� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This class handles the automatic truncation of files that have already been premigrated.
Chuck Bardeen [cbardeen] 20-Feb-1997
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wsb.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "fsaprem.h"
#include "fsarcvy.h"
#include "fsasrvr.h"
#include "fsatrunc.h"
#include "job.h"
#define DEFAULT_RUN_INTERVAL (15 * 60 * 1000) // 15 minutes in milliseconds
#define STRINGIZE(_str) (OLESTR( #_str ))
case _case: \ return ( STRINGIZE( _case ) );
static const OLECHAR * FsaStateAsString ( IN HSM_JOB_STATE state )
Routine Description:
Gives back a static string representing the connection state.
state - the state to return a string for.
Return Value:
NULL - invalid state passed in.
Otherwise, a valid char *.
{ //
// Do the Switch
switch ( state ) {
return ( OLESTR("Invalid Value") );
} }
static const OLECHAR * FsaEventAsString ( IN HSM_JOB_EVENT event )
Routine Description:
Gives back a static string representing the connection event.
event - the event to return a string for.
Return Value:
NULL - invalid event passed in.
Otherwise, a valid char *.
{ //
// Do the Switch
switch ( event ) {
return ( OLESTR("Invalid Value") );
} }
static const OLECHAR * FsaSortOrderAsString ( IN FSA_PREMIGRATED_SORT_ORDER SortOrder )
Routine Description:
Gives back a static string representing the connection SortOrder.
SortOrder - the SortOrder to return a string for.
Return Value:
NULL - invalid SortOrder passed in.
Otherwise, a valid char *.
{ //
// Do the Switch
switch ( SortOrder ) {
return ( OLESTR("Invalid Value") );
} }
DWORD FsaStartTruncator( void* pVoid )
--*/ { return(((CFsaTruncator*) pVoid)->StartScan()); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::Cancel( HSM_JOB_EVENT event )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Cancel"), OLESTR("event = <%ls>"), FsaEventAsString( event ));
// Lock this object to avoid having the state change between testing its value
// and setting it to a new value
Lock(); try {
// If we have started, but haven't finished, then change the state of the job. The thread
// will exit on it's own.
if ((HSM_JOB_STATE_IDLE != m_state) && (HSM_JOB_STATE_DONE != m_state) && (HSM_JOB_STATE_FAILED != m_state) && (HSM_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED != m_state)) {
if (HSM_JOB_EVENT_CANCEL == event) { WsbAffirmHr(SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED)); } else if (HSM_JOB_EVENT_SUSPEND == event) { WsbAffirmHr(SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_SUSPENDED)); } else if (HSM_JOB_EVENT_FAIL == event) { WsbAffirmHr(SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_FAILED)); } else { WsbAssert(FALSE, E_UNEXPECTED); } }
} WsbCatch(hr); Unlock();
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Cancel"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls> m_state = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), FsaStateAsString( m_state ) ); return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::FinalConstruct( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::FinalConstruct"), OLESTR(""));
try {
m_state = HSM_JOB_STATE_IDLE; m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL; m_threadHandle = 0; m_threadId = 0; m_threadHr = S_OK; m_maxFiles = DEFAULT_MAX_FILES_PER_RUN; m_runInterval = DEFAULT_RUN_INTERVAL; m_runId = 0; m_subRunId = 0; m_pSession = 0; m_SortOrder = FSA_SORT_PL_BY_ACCESS_TIME; m_keepRecallTime = WsbLLtoFT(WSB_FT_TICKS_PER_MINUTE); m_event = 0;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::FinalConstruct"), OLESTR(""));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::FinalRelease( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HSM_SYSTEM_STATE SysState;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::FinalRelease"), OLESTR(""));
SysState.State = HSM_STATE_SHUTDOWN; ChangeSysState(&SysState);
// Free String members
// Note: Member objects held in smart-pointers are freed when the
// smart-pointer destructor is being called (as part of this object destruction)
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::FinalRelease"), OLESTR(""));
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::GetClassID( OUT CLSID* pClsid )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetClassID"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pClsid, E_POINTER); *pClsid = CLSID_CFsaTruncatorNTFS;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetClassID"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, CLSID = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbGuidAsString(*pClsid));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::GetKeepRecallTime( OUT FILETIME* pTime )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetKeepRecallTime"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pTime, E_POINTER); *pTime = m_keepRecallTime;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetKeepRecallTime"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::GetMaxFilesPerRun( OUT LONGLONG* pMaxFiles )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetMaxFilesPerRun"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pMaxFiles, E_POINTER); *pMaxFiles = m_maxFiles;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetMaxFilesPerRun"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls> maxFiles = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbLonglongAsString( *pMaxFiles ) );
