer each time we loop
ServerSecurityToken.cbBuffer = PackageInfo->SecurityTokenSize;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[ClMsg] init pass %1!u!: server token size = %2!u!, " "client = %3!u!\n", passCount, ServerSecurityToken.cbBuffer, ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer); #endif
OurStatus = (*SecurityFuncs->InitializeSecurityContext)( &PackageInfo->OutboundSecurityCredentials, passCount == 1 ? NULL : &OutboundCtxt->Handle, NULL, // CsServiceDomainAccount, BUGBUG Temporary Workaround See Bug 160108
ContextRequirements, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, passCount == 1 ? NULL : &ClientBufferDescriptor, 0, &OutboundCtxt->Handle, &ServerBufferDescriptor, &ContextAttributes, &Expiration);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[ClMsg] after init pass %1!u!: status = %2!X!, server " "token size = %3!u!, client = %4!u!\n", passCount, OurStatus, ServerSecurityToken.cbBuffer, ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer); #endif
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] The outbound security context to node %1!u! was %2!ws!, " "status %3!08X!.\n", TargetNodeId, NT_SUCCESS( OurStatus ) ? L"initialized" : L"rejected", OurStatus);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( OurStatus )) {
ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( OutboundCtxt ); OutboundCtxt = &InvalidCtxtHandle; Status = OurStatus; break; }
// complete the blob if the Security package directs us as such
(*SecurityFuncs->CompleteAuthToken)( &OutboundCtxt->Handle, &ServerBufferDescriptor ); }
// blobs are passed to the server side until it returns ok.
if (ServerStatus == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED || ServerStatus == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE ) {
ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer = PackageInfo->SecurityTokenSize;
RPCStatus = MmRpcEstablishSecurityContext( Session[ TargetNodeId ], JoinSequence, NmLocalNodeId, passCount == 1, RoleOfClient, ServerSecurityToken.pvBuffer, ServerSecurityToken.cbBuffer, ClientSecurityToken.pvBuffer, &ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer, &ServerStatus);
FacilityCode = HRESULT_FACILITY( ServerStatus ); if ( ( FacilityCode != 0 && !SUCCEEDED( ServerStatus )) || ( FacilityCode == 0 && ServerStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) || RPCStatus != RPC_S_OK ) {
// either the blob was rejected or we had an RPC failure. If
// RPC, then ServerStatus is meaningless. Note that we don't
// delete the security context on the side since that might
// clobber an already negotiated context (i.e., the joiner has
// already negotiated its outbound context and the sponsor is
// in this routine trying to negotiate its outbound
// context. If the sponsor negotiation fails at some point, we
// don't want to whack the joiner's outbound context).
if ( RPCStatus != RPC_S_OK ) { ServerStatus = RPCStatus; }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] The outbound security context was rejected by node %1!u!, " "status 0x%2!08X!.\n", TargetNodeId, ServerStatus);
ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( OutboundCtxt ); OutboundCtxt = &InvalidCtxtHandle; Status = ServerStatus; break; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] The outbound security context was accepted by node %1!u!, " "status 0x%2!08X!.\n", TargetNodeId, ServerStatus); } }
if ( OurStatus == SEC_E_OK && ServerStatus == SEC_E_OK ) { SecPkgContext_Sizes contextSizes; SecPkgContext_PackageInfo packageInfo;
#if 0
SYSTEMTIME localSystemTime; SYSTEMTIME renegotiateSystemTime; FILETIME expFileTime; FILETIME renegotiateFileTime; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZoneInfo; DWORD timeType;
// convert the expiration time to something meaningful we can print in
// the log.
timeType = GetTimeZoneInformation( &timeZoneInfo );
if ( timeType != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID ) { expFileTime.dwLowDateTime = Expiration.LowPart; expFileTime.dwHighDateTime = Expiration.HighPart; if ( FileTimeToSystemTime( &expFileTime, &localSystemTime )) { PWCHAR timeDecoration = L"";
if ( timeType == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD ) { timeDecoration = timeZoneInfo.StandardName; } else if ( timeType == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT ) { timeDecoration = timeZoneInfo.DaylightName; }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Context expires at %1!u!:%2!02u!:%3!02u! %4!u!/%5!u!/%6!u! %7!ws!\n", localSystemTime.wHour, localSystemTime.wMinute, localSystemTime.wSecond, localSystemTime.wMonth, localSystemTime.wDay, localSystemTime.wYear, timeDecoration); } }
// now compute the half life of the expiration and set a timer to go
// off and renegotiate a context at that time
// Get the inbound context. If it wasn't provided, fish it out
// of the SecContext array.
