Copyright (c) 1988-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Emulate NT console on Win9x
// ReadCon.cpp
// ReadConsole implementation for Win95 that implements the command line editing
// keys, since Win95 console implementation does not.
#include "cmd.h"
#ifdef WIN95_CMD
// adv declarations....
extern BOOLEAN CtrlCSeen; extern BOOL bInsertDefault; void ShowBuf( TCHAR* pBuf, int nFromPos );
// some state variables.....
static int nConsoleWidth; // num columns
static int nConsoleHeight; // num rows
static COORD coordStart; // coord of first cmd char....
static COORD coordEnd; // coord of last cmd char....
static int nBufPos = 0; // buffer cursor position
static int nBufLen = 0; // length of current command
static BOOL bInsert; // insert mode
static HANDLE hOut; // output buffer handle
static TCHAR* pPrompt; // allocated buffer to store prompt
static int nPromptSize; // num chars in prompt buffer
static WORD wDefAttr; // default character attribute
static int nState = 0; // input state
static TCHAR history[50][2049]; // history list
static int nFirstCmd = -1; // index of first cmd
static int nLastCmd = -1; // index of last command entered
static int nHistNdx = -1; // index into history list....
static TCHAR* pSearchStr = 0; // search criteria buffer (allocated)
void IncCoord( COORD* coord, int nDelta ) { coord->X += (SHORT)nDelta; if ( coord->X < 0 ) { coord->Y += coord->X/nConsoleWidth - 1; coord->X = nConsoleWidth - (-coord->X)%nConsoleWidth; } else if ( coord->X >= nConsoleWidth ) { coord->Y += coord->X / nConsoleWidth; coord->X %= nConsoleWidth; } }
void GetOffsetCoord( TCHAR* pBuf, int nOffset, COORD* coord ) { int ndx;
// let's walk the buffer to find the correct coord....
*coord = coordStart; for( ndx=0; ndx<nOffset; ++ndx ) { if ( pBuf[ndx] == 9 ) { int nTab; for ( nTab=1; (nTab+coord->X)%8 ; ++nTab ); coord->X += nTab-1; } else if ( pBuf[ndx] < 32 ) ++coord->X; IncCoord( coord, +1 ); } }
int ScrollTo( TCHAR* pBuf, COORD* coord ) { int nLines = 0; SMALL_RECT rectFrom; COORD coordTo; CHAR_INFO cBlank; // get some data....
cBlank.Char.AsciiChar = ' '; cBlank.Attributes = wDefAttr;
coordTo.X = 0; rectFrom.Left = 0; rectFrom.Right = nConsoleWidth - 1;
// scroll it....
if ( coord->Y < 0 ) { // scroll down....
nLines = coord->Y; rectFrom.Top = 0; rectFrom.Bottom = nConsoleHeight + nLines - 1; coordTo.Y = -nLines; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer( hOut, &rectFrom, NULL, coordTo, &cBlank ); } else { // scroll up....
nLines = coord->Y - nConsoleHeight + 1; rectFrom.Top = (SHORT)nLines; rectFrom.Bottom = nConsoleHeight - 1; coordTo.Y = 0; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer( hOut, &rectFrom, NULL, coordTo, &cBlank ); }
// adjust start/end coords and orig coord to reflect new scroll....
coordStart.Y -= (SHORT)nLines; coordEnd.Y -= (SHORT)nLines; coord->Y -= (SHORT)nLines;
// redraw the whole command AND the prompt.....
ShowBuf( pBuf, -1 );
return nLines; }
void AdjCursor( TCHAR* pBuf ) { COORD coordCursor; GetOffsetCoord( pBuf, nBufPos, &coordCursor ); if ( coordCursor.Y < 0 || coordCursor.Y >= nConsoleHeight ) { // scroll it....
ScrollTo( pBuf, &coordCursor ); } SetConsoleCursorPosition( hOut, coordCursor ); }
void AdjCursorSize( void ) { CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; cci.bVisible = TRUE; if ( bInsert == bInsertDefault ) cci.dwSize = 13; else cci.dwSize = 40; SetConsoleCursorInfo( hOut, &cci ); }
void AdvancePos( TCHAR* pBuf, int nDelta, DWORD dwKeyState ) { // see if control key down....
if ( (dwKeyState & (RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED | LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED)) != 0 ) { if ( nDelta > 0 ) { // skip to NEXT word....
while ( nBufPos < nBufLen && !isspace(pBuf[nBufPos]) ) ++nBufPos; while ( nBufPos < nBufLen && isspace(pBuf[nBufPos]) ) ++nBufPos; } else { // skip to PREVIOUS word....