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::GetPremigratedSortOrder( OUT FSA_PREMIGRATED_SORT_ORDER* pSortOrder )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetPremigratedSortOrder"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pSortOrder, E_POINTER); *pSortOrder = m_SortOrder;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetPremigratedSortOrder"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::GetRunInterval( OUT ULONG* pMilliseconds )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetRunInterval"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pMilliseconds, E_POINTER); *pMilliseconds = m_runInterval;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetRunInterval"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::GetSession( OUT IHsmSession** ppSession )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetSession"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != ppSession, E_POINTER); *ppSession = m_pSession; if (m_pSession != 0) { m_pSession.p->AddRef(); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetSession"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::GetSizeMax( OUT ULARGE_INTEGER* pSize )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetSizeMax"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pSize, E_POINTER);
// Determine the size for a rule with no criteria.
pSize->QuadPart = WsbPersistSizeOf(LONGLONG) + 3 * WsbPersistSizeOf(ULONG) + WsbPersistSizeOf(FILETIME);
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::GetSizeMax"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, Size = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbPtrToUliAsString(pSize));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::KickStart( void )
Data was just moved for this volume - wake up the truncator thread in case we need space.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pResource; ULONG freeLevel; ULONG hsmLevel;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::KickStart"), OLESTR(""));
try { if (m_pSession) { WsbAffirmHr(m_pSession->GetResource(&pResource));
// If the truncator is running and the resource does not have enough free space
// check to see if the resource is over the threshold and truncation is needed.
WsbAffirmHr(pResource->GetHsmLevel(&hsmLevel)); WsbAffirmHr(pResource->GetFreeLevel(&freeLevel));
if (freeLevel < hsmLevel) { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::KickStarting truncator.\n")); SetEvent(m_event); } }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::KickStart"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::Load( IN IStream* pStream )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Load"), OLESTR(""));
try { USHORT us_tmp; ULONG ul_tmp;
WsbAssert(0 != pStream, E_POINTER); // Do the easy stuff, but make sure that this order matches the order
// in the save method.
WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &ul_tmp)); m_priority = static_cast<HSM_JOB_PRIORITY>(ul_tmp); WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &m_maxFiles)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &m_runInterval)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &m_runId)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &m_keepRecallTime)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &us_tmp)); m_SortOrder = static_cast<FSA_PREMIGRATED_SORT_ORDER>(us_tmp); // Check to see if values for maxFiles and runInterval are specified in the registry.
// If so, use these values instead of the ones stored.
{ DWORD sizeGot; CWsbStringPtr tmpString; WsbAffirmHr(tmpString.Alloc(256)); if (SUCCEEDED(WsbGetRegistryValueString(NULL, FSA_REGISTRY_PARMS, FSA_REGISTRY_TRUNCATOR_INTERVAL, tmpString, 256, &sizeGot))) { m_runInterval = 1000 * wcstoul(tmpString, NULL, 10); } else { m_runInterval = DEFAULT_RUN_INTERVAL; }
if (SUCCEEDED(WsbGetRegistryValueString(NULL, FSA_REGISTRY_PARMS, FSA_REGISTRY_TRUNCATOR_FILES, tmpString, 256, &sizeGot))) { m_maxFiles = (LONGLONG) wcstoul(tmpString, NULL, 10); } else { m_maxFiles = DEFAULT_MAX_FILES_PER_RUN; } } } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Load"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::LowerPriority( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::LowerPriority"), OLESTR("")); try {
WsbAssert(0 != m_threadHandle, E_UNEXPECTED); WsbAssert(m_pSession != 0, E_UNEXPECTED);
switch(m_priority) { case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_IDLE: WsbAffirm(FALSE, E_UNEXPECTED); break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOWEST: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_IDLE; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOW: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOWEST; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOW; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGH: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGHEST: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGH; break;
default: case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_CRITICAL: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGHEST; break; }
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSession->ProcessPriority(HSM_JOB_PHASE_SCAN, m_priority));
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::LowerPriority"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr) ); return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::Pause( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Pause"), OLESTR("state = %ls"), FsaStateAsString(m_state));
// Lock this object to avoid having the state change between testing its value
// and setting it to a new value
Lock(); try {
// If we are running, then suspend the thread.