if ( MemberInboundCtxt == NULL ) {
CL_ASSERT( RoleOfClient == SecurityRoleJoiningMember );
EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
InboundCtxt = TargetSecurityData->Inbound; ClMsgReferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt );
// mark context data as usable
TargetSecurityData->InboundStable = TRUE; LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock ); } else {
CL_ASSERT( RoleOfClient == SecurityRoleClusterMember ); InboundCtxt = MemberInboundCtxt; }
// get the size of the signature buffer
Status = (*SecurityFuncs->QueryContextAttributes)( &InboundCtxt->Handle, SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES, &contextSizes);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to query signature size, status %1!08X!.\n", Status); ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt ); goto error_exit; }
PackageInfo->SignatureBufferSize = contextSizes.cbMaxSignature; CL_ASSERT( contextSizes.cbMaxSignature <= MAX_SIGNATURE_SIZE );
// get the name of the negotiated package and import the contexts for
// use in clusnet
Status = (*SecurityFuncs->QueryContextAttributes)( &InboundCtxt->Handle, SECPKG_ATTR_PACKAGE_INFO, &packageInfo);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to query package info, status %1!08X!.\n", Status); ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt ); goto error_exit; }
Status = ClMsgImportSecurityContexts(TargetNodeId, packageInfo.PackageInfo->Name, contextSizes.cbMaxSignature, InboundCtxt, OutboundCtxt);
(*SecurityFuncs->FreeContextBuffer)( packageInfo.PackageInfo );
if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Can't import node %1!u! security contexts on server, " "status %2!08X!.\n", TargetNodeId, Status); }
// done with inbound security context handle.
if ( MemberInboundCtxt == NULL ) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt ); }
// we have valid contexts with this package so record that this is the
// one we're using
pkgInfoValid = TRUE; }
// the context is stable (either good or invalid) at this point
EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
if ( TargetSecurityData->OutboundChangeCount != outboundChangeCount ) { if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Outbound security context for node %1!u! " "changed during establishment.\n", TargetNodeId ); Status = SEC_E_UNFINISHED_CONTEXT_DELETED; } } else {
TargetSecurityData->Outbound = OutboundCtxt; TargetSecurityData->OutboundStable = TRUE; TargetSecurityData->OutboundChangeCount++; if ( pkgInfoValid ) { TargetSecurityData->PackageInfo = PackageInfo; } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
// free buffers used during this process
LocalFree( ClientSecurityToken.pvBuffer ); LocalFree( ServerSecurityToken.pvBuffer );
return Status; } // ClMsgEstablishSecurityContext
// Exported Routines
DWORD ClMsgInit( DWORD mynode ) { DWORD status; SOCKADDR_CLUSTER clusaddr; int err; DWORD ignored; DWORD bytesReceived = 0; WSABUF wsaBuf;
if (ClMsgInitialized == TRUE) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Already initialized!!!\n"); return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Initializing.\n");
InitializeCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
// load the security provider DLL and get the list of package names
status = ClMsgLoadSecurityProvider(); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto error_exit; }
InitializeCriticalSection( &GenerationCritSect ); //
// Create the binding generation table.
BindingGeneration = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(DWORD) * (NmMaxNodeId + 1) );
if (BindingGeneration == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
ZeroMemory(BindingGeneration, sizeof(DWORD) * (NmMaxNodeId + 1)); //
// Create the RPC binding handle table.
Session = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE) * (NmMaxNodeId + 1) );
if (Session == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
ZeroMemory(Session, sizeof(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE) * (NmMaxNodeId + 1));
// Create a work queue to process overlapped I/O completions
if (WorkQueue == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to create work queue, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate a datagram receive context
DatagramContext = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(CLMSG_DATAGRAM_CONTEXT));
if (DatagramContext == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to allocate datagram receive buffer, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate an event receive context
EventContext = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(CLMSG_EVENT_CONTEXT));
if (EventContext == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to allocate event context, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Open and bind the datagram socket
if (DatagramSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { status = WSAGetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to create dgram socket, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
ZeroMemory(&clusaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_CLUSTER));
clusaddr.sac_family = AF_CLUSTER; clusaddr.sac_port = CLMSG_DATAGRAM_PORT; clusaddr.sac_node = 0;
err = bind( DatagramSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &clusaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_CLUSTER) );
if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) { status = WSAGetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to bind dgram socket, status %1!u!\n", status ); closesocket(DatagramSocket); DatagramSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; goto error_exit; }
// Tell the Cluster Transport to disable node state checks on
// this socket.
err = WSAIoctl( DatagramSocket, SIO_CLUS_IGNORE_NODE_STATE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &ignored, NULL, NULL );
if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) { status = WSAGetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Ignore state ioctl failed, status %1!u!\n", status ); closesocket(DatagramSocket); DatagramSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; goto error_exit; }
// Associate the socket with the work queue
status = ClRtlAssociateIoHandleWorkQueue( WorkQueue, (HANDLE) DatagramSocket, 0 );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Failed to associate socket with work queue, status %1!u!\n", status ); closesocket(DatagramSocket); DatagramSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; goto error_exit; }
// Open a control channel to the Cluster Network driver.