// if already at beginning of word, back up one....
if ( nBufPos > 0 && isspace(pBuf[nBufPos-1]) ) --nBufPos; // skip white space....
while ( nBufPos > 0 && isspace(pBuf[nBufPos]) ) --nBufPos; // skip non-ws....
while ( nBufPos > 0 && !isspace(pBuf[nBufPos-1]) ) --nBufPos; } } else nBufPos += nDelta;
AdjCursor( pBuf ); }
void ShowBuf( TCHAR* pBuf, int nFromPos ) { DWORD cPrint; COORD coord, cPrompt; TCHAR temp[8]; int ndx;
// see if we want the prompt, too....
if ( nFromPos < 0 ) { nFromPos = 0; GetOffsetCoord( pBuf, 0, &coord ); cPrompt = coord; cPrompt.X -= (SHORT)nPromptSize; WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hOut, pPrompt, nPromptSize, cPrompt, &cPrint ); } else GetOffsetCoord( pBuf, nFromPos, &coord );
// walk the rest of the buffer, displaying as we go....
for( ndx=nFromPos;ndx < nBufLen; ++ndx ) { if ( pBuf[ndx] == 9 ) { int nTab; temp[0] = TEXT(' '); for ( nTab=1; (nTab+coord.X)%8; ++nTab ) { temp[nTab] = TEXT(' '); } WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hOut, temp, nTab, coord, &cPrint ); coord.X += nTab-1; } else if ( pBuf[ndx] < 32 ) { temp[0] = '^'; temp[1] = pBuf[ndx] + 'A' - 1; WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hOut, temp, 2, coord, &cPrint ); ++coord.X; } else WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hOut, pBuf + ndx, 1, coord, &cPrint ); // advance cursor.....
IncCoord( &coord, +1 ); } // now blank out the rest.....
temp[0] = TEXT(' '); while ( coordEnd.Y > coord.Y || (coordEnd.Y == coord.Y && coordEnd.X >= coord.X) ) { WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hOut, temp, 1, coordEnd, &cPrint ); IncCoord( &coordEnd, -1 ); } // save the new ending....
coordEnd = coord; }
void ShiftBuffer( TCHAR* pBuf, int cch, int nFrom, int nDelta ) { int ndx; // which direction?
if ( nDelta > 0 ) { // move all (including this character) out one place....
for( ndx = nBufLen; ndx > nFrom; --ndx ) pBuf[ndx] = pBuf[ndx-1]; ++nBufLen; } else if ( nDelta < 0 ) { // move all characters in one place (over this character)...
for( ndx = nFrom; ndx < nBufLen; ++ ndx ) pBuf[ndx] = pBuf[ndx+1]; --nBufLen; } }
void LoadHistory( TCHAR* pBuf, int cch, TCHAR* pHist ) { // first go to the front of the line....
nBufPos = 0; AdjCursor( pBuf ); // then blank-out the current buffer....
if ( nBufLen ) { nBufLen = 0; ShowBuf( pBuf, 0 ); } // now copy in the new one (if there is one)....
if ( pHist ) { _tcsncpy( pBuf, pHist, cch ); nBufLen = _tcslen( pHist ); // move to the end of the line....
nBufPos = nBufLen; AdjCursor( pBuf ); // show the whole buffer from the start....
ShowBuf( pBuf, 0 ); } }
void SearchHist( TCHAR* pBuf, int cch ) { int ndx, nSearch, nStop; // if we're in input mode, set ndx to AFTER last command....
if ( nState == 0 ) ndx = (nLastCmd+1)%50; else ndx = nHistNdx;
nStop = ndx; // don't search past here
// if not already in search mode, get a copy of the target....
if ( nState != 4 ) { // if there already is a search string, get rid of it....
if ( pSearchStr ) free( pSearchStr ); // pSearchStr and copy a new search string....
pSearchStr = calloc( nBufLen+1, sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (pSearchStr == NULL) { return; } _tcsncpy( pSearchStr, pBuf, nBufLen ); pSearchStr[nBufLen] = 0; } nSearch = _tcslen( pSearchStr ); // enter search mode....
nState = 4; do { // back up one cmd....
ndx = (ndx+49)%50; // check it....
if ( _tcsncmp( history[ndx], pSearchStr, nSearch ) == 0 ) { // found a match....