// Set the state & the active thread will not do any work
// We would like to wait until the thread is really inactive, but that's
// hard to tell because it could be in a sleep interval
} WsbCatch(hr); Unlock();
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Pause"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr) );
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::ProcessSessionEvent( IN IHsmSession* pSession, IN HSM_JOB_PHASE phase, IN HSM_JOB_EVENT event )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ProcessSessionEvent"), OLESTR(""));
try { WsbAssert(0 != pSession, E_POINTER);
// If the phase applies to use (SCAN or ALL), then do any work required by the
// event.
if ((HSM_JOB_PHASE_ALL == phase) || (HSM_JOB_PHASE_SCAN == phase)) {
switch(event) {
case HSM_JOB_EVENT_SUSPEND: case HSM_JOB_EVENT_CANCEL: case HSM_JOB_EVENT_FAIL: WsbAffirmHr(Cancel(event)); break;
case HSM_JOB_EVENT_PAUSE: WsbAffirmHr(Pause()); break;
case HSM_JOB_EVENT_RESUME: WsbAffirmHr(Resume()); break;
case HSM_JOB_EVENT_RAISE_PRIORITY: WsbAffirmHr(RaisePriority()); break;
case HSM_JOB_EVENT_LOWER_PRIORITY: WsbAffirmHr(LowerPriority()); break;
default: case HSM_JOB_EVENT_START: WsbAssert(FALSE, E_UNEXPECTED); break; } }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ProcessSessionEvent"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr) );
return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::RaisePriority( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try {
WsbAssert(0 != m_threadHandle, E_UNEXPECTED); WsbAssert(m_pSession != 0, E_UNEXPECTED);
switch(m_priority) {
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_IDLE: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOWEST; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOWEST: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOW; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOW: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGH; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGH: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGHEST; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGHEST: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_threadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL)); m_priority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_CRITICAL; break;
default: case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_CRITICAL: WsbAffirm(FALSE, E_UNEXPECTED); break; }
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSession->ProcessPriority(HSM_JOB_PHASE_SCAN, m_priority));
} WsbCatch(hr);
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::Resume( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Resume"), OLESTR("state = %ls"), FsaStateAsString(m_state));
// Lock this object to avoid having the state change between testing its value
// and setting it to a new value
Lock(); try {
// We should only see a resume from a paused state, so ignore the resume if we are
// in some other state. NOTE: This used to be an assert, but it scared people since it
// can occur occassionally.
if ((HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSING == m_state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSED == m_state)) { WsbAffirmHr(SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE)); }
} WsbCatch(hr); Unlock();
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Resume"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr) );
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::Save( IN IStream* pStream, IN BOOL clearDirty )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Save"), OLESTR("clearDirty = <%ls>"), WsbBoolAsString(clearDirty)); try { WsbAssert(0 != pStream, E_POINTER); // Do the easy stuff, but make sure that this order matches the order
// in the save method.
WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, static_cast<ULONG>(m_priority))); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_maxFiles)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_runInterval)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_runId)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_keepRecallTime)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, static_cast<USHORT>(m_SortOrder)));
// If we got it saved and we were asked to clear the dirty bit, then
// do so now.
if (clearDirty) { m_isDirty = FALSE; }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Save"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::SetKeepRecallTime( IN FILETIME time )
--*/ { WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetKeepRecallTime"), OLESTR(""));
m_keepRecallTime = time;
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetKeepRecallTime"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(S_OK));
return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::SetMaxFilesPerRun( IN LONGLONG maxFiles )
--*/ { WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetMaxFilesPerRun"), OLESTR(""));
m_maxFiles = maxFiles;
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetMaxFilesPerRun"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(S_OK));
return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::SetPremigratedSortOrder( IN FSA_PREMIGRATED_SORT_ORDER SortOrder )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetPremigratedSortOrder"), OLESTR("SortOrder = <%ls>"), FsaSortOrderAsString( SortOrder ) );
// This key has not been implmented yet.