ClusnetHandle = ClusnetOpenControlChannel(FILE_SHARE_READ);
if (ClusnetHandle == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to open control channel to Cluster Network driver, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Associate the control channel with the work queue
status = ClRtlAssociateIoHandleWorkQueue( WorkQueue, ClusnetHandle, 0 );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Failed to associate control channel with work queue, status %1!u!\n", status ); CloseHandle(ClusnetHandle); ClusnetHandle = NULL; goto error_exit; }
// Post a receive on the socket
ZeroMemory(DatagramContext, sizeof(CLMSG_DATAGRAM_CONTEXT));
DatagramContext->ClRtlWorkItem.WorkRoutine = ClMsgDatagramHandler, DatagramContext->ClRtlWorkItem.Context = DatagramContext;
DatagramContext->SourceAddressLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_CLUSTER);
wsaBuf.len = sizeof( DatagramContext->Data ); wsaBuf.buf = (PCHAR)&DatagramContext->Data;
err = WSARecvFrom( DatagramSocket, &wsaBuf, 1, &bytesReceived, &(DatagramContext->Flags), (struct sockaddr *) &(DatagramContext->SourceAddress), &(DatagramContext->SourceAddressLength), &(DatagramContext->ClRtlWorkItem.Overlapped), NULL );
if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) { status = WSAGetLastError();
if (status != WSA_IO_PENDING) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to post datagram receive, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; } }
// Enable delivery of all Cluster Network event types
status = ClusnetSetEventMask(ClusnetHandle, ClusnetEventAll);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to set event mask, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Post a work item to receive the next Cluster Network event
ClRtlInitializeWorkItem( &(EventContext->ClRtlWorkItem), ClMsgEventHandler, EventContext );
status = ClusnetGetNextEvent( ClusnetHandle, &(EventContext->EventData), &(EventContext->ClRtlWorkItem.Overlapped) );
if ((status != ERROR_IO_PENDING) && (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] GetNextEvent failed, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
ClMsgInitialized = TRUE; return(ERROR_SUCCESS);
return(status); } // ClMsgInit
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Cleaning up\n");
if (Session != NULL) { LocalFree(Session); Session = NULL; }
if (BindingGeneration != NULL) { LocalFree(BindingGeneration); BindingGeneration = NULL; }
if (WorkQueue != NULL) { if (DatagramSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(DatagramSocket); DatagramSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } else { if (DatagramContext != NULL) { LocalFree(DatagramContext); DatagramContext = NULL; } }
if (ClusnetHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(ClusnetHandle); ClusnetHandle = NULL; } else { if (EventContext != NULL) { LocalFree(EventContext); EventContext = NULL; } }
ClRtlDestroyWorkQueue(WorkQueue); WorkQueue = NULL; }
// clean up the security related stuff
EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
for ( i = ClusterMinNodeId; i <= NmMaxNodeId; ++i ) { PCLUSTER_SECURITY_DATA SecurityData = &SecurityCtxtData[ INT_NODE( i )];
if ( SecurityData->Outbound != &InvalidCtxtHandle ) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( SecurityData->Outbound ); SecurityData->Outbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; SecurityData->OutboundChangeCount++; }
if ( SecurityData->Inbound != &InvalidCtxtHandle ) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( SecurityData->Inbound ); SecurityData->Inbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; SecurityData->InboundChangeCount++; }
SecurityData->PackageInfo = NULL; SecurityData->InboundStable = TRUE; SecurityData->OutboundStable = TRUE; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
packageInfo = PackageInfoList; while ( packageInfo != NULL ) { PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO lastInfo;
if ( VALID_SSPI_HANDLE( packageInfo->OutboundSecurityCredentials )) { (*SecurityFuncs->FreeCredentialHandle)( &packageInfo->OutboundSecurityCredentials ); }
if ( VALID_SSPI_HANDLE( packageInfo->InboundSecurityCredentials )) { (*SecurityFuncs->FreeCredentialHandle)( &packageInfo->InboundSecurityCredentials ); }
LocalFree( packageInfo->Name ); lastInfo = packageInfo; packageInfo = packageInfo->Next; LocalFree( lastInfo ); }
PackageInfoList = NULL;
if ( SecurityProvider != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( SecurityProvider ); SecurityProvider = NULL; SecurityFuncs = NULL; }
ClMsgInitialized = FALSE;
// [REENGINEER] GorN 8/25/2000: if a join fails, ClMsgCleanup will be executed,
// but some stray RPC thread can call s_MmRpcDeleteSecurityContext later.
// s_MmRpcDeleteSecuryContext needs SecContextLock for synchronization
// See bug #145746.
// I traced the code and it seems that all code paths that execute ClMsgCleanup
// will eventually lead to clustering service death, so it is valid (though ugly)
// not to delete this critical section.
// DeleteCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
} // ClMsgCleanup
DWORD ClMsgSendUnack( DWORD DestinationNode, LPCSTR Message, DWORD MessageLength )
Send an unacknowledged datagram to the destintation node. The only packets coming through this function should be regroup packets. Heartbeats and poison packets originate in clusnet. Packets sent by MM as a result of the Join process are handled by MmRpcMsgSend, which is authenticated.
