*strstream.cpp - definitions for strstreambuf, strstream * * Copyright (c) 1991-2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file defines the functions used by strstream and strstrembuf * classes. * *Revision History: * 08-14-91 KRS Initial version. * 08-23-91 KRS Initial version completed. * 09-03-91 KRS Fix typo in strstreambuf::seekoff(,ios::in,) * 09-04-91 KRS Added virtual sync() to fix flush(). Fix underflow(). * 09-05-91 KRS Change str() and freeze() to match spec. * 09-19-91 KRS Add calls to delbuf(1) in constructors. * 10-24-91 KRS Avoid virtual calls from virtual functions. * 01-12-95 CFW Debug CRT allocs, add debug support for freeze(); * 03-17-95 CFW Change debug delete scheme. * 03-21-95 CFW Remove _delete_crt. * 05-08-95 CFW Grow buffer by x_bufmin rather than 1. * 06-14-95 CFW Comment cleanup. * 08-08-95 GJF Made calls to _CrtSetDbgBlockType conditional on * x_static. * 09-05-96 RDK Add strstreambuf initializer with unsigned arguments. * 03-04-98 RKP Restricted size to 2GB with 64 bits. * 01-05-99 GJF Changes for 64-bit size_t. * *******************************************************************************/
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <internal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strstrea.h>
#include <dbgint.h>
#pragma hdrstop
*strstreambuf::strstreambuf() - default constructor for strstreambuf * *Purpose: * Default constructor for class strstreambuf. * *Entry: * *Exit: * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ strstreambuf::strstreambuf() : streambuf() { x_bufmin = x_dynamic = 1; x_static = 0; x_alloc = (0); x_free = (0); }
*strstreambuf::strstreambuf(int n) - constructor for strstreambuf * *Purpose: * Constructor for class strstreambuf. Created in dynamic mode. * *Entry: * n = minimum size for initial allocation. * *Exit: * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ strstreambuf::strstreambuf(int n) : streambuf() { x_dynamic = 1; x_static = 0; x_alloc = (0); x_free = (0); setbuf(0,n); }
*strstreambuf::strstreambuf(void* (*_a)(long), void (*_f)(void*)) - constructor for strstreambuf * *Purpose: * Construct a strstreambuf in dynamic mode. Use specified allocator * and deallocator instead of new and delete. * *Entry: * *_a = allocator: void * (*_a)(long) * *_f = deallocator: void (*_f)(void *) * *Exit: * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ strstreambuf::strstreambuf(void* (*_a)(long), void (*_f)(void*)) : streambuf() { x_dynamic = x_bufmin = 1; x_static = 0; x_alloc = _a; x_free = _f; }
*strstreambuf::strstreambuf(unsigned char * ptr, int size, unsigned char * pstart = 0) *strstreambuf::strstreambuf(char * ptr, int size, char * pstart = 0) - * *Purpose: * Construct a strstreambuf in static mode. Buffer used is of 'size' * bytes. If 'size' is 0, uses a null-terminated string as buffer. * If negative, size is considered infinite. Get starts at ptr. * If pstart!=0, put buffer starts at pstart. Otherwise, no output. * *Entry: * [unsigned] char * ptr; pointer to buffer base() * int size; size of buffer, or 0= use strlen to calculate size * or if negative size is 'infinite'. * [unsigned] char * pstart; pointer to put buffer of NULL if none. * *Exit: * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ strstreambuf::strstreambuf(unsigned char * ptr, int size, unsigned char * pstart) : streambuf() { strstreambuf((char *)ptr, size, (char *)pstart); }
strstreambuf::strstreambuf(char * ptr, int size, char * pstart) : streambuf() { x_static = 1; x_dynamic = 0; char * pend;
if (!size) pend = ptr + strlen(ptr); else if (size < 0) { pend = (char*)-1L; } else pend = ptr + size;
setb(ptr, pend,0); if (pstart) { setg(ptr,ptr,pstart); setp(pstart, pend); } else { setg(ptr,ptr,pend); setp(0, 0); } }
strstreambuf::~strstreambuf() { if ((x_dynamic) && (base())) { if (x_free) { (*x_free)(base()); } else { delete base(); } } }
void strstreambuf::freeze(int n) { if (!x_static) { x_dynamic = (!n); #ifdef _DEBUG