if (FSA_SORT_PL_BY_SIZE_AND_TIME == SortOrder) { hr = E_NOTIMPL; } else { m_SortOrder = SortOrder; }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetPremigratedSortOrder"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls> m_SortOrder = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(S_OK) , FsaSortOrderAsString( m_SortOrder ) );
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::SetRunInterval( IN ULONG milliseconds )
--*/ { BOOL DoKick = FALSE;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetRunInterval"), OLESTR("milliseconds = <%ls>"), WsbPtrToUlongAsString( &milliseconds ) );
if (milliseconds < m_runInterval) { DoKick = TRUE; } m_runInterval = milliseconds;
// Wake up the Truncator if the interval has decreased
if (DoKick) { KickStart(); }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetRunInterval"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls> m_runInterval = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(S_OK), WsbPtrToUlongAsString( &m_runInterval ) );
return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::SetState( IN HSM_JOB_STATE state )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bLog = FALSE;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetState"), OLESTR("state = <%ls>"), FsaStateAsString( state ) ); // Change the state and report the change to the session.
Lock(); m_state = state; Unlock(); hr = m_pSession->ProcessState(HSM_JOB_PHASE_SCAN, m_state, m_currentPath, bLog);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::SetState"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls> m_state = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), FsaStateAsString( m_state ) );
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::ChangeSysState( IN OUT HSM_SYSTEM_STATE* pSysState )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ChangeSysState"), OLESTR("thread is %ls"), (m_threadHandle ? OLESTR("active") : OLESTR("inactive")));
try { if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_SUSPEND) { if (HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE == m_state) { Pause(); } } else if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_RESUME) { if ((HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSING == m_state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSED == m_state)) { Resume(); } } else if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_SHUTDOWN) { // Make sure the thread is stopped
if (m_threadHandle) { m_state = HSM_JOB_STATE_DONE; if (m_event) { SetEvent(m_event); }
// Wait for the thread to end
if (m_threadHandle) { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ChangeSysState, waiting for truncator thread to end\n")); switch (WaitForSingleObject(m_threadHandle, 120000)) { case WAIT_FAILED: WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ChangeSysState, WaitforSingleObject returned error %lu\n"), GetLastError()); break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ChangeSysState, timeout.\n")); break; default: break; } }
// If the thread is still active, terminate it
if (m_threadHandle) { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ChangeSysState: calling TerminateThread\n")); if (!TerminateThread(m_threadHandle, 0)) { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ChangeSysState: TerminateThread returned error %lu\n"), GetLastError()); } } }
if (m_event) { CloseHandle(m_event); m_event = 0; } }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::ChangeSysState"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::Start( IFsaResource* pResource )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; CComPtr<IConnectionPointContainer> pCPC; CComPtr<IConnectionPoint> pCP; CComPtr<IHsmSessionSinkEveryEvent> pSink; CWsbStringPtr name;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Start"), OLESTR("m_state = <%ls>"), FsaStateAsString( m_state ) );
try { if (0 == m_threadId) { //
// If the thread is dead, start one.
// Make sure that we don't already have a session, and that we haven't started already.
WsbAssert(m_pSession == 0, E_UNEXPECTED); WsbAssert( (HSM_JOB_STATE_IDLE == m_state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_DONE == m_state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED == m_state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_FAILED == m_state), E_UNEXPECTED);
// Get the name for the session, increment the runId, and reset the subRunId.
WsbAffirmHr(name.LoadFromRsc(_Module.m_hInst, IDS_FSA_TRUNCATOR_NAME)); m_runId++; m_subRunId = 0;
// Begin a Session.
WsbAffirmHr(pResource->BeginSession(name, HSM_JOB_LOG_NONE, m_runId, m_subRunId, &pSession)); m_pSession = pSession;
// Ask the session to advise of every event.