A valid security context must be established between the local and destination node. The message is signed.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; SOCKADDR_CLUSTER clusaddr; int bytesSent; SecBufferDesc SignatureDescriptor; SecBuffer SignatureSecBuffer[2]; PUCHAR SignatureBuffer; WSABUF wsaBuf[2]; SECURITY_STATUS SecStatus; PCLUSTER_SECURITY_DATA SecurityData; PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE OutboundCtxt; ULONG SigBufferSize;
CL_ASSERT(ClMsgInitialized == TRUE); CL_ASSERT(DatagramSocket != INVALID_SOCKET); CL_ASSERT(DestinationNode <= NmMaxNodeId);
if (DestinationNode == 0) { // no signing if multicasting
ZeroMemory(&clusaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_CLUSTER));
clusaddr.sac_family = AF_CLUSTER; clusaddr.sac_port = CLMSG_DATAGRAM_PORT; clusaddr.sac_node = DestinationNode;
wsaBuf[0].len = MessageLength; wsaBuf[0].buf = (PCHAR)Message;
status = WSASendTo(DatagramSocket, wsaBuf, 1, &bytesSent, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &clusaddr, sizeof(clusaddr), NULL, NULL);
if (status == SOCKET_ERROR) { status = WSAGetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Multicast Datagram send failed, status %1!u!\n", status ); } } else if (DestinationNode != NmLocalNodeId) {
EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
SecurityData = &SecurityCtxtData[ INT_NODE( DestinationNode )]; SigBufferSize = SecurityData->PackageInfo->SignatureBufferSize; CL_ASSERT( SigBufferSize <= 256 ); SignatureBuffer = _alloca( SigBufferSize ); if ( !SignatureBuffer ) { // if we fail - return error now
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock ); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
if ( SecurityData->OutboundStable && VALID_SSPI_HANDLE( SecurityData->Outbound->Handle )) {
OutboundCtxt = SecurityData->Outbound; ClMsgReferenceSecurityCtxt( OutboundCtxt );
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
// build a descriptor for the message and signature
SignatureDescriptor.cBuffers = 2; SignatureDescriptor.pBuffers = SignatureSecBuffer; SignatureDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
SignatureSecBuffer[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; SignatureSecBuffer[0].cbBuffer = MessageLength; SignatureSecBuffer[0].pvBuffer = (PVOID)Message;
SignatureSecBuffer[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SignatureSecBuffer[1].cbBuffer = SigBufferSize; SignatureSecBuffer[1].pvBuffer = SignatureBuffer;
// generate the signature. We'll let the provider generate
// the sequence number.
SecStatus = (*SecurityFuncs->MakeSignature)( &OutboundCtxt->Handle, 0, &SignatureDescriptor, 0); // no supplied sequence number
ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( OutboundCtxt );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( SecStatus )) {
ZeroMemory(&clusaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_CLUSTER));
clusaddr.sac_family = AF_CLUSTER; clusaddr.sac_port = CLMSG_DATAGRAM_PORT; clusaddr.sac_node = DestinationNode;
wsaBuf[0].len = MessageLength; wsaBuf[0].buf = (PCHAR)Message;
wsaBuf[1].len = SigBufferSize; wsaBuf[1].buf = (PCHAR)SignatureBuffer;
status = WSASendTo(DatagramSocket, wsaBuf, 2, &bytesSent, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &clusaddr, sizeof(clusaddr), NULL, NULL);
if (status == SOCKET_ERROR) { status = WSAGetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Datagram send failed, status %1!u!\n", status ); } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Couldn't create signature for packet to node %u. Status: %08X\n", DestinationNode, SecStatus); } } else { LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock ); status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_SECURITY_CONTEXT;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] No Security context for node %1!u!\n", DestinationNode); } } else { MMDiag( (LPCSTR)Message, MessageLength, &MessageLength); }
return(status); } // ClMsgSendUnack
DWORD ClMsgCreateRpcBinding( IN PNM_NODE Node, OUT RPC_BINDING_HANDLE * BindingHandle, IN DWORD RpcBindingOptions ) { DWORD Status; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE NewBindingHandle; WCHAR *BindingString = NULL; CL_NODE_ID NodeId = NmGetNodeId(Node);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Creating RPC binding for node %1!u!\n", NodeId );
Status = RpcStringBindingComposeW( L"e248d0b8-bf15-11cf-8c5e-08002bb49649", CLUSTER_RPC_PROTSEQ, (LPWSTR) OmObjectId(Node), CLUSTER_RPC_PORT, NULL, &BindingString );
if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Failed to compose binding string for node %1!u!, status %2!u!\n", NodeId, Status ); return(Status); }
Status = RpcBindingFromStringBindingW(BindingString, &NewBindingHandle);
if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Failed to compose binding handle for node %1!u!, status %2!u!\n", NodeId, Status ); return(Status); }
// If we have RpcBindingOptions, then set them
if ( RpcBindingOptions ) { Status = RpcBindingSetOption( NewBindingHandle, RpcBindingOptions, TRUE );
if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to set unique RPC binding option for node %1!u!, status %2!u!.\n", NodeId, Status ); } }
Status = RpcMgmtSetComTimeout( NewBindingHandle, CLUSTER_INTRACLUSTER_RPC_COM_TIMEOUT );
if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to set RPC com timeout to node %1!u!, status %2!u!.\n", NodeId, Status ); }
Status = ClMsgVerifyRpcBinding(NewBindingHandle);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *BindingHandle = NewBindingHandle; }
} // ClMsgCreateRpcBinding
DWORD ClMsgVerifyRpcBinding( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle ) { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD packageIndex;
// establish a security context with for the intracluster binding. We need
// a routine to call since datagram RPC doesn't set up the context until
// the first call. MmRpcDeleteSecurityContext is idempotent and won't do
// any damage in that respect.
