// File: dfsdata.c
// Contents:
// This module declares the global data used by the Dfs file system.
// Functions:
// History: 12 Nov 1991 AlanW Created from CDFS souce.
#include "dfsprocs.h"
// The debug trace level
// DfsBugCheck
// DfsExceptionFilter
// DfsProcessException
#pragma alloc_text ( PAGE, DfsBugCheck )
#pragma alloc_text ( PAGE, DfsExceptionFilter )
#pragma alloc_text ( PAGE, DfsProcessException )
// The following rountine cannot be paged because it raises the IRQL to
// complete IRPs.
// DfsCompleteRequest_Real
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
// The global FSD data record
// The global event logging level
ULONG DfsEventLog = 0;
// The global Dfs debug level
ULONG MupVerbose = 0;
// Some often used strings
#if DBG
// Function: DfsDebugTracePrint, public
// Synopsis: Produce a DFS debug trace printout
// Arguments: [x] -- DbgPrint format string
// [y] -- optional argument to DbgPrint
// Returns: None
LONG DfsDebugTraceLevel = 0x00000001; LONG DfsDebugTraceIndent = 0;
VOID DfsDebugTracePrint(PCHAR x, PVOID y) { int i;
DbgPrint("%p:",PsGetCurrentThread()); if (DfsDebugTraceIndent < 0) DfsDebugTraceIndent = 0; for (i = 0; i+5 < DfsDebugTraceIndent; i += 5) { DbgPrint(" "); } for ( ; i < DfsDebugTraceIndent; i += 1) { DbgPrint(" "); } DbgPrint(x,y); }
#endif // DBG
// Function: DfsBugCheck, public
// Synopsis: Call KeBugCheck with DFS' constant
// Arguments: [pszmsg] -- message (DBG=1 only)
// [pszfile] -- filename (DBG=1 only)
// [line] -- line number (DBG=1 only)
// Returns: None
#if DBG
VOID DfsBugCheck(CHAR *pszmsg, CHAR *pszfile, ULONG line) { PVOID CallersAddress, CallersCaller;
RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallersAddress, &CallersCaller);
DbgPrint("\nDFS: BugCheck in %s, line %u (%s)\n", pszfile, line, pszmsg); KeBugCheckEx(DFS_FILE_SYSTEM, (ULONG_PTR)CallersAddress, (ULONG_PTR)pszmsg, (ULONG_PTR)pszfile, line); } #else // DBG
VOID DfsBugCheck(VOID) { PVOID CallersAddress, CallersCaller;
RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallersAddress, &CallersCaller); KeBugCheckEx(DFS_FILE_SYSTEM, (ULONG_PTR)CallersAddress, (ULONG_PTR)CallersCaller, 0, 0); } #endif // DBG
// Function: FillDebugException
// Synopsis: Captures the exception record into variables that we can
// look at.
// Arguments: [pep] -- Pointer to exception record.
// Returns: Nothing
PEXCEPTION_RECORD DfsExceptionRecord; PCONTEXT DfsExceptionContext; ULONG DfsExceptionStack[CEXCEPTION_STACK];
VOID FillDebugException( PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pep) { if(pep != NULL) {
DfsExceptionRecord = pep->ExceptionRecord;
DfsExceptionContext = pep->ContextRecord;
// Function: DfsExceptionFilter
// Synopsis: Decide if we should or should not handle an exception status
// that is being raised. Insert the status into the IrpContext
// and either indicate that we should handle the exception or
// BugCheck the system.
// Arguments: [IrpContext] -- IRP context for the request being processed.
// [ExceptionCode] -- Supplies the exception code to being checked.
// Returns: ULONG - returns EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER or BugChecks
LONG DfsExceptionFilter ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext OPTIONAL, IN NTSTATUS ExceptionCode, IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointers OPTIONAL ) { DfsDbgTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_UNWIND, "DfsExceptionFilter %lx\n", ULongToPtr(ExceptionCode) );
FillDebugException( ExceptionPointers );
ASSERTMSG( "DfsExceptionFilter entered\n", !(DfsDebugTraceLevel & DEBUG_TRACE_UNWIND));
// If there is not an irp context, we must have had insufficient resources.
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( IrpContext )) {
IrpContext->Flags |= IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT;
if (IrpContext->ExceptionStatus == 0) {
if (FsRtlIsNtstatusExpected( ExceptionCode )) { IrpContext->ExceptionStatus = ExceptionCode;
} else { BugCheck( "DfsExceptionFilter: Unexpected exception" );
} } else {
// We raised this code explicitly ourselves, so it had better be
// expected.
ASSERT( FsRtlIsNtstatusExpected( ExceptionCode ) ); }
// Function: DfsProcessException, public
// Synopsis: This routine processes an exception. It either completes
// the request with the saved exception status or it sends
// the request off to the Fsp.
// Arguments: [Irp] -- Supplies the IRP being processed
// [ExceptionCode] -- normalized exception status being handled
// Returns: NTSTATUS - Returns the results of either posting the Irp or the
// saved completion status.
NTSTATUS DfsProcessException ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PIRP Irp, IN NTSTATUS ExceptionCode ) { NTSTATUS Status;
DfsDbgTrace(0, Dbg, "DfsProcessException\n", 0);
// If there is not an irp context, we must have had insufficient resources.
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( IrpContext )) {
DfsCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, ExceptionCode ); return ExceptionCode; }
// Check if the status is verify required and if so then we
// either send the request off to the fsp or we complete
// the request with verify required.
if (ExceptionCode == STATUS_CANT_WAIT) {
Status = DfsFsdPostRequest( IrpContext, Irp );
} else {
// We got an error, so zero out the information field before
// completing the request if this was an input operation.
// Otherwise IopCompleteRequest will try to copy to the user's buffer.
if ((Irp->Flags & IRP_INPUT_OPERATION) != 0) {
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; }
Status = IrpContext->ExceptionStatus;
DfsCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status ); }
return Status; }
// Function: DfsCompleteRequest, public
// Synopsis: This routine completes a Irp
// Arguments: [IrpContext] - context record to be freed
// [Irp] - Supplies the Irp being processed
// [Status] - Supplies the status to complete the Irp with
// Returns: None.
VOID DfsCompleteRequest_Real ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext OPTIONAL, IN PIRP Irp OPTIONAL, IN NTSTATUS Status ) { KIRQL PreviousIrql;
// If we have an Irp then complete the irp.
if (Irp != NULL) {
Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; // KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &PreviousIrql );
IoCompleteRequest( Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT ); // KeLowerIrql( PreviousIrql );
// Delete the Irp context.
if (IrpContext != NULL) {
DfsDeleteIrpContext( IrpContext ); }
return; }