WsbAffirmHr(pSession->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**) &pCPC)); WsbAffirmHr(pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryEvent, &pCP)); WsbAffirmHr(((IUnknown*) (IFsaTruncator*) this)->QueryInterface(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryEvent, (void**) &pSink)); WsbAffirmHr(pCP->Advise(pSink, &m_cookie));
try { if (0 == m_event) { WsbAssertHandle(m_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)); } // Now that we have prepared, create the thread that will do the scanning!
WsbAffirm((m_threadHandle = CreateThread(0, 0, FsaStartTruncator, (void*) this, 0, &m_threadId)) != 0, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()));
} WsbCatchAndDo(hr, SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_FAILED);); } else { // The thread is still alive, just keep it going. If it is in a state that would
// cause it to exit, then make it active again.
WsbAssert(m_pSession != 0, E_UNEXPECTED); if ((HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE != m_state) && (HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSING != m_state) && (HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSED != m_state) && (HSM_JOB_STATE_RESUMING != m_state)) { WsbAffirmHr(SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE)); } }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::Start"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls> m_state = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), FsaStateAsString( m_state ) );
return(hr); }
HRESULT CFsaTruncator::StartScan( void )
--*/ { ULONG adjustedFreeLevel = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2; LONGLONG itemOffset; LONGLONG itemSize = 0; LONGLONG fileId; ULONG freeLevel; ULONG hsmLevel; BOOL skipFile; BOOL dummy; LONGLONG llLastTruncTime = 0; LONGLONG llRunIntervalTicks; FILETIME recallTime, currentTime, accessTime, criteriaTime, premRecAccessTime; LONGLONG totalVolumeSpace; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pResource; CComPtr<IFsaResourcePriv> pResourcePriv; CComPtr<IFsaScanItem> pScanItem; CComPtr<IFsaPremigratedRec> pPremRec; CComPtr<IConnectionPointContainer> pCPC; CComPtr<IConnectionPoint> pCP; try {
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan - starting loop\n"));
// Increment the ref count so this object (or its session) doesn't
// get released before this thread ends
((IUnknown *)(IFsaTruncator *)this)->AddRef();
WsbAssert(m_pSession != 0, E_POINTER);
// The thread is running.
// Get the resource
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSession->GetResource(&pResource)); WsbAffirmHr(pResource->QueryInterface(IID_IFsaResourcePriv, (void**) &pResourcePriv)); WsbAffirmHr(pResource->GetSizes(&totalVolumeSpace, NULL, NULL, NULL));
// Start with the first path.
while ((HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE == m_state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSING == m_state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSED == m_state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_RESUMING == m_state)) {
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, top of outside while loop, state = <%ls>\n"), FsaStateAsString( m_state ) );
// If the truncator is running and the resource does not have enough free space
// check to see if the resource is over the threshold and truncation is needed.
WsbAffirmHr(pResource->GetHsmLevel(&hsmLevel)); WsbAffirmHr(pResource->GetFreeLevel(&freeLevel));
// Because the truncation is asynchronous (FsaPostIt is sent to Engine for
// verification and then returned to FSA for actual truncation), the
// measured freeLevel may not be very accurate if there are truncations
// pending. To compensate for this, we keep an adjustedFreeLevel which
// attempts to take into account the pending truncates. We synchronize the
// adjustedFreeLevel to the measured freeLevel the first time through and
// after we have slept for a while (on the assumption that the pending
// truncates have had time to be performed). This still leaves open the possiblility
// that the measured freeLevel is wrong (because truncates are pending), but
// should be an improvement over just using the measured freeLevel.
llRunIntervalTicks = m_runInterval * (WSB_FT_TICKS_PER_SECOND / 1000); GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(¤tTime); if (0 == adjustedFreeLevel || ((WsbFTtoLL(currentTime) - llLastTruncTime) > llRunIntervalTicks)) { adjustedFreeLevel = freeLevel; WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, resetting adjusted free level, RunInterval = %ls, time diff = %ls\n"), WsbQuickString(WsbLonglongAsString(llRunIntervalTicks)), WsbQuickString(WsbLonglongAsString(WsbFTtoLL(currentTime) - llLastTruncTime))); }
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, desired level = %u, free level = %u, adjusted free level = %u\n"), hsmLevel, freeLevel, adjustedFreeLevel);
if (adjustedFreeLevel < hsmLevel && HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE == m_state) { CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSession; CComPtr<IFsaPremigratedDb> pPremDb;
// Open the premigration list, and set the order in which it will be scanned.
