Copyright (c) 1988-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Start command support
#include "cmd.h"
extern UINT CurrentCP; extern unsigned DosErr; extern TCHAR CurDrvDir[] ; extern TCHAR SwitChar, PathChar; extern TCHAR ComExt[], ComSpecStr[]; extern struct envdata * OriginalEnvironment; extern int LastRetCode;
WORD GetProcessSubsystemType( HANDLE hProcess );
STATUS getparam( IN BOOL LeadingSwitChar, IN OUT TCHAR **chptr, OUT TCHAR *param, IN int maxlen )
Routine Description:
Copy the token starting at the current position to an output buffer. Terminate the copy on end-of-quotes, unquoted whitespace, unquoted switch character, or end-of-line
LeadingSwitChar - TRUE => we should terminate on unquoted switch character
chptr - address of pointer to token. This is advanced over the parsed token
param - destination of copy. String is NUL terminated
maxlen - size of destination buffer
Return Value:
Return: STATUS of copy. Only failure is buffer exceeded.
TCHAR *ch2; int count = 0;
BOOL QuoteFound = FALSE;
ch2 = param;
// get characters until a space, tab, slash, or end of line
while (TRUE) {
// If we're at the end of string, then there's no more token
if (**chptr == NULLC) { break; }
// If we're not quoting and we're at a whitespace or switch char
// then there's no more token
if (!QuoteFound && (_istspace( **chptr ) || (LeadingSwitChar && **chptr == SwitChar))) { break; }
// If there's still room in the buffer, copy in the character and note
// if it's a quote or not
if (count < maxlen) { *ch2++ = (**chptr); if (**chptr == QUOTE) { QuoteFound = !QuoteFound; } }
// Advance over this character
(*chptr)++; count++; }
// If we've exceeded the buffer, display the error and return failure
if (count > maxlen) { **chptr = NULLC; *chptr = *chptr - count - 1; PutStdErr(MSG_START_INVALID_PARAMETER, ONEARG, *chptr); return(FAILURE); } else { *ch2 = NULLC; return(SUCCESS); } }
Start /MIN /MAX "title" /P:x,y /S:dx,dy /D:directory /I cmd args
int Start( IN PTCHAR pszCmdLine ) {
HDESK hdesk; HWINSTA hwinsta; LPTSTR p; LPTSTR lpDesktop; DWORD cbDesktop = 0; DWORD cbWinsta = 0;
PTCHAR pszCmdCur = NULL; PTCHAR pszDirCur = NULL; PTCHAR pszPgmArgs = NULL; PTCHAR pszEnv = NULL; TCHAR pszFakePgm[] = TEXT("cmd.exe"); ULONG status; struct cmdnode cmdnd; DWORD CreationFlags; BOOL SafeFromControlC = FALSE; BOOL WaitForProcess = FALSE; BOOL b; DWORD uPgmLength; int retc;
szPgm[0] = NULLC; szPgmArgs[0] = NULLC;
pszDirCur = NULL; CreationFlags = CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE;
StartupInfo.cb = sizeof( StartupInfo ); StartupInfo.lpReserved = NULL; StartupInfo.lpDesktop = NULL; StartupInfo.lpTitle = NULL; StartupInfo.dwX = 0; StartupInfo.dwY = 0; StartupInfo.dwXSize = 0; StartupInfo.dwYSize = 0; StartupInfo.dwFlags = 0; StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; StartupInfo.cbReserved2 = 0; StartupInfo.lpReserved2 = NULL; StartupInfo.hStdInput = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); StartupInfo.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); StartupInfo.hStdError = GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE );
pszCmdCur = pszCmdLine;
// If there isn't a command line then make
// up the default
if (pszCmdCur == NULL) {
pszCmdCur = pszFakePgm;
while( *pszCmdCur != NULLC) {
pszCmdCur = EatWS( pszCmdCur, NULL );
if ((*pszCmdCur == QUOTE) && (StartupInfo.lpTitle == NULL)) {
// "Title" Parse off the quoted text, strip off quotes and set the
// title for the child window.