for (packageIndex = 0; packageIndex < CsNumberOfRPCSecurityPackages; ++packageIndex ) { status = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoW( BindingHandle, CsServiceDomainAccount, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, CsRPCSecurityPackage[ packageIndex ], NULL, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NAME );
if (status != RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to set IntraCluster AuthInfo using %1!ws! " "package, Status %2!u!.\n", CsRPCSecurityPackageName[packageIndex], status ); continue; }
status = MmRpcDeleteSecurityContext( BindingHandle, NmLocalNodeId );
if ( status == RPC_S_OK ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Using %1!ws! package for RPC security contexts.\n", CsRPCSecurityPackageName[packageIndex] ); break; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Failed to establish RPC security context using %1!ws! package " ", status %2!u!.\n", CsRPCSecurityPackageName[packageIndex], status ); } }
} // ClMsgVerifyRpcBinding
VOID ClMsgDeleteRpcBinding( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle ) { RPC_BINDING_HANDLE bindingHandle = BindingHandle;
} // ClMsgDeleteRpcBinding
DWORD ClMsgCreateDefaultRpcBinding( IN PNM_NODE Node, OUT PDWORD Generation ) { DWORD Status; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle; CL_NODE_ID NodeId = NmGetNodeId( Node );
CL_ASSERT(Session != NULL);
// [GorN 08/01.99] InterlockedAdd will not work here,
// see the code in ClMsgdeleteDefaultRpcBinding
EnterCriticalSection( &GenerationCritSect ); *Generation = ++BindingGeneration[NodeId]; LeaveCriticalSection( &GenerationCritSect ); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] BindingGeneration %1!u!\n", BindingGeneration[NodeId] );
if (Session[NodeId] != NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Verifying old RPC binding for node %1!u!\n", NodeId );
BindingHandle = Session[NodeId];
Status = ClMsgVerifyRpcBinding(BindingHandle); } else { Status = ClMsgCreateRpcBinding( Node, &BindingHandle, 0 );
if (Status == RPC_S_OK) { Session[NodeId] = BindingHandle; } }
} // ClMsgCreateDefaultRpcBinding
VOID ClMsgDeleteDefaultRpcBinding( IN PNM_NODE Node, IN DWORD Generation ) { CL_NODE_ID NodeId = NmGetNodeId(Node); RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle;
if (Session != NULL) { EnterCriticalSection( &GenerationCritSect );
BindingHandle = Session[NodeId]; if (Generation != BindingGeneration[NodeId]) {
BindingHandle = NULL; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] DeleteDefaultBinding. Gen %1!u! != BindingGen %2!u!\n", Generation, BindingGeneration[NodeId]); } LeaveCriticalSection( &GenerationCritSect );
if (BindingHandle != NULL) { Session[NodeId] = NULL; ClMsgDeleteRpcBinding(BindingHandle); } }
} // ClMsgDeleteDefaultRpcBinding
DWORD ClMsgCreateActiveNodeSecurityContext( IN DWORD JoinSequence, IN PNM_NODE Node )
Routine Description:
Create security contexts between the joiner and the specified cluster member.
JoinSequence - the current join sequence number. Used the sponsor to determine if this is beginning of a new context generation sequence
Node - A pointer to the target node object.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked ok...
{ DWORD memberNodeId = NmGetNodeId( Node ); CLUSTER_NODE_STATE nodeState; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD internalMemberId; PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO packageInfo; PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE outboundCtxt;
nodeState = NmGetNodeState( Node );
if (nodeState == ClusterNodeUp || nodeState == ClusterNodePaused) {
#if DBG
status = ClusnetGetNodeCommState( NmClusnetHandle, memberNodeId, &NodeCommState);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS || NodeCommState != ClusnetNodeCommStateOnline) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] CreateActiveNodeSecurityContext: ClusnetGetNodeCommState status %1!d! node state %2!d!\n", status, NodeCommState); } CL_ASSERT(status == ERROR_SUCCESS); CL_ASSERT(NodeCommState == ClusnetNodeCommStateOnline); #endif // DBG
packageInfo = PackageInfoList; while ( packageInfo != NULL ) {
status = ClMsgEstablishSecurityContext(JoinSequence, memberNodeId, SecurityRoleJoiningMember, packageInfo, NULL);
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// clean up if it didn't work
internalMemberId = INT_NODE( memberNodeId );
EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
outboundCtxt = SecurityCtxtData[ internalMemberId ].Outbound; SecurityCtxtData[ internalMemberId ].Outbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle;
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
if (outboundCtxt != &InvalidCtxtHandle) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( outboundCtxt ); }
MmRpcDeleteSecurityContext(Session[ memberNodeId ], NmLocalNodeId); packageInfo = packageInfo->Next; } }
return status; } // ClMsgCreateActiveNodeSecurityContext
error_status_t s_TestRPCSecurity( IN handle_t IDL_handle )
Dummy routine to make sure we don't get any failures due to authentication when calling other ExtroCluster interfaces
{ return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // s_TestRPCSecurity
error_status_t s_MmRpcEstablishSecurityContext( IN handle_t IDL_handle, DWORD NmJoinSequence, DWORD EstablishingNodeId, BOOL FirstTime, SECURITY_ROLE RoleOfClient, const UCHAR *ServerContext, DWORD ServerContextLength, UCHAR *ClientContext, DWORD *ClientContextLength, HRESULT * ServerStatus )
Routine Description:
Server side of the RPC interface for establishing a security context
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
EstablishingNodeId - ID of node wishing to establish security context with us
FirstTime - used for multi-leg authentication sequences
RoleOfClient - indicates whether the client establishing the security context is acting as a cluster member or a joining member. Determines when the client/server roles of establishing a security context are reversed.
ServerContext - security context buffer built by client and used as input by server
ServerContextLength - size of ServerContext in bytes
ClientContext - address of buffer used by Server in which to write context to be sent back to client
ClientContextLength - pointer to size of ClientContext in bytes. Set by client on input to reflect length of ClientContext. Set by server to indicate length of ClientContext after AcceptSecurityContext is called.
ServerStatus - pointer to value that receives status of security package call. This is not returned as a function value so as to distinguish between RPC errors and errors from this function.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything works ok.