WsbAffirmHr(pResourcePriv->GetPremigrated(IID_IFsaPremigratedDb, (void**) &pPremDb)); WsbAffirmHr(pPremDb->Open(&pDbSession));
try { WsbAffirmHr(pPremDb->GetEntity(pDbSession, PREMIGRATED_REC_TYPE, IID_IFsaPremigratedRec, (void**) &pPremRec));
// Set the order to get items from the Premigrated List
switch (m_SortOrder) { case FSA_SORT_PL_BY_SIZE: WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->UseKey(PREMIGRATED_SIZE_KEY_TYPE)); break;
case FSA_SORT_PL_BY_PATH_NAME: // We use the BagId and offsets instead
case FSA_SORT_PL_BY_SIZE_AND_TIME: // We don't know how to handle this one yet
WsbThrow(E_UNEXPECTED); break;
case FSA_SORT_PL_BY_ACCESS_TIME: default: WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->UseKey(PREMIGRATED_ACCESS_TIME_KEY_TYPE)); break; }
// Make a pass through the list of premigrated files until the
// desired level has been reached. Some items that are on the
// list may be in a state that causes them to be skipped, but left on the list.
while ((adjustedFreeLevel < hsmLevel) && (HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE == m_state)) { CComPtr<IFsaRecoveryRec> pRecRec;
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan (top of inside while loop) desired level = %u, adjusted free level = %u\n"), hsmLevel, adjustedFreeLevel); try { skipFile = FALSE;
// Get the access time as recorded in the premigrated record
// Note that the real access time cannot be older than the one
// in the premigrated list but it can be newer
WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->GetAccessTime(&premRecAccessTime)); WsbAffirmHr(pResource->GetManageableItemAccessTime(&dummy, &criteriaTime));
if (WsbCompareFileTimes(premRecAccessTime, criteriaTime, TRUE, FALSE) < 0 ) { if (pPremRec->IsWaitingForClose() == S_FALSE) { //
// Can skip the current file but NOT break out of the loop since
// files with access time old enough and WaitingForClose flag set
// may still exists in the list
skipFile = TRUE; } else { //
// The access time in the prem. rec is within the window.
// This means there aren't any other records which are outside the
// user-desired last access window. So break out
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan: breaking out of auto-truncator, encountered item with access time not within criteria\n")); hr = WSB_E_NOTFOUND; break; } }
// Get information about the file that could be truncated.
WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->GetFileId(&fileId)); WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->GetOffset(&itemOffset)); WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->GetSize(&itemSize)); m_currentPath.Free(); WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->GetPath(&m_currentPath, 0)); WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->GetRecallTime(&recallTime));
// Make sure that this file wasn't recently recalled. For now,
// this will check for 1 minute.
if ((! skipFile) && ( (pPremRec->IsWaitingForClose() == S_FALSE) || ((WsbFTtoLL(currentTime) > WsbFTtoLL(recallTime)) && (WsbCompareFileTimes(recallTime, m_keepRecallTime, TRUE, FALSE) >= 0)) )) {
hr = pResource->FindFileId(fileId, m_pSession, &pScanItem); if (hr == WSB_E_NOTFOUND) { //
// The file does not exist anymore - remove the record from the list.
WsbAffirmHr(pDbSession->TransactionBegin()); try { // Make sure the record is still in the DB
WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->FindEQ()); WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->Remove()); WsbAffirmHr(pResourcePriv->RemovePremigratedSize(itemSize)); } WsbCatch(hr); WsbAffirmHr(pDbSession->TransactionEnd()); WsbThrow(hr); } else if (hr != S_OK) { //
// Any other error is unexpected - log it and continue
WsbLogEvent(FSA_E_ACCESS_ERROR, 0, NULL, m_currentPath, WsbHrAsString(hr), NULL); WsbThrow(hr); } //
// Verify that the file is still in a premigrated state
if (S_OK == pScanItem->IsPremigrated(itemOffset, itemSize)) {
WsbAffirmHr(pScanItem->GetAccessTime(&accessTime)); //
// accessTime is the last access time for the file
// criteriaTime is the 'not accessed in so many ticks' criteria for truncating
// the file.
