Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains all the cleanup routines for the Eventlog service. These routines are called when the service is terminating.
Rajen Shah (rajens) 09-Aug-1991
Revision History:
#include <eventp.h>
#include <ntrpcp.h>
#include <elfcfg.h>
PORT_MESSAGE TerminateMsg;
VOID StopLPCThread( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine stops the LPC thread and cleans up LPC-related resources.
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS status; BOOL bThreadExitedGracefully = FALSE;
ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "StopLpcThread: Clean up LPC thread and global data\n");
// Terminate the LPC thread. Send it a stop message
TerminateMsg.u1.s1.DataLength = 0; TerminateMsg.u1.s1.TotalLength = sizeof(PORT_MESSAGE); TerminateMsg.u2.s2.Type = 0; status = NtRequestPort( ElfConnectionPortHandle, &TerminateMsg); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(LPCThreadHandle, 10000); if(dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) bThreadExitedGracefully = TRUE; } //
// Close communication port handle
/// NtClose(ElfCommunicationPortHandle);
// Close connection port handle
// Terminate the LPC thread.
if(!bThreadExitedGracefully) { if (!TerminateThread(LPCThreadHandle, NO_ERROR)) { ELF_LOG1(ERROR, "StopLpcThread: TerminateThread failed %d\n", GetLastError()); } } CloseHandle(LPCThreadHandle);
return; }
VOID FreeModuleAndLogFileStructs( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine walks the module and log file list and frees all the data structures.
Return Value:
The file header and ditry bits must have been dealt with before this routine is called. Also, the file must have been unmapped and the handle closed.
--*/ {
ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "FreeModuleAndLogFileStructs: Emptying log module list\n");
// First free all the modules
while (!IsListEmpty(&LogModuleHead)) { pModule = (PLOGMODULE) CONTAINING_RECORD(LogModuleHead.Flink, LOGMODULE, ModuleList);
UnlinkLogModule(pModule); // Remove from linked list
ElfpFreeBuffer (pModule); // Free module memory
// Now free all the logfiles
ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "FreeModuleAndLogFileStructs: Emptying log file list\n");
while (!IsListEmpty(&LogFilesHead)) { pLogFile = (PLOGFILE) CONTAINING_RECORD(LogFilesHead.Flink, LOGFILE, FileList);
Status = ElfpCloseLogFile(pLogFile, ELF_LOG_CLOSE_NORMAL, TRUE);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ELF_LOG2(FILES, "FreeModuleAndLogFileStructs: ElfpCloseLogFile on %ws failed %#x\n", pLogFile->LogModuleName->Buffer, Status); }
} }
VOID ElfpCleanUp ( ULONG EventFlags )
Routine Description:
This routine cleans up before the service terminates. It cleans up based on the parameter passed in (which indicates what has been allocated and/or started.
Bit-mask indicating what needs to be cleaned up.
Return Value:
Note: It is expected that the RegistryMonitor has already been notified of Shutdown prior to calling this routine.
--*/ { DWORD status = NO_ERROR;
// Notify the Service Controller for the first time that we are
// about to stop the service.
ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "ElfpCleanUp: Cleaning up so service can exit\n");
// Give the ElfpSendMessage thread a 1 second chance to exit before
// we free the QueuedMessageCritSec critical section
if( MBThreadHandle != NULL ) { ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "ElfpCleanUp: Waiting for ElfpSendMessage thread to exit\n");
status = WaitForSingleObject(MBThreadHandle, 1000);
if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { ELF_LOG1(ERROR, "ElfpCleanUp: NtWaitForSingleObject status = %d\n", status); } }
// Stop the RPC Server
if (EventFlags & ELF_STARTED_RPC_SERVER) { ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "ElfpCleanUp: Stopping the RPC server\n");
status = ElfGlobalData->StopRpcServer(eventlog_ServerIfHandle);
if (status != NO_ERROR) { ELF_LOG1(ERROR, "ElfpCleanUp: StopRpcServer failed %d\n", status); } }
// Stop the LPC thread
if (EventFlags & ELF_STARTED_LPC_THREAD) { StopLPCThread(); }
// Tell service controller that we are making progress
// Flush all the log files to disk.
ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "ElfpCleanUp: Flushing log files\n");
// Tell service controller that we are making progress
// Clean up any resources that were allocated
// If we queued up any events, flush them
ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "ElfpCleanUp: Flushing queued events\n");
if (EventFlags & ELF_INIT_QUEUED_EVENT_CRIT_SEC) FlushQueuedEvents();
// Tell service controller of that we are making progress
if (EventFlags & ELF_INIT_GLOBAL_RESOURCE) { RtlDeleteResource(&GlobalElfResource); }
if (EventFlags & ELF_INIT_CLUS_CRIT_SEC) { #if 0
// Chittur Subbaraman (chitturs) - 09/25/2001
// We can't handle the critsec deletion without adding code here to delete the timer
// thread spawned for batching support (ElfpBatchEventsAndPropagate). If we call
// DeleteTimerQueueTimer from here which will fully block until that timer thread
// goes away, we introduce a dependency on the eventlog service shutdown on the
// quick disappearence of the timer thread which may not happen (since ApiPropPendingEvents
// is hung because clussvc is in the debugger). So, since the eventlog service cannot be
// stopped by the user and can be stopped only by SCM on windows shutdown, it is not worth
// waiting here just to delete the gClPropCritsec.
RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&gClPropCritSec); #endif
if (EventFlags & ELF_INIT_LOGHANDLE_CRIT_SEC) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&LogHandleCritSec); }
if (EventFlags & ELF_INIT_QUEUED_MESSAGE_CRIT_SEC) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&QueuedMessageCritSec); }
if (EventFlags & ELF_INIT_QUEUED_EVENT_CRIT_SEC) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&QueuedEventCritSec); }
if (EventFlags & ELF_INIT_LOGMODULE_CRIT_SEC) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&LogModuleCritSec); }
if (EventFlags & ELF_INIT_LOGFILE_CRIT_SEC) { #if 0
// Same comment as above
RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&LogFileCritSec); #endif
if(GlobalMessageBoxTitle && bGlobalMessageBoxTitleNeedFree) LocalFree(GlobalMessageBoxTitle); GlobalMessageBoxTitle = NULL;
// *** STATUS UPDATE ***
ELF_LOG0(TRACE, "ElfpCleanUp: The Eventlog service has left the building\n");
ElfStatusUpdate(STOPPED); ElCleanupStatus(); return; }