if (n) _CrtSetDbgBlockType(base(), _NORMAL_BLOCK); else _CrtSetDbgBlockType(base(), _CRT_BLOCK); #endif
} }
char * strstreambuf::str() { x_dynamic = 0; // freeze();
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (!x_static) _CrtSetDbgBlockType(base(), _NORMAL_BLOCK); #endif
return base(); }
int strstreambuf::doallocate() { char * bptr; int size; size = __max(x_bufmin,blen() + __max(x_bufmin,1)); long offset = 0; if (x_alloc) { bptr = (char*)(*x_alloc)(size); } else { bptr = _new_crt char[size]; } if (!bptr) return EOF;
if (blen()) { memcpy(bptr, base(), blen()); offset = (long)(bptr - base()); // amount to adjust pointers by
} if (x_free) { (*x_free)(base()); } else { delete base(); } setb(bptr,bptr+size,0); // we handle deallocation
// adjust get/put pointers too, if necessary
if (offset) if (egptr()) { setg(eback()+offset,gptr()+offset,egptr()+offset); } if (epptr()) { size = (int)(pptr() - pbase()); setp(pbase()+offset,epptr()+offset); pbump(size); } return(1); }
streambuf * strstreambuf::setbuf( char *, int l) { if (l) x_bufmin = l; return this; }
int strstreambuf::overflow(int c) { /*
- if no room and not dynamic, give error - if no room and dynamic, allocate (1 more or min) and store - if and when the buffer has room, store c if not EOF */ int temp; if (pptr() >= epptr()) { if (!x_dynamic) return EOF;
if (strstreambuf::doallocate()==EOF) return EOF;
if (!epptr()) // init if first time through
{ setp(base() + (egptr() - eback()),ebuf()); } else { temp = (int)(pptr()-pbase()); setp(pbase(),ebuf()); pbump(temp); } }
if (c!=EOF) { *pptr() = (char)c; pbump(1); } return(1); }
int strstreambuf::underflow() { char * tptr; if (gptr() >= egptr()) { // try to grow get area if we can...
if (egptr()<pptr()) { tptr = base() + (gptr()-eback()); setg(base(),tptr,pptr()); } if (gptr() >= egptr()) return EOF; }
return (int)(unsigned char) *gptr(); }
int strstreambuf::sync() { // a strstreambuf is always in sync, by definition!
return 0; }
streampos strstreambuf::seekoff(streamoff off, ios::seek_dir dir, int mode) { char * tptr; long offset = EOF; // default return value
if (mode & ios::in) { strstreambuf::underflow(); // makes sure entire buffer available
switch (dir) { case ios::beg : tptr = eback(); break; case ios::cur : tptr = gptr(); break; case ios::end : tptr = egptr(); break; default: return EOF; } tptr += off; offset = (long)(tptr - eback()); if ((tptr < eback()) || (tptr > egptr())) { return EOF; } gbump((int)(tptr-gptr())); } if (mode & ios::out) { if (!epptr()) { if (strstreambuf::overflow(EOF)==EOF) // make sure there's a put buffer
return EOF; } switch (dir) { case ios::beg : tptr = pbase(); break; case ios::cur : tptr = pptr(); break; case ios::end : tptr = epptr(); break; default: return EOF; } tptr += off; offset = (long)(tptr - pbase()); if (tptr < pbase()) return EOF; if (tptr > epptr()) { if (x_dynamic) { x_bufmin = __max(x_bufmin, (int)(tptr-pbase())); if (strstreambuf::doallocate()==EOF) return EOF; } else return EOF; } pbump((int)(tptr-pptr())); } return offset; // note: if both in and out set, returns out offset
istrstream::istrstream(char * pszStr) : istream(_new_crt strstreambuf(pszStr,0)) { delbuf(1); }
istrstream::istrstream(char * pStr, int len) : istream(_new_crt strstreambuf(pStr,len)) { delbuf(1); }
istrstream::~istrstream() { }
ostrstream::ostrstream() : ostream(_new_crt strstreambuf) { delbuf(1); }
ostrstream::ostrstream(char * str, int size, int mode) : ostream(_new_crt strstreambuf(str,size,str)) { delbuf(1); if (mode & (ios::app|ios::ate)) seekp((long)strlen(str),ios::beg); }
ostrstream::~ostrstream() { }
strstream::strstream() : iostream(_new_crt strstreambuf) { istream::delbuf(1); ostream::delbuf(1); }
strstream::strstream(char * str, int size, int mode) : iostream(_new_crt strstreambuf(str,size,str)) { istream::delbuf(1); ostream::delbuf(1); if ((mode & ostream::out) && (mode & (ostream::app|ostream::ate))) seekp((long)strlen(str),ostream::beg); // rdbuf()->setg(rdbuf()->base(),rdbuf()->base(),rdbuf()->ebuf());
strstream::~strstream() { }