// So if (currentTime - accessTime) >= criteriaTime, then the file is ok to be truncated
if (WsbCompareFileTimes(accessTime, criteriaTime, TRUE, FALSE) >=0 ) { //
// The file was not accessed within the last access window
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, truncating file <%ls>\n"), (WCHAR *)m_currentPath); // Try to truncate the file.
try { // Create and save a recovery record in case something goes wrong
WsbAffirmHr(pPremDb->GetEntity(pDbSession, RECOVERY_REC_TYPE, IID_IFsaRecoveryRec, (void**) &pRecRec)); WsbAffirmHr(pRecRec->SetPath(m_currentPath)); // If the record already exists rewrite it, otherwise create a new record.
hr2 = pRecRec->FindEQ(); if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr2) { hr2 = S_OK; WsbAffirmHr(pRecRec->MarkAsNew()); } else if (FAILED(hr2)) { WsbThrow(hr2); } WsbAffirmHr(pRecRec->SetFileId(fileId)); WsbAffirmHr(pRecRec->SetOffsetSize(itemOffset, itemSize)); WsbAffirmHr(pRecRec->SetStatus(FSA_RECOVERY_FLAG_TRUNCATING)); WsbAffirmHr(pRecRec->Write()); //
// Set the waiting for close flag to prevent this file
// from being selected again while the engine is
// processing the truncate. Set the recall time to
// now plus 1 hour so we are sure not to retry this
// until we have had a chance to truncate it.
WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->SetIsWaitingForClose(TRUE)); WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->SetRecallTime(WsbLLtoFT(WsbFTtoLL(currentTime) + WSB_FT_TICKS_PER_HOUR)));
hr2 = pPremRec->Write();
// Special code to deal with a problem that has been seen
// but isn't understood
if (WSB_E_IDB_PRIMARY_KEY_CHANGED == hr2) { WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->Remove()); WsbAffirmHr(pResourcePriv->RemovePremigratedSize(itemSize)); // Ignore result from DeletePlaceholder since there's nothing we
// can do anyway.
pScanItem->DeletePlaceholder(itemOffset, itemSize); WsbThrow(FSA_E_SKIPPED); } else { WsbAffirmHr(hr2); }
// Set IsWaitingForClose back to false so that the FindGt done later gets the next record.
// This affects the in memory record only and not the persisted record.
WsbAffirmHr(pScanItem->Truncate(itemOffset, itemSize)); llLastTruncTime = WsbFTtoLL(currentTime);
// Add the file size to the adjustedFreeLevel so we know when to
// stop doing truncations. Unfortunately, the itemSize is in
// bytes but adjustedFreeLevl is a fixed-point percentage so we
// have to do a calculation to convert the itemSize
adjustedFreeLevel += (ULONG) (((double)itemSize / (double)totalVolumeSpace) * (double)FSA_HSMLEVEL_100); } WsbCatchAndDo(hr, // Do we need to skip this file for the time being?
if (FSA_E_SKIPPED == hr) { // Do nothing
} else if ((FSA_E_ITEMCHANGED != hr) && (FSA_E_NOTMANAGED != hr)) { // Something unexpected happened, so report the error.
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSession->ProcessHr(HSM_JOB_PHASE_FSA_ACTION, 0, 0, hr)); } ); } else { //
// File is premigrated, but skipped because the last access was too recent
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, skipping file <%ls> which is premigrated but last access is too recent\n"), (WCHAR *)m_currentPath);
// Update the access time in the db for this file
WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->SetAccessTime(accessTime)); //
// Commit this
WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->Write()); //
// Revert the in-memory accessTime to the old access time to
// let the enumeration continue (so that FindGT will fetch the next record)
WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->SetAccessTime(premRecAccessTime)); }
} else { //
// If the file is no longer managed by HSM or truncated (may have been modified
// after it was premigrated) - we remove the record from the list.