nHistNdx = ndx; LoadHistory( pBuf, cch, history[ndx] ); break; }
} while ( ndx != nStop ); }
int touched = 1;
BOOL ProcessKey( const KEY_EVENT_RECORD* keyEvent, TCHAR* pBuf, int cch, DWORD dwCtrlWakeupMask, PBOOL bWakeupKeyHit ) { BOOL bDone = FALSE; TCHAR ch;
*bWakeupKeyHit = FALSE; ch = keyEvent->uChar.AsciiChar; if ( keyEvent->wVirtualKeyCode == VK_SPACE ) ch = TEXT(' ');
switch ( keyEvent->wVirtualKeyCode ) { case VK_RETURN: bDone = TRUE; // move cursor to end of cmd, if not already there....
if ( nBufPos != nBufLen ) { nBufPos = nBufLen; AdjCursor( pBuf ); } // add the NLN to end of cmd....
pBuf[nBufLen] = _T('\n'); ++nBufLen; touched = 1; break;
case VK_BACK: if ( nBufPos > 0 ) { // return to input state....
nState = 0; // back up the cursor....
AdvancePos( pBuf, -1, 0 ); // shift over this character and print....
ShiftBuffer( pBuf, cch, nBufPos, -1 ); ShowBuf( pBuf, nBufPos ); touched = 1; } break;
case VK_END: if ( nBufPos != nBufLen ) { // doesn't affect state....
nBufPos = nBufLen; AdjCursor( pBuf ); } break;
case VK_HOME: if ( nBufPos ) { // doesn't affect state....
nBufPos = 0; AdjCursor( pBuf ); } break;
case VK_LEFT: // doesn't affect state....
if ( nBufPos > 0 ) AdvancePos( pBuf, -1, keyEvent->dwControlKeyState ); break;
case VK_RIGHT: // doesn't affect state....
if ( nBufPos < nBufLen ) AdvancePos( pBuf, +1, keyEvent->dwControlKeyState ); break;
case VK_INSERT: // doesn't affect state....
bInsert = !bInsert; AdjCursorSize(); break;
case VK_DELETE: if ( nBufPos < nBufLen ) { // fall back to input state....
nState = 0; // shift over this character and print....
ShiftBuffer( pBuf, cch, nBufPos, -1 ); ShowBuf( pBuf, nBufPos ); touched = 1; } break;
case VK_F8: // if there's something to match....
if ( nBufLen != 0 ) { // if we're not already at the top of the list....
//if ( nHistNdx != nFirstCmd )
// search backwards up the list....
SearchHist( pBuf, cch ); //}
touched = 1; break; } // fall through if there's nothing to match with....
// same as pressing up arrow....
case VK_UP: // if we're not already at the top of the list....
if ( nState == 0 || nHistNdx != nFirstCmd ) { if ( nState == 0 ) nHistNdx = nLastCmd; else nHistNdx = (nHistNdx+49)%50;
LoadHistory( pBuf, cch, history[nHistNdx] ); // scrolling through history....
nState = 2; touched = 1; } break;
case VK_DOWN: if ( nState == 0 || nHistNdx == nLastCmd ) { // blank out command buffer...
LoadHistory( pBuf, cch, NULL ); // return to input state....
nState = 0; } else { // get the next one....
nHistNdx = (nHistNdx+1)%50; LoadHistory( pBuf, cch, history[nHistNdx] ); // scrolling through history....
nState = 2; } touched = 1; break;
case VK_ESCAPE: // blank-out the command buffer....
LoadHistory( pBuf, cch, NULL ); // return to input....
nState = 0; touched = 1; break;
default: // if printable character, let's add it in....
if ( ch >= 1 && ch <= 255 ) { touched = 1; // fall back to input state....
nState = 0; // see if there's room....
if ( nBufPos >= cch || (bInsert && nBufLen >= cch) ) MessageBeep( MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); else { if ( bInsert ) { // shift the buffer out for the insert....
ShiftBuffer( pBuf, cch, nBufPos, +1 ); } else if ( nBufPos >= nBufLen ) ++nBufLen;
// place the character in the buffer at the current pos....
pBuf[nBufPos] = ch;
if (ch < TEXT(' ') && (dwCtrlWakeupMask & (1 << ch))) { *bWakeupKeyHit = TRUE; AdjCursor(pBuf); bDone = TRUE; } else { // show from this position on....
ShowBuf( pBuf, nBufPos ); // advance position/cursor....