if (getparam( TRUE, &pszCmdCur, szTitle, sizeof( szTitle ) / sizeof( TCHAR )) == FAILURE) { return FAILURE; } mystrcpy( szTitle, StripQuotes( szTitle )); StartupInfo.lpTitle = szTitle;
} else if (*pszCmdCur == SwitChar) {
if (getparam( TRUE, &pszCmdCur, szParam, MAXTOKLEN) == FAILURE) { return(FAILURE); }
if (!_tcsicmp( szParam, TEXT("ABOVENORMAL"))) { CreationFlags |= ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if (!_tcsicmp( szParam, TEXT("BELOWNORMAL"))) { CreationFlags |= BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if (!_tcsicmp( szParam, TEXT("B"))) { WaitForProcess = FALSE; SafeFromControlC = TRUE; CreationFlags &= ~CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE; CreationFlags |= CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP; } else if (_totupper(szParam[0]) == TEXT('D')) { //
// /Dpath or /D"path" or /D path or /D "path"
if (mystrlen( szParam + 1 ) > 0) {
// /Dpath or /D"path"
pszDirCur = szParam + 1; } else {
// /D path or /D "path"
pszCmdCur = EatWS( pszCmdCur, NULL ); if (getparam( TRUE, &pszCmdCur, szParam, MAXTOKLEN) == FAILURE) { return FAILURE; }
pszDirCur = szParam; }
// remove quotes if necessary
mystrcpy( szDirCur, StripQuotes( pszDirCur )); pszDirCur = szDirCur;
if (mystrlen( pszDirCur ) > MAX_PATH) { PutStdErr( MSG_START_INVALID_PARAMETER, ONEARG, pszDirCur); return FAILURE; } } else if (_tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("HIGH")) == 0) { CreationFlags |= HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if (_totupper(szParam[0]) == TEXT('I')) {
// OriginalEnvironment was save at init time after path
// and compsec were setup.
// If OriginalEnvironment did not get allocated then
// use the default.
if (OriginalEnvironment) { pszEnv = GetCapturedEnvironmentStrings( OriginalEnvironment ); } } else if (_totupper(szParam[0]) == QMARK) {
BeginHelpPause(); PutStdOut(MSG_HELP_START, NOARGS); if (fEnableExtensions) PutStdOut(MSG_HELP_START_X, NOARGS); EndHelpPause();
return( FAILURE ); } else if (_tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("LOW")) == 0) { CreationFlags |= IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if (_tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("MIN")) == 0) {
StartupInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartupInfo.wShowWindow &= ~SW_SHOWNORMAL; StartupInfo.wShowWindow |= SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE;
} else if (_tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("MAX")) == 0) {
StartupInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartupInfo.wShowWindow &= ~SW_SHOWNORMAL; StartupInfo.wShowWindow |= SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED;
} else if (_tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("NORMAL")) == 0) { CreationFlags |= NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if (_tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("REALTIME")) == 0) { CreationFlags |= REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; } else if (_tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("SEPARATE")) == 0) { #ifndef WIN95_CMD
CreationFlags |= CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM; #endif // WIN95_CMD
} else if (_tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("SHARED")) == 0) { #ifndef WIN95_CMD
CreationFlags |= CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM; #endif // WIN95_CMD
} else if ( _tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("WAIT")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(szParam, TEXT("W")) == 0 ) { WaitForProcess = TRUE; } else { #ifdef FE_SB // KKBUGFIX
mystrcpy(szT, TEXT("/")); #else
mystrcpy(szT, TEXT("\\")); #endif
mystrcat(szT, szParam ); PutStdErr(MSG_INVALID_SWITCH, ONEARG, szT); return( FAILURE ); } } else {
if ((getparam(FALSE,&pszCmdCur,szPgm,sizeof( szPgm ) / sizeof( TCHAR ))) == FAILURE) { return( FAILURE ); }
// if there are argument get them.
if (*pszCmdCur) {
mystrcpy(szPgmArgs, pszCmdCur); pszPgmArgs = szPgmArgs;
// there rest was args to pgm so move to eol
pszCmdCur = mystrchr(pszCmdCur, NULLC);
} // while
// If a program was not picked up do so now.
if (*szPgm == NULLC) { mystrcpy(szPgm, pszFakePgm); }
// Need both quoted and unquoted versions of program name
if (szPgm[0] != QUOTE && _tcschr(szPgm, SPACE)) { szPgmQuoted[0] = QUOTE; mystrcpy(&szPgmQuoted[1], StripQuotes(szPgm)); mystrcat(szPgmQuoted, TEXT("\"")); } else { mystrcpy(szPgmQuoted, szPgm); mystrcpy(szPgm, StripQuotes(szPgm)); }
// see of a cmd.exe is needed to run a batch or internal command
fNeedCmd = FALSE; fNeedExpl = FALSE;
// is it an internal command?
if (FindCmd(CMDMAX, szPgm, &flags) != -1) { fNeedCmd = TRUE; } else { // Save szPgm since SearchForExecutable may override it.
mystrcpy(szPgmSave, szPgm);
// Try to find it as a batch or exe file
cmdnd.cmdline = szPgm;
status = SearchForExecutable(&cmdnd, szPgm); if (status == SFE_FAIL) { ExecError( szPgm ) ; return FAILURE; } if (status == SFE_NOTFND) { //
// If we can find it, let Explorer have a shot.
fNeedExpl = TRUE; mystrcpy(szPgm, szPgmSave);
} else if (status == SFE_ISBAT || status == SFE_ISDIR) {
if (status == SFE_ISBAT) fNeedCmd = TRUE; else fNeedExpl = TRUE;
} }
if (!fNeedExpl) { if (fNeedCmd) { TCHAR *Cmd = GetEnvVar( ComSpecStr ); if (Cmd == NULL) { PutStdErr( MSG_INVALID_COMSPEC, NOARGS ); return FAILURE; } //
// if a cmd.exe is need then szPgm need to be inserted before
// the start of szPgms along with a /K parameter.