// Note that if we reached this else close, the condition below should be TRUE
if ( (S_FALSE == pScanItem->IsManaged(itemOffset, itemSize)) || (S_OK == pScanItem->IsTruncated(itemOffset, itemSize)) ) { WsbAffirmHr(pDbSession->TransactionBegin()); try { // Make sure the record is still in the DB
WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->FindEQ()); WsbAffirmHr(pPremRec->Remove()); WsbAffirmHr(pResourcePriv->RemovePremigratedSize(itemSize)); } WsbCatch(hr); WsbAffirmHr(pDbSession->TransactionEnd());
// Ignore hr of the removal itself (truncated files may have been removed by another thread)
hr = WSB_E_NOTFOUND; WsbThrow(hr); } }
// Tell the session we saw the file, and whether we were able to truncate it.
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSession->ProcessItem(HSM_JOB_PHASE_FSA_ACTION, HSM_JOB_ACTION_TRUNCATE, pScanItem, hr)); // Don't let this errors stop us from continuing to process the list.
hr = S_OK;
} else { //
// File is premigrated, but skipped because the last access was too recent or
// because it was recalled recently
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, skipping file <%ls> since its last access time is too recent or recently recalled\n"), (WCHAR *)m_currentPath);
} WsbCatchAndDo(hr,
if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND != hr) { m_pSession->ProcessHr(HSM_JOB_PHASE_FSA_ACTION, __FILE__, __LINE__, hr); }
// Don't let this errors stop us from continuing to process the list.
hr = S_OK; );
// If item is skipped - set hr to OK (this is not really an error)
if (FSA_E_SKIPPED == hr) { hr = S_OK; }
// Remove recovery record
if (pRecRec) { WsbAffirmHr(pRecRec->FindEQ()); WsbAffirmHr(pRecRec->Remove()); pRecRec = NULL; }
// Get the desired level again in case it changed
// Free the scan item.
pScanItem = 0;
// Whether we removed or skipped the item, go on to the next item.
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, bottom of inside while loop, state = <%ls>\n"), FsaStateAsString( m_state ) ); } // inner while
} WsbCatch(hr);
// Free the premigrated record object and close the data base.
try { pPremRec = 0; WsbAffirmHr(pPremDb->Close(pDbSession)); } WsbCatchAndDo(hr2, m_pSession->ProcessHr(HSM_JOB_PHASE_ALL, __FILE__, __LINE__, hr2); ); }
// Sleep or wait for an event signal.
// If the event is signaled it means that data was just moved for this
// volume and there should be something to do.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { ULONG l_runInterval; // If we got to the end of the list, then wait a little longer. This
// is because we probably won't be able to do anything when we retry.
if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { l_runInterval = m_runInterval * 10; } else { l_runInterval = m_runInterval; } WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, sleeping for %lu msec\n"), l_runInterval); switch(WaitForSingleObject(m_event, l_runInterval)) { case WAIT_FAILED: WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, Wait for Single Object returned error %lu\n"), GetLastError()); break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, Awakened by timeout.\n")); // Set adjustedFreeLevel to zero so it will get reset to current freeLevel;
adjustedFreeLevel = 0; break; default: WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, Awakened by kick start.\n")); break; } } else { WsbThrow(hr); } WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan, bottom of outside while loop, state = <%ls>\n"), FsaStateAsString( m_state ) ); }
} WsbCatch(hr); m_threadHr = hr;
// The thread is exiting, so tell the session.
if (FAILED(hr)) { hr2 = SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_FAILED); } else { hr2 = SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_DONE); } if (FAILED(hr2)) { m_pSession->ProcessHr(HSM_JOB_PHASE_ALL, __FILE__, __LINE__, hr2); }
// Regardless of how this thread is exiting, we need to unadvise from the session.
// Indicate that we no longer want to be advised of events.
if ((m_pSession != 0) && (m_cookie != 0)) { try { WsbAffirmHr(m_pSession->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**) &pCPC)); WsbAffirmHr(pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryEvent, &pCP)); pCP->Unadvise(m_cookie); m_cookie = 0; } WsbCatch(hr); } // Since we have terminated, we should release the session.
m_pSession = 0;
// Clean up after this thread.
CloseHandle(m_threadHandle); m_threadId = 0; m_threadHandle = 0;
// Decrement ref count so this object can be release
((IUnknown *)(IFsaTruncator *)this)->Release();
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CFsaTruncator::StartScan - terminating, hr = <%ls>, m_state = <%ls>\n"), WsbHrAsString(hr), FsaStateAsString( m_state ) );
return(hr); }