{ SecBufferDesc ServerBufferDescriptor; SecBuffer ServerSecurityToken; SecBufferDesc ClientBufferDescriptor; SecBuffer ClientSecurityToken; SECURITY_STATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ContextAttributes; TimeStamp Expiration; PCLUSTER_SECURITY_DATA SecurityData; PSECURITY_CTXT_HANDLE InboundCtxt; PNM_NODE joinerNode = NULL; ULONG contextRequirements; PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO clusterPackageInfo; PCLUSTER_PACKAGE_INFO acceptedPackageInfo=NULL; static ULONG passCount; ULONG inboundChangeCount; BOOL setInvalid = FALSE; BOOL deleteInbound = FALSE; BOOL changeCollision = FALSE;
CL_ASSERT(EstablishingNodeId >= ClusterMinNodeId && EstablishingNodeId <= NmMaxNodeId );
if (RoleOfClient == SecurityRoleJoiningMember) { //
// The caller is a joining member.
joinerNode = NmReferenceJoinerNode(NmJoinSequence, EstablishingNodeId);
if (joinerNode == NULL) { Status = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// The caller is a cluster member.
DWORD joinSequence = NmGetJoinSequence(); CL_ASSERT(joinSequence == NmJoinSequence);
if (joinSequence != NmJoinSequence) { //
// This should never happen.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Received call to establish a security context from member node " "%1!u! with bogus join sequence %2!u!.\n", EstablishingNodeId, NmJoinSequence);
if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *ServerStatus = Status; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if ( FirstTime ) { passCount = 1;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Establishing inbound security context with node %1!u!, sequence %2!u!\n", EstablishingNodeId, NmJoinSequence); } else { ++passCount; }
SecurityData = &SecurityCtxtData[ INT_NODE( EstablishingNodeId )]; EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock ); InboundCtxt = SecurityData->Inbound; inboundChangeCount = ++SecurityData->InboundChangeCount; if ( FirstTime ) {
// clear the current inbound context
SecurityData->InboundStable = FALSE; SecurityData->Inbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; } else {
// retrieve the context we're building and ref it.
ClMsgReferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt );
// retrieve the package info accepted on the first time
acceptedPackageInfo = SecurityData->PackageInfo; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
// create an inbound security context if this is the first pass.
// if we have a leftover handle, try to zap it now.
if ( FirstTime ) { if ( VALID_SSPI_HANDLE( InboundCtxt->Handle )) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt ); } InboundCtxt = ClMsgCreateSecurityCtxt(); if ( InboundCtxt == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Failed to allocate inbound security context " "for node %1!u!.\n", EstablishingNodeId ); Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; setInvalid = TRUE; goto error_exit; } } else { if ( !VALID_SSPI_HANDLE( InboundCtxt->Handle ) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Inbound security context for node %1!u! " "is invalid after first pass.\n", EstablishingNodeId ); Status = SEC_E_UNFINISHED_CONTEXT_DELETED; goto error_exit; } }
// Build the input buffer descriptor.
ServerBufferDescriptor.cBuffers = 1; ServerBufferDescriptor.pBuffers = &ServerSecurityToken; ServerBufferDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
ServerSecurityToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; ServerSecurityToken.cbBuffer = ServerContextLength; ServerSecurityToken.pvBuffer = (PUCHAR)ServerContext;
// Build the output buffer descriptor.
ClientBufferDescriptor.cBuffers = 1; ClientBufferDescriptor.pBuffers = &ClientSecurityToken; ClientBufferDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
ClientSecurityToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer = *ClientContextLength; ClientSecurityToken.pvBuffer = ClientContext;
// we don't want to rely on version info to determine what type of package
// the joiner is using, so we'll try to accept the context with all the
// packages that are listed in the security package list.
if ( FirstTime ) { CL_ASSERT( PackageInfoList != NULL );
clusterPackageInfo = PackageInfoList; while ( clusterPackageInfo != NULL ) {
Status = (*SecurityFuncs->AcceptSecurityContext)( &clusterPackageInfo->InboundSecurityCredentials, NULL, &ServerBufferDescriptor, contextRequirements, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &InboundCtxt->Handle, // receives new context handle
&ClientBufferDescriptor, // receives output security token
&ContextAttributes, // receives context attributes
&Expiration // receives context expiration time
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] pass 1 accept using %1!ws!: status = 0x%2!08X!, server " "token size = %3!u!, client = %4!u!\n", clusterPackageInfo->Name, Status, ServerSecurityToken.cbBuffer, ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer); #endif
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] The inbound security context from node %1!u! using the " "%2!ws! package was %3!ws!, status %4!08X!\n", EstablishingNodeId, clusterPackageInfo->Name, NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ? L"accepted" : L"rejected", Status);
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { acceptedPackageInfo = clusterPackageInfo; break; }
clusterPackageInfo = clusterPackageInfo->Next; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { setInvalid = TRUE; goto error_exit; } } else { CL_ASSERT( acceptedPackageInfo != NULL );
Status = (*SecurityFuncs->AcceptSecurityContext)( &acceptedPackageInfo->InboundSecurityCredentials, &InboundCtxt->Handle, &ServerBufferDescriptor, contextRequirements, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &InboundCtxt->Handle, // receives new context handle
&ClientBufferDescriptor, // receives output security token
&ContextAttributes, // receives context attributes
&Expiration // receives context expiration time
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] after pass %1!u! accept using %2!ws!: status = 0x%3!08X!, server " "token size = %4!u!, client = %5!u!\n", passCount, acceptedPackageInfo->Name, Status, ServerSecurityToken.cbBuffer, ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer); #endif
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] The inbound security context from node %1!u! using the %2!ws! package " "was %3!ws!, status: %4!08X!\n", EstablishingNodeId, acceptedPackageInfo->Name, NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ? L"accepted" : L"rejected", Status);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { setInvalid = TRUE; deleteInbound = TRUE; goto error_exit; } }
// update the client's notion of how long its buffer is
*ClientContextLength = ClientSecurityToken.cbBuffer;
if (Status == SEC_E_OK && RoleOfClient == SecurityRoleJoiningMember) {
// now we have the server side (inbound) of a security context between
// the joining node and its sponsor (the joining side may not be
// completely done generating the context). This context is used by
// the joining node to sign packets and by the sponsor to verify
// them. Now we do the same thing with client/server roles reversed in
// order to create an outbound security context which is used by the
// sponsor to sign packets and by the joining node to verify those
// packets.