AdvancePos( pBuf, +1, 0 ); } } } }
return bDone; }
static UINT nOldIndex =0; static DWORD cRead = 0; static INPUT_RECORD ir[32]; BOOL bInsertDefault = FALSE;
BOOL Win95ReadConsoleA( HANDLE hIn, LPSTR pBuf, DWORD cch, LPDWORD pcch, LPVOID lpReserved ) { PCONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL pInputControl; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; const KEY_EVENT_RECORD* keyEvent; BOOL bOk = TRUE; // return status value
DWORD dwc, dwOldMode; DWORD dwCtrlWakeupMask; BOOL bWakeupKeyHit = FALSE;
// initialize the state variables....
nState = 0; // input mode
nBufPos = 0; // buffer cursor position
nBufLen = 0; // length of current command
bInsert = bInsertDefault; // insert mode
// set the appropriate console mode....
if (!GetConsoleMode( hIn, &dwOldMode )) return FALSE; SetConsoleMode( hIn, ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT );
// get the ouput buffer handle....
hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if ( hOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); hOut = CRTTONT( STDOUT ); }
// get the output console info....
if ( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hOut, &csbi ) == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// save size and initial cursor pos and console width....
coordStart = coordEnd = csbi.dwCursorPosition; nConsoleWidth = csbi.dwSize.X; nConsoleHeight = csbi.dwSize.Y; wDefAttr = csbi.wAttributes; // allocate a buffer to hold whatever is before command....
nPromptSize = 0; if ( coordStart.X > 0 ) { COORD cPrompt; DWORD dwRead;
nPromptSize = coordStart.X; cPrompt = coordStart; cPrompt.X = 0; pPrompt = calloc( nPromptSize+1, sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (pPrompt == NULL) { PutStdErr( MSG_NO_MEMORY, NOARGS ); Abort( ); } // now copy the data....
ReadConsoleOutputCharacter( hOut, pPrompt, nPromptSize, cPrompt, &dwRead ); // NULL-terminate it....
pPrompt[dwRead] = 0; } AdjCursorSize();
pInputControl = (PCONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL)lpReserved; if (pInputControl != NULL && pInputControl->nLength == sizeof(*pInputControl)) { dwCtrlWakeupMask = pInputControl->dwCtrlWakeupMask; nBufLen = pInputControl->nInitialChars; nBufPos = pInputControl->nInitialChars; } else { pInputControl = NULL; dwCtrlWakeupMask = 0; } while ( !CtrlCSeen ) { // get the next input record....
UINT ndx; if( nOldIndex == 0 ) ReadConsoleInput( hIn, ir, sizeof(ir)/sizeof(INPUT_RECORD), &cRead );
// process all the records we just received....
for( ndx=nOldIndex; ndx < cRead; ++ndx ) { // process only key down events....
keyEvent = &(ir[ndx].Event.KeyEvent); if( ir[ndx].EventType == KEY_EVENT && keyEvent->bKeyDown && ProcessKey( keyEvent, pBuf, cch, dwCtrlWakeupMask, &bWakeupKeyHit ) ) { if (pInputControl != NULL) pInputControl->dwControlKeyState = keyEvent->dwControlKeyState; goto donereading; } } if( cRead == ndx ) { nOldIndex = 0; } else { nOldIndex = ndx + 1; } } donereading: // clean-up....
if ( pPrompt ) { free( pPrompt ); pPrompt = NULL; } if ( pSearchStr ) { free( pSearchStr ); pSearchStr = NULL; }
if (!bWakeupKeyHit) { // not okay if we Ctrl-C'ed out....
if ( CtrlCSeen ) { bOk = FALSE; nBufPos = nBufLen; AdjCursor( pBuf ); *pcch = 0; } else { // save to history (less the NLN) if something entered....
if ( nBufLen > 1 ) { nLastCmd = (nLastCmd+1)%50; // adjust the first for wrap-around....
if ( nLastCmd == nFirstCmd || nFirstCmd == -1 ) nFirstCmd = (nFirstCmd+1)%50; _tcsncpy( history[nLastCmd], pBuf, nBufLen-1 ); // null-terminate....
history[nLastCmd][nBufLen-1] = 0; } *pcch = nBufLen; }
// go to next line....
WriteConsole( hOut, _T("\n\r"), 2, &dwc, NULL ); FlushConsoleInputBuffer( hIn ); } else { *pcch = nBufLen; }
// restore the console mode....
SetConsoleMode( hIn, dwOldMode );
return bOk; }
#endif // ifdef WIN95_CMD