// szPgm has to recieve the full path name of cmd.exe from
// the compsec environment variable.
mystrcpy(szT, TEXT(" /K ")); mystrcat(szT, szPgmQuoted);
// Get the location of the cmd processor from the environment
mystrcpy( szPgm, Cmd );
mystrcpy( szPgmQuoted, szPgm );
// is there a command parameter at all
if (_tcsicmp(szT, TEXT(" /K ")) != 0) {
// If we have any arguments to add do so
if (*szPgmArgs) {
if ((mystrlen(szPgmArgs) + mystrlen(szT)) < MAXTOKLEN) {
mystrcat(szT, TEXT(" ")); mystrcat(szT, szPgmArgs);
} else {
PutStdErr( MSG_CMD_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ONEARG, szPgmArgs); } } } pszPgmArgs = szT; }
// Prepare for CreateProcess :
// ImageName = <full path and command name ONLY>
// CmdLine = <command name with NO FULL PATH> + <args as entered>
mystrcpy(szTemp, szPgmQuoted); mystrcat(szTemp, TEXT(" ")); mystrcat(szTemp, pszPgmArgs); pszPgmArgs = szTemp; }
if (SafeFromControlC) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL,TRUE); }
// Pass current Desktop to a new process.
hwinsta = GetProcessWindowStation(); GetUserObjectInformation( hwinsta, UOI_NAME, NULL, 0, &cbWinsta );
hdesk = GetThreadDesktop ( GetCurrentThreadId() ); GetUserObjectInformation (hdesk, UOI_NAME, NULL, 0, &cbDesktop);
if ((lpDesktop = HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cbDesktop + cbWinsta + 32) ) != NULL ) { p = lpDesktop; if ( GetUserObjectInformation (hwinsta, UOI_NAME, p, cbWinsta, &cbWinsta) ) { if (cbWinsta > 0) { p += ((cbWinsta/sizeof(TCHAR))-1); *p++ = L'\\'; } if ( GetUserObjectInformation (hdesk, UOI_NAME, p, cbDesktop, &cbDesktop) ) { StartupInfo.lpDesktop = lpDesktop; } } }
if (fNeedExpl) { b = FALSE; } else { b = CreateProcess( szPgm, // was NULL, wrong.
#ifdef UNICODE
CreationFlags, // CreationFlags
pszEnv, // Environment
pszDirCur, // Current directory
&StartupInfo, // Startup Info Struct
&ChildProcessInfo // ProcessInfo Struct
); }
if (SafeFromControlC) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL,FALSE); } HeapFree (GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpDesktop);
if (b) { CloseHandle(ChildProcessInfo.hThread); } else { DosErr = GetLastError();
if ( fNeedExpl || (fEnableExtensions && DosErr == ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT)) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei;
memset(&sei, 0, sizeof(sei)); //
// Use the DDEWAIT flag so apps can finish their DDE conversation
// before ShellExecuteEx returns. Otherwise, apps like Word will
// complain when they try to exit, confusing the user.
sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei); sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_HASTITLE | SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE | SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT | SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; if (CreationFlags & CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) { sei.fMask &= ~SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE; } sei.lpFile = szPgm; sei.lpClass = StartupInfo.lpTitle; sei.lpParameters = szPgmArgs; sei.lpDirectory = pszDirCur; sei.nShow = StartupInfo.wShowWindow;
try { b = ShellExecuteEx( &sei ); if (b) { ChildProcessInfo.hProcess = sei.hProcess; } else if (!sei.hInstApp) { DosErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else if ((DWORD_PTR)sei.hInstApp == HINSTANCE_ERROR) { DosErr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } else { DosErr = HandleToUlong(sei.hInstApp); }
} except (DosErr = GetExceptionCode( ), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { b = FALSE; } }
if (!b) { ExecError( szPgm ) ; return(FAILURE) ; } }
if (ChildProcessInfo.hProcess != NULL) { if (WaitForProcess) { //
// Wait for process to terminate, otherwise things become very
// messy and confusing to the user (with 2 processes sharing
// the console).
LastRetCode = WaitProc((ChildProcessInfo.hProcess) ); } else { CloseHandle( ChildProcessInfo.hProcess ); } }
return(SUCCESS); }