// look up the package that was used to generate the inbound context
// and use it for the outbound
SecPkgContext_PackageInfo packageInfo;
Status = (*SecurityFuncs->QueryContextAttributes)( &InboundCtxt->Handle, SECPKG_ATTR_PACKAGE_INFO, &packageInfo);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to query inbound context package info, status %1!08X!.\n", Status); setInvalid = TRUE; deleteInbound = TRUE; goto error_exit; }
clusterPackageInfo = PackageInfoList; while ( clusterPackageInfo != NULL ) { if (( wcscmp( clusterPackageInfo->Name, packageInfo.PackageInfo->Name ) == 0 ) || ( ClRtlStrICmp( L"kerberos", packageInfo.PackageInfo->Name ) == 0 && ClRtlStrICmp( L"negotiate", clusterPackageInfo->Name ) == 0 )) { break; }
clusterPackageInfo = clusterPackageInfo->Next; }
if ( clusterPackageInfo == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Unable to find matching security package for %1!ws!.\n", packageInfo.PackageInfo->Name);
(*SecurityFuncs->FreeContextBuffer)( packageInfo.PackageInfo ); Status = SEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND; setInvalid = TRUE; deleteInbound = TRUE; goto error_exit; }
(*SecurityFuncs->FreeContextBuffer)( packageInfo.PackageInfo );
Status = ClMsgEstablishSecurityContext(NmJoinSequence, EstablishingNodeId, SecurityRoleClusterMember, clusterPackageInfo, InboundCtxt); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Failed to establish outbound security context with " "node %1!u!, status %2!u!.\n", EstablishingNodeId, Status ); setInvalid = TRUE; deleteInbound = TRUE; goto error_exit; } }
if (joinerNode != NULL) { NmDereferenceJoinerNode(joinerNode); }
EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
// Figure out what to store in the Sec Context Array, if
// anything at all.
if ( SecurityData->InboundChangeCount != inboundChangeCount ) { if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClMsg] Inbound security context for node %1!u! " "changed during establishment.\n", EstablishingNodeId ); Status = SEC_E_UNFINISHED_CONTEXT_DELETED; }
changeCollision = TRUE;
} else { if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { // Commit the changes to the Sec Context Array.
SecurityData->Inbound = InboundCtxt; SecurityData->PackageInfo = acceptedPackageInfo; SecurityData->InboundChangeCount++;
// Mark the Inbound context stable if we are the
// cluster member. For the cluster joiner, the
// Inbound context is marked stable in
// ClMsgEstablishSecurityContext.
if ( RoleOfClient == SecurityRoleJoiningMember ) { SecurityData->InboundStable = TRUE; } } else {
// Something went wrong. Use the failure flags to
// determine how to clean up.
if ( setInvalid ) { // we must reset the SecContext array entry
// to invalid.
SecurityData->Inbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; SecurityData->InboundStable = TRUE; } } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
if ( deleteInbound && !FirstTime ) { // We replaced the inbound context in the SecContext array
// with invalid. We must drop the reference from when the
// inbound context was placed in the array.
// Ignore the deleteInbound flag if FirstTime, because its
// impossible for the InboundCtxt to have already been stuffed
// into the SecContext array (and hence have that extra ref).
CL_ASSERT( setInvalid ); ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt ); }
// Drop the reference taken for non-first-time callers.
if ( !FirstTime && InboundCtxt != &InvalidCtxtHandle ) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt ); }
// If something went wrong on the first time and we were
// not able to store the inbound ctxt in the SecContext
// array, we must deref it now.
// Note that this includes inboundChangeCount mismatch.
// If this is not the first time and there was an
// inboundChangeCount mismatch, we do not need to deref
// in addition to the non-first-time deref because
// whoever wrote in the SecContext array would have
// derefed then.
if ( FirstTime && InboundCtxt != NULL && ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || changeCollision ) ) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt ); }
*ServerStatus = Status;
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // s_MmRpcEstablishSecurityContext
error_status_t s_MmRpcDeleteSecurityContext( IN handle_t IDL_handle, DWORD NodeId )
Routine Description:
Server side of the RPC interface for clearing a security context
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
NodeId - Node ID of client wishing to tear down this context
Return Value:
if ( NodeId >= ClusterMinNodeId && NodeId <= NmMaxNodeId ) {
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] Deleting security contexts for node %1!u!.\n", NodeId);
SecurityData = &SecurityCtxtData[ INT_NODE( NodeId )];
EnterCriticalSection( &SecContextLock ); InboundCtxt = SecurityData->Inbound; SecurityData->Inbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; SecurityData->InboundStable = TRUE; SecurityData->InboundChangeCount++; OutboundCtxt = SecurityData->Outbound; SecurityData->Outbound = &InvalidCtxtHandle; SecurityData->OutboundStable = TRUE; SecurityData->OutboundChangeCount++; LeaveCriticalSection( &SecContextLock );
if ( InboundCtxt != &InvalidCtxtHandle ) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( InboundCtxt ); } if ( OutboundCtxt != &InvalidCtxtHandle ) { ClMsgDereferenceSecurityCtxt( OutboundCtxt ); } }
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // s_MmRpcDeleteSecurityContext
DWORD ClSend( DWORD targetnode, LPCSTR buffer, DWORD length, DWORD timeout ) {
/* This sends the given message to the designated node, and receives
an acknowledgement from the target to confirm good receipt. This function blocks until the msg is delivered to the target CM. The target node may not be Up at the time.
The function will fail if the message is not acknowledged by the target node within <timeout> ms. <timeout> = -1 implies BLOCKING.
xxx No path to node; node went down.
xxx Timeout */
DWORD status=RPC_S_OK;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClMsg] send to node %1!u!\n", targetnode );
if (targetnode != NmLocalNodeId) { CL_ASSERT(Session[targetnode] != NULL);
NmStartRpc(targetnode); status = MmRpcMsgSend( Session[targetnode], buffer, length); NmEndRpc(targetnode);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (status == RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE) { //
// Try again since the first call to a restarted RPC server
// will fail.
NmStartRpc(targetnode); status = MmRpcMsgSend( Session[targetnode], buffer, length ); NmEndRpc(targetnode);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] send failed, status %1!u!\n", status ); } } } if(status != RPC_S_OK) { NmDumpRpcExtErrorInfo(status); } } else { MMDiag( (LPCSTR)buffer, sizeof(rgp_msgbuf), &length /* in/out */ ); status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return(status); } // ClSend
error_status_t s_MmRpcMsgSend( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN const UCHAR *buffer, IN DWORD length ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side of the RPC interface for unacknowledge messages.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
buffer - Supplies a pointer to the message data.
length - Supplies the length of the message data.
Return Value:
{ //
// Dispatch the message.
MMDiag( (LPCSTR)buffer, sizeof(rgp_msgbuf), &length /* in/out */ );
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); } // s_MmRpcMsgSend
VOID ClMsgBanishNode( IN CL_NODE_ID BanishedNodeId )
RPC to all the other cluster members that the specified node is banished. It must rejoin the cluster in order to participate in cluster activity
{ DWORD node; DWORD Status; node_t InternalNodeId;
for (node = ClusterMinNodeId; node <= NmMaxNodeId; ++node ) {
// don't send this message to:
// 1) us
// 2) the banished node
// 3) any other node we have marked as banished
// 4) any node not part of the cluster
InternalNodeId = INT_NODE( node );
if ( node != NmLocalNodeId && node != BanishedNodeId && !ClusterMember( rgp->OS_specific_control.Banished, InternalNodeId ) && ClusterMember( rgp->outerscreen, InternalNodeId )) {
Status = MmRpcBanishNode( Session[node], BanishedNodeId );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClMsg] Node %1!u! failed request to banish node %2!u!, status %3!u!\n", node, BanishedNodeId, Status ); } } } }
error_status_t s_MmRpcBanishNode( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD BanishedNodeId ) { RGP_LOCK;
if ( !ClusterMember ( rgp->outerscreen, INT_NODE(BanishedNodeId) ) ) { int perturbed = rgp_is_perturbed();
if (perturbed) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[MM] s_MmRpcBanishNode: %1!u!, banishing is already in progress.\n", BanishedNodeId ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[MM] s_MmRpcBanishNode: %1!u! is already banished.\n", BanishedNodeId ); }
return MM_OK; }
rgp_event_handler( RGP_EVT_BANISH_NODE, (node_t) BanishedNodeId );
} // s_MmRpcBanishNode
* * MMiNodeDownCallback * =================== * * Description: * * This Membership Manager internal routine is registered with the * OS-independent portion of the regroup engine to get called when * a node is declared down. This routine will then call the "real" * callback routine which was registered with the MMInit call. * * Parameters: * * failed_nodes * bitmask of the nodes that failed. * * Returns: * * none * ************************************************************************/
void MMiNodeDownCallback( IN cluster_t failed_nodes ) { BITSET bitset; node_t i;
// Translate cluster_t into Bitset
// and call NodesDownCallback
BitsetInit(bitset); for ( i=0; i < (node_t) rgp->num_nodes; i++) { if ( ClusterMember(failed_nodes, i) ) { BitsetAdd(bitset, EXT_NODE(i)); } }
// [Future] - Leave the binding handle in place so we can send back
// poison packets. Reinstate the delete when we have a
// real response mechanism.
// ClMsgDeleteNodeBinding(nodeId);
if ( rgp->OS_specific_control.NodesDownCallback != RGP_NULL_PTR ) { (*(rgp->OS_specific_control.NodesDownCallback))( bitset ); }
return; }